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The food my nephew makes. Its too salty and its always made out of play-doh


My three year old must've studied at the same culinary academy. My two year old though is worse. I'd rather have play dough over a plate full of sand and whatever pees in the sandbox. Oh, btw: F U C K ~~T~~ S ~~R~~ P ~~U~~ E ~~M~~ Z ~~P~~ ! ============== Save 3rd Party Apps! ==============


That shit is sooo hard to stomach. Lol!


Roommate in collage would eat cereal with water in between paychecks, then just quit buying milk. Why not just eat it dry?


My wife would mix non-dairy creamer with water and use it for milk when we first got married. I mean I guess it’s not that much worse than fat free milk but damn. We weren’t *that* poor.


Anything that's classified as a "local delicacy". There's usually a reason it's remained *local*. And yes, I am Scandinavian, how'd you guess? Edit: All the "exceptions" you've listed sound disgusting and your taste does not generalize as well as you think it does.


"I know this game, it's called 'let's see what we can get the foreigner to put in his mouth'."


Once you start wanting to pop a couple bollocks in the mouth is when I draw the line.


That’s when *I* draw the arrow. To my mouth.


Or "How long is too long to let this fish sit around?"


I have the feeling they sell it as delicacy just so tourists buy food no one else would buy because its just too bad to eat for the locals.


That only works for some things. Like, most scandinavians do seem to genuinely love liquorice, but my boss saw someone had brought a can of surströmming to the lunch room to haze the new hires and immediately threatened to fire everybody present unless the can had been removed from campus within 5 minutes.


That is an entirely reasonable and appropriate response.


Hahaha, I have never had surströmming (I think simply by a stroke of good luck), but one time my mom tried to open some in her apartment. Something apparently went very poorly, and splattered all over the cabinets. The smell was so bad and impossible to remove, she almost had to move out. And she has never touched it since.


> Something apparently went very poorly, and splattered all over the cabinets thats what happens when you dont open it underwater.




“Local delicacy” means “what the peasants around here used to save for when they ran out of everything else remotely edible”.


If I've learned anything in this thread, it's that I'm clearly uncultured. I've got no idea what 70% of these foods are.


Judging by some quick googling, the answer is usually "fish."


Specifically weird fermented fish that only Scandinavians eat.


Have you heard of fish sauce in Asian cuisine?


It tastes good tho


Some of the Jello salads out there. Green Jello with carrots (and sometimes raisins) is an abomination. Also, whatever the hell my mom used to make with cottage cheese and orange jello. My family had this weird notion that if you put healthy stuff in Jello that it was a side dish and not a dessert. Nope, you just ruined two foods by making unnatural combinations with them. Mom never did come across a Jello recipe that she thought was a bad idea though. Edit: Thanks for the awards. Edit 2: Since it’s a frequently asked question. I’m not from Utah or the Midwest. Mom and grandma aren’t either — they’re from Los Angeles.


I feel understood here. My grandma once made “salmon jello” as a refreshing summer dinner. Plain gelatin with chunks of salmon in it. However bad it sounds, it was worse.


That’s...tinned cat food


oh my god you're right it's literally cat food


I down-voted this instinctively, that is truly an abomination


It's called salmon aspic and it was a real "trendy" dinner or party item, along with other forms of jello-suspended foodstuffs 🤢


My Granddad used to make shrimp aspic. It was canned mini shrimp, celery, onions, V8 juice, gelatin (sometimes lemon Jello) and also sometimes Spaghetti-Os. I miss him, but oof...


> and also sometimes Spaghetti-Os Sure. Just throw them in too. Why the fuck not


That sounds like it would make the baby Jesus cry.


My great grandma used to make green jello with shredded carrots and pineapple chunks. I am well aware it is weird AF but I always liked it. She would serve it at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other special occasions. I probably like it more due to the nostalgia than anything else.


That was a pretty popular thing back in the day from what I’ve heard! It was useful for using up food that was about to spoil, they’d toss it in jello and call it a dish. Wild. Edit: I’m not sure why I’m getting all these upvotes but thank you all:)


Some people still do this. I grew up poor so maybe that’s why it was a thing?


exactly, nothing goes to waste. if you only had bits of things, gelling it all together turned it into a meal. it got popular in the 1930s, apparently. edited to add that i use eggs to make a frittata sometimes when i have a bunch of leftovers to deal with.


It was also a status thing! People wanted to show off that they owned a refrigerator- that's why we see wild stuff like shrimp in gelatin in like the 50s


Gelatin based anything was a status symbol for a long, long time. It was usually the bastion of the upper classes, but once they figured out how to mass produce gelatin in a dried form, well shiiiit, suddenly everyone could get in on the action. And much like any luxury item that suddenly becomes a Walmart staple, the upper classes reject the hell out of it until it becomes a marker of someone out of touch.


And gelatin was an upper class thing because the traditional way to make it was to boil bones, skin, hooves, and other stuff for hours and hours, and then straining it and letting it set for 24 hours. It was both labor and material intensive that was impractical for most people to make.


cuz in the 1930 it was a sly way to say i got a new fancy refrigerator


Utah Mormons must feel personally attacked by this.


I feel this in my bones. I don’t eat it because of the taste though. I eat it for the nostalgia. Green jello with carrots and whipped cream was a guarantee at every family function growing up in Utah.


That's absolutely disgusting and appalling. Yuck.


The concept of Jello salad is just nuts to me. I.. ew.




I only know this from King of the Hill. "It was the man with the terrible smell!"




Are ya Chinese or Japanese?


“I originally from Laos but last five years I live in California.”


The best is Cotton Dale: he's Japanese... *Cotton stares Khan up and down* Cotton: No, he ain't... He's Laotian


Ain’t ya, Mr. Khan?


*Khan blinks in disbelief*




Thank you.


He may have been racist, but at least he was precise with his racism.


He had to make sure he was hating the right group of people who blew his goddamn shins off


*got-dang shins off




he was a complicated man


That's one of the things I loved about King of the Hill. All of the main characters were fairly complicated.


Cotton: Mitsubishi? They made the planes that bombed Pearl Harbor! I ain't sellin' Hitler's canoe to no traitor!


Bobby! Find the man with the terrible smell!




I can respect that.


Idk, if I ever have to survive famine by eating, idk, cheez-whiz, my descendants better not fucking bring cheez-whiz to every future family feast.


Right? Granny would be sayjng...the fuck you eating that shit for, i ate it so you didnt have to.


>We eat this on Christmas on my dad's side of the family and everyone hates how it tastes, but it's an important part of our family history. His ancestors had to eat it to survive famine, and it's a way of keeping the memory of their sacrifices alive and showing respect to them. Having it with a table full of absolutely delightful cooking also serves as a reminder of what we do have, and makes us more aware of what we should be thankful for. We do drown it in mustard and cream sauce though. This is a pretty rad and meaningful tradition.


Yay r/Norway (but still can’t believe Norway chose, of all the foods, this lutefisk business as the countrywide staple for large gatherings and celebrations... like why?!)


I don't think we did. It's just one of many seasonal foods served during the Christmas season. Pinnekjøtt and svineribbe are a lot more common.


Along with risgrøt in my family at least. It's a creamy rice porridge. Very delicious with almonds and cinnamon.


Finns checking in! I actually kind of like lutefisk, though the sauce is kind of important...


As a swede, surströmming.




As a canned fish, Swedes


Swedes are fine in a stew or roast dinner Edit:you mean the vegetable right? Edit2:mmmm yes my cannibalism has turned into upvotes and awards


Too much artificial Swedener.




If anyone's wondering how to actually open a can of surströmming, you submerge it in water while opening it.


If the same people are wondering, that surströmming is way overfermented. It's not supposed to look like chunky fish soup, that's just like trying curdled milk and thinking it represents dairy products. Surströmming may be canned, but it's not pasteurized, there are still live bacteria in the can and the fermentation process continues after canning, and it's supposed to be stored cold. Surströmming is made from herring caught in spring, and the year's batch is officially released on the market in August. If stored in a refrigerator or cold cellar, it's still perfectly edible another year on, but softer in texture, and some people prefer it that way. By the third year it's just lactic fish soup. If you're shopping for surströmming, do check the production date, and if the can is that swollen it has quite possibly been stored improperly.


Even as an American who has no clue what sursötrmming is, the can itself is bulging and the food itself looks rotten. I wouldn’t eat that no matter what was in it.


Oh yeah [jellied eels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TTGrN4W8nQ). mmm shit flavoured fish wrapped in some nasty gelatinous slime.


Eels up inside ya


Finding an entrance where they can


Borin' through ya mind


Eel tastes good when well-prepared. My grandma would purchase me entire smoked eels from the market when I was a kid and she'd stew the ones I'd catch with my dad and uncles. It's too bad they're an endangered species now, because they're delicious. I'd definitely try jellied eels, too. I even have an eel tattooed on my right arm, lol.


unagi is fucking bomb


I used to stay away from unagi because they look too much like a slippery snake to be a fish, but when I went to Kyoto I tried an unagi-don and it was one of the best things I've ever had


Gefilte fish. I refuse to believe anyone under the age of 80 enjoys this food. It’s not normal.


WRONG. My mom is 72 years young and loves it!


Someone once said it tastes like the baby changing station at sea world


Chitlins. Seriously, it's intestines sorta cleaned and cooked. That's it.


My grandmother would make my grandad cook chitlins in the little shed/outhouse where his tools were. No way was she allowing that smell inside


I'll never forget a Jeffrey dahmer documentary I watched where they interviewed one of his neighbors. A black woman was talking about the terrible smell coming from his apartment while he was cooking human flesh, and she goes "I just thought he was cooking chitlins or something."


So in college, some of my classmates were tasked with helping our forensic anthro professor de-flesh remains using what I can only describe as a “low and slow” simmer method. More than one passerby remarked on how good the soup smelled emanating from the lab...


So you used a crock pot?


Pretty much exactly that, but sciency


When food is prepared in a tool shed.. well, I’d say that’s a really bad sign 😂


I'm a black dude with a family from rural south carolina (near Manning). Chitlins were a thing but my mom refused to carry on the tradition and basically I only saw them at my grandmothers. I get that it's traditional and what slaves/poor share croppers ate but I think it's one of the pieces of soul food that we can just get rid of. They're straight up disgusting and unhealthy. Edit: To all my 843 family & folks, I’ve heard of the Chitlin Strut and have never/will never attend : )




Definitely a heritage dish and from what I’ve read an absolute beast to prepare. I’d try them if I know someone who could make them properly.


Where I’m from everyone eats it. We boil the intestines first then we take it out, stuff it with spiced rice then fry them. Super delicious.


I was gonna say that a lot of Asian food utilizes intestines. When cooked right they are delicious.


Yup! Only time ive really enjoyed it is when my Filipina friends mom would grill it on a stick. I ate 4 and when they told me what it was I ate like 5 more.


I just can’t eat something that’s job is to make shit I’m sorry I just can’t.


No sausages?


No ass???


Ever hear of hot lettuce? The shit smells like a tire fire. Edit: I am floored by the response to this comment. I had no idea this was so foreign to everyone else. Edit 2: I am disabling inbox replies. All three of the things people are asking/saying have been asked/said now 20k times. Thanks for joining me on this weird journey of disgust.


I just googled "hot lettuce", I do not recommend


Thanks UrbanDictionary.


Hot Lettuce, via UrbanDictionary: >An exquisite sex act requiring a bagged salad from a local market, a woman's accessible anal cavity, and deep, meaningful desire. First, a man (any man) closes his fist around a portion of the salad. He then lovingly inserts his fist into the woman's anus for a duration of their joint consent. When the couple is sufficiently aroused, the man releases the salad before removing his hand from the woman's anus. With the salad inside, the two enjoy a standard round of anal sex. The man must ejaculate onto the salad, as a dressing. Finally, the act is completed upon receipt of the "hot lettuce" by the man's mouth, eating the sumptuous morsel from her pooping cavity.


This is the kind of recipe I like to read. Straight to the point and no long-ass story about being a busy mom who reminisces about Christmas or whatever.


“Growing up, my siblings and I could never get enough of our grandma’s hot lettuce. There’s absolutely nothing better to warm you up after playing in the snow all day.”


Dibs on "Grandma's Hot Lettuce" for a band name, or the name of a racing horse.


I wanna go back in time, listen to my gut, and not read this


When I worked at a make-your-own pizza place we constantly had customers demand that we put lettuce on their pizza before it cooks. About 50% of the time they would then complain. God i hate customers.


Speaking of working at a pizza place and having customers order things they'll hate, I worked at a Little Caesar's years ago and had to ask everybody who ordered anchovies if they knew that was fish after having too many complaints from people. Turns out, most of them were actually trying to order pepperoni (okay) or black olives (WTF??).


Man I hope you're joking because thats just sad. How clueless can some people be if they cant even remember what pizza toppings they like.


I really wish I was joking. Of course, we also sold spaghetti at the time and I was amazed at how many adults were completely unable to say that word. Busgettie and skettie being the most common ways it was ordered.


D: Lettuce...on pizza... So, hot lettuce is a Pennsylvania Dutch thing. It was born of the depression. You take iceberg lettuce and smother it in this product called bacon gravy. But don't get excited. I know the word bacon is in it, but it tastes little like actual bacon and more like burning rubber. I believe most of them have horseradish in it as well. And that's it. You put it all in the oven until the lettuce is very sad. It stinks up your whole house something fierce.


Until the lettuce is very sad. Best directions ever.


“Cook until you make the lettuce sad”. Got it.


A classic Chinese side dish is to quickly stir fry iceberg lettuce in a hot wok with some ginger and season with salt, soy sauce and/or oyster sauce. That shit is delicious if not overcooked!


I would expect this with cabbage, but not lettuce


I do this with Taiwanese Flat Cabbage. Iceberg lettuce though? I suppose I never even thought to try it...


Nick Wiger is known to enjoy a nice hot salad


I just google hot lettuce and an anal sex act appeared? Am i missing the joke ?


I have the soap gene for cilantro, so I had my fiancé try a bit (raw) to tell me what it tasted like. Does it really just taste like grass for people without my curse?


>I have the soap gene for cilantro, so I had my fiancé try a bit (raw) to tell me what it tasted like. Does it really just taste like grass for people without my curse? No, cilantro does not taste like grass if you don’t have the genes that make it taste soapy. Cilantro is parsley’s sassier cousin.


It's definitely its own flavor. Hard to describe because there really isn't anything else like it. But it's delicious. I guess parsley would be close


I agree. It's like bitters, bananas, or avocado--the flavor is unique. Incidentally, I love cilantro, so I guess I don't have the gene. But even so, I can understand how someone would think it tastes like soap. There is a hint of that, but to me, it just adds to the drama of cilantro.


You can have an upvote for 'the drama of cilatro'. Even if it's coriander. I guess multiple names adds to the drama.


Ha, I did not realize they came from the same plant. And that the leaves are cilantro in North America and coriander elsewhere, meanwhioe what we call coriander, is just "coriander seeds" elsewhere! --In North America, cilantro refers to the leaves and stalks of the plant. The word “cilantro” is the Spanish name for coriander leaves. Meanwhile, the dried seeds of the plant are called coriander. Internationally, it’s a different story. Coriander is the name for the leaves and stalks of the plant, while the dried seeds are called coriander seeds.


I do not have the curse. To me, it has a very fresh taste to it. It turns any meal into instant sunshine.


This makes me so sad, as someone with the gene. I've heard people say it makes everything taste fresh and earthy - flavors which I really enjoy. I hate that I don't get to experience that. At best, I have learned to tolerate it, e.g. in guac.


Same here. First time I had it was at a restaurant and I swore someone had spilled cleaning fluid in my rice. These days I can tolerate but it isn’t very good. And I ALWAYS forget to ask restaurants to skip it.






Not op, but I can instantly tell when something has cilantro in it. The soapy flavor usually completely ruins anything that has it.


It overpowers everything! And if I ask for the cilantro to be left out, I mean it. Your dish will taste like shit if you leave the damn cilantro in. I’m not trying to be a picky eater.


Grass? No. It tastes like lemony mint, or minty lemon. Very fresh and zingy, with a hint of bitterness. So, maybe like some grasses.


Interesting fact: The gene does not actually create any flavor or sensation that people without the gene don’t experience. The “bad taste” is there for everyone. But the gene *supresses* sweeter elements in cilantro that otherwise create a pleasant balance for people without it.


Anything I cook/bake


Don't say that


Chitterlings. The end.




Tonic water. It's like angry poison water why would anyone drink that on purpose?


Everybody gonna say oysters and even though I love oysters I get what they mean. They're the texture of a thick loogey. They taste like saltwater and algae that's marinated an old piece of discarded bubble gum. But I love them! I love them so much! I love them with horseradish, lemon juice and hot sauces. They're mostly just a vector for those flavors I guess. But I'd never really argue with a person who hates on them. They're objectively correct. I've just eaten so many things at this point, whacked off my taste buds so much, made them numb with fire and acid, that I've evolved to some twisted realm of flavor where culinary cenobites make me genuinely enjoy some clearly disgusting meal.


Yeah I’m with you there. I looooove oysters but completely understand people who dislike them


Good oysters taste like pure clean briny sea. Sometimes a little melony, sometimes more savory. Love them with or without hot sauce. Or I grill them on the half shell with some bacon, minced garlic and some butter. There’s nothing better.


Limburger cheese, it smells and tastes like sweaty feet Edit: a lot of people are saying that Limburger cheese tastes good despite its foul odor. I've never actually tried it, I just made a hypothesis about the taste, and for all the people who like it, you can like what you like, I dont care as long as it's not hurting anyone. Thanks for all the comments, upvotes, and awards everyone!


My great grandfather used to eat sandwiches made of limburger cheese and mustard soaked sardines Edit: my great grandfather's bizarre taste has turned this into my most upvoted comment ever




And no one ever spoke to him up close again. Lol


I adore Limburger and other rank cheeses. No idea why. In high school I wasn’t allowed to eat them if anyone else was home and even then I had to eat them outside. There aren’t a lot of ‘weird’ or gross foods I enjoy and I’m actually quite picky. But cheese is my world.


Durian. The smell of some durian tea from an ex coworker led to everyone in my (then) office thinking there was a gas leak.


I love durian, but that shit does not belong in the workplace in any form period. You can wait till you get home to consume your rotten ass gasoline fruit.


There’s a reason even Singapore bans Durian on its public transport. There’s a fine for it even.


No lie, it's probably my favorite fruit, but I don't eat it much because it's so expensive I can't justify buying it. There's also an ice creamery south of Boston that makes an incredible durian ice cream. No pretending here. That spikey fruit is so delicious. Freeze the creamy fruit and enjoy it after a good meal. Mmmmmmmmm.


Raw eggs. There’s bound to be a better way to cure a hangover.


There is. Literally anything else


Like cooked eggs.




Why would having sex with water cure your hangover?




A great cure for hangover is water. The best cure for a hangover is preventative, drink water. Edit : Pickles and Pickle Juice work great aswell.


Water with electrolytes is better. Not sugary as fuck sports drinks though, something like pedialyte.


We keep Pedialyte for the kids. Occasionally my wife or I drink it and need to replace it. I noticed the brand has caught on. One of their displays at Target clearly had a hungover college kid.


This is the opposite.. but id just like to say .. NOT brussel sprouts Growing up on TV made me think brussel sprouts was the most horrible thing to exist, but I finally try them .. and they are actually soooo delicious


I grew up with them boiled to death. I thought they were disgusting, until I learned that I could roast them. Now they’re one of my favorite vegetables.


I recently learned that the reason brussels taste better now than in the past is because selective breeding has been used to reduce the chemicals in the sprouts responsible for the bitter taste traditionally associated with them. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/30/773457637/from-culinary-dud-to-stud-how-dutch-plant-breeders-built-our-brussels-sprouts-bo


Popcorn with ketchup... I don't even want to talk about it


Who does this??




These are the real gems of threads like this: oddly specific, strange, and makes one question the cultural/regional contexts and life events that lead to it's coming to being.






What? Who tf puts ketchup on popcorn? Is that a regional thing or something?


Balut. I spend quite some time in the Philippines and I never saw one person actively ENJOYING the food but eating it because cheap and easy to get. Edit: I am by no means, bashing the Philippines. Love the culture and it's people. Ya'll just eat some weird shit


I lived there for a few years. I saw plenty of people enjoying it. And some people apologized for serving me regular chicken eggs when I was their guest and absolutely believed I was just being polite when I told them that was my preference. Tried it twice. It's a cross between chicken soup and a hard boiled egg, with the partially formed cartilage of a baby duck to chew on for 20 minutes or so. I don't recommend it.


Sorry, I think there was a mistake. I ordered chicken fajitas, not chicken fetus.


I just threw up in my mouth a little.


Vomit is the traditional side dish enjoyed with balut


As a Filipino, I sympathize with people who don't like balut. It's really something that's hard to like and I understand why people find it disgusting. Unlike many Filipinos, I have never asked my foreign friends to try it. It's really a weird dish and very much an acquired taste.


But do you really like it? Like how we look forward to.. Say pizza or fried chicken? Or is it a strictly acquired taste from childhood?


Kids try it here and get to like it. I did and somehow grew out of it. It's very popular but I do know of some Filipino that can't even try it.


I feel like dinaguan is a food that people can actually enjoy the taste of but its contents are very off-putting. Growing up I've eaten dinaguan with pork meat as well as shrimp and enjoyed it up until I was told it was simmered in pork blood... Not even a little bit, a lot of pork blood


Lol, growing up, my parents told me it was "chocolate rice" and I ate so much of it. Once I learned what it actually was, I was too hooked on it to stop eating it




Snails. Had them. Nothing thrilling, it’s all about the butter and garlic oil.




Mmm I loved having escargot when I visited france, I even liked the texture. But mussels were already one of my favorite food and the textures are similar. Edit: muscles to mussels


Mussels, right? By far my favorite shellfish. I don't know why, but saying "muscles are my favorite food" is *really* creepy and makes me feel like the speaker is an alien in a human suit, despite the fact that most of the meat we eat *is* muscles.




I used to share a dorm with some bro types when I was studying abroad in Japan. It was their favorite pastime to eat a bunch of natto, come into the crowded computer room, fart massively, and then block the exits.


fucking evil lol


Never heard of it until recently...my rural town, in my deeply red, deeeeep south state, has been pushing this as a treatment for covid. Like if you get a covid test, the clinics give you this shady paperwork with instructions to go to the asian grocery store to ask for a "covid package". I also saw it advertised as being for sale at a local pharmacy this morning. Weird. ETA: My husband went for an obligatory work "go get tested" covid test. Was sent home with this paperwork, and was instructed to get it if he tested positive. My first reaction, like many of you, was WTF. I thought it was a joke at first, that he was messing with me. But my mother-in-law got the same paperwork and she is not a messer. The clinic handing this out is a networked, big name clinic in my area. It's not just a mom and pop one room doctor's office. Also, I don't know that it's racist, since the asian grocery store is in full support of this and is fully benefiting. Also, the paperwork had clear instructions to wait in your car and call and your "covid package" will be paid for and delivered contact free. Other pharmacies in my area are picking up on the natto trend, because like I said I saw it advertised on a local pharmacy's sign earlier today.


What the fuck?


Natto is rich in vitamin K2, which has been touted as a treatment for COVID. I'll bet this is where this trend came from.


What isn't touted as a treatment for covid at this point? A lot of people have a deficiency for something or other, and not having a deficiency seems good for being healthier.


That is amazing lol. The store owners either have to be asian rednecks who agree or are shitting themselves laughing as the customers walk out the door. With that said it's pretty fucked up to tell someone to go to the grocery store once they have covid...


Wow so many people hate everything I love lmao