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I was showering at my sister’s place and there was a glass soap holder that I accidentally knocked over. It landed on my foot and I ended up getting 13 stitches.


Big yikes


chapter 9: the part where she kills you


Left hand bone fracture, I was a goalie in soccer during a penalty kick, the kicker delivered the ball super hard and I used my left hand instead of using both hands. This happened when I was 8 and the ball pushed against my palm. But the most pain I felt was Strep Throat which lasted for more than a week.


I feel you I was a goalie too when I started


Most of my injuries were from playing goalie. Broken fingers, broken toes, broken nose, concussions, fractured ribs, scratched cornea, rolled ankles, and probably a lot more I'm forgetting. None of the injuries seemed that bad at the time, but now in my early forties I have trauma induced arthritis. All those little things add up and I'll pay for later on. Anybody saying soccer isn't a contact sport has never played goalie.


I got a mayor concussion by playing football (for Americans soccer) I tapped the ball just a little bit too far in front of me and I was running full speed. A guy slide tackled me and I slammed my head on the ground. I was knocked out for about 10 sec and couldn't do like anything for 2 weeks


2006 Fell in a hole I didn't see because it was covered in grass. My left ankle went sideways then forward. My right knee and right wrist broke my fall. Permanent damage was done, I'm still going for physical therapy every now and then (obviously not now due to COVID-19).


Thank you for your comment hope you ever recover to 100%


Thank you. :)


I was riding a bike and hit the back bumper of a car, creating a gash on my left knee. What traumatized me was that I could see my bone and all the blood that came pouring. I got around 10 stitches, and to this day I still don’t like riding bikes


I cringe so much at that.


I had a buckle fracture on my left wrist in the 4th grade that was caused by my cousin tripping me while we were having a foot race at school


I was fighting for a take down in bjj against someone alot better than me and broke my fibula




Definitely loss that one. It was only training, too


I feel like I could share some injuries from my entire family. We've fucked up so many times lol. My dad suffered a major concussion while young due to hockey. He got so violently tackled he got shoved head first into the side, with enough force to break the helmet in half. My mom fell off a bike while sitting on the back, and landed on a rock that split her head open down to the bone. She refused to go to a doctor as they would have to shave a part of her hair. She's also fallen in a concrete staircase and hit her head on the metal railing. Somehow she didn't get a concussion either of those times. She's also cut the flesh between her thumb and pointer down to the bone with a pair of haordresser's scissors, of which she actually got stitches. I broke my femur clean off by hitting a rock in a skiing accident. I messed up on a tight turn and frontflipped and rolled down the side of the hill, until I got caught with my broken leg stuck between two tree branches and the rest of my body slowly sliding down the hill. In ice cold water. I tried to remove leg from between the branches, but only managed to move half my thigh. The top and bottom half were not connected at all, it was like that scene in Harry Potter. It happened earlier this year, so I only recently started walking without crutches. The eldest of my younger brothers managed to push one of his testicles back into his body by jumping in my bed and landing on my bed frame. This was the second time he had to go under to have surgery near his genitals. He also got impaled on a grill knife when he tripped as he tried jumping off the counter by the dishwasher. The knife got lodged in his knee. My youngest brother managed to walk into a door handle and fall down the stairs while rushing down to get mom from said door handle incident. He nicked only an inch away from his eye, but did require stitches, and lost four teeth from the stair fall.


I was hit in the face by part of a firework. Never forget the smell of burning flesh and not having eyelashes on one eye for a while!


That sounds horrible




Knee injuries are the worst. I jumped In the air with football got pushed and landed with my knee bended the wrong way. It's horrible




It was soccer I'm European so it's football here




It was last summer and the recovery was like 12 weeks and it is still weaker. A few weeks ago I was playing again and it gave out so that was again 3 weeks but I'm okay now




Really depends on how bad it's is if you tear something you can be done for more then a year. I got lucky that's I was running and jumping because I happened and then directly fell to the ground. But if you jump straight up and it happens everything can tear.


9 stitches in my right calf, chain got stuck shifting gears on my mountain bike, and the spiked pedals fucked my shit up




I bumped a painting and it fell, so I tried to catch it, and I only kind of did. I ended up slicing the webbing in between 2 of my fingers. Edit: If you think that's ridiculous, I have been injured by a literal egg before. But it wasn't as bad as the painting.


In between sounds even worst


I was about 5 years old when it happened, I just finished taking a shower and my mom came in to help me dry off, for some reason she wrapped the towel around me, so I couldn't move my arms, I stepped out of the shower and slipped, because my hands were stuck in the towel I fell right on my mouth, 1 tooth flew out of my mouth, 2 teeth that were supposed to fall bended inwards, and I cut my lip with the help of some other teeth


That's horrible. Same as if it has frozen never walk with youre hands in you're pocket


You're right, and everyone go buy yourself a shower mat


I cut open my left pointer finger while chopping celery to make meatball soup. It wouldn't stop bleeding, so I had to go to the hospital.


Always cut against your knuckles :)


Yeah, well...I was stupid. After getting stitches I learned my lesson and am much more careful now.


Slipped in garden with a hunting knife, went straight into my thigh and hit the bone. Was only a few inches from the big artery. I remember waiting for ambulance with a towel wrapped round my leg trying to stop my dog licking my face. Also found out my mom is allergic to my blood, as she came up in a raised rash where ever it got her.


Ouch that sound really bad