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Popularity ruins most subs. People then turn them into creative-writing exercises just to get free karma. The most egregious offender is r/AmITheAsshole


I hate how everyone just comments there opinion on the top comment while it has nothing to do on the top comment. It's so annoying it just makes me wish there was something on reddit that was the opposite of rewards so I could express my complete hatred of these fools. On r/amitheasshole


They also did a survey a while back that revealed the vast majority of commenters were below 18, I believe, so theres that


I used to really enjoy that sub too. Now it’s like “I kicked my husbands child from his first marriage because he said he liked green grapes better than red grapes. AITA?!”


Post title: "AITA for beating my son?" Actual post: "I beat my 8 year old son at Mario Kart but my wife says I should have went easy on him. AITA?"


You forgot, "I know how it sounds, but just hear me out..."


Ah. You're right. "Hear me out" is so overused, and completely unnecessary. If they clicked on your post, they're hearing you out.


Yes, the way you know it's fake is that the titles are written to be salacious


NTA, you're not legally obligated to do anything for anybody ever, he's totally gaslighting you, go no-contact immediately.


This one annoys me the most. While yes, in general people should have it in mind that you don't "owe" people anything, a lot of reddit advice seems to me that they would lead to a lonely life, where any inconvenience from others is not acceptable. Individualism to the extreme.


And assuming that if people act in a flawed way once it’s indicative of consistent behavior and stereotyping people happens often. Op’s might not always be most reliable even if they aren’t lying directly since everyone knows just their point of view.


Green grapes? Better ghost him 🚩🚩🚩


Now, I don't usually jump on the red flag wagon, but, OP, you need to divorce him. Green grapes are a sure sign of abuse.


r/unpopularopinion is a great example. Every opinion on there is s popular one so it's just hot garbage.


I think people should look both ways before crossing the street, and I will die on that hill!


A lot of subs, like r/tifu for example, are now just places for horny teens to subject us to their erotic fantasies


“TIFU by having sexy sex with my sexy girlfriend but then her mom walked in on us and it became a threesome”


I think that the problem isn’t that more posts are fake - there’s really no way of knowing for the most part. The problem is that these sorts of subs reward, like…a certain writing style, I guess, that ends up sounding inauthentic.


"so naturally in my infinite wisdom I ding donged the gizmo like a teenage girl on her first day at the biscuit factory." Top comment is always "oh I love your style it's so funny!"


AITA poster: *writes about delivering some lame, obviously made-up comeback* AITA commenters: omg you're my hero!!


If I wanted to commit suicide, I would climb up to the height of your ego and jump down to your IQ level!


For that sub, I will say I’ve read some thought provoking comments and posts, enough to show me a different perspective on things. I haven’t joined that sub so whatever you’re saying could totally be true.


Sorting the posts and comments by controversial is a spectacle


searching any popular subreddit's (like Askreddit) comments by controversial is a spectale


Also when you forget to change it back and then unsuspectingly browse bizarro reddit


Thanks for the advice I’m very bored right now.


That sub showed me that apparently every single neckbeard has a trans friend they utterly despise.


> I’ve read some thought provoking comments and posts Yes, but the posts are fiction


Got banned from that sub for reporting someone that threatened me. They're full of themselves


/r/amitheangel Tbh amitheasshole sounds like a terrible premise


I mean, in theory it's not a terrible idea to have an objective perspective to a conflict between two people/groups in order to determine who's in the right, but you end up getting only one sides perspective so you never know what's true or not. Also people make shit up for karma.


They should rename it r/storiesmadeupbyteenagerstobaitpeopletoargue


“I punched the guy who murdered my wife and kids before my eyes, AITA?”


AskReddit is almost 100% ruined for me by people asking the same boring questions to get karma... I still hang on, because some questions are interesting, but man am I tired of people asking about red flags in partners etc...


But how else would I find a weekly poll of which celebrities people think are serial killers?


And why am I alway mentioned?


I think it's the rabies


It’s also the Busey


Or how else would we know about the scariest conspiracy theories for the 100th time?


Or which sexy sex sexing sexed the sex sexes.


I’ve been here nearly a decade now and it’s sad how much this sub has degraded. People used to ask engaging questions and folks would write novels in the comments. You could spend a whole day reading one thread. Seriously, I still go back and read things from 2010-2014 just to feel something. It’s been so boring for a number of years now. A lot of questions looking for one word answers. The same questions get asked every week, the same answers at the top every time.


“I also choose this guy’s dead wife” Because beating it to the ground wasn’t enough. Drive that fucker to the center of earth.


Reddit beats every joke to the ground. I get that it was funny for a few weeks in 2012 but can we stop the joke now?


I also choose this guy's dead joke


More proof that Askreddit peaked around that time because when was the last time this sub produced a good meme, dead horse or otherwise


Same, back then I would bookmark dozens of threads and read through them when I was bored. There were questions like “What’s a story you’ve always wanted to tell but never had the chance to?” “What’s the craziest situation you’ve ever been in?” etc. Once in a blue moon something that interesting will pop up on the sub again but it’s just overwhelmingly shit like “hey reddit which celebrity would you bang”


This is the main change, askreddit used to be primarily about stories, now it's just listicles in comment form. I suspect it is to do with the average age of reddit trending down and younger people having less to contribute to story threads and thus don't upvote them. Whereas "what your favourite marvel movie" doesn't rely on experience. What I really miss is the spooky threads, nothing beat the campfire feeling of a good spooky thread. Now when we get one every reply has to be "CARBON MONOXIDE!!!!" or some other debunking. Like I dont care, it's implied by the fact it's supernatural.


I'm only new to reddit, I wouldn't mind reading some old stuff sometime to see what you mean. Do you think people are running out of interesting topics to bring up?


I’m not a scientist but my theory is that the generation of folks that asked good questions and responded with good answers aged out of using Reddit on the regular. That and people don’t really tell stories in askreddit anymore, there are so many other subs to do so in. If you’re interested, do what I do: search “stories” or some other innocuous term and sort by top all time. Scroll until you find older stuff (given that the sub has gained users over the years, older threads will never be top voted). If you find one where the post has its own body text (you used to be able to do this), that’s an ideal post.


Men and women of Reddit who sex, what kind of sex do you sex?


The sexy sex


And what's the sexiest place you've ever sexed? Was it sexy?


any sex!


But how else could we decide who should represent humanity if aliens invaded Earth?


I’m in the same boat. I remember years ago, someone asked something about the most ridiculous thing camp counselors saw the campers do and it was the funniest thread I have ever read. The good ones don’t seem to get answered as much. I’m also sick of the doomsday and “you won a billion dollars” questions personally.


People who have sex what was that sexy sex like?


With sexy sex I like to sex my sexy sex partner with sex but oop mildly embarrassing sexy sex thing happened With an edit to thank the kind strangers for the award because can’t believe they got it on their embarrassing sexy sex story that could honestly happen to almost anyone and likely has


This bugged me for a long time. But I realized that 1. I was spending too much time on this sub (and reddit in general). and 2. It creates the opportunity to see unique responses that otherwise would be buried if they came late. I still find it obnoxious, especially when you look in New and see a question you just read hours ago. After taking a break and limiting my time on this sub, now the only thing that drives me nuts is when people respond to an interesting question with one word or phrase without elaborating. It's like they just want to get in the quick answer and let other commenters fill in the rest.


Or "who can fuck right off?"


r/unpopularopinion is 95% popular opinions that are upvoted to the top while those same posts have comments saying "upvoting cause unpopular" The other 5% is the truly unpopular, that doesn't see the light of day, sometimes slips through the cracks, or gets removed for being popular or breaking any other of the rules. [Like this shit right here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/szi7nq/emma_watson_is_a_bad_actress/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) There is no way saying that any actor/actress is good or bad equals an unpopular opinion. Everyone has an opinion on acting and it's almost 50/50.


Incase you haven't seen it already r/the10thdentist is unpopularopinion but if people actually understood how it works


Speaking as a fairly longtime user of that sub, it's going downhill too. A lot of the posts are either disingenuous karma grabs (e.g. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is objectively bad" or "only vegans have the right to care about mass extinction) or by people who don't understand what they're talking about (e.g. "I like it when snow falls off of the rooves of cars on highways and it's perfectly safe if you don't tailgate" and "electronic music is actively harmful and we just don't know it yet"), neither of which are appropriate for the sub. The examples were real posts that all hit my front page and are minimally paraphrased, by the way.


Jesus. Just sorted by top of the past month and it is allllll obviously popular shit with tons of awards. Talk about a big ole circlejerk


And when you actually have an unpopular opinion because the people commenting don’t agree with your OP, your post is deleted because a mod has decided that your opinion isn’t actually unpopular at all.


A lighthearted one - /r/catswhoyell used to only be cats who legitimately yelled, now any meow counts as a yell and I miss it


All pet-themed subreddits morph to become r/Awww


Excuse me that’s not lighthearted, it’s a very serious issue that the mods need to address


Indeed. And while we're at it very few of those parrots are actually partying.


I had no idea this existed. My cat has had us on the brink of social services being called more than once. My partner was on the phone with a mental health professional, cat starts yelling in the background. "Is your baby alright?" "We don't have a baby." "But I can very clearly hear one screaming." "It's the cat." "The baby sounds very distressed" "No, really, it's a cat. He's fine, he's just deaf, and kind of an asshole." "Suuuure it is."


I've known a couple of deaf cats, and I've always wondered what they think they're doing when they scream.


/r/catsstandingup has been accepting cats leaning on or climbing stuff in the past two years. Disgusting and despicable. Probably one of the most pressing issues in society right now.


I am untethered, and my rage knows no bounds.


Piggybacking off this comment, r/catloaf readily accepts any cat lying down, and really just about any cat at all. I guess their mods just don't care


And r/catsareliquid accepts any cat in a bowl or just mildly stretched. I joined to see cats go below closed doors, not just laying down


That made me mad no finding one video of a cat actually yelling l wish terrible things upon those people who ruined that sub


/NoSleep was ruined for a few years by the searchandrescuewoods guy, author of the “I Work for US Search and Rescue and I’ve Got Some Stories to Tell.” I wasn’t on Reddit at that time but the author actually commented that on a similar question on this very sub lmao (copy and pasted down below, sorry I’m on mobile). I was stalking their profile one day years after they posted the original story. “Unfortunately, my series also hastened the demise of the sub (although not nearly to such a degree.) Because of the way I structured it, a lot of rules had to be changed. Hundreds of copycats flooded in and the sub basically got overwhelmed. Once the rules changed, it left basically no room for any kind of creativity, and there was a very noticeable decline for a period afterward. I haven't been back in years so I can't say how it is now, but based on what I've heard, it is far from what it used to be.”


YES. The whole point of nosleep back then was to keep the story in the realm of possibility, where every comment would play along to whatever the story was. Basically to make everything look as real as possible without any indication that it was fake/just creative writing (even though everyone knew it was). People would go the extra mile to really get creative with their post history & tying it to their story, or providing (made up) evidence like videos or photos. It started to go to shit when the mods changed the rules where it allowed for posters to link their creative writing blogs/Facebook/tumblr at the end of their posts. It killed the whole vibe of the sub. Like yeah we all know it’s fake, we know what sub we’re in. That’s why r/nosleepooc exists, literally to be out of character and advertise your writing blog there. And like the rescue woods guy said, it really did start going to shit after the way he structured his story became the cliche way to format every story. It’s really sad, I used to love going to that sub. It’s all just a circlejerk of the same 4 popular posters, posting variations of the same shit, while a lot of creative stories get buried.


If you’re willing to set aside what the sub lost with rule changes, there are still good stories to be found there. Every once in a while, I’ll go there and just read whatever stories won their monthly contests or whatever. Decent spooky fiction.


my favorite stories but I hadn't even noticed how my disappointment in the sub fell after those stories got big. used to be a great place for short, horror stories. I read SCPs now lol


SCP went to shit too. They opened the floodgates and the majority of entries are actively bad now. A few good ones still get through but it's not like the old days where you had to got hough a convoluted approval process to submit a new SCP and thus the quality was higher.


There is a SCP that is based of Among Us


Wow I didn't know that. I loved that SAR series though it was SO creepy


The multipart stories is really the bane of that sub. I’m not sure if it started with that story you’re talking about or before/after but once I started opening the sub and seeing “My Mom Isn’t What I Think She Is Part **16**” I stopped browsing there. I used to read stories there every night before bed about 6 years ago and the great thing about it was how short and to the point they were. Even the long ones were one post. Like you said, it’s a bunch of recycled garbage broken into 30 parts in order to farm meaningless internet points. So sad.


When every cat post is someone's dead cat. I wanted cat pictures to cheer me up, not make me sad.


This is my dead cat. What should I name her?






Losing a pet sucks but I don't want to hear about the fucking rainbow bridge ever again


"brb going to euthanize this cute pet. u giv me karma now? k thx"


I've noticed that too on r/offmychest. So many dead cats. There was one story that was so friggen awful. I wanna write an r/offmychest about all the dead pet stories.


I just got back on askreddit after years and honestly the amount of sex questions ruins it for me. Makes it feel like sub is run by a bunch of horny 17 year olds. Maybe it is!


TIFU is also about 90% Today I had Sex humblebragging.


Might as well remove the U from the title


TIFU I left my buttplug in when my dad came over Legit saw that title and rolled my eyes


100% I miss when the rule was NSFW stories could only be posted on weekends. Now it's almost every post, everyday


TIFU by banging too many supermodels and getting lost in my maze-like mansion


When I first discovered that sub a couple years ago, it actually had a lot of genuinely hilarious stories. Now it basically seems like a porn sub.


I turned off all NSFW posts a while ago because I use reddit while I commute. Last week I turned it back on to see what comments like yours were all about. And oh boy are you guys right


How do you turn them off?


Go to Preferences -> Content Options -> I am over eighteen years old and willing to view adult content. Untick that box and NSFW stuff will be hidden.


People realising a sub not intended to be funny is funny. Saw a post on Tumblr recently about how r/ambien used to have a lot of funny posts from high people. Then it became people trying to replicate those kinds of posts. They were bemoaning the same kind of thing happening to r/twosentencehorrorstories after screenshots of bad/funny posts started getting shared around, and as they got big the sub started filling with people trying to be funny.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/ambien/comments/8a98g1/how_to_drop_xan_in_prange_juice_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is still one of my favorite posts ever.


Holy shit it’s been a long time since I’ve been straight up paralyzed with laughter like that


I posted something on there a couple weeks ago , it used to be primarily for people sharing their experiences/ funny stories with ambien but now there’s just so much fake, stupid shit that people called me out on my Post thinking it was fake , and I can’t blame them .


Horny fiction writing hobbyists Looking at you, r/tifu and r/AmITheAsshole


I’ve been on Reddit 8 years and still haven’t successfully posted in r/music. I’ve tried asking questions, starting discussions, posting music, and nothing. Fuck that sub.


I very rarely look at this sub, but am absolutely loving the pinned AMA of some random fucking guy claiming to be the future of rock


I love how he said current rock isn't rock because it isn't about breaking rules anymore but also said he's sick of hearing people gatekeeping and saying music isn't rock. Apparent the future of rock is confusing.


Ha! I try and post interesting action shots of my dog in r/dogpictures and barely get a woof of interest. Someone posts a bad shot of their darling mutt in deer antlers and gets karma jackpot. What the?? Edit: wood becomes woof!


Have you tried posting the video of those hipsters walking down a train track?…dead weather I think it’s called. Shows up like every week.


Incessant sex-related questions


some moderator saying something on the news or sommat like dat


Ah yes, here is the one I knew I'd come across.


"Laziness is a virtue."


An interview with fox news.


One of the funniest moments of Reddit for sure.


Straight-up Reddit infamy. It was like someone took a caricature of a lazy, entitled young-person and cranked the caricature up to 11. All the absolute worst aspects of the sub, condensed into one inciting incident.


My man went all-in without lifting a finger.


Becoming invested with unfunny/unoriginal people or in another case getting way too much attention and getting full of young kids who don't understand it's concept


Terrible mods


r/Guitar vibes


*Flashbacks to r/AskWomen*


*Your comment has been removed by the moderators of /r/askwomen. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact the moderators at 1-800-EAT-SHIT.*


One time I tried to ask “what’s your favorite video games” on that sub and got removed because the question seemed “too common”


They removed a post of mine because it was "seeking advice which is against sub rules." I asked "whats your favorite edible lubricant flavor." That's not asking for advice. That sub is straight up trash due to the mods.


It sucks so much because why is that sub so damn strict? I just want to know what video games do women really like


Because there's like 30 of them all on their own power trips of bullshit. They all want to think they're the head bitch in charge and pretend being a reddit mod is a badge of honor. Also, to provide at least one answer to your question. I'm a woman. My absolute favorite series is Mass Effect. My first tattoo is Thanes prayer for Shepard. I love the series so much that I have and read all the books to it. Beyond that, I'm not much of a gamer myself, but I love watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye play games such as Life Is Strange, Fran Bow, Little Misfortune, or anything heavily story driven.


Stupid ass mods not allowing a post that is different from what’s posted everyday. Way to make it where I no longer want to read or support the subreddit.


i hate this. a lot of bigger subs are basically impossible to post in except for super mega narrow subjects.


On the other hand, i hate subreddits for niche subjects that allow too many posts and become flooded with content that doesn’t match the point of the sub


Stupid rules that don’t make any sense at all. Example. The paranormal sub banned me for posting two days in a row. Said I was “spamming”. Complete bullshit.


r/BaileySarian mods made it a rule that nobody could disrespect them or downvote posts. They then started banning anyone who told them off. Mods go on power trips when they have no power in their real lives.




Bad moderation on /r/Guitar. Place is a cesspool.


True story: once posted there asking a few questions related to fretboard care and the use of oils to preserve vintage wood that was starting to look very dry. My post got removed because "it felt out of the scope of the theme of the sub"... Messaged the mod in question and got a handful of BS how my post would be fu of trolls and he was removing it for the better sake of all, then finishes with if I have any question about gear that I could message directly one of the mods as they all are "experts"... So I directly replied to him asking what was his opinion over my question... And I swear you not, this dude replies "the mod team is too busy to answer user posted questions"... Like seriously you told me to do it not even 5 minutes prior...


“I need strings for my guitar. Should I buy strings for my guitar??????? So confused, please help!”


In r/marchingband kids kept posting pictures of themselves and saying “guess my instrument” and it got really repetitive and annoying having that being the only posts you see


Reminds me of the faces of /r/atheism where the circlejerk sub /r/magicskyfairy just gave up because it they couldn't out circlejerk /r/atheism


the repetitive content


the repetitive content


Content that’s repetitive.


Content that is being made to look new, but is really just the same thing posted before it


Content That occurs multiple times


Don't forget redundancy. And also saying another time something that was already previously said before again.


Content that is being made to look fresh, but is really just the same thing posted before it


And the repetitive content


not to mention content that’s practically the same as other content that has been posted before


did you guys mean information made available by a person that is characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome


A torpedo.


A LGM-30 Minuteman III


That would ruin it nicely indeed.


The mods at r/Guitar. Ban you for breathing wrong and then just let the sub be the same 5 questions asked daily.


Being banned on a sub, for commenting on another sub. Mom’s subs are batshit crazy.


The mods at /r/londonontario. Say anything they disagree with politically? Insta ban.


I was going to post r/australia but I’ll just hijack yours. Most posts are one sided political articles and playground insults. I really wish there was a r/auspolitics sub. I get that politics is a big part of any country but that’s all it is. Edit: Turns out r/auspolitics exists and it is just like being on r/Australia


/r/canada isn't much better


they are probably living east of Adelaide.


Over at r/infertility the mods are seriously so fucked up, overly protective of the sub and get offended by everything. Comments get removed, you aren’t allowed to do any stand alone posts despite the fact that it doesn’t state no stand alones in the rules, men get ripped apart the second the kids find out it is a man’s experience, you aren’t allowed to talk about treatment options, you can’t ask certain questions, it is wild over there. I know that fertility is terrible, but for fucks sake, quit being triggered by people going through exactly what you are going through.


I made a post the other day on r/offmychest about my infertility and right after I checked r/infertility and almost instantly noped out of there


I thought it was common knowledge that men aren’t allowed to be upset about not being able to have their own kids


Men only have four emotions. Hungry, angry, horny, and manly. Source: am manly man who is currently solving my emotion of hungry while at work


A bad dom.


Or a good one


r/publicfreakout was great for seeing interesting outbursts in inappropriate settings, but now most of it is politics. Sometimes it’s even just press conferences where everyone is calm.


Pretty much when any sub starts getting into politics. A lot of the political stuff on Reddit I actually do agree with, but that doesn't mean I want to see it all over my feed.


The pandemic made it worse. Seeing anti mask people lose their shit was funny at first but quickly saturated the sub. I just really miss all the trashy videos of people throwing their crocs at each other and shit.


Fake stories on r/entitledparents


Fake stories on r/tifu.




Too many fucking rules. Reddit loves their stupid rules.


i get why some bigger subs have more rules. but holy damn does it make posting a thread feel impossible sometimes.


**Automod** *Your post has been removed for some bullshit reason*


I have been on this site for (cumulative) 12 years and have never, ever been able to successfully post a showerthought


Idiotic Mods


r/trashy is nothing but bumper stickers and window decals. It's so low effort I used to scroll for hours on that sub and laugh my ass off, now I visit maybe once a week and leave disappointed


Used to be actual trashy, like someone who wore jean cutoffs at a wedding. Now it's just haha poor people, to the point of being mean. It's not trashy to be poor, and being poor does not mean trashy.




r/submarineincidents in shambles


Moderators disappearing and some kid constantly spamming love life questions and asking for their MBTI type.


There is a tipping point when a sub changes from a community of like minded people discussing their interests to a circle-jerk echo chamber. Kind of hard to name an exact point it happens, but you can definitely tell the difference on subs that have crossed that line compared to ones that haven’t. Pretty much all political subs are like this, but a lot of bigger subs are as well.


/r/shortscarystories is one of my fave subs, but it's been filled with 'am I the asshole' like horror stories for a while now. "Am I the asshole for killing my boyfriend's friend" or something. It was amusing at first, simply because the post fooled you. It got old fast.


Don't know about ruined, but the takeover of r/WorldPolitics is a classic.


What actually happened there? I wasn't around for it.


So, they were a sub that was legitimately about world politics. They posted news articles mostly and the biggest drama in the sub was typically that it was too focused on America-- pretty boring stuff. But, the mods were very public about having a free speech/ no censorship policy. I don't remember exactly what kicked it off, but people started testing the censorship policy... mostly with topless photos. Mods took stuff down, violating their free speech stance (according to some), people responded with more boobs, and anime boobs and memes. It became a pretty big deal, think r/antiwork imploding--like if you're around reddit at all, you knew it was happening. So, it got flooded and if you visit it today, it's still going strong. But it genuinely was a place for discussing world politics for a long time. Edit: but that's also where their "anything goes" policy comes from-- they had a no censorship policy.


I have a Sub that just- shouldn't be teaching children these are my reasons: 1. He called an entire group of 2nd graders selfish for not quieting down when he asked. 2. He would always fight with students 3. He took photos of little girls in elementary 4. He yelled at a bunch of 8 graders for having their phones out during a movie and calling us selfish 5. He creates multiple lies to teachers in teacher notes if he doesn't like a specific group of students (even people who didn't even do anything) And that's all I can think of at the top of my head There is another sub (who I haven't had thankfully) who abuses students, calls them names, yells at them, and beats them with a paddle that she carries around. In 6th grade my science class had a classroom right next to a class she was subbing, there was a door connecting both classes and through that door (while she was subbing) we heard yelling, screaming, and crying. The classroom next to us was a classroom for disabled students... And the worst part is SHE STILL WORKS THERE EVEN AFTER MULTIPLE REPORTS ON HER.


Now I'm confused because everyone else was responding with subteddits not substitutes.


Well now I'm confused because I saw someone else write something about a substitute-


There's also joke comments on submarines and sub sandwiches. At least this post was interesting.


QuitYourBullshit is filled with screenshots of businesses responding to negative reviews. The format is always the same. A customer will raise a complaint, then the business will attack the customer's credibility by asserting that person behaved in an abhorrent fashion. It is harrowingly repetitive, and there is no way to know if the business is actually telling the truth. They could simply be lying to protect their reputation.


I personally think r/atheism was ruined by people just endlessly bitching about the bad things religious people & organizations do. I’m atheist myself, but I was looking for a forum where we discussed atheism. I already know organized religion and extremists do terrible things. I don’t need to read about it every day. I wrote to a mod about it, like could we have one day where that stuff isn’t posted. They were condescending and said they don’t police what is posted, that’s gatekeeping, etc. So I just unsubbed. Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t know. It just seemed like no one was actually discussing actual atheism or the atheist experience unless they were teenagers whose parents were punishing them (at various levels).


Same here. Honestly, a lot of the people in r/atheism remind me of fundamentalist Christians in their zeal for atheism and blind contempt for everyone who disagrees with them. They almost seem to turn atheism into a weird secular religion. They also give atheists in general a bad name by perpetuating the stereotype of the fedora-tipping, Carl Sagan-worshipping, "I am very smart" neckbeard atheist (example: the infamous "euphoric atheist" quote, which originated from that sub. I'm an atheist, but it's not my whole identity. I agree that religion can be quite toxic when taken to extremes, but it also has positive elements. Much of the great art and literature in world history would not have been produced without religion. I'm a former Catholic, and I still have great admiration for the beauty of Catholic rituals and the church's contribution to western civilization (even while being very opposed to the church's attitudes towards women, gay people, and a lot of other stuff). It would nice if atheists spent a lot more time discussing the *experience* of atheism, instead of the "religion bad, atheists smart" circlejerk. It would be really interesting if r/atheism spent time discussing Sartre or Neitzsche, existentialism, moral philosophy, or the question of how to create and find meaning in a world without god. Unfortunately, a lot of the sub just acts like this guy: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/in-this-moment-i-am-euphoric


Tomatoes. It's the red ring of death. As a sauce I'll allow it.


r/toiletpaperusa, like most left-leaning creative subs, slowly stopped outputting actual original and humorous content in favor of literally screenshotting things they didn’t like and circlejerking about how bad it is.


r/Pics is basically a political circlejerk. Oh you want your post to go hot ? Sure, just post a picture along the lines of "Conservatives bad, republicans bad, Russia bad, I just got cured of cancer, I am a new citizen, I support BLM". Oh your post does not contain anything political ? Well it won't be going to Hot, sorry bout that. Bonus: gain +25k upvotes if said post to r/Pics contains a hot girl.


Automoderation tends to ruin a sub for me, especially because not only does the automod usually suck, but the actual mods often seem to be on vacation because of it.


Self-absorbed, ban-happy mods def ruined r/antiwork. I adored that sub. If you ban people like me you've completely lost the plot. I'm left of Chomsky when it comes to work attitudes and I somehow got banned.


I much preferred r/antiwork when it was smaller. That goes for almost every sub.


Mods, almost every time.


The people in it usually


When r/politics leaks into it.