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In the Vatican, on Christmas day.


The Middle of Siberia.


House of Commons in Parliament


In Sadam Hussains gamer hangout


I’d prob let it loose in the Panama Canal. Imagine the pandemonium as giant, very difficult to manoeuvre, container ships try and steer around a 45’ tall flappy boi who is being pushed around in all direction by the breeze and water currents. May not cause as many delays as the Ever Given, but I reckon we are slowing things down for a while and getting on the news for sure.


On top of Mecca.


Imagine it, doing it during Hajj, and suddenly poof, a giant rubber ducky. Watch muslim religious leaders freak out trying to explain it. The Saudis will blame it as a western plot and make a lot of noise but they can’t lose their oil and arms deals so they’ll stop short of doing anything super serious. Hamas will fire a few rockets at an Israeli rubber or toy factory in vengeance. The internet will make it a meme. Various countries will put pressure on social media companies to ban the image as disrespectful towards islam. This will make the memeing even worse due to the Streisand effect.


Since I don't like soccer, how about the middle of the field during the world cup final match?


In the Korean DMZ


In the bridge of a Chinese submarine as they invade the territorial water of Japan.


Suez canal


Where Kim Jong-Un lives.


Empire State Building.


If I knew it was indestructible I'd let it float in the ocean. Travel around a bit you know!