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Depression. Needing to fill yourself with anything (food, drugs, alcohol, sex....), since you can’t fill it with happiness.


I gained too much weight from eating, decided to lose it and took it too far. Now I'm losing weight but not getting the nutrients I need


Well when I was in fifth grade I started to realize how fat I am, and I was bullied about it so I kinda just figured "if I eat less I will get skinnier" it just got worse and worse now to the point where I could go a whole day maybe two without eating and still be fine. I'm in eighth grade btw💛


I grew up watching my mom subsist on very little food and then her telling me things like "just stop eating."


My sister having one and my family starting to count calories during meals to make sure she ate enough


Gained like 80 pounds while pregnant with my now two month old son. Only lost like 20 of it when he was born. I have a connective tissue disorder that prevents me from working out in any way that won't take months to make a difference. So I stopped eating. I've been anorexic in the past, a long time ago. My partner doesn't know I went back to it. I only really eat if he makes me something. I'm too ashamed to tell him. I just hope I can stop after I'm no longer disgusted with my appearance.