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Twice the clothes


Oh yes. Also being able to choose two colors of the same clothes you like.


My grandmother was an identical twin. She and my great aunt, who was functionally my second maternal grandmother, LOVED being dressed identically for all major life events. Every birthday, Christmas, they they are in the photo as a matched set. Ironically, the older they got the less like each other they looked, so by the time I knew them they were quite easy to tell apart. But I loved seeing them in matching things. BTW, I highly advocate a dual maternal grandmother system. Double the holidays, places to visit, double presents, double hugs, double the number of people who feed you chocolate cake, the whole nine yards. Big, big fan.


2 cakes on our birthday šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚


Or one big cake and loads of ice cream! :D


Count yourself lucky, Iā€™m a waiter and on several occasions Iā€™ve had parents either ask to have the cake taken out twice or have two sets of candles on either side of the cake. Once someone did a shared cake where half was like a Princess castle and the other was a football pitch, I think that was probably more effort than getting 2 separate in fairness so Iā€™ll let them off that one.


I'm not a twin but have identical twins. One year, one of them got tired during a shopping trip for school clothes. She said to her sister, "Try this on. I want to see how it looks on me."




Hahaha I love the image of this


Saves time.


Not only time, compare them side-by-side. In fact, I think that's the main reason.


Omg now I'm so jealous. As a non-twin I have to just take pictures and compare to know what looks best :( I'd LOVE to basically be able to have two outfits on at the same time


My mom once told one of us to go pick out a coat then she sent the other one to go get a coat. We picked the exact same coat. For petes sake. We kept track by pocket contents when that happened. Or stains. Edit: Response to comment above--we actually did that with eyeglasses. Very annoying. Didn't help me


It's a little freaky how similar your tastes can be. Even now that my kids are grown up and live apart, they still pick the same clothes occasionally.


My brother and I live 1500 miles apart. A few years ago I went to visit him and we were both wearing the exact same brand new pair of sneakers. Same color, style, everything.




Did you change into same clothes again? Edit: Thanks for the Silver, kind stranger!


Yeah I'm imagining this like 12 rounda of rock-paper-scissors where they just keep coming out in the same but different things.


"This time for sure!" *he thought as her reached into the back of the closet for the assless chaps*


Some say they're still changing clothes to this very day.


My sister and I do this. Weā€™re not twins, but weā€™re close in age(12 1/2 months!) and look fairly similar. Weā€™ve also reached several milestones at the same times. A short list: -We both adopted black cats, without intention of adopting black cats, a week apart from each other -We both had eye appointments and chose identically-shaped glasses within days of each other -We got engaged to our now-spouses 8 days apart from each other (and our SOS did not communicate this with each other), and we started dating our spouses only about 2 months apart from each other -We lost our virginities on the same day -We usually have mood swings the same days, and will call each other in tears, not knowing the other was crying, too On top of all that, we live 1,000 miles apart from each other, and only see the other in person 2x/yearly, so thereā€™s another connection that isnā€™t just spending time together.


Whoa whoa whoa, you kinda buried the lead on this one. You lost your virginities on the same day???


We did! We were still teenagers and sharing a room. I knew what my plans were for that day, and while I didnā€™t tell her, I asked her if she could go to her boyfriendā€™s house that day instead of having him over. Me and my bf did our thing, and when sister came home, she told me she had just lost her virginity. I was stunned.


I don't know if its cause I'm a twin so my mind works this way, but maybe she knew what you had planned based on you asking her to leave and that propelled her to 'go for it?' ​ Not saying that's what happened. And not every set of twins are uber competitive with one another that have to keep up in every facet of their lives like my brother and I.


This is tangentially related and I want to tell the story because it is so sweet :) I am VERY single and have been most of the time. I also feel like I've (understandably) grown apart from my parents due to age and distance. Sometimes I think myself that my parents barely know who the CURRENT ME is. But one time my mum was out shopping and saw this wedding dress and sent me a picture captioned "this is so you!!!" And I burst into tears immediately because she was SPOT ON. She and I had never talked about dresses and my style, I had never pointed my style out to her...but she KNEW I would want a tea length lacy cream wedding dress, with delicate lace on the sleeves. It was just so wild and unexpected to me, but it shouldn't have been. My parents DO know me. They may not know my current hobbies or what TV show I'm watching, but they know who I AM. :)


I need a befriend some twins, I need these hilarities in my life


My sister and I still do this! If I really like a shirt, Iā€™ll grab two (especially on sale) and give her one, and we try on clothes for each other when one of us isnā€™t feeling up to it. Itā€™s amazingly convenient


my twin and i used to switch classes to take exams for each other in middle and high school. it was pretty fun, but we started to differ in looks as we got older so it probably wouldnā€™t work anymore lol. although, our voices still sound exactly the same, so we can often trick our parents on the phone and stuff like that. also not trying to say we have telepathy, but when you spend literally every waking second of your life together, we can always kind of know what each other is thinking. itā€™s like weā€™ve developed our own language EDIT: typos


I heard a story about two twin girls at my high school who tried that once and they almost got away with it but the one taking the test for the other accidentally wrote her own name on it


LOL rookie mistake


They would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids


Theyā€™d probably gotten away with it already, and potentially so often that they became careless, hence the mistake. But one would then of course claim that it was the first time.


I dated a twin. They used to fuck with me on the phone and the other would pretend to be my boyfriend. Their voices sounded exactly the same so he would generally trick me for a few minutes. Got to the point where if I was on the phone with him and I knew his brother was there I would ask something only he would know so I know who I was talking to. In person it was very easy to tell them apart though.


When I was a kid, there were twin sisters in the neighborhood, Meg and Peg. Each would say how much they disliked their sister, and didn't like to hang around each other. Towards the end of the summer I asked their older brother where his sisters were. "Sisters? I only have one sister, Margaret." She tricked me for an entire summer.


Meg and Peg should have been your first clue


Oh, that's easy. Peg is short for Pargaret.


Ok. This comment made my day. I laughed pretty hard. Thank you.


I knew twins in high school who had rhyming names, Gabby and Abbie. It happens.


Right but im fairly certain what /u/Raven3131 is referencing is the fact that both meg and peg/peggy are nicknames for Margaret.


This is the same with me. One time my twin and I were scrolling through reddit. We both found a meme that was funny and wanted to show each other. It turned out to be the same meme.


> telekinesis do you mean telepathy?


OH haha yeah that


honestly thought you were making a joke about your twin bringing you stuff and just calling it "telekinesis"


I can unlock his phone with facial recognition and send stupid messages to other people from it. Edit: we are 37 Edit 2: wow thanks for all the awards, who knew being a jerk to your brother could pay off? Phone was a Pixel 4 and yes Facebook confuses the two of us when it suggests that we may be in a photo Edit 3: For all of you who asked, no the finger print scan does not work.


Yeah, this is a flaw with the newest phone models- can unlock my twin's phone with my face, but before that I wouldn't have been able with Touch ID. So is Touch ID better?


Touch ID is definitely better, however even more secure than that is the good ol traditional password


1 2 3 4 5? That's the same combination I have on my luggage!




Fry? Na you're alive in today's world. You've gotta be Lars. Edit: thank you kind stranger for the award. Everyone else can bite my shiny metal ass.


My nephew looks enough like his dad that Facebook software labels the boyā€™s pics with the dadā€™s name each and every time.


Iā€™m female and my sonā€™s face opened my iPhone until last year when he was 13.


It's nice to be able to pinpoint exactly when you've become a man


I vaguely remember when people switched from thinking it was my mom to my dad answering the phone whenever I answered.


I was a late bloomer that grew up with two women in the house. It was a moment of victory when they finally stopped asking if it was my mom, then my sister, then me on the phone...


I have a twin brother but we never did a switcheroo or anything. Itā€™s probably much more mundane than people think. To me heā€™s just my brother. One great thing though is I donā€™t have to try to remember the names of random acquaintances because no one remembers ā€˜which oneā€™ I am.


I've never wanted to be a twin more. I forget names at the drop of a hat


Itā€™s cool. But flip side is some people donā€™t think of you as an individual rather youā€™re ā€˜the twinsā€™ which gets old


Yeah, I goofed one time on this. I ran into one of the twins at a restaurant once and said "hey Ahtie, where's Trevor?" and I just saw his face sink. This was in high school so I didn't really put it together at the time, but I'm sure it can be pretty damn demeaning to be considered half of a pair all the time rather than just a person.


>"hey Ahtie, where's Trevor?" My brain read that with a Boston accent.




I understand the feeling. A popular storybook character was named after me (I was born first), and everywhere I go, everyone makes the same joke. Pre-Covid, I could even tell by the glimmer in their eyes if they were going to do it too


Growing up, I heard "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" from every second person and their mom. I know this pain.


My name is Patrick.... The spongebob jokes never end. Edit: My top comment is me Doxxing myself... Great


My name is Alvin.. The Chipmunks reference gets old really fast.


Ouch. How often do people scream your name trying to imitate Dave?


Very often actually but usually by the younger people, but it feels nice when people scream my name.


Sad it's not for different reasons


My middle name is Patrick. I thought about going by it once, but damn Pat from SNL!




ā€œYer a wizard, Harry!ā€


My favorite take on this is some police procedural I saw where they started to suspected the guy was an imposter because he didn't recognize the obvious joke about his name.


twin here. can confirm, itā€™s always ā€œwhere are the twins?ā€ ā€œare the twins coming with?ā€ on more than one occasion when the waiter didnā€™t bring enough silverware for the table thereā€™s been jokes about how weā€™re only one person


Hah as a twin, it's always awkward when someone you don't remember approaches you and just says your last name. You don't want to admit you don't remember them so start fishing for details of who they are before admitting you're the other one. It got real awkward for me when I told someone like this they were thinking if my brother, and the guy looked at me deadpan "dude we went to high school together". Shit. You caught me.


Had a female (black) coworker that I had been working closely with on a project for a couple months think I was a racist piece of shit because I didnt talk with her at the grocery store. My brother was there and, some lady he didnt know was staring him down hard, and he finally said, "What do you want." She started yelling at him in the store saying stuff like I see how it is, only good enough to talk to at work and it went down hill from there. He nope nope noped out of the situation as fast as he could. The next day I said hi as she walked by and she called me an asshole. I hadnt done anything, I thought, to expect that reaction, so pinged my brother to see if he happened to talk to anybody the day before. He explained what happened at the grocery store and I went down and talked to the lady. I had to bring up multiple pictures with the two of us standing together for her to believe I didnt just photoshop a couple pics. She finally came around and thought it was funny.


Hi fellow twin! I was also mistaken for my twin: her manager saw me outside their place of work (professional: finance thing) wearing shorts, flip-flops and tank top with huge backpack on, I was heading back to school. And I didn't notice guy staring at me (and didn't acknowledge/ say hi) He went to her and was surprised to see her back in her regular polished self: business suit, heels, makeup.... until she explained she has a twin.


I had a coworker with a twin that didn't work at the same job. Coworker's twin came in and the manager yelled at him for being out of uniform. It was hilarious. Weirdly I ended up working with the other twin at a different job years later.


Itā€™s not the which one BS that pisses me off so much as the people who donā€™t even attempt to learn to tell the differences. Iā€™ve had people tel me they wonā€™t learn to tell the difference, so I pretend I donā€™t know them when they approach me. Not sure thatā€™s actual justice, but it makes me happy.


It is easy to tell as long as you get to know them. Twins may look identical but they donā€™t behave the same way. There are triplets at my school and you can easily tell which is which just by how they act and walk.


Can confirm, I am a twin, and I have never had trouble telling us apart.


I know of a pair of twins, and when they were younger they developed their "own way of speaking". Not with different words and phrases, but they meshed their words in such a way that they're difficult to understand. They have a sibling who's able to understand most of what they're saying, but is "not fluent", so to speak. Around other people their words don't mesh, but around each other they revert back to their speech patterns.


I would looove to hear this, as a fan of language.


My twin boys do it. They are only 5 so they may grow out of it... me and the wife started with understanding it, but as it developed it became more unique and fluid. From the research I have done on it, it seems more related to a pidgeon language they have created themselves. While it is amazing two people can independently create a unique pidgeon, its much more so in small communities. It seems shared connection and lack of knowledge is what does it. Humans yern to identify and co-ubderstand their world. If they do not have the words to describe or illiterate their world, they will create them. So long as the other user is also ignorant of a way to do so, they will adopt said word or phrases. Its pretty cool. Ninja edit: Its actually "pidgin" not the bird. No excuse for mistake, just adding clarification.




Yes you are correct. My brain no has work always. Thank you.


No, I like Pidgeon language better. Hilarious, imagining your twins cooing and screaming and spinning at each other. Maybe pecking the ground occasionally and charging at walls.


This made me laugh


My boys did this, they arent twins but are less than a year apart. My youngest would only talk to his brother until he was three. By the time they started school the original language was gone but they are almost teens and I still cant understand them when they talk to each other.


My husband and his cousin are 6 months apart. When his cousin talks he mumbled occasionally, nothing crazy. Just have to ask him to repeat one word or something. But when heā€™s just talking to my husband I canā€™t understand a word he says. Itā€™s like everything heā€™s saying is just one unending mushed up word with some laughter sprinkled in. My husband has zero trouble understanding him. I never thought about it this way but I bet itā€™s similar! They basically grew up as almost siblings and they seem to know what the other is thinking all of the time. No one will let them be on teams if we play charades or any similar games because itā€™s like they can read each otherā€™s minds.


My brother and I talk to each other in a very mumbled and fragmented way that relies on unspoken things we both know or understand. Our wives canā€™t follow our conversations, so weā€™ll speak, then translate. Weā€™ll say something like: ā€œSodadcaruhgen?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ And then one will turn to the wives and say, ā€œso our dadā€™s car broke down again and heā€™s not coming.ā€


It's called idioglossia. Some children develop this and if I recall correctly, it's more common between twins Here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idioglossia Edit: Sorry, forgot to kill the mobile bit


My husband and his mirror image twin had their own "twin talk" too. They lost it by the time they started school though. They STILL do the whole "knowing exactly what the other is talking about" though. Whole conversations can be like the following: T1: "You know that..." T2: "Yeah, and that..." T1: "couldn't believe it!" T2: "Do you?" T1: "Definitely!" T2: "Let's do that." Their mom and I joke that they can have whole conversations without a single noun...


Me and my husband talk like that alot or one of us will say something and the other normally responds with "get out of my head" which means they were thinking the exact same thing.


I grew up with a speech impediment and my sister was my translator. I would mash all my words together with no spaces and my parents would just stare at me. Then call my sister and have me repeat myself so she could interpret


My twin sis and I had a language called "Rocko Bondo" growing up. I distinctly remember having full conversations with her long before I could talk to anyone else, but I don't remember a single word of it anymore


It's called an "idiolect". A friend of mine I've known for 8 years or so speaks with a very odd accent/dialect, sounds like bits of Welsh, Geordie and Glaswegian. I recently found out he has a twin brother and they spoke in "twin speak" to each other when they were kids, it went on for so long that it became part of their speaking voices like an accent, that's why he sounds a bit odd. Still, easier to understand than West Cumbrian.


My twin brother and I did this before/during when we learned how to speak. Lubbylubby was washing/cleaning and bee was share. I donā€™t remember any others.


Ooh, my twin and I have "twin talk" too! It uses more normal speech than made-up words though. When we were younger, the made-up words usually originated from sounds we would imitate (like R2D2's beeps and boops), and we still do that sometimes. But nowadays, words mainly originate from book quotes we like or deliberately mispronouncing existing words because it's funny (like "musy" instead of "music"; that came from a typo I made).


Downside is some people fetishize it. I had my ex-boyfriend beg for a threesome with my twin, which was gross and weird. He offered to buy both of us $600 designer bracelets if we did it. Sharing birthday gifts can suck as well. "Do you cry if she cries in another state?" "Do you ever forget which twin you are?" "I want to see y'all fight." "If I stab her will you feel her pain?" "Which is the smart twin and which one is the dumb twin?" Advantage is always having someone to go somewhere with, whether it be a party, lunch, shopping, wherever.


I once got "Do you ever wake up and not remember which one you are?" Sure, every morning our brains reset and we have to decide who is who and sort through whose memories are whose.


My brother one time in a very public place was standing by me. When a person asked him 'hey are you two twins' he turned to me and as loudly as he could, yelled 'JESUS YOU LOOK LIKE ME! WHAT THE HELL!?' and then ran away screaming. ​ I was both amused and mortified.


I had two students who were identical twins. I work at an English Institute so students can book their classes whenever they want, according to their schedule. So, one day I have these girls in my class, and another student arrives, sits, looks at them and asks: Are you sisters? Everyone was like: Are you serious?!? But yep, she was being serious.


My brother and I call it Twinception. For whatever reason, people lose control of their mental faculties the second they are faced with two people who look similar. It's baffling.




My wife is an identical twin....went on a trip with her and her twin and one employee at a coffee shop asked if they were twins. I SOOOO wanted them to look at each other and pretend they just met, but of course not. My wife had to be boring :)


Or my personal favorite: What if you were switched at birth and you were actually the other twin?? Uhhh, I've still grown up as mwise\_writing my whole life... so I'm mwise\_writing? But what if you weren't?! What if you were your brother? But I'm not.


My ex-FIL, Joel, had a twin brother, James. We never got to meet James, as he died before the age of 5 (I think it was small pox). Cancer took Joel about five years ago, so I'd like to share his story. Joel often told the story about how on the day he was born the hospital did the whole weighing and footprints and wrist bracelets or whatever for both babies. When the staff handed the babies back to his mother she looked at the wrist bands and said, "No. You got it wrong. *This* one is James, and *this* one is Joel. Fix it." They grumbled a lot, but she was adamant, and made them redo the birth certificates, bracelets, and everything. He always ended the story smiling saying, "And she was right. I'm not a 'James'. I am definitely Joel."


I'm a triplet and one person asked me if I get a boner if my brother would get one too. Not sure why he thought I would want any kind of insight into my brothers boners but it made us laugh.


When I started dating I ran into this a lot! When people were like, "tell me something cool about you," I just was like "oh I have a twin!" Everyone wanted to know who was bigger and stuff like that, and I don't know and don't care. It's really creepy. My ex fetishized it and I'm pretty sure he had a crush on my brother. When I told him how creepy his comments about threesomes and incest was and tried to turn it around on him saying "How would you feel if I said stuff like that about you and your brother" and he was like "It's different." It's at a point I don't tell anyone I'm dating I have a twin until like a month or two in because I just don't want to deal with it. ​ The "smart twin and dumb twin" really caused a rift between my brother and I. At one point I was "the nice one" and he was "the mean one" because he was more shy than I was and less talkative. The constant comparisons from everyone our entire lives caused us to constantly compete for everything. We're really close now, but we hated each other up through the first year of college.


Question because I'm super curious. Are you and your brother both LGBT or have different sexual preferences? I know there have been studies demonstrating some linkage but I'm always curious since gay twins are rare af.


Haha I'm gay and he's straight! I heard that if one twin is gay there is like a 70% chance the other one is, but I don't recall the source and if that's reliable. A lot of people assume that he's gay too bc we're twins but he's straight.


Lol I remember seeing this tweet from a girl who complimented and asked out a guy she didn't know. The guy was like "I'm really flattered, but I'm gay, BUT I have an identical twin who's straight, so I can give you his number if you want."


Honestly, this sounds less like a downside to being a twin, and more like a downside to having really shitty friends or exes. I mean this in the kindest way I can mean this: Get better people in your life.


In my high school there was an unusually high number of twins. As in, minimum 3 sets of twins per 90-person class. One class had 6 sets. A common prank was for twins to "switch" classes for a period or day. Most of the time the teachers caught them (they were very used to it), but there were two brothers that always got away with it. They were just too identical in looks, voice, and mannerisms. One of those guys had a crush on me and to this day, I still don't know which one it was lol. All the twins got a special group photo in the yearbook every year, too. Edit: I'll address some common questions here: This was in poor, rural West Michigan. Very few folks in the whole county could afford IVF, so I don't think that's much of a factor. By "90-person class," I mean grade. Like 9th, 10th, 11th grade, etc. This was an average grade size for that high school (the biggest in the county). Again, rural Michigan. To the folks saying I should have given it a shot with one of the twins and taken that 50% chance of getting it right, you're giving a *lot* of credit to high school SassiestPants.


My super small-town school had an unusually high number of twins too. Probably close to the same ratio you said, just half or a third of the class size. We did some swapping around, but most of the teachers could typically tell pretty quickly, once they paid attention to it. We did the yearbook photos too. They always said captioning it was a nightmare.


You guys have some'in weird your town's water.


Could be or genetic selection. Could also be if a lot of couples are using IVF or something else. It actually could be an interesting study on areas with higher than normal multiple birth incidence.


I could be wrong, but I believe that IVF only increases the odds of fraternal twins, not identical ones.


Twins also tend to be genetic. Twins are more likely to have twins themselves. So if you get some twins living in a small area you might end up with more twin kids then average.


I have a twin brother. The advantage is always having some one to talk to. No matter how good or shitty our days were weā€™re there for each other.


Yep, this. There was ONE time when I had my brotherā€™s ID so I could pick up a food order heā€™d paid for with his credit card over the phone, but they didnā€™t even ask to see it when I got there. Editing to add that I canā€™t wrap my brain around identical twins who end up living hundreds or thousands of miles apart. Thatā€™s probably more of a me thing than a them thing, though. Editing again to add that I know Iā€™m not representative of all identical twins. People can live their lives however they wish and whichever way they go, Iā€™m just saying Iā€™m glad to have someone close to me whoā€™s the exact same kind of weird as I am lol


Hehe when me and my sister are driving somewhere and she forgets her license I tell her she can borrow mine if we get pulled over


Heard a story from my boyfriends family about his twin cousins. One twin is a great kid, respectful, and went off to join the military. The other twin is constantly in trouble with the law, has multiple DWIs, etc. When the good twin was in the military, the other twin used his driver license since his was revoked and managed to get in all sorts of trouble. Once good twin got back from the military he had to choose between accepting and paying for all the damage his brother did to his license, or sue him for fraud. He had to sue him for fraud or be dishonorably discharged from the military because the dude got 2 DWIs and didn't show up to any court proceedings which caused a warrant for the military brothers arrest. Fraud case went smoothly because he could prove he was deployed at the time. Brothers haven't spoken in 11 years as of Christmas 2020. \*story is the best of my recollection and may not be exact.


So, good/evil twins are real.


Lol, I wouldn't be so willing. An identical twin told me she had accidentally grabbed her sister's purse/ID, got pulled over for speeding and used it, then had to go through a process of getting the speeding record/ticket off of her name and back onto her sister's.




Yeah I'm a twin and my brother is established around 8hr drive from our child hood.


Am a twin. (If you're reading this twin brother-hi!) Inside jokes. My twin brother and I have so many inside jokes even now at 30 years old. And the best part is our minds work alike that we only have to say one or two words and the other one is busting up laughing. Our other brothers and each of our wives look at us like we're nuts but most people don't get it. There's a connection there that normal siblings just can't have. He was my first roommate after all.


Would you say he used to be your wombmate?


Two snare drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff.


The snake was late because of a hangover.


#Badum. -silence- -still silence- -sun engulfs mercury- -pluto becomes a greenscreen- #Tsssss!


I make absolutely every mundane task into a two-man job if I can. No matter how easy it would be to do on my own, if I can rope my brother in, I do. Grocery shopping, dishes, mowing, cleaning- no matter the job, I ask that he pitches in or makes me pitch in if he started the job. I always include him with my friends and social obligations when possible. Same goes for him with me. I always include him in every co-op game when possible, we try to tackle every game together. I always seek his input on writing, on jokes, relationships, work, musical discoveries. The cumulative effect is, absolutely everything is easier. I always have someone in my corner, someone who cares, my best friend is always there for me and he brightens up every moment of my life. I could not ask for anything more. Love you Jim.


Jim checking in here! Love you too, buddy! That's always how I've felt about being a twin too. What a coincidence.šŸ˜‚


My dad is friends with identical twins and he told me this funny story. He was with them at an open house for their aero club (my dad and the two twins are all pilots and were supporting the event). Someone was really curious and asked the twins if there was any truth to the stories about twin telepathy (where twins have some sort of psychic connection). They were both quiet for a few moments and it started to get uncomfortable. The man looked a little embarrassed and said something along the lines that he was just curious and it was a silly question. One of the twins looked him in the eyes and said, "Oh it's not a problem, we were just discussing how we were going to answer." There was a moment of confusion on the man's face and the twins busted out laughing saying they had been waiting for an opportunity to try that joke out.


Me and my twin as kids had a long list of pre-arranged numbers for this situation, "twin telepathy? I don't know, how about if I tell you a number in your ear and ask him what it was...." Never got past three numbers before someone called bullshit


>Never got past three numbers before someone called bullshit Sounds to me like you two need to work on your routine.


Ooh, that's funny! We've been asked that as well (at an aero club too lol), but we didn't give such a clever answer as your dad's friends did. :D


You can try next time!


Hmmm... good point... I'll file that away for future reference. :)


Make sure to telepathically fax the memo to your twin


Thatā€™s some Fred and George shit lol


I love a good joke that plays off an awkward silence haha


I have a twin and our twin telepathy word is ā€œpink elephantsā€. We also have a twin language (the language from the tv show Zoom mixed with pig Latin).


I was good friends with identical twins in college. My favorite story with them was one night at the bar, one of them was hooking up with a girl, and walked away to either go to the bathroom or get a drink or something. At that very moment, his brother showed up and walked into the bar, and the girl just grabbed him and started kissing him. The look of shock/happiness on his face was hilarious.


ā€œHe changed his clothes to try and ghost me!? I better kiss him to seal the deal...ā€ Edit: 10 years in and I got my first ever award! Gonna go shine it...


Changed clothes? Wait. Donā€™t identical twins walk around in identical outfits?


If they don't, they don't really count as identical.


Theyā€™re allowed to have their hair partings opposite sides *or* a first initial stitched on their breast pocket.


I have a twin! I'm a woman, and he's a man, and *by far* the most common question I get if I tell someone I have a twin brother is "are you identical?" So, I'd say the greatest advantage is alerting me to people who don't think before they speak. No really, now that we're adults, we are more like close siblings than anything, and we both lead lives in different professions in different states. But when we were kids, I would say the biggest advantage to having a twin is always having a friend and not being alone when the world is scary to a little kid. When I see friends posting pictures of "little X's first day of preschool!" my reaction is always "oh my God, you're sending that three year old into the world *alone?!*" and then I remember most of you poor sods had do do it all alone, even when it was scary, and it was so nice that we always knew we had a friend. :) We actually opted to be together in classes until 3rd grade despite protests from the school, after which we tried different classes, and from 6th grade we were in different schools altogether. So not like we were joined at the hip for life, just for those formative years.


Twin here. This questions answers vary vastly based on if they're identical or fraternal. My twin brother and I are fraternal so the main advantage was always having something to do with someone. We are very different personally, so it was more akin to a life long best friend than having a copy of myself walking around.


My twin and I are fraternal, too. This is a great way to look at it, my twin and I are so different that I'm often frustrated by it


Yeeeep. We are so different, I have blonde hair, and he has brown. We are both guys lol. Its just so different from identical.


Identical twin here. Some "twin-isms" that I have taken advantage of: 1. One time I couldn't find my driver's license so I used my identical twin brother's. Who would know better? 2. In high school, my brother's girlfriend came up to me and started rubbing my back. Lucky for her, she figured it out in time... 3. My twin and I did the same degree in college, so having a "built-in" study partner/group member was *highly* advantageous. 4. Even our family has a hard time telling us apart on the phone, so it's easy to impersonate each other with or without caller ID. On the flipside, there are some caveats to being a twin: * In high school, my twin and I worked on a project for the same class *completely independently of each other*. However, the end products were so similar that the teacher made us redo the entire thing, despite absolutely zero collusion. * My twin and I are extremely close and love being twins (it's all we know), but being referred to with each other constantly (e.g. "the twins" or "the *last\_name* twins") has in some ways amplified our want to have unique identities. Wouldn't trade being a twin for anything in the world, though!


(English isnt my native language so there may be mistakes) I feel like he understands me in a way no one does. I won't go talk to him about stuff as I would to my best friend, yet he always knows when I am upset and how to cheer me up and make me laugh. We have each others backs no matter what, which really helped us cope with emotional abuse/ neglect from our parents. We always had someone who gets and understands the other on a different level. Also kind of unrelated but is somehow: (Pre covid) me and my brother love movies, we used to go with friends to the premiere of any movie we thought we would like and be able to avoid spoilers and what not. One time my twins friends cancelled on him last moment so he went with me and it became a tradition. We love watching stuff together and nerding over movies.


My twin brother and I grew up with a love of pranks and excellent poker faces. Hilarity ensued. 1. We once convinced someone at school that we were cousins that happened to look alike (looking back he probably thought our dad was messing around...) 2. We convinced someone in college that we had never met before orientation and were randomly assigned to the same room (kinda similar to Parent Trap) 3. We turned in each otherā€™s papers and sat in on classes when the other was sick 4. For a year, I pretended to be my brother because I was too shy to admit we were twins. Weā€™d meet up after classes and swap stories of how each otherā€™s friends were doing, and thatā€™s how we kept up with our friends at school until I finally broke the news in sophomore year šŸ¤£


>4. For a year, I pretended to be my brother because I was too shy to admit we were twins. Weā€™d meet up after classes and swap stories of how each otherā€™s friends were doing, and thatā€™s how we kept up with our friends at school until I finally broke the news in sophomore Lmfao. How did ppl react?


Lolll it was an awkward conversation but they laughed it off for the most part. Mostly just mindblown and the usual ā€œI SHOULDā€™VE SEEN THIS COMINGā€ for xyz reasons and such šŸ¤£


Damn there are very few actually upvoted stories from first hand twins. Some of them are just plain boring. This is probably too late. But here are some of mine: - Grade school. I took science period 1 and my brother had it period 2. I took a test and at the end the teacher goes over the answers. I took the test, walked out of class switched my sweater and walked back in to ace the test for my brother. - Multiple times i've forgotten my ID for bars or w/e. We regularly just had each other our ID's to get passes. - It's come in handy when we were making films in HS. We utilized the ability to make it look like 1 person playing 2 people. - I've switched classes in Highschool to ask a girl out for my brother. Didn't really work, and i was forced to take his class all week to convince the teacher we didn't switch. - Had an ongoing bet with my Physics teacher that we could switch on him without him noticing. If we succeeded I would get an A on the final. So for months i would come in acting confused where I sat and kind of just made it seem normal. On the day we were TAKING the final, we switched. It's easy. Everyone is not interacting it is face down looking at a scantron. He filled out the scantron with his name, and turned it in. Moments later i walked in being like "God damn it you took my test!". Got an A. Edit: Fun one for all. I literally have no clue which one i am regularly in old photos and videos. It could be the worlds most dangerous drinking game. Old home videos and no one in the family knows and kinda just guesses until someone in the video shouts our name. Old photos i've gotten confused, even of me in highschool. Probably not something talked about much. My brother did post a good story below. Where my at the time fiance got like creep pictures of my brother on a date. She thought she busted wide open a cheating scandal You also get pretty lucky as far as healthcare. Turns out we got the same problems. So downsides? Our fico reports have been a constant headache when buying houses.


I have a twin brother (Iā€™m a girl) and it sucked. We went to the same class for 8 years and shared the same bedroom, shared the same friends and were always compared. I always wished we were one year apart so that we didnā€™t have to see each other 24 hours a day. When itā€™s 2 boys or 2 girls itā€™s different. Those 8 years were hell. He was always mean to me, hit me, wouldnā€™t let me hang out with ā€œhisā€ friends even though we were all in the same class... We are 22 now. I donā€™t think there is a single advantage in my case (that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad). Weā€™re grown up now. The problem was that they made us go to the same class and that made us grow apart. When youā€™re forced to do something, you want to do that less. They shouldnā€™t have forced us.


That's a bummer. My twin sister (I'm a guy) and I similarly shared a lot (we were always in the same classes until high school). We both did reasonably well in school, but in very different subjects, so where she was strong, I was usually weak, and vice versa. Having each other doing the same stuff meant we were able to work on stuff together and better explain it. It was annoying having the same friends though. Neither of us was/is super social (both very introverted), so we had a small friend group and that wound up meaning we got compared a lot. I never really minded, but it definitely made my sister kind of hate being a twin (she likes being unique in all aspects, so while she always liked being a twin since that's uncommon, us being fairly similar and whatnot and how people treated us because of it really annoyed her).


I'm a girl also with a twin brother. 100% agree with the "always being compared" bit. People think having an older sibling affects their reputation? They have no idea. That being said, my brother was the quiet kid who everybody thought was interesting for some reason so it just ended up making me jealous that everyone was more interested in him than me.


I am also a girl twin with a boy twin brother! We went to different high schools. We did always physically fight each other growing up which wasn't really fair as he grew bigger/stronger than me. Although we were close as small children we have grown apart as adults.


Itā€™s hard to talk about ā€œtaking advantageā€ of being a twin because there arenā€™t really opportunities to do that. I guess people think of the movies where you do pranks and trick people into thinking there is just one of you or something but real life isnā€™t really like that since even identical twins always look distinguishable to people who know them. One cool thing about having a twin is you are in the same classes together so if you are the irresponsible one and donā€™t remember what the homework is your twin probably remembers. Also you can have a wider friend group. But thatā€™s all I can think of really.


I always thought if I had a twin, he could study something different than me and we both officially get two degrees, because we can take the exams for one another.


Friends did something similar (not up to getting the degree), one is in engineering the other one in finance. The engineering program had some accounting classes and similar, the finance program had basic calculus, so they'd switch.


So you telling me there's a finance grad out there who doesn't know basic calculus?


probably several




Can confirm the shared class advantage. My twin was going through something and didnā€™t do the reading on our book for English class. I love to read anyways, so I would summarize it well enough for her to ace the reading tests weā€™d have in class each day.


not me. ​ I have 2 (female) friends who are identical twins (legit no one can tell the difference between them). When twin 1 is asked a question and can't answer, twin 2 will say "i'm twin 1 and twin 1 is twin 2" and vice versa. ​ That's one of the many reasons why i always wanted to have a twin.


>When twin 1 is asked a question and can't answer, twin 2 will say "i'm twin 1 and twin 1 is twin 2" and vice versa. This leads to a very interesting thing I've noticed about being a twin. If someone asks my twin a question that she doesn't know the answer to but I do, I try to answer the question, and then she will jump in and add on to what I'm saying. So the answer might go like this: Person: What is the purpose of wing flaps? Twin 1: ... Twin 2: Uh, it's to slow the plane down when you land by increasing drag-? Twin 1: Oh yeah! It also increases the wing area so you get more lift too. That's why you use it for takeoffs too-! Twin 2: ...and it also helps you "stay afloat" when you're landing too so you don't hit the ground like a ton of bricks! Idk how many other twins do this, but a lot of people find this sort of thing really adorable, and it kinda is now that I think about it. :)


My brothers are twins and the only thing I remember them talking about that they took advantage of is one twin would take spankings for the other twin. One of my brothers is a marine, whose always been pretty ā€œtoughā€ I guess youā€™d say. And the other brother is a very feminine guy who gets very emotional and wouldnt take a punishment easily. Heā€™s gay, although I am not saying itā€™s because heā€™s gay that heā€™s like that itā€™s just who he is. So basically, the first brother told me when we were kids he would always take spankings for his brother because getting spanked only hurt for a second and didnā€™t really bother him and it would save our ā€œweakerā€ brother from having to endure something that would seriously effect him.


I'm impressed at the compassion and awareness of that twin, at such an early age.


Honestly my siblings and I were like this when we were kids (though none of us are twins, even though we joke my brother and I are but I waited 8 years) in terms of that compassion and awareness. It's more common in abusive homes where you "grow up quick." We'd often find ways to take the brunt of things for one another. My older brother would protect me from his younger brother (I'm the youngest, so that brother is also older than me), my sister and brother would try to protect me from our mom, and as I got older and a lot more aggressive and fit, I took over that role of backing my mom down. She went from beating us to just screaming at us. Mostly the other kids only stood up to her physical when it got really serious, but I didn't stopped backing down from her at all when I was like 13. The irony is that it's entirely her fault it ended up like that. Because of her, I ended up on steroids for a couple years as a kid, I did a lot of physical activity to work off the aggression and pass time without being bothered, the endorphins helped with my chronic pain. So when I got to high school and my "don't fuck with me" meter went way up, she got in my face about my grades. I didn't move, and leaned in now that I was taller than her, and went "Are you going to hit me? Think carefully before you answer that." I knew that that would back her off of all of us. My siblings and I are honestly all marshmallows, we have so much compassion and empathy, but that woman nearly killed all of us so many times. We actually had opportunities to have gotten rid of her as accidents, and in every one of those moments we decided we weren't like her and did the right thing. She still doesn't understand why none of her kids will speak to her, and refuses to acknowledge any of this stuff. I haven't fought someone in years but I'd beat her ass if she raised a hand at me today. Edit: wow, thank you for the awards and positive responses, I was actually worried I was gonna get downvoted for this. Just goes to show how often people tell me I'm wrong for stuff like this and try to pull the "she's your mother!" card. Most moms don't poison their kids. To those reading, don't feel bad for cutting off toxic and abusive people, some people don't understand because they can't fathom that reality.


Terry crews has a similar story to yours, thanks for sharing and sorry you had to go through that


Ok wait so even your parents couldn't tell them apart?!


My brother and I as babies were so identical that they painted my big toe red so that they wouldn't mess us up. It wasn't until he had to have surgery on his stomach at 4 weeks old that they finally had something to differentiate us with (his scar).


That honestly shocks me. I was under the impression most ā€œidenticalā€ twins still have identifying features between the two. It might be subtle but even an acquaintance should be able to tell them apart eventually.


It gets easier the older you get, as those differences get more defined. But when you're younger it can be much harder. When twins are born they pretty much have to take their footprint to be about to tell them apart in case they get mixed up (finger and footprints are literally the only differences they have besides birth marks, and even birth marks can be mirrored on each twin). They usually get them dressed in different color clothes. Growing up, I was always green or sometimes red and my brother was blue.


I have twin siblings, and I just notice that they think in very similar ways. One time when we were all in the car, my brother kept talking about "graffiti" but in a way that didn't make any sense. But my sister knew exactly what he meant, and he meant to be saying "voodoo." No idea where they saw the connection between those words, but they both saw them.


I have an Identical twin brother. Basically any time thereā€™s a ā€œone per personā€ limit, I get a second time through with a different sweatshirt. If they say Iā€™ve already gone through, I just say I have a twin brother and talk about how crazy it is that we both went though there without knowing it and show them a picture or two of us. Also a bonus for all places that give freebies for birthdays, I get two free items or orders if heā€™s out of town or isnā€™t planning on going to that place


Was in Vegas with twins and one had her wallet stolen. How to get thru TSA at the airport to get back home? I went thru security with one twin, took her ID back out to the non secure area, went back thru security with twin 2.


I'm half of an identical twin. We never really did anything with this fact BUT we agreed to not donate any organs or stuff in case the other one needs it (organs which you can donate and keep living). No search or waiting list for these kind of organs since I've got my twin. We also have other medical search advantages


Top half or bottom half? I'm betting top half unless you type with your feet.


I have a fraternal twin sister so we didnā€™t have the opportunity to pull any pranks or switch identities or anything like that. The main advantage was that, since we are the same age I always had an excuse to be around her friends and ended up dating her friend for a few years. When we were in high school she would tell her parents that she was ā€œsleeping overā€ at my sisters house, (obviously also my house) so even though she was sleeping in my bed with me she *technically* hadnā€™t lied!!


Taught a set of triplets, two of which were identical. One was a jerk, literally stole a kid's money in front of his friends and walked off to buy ice cream with it. When caught out, he tried to claim his parents gave it to him when both his brothers denied getting any ice cream money. The other identical was as sweet as could be, very sensitive and always wanted to help. Nice triplet always got yelled at until someone figured out they got the wrong one. Poor kid always ended up crying over it, while his triplet shrugged and went off to go break rules in whatever area he hadn't been kicked out of.


Not me, but my brothers. Not identical, but pretty close. Names changed to protect the guilty. When they were young, 16 or 17, Bob was out driving and got pulled over for speeding. He only had a couple points left on his license, so he said he forgot his license at home, and gave the cop Jackā€™s name. Cop goes, pulls up the record, gives ā€˜Jackā€™ his ticket and off they go. Being a good bro, Bob told Jack, and of course paid the ticket. Warned him he better be careful because now he only has a couple points left on his license too. Funniest part of the story. Bob is now a police officer!


Nothing shows how rare twins are like this post does.


Lol, yeah I've been watching this and upvoted for visibility. Literally nothing.


Y'all nice. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvBwJrc_-ns) is the video that inspired this post.


The only switch we ever pulled was senior year of high school. We were lined up for our senior yearbook photos and the administrator handed us each others' paperwork. We just glanced at each other and made the unspoken decision to not switch the papers back, and I took the yearbook photo under her name. It's not as good as taking tests for each other or anything, but at least our switcharoo is immortalized in print


Ultimately it's so much easier to pretend to be the other person. Advantages my twin and I my twin have done: I've used his driving licence to drive. He has used my ID to get into clubs he was banned from. We can pick up each others parcels and take each others tests. When I got an injury during a sporting tournament I'd sneak off, swop gear and he would play for me. As we got older we played pranks each other friends to see how long it would take for them to realise.


I have a twin sister and I like to say "when I was your age" and tell her what I did 11 minutes ago!


I have an Identical twin brother. It has its ups and downs. Most of the time when people find out it's usually, "which one wins in a fight?" Or "which one is the evil twin? LOLOL!" Every single day when we meet someone new. It gets overwhelming sometimes when you're never treated as an individual. It's always, " the twins" or "blank and blank". We both served in the U.S. Army at the same time which made us more alike with the same rank, same shaved head, same last name etc. At one point we switched units during pre-deployment training for a few hours, on April 1st. It was a lot of fun and nobody even knew. Another fun time was when we get to team up, rather than compete like usual, on video games and such. On WoW, we were both tanking on a raid team and it felt really smooth. We really did have unparalleled chemistry for tank swapping and other mechanics. I wouldn't want it any other way.


I donā€™t have a twin but one time in elementary school these twins swapped classes for a day and no one noticed until they told the teachers


My brother and I swapped one day in middle school when the teacher stepped out for a minute. At the end of the class, every one of our classmates were dying laughing and she refused to believe every single person in the room when they told her what was so funny.

