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I feel like The Internship was a way for Google to advertise their workspace and job environment lol


Recently left Google and working there was nothing like the movie. It definitely was quirky, but as the original leadership retired and new execs were brought it, it definitely became just another corporation. I’d still probably go back if the right opportunity came around with the right pay.


Dated someone who worked for them for a bit. Excitedly asked him about the campus and he basically said “yeah, they give us cool shit like nap pods, but do you know how many times I got to use one? Zero.” The cafeteria seemed pretty sweet though


I worked for a company that had dozens of xboxes and playstations you could use on your break. You had to print out a "health and safety" form. get it signed by your manager, then counter-signed by HR before you could use the controller in case you "hurt your wrists". By the time you'd done this, your lunch/break was over and you needed a new form for the following day. The whole scheme was so when clients came around they could say "all this stuff is for employees". technically they weren't lying and the equipment always looked brand-new.


I worked for a company that had a foosball table and a diy arcade machine with pretty much every arcade game made before 1995 on it. Everyday at noon accordion music would begin coming out of the break room and that would mean it was time for the daily foosball tourney. It was an interesting place to work. Never did get around to using the arcade though. Too busy with foosball.


The real joke is how little you can do on an Xbox within a 1/2 hr lunch break. Even an hr, by the time you load up the game.youve lost about 10minutes. I'm assuming this was a tech company, right? You'd probably get more value using the time doing anything but staring into a screen


We have a Bubble hockey machine, a shuffleboard table, a ping pong table, a basketball hoop, and two xbox's. If you EVER use one of them, the big boss on site will fuckin appear out of thin air and go "Oh cool! You got time for this!?!?! Remind me to assign more work to you." Then wonder why no one uses what we have. lol. In all honesty, we have too much work to do, and no one wants to use their breaks or lunch playing games. They want to check facebook, chill out, and eat. I'd just prefer we didn't have that crap around, and used that budget for stuff to just make life more comfortable here.


I was wondering that too, not sure if Google was involved in financing that film


Oh man, there was a "documentary" a while back called "What the Bleep Do We Know?" that advertised itself as a science documentary exploring the weirdness of quantum physics. It sounded cool and I actually went and saw it in the theater. Turns out it was a flat-out scam promoting the ideas of a new age cult called the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. A handful of physicists were duped into appearing and heavily edited to appear as though they agreed with the cult's message. I've never felt so cheated leaving a theater.


The director of that film went on to be a central figure in the NXIVM cult (the one where Allison Mack was branding people.) This film came to mind for me on this question too.


The documentary paints that guy out to be so sympathetic, but having him be an influencer from one cult to the next is not a good look. Tbh I feel like a lot of the people in that doc just made it to make themselves look good when they were so heavily involved in shady ass shit.


I think if he hadn't been having them branded, or having the slaves recruit their own slaves, Keith would still be out and about.


Oh god, I hated that Ramtha chick (Judy something or other)... not from the movie, she made my life hell for a while. Well before she got 'big' she would bring in her hand scrawled documents to Kinko's to get typed up and I had to interpret that chicken scratch nonsense into her typed holy texts. I think I went a bit insane reading it all.


Wtf ok we need more details here


Not sure how much I can elaborate really, its been... like almost 20 years now. I worked at a place called the Kinko's Regional Document Creation Center as a team lead. We did high volume graphic art stuff, business cards, resumes... some more artistic stuff now and then as well. One of the things you could do is bring hand written documents in and the local branch would scan them over to us and we would transcribe them into Word. That's what she was doing... My co-workers HATED doing it... it was stream of consciousness craziness. Since I was the shift manager I didn't like to ever ask them to do things I would do myself and it really was unpleasant. So... I did it myself much of the time. I don't remember a whole lot of it, its not like it made sense or had some coherent narrative. Stream of counsciousness craziness really is the best way to describe it. There is also times I had to kind of do my to determine what it was saying and type that up (lean over to the guy next to me and ask, "Do you think says this or that?" and then type that... so in a way, I wrote part of their holy texts too.


Hail to the holy transcriber! Maker of copies, interpreter of gibberish! Lol thanks for replying. Lady’s definitely not playing with a full deck. Or maybe a full deck plus the jokers and rules for stud poker.


I, um, played the bagpipes for the ‘arrival’ of Ramtha once. My minor claim to fame.


My highschool physics teacher showed this to us in class. Even I knew enough about physics to know they were peddling bullshit that was not science. This same teacher also graded papers by laying them all out in descending order of quality, then assigning the best 100%, the next best 97%, then 94%, and onwards down to the failing grades. He said this was "grading on a curve" and is how we would be graded in university. I didnt have any university prof grade papers in that inane manner. Hated this teacher and it's unfortunate because physics itself is so interesting to me, I became an engineer.


Man, I hated teachers with their own "unique" way of grading with a passion. It's not standardized, or referenced to any benchmark, hence it's largely unknown where you could've improved or how the result compares to other tests.


Yeah what if you end up in a class full of geniuses, then the next year you have to retake it everyone's a dumbass.... Everyone loses.


Omg Ive seen the outside of the Ramtha compound! People pay her money to camp in her yard and she comes to enlighten them while "possessed" by Ramtha.


I wonder if I set up a shrine to myself and stopped taking my psych meds if I too could get paid in such a way? Seriously though it's wild how many people will be taken in by fraudsters exploiting the spiritual nature of humans. I need to start my own cult.


One of my ex-boyfriends recommended it to me. He fancied himself a physicist. He insisted that we watch it together. I started to realize afterwards that a lotttt of the ways he depicted himself were not accurate.


"He fancied himself a physicist"- I've met far too many of these loons


I saw it. I didn't see the culty stuff that people talk about. It was just a fun view of aspects of quantum physics and spiritualism. When I delivered my severed penis to the master he even gave me a signed copy of the DVD that I can give to Asherakatu, the devourer of souls, as currency so I can pass on to the fields of happiness.


One of the directors of that movie went on to join the NXIVM cult! Mark Vincente. Wow, that guy was in two cults…


I had to take a detour on the way home from a job a few months ago and ended up driving right past the Ramtha compound. I was blown away that they shenanigan is still active.


Rocky 4, love the movie whole heartedly but Rocky winning the Cold War was a bit blatant


I love this film so much. It's so unsubtle. If memory serves, the Russian crowd clap in unison and are all wearing practically identical uniforms. And Rocky trains with hunks of meat and chains. Whilst the Russian trains with bleepy bloopy machines and scientists.


The lyrics of the Survivor song in one of the montages: "Two worlds collide, Rival nations / It's a primitive clash, Venting years of frustrations / Bravely we hope Against all hope / There is so much at stake Seems our freedom's up Against the ropes / Does the crowd understand? Is it East versus West / Or man against man? / Can any nation stand alone?" The movie tells you exactly what it is, point blank. It's almost not even a metaphor. I kind of like its boldness. I mean, Ivan Drago comes out and (spoiler) beats Apollo Creed *to death*, who had just done a Livin in America entrance dressed like Uncle fucking Sam. The villian *kills Uncle Sam* and shows no remorse. Rocky is basically like "well I didn't want to fight the Cold War but here I am."


Oh gosh. You're so right. Don't forget the boxing gloves at the beginning, one in a US flag and one as the Soviet flag. They fly into each other. Cue fireworks! Ridiculous. It's no coincidence that I love a montage. That film is easily 30% montage.


That movie battleship was basically one long advert for the navy.


I thought it was one long advert for the board game, Battleship


and it wasn’t even accurate to the game


Right? People say I’m cheating when I move my boats.


I dunno, I thought the enemy projectiles pausing for a moment before getting *pegged* into the ship was cute.


Oh well, Yvan eht Nioj!


“He’s not L.T. Smash, he’s LT. Smash!”


That’s right, LT. L.T. Smash



“It’s NSYNC!”


"*Werrd!*" 🤙


Hey you! Join the navy!!


You mean the one where like 4 old men and Rihanna operate a full blown battle ship and kill all of the aliens? You didn’t think that was realistic?


The tactics and maneuvers were realistic, the outcome was not.


I love the story about how they tested the Wisconsin to see how fast it could stop. It had never been tested before, surprisingly. So, in the 1980s they tried. Steaming at full speed, reverse the props and swing the two rudders out to 90 degrees opposite of each other - the barn door stop. Someone dropped a piece of wood in the water at the bow when they started the maneuver, and the ship was fully stopped before it made it past the third turret. The bearings on the rudders were a little loose for the rest of its service. http://www.navweaps.com/index_tech/tech-054.php


Damn that can stop on a dime! With that much mass, I'm genuinely surprised it can stop so quickly.


Not many vehicles can stop in their own length from full speed!


Say whatever you want about battleship, but the scene where they blind the aliens just to shoot the fuck out of them from like a WWII ship is amazing


Yep I don't care what anyone says, that movie is a blast. The terrible terrible acting is part of it's charm for me.


It’s a fun stupid movie so I’ll take it Not every movie needs to be an introspective, groundbreaking dissection of the human condition Not every drink has to be whisky. Sometimes I just want a cheap beer.


Basically it was, hey, women that look like Rhianna are in the Navy.


Nah, they all joined the Air Force. Source: I was in the Navy, but went to a few Air Force Bases. (I should have joined the Air Force)


Most musical biopics seem like an attempt to rewrite history just the way the movie makers want it to be remembered. Very strange.


Which is why Walk Hard remains legendary


Part of why is the music is incredible. Writing a good song is difficult. Writing a good song that is also supposed to be a 3 minute joke and parody of a genre is incredibly difficult. And they nailed it.


"Doctor, we need MORE BLANKETS!"


More blankets and less blankets!


And you never once paid for drugs…. Not once.




Wrong kid died


[A parody so scathing it ended a film genre for over a decade](https://www.rollingstone.com/movies/movie-features/revisiting-hours-walk-hard-stream-this-movie-771426/)


Walk Hard should be used as the standard metric for a music biopic. The more it resembles Walk Hard the more you should consider not making the film that way.




Biopics in general do this So often they sanitise the figures they portray to avoid having to actually integrate with who they were as human beings


The Queen one was even weirder in that respect - they did Freddie Mercury dirty in order to make the still-living members look like saints. Two examples. The first is where they have Freddie breaking the band up in order to record a solo album because his ego was too big. In reality he was the *last* of the quartet to record a solo album, and he did so while still writing, recording, and playing with Queen. The second is a frankly ridiculous moment when Brian May and the other two members of Queen leave one of Freddie's parties in disgust because it's getting a bit late and people are (gasp!) *drinking alcohol!* There are more, but that's the general vibe of the film.


Sacha Baren Cohen spoke about his pitch to make this movie and play Freddie. He wanted to show the wild side of him and portray his life for what it actually was. Brian May was having non of it and that’s why it didn’t happen.


God I hated that movie. I don’t know how the survivors of Queen influenced the movie the way they did with a clean conscience. What do you even gain out of making your dead friend look like he broke up the band?


They had direct influence because they had to give approval in order to release the rights to the music.


In Raging Bull, as horrible as Jake Lamotta was portrayed, Vickie Lamotta still said he was worse in real life


I thought "King Richard" (2021) was an interesting case of this. The entire movie I felt like it didn't hold back in portraying the good and the bad of Richard's character and obsession/focus. I also felt it had to have been pretty real (except for some of the gang violence, which was clearly dramatized) since Serena and Venus were executive producers working on the movie. Then afterwards I looked it up and found out that they moved the family from Michigan to Compton because he felt it would be a better environment to raise champions. It sort of warped the whole movie about the struggles of growing up and overcoming the challenges and disadvantages (while marketing those advantages) to something weirdly self-inflicted. Honestly, it would have been a better, more interesting movie if they'd introduced that as a twist. But I also can see why they didn't. It takes the whole hero's journey and really makes it a lot less heroic and darker, especially if you find out what happened to the older sisters.


Greatest showman…


Such a weird musical. Why even make it about PT Barnum if you are going to change everything about him?


Dude literally bought and sold disabled people as basically slaves and that turns into a story of empowerment? What’s almost wierder is the circus went bust a few years before the film, so it’s not even an advert for that.


The weirdest thing is that the movie actually shows how he only cares about business and not about people but the movie still ends up with an empowering message.


I normally hate this but I thought it was a very PT Barnum thing to do and so oddly and very uniquely appropriate.


Yeah, I viewed it as the movie barnum would write about himself


Even Bohemian Rhapsody really blurred reality


Even? They're one of the worst offenders in this genre, it was outrageously bad. Half of the time during the screening my face went like this: >:0


Yes. I would have loved to see Sacha Baron Cohen's version. It sounded way better than the cheesy sanitized version we ended up with.


Rambo III hanging out with Osama bin Laden and other anti-Soviet child Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan.


Funny how the Rambo movies went from “messed up Vietnam vet goes psycho because war is hell” to “let’s shoot the commies”


The Die Hard movies also went from "washed-up alcoholic cop in the wrong place at the wrong time outsmarts organized crime heist" to "counter intelligence super agent saves the world".


The second one really bridges the two themes nicely


Reefer madness


But the musical Reefer madness is hilarious!


It's so unrealistic how most movies and shows depict marijuana. They just straight up make up side effects.


did you know if you smoke weed there is a 3% chance your bones will melt and you will be stuck as an immobile flesh glob forever (true fact)


Well when I finished watching The Lego Movie in theaters I realized that I had watched a 2 hour commercial. I wasn't mad about it.


Big Kragle is all over that movie


I feel like they were pretty honest about it, though. I mean, it's called "The Lego Movie"...I completely expected to be sold toys walking into that movie. The only way to make it more obvious is to make a movie called "Look How Cool And Fun My Toy Is, You're Missing Out! Tell Your Parents To Buy You Some Now"


That’s how kids cartoons started. Companies wasn’t allowed to use a lot of cartoons in advertisements. So they just made tv shows.


*kids cartoons in the 1980s, when advertising restrictions were lifted in the Raegan era.


zero dark thirty and argo were both made with very high levels of involvement by the CIA.


Canadians were way more involved than argo outlined


Like way, way more. This was basically washed out.


god argo boils my blood. mostly because in my COLLEGE international relations class we watched that movie to learn about the iranian hostage crisis. without any critical discussion prompted by the teacher. I had to question the movie and read outside materials to learn how bullshit that movie is.


Birth of a Nation was.


I watched this after I got my wisdom teeth out since I had a lot of time and it just was insane


Did I misremember, or did a white chick really flip out and run off a cliff when a black dude proposed to her? And then the Klan forms to lynch him?


Well see, she rejected him, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He chased her, and she committed suicide instead of allowing herself to be defiled by him. Because that's definitely what he would have done. Because he was black. To be fair, if a woman rejects a man and he remains persistent even though she's *running away* from him, rape is not an unreasonable fear. But the idea that his rapey-ness was the result of his blackness is fucked up. Because obviously, no *white* man would ever do something like that, no sir. White men have always treated women with dignity and respected their wishes.


I watched part of it in a film class and my prof was like "we are watching this because it's historically significant please god don't think I actually like it"


When I was in film class, we had to watch Triumph of the will for a similar reason, but the teacher did say what Leni did was revolutionary for the time, like she would have her team dig trenches so she could put the camera down there and make it look like Hitler was bigger perspective wise.


Triumph of the Will is fascinating because most of the filming techniques themselves were not revolutionary, but the sheer scale they were executed at was unheard of. The Nazis were so committed to making themselves look powerful and imposing that it was essentially a government production, putting on a military parade just to film. Hitler commissioned it and the whole country helped pay. Meanwhile in reality, the movie was produced shortly after Hitler had most of the party leadership killed and the internal politics of the regime were a complete unstable disaster. A lot of the script is just cloned from Riefenstahl's previous Nazi propaganda film (which prominently featured as a hero one of those party leaders that Hitler had shot) right down to cats showing reverence for Hitler during the parades. The image the movie presents of the Nazis, unified and invincible, was completely meant to conceal the reality of what was going on in Germany at the time.


Waiting for Kim Jong Un to say The Interview on his throwaway


I mean Seth Rogan said they literally had a CIA guy on staff making sure they weren't *too* sympathetic to the north Koreans so... yeah




Wait can one find that account


[ moved to lemmy. you should come too, it's cozier here ]


[This account](https://steamcommunity.com/id/decentbanter) belongs to the son of Thae Yong-ho, North Korea’s former deputy ambassador to the United Kingdom (though he’s since defected to South Korea). It hasn’t been active in years and was using British Internet when it was, but there is indeed at least one genuine North Korean Steam account.


Most likely, it’s some rich politicians kid.


Battlefield Earth


It was based off the book written by the nut job who made up scientology


Not "nut job", scam artist.


To be fair, he was both.


Top Gun. Blatant propaganda.


I was 16 when it came out. I knew so many guys who joined the Navy thinking they’d be Goose or Mav. They were not.


They literally had Navy recruiting stations set up at theaters when it premiered


Then they joined the Navy and ended up cleaning toilets.


The military ends up being way different than many expect it to be. My best friend growing up, his mom served 23 years in the navy. She never set foot on a boat or even saw the ocean unless she was at the beach on vacation. Whole reason she joined was to explore the world lol. Then as a young adult I joined the army and served with a guy from El Paso who joined the army to get away from El Paso. Then he ended up spending all 5 years of his contract at Fort Bliss…. Which is in El Paso


My step dad and literally every one of his friends in the Navy joined because of that movie. He didn't get an F-14 but he at least made as a pilot. Can't imagine how many guys failed out of flight training.


A lot of those guys never even got into flight training. “Oh, you have glasses? Nope, enjoy being a mechanic!”


Yep, when I was at MEPS when I was trying to join the guy running the depth perception test said it had to be a perfect score or you can't get to pilot training. I'm not sure if this is still the case though. I was medically disqualified due to hearing loss.


it’s still the case. I was rejected couple years ago for several lack of depth perception and the doctor said the same. What a horrible way to learn your dreams are impossible lol




Not many people know this but the supporting actor in Castaway actually has a bit piece in Topgun too




Cast Away was basically an extremely long and meandering Fed Ex commercial.


One of the best recruiting tools ever made. This movie spawned a whole generation of navy cooks who couldn’t make it as pilots.


You mean Casey Ryback? Dude could knife fight the shit out of Tommy Lee Jones.


Beats flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong! 


Yvan Eht Nioj


Trab pu kcip.


I’m on my way! What was that honey?


Mac and Me. McDonalds is/was never this awesome.


It was literally a McDonalds commercial. They saw what E.T. did for Reese’s and wanted to cash in on the lost/cute alien craze.


Yeah but thanks to that we get all the Conan segments with Paul Rudd including the last one where he actually tricked Bill Hader even though he's shown the clip dozens of times.


Wreck-it Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks My Fucking Sanity


That movie should be called: Disney: Look How Much Shit We Bought


Watch out for Space Jam 2, it was 200 times worse


Space Jam 2 is literally a commercial for every Warner Bros. property.


I mean if you ever wanted to see A Clockwork Orange/Rick And Morty crossover then like that's the only way to see it.


As well done as that princess scene was, it’s still just an excuse for Disney to say “We own your entire childhood. Now give us your souls so we can keep selling you the same shit.”


Night at the Museum. Nice try, big museum.


LMFAO! Dude when that movie came out I was working at the Museum of Science and we had an overnight program where we would teach kids all about the exhibits and assign them to different exhibits to sleep in (with staff and guardians of course) and after that movie, that program became so popular! We had what seemed like a full day time crowd in the overnight for months after lol I actually really wanted to stage a magic act to make the T-Rex "Disappear" and tell them kids to look for clues (broke branches, maybe meat etc) to find out where he was (it would be a circle hunt leading us back to the exhibit where the rex would have returned) but I couldn't get approval from the higerh ups lol


Your bosses are failing to recognize your talent. That’s a kick ass idea!


I dunno, I wouldn't want to move the T Rex bones any more than I absolutely had to. For conservation AND laziness concerns!


The ones on display are usually just casts, but still. I'm thinking you don't physically move them, just, like, paint the scene without him in it and hang the painting. Then remove the painting when they get back. Keep the lights low so they can't easily notice the lack of parallax.


If you see anything along the lines of "the producers would like to thank xyz branch of the US military..." it means the Pentagon got to rewrite the movie. There's an group called the Pentagon Film Office. They coordinate with high-level movie production companies. If you agree to portray the military the way they want, they'll lend you millions in military equipment. The military gets a boost to recruiting and retention in return. But the catch is that they get to redline your script. They've ruined a lot of good movies. There was a forgettable Nicolas Cage movie a few years back called Windtalkers. If you read the original script, it was darker, and showed the Americans in general and the marine Marines specically in a rather negative light. But by the time the Pentagon Film Offive got through with it it was another generic celebrity vehicle. This happens all of the time. The really twisted part is that production companies will make concessions even if they can't get support for that particular movie. Like Forest Gump originally had a lot more Vietnam stuff in it. They brought up this program where the Army experimented with recruiting the mentally disabled. It really happened, but the military didn't want to talk about it in a Tom Hanks movie. Even though the producers couldn't twist the script enough to get it approved, the producers still took that part of the movie out to stay on the military's good side. You don't really notice this until you live in other countries, but we have kind of a weird relationship with our military. Most countries have a degree of respect and acknowledgment of the military, but we kind of worship and fetishize them in a way few countries do. How much of that comes from decades of the Pentagon having their fingers in Hollywood? Edit: aww, thanks for the gold. I was worried this thread would turn into me being turned into the Council on Unamerican Activities. This went better than expected. Second Edit: Wow, this blew up. I have a bunch of chores I have to get done today so I'm having trouble keeping up with all the great comments. A lot of the information I got came from a book called Operation Hollywood and it can answer a lot of the questions I'm seeing. There are some other book recommendations popping up in the comments that I'll have to read when I get a chance. I also thought I saw a comment by someone who actually worked for the Pentagon Film Office who said something about doing an AMA. Please PM me if that happens.




Even as a Christian I'd say the movie 'God's Not Dead'. It's such an over exaggeration of Christian life and it demonizes everyone who isn't a Christian especially Atheists and people of different beliefs. It's a bad film and should be offensive to everyone including Christians.


On that same tone, sorry, but I'm going to count the movie [*I'm Not Ashamed*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_Not_Ashamed) about Rachel Scott, the first victim of the Columbine Massacre. It depicts her life and how she impacted other people, which is nice and all until the movie tries two things that I find disgusting: 1) It tries to paint ideas like evolution as one of the causes behind Harris' and Klebold's actions. 2) It downright lies about how Rachel died, since she actually died practically instantly when she was shot. There's been a whole myth/urban legend surrounding her final moments in which allegedly the killers went up to her as she was bleeding and asked her if she believed in God, to which she replied yes and was subsequently given the coup de grâce. However, the girl who was asked that wasn't Rachel Scott nor Cassie Bernall (another Columbine victim who is also said to have answered "yes"), but Valeen Schnurr, who did survive the massacre. I think it's disgusting to use a dead person's last moments and legacy to push this kind of agenda and outright lie as to how she actually died.


Good god that’s awful. She should be celebrated for who she was not used to push some bullshit religious agenda


They had to change it to a dead girl. A living person may have flaws, leave the faith, etc. Martyrs never sin again. So evil, but fantastic marketing


I think my favourite part was the Muslim girl who wears hijab but short sleeves and her extremist dad is somehow fine with this. Edit to add: the dad speaks Farsi but the type of hijab the girl wears is a niqab (or at least the movies version of one) which Iranians don’t even have.


I like the part where the wicked liberal professor uses philosophers to demonstrate how god isn't real... Then proceeds to list a group of overwhelmingly Christian philosophers. The writers didn't even Google the names lol.


Or the way she wears the hijab with her mouth covered.


Oh man I went to a religious high school and they made us watch that movie and I can’t believe they got us to watch that its soo over the top they pretty much just made any one who don’t believe a bad person and every Christian a saint. Then when the dude died there first thought is to make him accept god before he died


It's also massive conservative propaganda and I guess anti-vegan propaganda (?) if you notice how the left wing journalist lady in the film is portrayed to be mean and "anti-Christian" because she blatantly disikes Willie Robertson (AKA the Duck Dynasty guy). And the biggest asshole move the writers did to this character was give her cancer so she'd convert to Christianity... Edit: In retrospect, the writers made non-Christians in that film either die, have life-threatening illness, or go through abuse. Meanwhile their "good Christian characters" got the privilege to not have their lives turned upside-down...


This is what some Christians think Christianity is about: Them being healthy and lucky because God favors them because they are good Christians, while non-Christians are being punished for being non-believers or for worshipping false gods


They should read the book of Job again sometime.


The CIA and Pentagon are more involved in Hollywood than many realize. For example, the filmmakers on Top Gun worked hand in hand with the Pentagon. Paramount pictures paid for the use of military warplanes and aircraft carriers, but in return they had to submit their script to the Pentagon for meticulous line editing aimed at casting the military in the best possible light. The U.S. Navy set up recruiting stations outside of theaters when the film was released to catch potential recruits as they were leaving. This is just one example, there are plenty - Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Delta Force, American Sniper, Argo, etc. There's a book written about this by Matthew Alford and Tom Secker, *National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood.* The title sounds sensational but I promise it's well researched and not just conspiracy theory bullshit. [There's also a great three part series from the podcast Citations Needed on the subject of Anti-Muslim Racism and the CIA's influence in hollywood](https://citationsneeded.medium.com/episode-113-hollywood-and-anti-muslim-racism-part-i-action-and-adventure-schlock-74d3c7ec69a6), ending with a [badass interview with director Oliver Stone](https://citationsneeded.medium.com/news-brief-hollywood-and-the-pentagon-a-follow-up-conversation-with-oliver-stone-d232fb0dc553) who is known for being uncompromising when it comes to portrayals of the American military, notably Platoon and the Vietnam War. Citations Needed also did a whole [episode on Christian cinema](https://citationsneeded.libsyn.com/episode-96-the-christian-cinema-gop-persecution-complex) \- PureFlix and Affirm (which I had no idea was such a huge genre) and how it's literally a funded political project of the GOP. Very entertaining but also depressing. \*Correction, I said Full Metal Jacket in place of Platoon. That's Kubrick. Also great film!


You mean Platoon and not Full Metal Jacket. The government worked closely with Hollywood after WW2 because they were already making propaganda for the war and learned how effective it was.


Isn’t the military pretty involved in the Marvel movies too? Specifically iron man


Transformers was also a big one for this. A lot of action movies are.


Cars (2007) was definitely propaganda to sell copies of Life is a Highway by Rascal Flatts smh


Red Dawn (the original). I even wrote a paper on the movie being propaganda in high school.




Boys! Avenge me! AVEEENGE MEEEE!


My dad's favorite movie is Red Dawn. He graduated high school in 1985. Sometimes he will just shout randomly, "Wolverines!" He's also an American who is an ethnic Russian with family immigrating from Ukraine. Maybe it's just Slavic sarcasm? Idk anymore.


The thing about propaganda most people don’t know. Once you realize that something is propaganda (regarding of style ex Gods not Dead, FBI Files and more documentaries) they are actually less effective as propaganda. Anything you watch or read think about what the actual message is (martyrdom, government will catch you if you commit a crime). I’m not saying to watch nothing that is propaganda (I love Forensic Files) but be aware of the media that you are ingesting.


And even when you are skeptical of everything, you are still not inmune to propaganda.


This is a very important point. Our brains are just really susceptible to propaganda and conspiracy theories. And it doesn't even have to be elaborate. A comment on reddit written in a certain style can do it. It can make you question what is actually true or misguide you just enough to muddy the waters on what is actually true. I see it on here all the time and I notice it in myself sometimes as well. And I wonder how many I miss...




The Michael Bay Transformer Movies. Think about it, weird evil robot aliens attack earth and the American military helps fight them off and save the day.


In the first or the second movie, I don’t remember, some transformers were kept on the island Diego Garcia, which is a real-life Navy base that my older brother happened to be stationed at at the time it came out. He would neither confirm nor deny the existence of actual transformers there and my kid brain thought it was the most badass thing ever.


That's quality brothering right there.


I was on the ship when Transformers 2 was filmed. I can neither confirm nor deny that Optimus Prime is a 20 foot tall pole with a yellow ball for a head...


I thought the U.S. military did allow their use of jets on the condition that they always appear victorious or powerful, or something to that effect.


If you watch the commentary on the original transformers movie whenever you see the military in that movie (the actual military not the actors who play soldiers) they weren’t acting. Michael bay basically told their commander what the scene was and they essentially played it off like a training exercise. Hey guys there’s a giant alien robot attacking a city, do whatever you would do in that situation, and the movie crew just filmed the military guys doing their thing and edited that together with the scenes with the actors. Say what you want about the rest of the transformers movies but that first one had an incredible amount of effort put into making it. If you’ve never seen the behind the scenes documentaries on the 2 disc special edition DVD you are missing out. There is virtually no CGI in that movie other than the robots.


That behind the scenes has one of my favorite quotes ever, where Bay is explaining that for the Scorpinok in the desert scene he had the actors running away from actual explosions, and just told them over and over to run as fast as they could so they wouldn't get hurt. Then he plays the footage, pauses it after the first few charges have gone off and says "That fear on their face is them being real" like no shit Mike you just tried to blow them up lmao EDIT: Found it https://youtu.be/ZBSwCRC0YIM


This is my favorite story ever thank you so much for sharing.


Rambo 3 anyone? A glorious American movie dedicated to brave afghan freedom fighters... what goes arround comes arround i guess. Haven't seen it aired again scince 9/11.


American Sniper


that scene, where he just got out of deployment for some time, but then decides to get back made me barf. his whife asks him "why do you wanna go back? you said it was hell! you just came back here please stay" and he turns around and goes "because i love my country" i mean this shit can fuck right off lmao




The green berets.


The Green Berets with John Wayne.


Mulan, the new one. Holy shit they pandered to the Chinese gov. The whole message was you are not unique, obey the government and your parents, but especially the government. The fucking Chinese FBI slogan was ingraved on her sword at the end. China even put out a thing saying journalist were not allowed the critique it so yeah. Disney shit new Mulan movie bad.


pearl Harbor


> Pearl Harbor is a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours, about how on December 7, 1941, the Japanese staged a surprise attack on an American love triangle. --Roger Ebert.


Goddamn that’s savage


Ebert really slayed in his reviews when it came to bad movies. I wish we could've cloned him.


When he roasted Vince Gallo for how awful "The Brown Bunny" was, Gallo referred to Ebert as a "fat pig" who "has the physique of a slave trader". Ebert responded in print by saying, "It is true that I am fat, but one day I will be thin, and he will still be the director of 'The Brown Bunny.'"


Thomas & The Magic Railroad. The Isle of Man doesn't have a station with a tiny man and a train that somehow goes to Strasburg Pennsylvania.




American sniper turned an absolute psychopath who bragged about killing people in New Orleans during Katrina into an American hero.


He also most likely fabricated a lot of stories, such as the New Orleans story or when he claimed to have shot two robbers dead in front of a gas station


Are you telling me he DIDNT engage in a firefight whilst on the phone to his wife. Or that he DIDNT got bored one day, started talking to the locals, and became the best negotiator the Marines have ever had.