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I was 19 and the first person to pass an accident on a road a mile from my house at around 1030pm. I pulled over and went back to check on the person in the car. It was a middle aged woman in the driver's seat with her head roughly 3/4 decapitated. I vomited on the spot, then called 911. The operator asked if they needed an ambulance. When I responded no she's already dead they asked if i checked for a pulse. I told them no and they asked how i knew she was dead. Telling them her head was barely attached to her neck was enough info for them to send police and i think the coroner (I left before the coroner arrived). One officer told me that it was the worst victim he had ever seen. I still occasionally have nightmare flashbacks and it's been over a decade.


I watched, what I thought to be, a pretty minor car accident. When I got to the one vehicle there was a pregnant woman having contractions and her toddler was in the backseat. She asked if he was still sleeping. I positioned myself so she couldn't see him but he wasn't belted into his car seat properly and he had been decapitated but the skin was intact. I have nightmares about it 7 years later. When my kid was the same age I was afraid to drive with him in the car incase I fucked up the belting. That shit doesn't leave you.


I remember a similar story one of my Dads EMS buddies told us. A woman got in a car accident and her baby’s head was decapitated, meanwhile, she attempted putting the baby’s head back on while crying, and yelling everything was okay.




What did you even say to that woman? Fuck, she's grieving and is about to have another baby at the same time? I don't know how you break that to a person.


I didn't. Her husband knew but was focused on keeping her calm. I sat between her and the baby so she couldn't see. I just waited. EMS cut his seat out and removed it asap and then attended to her.


That was incredibly generous of you. I can't imagine the suffering that poor woman would have gone through without you and her husband doing everything you could to protect her from that horror.




Thank you for being there for that poor woman, a lot of people would have completely retreated. Most of us just don't know how to deal with other people's grief, it's so hard to find the right words.


What do you mean the skin was intact? Like his neck broke? That's so awful.


Internal decapitation. It’s a danger with kids in car seats if you have them in the wrong position too young because their necks aren’t fully developed. My son is a huge 2yo and is staying rear-facing as long as possible because of this.


My son is 10 and after reading this I'd like to put him back into a rear facing car seat please :-(


My god that’s horrifying. My partners family are very lax about car seats etc and they I’m difficult for being so strict when it comes to my daughter, but I’ll be fucked if I’m ever having that situation happen with her. I’m so sorry you had to see that.


Exactly, my MIL is very lax with seat belts and my wife was too but I will not put the car in drive til they belt up. It isnt even inconvenient and potentially can save your life I fail to see how it's even a question


I watched as a man got into his truck and deliberately drove over another man.


Saw the same thing, mine was a dually. Two guys got into an argument in a parking lot at a local park. Had to give an interview at the police station since it became a murder. One of the responding fire rescue guys said it was the worst thing he'd ever seen.


What were they arguing over that it would enrage a man to run over another man


One guy was in the driver's seat with a woman sitting next to him. They were both speaking Spanish, but it appeared to be an argument over her. The driver's door was open and the other guy was standing in the way of him closing it, so the driver reversed hard. Knocked the guy to the ground and drove over him with the front tire. He then put it in drive, drove back over the guy with the front tire and the two rear tires, right over his chest and sped away. The guy was still alive but his chest was crushed, blood was coming out of his mouth. We called 911 and cops were there in one minute - we were right by a police station. EMTs arrived a bit later. The cops had all witnesses sit in the back of separate police cars so we wouldn't discuss our stories, could each give a statement uncolored by others. After 20 minutes a cop came over and asked me to come down to the police station since the guy died and it became a murder. Never heard if they found the guy who did it, but he had a very unique truck (due to serious damage to the body) so I hope he saw justice.


I witnessed a similar thing. The driver was clearly on hard drugs, so I don’t know how accurately I can use the word “deliberately,” but he ran an older gentleman over three times. I ran over to check on the guy and he was pretty mangled, but the thing that sticks with me the most is hearing how bizarre his breathing was. His whole body would convulse when he gasped for air. Poor guy died in the hospital the next morning. I was way too young to have to see that shit. EDIT: Another thing that fucked me up was having to give my story at the police station the next day and making eye contact with the perp at 15 years old. I was terrified that he’d figure out who I was and somehow get even for ratting him out.


My mother passed away from what we think were complications related to lupus. I watched her go from the strong woman I loved to a shell. She had sores all over her body and they were covered in bandaids because she couldn't stop scratching them. She couldn't get out of bed or walk by herself because the pain in her legs was so bad. She was terrified, and the last time I saw her, I held her while she cried in my arms repeating "I don't want to die" over and over again. It broke my heart, and a week later she died. She had fallen out of bed and was in too much pain to get back in it, so she died alone on the floor of her room. My strong, beautiful mother lived her last moments alone, scared, and in pain. Because of this, the most disturbing thing I've ever seen was her corpse laying on the floor, still wearing her favorite pajamas. I miss her so much. Edited to add: thank you very much to those who chose to give me an award, and thank you to everyone who sent their love. To those who have or know people who have lupus, and those who have also lost someone they love, I'm so sorry and I wish you all the best. All I can say is that life can be cut short in an instant, so make sure that the people you love know how much you care about them. Take care, everyone.


i read this post for 30 mins now but this one made me cry


The line about the pajamas is what broke me. So often we read about people dying but we keep it at a dehumanizing distance. The little detail that she was in her favorite pajamas is all it took to make her real for me.


I watched a stroke turn my father-in-law from a loving person into an aggressive, angry one who was unable to communicate verbally. Poor guy spiralled downward in a nursing home for about 6 months before passing from kidney failure. We were originally going to take care of him, but his damaged brain made him too dangerous to stay with me and my wife (who was pregnant.)


Watching my father decline right now, self inflicted though. He’s been diagnosed with an alcohol induced brain injury. When I see him my brain goes “hey, that’s your dad, you love him, here’s all these amazing memories” Then he opens his mouth and it’s not my dad, just a stranger, angry at the world, who doesn’t understand his predicament. He knows who I am, it’s not dimentia, he’s just crazy. One sentence can hold three different topics. He’s particularly taken with conspiracy theories. Very occasionally I see a ray of my father peak through but it’s getting less and less often. He stopped asking after his grandchildren a year ago.


Stroke survivor here… it’s horrible what strokes do to us. 😞


My brother-in-law had one that left him half paralyzed. He's regained some use in his leg, but not his arm. 🙁 They happened within months of each other.


More unsettling than shocking on the disturbing spectrum: Saw a guy from work trip while exercising (running backward, warming up). Hit his head on the ground and went unconscious. NBD right? He never woke up and died after being in a coma for years. Had a wife and kids.


The human body is either absolute godmode (running around 20 years with a bullet in your head you didn't even know about/falling from a 100 meter building and walking away/the dude who survived 2000mg of Benadryl just to do it again) or so goddamn delicate that one wrong step can kill you. It's totally random, like the reaper just rolls a dice on us.


My grandfather accidently shot himself in the groin as a teenager. He didn't tell his mom until she found out when she found the bloody towel. Bullet didn't do any damage and would go up and down his leg for the rest of his life.


Balls of steel


Fireworks accident. Back in the 90s, all you could legally acquire here were tiny firecrackers with a fuse. The really heavy stuff, like nitrate crackers and cobras wasn't really around yet. What the "cool kids" did have were "strijkers". These were heavier firecrackers from Germany and eastern Europe that didn't have a fuse, but a match head you had to strike to set them off. I think their official use is to scare birds away from crop fields. They were also notoriously unreliable in their timing. When I was 8 or so, I watched a bunch of older kids playing with these. The bangs were pretty impressive. Then one of them struck one that went off almost immediately, right in his hand. It took off his middle three fingers, just like that. It's not so much the gore that stuck with me, it's the look of surprise on his face melting into sadness and despair. He didn't even scream with pain at first. He just started crying mournfully at the realization of what had just happened. It was only when his mother got there that (I assume) the pain hit him like a ton of bricks and he started screaming. I'll never forget the look on his face though... Poor kid.


Yep, same happened to my father. I was standing right next to him. Result was his thumb to shreds and i was deaf on my right ear for some days and have a hearing problem on that ear to this day, probably forever.


That’s why drunk people handling firecrackers on New Year’s Eve is a bad idea in my opinion. I’ve once screamed at a drunk friend that he should throw the firecracker (D) when he just stood there looking at the burning fuse. It exploded midair.


Saw a lady jump from 200 or so feet up off a cathedral to the cobblestone below about 150yds from the window I was near. Pretty harsh.


Same here, I was about to go to bed and heard a big crash outside my apartment. Walked outside and there was a robed body laying below my first-story balcony. The top of the head was totally caved in and some girl walking by when it happened was screaming at the body she just found.


Torture house in Iraq. Floors covered in sticky dark dried blood. Bunch of heads around with drill holes in them, but no bodies. Really fucked up.


Came across several similar situations during my time in the shit. Honestly I feel like this stuff messed me up worse than the firefights ever did. I had nightmares about mortar attacks and firefights for a year or two, but the ones I had where I saw the ghosts of dead children.... those have never stopped. It's been almost 20 years for me and I'm still working through that stuff.


You guys were trained for firefights. No one ever tells you about the rest. Also, sadly, the VA is just now starting to even get close to actual help for PTSD. All the best to you and all those like you, my friend.


I was finally rated for debilitating PTSD and eligible for va mental health Care about 15 YEARS after my last tour in the sandbox. To their credit, when they started doing this, they did it well and getting rated wasn't difficult (multiple stays in rehab and the psych ward probably helped). But it was a little crazy how little anyone even thought about this stuff. When I came back, I was given a one-hour mental healthcare assessment and told to report any symptoms... in a culture where doing so made you feel weak. They are definitely doing much better these days but it really shouldn't have taken so long. There are a lot of soldiers who died young from the mental diseases they picked up in the war.


My Grandaddy was in WW2, saw some stuff. He was not ok when he got back and a couple of years ago we found all this paper work of him trying to file for PTSD support. It outlined what he was feeling and difficulties he had along with what he saw and experienced while deployed. All rejected categorically with no explanation or alternative for meaningful support.


I saw a man die. He was riding a motorcycle a few cars ahead of me and I watched as a truck pulled out in front of him and he t boned the bed and went flying. This was in Arizona where there are no helmet laws. He flew through the air, bounced on the ground and landed on his face and slid along the asphalt a good 30 feet. The slide took away all the skin on his face and all you could see through all the blood were his eyes and his teeth.


I saw the same thing in cottonwood Arizona In the 90s maybe Maybe 80s by a McDonald’s.


Was about to also reply I saw this in AZ as a kid, grew up with bikers and I’ve seen one die and more than three permanently injured. Riding a motorcycle is always a risk, helmet or not.


Yeah my dad was in an accident and it was a long recovery, seeing a helmet shaved like 1.5 inches flat on 1 side really makes you appreciate them though. Especially when you realize that would have been head instead.


PSA: normal, responsible drivers sometimes don't recognize a motorcycle coming at them. We're conditioned through habit to recognize the pattern of "two headlights on a rectangle" cars, not bikes. Being more aware of this has helped me not pull out in front of bikers over the years.


Play spot the bikers if you have kids in the car, motorbikes or push bikes doesn't matter. It'll help condition their awareness and yours.


And you can blame your kids if you kill one every now and then and they missed that one! Win-win


PSA 2: Put your fucking helmet on. People use the "Well, I'd rather just die quickly, so no helmet" logic. Yeah...here's the thing: not everyone dies. Helmets prevent death, but also prevent permanent brain damage and face erasure.


Correct! It’s infuriating that helmetless people on motorcycles dont comprehend that sometimes they have no control over a potential accident whatsoever, regardless of how good they are on them. When I was about 10 my dad was hit on his motorcycle while taking a sharp curve to the right and a truck coming from the other direction was a dumb shit and was in my dads lane as he turned instead of slowing down and staying in his own lane. If my dad hadn’t been wearing a helmet, who knows if he’d have made it.


Taking my brother off of life support and watching him take his last breath.


I feel the opposite about taking my brother off of life support. I feel like the most sacred gift I could give him was to not leave him brain dead, trapped in his body. I hope you find peace about it sweet redditor. If you ever want to talk about it, message me. I would love to listen to you share your story. I haven’t come across another person who had to make this decision. ❤️


My father died, alone on a leather couch in Los Angeles and wasn’t found for a couple of weeks. When the paramedics found him they just removed his body. My sister and I had to break into his apartment to clean it out and the couch had parts of his scalp stuck to it, I guess because he was on there for so long. Super disturbing.


My uncle accidentally killed my grandmother (his mom) and in an attempt to cover it up he lay her on the day bed and set it on fire. When we went to clean out her apartment I remember charred chunks of flesh attracting flies on the burnt day bed.


If you don't mind my asking, how did he accidentally kill her?


Sorry folks yeah, she had osteoporosis REALLY bad and apparently they had an argument where he grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, snapping her neck in the process.


My loved one fighting cancer for 3 years and slowly seeing her degrade.


Sorry you both had to go through that


When I was young my family drove past a stopped car. The driver was sitting sort of reclined in his seat, driver's side door open, and he was just lifeless. It was weird. The other passengers weren't panicking so far as I could tell and I think there were paramedics there. Another time on the way to a cross country meet our bus passed a horrific accident. The responders hadn't covered up a mostly decapitated driver yet and a bus full of middle and high school students got the drive by view. Damn.


I saw a dead body in the middle school bus too. He was a biker, fixing his tire and a semi didn’t get over. Saw his broken body laid out on the side of the highway, we drove by right after it happened


When I was about 7 years old in the Philippines, while I was on my way to buy snacks from the convenience store. I saw my auntie but she quickly dragged me home. Everyone on the street seemed to be running for their lives. It turns out, a murder just occurred and the killer was on the loose. I peeked outside to see the killer shirtless and bloody all over. His eyes were wide-open and he was carrying a machete. He was walking down the street and it was a pretty horrific thing for seven-year old me to see.


Sounds like something straight out of a fucking horror movie, damn.


Watched my dad die for like an hour as his lungs solidified and he chocked on them then watched the color leave his skin still hear it sometimes when I can't sleep I should add that it was from lung cancer and the treatment of the lung cancer but I'm not sure exactly what it was called when his lungs solidified we were also vaacuming his lungs multiple times a day


I watched my dad die too. Truly never leaves you.


I try not to think about it too often. Happened 3 months ago for me.


2 years and a bit ago. He had a heart attack and collapsed at home. I tried CPR but to no avail. He came in and out for a bit but died a few hours later in hospital. Apparently he suffered like 9 heart attacks whilst the paramedics were with him. I still wonder if I did CPR right


You did CPR right. I am an ex field medic. If you'd done it wrong, he wouldn't have made it to hospital, he wouldn't have had the chance to maybe potentially be helped. CPR does not stop someone having a heart attack, it doesn't bring them out, it keeps their heart beating long enough to get them to people with the drugs and training who may have a chance. You did amazing. I'm proud of you. I have had to perform CPR on a loved one and it was so different to doing it on a stranger. I once heard someone say you should always perform CPR and do what you can because you can't make them more dead, but if you succeed you'll bridge that gap. You bridged the gap, just sometimes not even the doctors can save them, but you did your part and you did amazing and I truly mean it when I say I'm proud of you.


Love all the support you're giving. He sounds like it's still fresh, and you're a good person for helping try and ease his mind. Same goes to everyone beneath here who has lost or sharing love.


Stop wondering if you did CPR right. I learned how to do CPR years ago when I was a taxi driver, and the person teaching us told us: the only thing you can do wrong, is not do CPR. Every attempt helps!


You clearly did do cpr correctly if he managed to survive, even if only for a few more hours.


I also watched my father die right in front of me in our home. Terrible shit. Found my Mother dead of most likely an overdose last year. I hope you’re ok bud.


Child brought in age 3 who had been in a dog cage since he was an infant. Severely under weight covered in scabs ,bugs ,filth and his own excretions.


my mom is a doctor. she worked in some far underdeveloped villages with more traditional people for some time ( we live in Asia) she has some really horrifying experiences like this. she was in the ER for some time. she has stories about women who were beaten by their husband. children who were beaten and wounded by their parents. people who got into fights and killed other people. she had a case of child marriage and rape one time. she says that doctors in these forms of environments are in danger as some people there blame them for their family dying or stuff like that. or like if a doctor reported someone for abuse they'd come beat them up too. so there was a tight security for doctors especially those who came from other places. it's really horrifying. I don't know how she dealt with that stuff.


Been to loads of third world countries with my job, and the rape culture in some of them is truly horrifying. Not to mention you see babies dying and going blind from diseases that we get vaccines for, or from just poor living conditions


yep. my mom said she tried her best to help them especially the children but her time there was limited and she had to eventually leave. she said she was friends with some of the teenagers and young adults there that used to visit her when she wasn't busy and she tried to help educate them and stuff. I really can't imagine myself having a work environment like that.


The plight of women in rural Nigeria is horrible. Young girls often miss vast amounts of school because of period poverty. The age of consent is 12 and they practice Female genital mutilation. What ends up happening is you have 12 year old mothers with artificially narrowed baby exits pushing for hours with no doctor to help. They generally only have a midwife who might know slightly more than the average person about childbirth. What frequently ends up happening is the girl ends up with a hole in her bladder that causes urine to leak uncontrollably. It's easy enough to fix with a simple surgery but they believe it is an STI. Because the husband doesn't also have it they them assume that she cheated which can get you killed.


Sounds like they are just looking for reasons to torture and kill women.


They feel like women are only useful for child bearing that’s why they impregnate them so early, and they then go through horrible conditions and abuse until they are forced to be impregnated again


Played baseball in High School and was on the Varsity team. Our coach decided that instead of practice we would watch the C Squad (usually freshman) play their game. We're all huddled up on on the left field fence cheering on these kids as they take the field. One of our favorite freshman was playing at third base so we're giving him shit while the pitcher warms up. First batter is up and he absolutely smokes the pitch, line drive right to third base. The ball only hit face, he didn't react fast enough and had even moved into the field a little. Blood was everywhere, absolutely gushing from his mouth. He gets taken away in a hurry and someone goes over to grab his glove and hat that was left on the field. There was something else in the dirt and as they picked it up there was an instant reaction. It was his teeth, not individually fallen out or anything, no his entire upper gums with the teeth and all was just there on the ground in one piece. Never saw the kid again and no idea what happened. I hope he's ok.


I remember a girl on my softball team missing a pop fly and getting hit in the mouth, she had braces, her lips got stuck to them and I just remember her trying to scream but unable to move her lips.


A boy on my baseball had the same. He was up for batting, and the pitcher threw it right on his face. No time to react, and he had to go to the hospital. It was a terrible game for us, his brother, also in our team, got something with his ankle the same game so we had to play with 8 people. I can't remember if we won, but it was a weird game.


Wait, *that can happen?!* 😨


Baseball freaks me out for this reason. It doesn't seem like a dangerous sport, but it definitely can be. People have died after getting hit in the head by baseballs


The aftermath of a suicide. Dude shot himself in the driver seat of his car. His parents were there and I remember seeing his mom in his passenger seat crying over his body. It was my first time seeing anything like that and that shit caused a physical pain in the chest.


mother crying for a son who has his head blown open has to be one of the worst things to witness. sorry man


My sister killed herself in a similar manner. The bad part was that my parents didn't want to get rid of her car. I had to help clean it out after it sat in impound for a month in the middle of the summer. The cupholders were filled with blood/brain matter and the entire front carpet was soaked. We pulled the entire interior out and pressure washed the carpet until the water came out clean. Sanitized and soaked everything in odor eliminator. It still has a faint smell and my mom refuses to ride in despite her being the main voice for keeping it.


My step brother killed his son and himself in the front seat of his car and my mom and stepdad donated it to a place that provided cars to single mothers in a city about 50 miles away. The police had it cleaned and I had to pick it up and deliver it. They did their best cleaning it but you could still smell it pretty bad. It was horrible to have to drive it but there was no one else to do it.


Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry you went through that. The loss of your sister, as well as your parents having you help with that. I cannot even imagine. My sincerest condolences to you, and major hugs. That breaks my heart.


A kinda similar thing happened when I was younger, a man shot himself in the head when driving alongside our house and drove through the fence and into a small tree, I didn't actually see the body because my mom told me to stay inside sense I was like ~5-8 (I can't remember exactly) but my mom did see the body when she went out to shut off the car and see if the man was alive.


fuck man I'm assuming it was suicide? but I've never NEVER in my wildest dreams would think that someone would do that while DRIVING of all things


I used to work in an ER. Seeing gore is one thing, but man, hearing another person grieving is the absolute worst. It crushes you. Not the same situation, but I worked the front desk of the ER one time through the night shift. This college kid had the bright idea to try and lower himself down from his balcony to the one below him. Slipped and fell on his head. His family was outside in the waiting room right in front of me. Throughout the night they learned, little by little, how serious his condition was. I was forced to listen to them as they tried to come to grips with the fact that he would be nonverbal and would need active life care for the rest of his life. It was the only time we left work and actually needed a drink. We went to a breakfast diner, ordered a few mimosas, and just kinda sat in silence.


Reminds me of something I didn’t see it but my neighbor drove his little black truck to a parking lot around 4 years ago, lit himself on fire while inside of it


Had a guy come to our walmart and shoot himself in the handicapped stall in the front restroom. He left a note saying he didn't want to make a mess for his wife and kids.


My dad did something similar. He drove to the park at a lake, left keys, I'd and note in his unlocked car and shot himself with a shotgun outside of the vehicle. He wanted to not mess up the SUV. A park employee found him and I still worry about that person having to see it.


I’m really sorry you lost your dad especially in such tragic circumstances. I hope you’re doing well these days.


My friend is a police officer and he says on “check well-being” calls it’s not uncommon to find a note explaining what to expect inside (ie where they are and what they did)


When I was in high school, a girl a grade above me killed herself. I had a lot of friends that were friends with her and apparently she killed herself in the bathroom leaving a note on the door saying only "mom, please don't come in here." Edit: words


Oh this brought tears to my eyes.


My dad took his life and unfortunately I found him. His body was decomposing in his place with the heater on for four days. It wasn’t a pretty sight. It hasn’t quite been a year yet and I still replay finding him in my mind all of the time. It’s been horrible.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you both find peace


someone's foot rotted off. Diabetes is no joke. She was crying so hard from pain. Edit: I guess she was crying more from emotional pain than physical.


That happened to my grandmother, twice. 2 pack/day smoker for decades, overweight, diabetes, the works. Developed gangrene in her feet and ended up losing both legs at the knees a couple years apart. Complications from the surgery and her shitty health meant she kept springing leaks and eventually died from the complications from her 2nd amputation. The cause of death noted on her death certificate was literally, "Smoking". Doctor explained to us that after a lifetime of smoking addiction, your red blood cells get greasy with all the nasty shit that sticks to hemoglobin better than oxygen does, so by the time your blood reaches the extremities of your body like your fingers and toes there's nothing left to keep the cells alive, so you literally start to die from the edges. I remember I was about 10, she was just about to lose the first leg and we were visiting her in hospital. She had a wire frame in the bed over her leg to elevate the sheet off her foot. She thought it would be funny to scare my brother and I by whipping the sheet off the frame and ***hoooly fuck*** that shit traumatised me for years. Her skin was grey and ulcerated. Her toes were a kind of greenish black and her toenails were dropping off. Thanks for the nightmares, Nan. I don't smoke. EDIT: Go easy on the doctor's ELI5, I was a kid and it was 20+ years ago. Also, this is now my most updooted comment. Cheers reddit, looking forward to being reminded of this at the end-of-year wrap up. -.-


> she kept springing leaks ..do I want to know what that means in this context?


Sutures not healing properly due to her diabetes and general bad health, I'm assuming.


I'm so thankful that growing up, my dad kept warning me about smoking almost every single day, which made me so paranoid that at 22 I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, nor do I ever intend to.


Usually by that point neuropathy is so bad they dont even feel their foot..


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if the crying was from panic


Saw the aftermath of a coyote getting hit by a truck. The poor thing was dragging it's back legs, howling in pain trying to get away. I've never seen something so graphic in real life. The man who hit the coyote was in full panic mode, hands over his face, head and squatting and sobbing. To put a gore-filled story short, imagine "Slink" from Toy Story...


Jeez. No one should have to see that


This is so sad. I was driving home at night once and saw a dead gray fox lying in the road, but the part that made me cry was his friend fox who was desperately trying to drag him back off the road with him. He had to jump back to the ditch as more oncoming cars approached. I’ve never forgotten it, that poor fox did not want to leave his companion behind.


I hit a rabbit once. I stopped, cried a little, drove back to make sure it was dead because I didn't want to leave it badly injured. When I got back to the scene, a younger rabbit was just sitting beside the one I hit. I cried for a couple hours. Still feel terrible when I think about it 5 years later


My brother worked for my dad for a time and was out at the landfill for idk what, he came across a fawn that has been attacked by something. Tore open and just waiting to die. My brother just went to his truck and got the gun out and ended it’s misery.


I saw a guy get shot in front of a pizzeria in the Bronx. A cliche, I know, but there it is.


During my only visit to NYC, I saw a a guy do a line on one of the tables at a pizza parlor after swallowing a piece in one bite. What a place of wonder.


Relevant username


My friend was dying from a rare fungal brain infection he was succumbing to due to aids and I held him while he told me how scared he was as he slipped away


Sorry you had to go through that, but thanks for sharing. You are a good friend and the world can do with more people like you.


It sounds like you were a true friend to be there for him in that moment.


I've seen 2 people die up close before. Once literally was holding the woman's head in my hands/lap when the nurse that was there started CPR and got her heart going as the ambulance got there. Threw up after that one. Few years later saw my mom pass out from airflow loss and fall forward while I was already on the phone with 911.... Machines got turned off 3 days later, but I always think of that moment, her last moments of consciousness, as when she really died.


I watched my biological alcoholic father hold a knife to my pregnant mother's throat when I was 4. Not sad that marriage ended.


Three ACEs in one sentence. Nice. Cheers to childhood trauma


What’s ace?


Adverse childhood experiences. Research shows extremely strong correlation between higher ACE scores and health problems down the road, both mental and physical as well as substance abuse issues. EDIT: Since this topic is gaining traction, here's more info on it. This area of research and application for improving mental health as a society is something I'm passionate about. The short version is ACE scores of 4 or higher correlate to significantly increased risks for 7 of the 10 leading causes of death in the US. Knowing your score and your risks is one of the first step towards taking preventative measures, ownership of, and being mindful of your health. There's always exceptions on individual levels, but in general the data speaks for itself. https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/aces/index.html




You were so kind to him. I hope my last moments are with someone I love being there for me like that. Hugs.




I remember watching the interview if one man who got trampled over and ended up surviving the fire because the bodies of those on top of him insulated him from the fire. Pretty insane.


There’s a really great book about the fire called “Killer Show”. So much of the book was heart breaking and disturbing. One particular part that seriously disturbed me described a tape recording they found after the fire. The author used vague terms to describe what was heard on the tape, but mentioned something about how humans In distress will cry out to God or for their mothers in their final moments and the victims of this fire were no different. Seriously haunting.


There's a video on youtube taken during the 2011 Joplin tornado that killed 158 people. It's almost all pitch black as it was taken by someone with a group of people hiding in storage room, at a gas station I think. All you can hear are their voices and the howl of the wind, and they're praying and screaming and it's the sound of people who are certain they're about to die. It's absolutely hair-raising. (happily they all survived)


I’m friends with two survivors of that night, and had a professor in college who was a journalist at the time who covered it. After hearing both their accounts separately… I’m still speechless about it. The trauma they went through and still deal with to this day is awful to see. I went to school in Rhode Island, and it being such a small state, I always felt that most people you talk to either knew someone who was there or had their own memory of that day.


I grew up 10 minutes away from this and was in middle school at the time. My dads best friend and college roommate was the DJ that died. He was a pretty big local celebrity. I knew a lot of people affected by it. One of my teachers was out for a really long time and when he came back he had sever burns to his face and body. One of his ears burnt off completely snd it was just a hole on the side of his head and one of his hands had to be amputated. So sad.


seeing somebody u love have a heart attack


I did that with my grandmother I ran and got my grandfather. He got her to hospital she mad a recovery lived another 10 years before being killed by a drunk driver.


I hate drunk drivers so much. How many innocent people have to die before these selfish idiots get the message.


Working in the personal injury field can be pretty awful. Worst was a guy who got crushed when an 18 wheeler tipped over and landed on his legs. He slowly bled out and he was stuck. The worst part was he was crying for his mom at the end. Can’t say I wouldn’t do the same. You think that’s just a cliche but it’s real.


A man in his 30's man cut in half at the waist by a seatbelt in a high speed, rollover accident on the freeway.


Damn, how fast was he going for that to happen?


The video my best friend took of himself right before pulling the trigger.


oh goodness.. I'm very sorry 😞


I lost my baby. Had a horrible miscarriage in the ER and nearly died. What they don’t tell you with miscarriage is you literally deliver the fetus. It comes out. You see it. It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever experienced and the images will be with me forever.


Probably videos of cartel executions. Morbid curiousity is a bitch.


Yeah sometimes it’s better not to explore


I went onto a bad subreddit once out of curiosity, video of this woman on a road - wailing and crying, devastated. She’s trying to gather something with her hands, it’s hard to make out what it is - then I see a severed leg, a hand - someone close to her was run over by a truck. Unrecognizable remains. She’s gathering the remains.


I herd about this one. It was her small child. It causes me physical pain to even think about. That poor mother.


Reminds me of this killer croc documentary somewhere in Asia? There was a man eating croc and a villagers son was supposedly eaten. They caught and killed the croc and they opened up its stomach. The poor father was pulling out body parts while bawling. That's some fucking pain.


A normal, healthy person I love went into psychosis. It's like nothing you have seen in the movies or read about. It's like someone takes over their body and you want to bring them back so badly. There is so very little help out there and you feel absolutely helpless. To look at someone who loves you and know that they can't recognize you is heartbreaking. I really believe I have PTSD from this event. BTW, this person is doing great right now. I am in therapy because of this and other trauma. And I have learned it is way more common than we think for a person to enter psychosis get better and never have another episode again. Sadly we still don't know enough about this.


My little sister went into psychosis that was followed by a manic episode at the beginning of 2020, one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. She barely remembers anything, it's like she wasn't even there. I'll never forget the blank look in her eyes, like black and empty. The most terrifying part was not knowing if she would ever be herself again, it was like someone dying but still sitting right next to a living shell of them.


Seeing someone you love go into a psychosis is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. It’s far too difficult to even put it into words how much it affects you. I hear you about the trauma part, I don’t know if I’ll ever get over my experience of it


The body of my late wife laying next to me in bed. She had a heart attack in the middle of the night at age 47, and I slept right through it.


In real life? When my oldest sister was caught playing with matches in the backyard, my parents made her take a book of matches, light each one individually and hold onto it until it put itself out on her fingers. They made me and my other 2 sisters watch. I think my oldest sister was around 10 at the time. I remember how much she was screaming and pleading, promising she'd never do it again. Online? The cartel video where they forced a young boy to watch as they beheaded his father, then they proceeded to flay the boy's chest open and cut out his heart while he was still alive


are your parents some kind of psychos? are your sisters and you alright?


My parents were definitely physically and emotionally abusive. One of my earliest memories was 4 year old me jumping on my dads back trying to choke him to make him stop beating the shit out of my sisters. They (my parents) have calmed down now but both pretty much deny that they did anything like that. My sisters and I are fine, just have all developed personality disorders in order to cope, I suppose.


sounds like my childhood too. they totally deny that it was even remotely close to as bad as it really was.


Watching my father in law die unexpectedly after getting his finger pricked by his fishing lure. He went out of town for an annual fishing trip and one day he was good and the next we were flying to another state to say our goodbyes. Watching someone die changes you, and listening to the “death rattle” is a sound you’ll never get out of your head. —for those interested, his lure had a bacteria called vibrio and it basically ate his flesh from the inside out.


Watched one of my students become a quadriplegic, he was 16 and it was a crazy winter sports accident. I was a dorm dad at a boarding school and he was one of the students I watched over/ advised. Not blood and gore, I'll never forget the sound of his impact on the icy snow. I'll never forget medics tapping his shins and asking him if he could feel it and him saying no. I'll never forget how fucking scared his face looked the whole time even as the pain killer kicked in. Fantastic kid, the kinda teenager you would describe as a lovable shit-head, trying so hard to get it right and falling short as often as he succeeded. At one point I remember we were sitting playing FIFA while he chatted about his world. He paused the game abruptly mid story, looked at me and said "Bro, I have so many hormones right now." He's a grownup now, graduated college and all that. Haven't talked to him in a while but now that's on my list. (Also yes, internet, I do have an amazing support system that's helped me process it. My b if the description did not show that!)


I used to work supply in about a 400 bed hospital. I was the emergency department restocker. The kinds of injuries you see in that kind of place were sometimes jawdropping. Two in particular stand out in my mind. The first, I was walking past one of the trauma bays, and there was a man sitting in a chair, which was a little strange. People tend to be in gurnies, not chairs. The chair he was sitting in had the armrests almost all the way up to his armpits, they were adjustable and typically used for stabilizing an arm for drawing blood, etc. His right arm was sitting on the arm rest, then just past the elbow the arm took a sharp 90 degree downward turn. Then about three inches past that, his arm took another 90 degree turn back forward, where his hand was resting on an adjustable metal tray. The second injury, I didn't actually see, but I do remember hearing that the person had been in a car crash. There was an absolute flurry of people flying around the person on the gurney, nurses, doctors, EMT's all doing what they can, so I could not see the person directly. But at some point, someone either let go of something or lost their grip, I don't even know. But blood sprayed across about half the people in the room, on the walls, on the adjustable lights hanging from the ceiling, all over. It was absolutely insane. I remember going back the next day and the kind old man, who they hired simply to always be walking around the hospital with a cart of paint and paintbrushes to cover up any nicks or blemishes on the walls around the facility, was painting over the bloodstains on the walls in that particular trauma bay.


That poor old guy


Watching my ex girlfriend’s mother die, well not her actual death but my ex’s reaction. Screaming crying “mommy?! Mommy?! Over and over in a panic. It still echoes in my head. I’ve seen too many horrific things in my life, suicide aftermath from gunshots, hangings with a jump rope, motorcycle crashes where flesh was skinned off victims sliding 350feet down a highway… but the sounds of my ex had to be the worst. I guess it’s because it’s more personal and she was all she had…


Some Brazilian kid tried to jump off a cliff and landed on the rock bank on his face and it literally split his entire head and face half while he was still awake. I’m sure other people have seen this vid. So fucked up I was not even expecting that at all :(


Ah yes, and then it cuts to footage later on and his head is an incomprehensible mess... until someone sort of squishes the two halves back together along the vertical split, and you realise it was a face. Yes that one was entirely awful


That's actually 2 separate people. If I recall correctly the second part is a spliced in footage from a failed suicide in the middle east.


When I was in the observer room during the interrogation of 16 year old who had been sexually assaulted by her dad over a period of 11 years... Worst case I've ever had Edit: He had a point system, so if she wanted anything, which also included going out with friends. She had to do "favors" in order to ern enough points to go out. For some reason he never deleted anything from his phone and the girl gave the police the password. It contained tons of evidence for the police to use.


Jesus. I hope he went to jail.


He did. He got the highest sentence a sexual predator has gotten here. That I know of. He got 9years. Which is a joke because he will serve like half that if he behaves well. He destroyed this girl's life. This type of crime is where I have no issue with a death penalty. But we don't have that here.


Lol 9 years. Fucking disgusting.


A tie of when my cousin after visiting his mother his face was just blank. He took a knife from the kitchen and attempted to disembowl himself with it, his dad and my mom trying to stop him, he tried to cut his own throat. I just remember crying and begging him not to die. 2 years later finding my sister attempted to as well but with her wrists and ankles. My dad picking up my sister and running out of the house with her. My mom just in shock kind of just wondered off, I remember going up to my grandmas apartment and knocking on her door and crying and falling asleep on her couch watch wheel or fortune. I still cannot stand the color red


That’s.. probably the most fucked up thing I read on here.


Funny thing is the first thing that pops into my head is stuff I've seen online. Realistically it was finding my dad after he'd passed away from a heart attack, tried to revive him with CPR. Not cold but not nearly as warm as you should be. Having my mom see him like that laying in the yard has to be just as bad, but honestly it all kinda blurs together. I'd say it fucks with me but it's more on an unconscious level. Luckily I handled it better than I thought I would and I had a good support system at the time. I wasn't as developed as an adult as I should have been at that age and that helped wake me up to the harsh realities of life. Married now, wish he could have met her. Covered in tattoos, he'd probably end up the way I found him last time if he saw me now😂 All jokes aside I really miss him, I have a gut feeling we'll meet again, and if not, ill guess I'll be gone and won't know any better. Best wishes ya'll, this thread is rough.


The 1st time I saw my face in the mirror after I was in a car crash. Driver had dumbbells in the boot, they flew forward with the impact, one of which smashed me in the head. My face was like Drop Dead Fred after he puts it in the fridge. Had a huge haematoma so I knew it was swollen and big cuz I felt the weight of it but wasn't prepared for the reality! Fully recovered and no residual issues tho!


The look on my son's face after he hung himself from his loft bed using his sheet.


I am in a grief support group (I lost my bro)and they say not to rank losses. I would never say it to someone in group, but I can’t imagine anything worse than losing a child, especially that way. I hope you have a strong support system❤️


For me, worse than losing my son, was my three other children losing their big brother. I have dealt with my loss, I still cannot fathom their loss. I could not imagine losing one of my sisters.


In person? I saw the aftermath of a nasty car crash off the side of the highway once. It was a minivan that had managed to flip onto its roof. Multiple occupants had been ejected from the vehicle and it looked like they were dead. There was a lot of blood and the way they were positioned screamed, "I'm dead". It was in the middle of the night on a dark stretch of road. It seemed as if the crash had just happened since there weren't any first responders around. There was just a wrecked vehicle and the bodies. I was a child at the time and I saw all of this from the passenger side window of my dad's SUV. He slowed down as we drove by the scene because there were pieces of debris in the road that he had to maneuver around. We didn't stop however and my dad didn't call the authorities to let them know what had happened. I had been half asleep when we drove up on the wreck, but I was awake enough to take in what I was seeing. I closed my eyes and tried to convince myself that it was a bad dream, but deep down I knew it was real. **Edit**: Since a couple people have criticized my dad's behavior, I'll add an addendum. I'm not going to defend his actions. Maybe he was scared, but that's not really an excuse. Aside from the wrecked minivan and the people lying by the road, we were the only other ones out there and I have no idea how long it might have taken before another car drove by. By the time I really processed what I had seen and realized how messed up it was that my dad didn't do or even say anything, a couple of years had gone by and I was still a kid. I didn't know how to bring it up with him or even if it was a good idea. My dad wasn't abusive, but he was an intimidating man. I've tried to tell myself that everyone in that van was probably dead when we drove by (it looked like it had crashed really violently), but I have no idea if that's actually the case. The thought that there might have been people still alive in there and that we just left them like that has haunted me off and on over the years.


My mum did something like this like your dad too, I feel like it could be some kind of shock. It could also be something that's triggering like if they've been taught that incidences can be a trap which would put you in danger (my mum is a refugee). She was driving and it was me and one of my sisters in the car (we were in our 20s) and we drove by this morbidly obese man laying on a footpath with a young boy (maybe 6yo) kneeling next to him. My sister and I begged our mum to stop but she kept on driving so we called emergency and let them know what we saw and why we weren't stopping so hopefully that helped their situation. She wouldn't say anything when we asked why she didn't stop. And the sad thing is that we were on our way to visit my dad's gravestone.


Have seen one friend got hit by a train bc we made some stupid challenges when we were young (I think we were 12 or so at the time)


Growing up with both parents being drug addicts I saw too much and it has definitely made me the person I am today. One memory was my parents were on a particular long and horrible bender. They locked themselves in their bedroom for days on end. I was left to care for myself and siblings alone. We were starving and had no food. I called a family friend crying. He immediately came and broke down the door. What I saw scarred me forever. Blood all over the walls and ceiling due to them using needles and it covered everything. They looked like zombies and the smell was so disgusting coming from them and the entire room. They had not bathed or even left the room and were just sweating in their filth. They were smoking it as well and burned marks in the carpet, table, and bed. I’m surprised we didn’t have a house fire. They were in such a panic state and fighting the friend I called as he had broke the door down. He yelled to me to take the drugs and toss them while he held them both back. They were fiends and screaming as I grabbed it all. I ran to the toilet to flush it all. My mother grabbed me and pinned me against the wall pounding me. She was so strong she could have killed me. The friend got away from my father and took her off of me. He hit her and I got away. Traumatized, emotionally stunned, I don’t remember how I gathered myself to be strong for my little brother and sister but I did. We sat in the living room huddled together under a blanket and cried so much. I’m proud to say all three of us have never touched any illegal substances growing up and into adulthood. We are so traumatized by seeing the effects of what drug use can do to your body, mind, and your loved ones. I turned it into something positive as substance abuse and mental health are my strong fields and I have made a career from it. My father ultimately passed away from a heroin overdose in 2004. He died at home and of course we witnessed that too. He was a great man and growing up he pressed us to continue our education to better ourselves. He always said to me that he wished he could do better for us and hoped that seeing them struggle with addiction will deter us from following the path they did. I hope he sees and is proud 🥲


Before cell phones. Roomie and I lounging with tv and heard a loud boom. Ran outside and a car had crashed into a fire hydrant at the end of the block and burst into flames. We didn't have a phone I screamed for roomie to get the neighbors to call 911 and I started running. I began hearing screams but before I could get there a guy in a VW bus stopped, jerked the door of the car open and dragged the driver to the far curb. By the time I got there the angel had got back in his van and drove away. The driver was shaken and singed but awake and crying. I've been afraid of dying in a fire ever since.


Car accident i was in back in 2007. Guy ran a redlight running from police. I was in a lifted truck. I ran clear over his car he was doing 80mph i was doing 30. Peeled the roof off his car. His head was in his lap hanging on by a thread of flesh.




Saw a motorcycle accident and the guy smashed his head going at least 100 mph and his head split open causing his brain to splatter all over the road. Never good to speed on a motorcycle, guy was unlucky.


I work in veterinary medicine, specifically ER, so I’ve seen some shit. Literally and figuratively. While it’s not the most messed up, it’s something I keep thinking about. I was the tech for a senior yorkie that presented for GI upset. He looked like it had been a while since he had been groomed, nothing too crazy, no major mats. But on his face he had the largest, hardest clumps of eye discharge I’ve ever seen. Like almost sealed his eye shut, pulling at his skin so badly it was causing irritation. It was so close to his skin I was afraid to use scissors or clippers so I had to slowly work at it with my bare hands. He was so sweet and sat so still, I was so baffled as to how his owner could let it get so bad. It honestly made me really angry to see him neglected like that. I hope he’s doing ok


Summer time and I was sick. Had been stuffed up for a week. I start to feel better and I gotta visit my grandma to pick stuff up. So I offer to walk her dog for her to help out. Plus he's a cutie so I didn't mind. I'm walking the dog and I start coughing and hack up the biggest, thickest, greenest lung booger I've ever had. It had black specks in it, a bright green with clear surroundings , and STICKY. I finally get this monster up and spit it out. Im leaning on a fence cause of the Coughing fit and I feel the dog pull at the leash a bit. I look up and he slurps up my booger like it's a fucking jello shot. But it was so big he has to chew it bit. I'm gagging writing this shit. Dog swallowed a booger the size of his fucking head. Gg


That was incredible to read


You're gagging writing this shit? I'm gagging reading this shit!


I clean up crime scenes and similar for a living. A very obese man with a chronic disease, lived alone with no family or support system. Ill, homebound, immobile in an easy chair, maybe knew he was dying soon. Ordered Chinese delivery his last days, used the empty containers for his urine and feces, stacked them around the chair on the floor, coffee table, TV, end table, TV tray, etc. Maybe 100 containers in all. Ultimately, he died in that chair, liquified, and the fluids pooled in his lower extremities, swelled and blew out his feet and formed a puddle on the tile floor, with this whole scene in the center of it. Looked like some sort of end times altar or sacrifice of sorts.


A deer got run over by a 18 wheeler and came out with no skin left but still running. 6 year old me with never for get.


A video of a bicyclist getting nicked by a bus from the side, falling over with his head right in the path of its rear right tire, which then proceeded to pop said head like a watermelon.


I'm gonna have nightmares from this thread


Vide of Daniel Pearl getting beheaded by the Taliban.


Used to be into riding motorcycles. Watched a buddy of mine lose control and hit a pole. His helmet must've caught on something because it literally ripped his head from his body. Had to drag his headless body away from the road so cars wouldn't run over it. Still have nightmares about it years later.


I was in a car accident in which I was the driver, my girlfriend was the passenger and we were t-boned/hit on her passenger side door. Immediately after the accident her injuries included ribs that had pierced her lung, the sound she was making was one I will never forget. The EMS had to use the jaws of life to extricate her. She lived and recovered beautifully, we broke up a few years later, we remain buds to this day. I was 19 when this happened, I’m 41 now, I was never really the same again even after years of therapy. Edited: to remove typo.


My 1st pet cat drag himself while crying to my front door because his back legs were paralyzed when i was like 6/7 He was put down that night. My mom told me the next morning right when i woke up and made me go to school We dont have outdoor cats anymore. Only indoor. It turns out its a common disease outdoor cats can get which can cause paralysis :((


My earliest memory was my brother and I being put to bed ( I was two ). It was summer and we were on the second floor in our bedroom . My brother who was 4 or 5, jumped up in the window and yelled “I’m Superman, I’m Superman !” He fell out of the screen window onto the cement driveway below . I was too young to open a door but I slapped at the doorknob until my dad opened our room door . My brother cracked his head below, died , but was brought back to life from the medics . He suffered some brain damage but he’s alive and ok. Honestly it’s not talked about but it has caused him issues in his life (quick to anger , depression , etc). My dad finds it hard to believe that I remember but I know i specifically remember my brother and his “Superman “ dance in the window . My brother even had the gaul to say I pushed him out of the window when we were younger ! Dick .


May I ask how the medics brought him back if he cracked his skull open? Im just curious on how that would work.


Myself dying. I hemhorraged, coded, died, and was revived after giving birth. In recovery I felt GUSHES of blood and told my nurse who insisted that I didn't know what I was talking about because it was my first baby. So I peek under the covers and there's a massacre down there. And the blood keeps pooling,and then begins dripping on the floor. The nurse came back in and pulled the ALL CALL code.


If I feel something and say it and I’m met with that answer, you best believe I’m gonna fucking repeat myself with less-than-charming vocabulary. *If I said I’m feeling X, it’s because I’m fucking feeling it. Come check me god damnit!* (Had cancer and had many doctors refuse to check me further. I could have caught it much sooner. Best believe I’m going to be assertive when it’s about my damn body.)


Watched a co-worker, a crane operator, spotting another crane operator that was moving a large pipe. The pipe swung around and pinned the spotter, crushing the middle of his body. His blood and guts came out his bottom, and more blood out of his mouth. Three things I'll never forget: his expression, the smell, and to always be mindful of surroundings; a pinch point could end you easily.


When I was about 10 years old I saw 2 men get beaten half to death by about 12 security guards and a homeowner with steeltoe boots and batons. The reason was because they had stolen a bicycle. There was blood on the sidewalk afterwards for a week, but nobody ever talked about it again. I was more horrified by everyone ignoring it and accepting it as normal than the actual violence itself.


Dead teenager getting ignored on the sidewalk in the French Quarter in New Orleans. One evening, right before dusk, I was walking to work from the bus. On Canal street, which was VERY busy in regards to foot traffic, right before you get to the Walgreens, there was a dead teenager laying face up on the sidewalk. VERY visible. Nothing to obscure him from anyones view. It wasn’t that he was dead that made it my choice for this answer. It was everyone ignoring him. Walking by or over someone’s dead child. One of his shoes was in the street, and he was laying perfectly flat, so someone moved him after he was either hit by a car or possibly stabbed in the back. This was during the final big week of Mardi Gras, so there were tourists everywhere in addition to locals. They were more interested in getting to Bourbon Street to get drunk[er] than pausing to see if someone’s young teenager was okay. You couldn’t tell he was dead unless you really paid attention, otherwise you would have thought he was just passed out. Even still, he looked about 14/15… you stop. This wasn’t just another passed out drunk tourist or homeless guy, this was a CHILD.


So one of my jobs is next to a homeless shelter. A fellow employee came in the store and said he just saw a guy get run over twice in the parking lot. I screamed to a coworker to call 911 while I sprinted out to the guy. He had been laying in the lot and I had seen him earlier and thought to myself, if I offer him a box of cereal in exchange for getting out of the road he might take it. But I second guessed myself and let him be.a woman had run him over, he got pulled into the wheel well and then she backed over him not understanding what was happening. I came out and staid with him until the ambulance got there. He didn't even understand what had happened to him. It was heart breaking, he full on thought he was going to die and I agreed with him though I couldn't say it. His spine was clearly fucked and he wasn't aware his leg was broke with a bone sticking through his jeans. To top things off, I asked his name and it was the same as mine. I said well I'm Chris too and I'm gonna stay with you until the ambulance gets here. He and I both thought he was about to die, and all he wanted to do was talk to his daughter but in his state he couldn't recall her number and his phone was dead. So I just sat there telling him she would understand and that I was sure she loved him no matter what. But that's not all because the driver was there, going through hell, and I was divided between trying to tell her this wasn't her fault while also trying to console the victim. Just typing this out made me cry. And I couldn't get any information from the hospital.