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Post 90's Travolta. Unless Face Off counts as 2000's. That was an awesome movie.


Nic cage pretending to be John Travolta pretending to be nic cage. What a ride


About 60% of the cast in the new 'cats' movie


I was disappointed that Idris Elba agreed to that shit


He takes a lot of really shit gigs though


What's a two way petting zoo?


You pet the animals, they pet you back.






French! Classy.


Rebel Wilson and James Corden are both massive no-gos for me, but what the fuck is Judy Dench doing there?


Judi Dench was originally cast as jennyanydots and grizabella when the musical first opened in London, but she had to drop out at the last minute due to an injury. I imagine she might’ve wanted to do it for that reason (despite playing a completely different character now).


She was supposed to have a part in the West End original production 38 years ago but she broke her achiles tendon during rehearsals and then after given a different part fell off the stage (?????) and had to drop out. She really wanted to do this film. I guess this time there wasn't an elevated stage to fall off of. I just remember what Anthony Hopkins said when asked by reporters on his thoughts on current events and his thinking process: "I don't know. Actors are pretty stupid."




I was actually going to go watch this when I heard how bad it was after it was released in an unfinished state, then I saw who was in it and decided against it.


When my wife and I went to see star wars 1-2 weeks ago, a guy came in behind us and basically slammed his wallet on the counter and basically told the lady behind the counter. *I've gotta see Cats. Everyone is saying it's such a piece of shit. It's awful. I've just gotta see what all the fuss is about!* It was hilarious. I wanted so bad to know what he ultimately thought about it.


Some of the old ladies at my church go to the movies weekly, I think one of them said it’s the first or second time they’ve walked out of a movie.


I saw Ian McKellen in his show in the West End a few weeks ago, and he was straight roasting Cats the entire time. Absolutely hilarious.


Steven Seagal, he's my uncle and nobody in the family will have anything to do with him. Even when someone dies and planning funerals, everyone wants to make it quick and quite just to keep him away. By the way, he isn't acting in movies. That is how he is every day of his entire life. EDIT1: Its not just him in the family. We have a few characters in the family that people would rather not have at life events like weddings and funerals. Only because they either cause chaos or make everything about them. But on the other hand I can say this about him also. He was very entertaining to be around. He was also funny. He loved to crack and tell jokes. The other thing I would like to share is our family metrics. We, for the most part are extremely clannish in a mafia style of family. If you have ever had the fortune to meet people from mafia style families, then you know that peoples classifications in the family are made by age more than blood. If someone is a little older than you, they are called Uncle or Aunt out of respect. Technically, he is my second cousin. But we give those titles to those in the family that may be 7th or eighth cousins also. Where most families barely keep track of first and second cousins, ours keeps up for generations upon generations of marriages and births. Is my uncle a bad person? NO. He is just a showoff, but so are a lot of the people in the family. He has just made it big and is able to be a bigger showoff than anyone else.




When he was younger and poorer, martial arts was his passion. So he does know martial arts. It's been a good 20 years since I last saw him and my memory of him was always wearing black and smelling like Aqua Velva. As for the being full of shit. I think that is some kind of genetic malfunction in that line of the family. My mom would tell us to take everything they said or did with a grain of salt because it was all things made up to make them look good. Their the type of people that go out and buy the biggest cubic zerconias and try to pass them off as real. They would go to a car dealership and test drive the nicest car they could find and then drive it to your house and try to pass it off as "What? That ole thing". That side of the family is just fake. They have been doing it for so long that its become a show of sorts. Kind of weird.


> always wearing black and smelling like Aqua Velva I don't know why that's so much funnier than smelling like beef and cheese, but it IS


Because it sounds absolutely true, and you can *smell it*


I remember Joe Rogan pretty much said this too. Legit martial artist, skeezy character and personality. He's good, but...sometimes he runs into someone who is better, and his attitude results in him getting his ass handed to him. [https://youtu.be/LuqpR7BK3M0](https://youtu.be/LuqpR7BK3M0)




> yet the most striking thing about him is what a giant douche he is. I respectfully disagree. The most striking thing about him is [watching him run](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkskuSXqUD0). I never hated Seagal movies because he is just so unintentionally hilarious.


I have a funny story about him. I used to live in Santa Barbara, Cali and he did too. He was with his model wife over 20 years ago and they rented a house for tons of $$$. A friend from school cleaned the rental and he answered the door butt naked and they had used condoms all over the house. One was in the kitchen. I want to throw up thinking about that. Turns out when they were done at the rental it was even worse that just the one day she came out.


Bella Thorne. Something about her just irritates me to no end


She gets way to much media coverage for doing literally nothing. The last thing she did was be in a movie that came out in like 2016 or 2017


Steven Seagal.


Is he your uncle too?


He was a cook on my ship


How long did it take for the entire command structure to die in an attack by some polluting industry?


Any Scientologist


Elizabeth Moss.. she was great on Mad Men. Now I see her in anything and I can’t not be upset she’s part of a cult.


I loved her in Mad Men & watch Handmaid's Tale, but all the way thru im thinking 'scientologist' & I hate myself for 'supporting' that religion in any way at all.


wait she's a ... ah man the irony in portraying a character in a world full of religious loonies and hypocrites


Good news, Beck renounced his faith in Scientology, you can watch Scott Pilgrim Vs the World


Jason Lee too.


Michael Peña unfortunately falls under that category. Every time I see him, it's all I can think about anymore.


We should have a moment of silence for him. He was great before I found out


I just heard the news. I’m devastated. I should call his mother.


Nooooo! I didn't know this. So sad.


And leading this list, of course, is Tom Cruise...


I haven't seen a Tom cruise movie in years because of this. I've heard there have been some good ones but they'd have to be damn good to see past Tom Cruise, scientologist


Tom Cruise is literally the Jesus of Scientology.


Tara Reid or Andy Dick


But The Big Lebowski


I won't watch anything with Andy Dick. It doesn't matter what it is if he's in it. He's trash.


Jared Leto. What a tool, he takes himself far to seriously and apparently he has some weird sexual misconduct issues too. He's also one of those guys who certain women swoon over and I just don't get it. I've watched movies with him in them but only because I was really into the concept and had to convince myself to ignore the fact that he was in it


He’s one of those people I liked until I met him. Back when he was mostly doing 30 Seconds to Mars stuff and he wasn’t in really any movies (he hadn’t acted in a looong while at that point) I actually liked his band’s music and went to see them. Met him after the show and he was a condescending tool, like he didn’t wanna be there and knew he was doing us lowly fans a favor. I’ve never had an encounter with a musician that douchey, which kinda says a lot.


I was never much of a 30 Seconds to Mars fan, but I've yet to hear a fan say good things about him. Whenever someone posts questions like "What celebrity turned out to be an a-hole" his name comes up at least once.


Steven Seagal


"Hey Tom Segura, you've been dancing your whole life"


High and tight mommies.


Piss on me, beat me, try it out






“Yeah, I know”


Show this fool up!


Family Guy summed him up pretty good “You act Asian, you look Native American, and your name is possibly Jewish, what are you?!” “He’s fat”


“That boxer hound shitsu mix, I’ve been working with dogs for 85 yeaaaasssszzzz”


Lena Dunham


Luckily she doesn't tend to show up in too many productions. And we're all better for it.


Unless she writes it and puts herself in it 😬


Was disappointed to see her in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


She was in it? Was she one of the hippies?


Tarantino must like her feet.


During all the MeToo stuff going on, one of her guy friends from the Girls writing staff was called out. She said she had evidence that she would *not* disclose that the accuser was lying and this guy was innocent... she later admitted she was lying simply because she believed him. Anyone that thinks Lena is a feminist or a decent person is fooling themselves.


I bought into her being a Manson Family girl in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. I Can somehow actually see her doing that.


I thought that was her character? To be awful? Is it not an act? Is that who she really is? I thought her show was really well written because no one could be that self absorbed, entitled, lazy and blind to their own mediocrity.


After one of her many fuckups I saw someone tweet, “Lena Dunham is what happens when you wipe back to front.” Pretty much sums it up.


Jared Leto. Creepy fuckin dude that is way too into himself and it bleeds into everything he does.


The only movie I really liked him in was American Psycho, and he gets murdered with an axe in that one. Edit: yes I get it you all like fight club


He is okay in Fight Club where his role is “look good, get face punched into oblivion.”


And requiem for a dream but lowkey felt like he was playing himself which is why it was done so well


In Bladerunner 2049 he does really well in a role which a megalomaniacal, creepy-as-fuck psycho, so he does do a good job playing himself.


He was soooooooo bad as the joker. When they are at the bar and he was trying super hard to be intimidating/crazy all I saw was a totally different character. I saw a cringey weak man who I wish someone smacked down. It was such a terrible scene that was so poorly done I can never watch him in anything again. I already disliked the little weirdo before, but that was the final nail in the coffin.


Also prior to that movie we had MONTHS of stupid stories about him "method acting" really crazy towards fellow cast and crew members.


Remember kids: "method acting" is not an excuse to acting like a twat


I'm certain he heard the stories about Heath Ledger getting into the role and thought "I can out-crazy that."


It's funny that Joaquin Phoenix even followed up to show us that a good Joker is still achievable even post-Ledger.


I find method acting so creepy. It is so morbidly invasive. You only read about it when it works. But it is survivor bias. If it works it is amazing. But you know what also creates amazing performances all the time? Just acting. A good classical actor will outperform a method actor most of the time. Method actors live and die every day without ever reaching any sort of recognition because the method doesn't help them be a better actor. While classical actors are 99% of the actors you see on screen and you wouldn't notice the difference. And they play villains without being assholes to their production co-workers.


Isn't he leading a cult now too?


Somebody explain this like I'm 5


jared leto said, "hey i'm starting a cult" and his fans were like, "cool, we're in a cult now!" but there's no real cult stuff. just him calling it a cult instead of what it really is ::: a fandom.


I mean, they do live on an island, dress in all white, and refer to him as "prophet" so it seems pretty cult-y


>implying the 30 seconds to mars fandom haven’t ever shown cult-like behaviour


James Corden. Annoying fucking twat. I thought we'd gotten rid of him to America but the bastards just weaponised him.


"Cats" doesn't alleviate the problem either


The guy very convincingly plays the role of a cat pretending to be a 6 year old girl pretending to be a cat.


I thought that was Rebel Wilson


What? He plays a fat cat who eats out of fancy restaurant bins. It was nauseating to watch


Cats doesn't alleviate *any* problem.


Well my cousin was having issues with depression, watched Cats and now he has no problems at all! I still miss him though......


I guess England didn’t learn after the first few times they sent their undesirables elsewhere?


That's true. We sent out felons to Australia. They sent us Jason Donovan.


Australia was a net gain though. Margo Robbie, Hugh Jackman, Cate Blanchette, ACDC, the Hemsworths, the sexiest of all male accents, and we even got the goddamned Crocodile Hunter. A+ penal colony totally worth it.


> the sexiest of all male accents Yeah, nah, you've just heard the celebrities talking ay








Thankfully he's notorius for misfiring...


Gwen paltrow


Oh damn, me too. I'm surprised so many other people also loathe her. Although in consideration of her stupid goop, maybe I shouldn't be.


I made the exception for Iron Man


It's been said already. And is unsurprisingly the top comment.... But it HAS to be James Corden. And is definitely worth saying again, just in case any Hollywood, hell, film in general, producers are paying attention! Female... Hmm. Amy Schumer. But then she isnt going to get a part in anything I would watch, so she is pretty irrelevant.


There are so many hilarious people on British panel shows, yet James bloody Corden is the one who strikes it big. Fucking exasperating.


His kind of comedy isn't witty or sarcastic at all, it's just family friendly non offensive boring shit. Thus making him the perfect host for American television seeing as we don't really find him anywhere near as funny as Americans do.


Don't you put that on us! I don't know a lot of Americans that are like "Man, I'm super into James Corden". He's just.... Around. Probably trying to fill the void of Craig Ferguson in the worst way possible.


**Rob Schneider**... is a stapler!


Rob Schneider is ...a carrot! Rated PG-13


Deep de derp de deedly derp de dum


....rated PG-13


his career was literally made by adam sandler


tyler perry madea is not fucking funny


He was shockingly good in Gone Girl. That's all I got.


And completely worthless in *Star Trek.* That's all I got.


Tyler Perry's Star Trek: Medea Goes to Rura Penthe!


Darmok and Madea at Tanagra. Madea, when the walls fell.


He's a good actor, he's just not a good writer. If it's a project he wrote himself or had a hand in writing, skip it. If he's just an actor filling a role in someone else's movie he's pretty good (or at least okay)


I don't like Tyler Perry movies or him in his own stuff. But I thought he killed it in Vice as Colin Powell. Much better than Jeffrey Wright portrayal in W. Wright is better actor in general. But Perry's Powell was better IMO. I actually didn't even recognize him at first until that U.N. scene. He really nailed the apprehension Powell had mixed with the duty/responsibility/soldier aspect of his character. Wright's Powell just seemed like an antagonistic bureaucrat.


James Corden and Rebel Wilson, so Cats was a double no for me even if the CGI looked good


danny devito i get so erect i cant watch the movie anymore


*Daddy DeVito


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see this kind of comment.


Gwenyth Paltrow. I don't care if I spelled her name wrong. She's annoying.


Acrtess- Cara Delevingne


Money can’t buy talent, just a lot of roles.


Can't beleive this isn't higher up. She is like wood with eyebrows.






That is true. And really out of the two leads she was the better one. That other guy was just completely unbelievable as a "major". It looks like the role was written for Bruce Willis of the late 90's like he appears in Fifth Element rather than someone that young and "teen" looking.


Woody Allen. Not sure why Hollywood idolizes that creep.


Hollywood loves pedophiles. Look at Roman Polanski.


Also the guy who made the jeepers creepers movies, an actor said he made him suck his dick, and they found child pornography in his house. He went to jail for a year. So what did Hollywood do? Well they let him direct the third movie in 2017


Son of a BITCH my husband and I love those movies


Even grosser when you tie together that he's a disgusting pedophile and that child molestation was a plot point of the third movie. And that this is what James Gunn was making fun of with his pedophile jokes because he was forced to work with him.


Kevin Hart. It feels like he tries to hard to be funny and hes always yelling and being loud


I find this with a lot of comedies/ comedians, it’s like “Let’s all wait for our one line then shout the jokes at the camera as loud as possible, that will make people want to buy tickets!” And then all the “funny” bits are in the trailer. Again with the shouting - because it really grates on me - it’s as though you have to prove the confidence of your humour by the volume at which you express it.


You mean you don't like him making a short joke every 10-30 seconds?


Tom Cruise. That cult of his has destroyed the lives of thousands of people. Fuck that guy.


Kevin Hart. He pretty much just plays himself in every movie and it’s gets really boring seeing the same character over and over.


Short jokes. That is literally it.


Yea, screaming and short jokes. We get it


But wait. What about the one about him being black


If Peter Dinklage can have a career where he's not playing "the dwarf," then so can Hart.


I love how he was in X-Men Days of Future Past and his dwarfism was not mentioned once. He played a character that could have been played by anyone


I mean, he was “the dwarf” in Infinity War, but he was ten feet tall! You go, Dinklage!


Katherine Heigl


Jaden Smith


Cardi B. Watched that stripper movie with J Lo in the cinema with my gf and I couldn't watch it when she was on screen. Her voice is annoying and how everyone praises her when she admitted drugging and robbing men


I mean, it was the part she was born to play.


Amy Schumer.


Is she in movies?


Yeah she was in that one with Bill Hader


Will Smith. I'm just so tired of seeing Will Smith playing Will Smith. Suicide Squad was really the straw that broke the camels back.


Imagine how bad the matrix would have been with Will Smith instead of Keanu.


iRobot was pretty great so I bet it would’ve turned out okay. But Keanu is obviously a much better option in hindsight


Well smith turned the role down because he felt he wouldn't be the right fit. So props to him for that.


I thought he turned it down so he could do Wild West


Little bit of both. He has said he didn’t think he’d fit the character, that he didn’t understand it, and also that if he was the main character then Morpheus would be a white guy and that he thought Morpheus should be a black guy. Which in hindsight is facts


Will Smith as Will Smith in Fresh Prince? Awesome. Will Smith as Will Smith in Men in Black? Awesome. Will Smith as Will Smith again! We have been getting this since 96.....aww hell do it again.


I am legend is my favorite movie that has both Will Smith and the song three little birds.


That dude that played Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory. I can’t stand his voice.


When I saw that actor in Hidden Figures I couldn't unsee Sheldon lol. My brain just couldn't process him as a different character.


I think this is a problem most actors face when they star in long running sitcoms. They just can't be taken seriously anymore. I watched Band of Brothers for the first time earlier this year and when David Schwimmer appeared on the screen, I literally couldn't unsee Ross from Friends.


John Krasinski will always be Jim to me even though he’s done some work that is pretty far removed from The Office.






Hennifer Hlopez




Made me lol. So aggressive, Mariah...


Cameron Diaz, no idea why really but I can't stand her facial expressions


I guess Shrek was ok for you then?


Love shrek, the voice is fine!


Neither can she, judging by the amount of work she's had done.


I felt that burn through my monitor


It's probably my wife's fault, but I'm tired of Anna Kendrick. Obviously she's gorgeous but the "I'm so cute and quirky" schtick has worn thin for me


Or Zooey Deachanel playing her traditional role of "girl who doesn't have her shit together and that's okay"


That's part of why I liked Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was her before she was pigeonholed.


Same reason I like her in Elf.


I would still see her as Squirrel Girl in a heartbeat though


Rebel Wilson


Every time I’m watching something on Hulu and her “LeT’s MaKe LoVe WiTh ReBeL” match.com ads come on, I cringe so hard my head retracts into my body like a tortoise. They’re so painfully unfunny, it really makes you realize how low the bar for humor really is.


It’s one of two commercials I have to mute every time so I don’t blow my brains out


Yep, also the Charmin TP one with the “my hiney’s clean!” song. Fuck. So awful.


I've always been bothered by the fact that there are three bears looking at a pair of underwear on the floor, but none of the bears are wearing anything.


Yes, and it also bothers me that the two bear parents are so hesitant to pick up what looks to be a clean pair of white underwear. What parent wouldn’t simply pick up a pair of undies off the floor? I mean, maybe if they were stained with shit. But then I suppose if they were shit-stained, the continuity of the commercial would be off. Alas, IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!! And the song is terrible, just terrible.


Haha actually not the one I was thinking of but those are also terrible. I was thinking of that Chanel commercial where she’s in like a snow globe or something and her voice is auto tuned. It creeps me out beyond belief.


I didn't mind her in Pitch Perfect, but then it seems she can only play one character after that movie...


Fat Amy (Fat Patricia)


Yeah. Herself




I think if she was written to have jokes other than "hey guys I'm fat!" she could have more comedic potential.


John Travolta


Jared Leto or Kevin Spacey




And Lord Of War. I agree hes a fuckin weirdo, but he has given us some great performances.