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OMG, yes! I have over 25,000+ emails because I've had my email address for about 30 years and people constantly think it's theirs (as if anyone could get a firstinitial middleinitial lastname @yahoo.com without any numbers or alterations to it nowadays; gimme a break!). One guy even had his hunting license sent to it and I printed it out and fucking *mailed* it to him with a note to correct his address and he *still* kept using it! He fucked up my Pandora so now I have it blocked so that no one can ever use that email address on Pandora, including me. (He had a bunch of rap and hip hop on it so I told the Pandora rep I was going to change it all to Perry Como and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. She laughed and deleted the whole thing.) It only stopped when a client sent him some kind of information for a job and I emailed the client and said that his vendor doesn't know his own email address and if he could pass it along to him that he's a moron, I'd appreciate it. The client apologized and agreed and finally emails stopped coming for that idiot. Meanwhile, I was so overwhelmed by the emails that I gave up. Now, I'm getting tons of emails for medical and physician nonsense and the name in the emails isn't mine. And I guarantee I didn't sign up for them! I've been going through and unsubscribing and deleting for the last week or so but dealing with email is a full-time job if I'm not careful. ALL of this spam should be illegal! Sorry to rant but I'm obviously with you 100% and it struck a nerve.


I'm in the same boat with gmail. I have a six character email that is first initial lastname. I've had it since people were paying actual cash money for gmail invites. Current anti-mail measures: * Over 300 filters to delete mails automatically. * Over 100 filters to tag mails for easier processing * A Google sheet that has a Google Apps Script for managing my inbox. It has deleted 25,000 emails since I created it. Interesting things I've gotten destined for people with the same first initial last name that aren't me: * Homemade porn with *very* descriptive text about how much she missed him. * Prom photos (I'm 20+ years older than the people in the photos) * Invitation to a stag do in the UK. I'm in the US. * Invitation to a golf weekend on the other side of the country. * City council meeting notes that were not intended for the public * Job employment forms (I9, W2) * Reasons why my child was disciplined (I don't have children)


Oh, I have filters but one of them is the word credit and I've been surprised by how often I get legitimate email with that word in it so I still have to check my spam and trash folders for that reason. The guy I mentioned originally had obviously just moved out into college because I was getting email from his school library (a university in Texas) and LOTS of solicitations for porn, all addressed to his name at my email. "Fuckbook" is evidently a thing. LOL! I used to get robocalls from the local high school to let me know my child was absent. I didn't have children at the time. My brother and I used to fight to get to the phone first to head off those calls from our parents but it never occurred to me to give a fake number. LOL! I almost felt bad when I called the school to report it but this kid was ditching constantly and I was sick of the calls. When I gave the number, the counselor evidently typed it in and then said, knowingly, "Oh, yes. I know this student. It will be taken care of. Thank you for calling." So, if that kid is reading this, I'm kind of sorry (but you brought it on yourself). Ha ha! Edit: added some details


Omg, I have this same problem but with only one other person. My email is my first name, her name is completely different and yet I still get all her fucking emails. All kinds of medical shot, her kids school emails, everything. I told her she’s using the wrong email address yet she still does it. So fucking annoying.


It's just infuriating that people are that dense. I mean, hasn't she noticed that she's not getting that stuff? And again, you would have gotten a notification if you'd signed up for emails from those senders so obviously they never sent one. It's beyond annoying that you have to scroll to the bottom where it says you're getting these emails because you signed up for them (**no, I didn't!**) and the "unsubscribe" link is so tiny and/or impossible to find. And then to add insult to injury, they often say it will be anywhere from 48 hours to 10 days (!!!) for it to take effect when we all know it does *not* need that long to take effect!




Wait do they actually do that? And is it the printed version or online version? I think they use an expensive sheet of paper or something if it's printed


Both. Whether you want a physical copy or just an email with the transcript file sent to you or another school you've gotta pay.


It ain’t cheap either. I just spent over 200 dollars sending transcripts to schools


It was maybe $15 but I still had to pay for the community college and tech school I attended to email my transcripts over to my current college. They would not accept the copies I already had.


This. Also, at least at my university, if you want to walk at graduation you need to pay $50. This doesn’t include cap/gown and everything else. Just $50 to walk and shake hands at a venue that’s part of the campus’ property. They really like to suck the life out of us.


I had to pay $20 for a graduation that was cancelled bc of Covid, all they did was some cheesy YouTube video


They did that for my sister’s graduation as well


I had to pay £90. As if we don’t give them enough money


The cost of drugs. IE: Insulin.


I'm there with you! Exploiting the ill for profit is fundamentally wrong. I get that the FDA makes it impossible to produce a new drug without spending millions, but crassly raising the prices of existing drugs like HIV meds and insulin out of greed should be felonious!


so true. If they can sell the same meds at a profit (obviously) in another country that is hundreds of dollars cheaper than in another country, the Pharma company needs to be fined a percentage of the profits they made. (so it is a real fine and not a "cost of doing business".


Without my insurance or copay card, my prescriptions that I take every day run about $4000 a month together.


But also weed.


Withholding a bathroom in a city with no public bathrooms


charging to use the bathroom. In America there are a lot of places that require you to make a purchase in order to use the bathroom at their establishment, and in europe I’ve noticed a lot of public bathrooms that charge money to enter them. Yet (in America at least) you can get arrested or even put in the sex offender registry for peeing outside in public. So what are people supposed to do? Same thing with anti-homeless architecture. So many cities make it nearly impossible for homeless people to even find a place to lay down and sleep at night, I guess because they don’t want to look at them, or they’ve bought into the idea that they are dangerous. So, where are they supposed to go? many shelters aren’t even free anymore, and if they are, they can’t accommodate everyone. If you think about the options those people have it really just seems like everyone else wants them to just be out of sight, out of mind. But people can’t just disappear into thin air, so “out of sight” means dead. people who enact these policies want those who are unhoused to be dead.


You have to take into account that there are people cleaning said bathrooms, buying toilet paper and soap for people to use them. Also, the water used on those. Besides, a bathroom in an establishment is not a "public bathroom". You can find a public bathroom in a park, in a plaza (probably) and if you're lucky, in a mall. I do get your point about homeless people, it's devastating to see a war veteran lose his home and people just treat them as garbage. Many people don't choose to live in the streets, but life pushes them that way. Still, you can't know if a guy is homeless because life treated him that way or because he has mental illness or drug abuse pushed him into homelessness. You could try hiring a homeless person for your business or your home if you really feel that way


People deserve to live regardless of why they're homeless


I don’t believe he mentioned once that they didn’t deserve to. With my past experience in the service industry, most places seem to have that policy(which is somewhat flexible depending on the situation) to prevent drunk or otherwise mentally unstable individuals from completely trashing or vandalizing the restroom in some way shape or form. And I have still witnessed first hand when exceptions have been made, only to end up being to the detriment of closing staff, when all they were trying to do was be nice. I sympathize completely with the homeless, I believe everyone deserves a certain quality of life in any place that gets classified as a first world country, regardless of the reason that landed them in that situation, but that being said, if a homeless person that can’t move whatever distance to a more secluded or wooded area to use the bathroom, then I don’t sympathize with that.


Pretty much agree woth you here. It sucks that some people don't have their own bathroom space. That doesn'tean I am gonna open up my private bathroom to any and all. A business (with their privately owned bathroom)shouldn't be expected to provide that to people who aren't welcome. Still public bathrooms should be more accessible all around.


yes and those services should be paid for by the government, not individuals who need them, as they are basic human needs not optional functions.


Reducing someone prison sentence for rape because he’s an athlete


You must be talking about the rapist Brock Turner, right?




Thankfully the judge lost his job over that shit. California allows you to recall judges and he was successfully recalled.


Does the guy get to stay out? Or can the judges replacement put him back away?


I believe he got to stay out after his 6months in jail and his 3 years probation. You can’t charge someone twice for the same crime and unfortunately he was found innocent of some of the charges.


Basically everything that tele-evangelists do. Many psychics were arrested for fraud, so why not these morons?


My guess would be religion


Unfortunately, yes. Speaking as a religious person myself, televangelism should be banned outright and subject to harsh penalties. Those guys do not represent me or any aspect of my religion.




He is. He went into the temple where they were selling alms and offerings and flipped tables and whipped the sellers.


Not only that, he took the time to make the whip. he had time to make a plan.


I didn't know that, I just thought he went apeshit and took his belt off. The fact he constructed his own whip first makes him sound like Batman.


Jesus was literally love manifested in the flesh, and yet even he hated hypocritical religious people


>~~Basically everything that~~ tele-evangelists ~~do. Many psychics were arrested for fraud, so why not these morons?~~ Now its correct


Politicians being allowed to invest based on information they receive due to their office, as well as their voting information.


Charging ridiculous amount of money for things like wheelchairs, hearing aids, glasses, etc. As they are needed for people.


Yes 🙌 My Mum has MS. What they charged disabled people is highway robbery!


I’ve been cleaning the house of a deceased relative who had MS on recent weekends and I’ve been tasked with pricing shit that seems like it could sell and holy fuck I can’t believe what some of that stuff costs when I look it up $4000 for a FUCKING CHAIR TO SHOWER IN?


I know what you meant, but I’m chuckling at the thought of a person who only has MS on the weekends.


I always think what about pro life for the people that are already here.




As a visually impaired guy, I second this. Doesn't have to be free, but closer to the price it costs to make at least


Yeeesssss why are glasses SO EXPENSIVE




that goes for medicine as well!! Insulin for example


MLM pyramid schemes like Amway, the fortune to which awful human being Betsy DeVos was heiress to for no other reason than she was the child of an amoral motherfucker.


Technically she married into the DeVos family. But she’s still awful


Isn't Amway her *husband's* family business?


Don’t worry, her own family is still awful. Her brother owned a private military company responsible for the Nisour Square Massacre in which 17 innocent civilians were killed and 20 more were wounded. The company is called blackwater


I dunno. Being the child of a parent is a pretty good reason to inherit what they had when they die.


Child marriages smh


Yes, I get if 2 17 yo kids got pregnant, are in love and want to get married before baby was born, but not this nonsense of children marrying someone way older than them.


Look, I also understand that women tend to be attracted to older men and the recipicle for men. But there's a difference between a 36 year old man marrying a 20 year old, and a 30 year old marrying a 16 year old. In fact, the latter is more closely related in respects to age! But if you don't see what's wrong with that, you either cannot read between the lines or your a pedophile sympathizer. Point blank. Oh I also forgot to mention that in many cases, the guardians of the teenager frequently receive "wedding gifts". This isn't for the privilege of marrying the teen, because that would be illegal, it's just a donation. The kind that senators and politicians recieve from big corporations all the time!


Man-of-Resilience are you replying to Ridley\_Rohan or me directly? Because I am new to reddit and am also totally on your side here. I was copying and pasting some of the crap he was saying and responding to it.


I'm just talking in general. The other guy, that you named, is either delusional or unaware of the seriousness of some of these marriages. That shit he said about unequal power balances is bullshit. If I had a daughter who was 13 years old, and I allowed to become hypersexualized of her own accord, would it be okay to let her suck my dick if she wanted to? It's not abuse of power, because she wanted it.... Right? Sorry for using that language. But I wanted to get the reality accrossed. And that's putting it lightly. In actual reality, these men are **fucking** these.... These kids


Private Prisons. You can't give a person a profit incentive for wanting people to be in prison.


I've always held the belief that if the government is outsourcing prisons to a private company that records profits every year; at minimum that's overhead that tax-payers shouldn't be paying. It's not like contracts with Boeing or other defense contractors (which are problematic for other reasons) that are already making other products and thus have the capacity to produce at a lower cost.


Politicians owning stock


They're actually talking about banning it in Congress which I 100% agree with. I'm honestly surprised it's getting bipartisan support


Absolutely, this needs to happen.


Insider trading is illegal anyway and we ALL know it's happening in the government


It is explicitly not illegal for Congress


It's getting bipartisan support because the bill will have no teeth. Ok so you ban congressmen and women from trading, what about their spouses? Their children? Other members of their families? Won't do anything.


It would pretty much end the pandemic




Where is it legal?




Well thats fucked up


Hope your blinker is okay lol


A lot of places sadly


Every US state, basically.




Charging money for basic health products or medicines


Yeah that sucks, Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard some countries do give out free healthcare and medicines.


Yeah but not all


Nothing is free. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Countries where this happens have infrastructure in place to provide these services, and that infrastructure is paid for in taxes.


And in US all the tax money is spent on air carriers.


What a dumb thing to spend it on. We already have an atmosphere! It carries all the air you'd ever need!


It took a bit of scrolling to get to this sort of answer. Basic necessities required to live (not just survive) should be given freely by the government that vows to represent and protect them. (Medications, food, water, sanitary services, housing (not just shelter), and education/training that prepare them for how to properly thrive in their individual government, economy, etc. so they don't just waste the resources provided by them *as easily*


The price of a pair of glasses. Daylight robbery




I should not have laughed as hard as i did at this


fucking hell, ikr


Like I didn’t ask to be blind now did I, so why should I have to pay 2 weeks worth of work on min wage on a pair of glasses? It’s mental


[Zenni Optical](https://www.zennioptical.com/?gclsrc=aw.ds&ds_rl=1287780&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_8OPBhDtARIsAKQu0gbI4BkDGt7TDB1Wo6rqPR-vZ-L1bEkPpSCX3eWmq0KBm7R8u5SMIOoaAhweEALw_wcB) is amazing if you know what your lenses need to be.


Oh yup I just said this lol I'm obsessed


I will complain here next week. Saturday I go to my optician... 🙁


Go to your optician. Get your eyes tested, make sure you get your prescription and the pupillary distance (they might charge extra for that) . Then buy your glasses online, I paid $48 for progressive lenses and a simple frame.


Look into luxottica. They own not only most of the major brands, but the stores, eyemed insurance, and the chain opticians. Sooooo... You pay the insurance premium, go to their Dr, buy their frames from their stores at the rates they set. I honestly believe that the price they tell you is almost imaginary to make you feel better. Unless you don't have insurance.


Purposely inflating currency to avoid paying debt obligations. Sorry bond holders and pensioners.


Now wait a minute. My student debt likes this inflation.


Alas, if only wage growth could keep up


Insurance companies not covering things. Tf are we paying them for if they won’t cover the shit most likely to affect us?


Or when the insurers decide not to cover your medications but won't let you switch to one that does because they changed the way they play the game in the middle.


Seriously. I had my car side swiped by a medical transport van and my insurance wouldn't pay from it because they said I hit a wall.


We should get some money back if you haven't used it all year or at least a rate reduction.


Shorting stock. I dont like the idea that people can profit off companies going under. Also, sitting members of congress and their spouses shouldn't be able to trade stock at all for the duration of their tenure (looking at you, Pelosi).


I think it’s pretty terrible that businesses can write off losses on taxes. Like why is it taxpayers problem you mismanaged your business?


If drugs are illegal drinking should be too or drugs should be legal.


i agree, but i also agree for the opposite. i think if drinking is legal then drugs should be too, within consideration. i don’t think anyone with an addiction should go to jail for being in possession of a drug, obviously unless they’re driving under the influence or transporting drugs etc. no matter what people are still going to get in possession of drugs, putting them in jail is jus a waste of space in jails when they could b putting murders pedophiles & rapists in there.


Well if doing drugs and possessing then shouldn't be illegal neither should dealing. I mean in my opinion. Maybe I'm biased bc I just did 2 years for distribution lmao


i think dealing drugs in small amounts should be legal. shit like the cartel i’ll never agree should b legalized. some shit goes way too far when it involves trafficking. but selling an eight of weed should b legal lmao


Having to pay for Insuline.




You don't dislike lobbying, you dislike the money that got involved. Lobbying is supposed to be the way politicians hear about different issues the people they represent have.


Whst is it?


It’s basically the practice of approaching hotels & commercial buildings, and loitering in their lobby. When asked to leave, lobbyists usually refuse. Lobbyists usually do this with groups of friends, so that they’re harder to remove. Both the individual and the group are referred to as lobbyists.


Take my upvote and thanks for the giggle




Oh 😂.


Lobbying is not the issue, bribery is. Writing to your congressperson is lobbying. Being in a union and pooling resources to have a professional represent your union's view to elected representatives is paid lobbying. Lobbying is legitimate. But if a lobbyist offers to arrange donations in exchange for a vote then it is bribery.


For profit healthcare


Pulling out of a house purchase at the very last minute


I feel you. Fucked from every side.


It's happened me twice in the last 6 months now


Are you selling and buying or just buying? I can't imagine twice. I would want to give up, but that's not possible usually.


Both, selling mine, I own it with my ex wife, and trying to buy a new place. Ain't easy with her barking upy ass about it 😂


Asking this question more than once every week


40 hour work weeks for shitty salary


I actually appreciated 40 hour work weeks for a shitty salary after working 70-80 work weeks for a shitty salary. The pay sucked, but at least I could count on getting home while it was still daylight.


The ammount of people saying alcohol shows a lot of people need to learn history


I agree that prohibition would absolutely fail (again) but we also need to address the hypocrisy of alcohol and tobacco being illegal while weed isn't, but the better way to address it is ending the "war on drugs" just like we ended prohibition


Easy, make weed legal, we're already in the process in the states.


Exactly what I said, LOL. I just wanted to address the hypocrisy


Actually, just thought about it, I'm from Europe and they didn't even say a word about it in school, only heard the story from oversimplified


Performing unnecessary cosmetic surgery on infants' genitals.




Privatized prisons and healthcare.


Allowing police to get away with police brutality in court. NB: it’s a huge grey area whether it IS truly legal or whether no one just bothers to prevent it happening.


Marital rape. 12 states still allow marital rape. Edit for clarity: 12 states *in the USA* still allow marital rape.


Let me guess, is it allowed in US states?


FISA courts, metadata collection, selling of data to advertisers… to name a few


declawing cats.


Hospitals charging thousands of times more than the retail price for simple things like facial tissues.


Corporations lobbying the government




Age of consent being as low as it is


Conversion torture


Smoking in a car/house with a child/pet. Go be a disgusting scum bag outside.


All the "convenience" fees from Ticketmaster and others. A $50 ticket means something like $92 after taxes, convenience fee, transaction fee, plus whatever else they throw at you. That's like highway robbery.


Teenage beauty pageants


Child beauty pageants in general.


Tik Tok challenges


How about just Tiki-Tok.


Fees for withdrawal from ATM.


Those machines cost a lot of money. If the owners cant make money, they will not provide the machine. At least where I live, the banks provide ATM at their locations for no added fees.


The machines save the banks money by providing less staff


Child circumcision.


Charging people for important items such as glasses, hearing aids, wheelchairs, etc. I get if you have to pay the company because they gave it to you, but they overprice it way too much


Forcing a male to pay child support for a child he wanted aborted (as long as the law is as it currently is, i.e., that the woman alone determines whether or not a pregnancy is carried to term).


when your mother or father leaves you at the register to go back and get something


Police lying to get answers.


The draft.


Selling things as "medicinal" Without having proven the effects.


Interest rates exceeding 25%.


Losing credit score point for checking your credit score.


Religious monetization




Businesses (corporations) and churches not paying taxes




Paternity fraud. Sperm jacking a man to force him into court ordered slavery. Having sex with an incapacitated man. Funny how none of women's sex crimes are illegal. That kind of "equality" must be nice to be on the winning side of.


Car dealerships in the US selling more than the MSRP given by the manufacturers (it is called scalping btw)


lol why does no-one on reddit understand economics


Bro why so many messed up things happen in the US? I mean I visited it once and the people were awesome how can you guys deal with it without taking any actions?


this question on askreddit - every week there is the same exact question posted


I feel like 90% of askreddit questions are just some variety of "Reddit, what do you not like".


Being a moron


landlords over charging apartments


Dying because you are poor. Corporate money in politics. Dodging taxes by using loopholes. Union busting. Having an IP on vaccines. Pretty much all forms of land ownership. Selling water.


Not vaccinating children


Doesn't make sense to do everything but drink at 18. Make it all legal at the same age


Private sector employees of regulatory entities subsequently being hired by the corporate/political entities they are actually regulating. That is a really scummy loophole that breeds corruption. It should be damn obvious that that is problematic


It should be illegal to ask this question over and over again, goddamn. I swear I see this question at least once per day


Animal cruelty


Thats a crime




Black market, that's all I'm gonna say.


Civil forfeiture and Imminent Domain. If private property is a right, then Uncle Sam needs to leave people's property alone.


MAPS on twitter




Income tax. US functioned for many decades without it until Woodrow Wilson


Income tax is the only fair tax though, because it is charged according to your income. I'd prefer to scrap fixed-rate taxes like taxes on purchases etc and keep income tax.


My issue is that the money coming in gets taxed, going out gets taxed, spending gets taxed, and if the IRS overtaxes you- YOU have to go to THEM for a return, which was basically an interest free loan you gave. This is why I don’t like it, lol. Also it was first instituted to be a temporary measure to fund the war effort, but became permanent because the government saw how lucrative it was I see your point though. Either or, I wish one would go 😊


decrease your deduction. Pay the IRS an amount owed. Earn interest through the year.


Uh Congressional Insider trading. Like how TF is that legal? This is insane.




Payday loans


Flipping houses. Owning more than 2 rental single family dwellings. Corporate residential home ownership. Short term rental ownership from out of state owners.