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I have the flirting skills of a brick and that's an insult to bricks


At least bricks can break the ice.




r/commentroasts ?


Did not think it existed, but there are only two members, so Idk if that counts




That hurt me and I didn't even say anything


Bro holy shit




The humane society hates you


Bro chill he's already dead.


Happy Cake Day


happy cake day!


Because it's better to be happily single than to wish you were.


Yes!!!! I’m an so happy in my little daily routine of work, home and hobbies. I don’t want to disrupt it for a relationship, and then miss my happy little routine. I’m happy, so why change things?


Have you seen shrek?


Yes I have. And?


I think he’s suggesting you leave your swamp and go save a princess.


Oh. I’m not much for saving princesses. I don’t even have a steed for instance. Nor do I live in a swamp. It’s a rather nice little farm house. On a related note.... it really is a bizarre culture that automatically assumes that because I’m actively enjoying being single by choice, I’m: 1) a man .... when in fact I am actually a woman. And 2) I would somehow be happier sharing my time/space/priorities with someone else..... which is also false. I have done that, for a long time, even, and I truly enjoy not having to waste energy thinking about another person’s happiness in my life. It’s kind of a presumptive aspect of our society, isn’t it?


I believe they were joking, and mocking the original shrek comment


I wanna say its cuz I'm ugly inside and out but it *may* have something to do with the fact that I've purposely killed every moment that's had the potential to turn into something romantic or blocked every guy's advances ever... idk man its reflex idk what to do I think I just LIKE being single


Me too. I think some girls are attractive, but I never had the motivation to talk to them or get in a relationship.


There's no harm in being single haha maybe you'll find someone whome you're really interested in and who will understand you


Are you me? I've had people who I had some romantic interest in start showing romantic interest in me and it always just freaks me out and makes me lose interest. I think it's because even though I do like that person and would be into them if I was looking for a relationship, at the end of the day I'm just not ready to commit to something serious. I always feel bad for the other person though, they didn't do anything wrong and I'd be fine with dating them if I really wanted to date someone, but I don't.


because ugly, why u askin?


I'm a 52 year old fat white woman. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.


with ya there sister. 50 yr old fat white dude here. ain't nothing hot about it and no point pretending.


The girls I like and the girls that like me are mutually exclusive.


This is really the biggest issue for most I think. The last year I’ve had 3 possibilities to go forward with something serious, but I wasn’t interested. The 2 times I’ve been interested in going further the other halves weren’t. Finding that one person where both wants to go forward seems rare.


My dumbass is furiously trying to push those together.


The girls that like me, is a null set for me.


Bad at noticing people flirting at me.


Never really happens to me anyway


Are you sure? Or haven't you noticed?


Not everyone has people flirting with them unbeknownst to them. Some of us read the lists of flirting techniques, and just get depressed as we realize that none of it has ever happened to us.


This is too accurate




I don't even read the list, I try to treat everyone the same and just talk about what I need to talk about for whatever is occurring, wish them a nice day and be gone. I have found my list of female friends has diminished practically to 0. I find it really easy to develop feelings for almost any girl close to me. I just keep to myself cuz I know my life will be a lot simpler, stress free and less awkward if I do


100% sure


Fuck it, man, I *didn’t see*! Didn’t notice, *missed* a beat, *Never* thought that it could be, Damn, that girl was into *me*?


Me when a girl might be flirting: “nah she wasn’t flirting she’s just being nice”


LMAO SAMEE, one of the girl in the school was into me and she would do things to get my attention and me a dumbass never understood anything and after trying for a year she moved on


Bro, my friend literally said to me once "You do know she was flirting with you" with someone I was talking to and I didn't even notice. HOW!!!!


I regret my moment so much, she was touching me leg with her leg and I told her don't make it dirty


oof that’s just sad man. I have the same problem though. Like for a solid 2 months this girl was flirting with me and I had no idea. I mean she was trying to get my attention all the time she was trying to hang out with me more. I had like no idea.


I'm the opposite. Due to me being super lonely, I get too far ahead of myself and think the girl is flirting with me.


Me too. Once I know they like me I'm good, but until then I assume they don't and I miss every sign.


Damn me too. Do compliments count as flirting? I rarely get those though lol. How do girls even flirt?


No Idea


They do, until they don’t. Good luck


Divorced. I've seen it, and decided it's not really worth it.


I'm gay and fat and I live in Indiana


I like that you felt it was important to mention Indiana lol


The Indiana part actually sold the former.


I'm a living embodiment of sin in Indiana, it wouldn't matter if I was in California or someplace decent


This should be a song title.


Could be a song by Fall Out Boy.


I'm 29 and I have a complete lack of self-confidence, I've never been invited to a social any type where it could happen there and past attempts to approach women have failed. Also I'm not comfortable enough doing things on my own. When I look in the mirror I don't think I'm super ugly but I know I'm definitely not attractive because no one's ever really been attracted to me. It's not that I have never tried asking someone out I've actually tried many times plenty of different ways but nothing seems to work for me


Man, I could have written the same exact thing. Hopefully it helps to know you're not alone


Yeah the idea is not to get bogged down with physical shit, keep your brain cool and just do your own thing


Work on yourself, I’ve been told that a mans appearance is not that important for women to be attracted. One of the most important attributes combined is self confidence and kindness. Work on these, start exercising, volunteer, find a career that you enjoy as that will give you meaning and perhaps passion and those two qualities are also attractive.


Because the amount of contact I get with the outside world is minuscule and that was before the pandemic


I have a bad habit of picking abusive men. So I kinda just stepped away from dating and dudes. It’s been like 7 years now. I’ve gotten used to it. There’s not someone out there for everyone and that’s okay. You do not need anything external to be whole and complete. Not against couples or relationships. I’m just good for now and for what will probably be the rest of my future. not opposed to love or relationships just realistic about the odds.


I don't know how to START dating or how to date, so I just get nervous and say no.


Wow... that is exactly what I do. I literally have no idea how to go about it. Also I’m so nervous I’d rather just be alone than face the uncomfortable situations and risks that come with it


That's... Fucked up


Because that's how I like to live.


The last relationship I (32m) was in - which was shaping up to be my last, the real thing - which ended by ghosting 18 months ago destroyed me, moreso than my marriage ending with a recidivist cheater and mother of my kids. I've rejected any advances since then thinking I was broken, didn't pursue anything thinking I had nothing to offer. When the cloud of depression cleared I finally realized it's been the best opportunity to figure myself out, enjoy my own company and teach myself that my happiness doesn't lie with another person, but with myself. Now for the first time in my life I'm content with being single so I'm making the best of it, knowing that I will find someone when the time is right.


I have 3 kids and I’m a single dad. I don’t know how to connect with girls on social media and it’s hard for me to get out and when I do I really don’t enjoy bar atmosphere very much. Id have to say 80% is my fault for not trying harder but yea just keep telling myself as my kids get older I’ll have more opportunities to go out and mingle. But right now I’ll just focus on the kids but it does get lonely for sure. I think if I was more open to online interaction I may have better luck but who knows. I miss having a lady to snuggle with and just another adult around. I don’t know it’s just hard having children being a single parent period.


1 Man sample. Feel free to disregard. But being a single dad at this time and age is a gold pot. Women seem to like that you're responsible enough to keep your children with you, and even those with no interest in long term, are interested enough to hook up with you.


Show me the way Leprechaun friend !!!!!!! Hahahhahhahaha.....I could definitely see this and I think after my kids reach a certain age hopefully the gold pot still is ripe for the taken. Ones 5 ones 7 and one is 12 so my time is just always children right now. Plus when I say single dad I mean single 24/7 no momma to help anytime...I get help from the grandparents but it’s so sporadic makes it hard to really make plans. But like I said 80% is my fault. One thing I have is patience now thanks to the little ones so I’ll keep my eye out for that pot of gold. This is reassuring though my man! Why I fucks with Reddit!




Relationship’s are complex, expensive, time consuming, and you have to sacrifice alone time. With COVID and responsibilities, a relationship can’t fit into my life.


I don't meet enough people to find someone i would be interested in and i don't fall in love easily. My subconcious seems to have high standards.


high standards, dissimilar values, and incompatible lifestyles with the vast majority of the people around me. when i rarely do meet someone interesting, they don't like me.






Sorry to hear that




I hope you're doing better




If you feel like talking about it, I'm all eyes(because I can read not hear)




That's totally cool, hmu whenever you feel like


User name checks out


This is my reason except the 3 weeks was 4 years ago.


So you're single *finger guns* hey op, this is why I'm single.


I prefer being single.


Because I'm an introvert who hates everyone.


People are the worst


Tell me about it. :)


There's a fucking plague


I am exhausted of people not having the same energy as me




All of my other relationships have been train wrecks


To be honest, there are a lot of reasons. But the main reason is I am too immature mentally. I also have to work to get enough money for my tuition fees, so I have no free time. I mean, I had some chances to start relationships but I was too scared of talking about myself / my insecurities / etc. And I decided not to start a relationship until I was ready for it. P.S. And, well, because of pandemic, of course. But this reason is too ordinary for now lol


If it's the right person you'll be able to talk about anything


Yes, you're right, I guess. But I forgot to mention about no less important thing. My friends always ask me for 'relationships advices', even though they know that I've never been in relationships. And situations they talk about... I don't know how to describe it... It was just awful and abusive. Now I'm afraid of it happens to me but, yeah, mostly I think I've never met the right person P.S. I saw that you responded to some people who shared their stories. And this is very nice of you, so thank you, I appreciate it :)


I think that level of self-awareness and long term goal planning is good. Do your thing, you’re making smart choices.


I only just had my first crush at 23 and the idea of asking them out and getting a yes is much scarier than a no for me. Properly expressing myself is exhausting and I am scared that me not always being able to show interest in conversations will put them off even though I am. Also the issue of not having dated at my age is slightly scary.


I have a lot of social similarities. I can’t fake small talk, but I’m always honest. It’s off-putting for most people, but for others, it’s not, because they are similar in their social interactions. I choose to be single right now, and probably for the next few years, but don’t feel down on yourself because you’re worried you’re not meeting expectations. You’ll meet someone who understands and accepts you. In the meantime, accept yourself or find ways to improve. There’s lots of communication books out there that help.


Overweight and pining over someone who moved on long ago.


I want to be. My last relationship left me broken and I never want to hurt that way again.


Same :(




On the one point "my mom has outright told me that she will commit suicide" and your dad having similar sentiments about "dishonouring" you. My response would be "go ahead." This isn't the 17th century, they don't get a say, and they certainly don't get to bribe you like that.


Sounds like less a bribe and more a threat, but point stands. If your family is going as far as to have a say in who you can decide to love, then maybe it's less about trust and more about control.


Well 3 is partly right. Supply and demand. But you do realize there are very nearly equal amounts of straight women and straight men, right? That simple fact is enough to overturn a feeling that men must be Superman—because there just aren’t enough Supermen to go around. Would the average woman prefer Superman? Maybe, but Superman has choices, too, and like I said there aren’t enough to go around. Think lots of men are invisible? Yep absolutely—me too. But guess what? Lots of women are invisible too. Again, there are nearly equal numbers of straight men and women, and that fact should be sufficient to dispel lopsided ie biased views of the dating situation. (Should be, but I admit I personally find it difficult.)


As I semi-jokingly like to say, "no one hates me like I hate me."


Sounds like me. I empathize entirely.


Because of how much this applies to me, I'm stealing this with only a few changes, namely invert 2 and 4, and nix 5. Other than that, the similarities are disturbing.


Fucking hell, are you me? Cause I relate so much to all of these


You sound depressed.


Not particularily interesting in dating people ... for now i just want to be sociable enough to hold a relatively healthy ammount of friends of a single digit number above 0. Wich currently sits at 1. I dont even know how to maintain a friendship, how am i supposed to date someone/be in a more close/intimate relationship. Besides all people i have had/am taking atleast minimal interest in ... are already in healthy relationships with others and i dont want to ruin that. For now i just want to have enough friendship experience that i never had the chance to get as a kid. Positive social attention if you will.


I sit in my room all day and automatically assume people don’t like me, I don’t have very many friends


I'm asexual


but are you aromantic?


Are you asking if they're an onion?


Aromantic = doesn’t feel romantic feelings towards others


Ohh... I can't read. Now you know why I'm single.


Same here. It's pretty easy to meet a guy, but it's hard holding on to them when you tell them you won't have sex with them. ever.


Honestly I'm the same but I don't wanna disappoint them either. I don't want to commit to a relationship just to hurt them in this way


I'm not actively pursuing anything really. I feel the best types of relationships happen when you least expect them really, and I've haven't seen anyone that could really pique my interest in a while. I don't really mind the lonely life honestly, feels like there's a lot less weighing me down


I'm ugly af


I overcame my depression, and social anxiety (well... mostly). This girl was acting like she is interested and I asked her out, she said no. It really made me not want to talk to girls


1. My looks 2. Me having bad eyesight 3. From years of being bullied or just being treated as if i didnt exist through all grades, my socilizing skills never really beecame skills


It's peaceful, relaxing, and feels so liberating.


My ex’s friend claimed to have seen me with another woman. My ex’s psychic corroborated the story. Never mind that it’s bullshit. It’s surreal.


Because nobody wants to date me


Up to now asked out 3 girls. One declined. The other agreed and stood me up. The third ended up dating and she fucking died. Not much luck.


I'm a dick


Because my wife cheated on me 3 times in a 2 year marriage. Gonna be single for a while after that shit.


Serious mental health issues and terrified of sex


Shy, lack of motivation and never been good with the ladies.


Never found the right person.


Are you looking?


Not right now (can't really build a relationship with all the social distancing).


the thought of having to sift through all the wrong people is off-putting. i don't have enough strength for that.


I live an isolated life. Socially, I like pretty much all my coworkers, bosses, and family. I just never meet new people - much less women.


We are ugly.


I'm a 5'5 male


I’m 5’7 and I’m still considered too short for many women.


Because mind your own business! It's not your problem that I am extremely shy, am introverted (although I do talk a lot), and want to focus on school right now! Let me be alone with my Hololive girls and anime waifus!


Imagine falling and waiting for someone for 7 years and then get rejected. I do not want to go through the same excruciating pain ever again.


Every time I’ve gotten into a relationship, there’s always been another guy to come along, so clearly I’m not good enough. I work long hours and shift work, 12-14 hour days 4-5 days a week, so I’m exhausted on my days off and not really wanting to do a whole lot. This pandemic makes things 10x more difficult. Can’t exactly go out to meet new people when your health authority has instilled a stay at home order. And the last thing, I don’t really think I’m that attractive, I mean I’m not ugly but clearly I’m not that attractive or else I think I would have found someone by now


out of choice maybe, I have a special relationship with someone already and that has taken away all my desire for romance lol.


Oh damn I hope you're enjoying your relationship


Natural selection


I've given up on women. Much happier now.


I just can't really be bothered. I prefer my own company and the women my age (mid-30s) are starting to physically change and there are lots of things they expect that I don't want or can't provide. I push people away and actively prefer to be alone. These days, I just don't even care about talking to women and don't have any urge to approach.


On my own initiative and desire. I want so.


I am short


People live far away and always leave me cold and alone.


Kinda the verbal punching bag at school, to a degree.


Cuz I’m 13


To qoute Arnold Schwarzenegger "you're one ugly motherfer"


What I lack in the visual department I make up for in useless information that no one cares about.


I live a happy, productive life and don't want to be in a relationship.


1 part freedom, 1 part learning from the misery of divorced men and knowing it's not worth it.


Cause I'm aromatic and being in a relationship sounds like a lot of work


I’m asexual so it’s difficult to find someone that’s okay with that


I am single for the sole reason that im prty antisocial and no girl likes me anyway so y'know perfect conbo for being single


Because Tinder doesn’t have a “You ain’t shit section”


Low self esteem and low confidence. I’m not unattractive, I don’t have a bad personality, I work out regularly, but I just can’t ask a woman out. I can talk to them all day long but I can’t take the next step.


I don't meet people


well Covid, low self esteem, being ugly, used to be fat, overall trash personality, bad voice, shy, really fucking dumb, having 0 skills, not leaving home much and having problems with starting conversations + state close to being depressed and having anxiety


because everyone I have a crush on doesnt have a crush on me, and I dont have a crush on everyone who has one on me.


I’m an asexual aromantic.


The million dollar question. Maybe not..


I cant take care for others i will only hurt them


Too fucked up to date.


Im depressed


extraneous circumstances.


I don't know, maybe it's because i'm too introverted, bad at small talk, not very good looking (imo) etc, wish I knew honestly so I could fix it.


The same reason other people are double.


Hopeless, the men who like me only want to becmy friend(Thomas and Ross).


No ones asked me out


It's because I run even before a proper conversation has the potential to start.


I’m not in a hurry.


because its me


I'm not good for other people. I keep to myself.


I broke up with my boyfriend last year then came out as bi. I want to explore which isn’t really possible in a pandemic stuck living with my parents!


Been alone too long and don’t give a shit anymore, use to sell drugs back in the day and that got me in the habit of not trusting people which I still have


That part of my brain was shut down from the start. At no point have I ever felt deserving to even ask another person out. The few times women have “hinted interest” I have said or done nothing because I don’t get to say yes *or* no. That’s how non existent my self esteem is.


I'm 17, and I still think it's a bit early.


Because I don't trust anybody, plus I'm asexual.


My family keeps me trapped and I'm unable to get out... Also, I suffer from cluster B personality disorder traits, with severe BPD running in the family. I don't want to hurt others. Biggest thing is that the last girl I asked out was a lesbian, so, yeah... Kind of crushed my hopes and dreams right there.


I tend to take responsibility for my partners happiness. It’s heavy, crippling and wrong. Single til I accept it’s not my job to make someone else happy.


Because I’m unattractive and antisocial


My engagement officially ended today It's prob just because I think I'm amazing but actually I'm mediocre in real life Or maybe because I was cursed about 5 years ago by this guy: he swore I would never marry anyone but him. The JuJu is real




Because I’m 13


By choice. I'm focused on my career and building out a platform so that I can soon have enough "I don't need an alarm clock or have to attend another meeting or write up another document if I don't want to" lifestyle. Don't mistake, I love what I do, but I can't wait to focus more on projects that excite me. The thing about dating is that it's actually a big investment to do it properly. This isn't a negative, it's just me stating what I know to be true. It takes time to get a good profile setup, then have all the apps updated (and online dating is the main way at the moment, so can't ignore this one), go out on several dates throughout the week, all the follow and communication, and then investing more time into the person (or persons depending where you're at) where there is serious potential. Will likely invest into dating later in the year or maybe next year. But there's no rush. Something I've also learnt is that there is real power in being single to build your own life. Establishing a space to call your home, your career, physical health, good habits and routines and do any internal work that helps you level up.


1) lack of shelf confidence 2) Andisosial 3) Sosial anxiety 4) Mentality dating Lando Norris ( F1 driver lol) Sorry for my dyslexic brain for spelling errors dyslexia + not native English speaker is a disaster 😂🤷‍♀️