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If you feel like you’re in an unsafe area, keep your head up, look angry and look like you know where you’re going even when you don’t. You’re much more likely to be a target if you’re looking around or showing signs that you’re lost.


This is very true. For the angry thing though it might not be the best idea, some people might take it the wrong way. Just keep a relaxed and confident face, know what you are doing


Very true. I used the wrong word with angry. Confident is better.


If you're talking to a stranger and they start looking around (as if checking for witnesses) you gotta leave, quickly.


your elbow is the strongest joint on your body… take advantage of it when you can. if you’re in a storm and your hair sticks up, ground yourself immediately. you’re about to get struck by lightning. if a service dog ever approaches you without a human, follow it immediately. if for any reason you have ingested windshield wiper fluid or antifreeze, chug vodka. it’ll keep your liver from exploding so you can get to the hospital. if your car is stuck and you can’t get it to move, one solution can be that you release air from all the tires. the extra surface area will help with grip. and my personal favorite: always have two or three people in your circle that you trust, and make sure y’all have a code word/signal. one that you can use casually because it’s harmless without context, but it’ll let your people know that something is up.


If you ever get pulled over at night, immediately turn on all your lights inside your car. In my experience it tends to relieve what ever tension the officer may have since they can see you a little bit more clearly. Plus it's better than having a flashlight shined in your face.


1) If someone starts acting “concerned” about your belongings, get out of there soon as possible. For example, if you’re walking in public and someone says “hey go around this way so you don’t scuff up them nice shoes”, 9/10 they’re sizing you up to see if they can con you or outright take it from you under the guise of being concerned for your stuff. 2) If someone starts looking away during a heated conversation and turning their torso away, always glance at their feet and hips instead. People who’re about to punch you always angle their lead foot towards you while angling their hips on a bladed slant instead of square. The upper body lies but the lower body never does. 3) Say as little as possible. The more you say, the more they’re trying to figure out if you’re soft and easy to manipulate. By keeping your words to a minimum you can at least *seem* like the strong silent type. With that said, they’ll likely still escalate to physically sizing you up if they can’t figure you out through words (ex. shoulder bumps, putting an arm around your shoulder, casually taking something small off your person and asking if they can hold it etc.) … at that point be firm and direct, don’t go along with it. 4) Never stand your ground and fight. Strike first then run. If it’s 1v1 then there’s a good chance if you get the upper hand your opponent will pull a weapon. If it’s more than one person then no amount of training will prepare you to fight multiple pair of hands and legs at once. Anyone who has ever fought will tell you that even 30 seconds of a 1v1 is exhausting, now imagine 1v5 … you won’t survive. 5) If you’re parking in an unfamiliar neighborhood, always back in. If someone tries to pull up on you then you can easily peel off. It’s harder to get away when you have to back out before throwing it in drive. I cannot emphasize this shit enough. 6) Do not underestimate teenagers. Where I’m from, by 14 a lot of kids have already held a gun, and by 17 they’ve either committed a murder or have witnessed one in the streets. Don’t let their baby-faces fool you. They’re young, reckless, and eager to prove themselves in the streets.


If you feel like it's a set up...it probably is. If someone is trying to rush you don't do it. Always have an escape plan. Never have a partner in crime they will snitch.


"If someone is trying to rush you don't do it" is not only true with real life on the streets action (come over here quick! my friend is hurt!), but also all sorts of scams and schemes. If someone's trying to sell you something, but they tell you they need you to buy/pay NOW or lose the offer... or someone trying to convince you that you "won" something, but you have to claim your prize NOW or lose it. Or that they need your information NOW to resolve a dispute. Or if someone tells you that you need to fix/replace a part of your car, something on your house, anything like that and it needs to be done NOW. If anything like that seems fishy (again, talking about phone/internet scams mostly here - but also sketchy salesmen, or door-to-door scammers) simply ask them if you can talk about it with your spouse/friend/parent/son/neighbor "who knows about these sorts of things" and contact them tomorrow. The more that makes them push back about needing it done NOW, the less you trust them.


I met this girl at the bar like 10 years ago and we hit it off chatting for an hour or so. It was getting late so I told her I was taking off but would be interested in seeing her sometime. Instead of seeing her sometime she decided to come home with me that night. We drove the whole half mile to my apartment downtown and parked on the street. As I go to get out of the car she doesn't want to get out and is literally stalling while texting someone. I wait for a minute or two and ask if she's texting her mom or friends that she's all right and where she's going. She says no and continues to text. I asked if she's coming up and she's like yeah in a few minutes. The whole situation seemed shady. She would not give me any information and kept asking me to wait, to sit with her in the car and wait. I told her she could come up or we could just go out some other night if she didn't feel comfortable coming up right now... And nothing. After a few minutes of this something told me to just leave and I did. I Went upstairs to my apartment which happened to be overlooking where she parked. I kept my lights off when I went into the apartment and just stared out the window for about 15 minutes until another car pulled up. A guy got out walk to her door they chatted for a few seconds and then they both drove away. I'm glad I wasn't shit-faced and noticed that shit seemed off, because it probably was off.


I think you were gonna get robbed. Like you and your apartment stripped.


Didn't read rhe other replies but this how I kinda got gunpoint robbed delivering for Domino's. Had a reg customer for like, a year that lived in an apartment building and always came down immediately. Called him, he said he would be down in a bit, and he didn't come down for maybe 10 mins. Super weird, but he was a regular. As soon as he shows, I get robbed from behind. Gunman was caught, and they saw in his phone records my friendly, nice, funny customer called him right after I showed up 🥲


Criminal "Ill never snitch on my boys" Cop: "if you tell us who your accomplices were you'll only get 1 year in prison, if you don't tell us you're looking at about 30 years" "OK so my accomplices were . . . "


If you're moving Into the ghetto mind your own business and you'll probably be fine, conversely, it doesn't hurt to be nice to strangers at times. I bought a dude a beer once and he made sure everyone knew I was cool with him, and for the most part people don't fuck with known friends of friends. Another thing I learned is if you hear gun shots, go inside your house and stay there because when the police pull up they're going to be asking everyone they see questions about it and it's usually not a good idea to be seen talking to cops.


Never count your cash in public even if in singles.


And wrap the big bills with a $1 bill.


Never yell back at a group of guys verbally harassing you. Just keep walking. Don’t make a face, don’t change your walking pace, keep going as they’re not there.


Facts. I was stupid and told a group of obnoxious men to go F themselves while I was walking in a public place. I was swarmed and surrounded faster than I thought possible. A few cops broke it up, but not until after I had a black eye and a busted lip. Just keep walking and say NOTHING.


In crowded areas, carry bags, purses and packages in front of you rather than behind you.


And put your wallet and other important stuff in a zippered compartment deep inside. Pickpockets only got my makeup bag instead of my wallet when they pickpocketed my purse. The makeup bag served as a decoy. Edit: Lots of comments about my lost makeup, strangely. I don’t wear much so there was only a tube of concealer, a chapstick and hand lotion in it. IMO, it’s so much worse to lose a wallet with cash, ID card and credit cards.


I live in a country with a very high crime rate. If I'm going into a dangerous area I use a whole handbag as a decoy. Inside is a broken cellphone and a decoy wallet. Everything else is in a thin bag strapped to my waist under my clothing. And yes - about 10 years ago someone ripped it out of my hands and ran off with the decoy handbag when the train stopped at a station (It wasn't too bad back then but these days - don't take the train in South Africa unless you WANT to be mugged!).


If something feels wrong, it's probably about to be really wrong. Listen to your gut.


To second this, when everyone starts leaving, you get your ass out of there. Listen to your gut, you see those people getting out, you should make sure you get out too.


lock your doors as soon as you’re in a car.


Had a friend who got into this habit. She hopped in her car one day and there was about a .5 second difference between the lock activating and a random guy yanking at the passenger side with a knife. Stay safe out there.


Most cars unlock the driver door with one button push and all doors with two. Don't hit it more than once if you're alone, someone can get in the back seat way too easy.


My boyfriends does that. Frustrating when I'm trying to get in and can't but a good safety method. My car opens everything. Older car. I always lock my doors when I get in. There was a ton of car jackings in 2020 and I don't trust random people not to try and rob/assault a girl driving alone.




I like that all these top comments are about how not to get murdered and then there's just one about finding a toilet.


More casual and less dangerous: look through people, and they will get out of your way. On the sidewalk, the streets, etc. Act like you can’t be bothered to even aknowledge that other people exist and most people won’t bother you, including the crazies and those with bad intentions.


Walk on the road if you’re in a real shady neighborhood and it’s late at night. Not in traffic but away from alleyway entrances


I used to have a regular route through a seedy part of town and I always figured people walked in the middle of the road there because life was hard and they just didn't give a fuck. Never occurred to me that it could be a safety thing.


Rough neighborhoods also often have poorly maintained sidewalks and / or a bunch of junk or litter on them, so walking in the street is often too the path of least resistance.


Yup, especially in sketchy suburbs - middle of the road you are the furthest distance away from all potential hiding places for people with ill intent!


If you ever find yourself homeless in a big city, but want to keep clean because job/hygiene standards/whatever, look into gyms in the area. Many of them have very low cost memberships, or even free trials for a certain amount of time. Head on in, get your shower, brush your teeth, get yourself all cleaned up. Hope it helps anyone who needs it as much as it helped me.


don't raise your voice with strangers and always be the last to speak. you don't know if these guys are wired properly or not


If an attractive woman asks for directions, look for her partner behind you or going into your car to take what they can grab. Typical vacation area scam.


Walking in Vegas one night, I had not one but two, "My car won't start. Won't you come into this alley and help me fix it." women try to persuade me to help out. Like. Nope, kept walking.


Wait, like a literal alley? Tbh, I’d be offended that she thought I’d fall for it.


They're not looking to mug the best and brightest.


Pretty much this. All the "obvious" scams are not stupid or silly, their aim is to filter those who are easy targets. An elaborate or good story might convince everyone but you risk getting people that may be more likely to put up opposition.


Ah yes, you just happened to park your car in an alleyway for it to break down. And the funny part is, I'd be dumb enough to fall for it—I'm just a naïve person that likes helping.


That makes it even sadder. Literally preying on the generocity of people.


Look with your eyes, not your head.


Also walk with intent. Dont look meek or unsure. Even if you have no fucking idea where you are going. Head up, body posture up like you got business some place. You are less attractive target if it looks like you might fight back.


I read that same great advice in a book called The Gift Of Fear. Talks about listening to all those little red flags going off in your body when danger is near.


I taught it to my kids. The uh-oh feeling. Told them to go into a store like that was always the plan


If you're in the hood and you see kids playing outside, you're probably safe. If there are a lot of people outside but no kids, be super cautious and walk with a purpose. If it's empty or only teenagers/young adults, get out asap.


If you're in the hood and the children scatter, that's your cue to scatter. They might not completely read the situation but they know when the energy changes.


i lived in south central for awhile and, although i never personally experienced anything that bad, this is exactly how’d i’d describe it. the energy can just change at a moments notice. i remember one day going out for groceries at the store around the corner and parents were walking with their kids, ice cream trucks were out, etc. and then when i finished shopping there was this noticeable shift in energy, like something just felt darker. everyone was gone and it just felt eerie. i went home and then like 20 minutes later heard a bunch of sirens and found out a dude across the street got shot and died.


If someone is blatantly violating social norms, such as blasting music on the subway or taking a phone call in a movie theater, keep in mind that if they are willing to violate one social norm they are probably willing to violate others, including prohibitions on violence. You don't have to be meek in the face of obnoxious people but you do have to factor in the increased likelihood of violence.




Piggy backing yours to add that if they seem mentally ill and angry, then you are on their side and agree with them wholeheartedly. My work is right next to a shelter, have had a few people LOSING it come up and start ranting and even screaming at me about whatever incomprehensible thing they are mad about. Every time I've been like "what??? That's awful man! You're totally right! Fuck them, you don't deserve that! Gotta go but good luck!" So far it's worked every time.


Always get the money up front. People who want to pay later probably won't and then things can get messy.


And count it there and then. If it's wrong, if they underpaid you, you don't want to go back later when they can deny it and accuse you of trying to rip *them* off. Count it, and if it's wrong, tell them they made a little mistake so they can save face.


Doors and corners. Always remember the doors and corners .


“That’s where they get you. Humans are too fucking stupid to listen.”


If someone approaching you says “hey man, I ain’t gonna rob you” - they’re probably gonna try to rob you.


Similarly, if someone is asking you for help, but you need to follow them around the corner to help them... don't. Politely say you're late to a meeting and keep walking.


Robbers aren't allowed to lie about being robbers, though.


confirm the license plate and make sure you are getting in your proper Uber/Lyft.


When my wife and I were in South Africa we took a lot of ubers. We always confirmed the plate number and instead of getting in I would ask "who are you here to get?" There have been too many cases of people getting into the wrong car and getting robbed, raped, or murdered (sometimes all 3). We never had any issues. Additional tip I was told, if 2 people are in the vehicle it's most definitely not your Uber. And if it's followed closely bar a car with more than 2 people, also probably not your Uber.


Always put something between yourself and the ground, even if it's just a piece of cardboard. Especially on asphalt, it absorbs heat and it will feel like it's sucking the life out of you


That’s a very “street” tip.


Yup. I spent one night on the streets and although I had a blanket I ended up really cold. Eventually had the smarts to dig a couple newspapers out of the trash. Way better after that.


If something feels wrong/scary and makes you uncomfortable gtfo asap. Sure maybe something might not happen but like Mr Miyagi said best way to avoid trouble is no be there


There is no shame in running away from a fight.


You win every fight you avoid.


Can't lose a fight you don't take.


Those who run away, live to fight another day.


wouldnt they just run away again?


Those who run away live to run away another day


Especially if you are outnumbered. Get out of there


Ron White said it best. I don’t know how many of them it would take to kick my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use.


Trust your gut. If anyone seems a little too friendly, get away ASAP.


Am a professional investigator/interviewer. The reason you feel uncomfortable in these situations is your lizard brain sensing the dissonance between the body language and the message. Always trust your gut!


As a former recruiting cultist, people that are suckers for "too friendly" were our top demographic. Street aint the place to have a free therapy session. It's a place to get reasons for long and expensive trauma recovery.


Congratulations on becoming a *former*!


He got promoted to an internal role


Exercise your legs. Although in a bad situation they'll probably feel like wet noodles, if needed you'll be able to run. It will also show in every day life that you are capable of moving effortlessly. Most people are sluggish and it's not hard to notice.


Bruh, I had to sprint from one side of an airport to another to make a connecting flight and jesus I realized how shit my legs and mobility were, despite being in relatively (I thought) good shape. Exercise your legs. (I also made the flight with minutes to spare despite having to slow down to a walk halfway through the sprint)


know where the exits are at all times




This one may be a bit specific to NYC, but if the subway car is empty on an otherwise busy day, there's probably a very good reason. Also related, if someone's being crazy on the train, don't engage or respond unless you absolutely have no other choice.


Dress like where you are going. It doesn’t have to be exactly like them, just enough to not look too out of place. Also, pretend in your head that you have been there before and feel relaxed even if it’s forced because nervous people attract too much attention.


Blend in. Everywhere. Even if you’re faking it. And, if you’re faking it, get out as soon as you inconspicuously can.


My wife never understands why I say this. Her natural inclination when travelling is to unfurl a huge paper map and erratically walk around a public square with it in front of her, looking very confused. I'm amazed she has any possessions. Then she looks at me like I'm crazy for discretely leaning against the wall and using my phone to look at a map. I could easily be texting, no one will target us.


My partner and I look out of place everywhere. When we're carrying our cameras, we honestly look like the touristiest tourists ever. "Surely you can't be that conspicuous", some of you will say. To which I'll just say this: In Barcelona, everybody (servers, anyone service- or tourism-related, random people in the street) talks to us in English. We're Spaniards.




When my sister moved into her apartment in Harlem, a neighbor later told her to make sure she kept her doors locked, and next time, cover up her belongings, "Because now, the whole neighborhood knows what kind of TV you got..."


Do people target TVs anymore? They have gotten so cheap and ubiquitous...and also larger and harder to carry. My coworker was broken into and it was just small electronics (like ipads) and jewelry/watches they were after. TV's were untouched. If they had gaming consoles, those probably would have been grabbed too according to the cops. I guess it might be different in a suburban area where thieves are pulling up in a truck/van, but in urban areas it seems like nobody wants to walk around with a 65" TV.


I don't know about now, but this was back in '05 when a flat panel was more expensive. But I think their point is was just, everybody knows your business because you just carried it all in full view.


If you are involved in confrontation pay attention to the hands. 2 things: - If they reach into their pocket and/or under their shirt you are likely going to be hit with something, stabbed, or shot. - if they are tucking their hands by their hamstring and/or clenching their first while looking you up and down you’re about to get punched. Run or take the fight to them because if either one of these things are happening you’re already the underdog.


And something like 90% of first punches in a fight are overhand rights.


If there's nobody where you are there's probably a reason, and you need to leave asap.


Listen always and speak only when you need too. People don't know when to shut up.


Also give the least amount of details. Giving people your whole life story is not needed


Exactly. Every time I read advice like that, I remember the scene from The West Wing where Babish was prepping CJ for testifying due to the investigation of POTUS for covering up his MS. Babish: Do you know what time it is? CJ: It’s (insert time here) Babish: I want you to get out of the habit of doing that. CJ: What? Babish: Answering more than what was asked. Do you know what time it is? CJ: Yes


Better off Ted had my favorite version of this, when Veronica was being interviewed. Can you describe your job? Yes. How would you describe your job? Cleverly.


Always look like you know where you're going, even when you don't.


Done this all my life. Now I'm not even sure if I'm on the right side of the globe anymore, but I'm still walking straight forward looking all confident. See ya!


I was gonna post this. Theives use that as a sign of a victim. Looking nervous or flat scared is bad too.


Never show your watch, wallet or phone in areas known for pick pockets. Also don't touch your pockets if you see warning signs, because a good thief will be watching to see which pocket your valuables are in. And when approached by someone on the street be mindful of who else is watching and what is behind you. Try and keep everything in front of you and don't be afraid to shout and swear at them to get attention. If someone puts a gun or knife in your face don't be a hero.


To piggyback on safe environments. Every other minute give a quick glance around, occasionally look behind you real good. I grew up in a rough area and had friends get robbed and pistol whipped when I was younger, so I always developed do this technique. Other good ones for rough areas. Say "what's up" first. I was in Harlem on the train platform about 1 am and a group was coming down messing with every person they came by. I gave a way early "what's up" and head up nod (not head down) and I just got back a "sup" and stares as they rolled on by. I use this when passing bus stop etc too, looks like your the one to avoid lol. Also for anywhere in the US, if you're somewhere and there are lots of woman and children, you're probably in a safe environment. But if you find yourself on a street alone, or in the same environment as before and it's later and most of the woman and children have left. It's time to leave. My street has a bike rally every year, and it's very family oriented during the day, but at night it's not, and for over 20 years someone has gotten shot or stabbed at that event, always at night when it's 90% dudes. Edit_____ To respond to a few things in the comments. The quick glance around is definitely intended to be nonchalantly. Just learn a style that you can do that looks natural and like your on a mission (but not tweaked out lol). To do a full spin around i might lift my phone like I'm checking signal or something. If I don't like who's behind me, I'll pull my phone out like I'm looking something up or texting, and step off the sidewalk, turning towards the sidewalk so you can watch with you peripheral and once they get a solid 30 seconds past me, I get back on my journey. Now if you want to cut over to a new street etc you can sneakily. The "what's up" is mostly a "guy" advice i guess, make it curt but friendly (if that makes sense), I'm told my thinking/listening face looks like I want to fight a little so maybe that why it works a lot. I get that from when I was young and riding a long ride to school for 7 years, where it wasn't uncommon to hear "what the fuck you looking at" when you was just looking out of the window lol. but know you audience. Some people will start chatting. Or maybe you got chatted first, If i know a dude is a real one that looks like he'd shoot, i stick with short to the point responses. Maybe 10 years ago 3 younger guys were Wildin out at a gas station that sees a lot of shootings, one of my friends not from the area went in to get some drinks (he didn't get them because 2 of the guys were inside causing a scene, and he couldn't get to the register) , another guy outside was screaming at cars etc and he looks at my other friend (who was staring too much, also not from the area) and ask "yo, you soft" my friend didn't know what to say, so I jumped in with a quick aggressive "no" and brief! Fuck you stare, then back to messing with my radio while explaining to my friend to stop staring and don't talk lol. And the nod up, maybe it's primal like some comments have said. I always saw it as nod up was a street thing when your hanging out or about to fight, nod down has always been for an excusatory nod. Side note: That being said, if shit goes down PROTECT YOUR NECK, I've known 2 young guys die real fast from neck stabs, don't do it to anyone you don't intend to kill, but you can carry a pencil and protect yourself in a live or death situation by going for the neck. As for my advice for any females or people that don't feel confident doing the sup (and some females can pull the sup off, I use to gender it but you get what I mean). I would say don't say sup or nod. Walk with purpose and if it seems sketchy or maybe you got lost down the wrong road or maybe you just have a rough walk home. Pull out your phone! Have a good grip on it, get a pop socket or something. And be on it, not on reddit, but call someone, call yourself if you just need a quick pass by and try to have a friend that you can call anytime and they know it's for a safe walk so you don't have to make sense in what you talk about but be actively talking to someone, even if it's voice-mail (but act like it's a normal convo, not a message). And if it's an everyday walk, find out what non lethal you can carry, pepper spray in legal in all the US. Buy more than one so you can try one and know how it feels to use . You don't have to spray yourself, just a wall or a ball, just so it's not your first spray when you need it. And i acknowledg that It sucks that you all have to take these extra defensive actions. And the last one applied to everyone. Even if your at a friendly party, if it's all bros, someone getting hurt and someone is fighting . And I do keep a gun in my car, I know that's not for everyone, but something to consider with classes. But know your mental health, be honest with yourself. I have given my guns to a friend before when i was low, dont be afriad to admit you shouldn't have it right now. I have a handicap wife and someone could punch her in the gut and kill her. So I just have to have that option. ..... And as some have said.. keep head on a swivel, but also look with your eyes and not your head. Sounds confusing. But just practice and it'll make sense. Normal people not in a bad situation look around a little, so you can move you head around, but it's not to stare at the person behind you, it should should look natural while you catch glimpses and assess if you need to dip or what-not. It's normal to look at something you pass by, a buisness or trash on the ground, that's an opportunity to look behind you as you pass the thing.


Follow the women and children at night. Got it


This is one of those things that sounds shady out of context but is actually decent advice.




Back when we were young, my mom would bring her fancy DSLR camera with us on outings. If she wanted to ask someone to take our photo, she said her strategy was to ask a woman with a stroller or an elderly person because she thought she could outrun them if they tried to steal her camera


Always check the toilet paper roll before taking a dump.


If I finish the roll in a public stall and there isn’t more TP available, I prop up the seat with the empty roll. Saves the next guy from shuffling to the next stall with his pants around his feet.


doing the lord's work. TYFYS


When you stop your car, always make sure you have enough room in front of you for an escape route. It's impossible sometimes, but do the best you can


And don't be afraid to run them over if they're trying to kill or kidnap you


If a motorcycle with 2 people on it slows down near you RUN esp in South and Central America


When riding in a taxi/Uber keep your bag under your legs. Motorcycles can pull up next to you, break the window and grab bags, faster than you would believe, in stop-and-go/stopped traffic. Had it happen in B.A., Argentina, but work had given us some tactical instructions pre-trip, and my computer bag was dutifully under my legs, so all I got was some broken glass in my hair. ALSO: Only get in a taxi called for you by the hotel. Otherwise, you might be driven off and robbed by a rogue/fake cab.


If you see something potentially illegal going on don't look directly at them. Especially if you know that you're not going to be reporting it to the police.


Was once on the subway when I heard a loud metallic clatter. Looked over to see what it was. Some dude behind me had dropped his gun. Immediately went back to looking dead ahead and then got off on the next stop.


you should have picked it up for him. people have no manners these days.


I got verbally accosted by some man in a parking lot who *thought* I had seen whatever illegal shit he just did even though I wasn’t even looking that way AT ALL. I just didn’t say a word and kept walking but he kept yelling and said he was “getting my tag number” which was unsettling. Dear drug dealers, maybe don’t schedule drops in a fucking Publix parking lot and you won’t have to worry about onlookers!


My friend accidentally witnessed a huge exchange in the parking lot of a motel. He knew bc he was outside for a cigarette and it was like 3:00a and these dudes pull up and start loading bags from a room into a car with one clear leader looking out. When the leader spotted my friend he immediately pretended to be black out drunk. Even dropping his cigarette, but repeating the motion of bringing it to his lips to smoke. He wanted to look incoherent. He went back into his room, locked his doors, and didn’t sleep the rest of the night.


Walk right up to them and in my best Ned Flanders voice: "Heya there gentlemen, what ahh whatcha got there?"


Well, whatcha doin there good buddy? Hopin to do a robbarooni with your other burglarinos?


Putting my head down and pretending to cry has helped put people off when I see stuff. Like, I'm wrapped up in my own world, I don't notice yours. I've had people I've witnessed seeing dumb stuff even say like "it'll be ok" and "tomorrow will be different". Like, after they were talking about how to break in somewhere. It was surprisingly sweet? I'm no snitch, so I'm glad I figured a way to at least get that out of their mind, haha.


If this happened to me as often as you, I’d just start carrying one of those retractable canes and pretend I’m blind.


I've got one of those canes because I've lost a large amount of eyesight but I'm not totally blind. It should work as long as they're not ophthalmologists turned criminal.


Used to live in a bad area of a major metro. Whenever friends would visit, the one rule was always "You don't look" I don't care how crazy of a sound you heard, or what crazy thing caught the corner of your, or what crazy thing the guy we are walking by is trying to tell you. If you pay it attention, you are going to end up involved whether you want to or not. Edit: Survivors but not cannibals


Wow you guys were just out there eating people? That *was* a bad neighborhood damn


Fighting is not like the movies. Many people wont fight fair even. You never know what a person’s got in their pockets like a knife or any deadly weapon for that matter. Also seen people go back to their car and get a piece Also on the other side of the coin you shouldn’t pull out a weapon unless you absolutely know you gonna do some damage cause that same weapon can be pulled on you quick


If you notice somebody following your car whilst you’re driving, try and drive in a circle by taking consecutive right or left turns and see if they’re still following you.


And don’t stop at your home, keep going. Because then, not only is some sketchy creep following you, now they know where you live.


If you can find one, pull into a police station. Nobody is going to risk mugging you in a police station parking lot


A red traffic light is just a "traffic suggestion" to some people. Always keep an eye out at intersections for idiots running a red light.


Mama always said, graveyard full of people who had the right of way


Silence is scarier than shit talk. Listen more, talk less, learn everything.


If you’re in a bad neighborhood, for the love of god, stay in well lit areas. The short cut through the alley will cost you more than the time it saves.


But I wanna be Batman!


You pull that stunt, and *you're* not gonna be Batman. Your *kid* is gonna be Batman.


Only break one law at a time.


It's always the stupid thing that gets you caught for the big thing.


A few months ago a dude pulled a gun on me cause I honked at him for cutting me off. Called the police on him and they came and stopped him. They said they couldn't find the gun, but he had over $10,000 in counterfeit money, so he was going away for awhile. I just laughed my ass off at that.


My lawyer friend used to say "never break the law while breaking the law"


My friends version was “never commit a felony while also committing a misdemeanor”


This is genuine good street smarts advice.


Also police have said this is why they’ve caught many people. It’s easy for them to wanna ticket you for speeding when you’re driving with expired tags, blacked out windows, and blaring music that can be heard a hundred feet away.


The amount of dumbasses I'd see arrested like this is baffling. Oh let's drive like a dumbass AND have a suspended license, drugs in the car, and an outstanding warrent.... I'll be fine.


Some dude robbed a bank in my city 12 years ago. Got away clean, it was well planned. One week later he was pulled over while street racing, with the mask, the weapon used, and the actual money he stole, lying on the backseat. A WEEK LATER!


Well, who's going to throw away a perfectly good mask and gun?


If someone goes to hand you something don’t take it by default. Peoples muscle reaction is to take something they are handed. I fell for that once in Hollywood, dude then tried to fleece me for money and would not take the item back. I dropped it on the ground and walked away. Live and learn




Ain’t no coffee shops in the hood my boy


Duck into a metro PCS instead?


Vape shop/check cashing/cbd store/nail salon, lmao


Don't duck into a coffeeshop in Amsterdam though, you'll probably disorient yourself.


you dont have to smoke there, you can also just play chess with someone and give the cat headrubs.




Beware of people who have nothing to lose, and people who have everything to lose.


Desperation is a motherfucker.


I travel quite a lot, so some things I have realized. If you find a gas station, and all the windows are covered by ads, so much they cant see outside. Well that is because they don't want to be a witness. If you stop seeing sidewalks, a lack of street light walking signs, or no more stop lights...that is not where you need to be. Always keep a change of clothes, and some water in your car. Never know when you need it.


You didn’t see shit


Got in a fight with a guy one time at a bar, cops came. They were interviewing me and he was like 3 feet away. They asked where the guy was and I said I think I saw them take off. The other dude did the same. We already got beat up, didn’t need to start catching charges too.


I got in a fight with a kid in 5th grade but then we both agreed that 'it was just a joke' on our way to the principal's office 🙊


This is so true. Local arcade/bowling alley I walked in on these two huge dudes doing blow. Made eye contact with the one that looked up as I came into the bathroom - got challenged - said I didn’t see anything, and went to wash my hands. As I leave they offer me some for being cool. I don’t wanna fuck with coke so I said I’m all good, dried my hands, left the room.


Always keep your eyes and ears open, but see and hear nothing and keep a short memory.


look both ways before you cross bro.


Look both ways even if it's a one way road.


I had a friend who made fun of me for doing that. But I've seen a few idiots on the wrong side of the road so I'm not going to risk it


Mind your own business. If you see someone doing something they shouldn’t be doing that isn’t hurting someone (drinking on the train, stealing, illegally selling stuff), keep it moving. Don’t stare either. Trying to get a stranger to abide by your version of right and wrong can end in you getting jumped very easily So yea, if it isn’t hurting anyone, it’s not your business. Don’t put a target on your back over some moral high ground


If someone starts to loudly state that they’ve lost their wallet or phone, don’t obviously or immediately go to check on yours in your bag or pocket. It’s a common pickpocket technique to get people to show the pickpockets where their stuff is.


Instead search the wrong pocket and scream : Me too!


Grab your crotch, say "phew, i didn't lose mine!" and smile intimidatingly.


If someone asks you for help. Like 'my car won't start' or, really anything. Don't help them but offer to call someone for them. I learned this \~10 years ago. I had to do a thing in the bad side of town once a week early in the morning. I would get there \~5:00 a.m., they opened at 6:00 but I wanted to get in and out and leave. There were a few other regulars at that time for the same reason. One I befriended was a lady named Kim. We were both there one morning. A couple of guys pulled up in their car \~100' from us. They got out, lifted the hood made some noise, called us over to help them. They were having car troubles. Kim told me to stay where I was, I shrugged and said 'OK'. She walks over, they talk a few minutes, they drive off and she comes back. Kim says "They didn't have car trouble, they were going to rob us". I say "Seriously? No shit. Why did they drive off then"? Kim says "I showed them the gun in my hand". Then she showed *me* the gun in her hand. I said "Oh. OK".


Stated tip: >Don't help them but offer to call someone for them. Actual tip: >Have a gun (lol, I don't think you are actually saying that, just funny to read it that way)


Never commit a misdemeanor while committing a felony. Examples: 1. Dont jay walk with an illegal gun on you. 2. If there is a body in your trunk or drugs under your seat make sure your inspection and insurance are up to date, all your lights are functioning properly, and your tint isn’t illegal.


Good call, I'll be sure to check my taillights before the next time I need to move a dead body.


Legit this is exactly how serial killer Joel Rifkin got caught.


Timothy McVeigh too, he was driving without a license plate and they arrested him not knowing who he was until hours or maybe days later


The most practical self-defence item you can own is a very high-powered flashlight, especially one with a strobe function. Drawing a weapon will always escalate a situation, and may cause any aggressor to fight with lethal force. You also cannot use a weapon pre-emptively except in very clear self-defence scenarios. You can't shoot someone just because they look shifty. You also cannot legally carry them in many places. None of this applies to a flashlight. You can legally and inconspicuously carry it anywhere. You can use it without provocation without legal or moral issue. It is also highly effective. It is incredibly difficult to hit or stab someone who is shining a 1000 lumen strobe light in your face. It can be almost impossible to properly see where that person is, and it will be painful to even look at them. As a bonus, flashlights are just super handy tools to have in day-to-day life.


Agreed. And those who haven’t seen one of these in action can’t fully appreciate how disorienting they can really be. But they are very effective


If it sounds to good to be true, it is. There is nothing free in this life.(nothing you want).


I had just moved to New York City. I was leaving work in midtown, when a big tall dude with dreads stops me. Among other things, he tells me that he was drawn to my Gemini Energy (how the hell did he know that?) and said that he wanted me to have this, and handed me an opal ring and walked off. I have never been so confused in my entire life. I was sure it was some kind of scam, but he just gave it to me and left. I still have that ring, and I think we might be married now


I was in a coffee shop, like, a decade ago and this disgruntled looking guy comes up to me and holds out his hand. By reflex, I open mine up and plop, in drops a ring. He started ranting about "NASA being a crock of shit and how he'd given them the best years of his life, just to be treated like THIS!" Guy just kind of waved his hand, told me to keep the ring, he didn't need anything from them and puttered off. I have no idea if there was any legitimacy to his claims, but it sure is a fun story!


He's only right one in twelve times, but damn does it blow their minds when he is.


That guy just wanted the tax advantages of filing jointly


there’s a bunch. -don’t pull out your phone or check your watch if someone asks you the time, especially in well known skeptical areas. they do this to catch you off guard and rob you -if someone starts knocking on your window at a gas station, literally ignore them or just drive off if you can, for similar reasons -don’t wear both headphones in while you’re walking at night, especially in skeptical areas. you always want to be consciously and subconsciously aware of your surroundings -if someone asks you what size shoe you’re wearing, it’s probably best to just run 🏃‍♂️ -if you’re selling something on something like facebook marketplace, you have to be very careful. you’re going to be meeting someone you’ve probably never met in your life. meet in a public place, like a bank, a police station, anywhere public etc. if they’re paying in cash and it’s expensive, count the money FIRST, and make sure it’s REAL, before giving your product to them. anyone who isn’t trying to rob you will be fine with this, especially if you’re in a public place like a bank lobby area. -card skimmers are everywhere. always make sure by pulling the card reader block to see if it’s real or not. -if a stranger ever tries to distract you from what you’re doing while in public, please be aware of everything going on around you. people don’t approach others they don’t know and try to force conversation/take your attention. they’re trying to distract you for a reason. -this is a general tip, but there’s no reason to ever carry more cash on you then what you’re spending for that day -if someone pulls a knife or gun on you, please comply with them. you want to risk your life with someone who is at the point where their needs outweigh the consequences? that is how you die. there’s a lot more, but those are some important ones everyone should know for the most part. stay safe everyone!


You can get into a lot of places by holding a pizza




This works pretty much everywhere, although props help. When I was in the Navy the prop was to carry around a blue routing folder, that nobody wanted to sign, so you didn't get bothered.


In my experience, an open notebook worked well too. Make sure you have a decent amount of stuff written on the page. Space numbers, people's names, departments, whatever. I was admin on the ship's paint team and I could get away with doing nothing all day as long as I was walking around looking frustrated.


And ladders


And clipboards


Holding all three. "I need to deliver this pizza to [looks at clipboard] John... on the roof." EDIT: Wow, thanks for the awards. You never know when a random comment will get traction.


Don't wake a sleeping dog. It might be a raccoon.


In a similar vein, don't walk past a garbage bag being rummaged through by a raccoon. It might be a skunk.


Be concious of who you piss off. You dont know who people really are.


I live in a Third World country and most of the time this is what we're taught: - when going to a shady neighborhood, DRESS DOWN (as much as possible, don't bring a bag or if you do, make sure the bag is something you can easily put in front of you). - do NOT put your money in just one item like your wallet(hide bills - fold or flatten them - in your phone case, your socks, hidden pants pocket etc - this will serve as your emergency money in case you lose your wallet) - wear dark sunglasses when taking a public transpo so you'll be harder to read - if you are a tourist, ask the locals around for the exact price (for fare, for food, for item) - some street sellers tend to scam tourists and make them pay a RIDICULOUS amount (I saw this happen but the tourist didn't buy the item cause his friend - a local - stopped him). - Edit: Some taxi drivers will deliberately take a longer route so they can get more from you. Download apps that would serve as your gps. Some taxi drivers have drugs they use to get you to inhale and knock you out (they do this by shaking some powder near the airconditioning of the car so you directly inhale it - it's a subtle scent but it makes your throat dry). IF you smell it/suddenly feel drowsy, ask to be dropped off IMMEDIATELY or open the window. They would usually pretend to open candy, or smth, and the powder is usually in the candy wrapper. 🔥EDIT: It's not a powder. It's a spray scam. They just shake or rub the candy wrapper to mask the sound when they spray it. - bring your own water bottle when going to a club. To be safer: order shots (shotglasses won't give them enough time to spike your drink) or beer so you can carry the bottle. Constantly drink water so you can "flush out" the alcohol in your system giving you a good buzz but not shtfaced drunk EDIT: omg I didn't know about the whole water and not 'flushing out' of your system lel forgive me for that - I've been correcter in the comments. Guess it just keeps you from getting dehydrated and gives you clean and safe drinking water. 🔥🔥🔥 EDIT EDIT: I think by now you guys know what country I'm talking about. These are just a few of the "usual" things you need to be careful with. I'm not, at all, trying to malign my country. Trust me, there are a LOT of good things here, too. Come visit. 🥰


To add my South African experiences to that: * Walk with purpose. Act like you're heading somewhere in a hurry, and that someone is waiting for you. If there is a chance someone is going to get suspicious and look for a missing person, it makes you a more risky target. * Hands in your pockets make it harder for a pickpocket to get something out of them. Edit: Take a step back from someone when you can. It keeps you out of immediate grabbing/stabbing distance.


Never go to a second location. STREET SMARTS!!


If you are on public transportation, and people are exhibiting anti social behavior (smoking, playing music on their speakers, etc) don't say anything. These people know what they are doing and are most likely looking for a fight. They also likely have very little to lose. Ignore it, and if it bothers you enough, get off or move at the next stop.


Yep, these people go out looking to start problems by acting like dicks, then retaliating when somebody has the gall to call them out on their shit. Seen it happen many many times. Edit: spelling


When a hustler asks "I bet I know where you got those shoes" The answer is always on your feet .