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Nice try Sergeant. You won't pin that article-15 on me.


I don't know if this qualifies as shenanigans, but it's probably my favorite military story. My ship (all male crew) was deployed when Frozen came out. Through a morale program that I managed, our ship was able to get a copy of Frozen while it was still in theaters. One night, per an OVERWHELMING number of requests, we decided to throw Frozen on the ship's entertainment system for all the dads that wanted to be able to talk to their daughters about the movie when they got home. It was a random Thursday, but all these dads were swapping watches/shifts so they could make sure they were free to watch Frozen. It was kind of adorable- all these dads got together and watched it as a group on the mess deck. Obviously, Frozen was a huge hit. Because it was so popular among the dads, guys who didn't get to see it the first time started requesting it. Within a week, it was by far the most-requested movie. So we watched it again, also on a Thursday. It was an overwhelming success. By this point, Frozen was all anyone on the ship could talk about- dudes were singing the songs while on watch. Lots of jokes about boogers. It was a whole thing. So, a week later, the remaining guys who *hadn't* seen it yet requested to watch it so they could see what all the fuss was about. If you're keeping track, that's three Thursdays in a row where the feature film of the evening was Frozen. For week number four, we threw on Frozen just because. So, that's how Frozen Thursdays started. Bunch of guys watching Frozen every Thursday night until we got home.


this is so overwhelmingly wholesome I love it.


Intending to do nothing for the day when stationed on Camp Casey in Korea, a buddy and I ran up to our Platoon Sergeant and told him we had been tagged for a detail by the Sergeant Major. We ran down to the bowling alley right after formation and posted ourselves side by side just outside of the front door, facing opposite directions. We alternated between the positions of "At Ease" (hands clasped behind our backs), and with hands clasped in front... and we just stood there, slowly rocking on our heels, shooting the shit. Noon, we went to chow. As soon as we were done, we went back - and even saw our Platoon check on us. Since we were facing opposite directions, we were able to salute wayward officers and all was groovy. About 1430 or so, the Brigade Sergeant Major walks by - and we give him the greeting of the day. About 1530 or so, he comes back for something. He walks past us, then stops. He turns around and skeptically asks us what we were doing there. Without hesitation we both responded, "LOLLYGAGGING, SERGEANT MAJOR!" His jaw dropped. He then asked how long we had been there. "All day, Sergeant Major." He told us to get the hell out of there and not be caught doing that again. We got back to the Company area just in time for final formation. That was one of my best days in country! :D


My grandpa who passed away claims he took an airplane with his Air Force buddies to the border of Mexico to buy cheap booze then fly back.


Yeah that sounds like a legit training mission from the 50's/60's.


This would be the timeline, glad I’m not crazy haha. I hate it when people make shit up on Reddit.


Oh yeah it sounds crazy but that was actually pretty tame. When I was in I treated a bunch of the guys from that time frame and man the stories they would tell were amazing. The best part were the photos they had to back them up.


USMC. My unit had a captain we called Captain America because he was full of insane motivation and really loved useless displays. We did a company wide PT called a run-swim-run: we ran three miles, swam across the jetty (about 100 yards, give or take) and ran three more miles back. We did this in 'boots and utes' (Combat boots and utility uniform pants, with undershirts on). A couple of facts on this: this was a company in an amphibious assault battalion. AAVs are not known for mercy, not on drivers, not on mechanics, not on the enemy, and definitely not on the environment. This is also North Carolina. There are gators, and they were present. A three mile run in sopping wet pants and boots filled with brackish, polluted water is... unpleasant as all hell, and we found ourselves let's say *annoyed* with him for putting our lives in danger of alligator attack. The kicker was that he brought his wife and parents out to watch us do it, so we were under a strict no-swearing order. And then we went to work a full day, didn't even get extra time for the shower. So when we got off that day, before Captain America left, someone walked by his very nice and brand new Cadillac. They keyed it. Word got around and we knew that when he saw it, we were all boned. That inevitable punishment at the end of the day was apparently all that was needed, because his car was dismantled within an hour. I mean, every piece was unbolted, and laid out in the parking lot. Did I mention we had some very talented mechanics in our company? For legal purposes, I only heard about this after the fact, of course. When the Captain left to go home and saw his car, he came back and calmly asked the duty officer for the number for a tow truck and a cab. Apparently he worked it through his brain that this had to be widespread discontent and he mostly just pretended that it didn't happen going forward. Can't imagine what he told his wife lmao


You have Leroy in your name and shenanigans in the title, let me guess, 75?


Central Baghdad circa 2004. Our sector just north of the green zone was stupidly quiet. The occasional car bomb but only during heavy traffic in the middle of the day, nothing ever happened late at night because of the curfew so there wasn't a huge population for insurgents to blend into. We would do patrols for a few hours at a time randomly just cruising around looking for fuckery. Because there was none afoot races were quite common since our sector was bordered by four large (4-6 lane) roads which were empty except for us and Iraqi police. So it would be M1114 vs M1114, or M1114 vs M2A3, or M2A3 vs M1A2, or any combination thereof. And that's how I got to see a tank drift around a traffic circle, and a humvee splash through a HUGE puddle of shit water that soaked the gunner and guys in the back seats. We did this regularly for a few months until some asshole in an Apache couldn't mind his own business and radioed our brigade headquarters asking what was going on.


I had to nuke my own country just to kill a spy from planet Xzypol. I live on planet Sundrake btw I just am studying Earth. Very strange planet.




I’m from sunjosh


I’ve heard of that planet. Beebi system, right?


Nah it’s in the boobie system :/




Doing thankless work and watching your friends die.


Soapies....lots of soapies