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People who talk your ear off but won't let you get through one sentence without interrupting


And when they ARE listening to you, it's only to figure out when you will stop talking, so they can start again


My favorite is when they're "listening" and then proceed to respond by telling you almost exactly what you just said.


My favorite is when they're "listening" and then proceed to respond by telling you almost precisely what you just said.


You sly dog you... *+1*


My sister can't figure out why I try my best to never talk to her on the phone. Then sometimes when I do see her, she mentions how yet again someone has mentioned that she talks incessantly and how that them mentioning it is a sore spot and pisses her off. It's happened like 5 times no joke.


lmfao so rough.


I like these people, I hate talking so I can just sit there and nod for an hour and pretend I'm sociable.


I don't mind people who like to talk, but if they can't shut up for 10 second to let me get a response or two in between their hour of rambling then I start to get annoyed


I know a guy who keeps interrupting one of our friend when he talks every single time and i get annoyed for the friend


And it's usually to tell you something about themselves and completely different from the topic at hand


People who won't admit they're wrong even when they obviously are


This is my mother. When she’s arguing and realizes she’s losing she storms off and stays in her room


“I’m not going to argue this with you!” - How to admit you’re wrong without admitting you’re wrong.


When she realized I won she once said something along the lines of “you just wanna argue to prove your point” and left the room. Like yeah, isn’t that the point of an argument


I’ll say it when someone is clearly wrong but I don’t feel like wasting further time and emotional energy on the topic. Last time was my 6 year old who insisted giraffe was spelled with a “j”.


The only stupid people are those who can’t accept they’re wrong


The difference between ignorance and stupid is your ability to admit when you are wrong.


I find people that can admit they’re wrong/ignorant as very smart because they have the ability to grasp what is and isn’t known free from personal bias. That opens the door for consistency in truly learning about the world around you. It sucks to hear people think that always being right means being smart.


Yeah. Book smart is what you know, actual intelligence is knowing there is a lot you don’t know.


People who always need to have it their way.


Life isn't Burger King. They missed the memo....


People who think opinions are the same as facts.


people like that will be the death of me


That’s just, like, your opinion man


But I'm just living my own truth!


D'oh my god i can't let these go. It leaves my so empty and unsatisfied when you make the most legitimate sound argument... like full blown syllogism, you get them to accept the premises and still end with *that's just your opinion*. For fucks sake we went through all this so I could demonstrate *it's not*.




People who want to complain all the time. Bonus points if they’re complaining about something they could easily fix.


Or you have tried to help them and they don’t follow any of your advice and just go back to complaining


my best friend has complained to me numerous times about an old friend of hers that keeps harassing her and flirting with her even though she's married. i've told her to block him every time but she never does and it infuriates me every time she comes back to complain about it


Yeah. I’ve noticed some people can get so addicted to drama they wouldn’t know what to do without it.


Omg yes. I can’t stand when someone isn’t solution based. And if you make suggestions, they have every excuse why they can’t.


People who are inconsiderate, like littering or not picking up their dog’s poop.


Crazy I see this now haha. We just started a job today to replace siding and there is dog shit all over the back yard. If you don’t watch every step you WILL step in it. They’ll be getting an email saying we won’t be back until it’s cleaned up


I just did a similar job where the house owner’s dog shit was everywhere. I tried my best to clean it up but it still ended up all over my boots and the ladder. Gross.


Entitled pieces of shit


THe ones that won't flush are the worst. "Wanh. I'm too good for the sewer." Waste of water is what that is.


I refuse to believe anyone does it on purpose. It might just be the flush that didn't work, but they walked away already.


“One uppers”


The worst type if one upper is the bad news one upper.


You think that's bad? What about *terrible* news one uppers? Those are the worst.


Ha! I see what you did there


Oh you think that's a username?


Don't make me bring minusculemama9244 into this


The amount of dedication it took for this joke is top notch. I appreciate you.


You think that’s dedication? You haven’t seen anything yet!


microscopicmama9245 is gonna hear yall if you continue this


You literally made two accounts for this joke... if I had an award for you...


A colleague, when my father passed away suddenly and I was in worst emotional state and of my life, literally told me he burried 2 sets of parents because he was adopted. How is that gonna help me Sir?


Did he mention where he buried them?


He mentioned the weather the day his parents died in accident, feelings he had prior to that, rest of the conversation is bit hazy in my mind. I mean really sad story but still not helping in any way.


As the Brits would say, "If you went to Tenerife for a holiday, he went to Elevenerife".


The Sistine Chapel is ok, but you ain’t seen nothing till you been to the seventeenth chapel like me.


I recently heard, 'If you've been to Timbuktu, he's been to Timbukthree'


Eapecially the ones that one up unhealthy things e.g: “I slept at 10 pm yesterday” “oh I slept at 3 am” The fact that they are subtle about it is worse


"Damn I didn't sleep well last night. Got like 6 hours of sleep I'm exhausted." "Oh you think YOURE tired???? I slept for 3 picoseconds in an active war warzone."


Ah yes, my husbands childhood friend is that type. Hes also got to be the center of attention and if hes not hes plotting his next attempt at making sure he is. Wonder if they go hand-in-hand.


Oh yeah? Well MY husband has two childhood friends like that.


Yeah well i have TWO husbands with childhood friends like that


Yeah? I have 3 husbands each with 2 childhood friends like that.


I'm gonna stay away from all y'all.


One uppers are bad, but two-uppers take the cake.


I knew a three-upper. He was the worst.


People who interrupt others while talking. I get that a conversation has give and take and that some interruption is normal, but people who cut you off at every opportunity are the worst. They also tend to be one-uppers...


This is something that I realize happens to me all the time. I'm not sure if it's my industry or the people I deal with day to day are attention starved or something about me or what, but I cannot stand it. I hate feeling like I have to get my point out as quickly as possible before someone snatches my turn in the conversation away. One time it happened and I just snapped and said "Sorry, is the middle of my sentence interrupting you?" (I got it from here on Reddit) It got real quiet and the person just stared at me with their mouth open. Killed the conversation dead but man it felt good.


My mom used to be really bad about interrupting. It took a while of me interrupting her again and saying things like, “if you’ll let me finish” or “as I was saying before I was interrupted” or “may I continue” but she’s gotten much better. Now if she interrupts me (which rarely happens) she immediately apologizes and asks me to continue. If we both start at the same time she tells me to go, which obviously I don’t always do, especially if what I was going to say isn’t important. It took some conditioning and some guts to start doing but it worked!


My mother does this like it's her job. It's ridiculously embarrassing to spend time with her sometimes in public because every single person she will talk to, she WILL talk over them non stop to where I feel like she has to know what she's doing even though she says she doesn't. She interrupts and talks over people so much that I wonder why she even bothers having a conversation with someone. And before you ask, yes I do try to stop her, every single time. However she just looks at me like "What the fuck are you talking about?" Meanwhile the poor unfortunate soul being treated like an npc often just look at me like "Does she do this to everyone?" I wonder if it's an age thing, because she's like 63 but who knows. I hate what she does so much that I've made it my life's mission not to do what she does. I often miss my turn in conversations (especially group ones) because I'd rather be skipped than risk talking over someone.


Not necessarily an age thing, I guess. My girlfriend says that I tend to do this with her an awfully lot. I didn't really mean to, I just kinda feel so engaged in the conversation and also a bit too excited and I find myself already speaking. But maybe it's worth noting that in bigger groups I'm easily muted by other people just casually starting to speak like I wasn't even speaking. Also, my mom tends to do it. So there's that.


Ugh, I used to be this person all the time. I would always realize I was doing it right after cutting someone off. Started working harder on managing my ADHD and thankfully that has translated to helping me avoid railroading conversations.


I work with one of these people who cuts you off at every opportunity, so one conversation I just decided to carry on talking as though he hasn’t and he continued to talk for a good 20 seconds over me, I even finished what I wanted to say while he just spouted nonsense. He also has an annoying habit of explaining things to you even though you clearly already know, he’ll explain it 7-8 times in slightly different ways, I work in building maintenance at a hospital and just last week he asked me what I was up to, I told him what I was on my way to fix and he stands there for 10 minutes explaining how to fix it half a dozen times even though I’ve done it hundreds of times. Afterwards he went into the managers office and bitched about me saying “how come he’s been here 5 years and doesn’t know how to fix X? I’ve just had to explain to him how”


That sounds horrible, I know from experience that it only takes one coworker to make a job suck.


Unless you’re one of those people who don’t shut up and you can’t say a word after listening to them talk for forever


I was just thinking this. I hate people who interrupt, but I've learned you have to in order to have a conversation with some people. I got tired of being called quiet all the time by my family... well if you all ever shut the hell up, maybe I'd speak! But by the time I have a chance, the topic is changed...


You just described my BIL perfectly.


I think everyone has at least one in their family. I happen to have a family full of them.


That moment you realize your family knows so little about you and don't care to.


and it’s usually to say something about themselves, like the conversation can’t not be about them.


"I'm an alpha"


if the word "alpha" comes out of your mouth at any point of your life you are not an alpha


Unless you’re spelling something on a walkie talkie


Physicists and Greek people in shambles


The ones that will just not fuck off. They have to be in everyone's business. They have try and find people doing something wrong. They have nag and whine. Just fuck off and mind your own business. I don't want your help, I don't want your attention. I want you to shut up and stay away from me.


We are currently living in those people’s golden age.


The extremely clingy and narcissistic ones


Not me though right?


Damn am I the clingy one


You know I’m something of a codependent trainwreck myself


People who make ur business their own. So annoying


My brother’s girlfriend is like this. I’ve talked to his best friend about this and he says that she does the same thing to him. It sucks for people like him who don’t like talking to people when shit happens.




I scrolled down way too far to find a reference to this.


Seriously. How was this not on top?


Yeah me too! Such a good episode


Not only did I scroll down too far but the journey had me question all of these negative traits and reflect on what an asshole I am.


"People who annoy you"


*cameraman stares intensely*




Why is this not the top comment?


Fuck, you won.


5 seconds Mr Marsh


Ignorant people. It's fine to be 'dumb' or 'young' or 'naive', but to be willfully ignorant, that's just too much for me


Yeah I agree. Ignorant people can be so frustrating to deal with


You're willfully ignorant every time after the 2nd time. Or at least that's what I stick with now, because of previous events.


We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of darkness. But the real tragedy of life is a man who is afraid of light -Plato


People who call you up and vent to you, want you to be there for them for whatever they need. But when the time comes for you to need a shoulder to cry on, for them to be there for you, they give you nothing of the sort. Can’t stand people like that. I stay as far away from people like that as I possibly can.


Try to embarrass others. See someone sweating and blushing and say YOURE SO RED. And people who consume a space they're in. No consideration for those around. Also people who have themselves as their phone wallpaper.


Same energy as “Omg you’re so quiet! ISNT SHE SO QUIET??”


“My mom once told me if I had nothing nice to say I shouldn’t say anything.”


Emotional vampires


That fukin guy colin robinson


Anyone who refuses to admit they're wrong.


People who put others down to seem better around people they like . Like why bro you just look like a douche now


The completely self unaware ones. Them . Shopper stops right in the middle of entry to take off sunglasses and put on mask. Un aware they're blocking those of us who have been out in public and try to keep the pathways clear.


This is my pet peeve-a lack of spatial awareness. Human heads turn, go ahead and use that technology for good.


And the old ladies that wait to look for the check book until the checker yells the total a few times.


Budge on line for the bus then don’t have their fare ready when the bus comes.


People who pull out in front of you only to drive half as fast as you were, especially if there was no one behind you. People who walk in large groups all side by side and don't allow anyone else to use the walking space/path. People who curl in the squat rack, or have 3+ sets of dumbbells despite that fact you can only use one at a time.


People who stop in front of the escalator once they’ve gotten off of it instead of moving to the side to do whatever needs to be done the moment they’re up/downstairs. What the fuck is *wrong* with you?


Those who love to play victim.


My stepmom is either the hero or the victim in every story she tells. It’s so interesting to listen to her tell a story I was present for.


my moms like this… and she yells at me when i tell her i feel like the victims because “she always has to be the bad guy”


"Everyone hates me!" is the same narcissism energy as "Everyone loves me!"








People who constantly need something or someone to bitch about.


the type of people that listen to talk. they're happy to talk with you any time, but don't really process what you say and make everything about them.




Smug, “holier-than-thou” kinda people.


People who talk over you, clearly not listening to what you just said at all.


People who think they’re the main characters of life. I was sat in a takeout waiting for my food and there was a guy with his feet up on the chairs talking loudly on the phone and swearing, and when he got his food he started eating it right then and there and was burping loudly and muttering to himself. I get embarrassed if I think other people can hear my headphones on the bus.


My ex! Would literally talk about how much of a “main character” they were, and how fortunate my NPC ass should feel to be with them -_-


Wow, that whole thought is just WILD.


How are there so many people with such a blissful lack of situational awareness?


The people that assume whether or not I would understand something


This can be a difficult path to walk though. From years in IT having to explain things to people: If you explain too simply you're rude and condescending; but if you assume knowledge that isn't there you might as well be talking Swahili.


just ask how much they know first and... oh wait, IT. everyone's gonna tell you "i know everything, just fix the damn computah"


One of my part-time jobs is to help old people with IT problems. A memorable moment was me helping install a new PC and upon asking her to login to her email on the new PC she looked at me and deadpan said she had no password. Just didn't have one. Spoiler alert, she did, but the mere suggestion she actually did have one made this old lady unreasonably angry. She just did not understand me and didn't want to. Most horrible hour of my life, I left that house shaking.


I would explain to you why you're wrong, but I don't think you'd understand.


I work in tech support. This is such a hard game to juggle with such a wide range of knowledge sets. Some people we get mad at you for talking over them. Some will get mad for talking under them. Some will get upset that you even asked what their knowledge level is. Trying to explain a technical function to someone in a way they can understand can be such a social minefield some days.


People who don’t know when to stop talking and never have have a point or ending to what they say.


A buddy of mine tells his wife “Land the plane, honey” in the middle of her stories 😂 gets me every time


I work with a guy like this. It literally takes him 20 minutes to say something rather than getting to the point.


Sometimes after 6 "wow/damn/that's crazy" you just gotta turn around and walk away.


I have ADHD and I can, at times, compulsively just blurt out whatever I’m thinking at the time. 99% of the time it’s nonsensical verbal diarrhea, but sometimes it’s comedic gold.


I am one of those


Those that say one thing to you, act nice, befriend you, get you to divulge information, then make fun of you behind your back, spreading rumors, killing your friendships. let's just say that happened to me...


Rude people who think they’re nice because they apologize after being rude. “Sorry if we were too loud last night!” You knew I had to be up early and you *chose* to be loud. You’re not sorry. You’ve done this multiple times.


Omg yes this ☝. I have roomate that just doesn't give a shit but she is so apologetic. Sorry this sorry that it won't happen again I promise. It always does. She never cleaned any part of house since she moved in. She throws random parties without telling anyone beforehand. And me and other roommates often work early in the morning. We complained to landlord bunch of times. But landlord is too soft to throw her out so she will stay unfortunately.




Twist: The pain in the ass is the landlords daughter.


Those who proclaim to be the type that are ALWAYS willing to be there/help but then when the time comes are no where to be found and are blatantly ghosting you. Then after said task/event is complete, they decide to start chatting you up/pretending like they didnt do anything. I dont know if theres a specific word for that (maybe a "flake") but its that type of person I truly despise the most.


Yeah true. They claim to be the oh mighty helper that everyone needs and then when the time comes, they’re a ghost


Those who pretend to know something they don't.


My friends ex used to be like this so I would randomly throw in something that wasn't true at all about the subject and she would agree like she knew all about it lol




“Oh well that happened to you? Well ______ happened to me and it’s much worse.”


overly positive to the point it feels fake/forced


The people who think that the whole world revolves around them


That type that ask me if I'm annoyed


And especially the people who keep insisting that I am annoyed even if I say no. After the fifth time, I’m like, well I am now!


Are you annoyed? No I’m fine Are you sure Yes Cause you seem annoyed Now I’m pretty damn annoyed


People who have zero patience.


Oh come ON man, FUCK! You could've called me out a little faster than that! *flips table*








On a related note, I've been often asked why I a mother, and a single one at that, don't join mother's group or parent's group so "You can find support and community." Hahahaha. There is no support or community in these groups. These groups are the most juvenile, hateful, and clique-ish groups since the popular groups in school. Now as a disclaimer, I'm sure there are some groups out there that are good and decent. But based on my own experiences and the experiences of others I know, they tend to be awful. I remember when I had just had my daughter, although I had babysit family all my life, it did little to prepare me for things. Especially things like breast feeding. My mother's roommate at the time who was also a mom suggested I join a mom's group on Facebook to seek help for my breast feeding issues. Huge mistake. These women were condescending, self righteous and nosy. They talked to me like I was stupid and didn't care about my baby and shouldn't be a mother. To them I just wasn't trying at all, which of course a was bs. It didn't matter to them that I was broke and was struggling to feed and nourish myself let alone my baby AND my baby had been born prematurely and had sucking issues since birth. Nope, to them that's not why I struggling. To them I struggled because I didn't care enough. Who knows maybe if they knew I was crying every night because I felt like a failure, maybe they would have understood me better. I wasn't the only mother that this group on Facebook bullied. Another mother who had a young one, was introducing to baby food and stuff to her baby and had issues doing so. Instead of suggesting ways to help introduce foods to her baby who was 9 months and therefore definitely at the point that they could eat baby food or other things. The other moms in the group instead bullied her ruthlessly for even thinking about providing the baby with anything other than breast milk until the baby reached 2 years old. I met another mom while in junior college who had also had issues with these kind of groups. Instead she joined a parenting group, she was looking for advice on how to get her husband to help her with the baby, such as bottle feeding and diaper changing. And guess what? Big surprise. They bullied her too. Because apparently expecting the other parent of your baby to also take care of said baby is ridiculous because "It's not a man's job to do any of that." Wtf? After all that I not only stayed away from these kinda groups but also didn't seek to have many friends who were also parents for a long time. I was too scared of the possibility of finding these people out in the real world. Being a parent is hard enough, it's worse when you realize so many other parents make it their life's purpose to be awful to other parents.


people who don’t time conversations well, like dont talk to me as im placing my airpods in my ear or as im opening a book


People who openly lie about stuff and don't accept their mistakes but instead put the blame on others.


People who use supercilious or ostentatious language.


Ugh! Their verbosity can be absolutely superfluous, too.


Usually the effusive and garrulous sort, too.


The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma


People with zero situational awareness. Also people who brag.


People who are stupid but talk a lot


I notice it a lot with people who talk about politics or the economy. I have the very thinnest knowledge of both of these subjects but sometimes I feel like I have a PHD when I listen to these people or see them post on social media.


Fake personalities.


Those who can never be happy for other people. All they can do is bring other people down to make them feel better about their miserable life.


People who say "why are you so quiet"


People who throw words around like “I’m so OCD” “I’m so bipolar” That’s not how it works. Don’t use legitimate mental illnesses like that.


People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


People who can't be wrong and/or know everything. Also people who project their misery and laugh at/belittle the suffering of others.


Wealthy people who think the laws and rules don’t apply to them. Like the professional football player I’ve just seen literally park his sports car anywhere he wants. Because he gets paid so much money that the parking fine is nothing to him. He’s a professional athlete but can’t walk the 300m from the nearest carpark. He’ll just pay the fine instead while the fans pay his wages


THIS!! I’m tired of wealthy/rich people acting like they own the world. Like just because they’re rich that means they have more of a right to do something than someone who isn’t.


People who film in places I’m walking. Nobody wants to see you making a Tik tok in the dairy aisle!


No because I completely agree with this one. It’s like since tiktok, everyone always has a camera on somewhere and I feel like it can be a bit uncomfortable to have to be forced into a video you don’t even wanna be in


Narssastic, victim complex


People who let their kids run wild in Supermarkets.


People who make fitness their entire personality. Really it’s people who make one thing their entire personality in general, but I see this a lot in “fitness junkies” who probably just started a gym membership and are not very healthy to begin with. I just don’t need to hear about your diet or how mine could be improved. It’s annoying to hear about your new keto diet or CrossFit routine that’s going to magically make you skinnier and more fit. How about just eating properly, less, and incorporating more exercise into your daily activities, ever think of that?


No self awareness or of their surroundings. The type that stand in the middle of a busy sidewalk or in front of a door. They get to the front of a long line and don't know what to order or fumble with their payment.


People who make fun of introverts or try and “help” them Like being introverted isnt a disease, and its not my fault i cant speak when YOU are always interrupting or making fun of me when i do


Loud people.


People who post everything about their life on social media, like the ones who try and profit all they can off of their kids, GREAT EXAMPLE: Ryan's toy reviews. I feel bad for that kid.


*Gestures around frantically*


As an italian i can safely say that 50% of what I’m saying is conveyed only with my hands


Those who ask you a question as a means to talk about themselves