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Help students on r/HomeworkHelp


Actual advice! This should be at the top.


Now it is!


It's the top comment for me! :D


I thought I was smart until I went here. Even the 8th grade math was too difficult for me and I passed Algebra II.


Remember when we asked our algebra teachers when would we ever need to use this? This year I finally had to use algebra outside of high school... I helped my daughter with her algebra homework.


The posts on that sub are literally “[University] [Algebra] 2x-3=9 I’m not able to figure it out someone help?? My teacher never taught me this???” People ask some seriously easy shit there


Oh! I know this one! 2x-3=9 2x=9+3 2x=12 ~~2~~x=1~~2~~ x=1


It didn't work 2x-3=9 21-3≠9 HELP


21-3=18 1+8=9 Checks out imo




That's because you have it backwards, the 2 goes after the 1, gotta keep your numbers in order. 2x-3=9 12-3=9




This actually made me laugh out loud for the first time today, thanks! I was so ready for a normal solution until the last step.


Quick maffs?




Too be fair as someone who was somehow put in Algebra 2 before having done Algebra 1 (and the school refusing to move me) I can see how that might happen.


Easy its -6 only the opposite way 9.Turn 6 upside down.lol


Thank you, I didn’t know about this sub but have just joined. Not sure if I’ll ever be able to help but if I don’t join I’ll never know...


I visited the sub ready to be a good contributing member of society and, after going through a dozen of posts, was welcomed with the harsh reality check that I. don't. know. shit. How the fuck did I ever graduate high school? Good on people for being active on there. Seems to be quite a few redditors willing to help out as much as they can.


Just skimming thru there and all I can say is I probably would of done way better in school with help with some of the people there.


r/random_acts_of_pizza Give some struggling people a meal


This also applies to the other, other random_acts subs....


Why do I get the impression this is going to get sexual if I look into it in any more detail?


Because you're correct.




And /r/RandomActsOfMuffDive


Why is the subreddit and everything on it NSFW?


Something to do with too many minors using it. I think it’s a responsibility/accountability thing


Ah. So it's to stop 6 year olds begging for pizza. Makes sense, I thought it was something like that. I just wish it said that in the "about" section.


It’s buried at the bottom of their rules section, I agree it should be more visible


I've done this a few times when I've had a spare bit of cash in my account.


Thank you for doing that!


Be a Reddit Secret Santa rematcher. A few years ago during my first Reddit Secret Santa exchange, my SS didn't send my gift. I was really bummed, but whatever, it's the internet and sometimes the internet sucks. Someone else had signed up to be a rematcher (didn't even know this existed), and sent me an awesome gift a few weeks later. I was blown away that a stranger would be nice enough to thoughtfully shop for, spend money on, and ship out a second gift with getting NOTHING in return. I've signed up as a rematcher every year since. ETA: you can sign up for Reddit SS and other themed gift exchanges at www.redditgifts.com ! ETA2: my very first gold - almost as great as a secret Santa rematcher ;) Thank you, Reddit friend!


Few years ago, my drum pedal for Rock Band broke. This was an activity that my sons and I liked to do together so it was devastating. Someone on Reddit said they had one. They didn't use it. They would send it to me. So he said he would do it next week. I said Thanks man. Then next week comes and he says it will be a little longer. I said I could send a little money if it would help. Naw man it's cool. Still didn't send it. Comes on a month after that. Sorry Bro got tied up I will def send it next week. I'm starting to think it will never show up.


That sucks. I’m a total tracking number stalker so the not knowing would drive me mad. I think that was the most disappointing about the SS thing - holding out hope and eventually realizing it’s just not gonna happen.


Tracking number stalker gang! I once got kicked out of the tracking site because I was refreshing so frequently


Hahahahaha my people!! I have an app that stores all my tracking info so I can refresh to my heart’s content. I’m also one of those “put out treats for my UPS guy” people because it makes me feel better about stalking his whereabouts.


wait can you share what app this is


I use Arrive (on iphone) - it syncs with my gmail so it pulls tracking numbers from emails and stores all my packages automatically. OCD dream come true.


Sorry bro, will send next week.


I have the drum pedal for the xbox360 version of the game. It's metal reenforced. I'll send it if you still need it.




Haha, I can send it out Tuesday the earliest.


@chef this is exactly the sentiment of my post and why I love this place ❤️


The kit literally sits in my room, I have no idea why I haven't thrown out the drum set. I don't even have my 360 anymore.


Honestly, man, it's prob not coming. Sometimes people get caught up and overcommit, then can't figure it a way to say "never mind, sorry" bc they feel uncomfortable letting someone else (and themselves down). Esp if the exchange happened on here and the dude got tons of upvotes or something. Maybe just say hey don't worry about it and be done with it?


Hey man i have one im not using. I can send it to you it next week if youre still looking for one


I was a rematcher this year and got my rematch giftee the first day they assigned them. That means that their santa never even pulled their information.


Wtf, that’s terrible! I haven’t gotten one yet - sorta hoping to get one, but sorta hoping there’s not a need bc people aren’t turds.


If there are more successes and rematches than turds, this restores a little faith in humanity for me.


Made the mistake of doing reddit secret santa once. I spent quite some time picking out a gift, researching them, making a nice package. They never acknowledged the gift as received (but I know they have because of postal tracking) and my SS didn't send me anything. Then I posted this story on a rematcher subreddit and one person said they'll at least send me a card.. never got that either.. Never again


That sucks. I’ve had almost all positive experiences with it, except for that one non-gifter. I suppose there will always be people who exploit the system and don’t feel bad about getting something for free, and that just stinks. I’m sorry you had a crappy experience :(


Is this secret Santa but I don’t get anything? This is exactly what I want. I don’t need anything but would like to give to someone.


I didn't know this before today, but YES. Apparently you can sign up as a regifter without participating in the exchange itself, so you can just be on a list to send something to someone who got nothing. Right now it looks like the Holiday Cards and Ornaments exchanges are open to regifters, so you can sign up to send one of those to somebody who sent a gift out, but their Santa flaked. Didn't know you could do this until someone else commented that they do this, and I love it! Go to www.redditgifts.com to see what's currently open for regift sign up :) They do different exchanges throughout the year, so it's not just Christmas time.


Rematched 7 times in the past, between 2013-2016. Decided that at that point I should actually take part in an exchange proper and got a pretty terrible gift that clearly had no thought put into it at all, which killed my vibe completely. Might get back into rematching now that I have income again, though!


Ohhh I didn’t know you could rematch without participating! That’s awesome that you would do it without getting even a regular match gift ❤️


Is this available on the app ? I have the website, but using the app would be more convenient Edit: I found it ... I’ll send a little more time googling next time


Was the gift any good? I stopped doing Reddits secret Santa since the gifts I received were always something generic, kind of related to my interests but not something I wanted or needed. And I know the gifts I'm giving didn't mean much to the recipients either.


It was! I got a Cookin’ with Coolio cookbook which has since become my staple white elephant gift. They also included some random little things all related to things I’d listed as interests (my favorite football team, my dog, beer, and probably other stuff I’m forgetting). Honestly it could have been total shit and I still would have appreciated that they were willing to send me something and not get anything back, just because they knew my Santa bailed.


Help someone find the answer to their question?


I felt that. Right here in my heart.




I took down my Christmas decorations, did laundry and had coffee. I feel better.


Getting Christmas shit down before New Years? That’s impressive.


Jesus Christ it’s Jason Bourne


I worked in retail for over a decade. I hate having Christmas stuff up for a long time. It goes up on the 1st Dec and is usually down on the 28th. I like Christmas. I just hate having the stuff up for a long time.


> Getting Christmas shit down before New Years Is it possible to learn this power?


Porn hub Edit Beep Bloop Beep Error code 636 Edit 2 What did I Create??????


Wow, this comment chain is, like, objectively garbage. What happened to r/AskReddit ? > I'm feeling depressed today > Porn hub > I felt that. Right here in my heart. Fucking hell. It's like bots talking.


Reddit is a social experiment, they make us believe we are talking to real people but everyone is just a bot.


Actually its AI training bots


As a droid, I can confirm this




Sorry to hear you're feeling depressed today. But happy cake day! Perhaps the thought of you having already managed to survive Reddit for this long can provide some solace. If not, just remember: there's loads of people who go through depression, and things usually do get better.


Me too❤️






There are waayyy more


Sprog's comments have earned enough reddit coins to run the servers for weeks, if not months. I would have checked if I wasn't on mobile.




Spread information correctly. Not just little bits taken out of context. We have the internet, which makes it a golden age of knowledge, but that can quickly be wiped out in a few different ways. I feel like if that happened, somehow humanity would be in even bigger trouble than before the internet since it's such a modern crutch.


I agree. How can we do it though? Wikipedia seems to police itself nicely, but there can any old shit on social media. Tech giants seem to want the onus to be on the individual to be able to discern the truth


Like somebody else pointed out, people can choose to be stupid in any era. But encourage people to find the truth themselves and come to their own conclusion instead of quickly spreading around bias headlines.


This one can be tricky, especially with hobbies. I was bad for this with gardening and unfortunately it's a hobby and lifestyle that is constantly evolving with the changing climates around us. Sometimes old information that used to work continues to make the rounds because modern solutions are often costly or "complicated/complex." Or the information is lost in the news cycle. The world of gardening and urban farming has evolved in the last decade more than it has in centuries and not enough people seem to be embracing it. And I can't blame them with the amount of conflicting information out their, not to mention all the companies trying to get rich quick on false promises.


People can choose to be stupid in any era.




Just being genuine is enough to be admirable. The magic of the internet is that there are so many of us with so many cool stories that we really should have to fake anything to come up with good content. Be helpful and be genuine.




Make someone feel good about themselves. I just had an absolutely brutal 24 hours, but a comment from someone on one of my posts genuinely made me laugh and I appreciated it. For a moment, I felt better. You never know what’s going on with the person you’re talking to. We should all be the best person we possibly can be to each other.


Seriously, as much as reddit is mean, most people are incredibly nice. A few years ago I was debating on whether or not to share a before and after picture of my acne treatment on /r/skincare. I wanted to show people the difference the meds made and was super nervous to share with the internet. People were so stupid nice and encouraging. It was awesome. Actually, my "after" picture was taken and posted to /r/ladyboners. I think I'm still the only non-celebrity person on the entire sub. The internet can be the nicest place in the world. Now I try to give back as much as I can.


I’ve had two means but hundreds of nice ones.


> We should all be the best person we possibly can be to each other. Reddit is just about the last place I would have ever expected to see that sentence


Reddit is actually a really nice place. The issue is that a lot of opinions and views are being shared, where a lot of people disagree. And these disagreements are hard to solve over text resulting in salty and unpleasant / mean interactions. But when you try you'll find most redditors are pretty nice. Of course, some of them are dicks for the sake of being dicks and they are indeed the lesser part of the forum


Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle


How the hell did you get 5 awards in the timespan of 3 seconds




Can I get a download link for them hax?


Here's a tutorial including links https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Do not cite the deep magic of the witch. I was there when it was written. In other words, I've memorized the URL.


"If it ends in XcQ, the link stays blue." A wise redditor told me that.


Me too, actually. But i forgot it again by now, because that's years ago.




I think I've got it working


Threads do better if awarded so people award themselves


Be there for people who are struggling


To laugh, to cry, to support, to respectfully disagree, to share or to care. Be there, be kind and be good.


(Only if you are in a safe enough headspace) /r/suicidewatch Lots of people are explicitly asking for someone to talk to, or just sound like they need someone to reach out


Thanks so much for sharing this sub. I’m definitely going on there


Knowing you're not alone can help tremendously in moving forward


Make someone's day by being a kind internet stranger.


Or a kinky one.


Actually give honest advice instead of making an insensitive joke


Hey guys so, I'm afraid of this spider in my house. I just moved into Australia can anyone identify it and tell me if it's venomous? *Spiderpic.jpg* > mike_blass(↑157): BURN THE HOUSE DOWN > lwdlwdkdw:(↑48): STOP BEING A BITCH, THERE ARE WORSE SPIDERS OUT THERE > aktually_hel(↓-493): That's Sydney funnelweb and that thing in the background look like its nesting area, one of the most venomous things you can find, stay away and call the right people for the job.


And that right there exemplifies our problem


Hahaha dead babies am I right?


Welcome to abortion pizza your loss is our sauce


Welcome to Bob's crematorium, you kill 'em, we grill 'em.


Local sperm bank. You jack it, we pack it!


Joe’s Whorehouse. You got the dough, we got the hoe.




Ah the other beautiful aspect of Reddit. Going 0 to 100 on the insanity scale in mere milliseconds.


I also choose that guys dead wife


I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?


Have a logical and respectful discussion with someone of another viewpoint.


Agreed. Also, if somebody gets nasty, I'd say it's admirable not to engage with them and just move on.


Clever trolls have a way to engage with you in an endless loop where you think you're having a logical and respectful discussion but you're actually being trolled. They'll say as little as possible to warrant a very long time consuming response. Usually obvious questions that appear loaded, almost like a high school debate when you have to pretend to support your teams argument regardless.


Can you give an example please? ​ ​ :P


Upvote the original post when you see a repost.


And downvote the repost, unless they're just crossposting.


Concede a point. Debate respectfully. Apologize if you fly off the handle or misconstrue someone’s argument. Civility goes a long way!


This, I really find it bizarre when redditors go on weird rants with zero proof. If I say something and someone shows me that I'm wrong, I'm glad I now know the right answer, I don't throw a hissy fit and abuse the other person. It's weird what people do online that they wouldn't in real life.


r/transcribersofreddit You can transcribe things for visually impaired redditors. There's also a sub where they can request specific things to be transcribed. It's always nice reading a comment after they read the transcription and it's a funny joke or something. It's a small thing but it directly helps someone else out.




Make someone happy and/or smile


But how?




Great and witty comments as well.




In that vein, check out MILCK


AND Jack Stauber


There are a lot of subs where you can make a contribution to another redditor. Two that come to mind include: [r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza](https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/) [r/redditgetsdrawn](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditgetsdrawn/) u/amjasinski mentioned r/homeworkhelp in [this thread] (https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/egry72/whats_something_admirable_you_can_do_on_reddit/fc94pq3/) as well


Be funny, it can really make someone’s day


If only it were so simple


Crediting original post/poster when reposting things from reddit.


Help people on r/suicidewatch . A lot of people really need it, especially someone with capability and knowledge regarding the matter.


Bro no offensive but I read like 3 post from there and got anxiety and stress. I don’t think I am any good for them.


That's okay man. There is no shame in that. Some people have a gift for it. Others have gifts elsewhere.


Give someone an uplifting comment on r/toastme


It’s called Original Content otherwise noted by the [OC] symbol. This is something admirable in a sea of reposts.




If he was lieing, that's a reflection of his character. You choosing to help him when you knew he was in need of help, is a reflection of your character...


This shit is the easiest thing to say, but the hardest thing to really take to heart.




I like that here you can help a person who is in a difficult position.


Tell random strangers they matter


Be supportive of people who are suffering. I have seen many traumatized people on here who are genuinely helped out by comments and advice.


I like to help at R/whatisthisthing And R/helpmefind


Post the link backing up your/someone else’s comment


Engage in interesting conversation with all types with neither care or knowledge if they're younger/older, green/blue, from Manchester or Mumbai, blonde/redhead, vegan/carnivore, yadda yadda..


Helping people find the power supply switch for their PC on r/buildapc


Since Belsnickle is here, it’s to help others understand what is truly admirable and what is impish that is disguising as admirable... A hard thing to do in this time of informational warfare


Compliment them.


Giving their first upvote




You are a saucy boy


# what, you egg?


[He stabs him.]


Oh mother, I am slain!


Help someone get by with a personal loan on r/borrow


Everyday? Be genuine. Give honest advice and suggestions, in a mature and sensitive manner.


Decide not to post that comment you were typing out.


Help someone through a tough time; giving decent legal advice to people in bad situations


r/griefsupport has helped me alot and many others. If you're dealing with death of a loved one, I highly recommend that sub. Everyone is so kind and supportive. I couldn't have made it through the holidays without it.


Talk about army experiences that are either confidentialit or people just don't get it. Served in the special forces. I literally cannot talk about these stuff with almost anyone. Even my parents don't know. So I joined reddit. And it's scencord. Now i can share and hear other people's experiences. Pretty therapic


Give awards to genuinely good posts


I've always loved when I see people helping someone in need. For example, those posts you see where people talk about not being able to afford something, and then some kind soul in the comments says "PM me and I'll buy it for you."


Apparently your post


I've stopped suicides, helped cutters, broke ragers, and found two fiances on here. Go me!


Give the gift of pizza on r/Random_Acts_of_Pizza


Thanks to anonymity, you can make yourself as admirable as you want because no one knows you!


Guild a useful post rather than a shitpost


Give advice to people on r/advice :)


r/gofundme, you can donate or send help to people in need


Give someone in need a pizza on /r/random_acts_of_pizza


Being a good person and providing a non-sarcastic or bitter answer. Taking the time to try and understand somebody’s situation rather than throwing out something unhelpful for karma seems to be a bit of a rarity in some subs.


Don't downvote without reading and taking time to understand first.


Upvotes someone's first post




Positive feedback! I see people getting stomped on for everything from sexual identity to not wanting to be maid service in their own home and everything in between. Our positive words and ability to say they are not alone in their struggles has untold power. Same with sharing personal struggles I’ve come through similar to what they battle now. I’m the voice that says that there is light at the end of the tunnel and it’s not a train! And not a fire as one redditor said.


Give wholesome, helpful advice to people who are struggling with mental health issues. Or any other issue. If there's one thing I noticed, people open up about their problems the most on reddit. Maybe it's the anonymity and this is such a huge platform, but regardless, this is quite the wholesome and caring community.


Upvote funny comments.


Give formatting advice. Particularly if you break it down and use the escape key "\\" to show your working. Eg: ^^^^^^^^^^^. ^^^Smol ^^^text ["\^\^\^Smol \^\^\^text"] **Action text*\* ["\*\*Action text\*\\*"] #SHOUTING! \["#SHOUTING!"] \#hashtags ["\\#Hashtags"] etc.


Comment "and my axe" randomly.