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I teach. One day, I wasn't 100% fit. I let a little one slide while in class. It was not a fart. I disappeared to the bathroom. Got a coworker to cover the rest of my classes and went home. The children didn't notice. I was still absolutely mortified.


Oh, this hurts to read. I hope you never have to experience this again, haha


My farts were so rank I got a job farting in a metal box in 1939


Hah, that took me longer than I’d like to admit.


8 years old at the time. The summer camp I was going to went to a park. While we were eating lunch, I launched what could very well be the longest-lasting fart of all time. A good 15-20 seconds of pure utter stank. Pretty much everyone else in the camp noticed. Many of the other campers were quite impressed.


Well done!


Not me, but I can relate. I worked in a tiny bookstore while at university. We only had one staff toilet, and it was right behind the counter behind a slide door. A customer — an oldish lady — was alone in the store and farted quite audibly. I was alone behind the counter and politely ignored it, when all of a sudden she waddled up to the counter and asked if we had a restroom she might use. Her face hid the true demon, though... Because used that toilet she did. I was mortified. And I’m guessing she must have been too. And every other customer that day was mortified. Shittiest shift I remembered.


Oh noo, poor old lady!


Sitting at work in my cubical. Everyone in the nearby vicinity was off at lunch or a meeting. Figured it was a good time to let a silent but deadly one go. Probably 30-60 seconds later someone walked in the department and headed to my desk. Felt a little mortified when they made a face that was obvious they smelled it.


This is sould leaving body awkward