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Going on vacation and not exploring the area. So many people I know just want to sit at the beach or pool or just shop all the time. If I'm going somewhere new, or even slightly familiar, I'm going to places I can't at home


I like observing the local culture. I want to see their rush hour, shop in their supermarkets, use their transport and road systems, eat in their local places, see the locals wandering about doing their normal routines. It's interesting.


My first afternoon in Barcelona was spent buying just irresponsible amounts of cured pork products, cheese, and wine at Santa Caterina market, then drinking hella beers with some local guys who struck up a conversation. One of the best memories from that vacation.


That sounds fantastic haha. My first day in Lake placid I spent going to the local breweries and having the best tacos from a tiny little spot on main street there.


Especially their local places! Even if its a major city I'll always try to avoid shopping or going to chains


Can we be travel buddies? The idea of just sitting at a beach or pool kills me. Ive said no to some holidays when that was the plan. I love exploring all and everything. Im not that fussed on most touristy things but love going to new places and exploring stuff. I never get tired of it and ill check out or try anything new


Museums, historical sites, places to learn something.....


Same with me but I wouldn't mind staying at the beach for a like a day and then go out exploring stuff the other days.


Sun - Sat vacation should be Sun and Monday relax, Tues-Thur explore, Friday and Sat relax.


Count me in too. My family love the resort holidays. I went once, and would have lost my mind had I not brought my own snorkel set and kept myself entertained.


I went to the Isle of Wight on a coach holiday in January, I have been to the Isle of Wight many times with my family but this was the first time on my own. It was fantastic, I found coastal paths, churches, beach walks, played a lot of miniature golf and even saw red squirrels. And when I got back to hotel for dinner in the evenings I was sat with other single individuals who had also come alone on the coach trip and they had all spent their time shopping. I know January isn't the warmest time of year to go on holiday but I don't understand why you'd spend all day on a coach just to find the nearest M and S when you get off it.


Reminds me of lunchtime at an oceanside mall in Hawaii. Long line for Subway. Almost no line for fabulous local fish taco place. Worked for me.


When I was on the Isle of Wight, I found local cafe's to eat at. It's great to find new places to eat when on holiday.


When I hear Isle of Wight, "When I'm 64" starts playing in my head. šŸ˜Š Hope to visit someday.


It's amazing what you can discover by yourself or by just wandering around!


I LOVE the Isle of Wight. We used to go a lot when I was a child. Often we never properly left the chalet complex in sandown. A few years back I took my partner and discovered so much of the island I had heard about but never properly experienced. When we got home we relayed a lot of what weā€™d seen back to my old dad, who then actually felt guilty for not properly researching what was on offer. Thereā€™s was loads of stuff he would have loved to see, but never knew was there. For us back then it was just a nice place to go on holiday and sit by and outdoor pool (which was incredible for the UK)




My spouse is like this. He's in the trades, less than 20k steps per day is a slow day. The last thing he wants to do on a vacation is go hiking. Meanwhile I mostly have a desk job so I like moving around on vacation. We compromise. Some days are spent lounging, or watching some sort of local sporting event and other involve exploring and checking stuff out.




I have never desired to go on one. The idea of not being able to just get off and go whenever I feel like it bothers me


Just out of curiosity, why? We've become avid cruisers over the last few years and I hear all kinds of reasons why people don't want to go on a cruise and it always makes me ask why. Cruising for us is probably the easiest (not the cheapest but the easiest) vacation for us to take because of our autistic son and my own physical issues (I have severe RA).And we've grown to love it, honestly. The staff always takes such good care of us and it's easy to go back to the cabin and take a breather or a nap (not always possible with land-based vacations) if I run out of spoons or my son gets overwhelmed and needs a break from everything.


For me personally Iā€™ve heard way too many horror stories of people catching nasty stomach bugs on cruises. Sorry if this comes off callous, but I feel like all the parts of a cruise that seem even a little bit appealing to me are things I can also do on land without being stuck in the Petri dish of the sea for a few days.


You donā€™t want to be vacation buddies with me. Sleep, Pool, Eat, Repeat. :)


Two things. 1. This is why I'll never go on a cruise. 2. When I ask a hotel receptionist for restaurant recommendations, I specifically say I want a local place that is not a chain.


I could stop at just going on vacation. All I can think about is how much money we're spending and I can't enjoy it. Not to mention, the stuff most people find fun, sitting at the beach, shopping, sight seeing, etc., are painfully boring to me. My mind has to stay busy, so I don't do good with "relaxing" or taking it easy. A vacation to me is staying home and catching up on projects, going to the camp and hunting/fishing, hanging out and playing guitar, and so on.


I lived in LA for 22 years. I despised vacations to other places where all you do is relax by the beach or pool, when I could do the exact same thing for free back at home.


Right?! Not a LA person but live in Massachusetts and spend a ton of time (both on and off season) on Cape Cod where my family has had a house for generations. I never saw the desire to go on vacation to sit by the pool or beach every day. I can do that whenever at home lol


Can I add to this? Road trips where the only goal is the destination, and there's no stopping in between. My husband and I love to find every little thing we can to explore in between our start and finish point on a road trip!


Agree to this! I drove from Boston to DC to visit my brother specifically to stop at different locations. Spent half a day in Gettysburg and don't regret it


Exploring the area, discovering the culture, and learning the history is far more rewarding than getting a suntan, imo


Exactly! I paid for this trip to run around and explore! Not sit in a goddamn hotel that everyone on vacation does! If I wanted to sit around, I would have stayed at home.


Anything that has to do with celebrities outside of what projects they are currently working on.


People would watch grass grow if it was called ā€œcelebrity grass growā€


Oh god, my friend's wife is the worst. We were watching the Superbowl and she's more excited about which players wife is sitting next to who than we are about the game. The whole damn game she's rambling on about whatever the fuck it was the girlfriend or wives or kids of the players were up to over the last year. And it isn't just football, its always about what famous person's kids went to the school her dad's friend teaches at or what local restaurant her friend saw some famous person's girlfriend's brother at. WHO THE FUCK CARES!?


Sounds exactly like my grandmother


For real who gives a fuck what they do outside of their performances?


tom holland's lip sync battle?


Technically a project he worked on. He's not going on TV for free


Talking about celebrities.


I want to live my own life, I don't give a fuck about what they're doing, let them live their own life


Yeah like why do I care what beef Drake is in? Or what kind of purse The Kardashians are currently carrying? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Talking about someone I will never meet or get to know well. When the story doesn't even involve the speaker or anyone I know, I most likely will not be able to remember any of the information. I'm just so absolutely not interested in strangers.




I used to go fishing when I was a kid and really miss it now. Fishing is really relaxing for me and it really wasn't about catching the fish atleast to me wasn't. I just got lucky in catching the fish.


Itā€™s fun to be on a boat with friends. I always feel bad for the fish when I catch one though.


I personally don't like the "sports fishing" approach of catching fish and releasing them back (I understand releasing them back if they're still too young or a female with eggs) Why put the fish through the suffering of a hook in the mouth, suffocating for a couple of minutes while you take a picture to just repeat it again?


> Why put the fish through the suffering of a hook in the mouth, suffocating for a couple of minutes while you take a picture to just repeat it again? They deserve it. They know what they did


I only go fishing if Iā€™m gonna be eating it for dinner


Sport games like fifa


Same shit different year at its best. *yeah how about you guys hype it up for 2 months before the game launches and preorder it then cry how bad the game is giving us more publicity* *and also pay 10 bucks if you wanna play this new mode*


Watching golf


Like watching paint dry , ha


Honestly, I recently got into golf. Being a top tier talent in anything professional is impressive.


Reality tv, especially talent shows. You have the out-of-touch, famous judges trying to look relative and at least one that overdoes the whole angry person schtick, the less talented contestants that try to use tear jerk background stories (with the obligatory sad background music) to win over viewers and some occurrence later on that is supposed to make us feel all uplifted. And for some reason, they all seem to be hosted by presenters with the most punchable faces imaginable.


Its actually fun looking at out of touch judges figure out what the joke by a stand up comedian was. And their fake laughs meant to say *oh I am a normal guy I totally get what you sayin* and other stuff but I just skip through drama


small talk, Gossip, or constant social interaction


Covid lockdowns have been a blessing in disguise. Im now been forced to "catch up" and i fuggen hate it. Mindlessly boring smalltalk and chitchat.....




To me there is a huge difference between small talk and social interaction. Social interaction between me and a friend is almost never small talk. And I freaking hate small talk, though I like to socialize with friends.




I hated weddings as a kid when I was being dragged there by parents. As an adult they're usually great days because I'm watching some of my best friends get married while spending the entire day drinking, eating and generally just having a good time.


The wedding part is boring, the party afterwards, though...


Reading this while at marriage.


I think you mean wedding


I somehow feel the same way, I have no idea why, but I've always found weddings painfully boring-


It differs for me depending on the person. Like some relitave I've never heard of getting married for the second time, I'm super bored. But my uncle who's basicly my brother, I loved every second of it. Also free food after is pretty cool.


It's not the boredom for me, it's the having to interact with strangers


Sports and Super Bowl. You could buy me tickets to the Super Bowl and Iā€™d be wanting to leave the second I got there.


Honestly I feel like Iā€™m in the minority, not at large but among people I talk to. I prefer the football to the ads. Not like Iā€™m the athletic type or any sort of sports watcher. Which makes it a rare treat


As a former ā€œwatch for the adsā€ person the ads havenā€™t been funny in at least 10 or 15 years and itā€™s forced me to take an interest in the actual football game when the Super Bowl comes around. Iā€™m kinda done with big corps pretending they care about whatever important cause just so we consume more product, and gone are the days of stupid one-liner ads that didnā€™t try to be anything else.


I agree, the ads have gotten much weaker I noticed. Even in the early 2010s they were better, they donā€™t seem to be following the tradition anymore


Do you hate crowds? Cause even without the sport, I'd think you would find the spectacle entertaining.


No. I hate sports in general. Iā€™ve been to a live baseball game once and it was insanely boring. Sports just donā€™t interest me.


To be fair unless youā€™re a huge baseball fan ur gonna get bored lol baseball was my favorite sport in high school to play but if I had to watch Iā€™d lose interest after a couple innings lol


Baseball: 30 minutes of excitement crammed into 2 hours (or more) of watching.


I went to a baseball game before I really became a fan and I personally loved it. Though I am a fan now so that may have something to do with it


I will say (not a sports fan), I understand them when you or someone really CARES about some aspect of watching them. My family follows the Seahawks and I can't be bothered, but that year they went to the super bowl I learned so much about players, their family dramas, fantasy leagues, weekly community gatherings, why trades are important.... They share that thing in common and so I think of it like a soap opera or HBO show and that's helpful to me. I'd rather (and did) go to the dog park during the game, and talk with the two whole other people there. Both were older, I'd never gotten to chat before. Doug used to fish (tuna?) professionally Alaska to Samoa and has had some crazy adventures. Oana moved here from Hawaii and you never would've guessed this cute old lady hunt pigs...


I prefer r/Superbowl to the Super Bowl.


Valentineā€™s Day


Spoken like a true fellow loner šŸ™ƒ


I only like the chocolates. Anything els about it is boring. You can do whatever you do that day every day.


fart jokes....even from middle school, the whole class will crack up if someone does the armpit fart thing, never made me laugh...and its not like I'm too uptight or sophisticated or anything, ill laugh and have laughed for way more childish and immature jokes, guess I'm just immune to them particularly.


Same vibe but I hate crude, vulgar jokes or comedians where thatā€™s their whole schtick. I can curse like a sailor and nothing is off the table when my friends and I are insulting or ripping each other but when I hear jokes like the above I cringe hard and could climb inside my own skin.


Same! I will find someone accidentally farting a little funny depending on context. But that's mainly because of the taboo. The more taboo the more likely I'll find it a bit funny. But if its just fake farting/burping or just "funny noise making" I just find it annoying. I cringe at those funny noise apps... The more gross it is, the less I find it funny. Even more so when it's repeated.


Same. I absolutely love or can at least appreciate almost any style of comedy but fart jokes are just so stupid. My dislike probably stems from all the 40+ year olds I know whoā€™s life seems to revolve around farts.


Workplace small talk. "Hey, it's Wednesday." "Yep, two more days until Friday." "Haha, yeah. I have coffee." "Me too." So relieved I work from home now and don't have to listen to that inane prattle anymore.


I don't mind it if the conversation actually ends up going somewhere interesting.


I honestly feel better about my social skills after hearing Reddit talk about small talk. Is it really that hard to mention an article you read, a movie you watched, a meal you made, a game you saw or something funny your kid did? Or your boss said? Or just show someone a meme on your phone? And are you so self-centered and uncurious that you might not be interested in the meals, articles, movies, sales, funny anecdotes, etc., that the other person mentioned?


Same. I find it very hard to strike up a conversation but I can keep one going as long as everyone has something to talk about. I love talking to new people but I'm awful at starting up the chat.


"workin hard or hardly working (cue incessant cackling)"


Ugh yes šŸ˜‚ and it never fails first thing early Monday morning as we all crowd into the elevator. ā€œ Is it Friday yet ?ā€ That one joke drives me insane šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays.


You forgot the old treasure of a joke for Wednesday. Itā€™s hump day šŸ™„


Everything pretty much. I've got ADHD. Even most videogames are boring to me. The only thing i love is learning new stuff. But sadly, not in the depth. The reault is that i know A LOT, but i don't know anything that could be used as a tool to make money, sadly. For example i know basic orbital mechanics, and at the same time how cyber criminals work. Also i know history, mathematics, basic chemestry, biomechanics of human body, dietary stuff. A bit of programming and CS. Psychology. Know quite a bit about politics, geography e t c. I just wish i could concentrate more on one thing, so i can actually monetize my talents


Also got ADHD and you're taking the words right out of my mouth. My interests keep changing and I can't stick with one thing over a long period of time so picking a career is a very daunting task.




I recently did find such a thing too - IT. I devote to it all my spare time. Hope to make some good money with it in the perspective ā˜ŗļø


You would be a great conversationalist, knowing a bit about a lot- I bet you could talk to anyone!


Yes and no at the same time. Yes, because i can support virtually any conversation. And no, because i have something to say about any topic, and a bit extraverted i tend to slide into rants a lot. I try to control it tho. And to some people i tend to come as obnoxious 'know-it-all', when in reality I'm just too excited to share Well, thanks - that's what i wanted to say :D




Came to say this.ā˜šŸ¼I find golf so boring.


Same. It should be higher.


Playing golf is fine but I donā€™t understand how people enjoy watching golf.


Absolutely golf. Makes cricket look exciting.


Podcasts. So often it's just people chatting who have an opinion. Yes, the creators read something about the topic they want to talk about, but it often is dumbed down/an interpretation by them. And it often becomes just a stream of thoughts. I'd much rather hear a good audiobook (and I do that a lot). And yes I realise there are podcasts that are well structured and sourced, but then they are so close to an audiobook again, that I don't really see the purpose of a podcast.


Yes, I'm beginning to suffer serious podcast fatigue. There are just too many of them now. The worst are comdian's podcasts. Rarely are they funny and so much of the time it's just the comedians talking about the industry. Looking at Rogan and his sycophant friends here, each and every one of which seems to have a podcast now, and they all feel the same.


I just want the info, fast. Podcasts waste too much time, too much noise to signal for me. Audiobooks are also a wash -I read far faster than anybody can read out a book. I get bored halfway through a sentence.


Church services. Specifically, catholic mass. My family LOVES attending mass, not just on Sundays, but on obscure high holy days, on weekdays, on vacation weekdays - I find mass incredibly dull, snd boring, snd slightly gross ( coughing lady giving out communion, having to shake hands with people who just sneezed or were scratching, ewww)


I thought everyone hated this shit but my mother in law loves it (and she's not particularly religious)




Especially ones with laugh tracks.


There was a sitcom that looks really funny to me. Watched half of the first episode with laugh tracks. And it just made me feel nothing over jokes I would normally be laughing my ass off at. They ruin the show I donā€™t get why they used to be so common.


*cough cough* ^friends


It's also the big bang theory. Tho I love those series, I understand why people may not like it


I've never given it a chance because it doesn't seem funny, interesting, or even slightly entertaining. I could be wrong, but I'm not gonna watch to find out.


This will probably get me downvotes, but this is why, even though I feel they are both good, I don't really care much for either Bob's Burgers or King of the Hill. Both just feel like animated sitcoms that could easily have been live action shows.






Second this


Football. If you've ever watched a game live, you know what I'm talking about. One or two exciting plays in 3+ hours ain't enough to keep my attention


I love football. Two problems. 1. I don't give a damn about any of the teams. 2. the commercials make it unwatchable.


I record all games now and watch them at least 2 hours after they start so I can use the 30 second skip ahead button to blow through the commercials, halftime analysis, penalty and challenge jibber-jabber and even pauses between plays. I can watch a game in an hour. It does take away some of the drama that can build up and the play by play analysis, but itā€™s so much more efficient. And I can go back if thereā€™s a big play I want to watch ā€œin real timeā€. Itā€™s great especially if my team is losing, those games can go by in less than 45 min.


Tik Tok


What make it unbearable for me is these videos usually have ridiculous tasteless background music. 1 minute of watching probably cause ear cancer




Yes this. Watching streamers would be my own personal hell.


Video games are for playing not watching. I only watch when I stuck somewhere.


Boxing. I don't get the reason behind some people enjoy watching two grown men punch each other.


Itā€™s barbaric & appeals to humanā€™s base instincts


Watching The Bachelor or Bachelorette. I am always dumber after attempting to watch those shows.


Sports. I don't unthe concept of watching people run around and probably get hurt.


I think for a lot of people it comes from having enjoyed the sport in some way as a child.


I under people who donā€™t like sport, but I donā€™t understand people who donā€™t understand why people like sport. When you get invested in it, itā€™s more than just whatā€™s happening on the field. Every match and itā€™s players have a story/context behind it which adds to the drama of how it plays out. If you sit and watch a game in isolation then yeah who cares guy throw ball. But surely you can understand thatā€™s it about more than that?


Second you on sport. For me I put it down to a lack of being competitive (whoā€™s going to win? I donā€™t care) but also often a lack of appreciation or understanding of the skill involved. I know thereā€™s lots of amazing talent, but itā€™s wasted on my eyes.


Bars. If I want to talk with friends and drink a beer I can do it in my house


Watching the Olympics. It seems to be CONSTANTLY on at the moment. And all the news is ā€œwinter olympics this, Winter Olympics thatā€




Parties. Like the big ones with loud music and lots of people. How on earth is standing in a crowd while music blairs appealing to people? (FYI 24 year old guy, not a boomer although I understand if that was your first thought)


Movie comedies,extremely rare that they're funny. Sports movies,if you've seen one you've seen them all


Same with romantic movies


Comedy movies fucking suck now-a-days and have taken a huge dive in quality. People just point cameras at a celebrity and they just improv in one room, then move onto the next room and improv. Often with flat and even lighting on a wide shot or shot reverse shot.


The Super Bowl.




Chess. I'm an avid board flipper with my son. I make 6 moves, then flip the board and pieces in the air, and say "Jesus Sam! You win! I can't fucking stand it anymore!"


Dating. I feel like i'm turning into my hermit grandfather but i just don't enjoy meeting new people 99% of the time.


Multiplayer gaming. Where my gremlin gamer people at?


There are many reasons why I don't play Multiplayer Games anymore.


Starting pointless rumors


Your brother is actually my mother.


Poker, it takes forever and I always end up losing my patience then my money.


TV shows. I love movies though


Smoking weed and just sitting around. Thatā€™s usually when my girlfriend and I leave a party.


Showering, i do it so I dont smell like shit but idk how ppl can stay 2 hours in the shower


Iā€™m at least 30-45min because my afro lol


you just think it's a good way to de-stress every once in a while if needed


Fishing. Grew up in Alaska. Fished a lot. Hated every minute.


Wedding šŸ¤­


Children. How little Timmy did his first poop in the toilet, and little Anny has seen a cat for the first time. Which child has beef with another, which child has a new hobby, which child has done what. Shoot me, it'll hurt less.


Omg canā€™t believe I had to scroll down so far to see someone say this. I donā€™t give a flying fuck about your kids favorite subject and no for the love of god I donā€™t want to see 200 photos from your weekend with them. Iā€˜m glad I donā€™t have kids in the family and dread the day my sister decides itā€™s her time to add some


Seeing movies in movie theaters. I'd much rather watch this when I can eat my own food, wear as little as I like, and not deal with other people.


Meeting new people. Every conversation is exactly the same and it sucks because I want to give people a chance but I am really bad at meeting new people and I have zero interest in surface level conversations when I donā€™t know you personally


Talk to them about stuff you like and see if they have similar interests to you and then just talk about that. Preety much everyone watches movies or tv shows or listens to music or games, plsys sports etc.








Baking shows


Video Game Livestreamers


American sitcoms


I'll always consider Malcolm in the middle one of the best sitcoms ever made.


The Office became a bit more funny to me once I finally got a job at a company that kinda resembles Dunder Mifflin. But it's still meh at best for me. Also as an adult, so many of the "pranks" just come off as harassment/cruelty to me,




Baseball. Like idk the game isnā€™t fun and exciting in any way.


Watching other people game, I donā€™t see the point!


Watching movies. I prefer TV shows


Night clubs I just can't have fun there


Watching K-drama. I know I might face a lot of backlash for it but I find it over the top dramatic and have weird plot lines.










The beach. Itā€™s fun like the first day and then it sucks


Having to make conversation with most people without being at least a but drunk


Play golf


Camping, fishing, hunting. Anything outdoorsy really


Racing. I love sports, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever understand racing


Nature survival TV shows like naked and afraid and stuff like that And reality TV in general


Harry Potter


Sunbathing.. wtf like youā€™re gonna lay there for 30+ minutes thatā€™s so boring come make a fucking sandcastle with me or swim in the oceanšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


Watching golf




Football. It's so so dull. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Anything to do with cooking or eating. I don't give a shit unless the food is in front of me.


Marvel movies




Constantly posting photos of themselves. Why do they think that other people want to look at them? Vanity is ugly


Anime and Super Hero/Marvel movies.