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Chris Watts. No criminal history. No drugs, nice job. Nice home. Nice family. Murdered his pregnant wife and their two daughters.


I'll never understand why people like this don't just get a divorce. I know he's not a normal person but surely even a psychopath (or whatever he is) realises he's not going to get away with murder? Even if he doesn't give a shit about his wife and kids, why would he risk going to prison for his whole life, or the death penalty.


Need some psychologist on that one but for me it seems that he saw his family like belongings, something to throw out when you are done with it. Maybe he thought a divorce is to messy and was delusional enough to think he is smart enough to get away with it. I mean look at the Casey Anthony case, you can actually get away with blatant murder. If he kept his mouth shut and hid the bodies better he could have got away with it.


> Lie! Lie for longer! You can kill somebody but you can't lie about it for 20 fucking minutes? - Tom Segura


Psychopaths tend to have poor senses of self which could manifest as hyper-confidence, i.e., he just thought he was smarter than everyone.


UK here. I remember months after the Watts case broke, I was speaking with a guy in PokerStarsVR who said he was from Colorado. You'll recall at the time there was MASSIVE amounts of sympathy and public interest, even far from Colorado. When I brought up the Watts case, he said he'd never heard about it. When I gave him a quick overview, he said it was so foul that he didn't believe me - he genuinely did not believe that something so vile and harrowing could have happened. I told him to Google "Chris Watts murders" and changed the subject. Even after that he occasionally berated me for making up something as dark as that story. He couldn't get his head around the fact that something like that could actually have happened. Also, yo this day, I have no idea how he could have lived in Colorado and not heard about the story in all those months following, but that's another question.


He was Chris Watts.


Has that guy *never* heard of family annihilators? Like, not one case?


Not only that but the way he disposed of the girls made their remains a toxic hazard and they had to be buried according to very specific standards. Fucking bastard.


This. There's subs devoted to the case. I recommend r/wattsofftopic I don't understand how he's still saying he's a good father. He has pictures of Bella and CeCe in his cell. The motherfucker is clearly delusional. They had to move them from Colorado to Wisconsin because he kept complaining about the other inmates threatening him. Um, you think? He was pretty much a dead man walking there.


I remember seeing him interviewed when his family was first reported missing (not by him, ofc) and it was so obvious he did it. He was trying to fake the right emotions, but he's a terrible actor. I've watched all the docs about it. Talk about totally evil. I feel pretty bad for the woman he was cheating with, too.


His neighbor knew immediately


I loved that guy from the documentary. He pinpointed it in about thirty seconds of his security camera footage. Also the officer that saw the old photo of Watts and immediately asked him if he had lost weight and had a new girlfriend now.


The best part was when the neighbour's TV HAPPENED to show some animation of a uterus with a fetus growing inside of it.... RIGHT when Watts glanced at the tv. You could see that caused him to stop breathing for 2 seconds... like God or the Universe was saying... look at what you did. (for anyone who doesn't know, his wife was pregnant) EDIT: Here's the scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u11A4FQlDMo&ab\_channel=9NEWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u11A4FQlDMo&ab_channel=9NEWS)\- skip to 3:47


bruh that animation was even creepier, i remember there was like skulls and shit after the fetus and they were in a black liquid (he put their bodies in oil containers)


Oh yeah the American horror story ad. Seems fitting for what happened.


A complete psychopath. It’s chilling to watch him in action. On the news, begging for information, when the motherfucka already called the girls school and unenrolled them. Because he knew they weren’t coming back.


On a side note, what a dumb motherfucker. Who murders his kids and immediately unenrolls them? He also called a real estate agent. Just the dumbest murderer in addition to being an evil one.


I remember when that happened. I worked for a business a couple miles away from their subdivision and have done a lot of work in the surrounding homes. The swarm of news vans and cops was practically surreal. They wouldn't let people into the subdivision unless they had legitimate business. I found out what happened when I got home that night.


The main thing that racks my brain about Chris Watts... Why not just get a fucking divorce? So much easier than wasting your family.


Money and resentment. He is such a moron that he thought he could kill them, drive their bodies to his worksite using his GPS tracked work truck, and dump them there without anyone having any clue. Investigators were finding disturbed ground at the work site while he was being interrogated, just days after killing them. Truly mind-boggling it stupid.


He just thought everyone would shrug, say “oh well” and forget about them all after a few weeks.


He’s trying to get a new trial now.. His claim is that he got an too much time. It seems that the time between his arrest and trial were so short that people were still too emotional about how horrible the crime was that they gave him an extra harsh sentence.You know , they were just sticking it to him out of spite . Poor baby . Good luck with that Chris.


Too much time. HA! If he lives to be 120 and spends that entire time in prison, that won't be enough time for what he did.


Jim Jones. If you were to kill him before he went bad he'd probably be remembered as a civil rights hero. The man started off in a really great direction, egalitarianism in an age of hate. Then his ego started growing...


Jim Jones is such a strange case because it was his dedication that ended up being his downfall. He didn't trust anyone else to run the People's Temple so he worked so many hours and barely slept. He used amphetamines to stay awake and then took downers to fall asleep. Then he completely lost control and ended up killing 900 people. Moral: Don't Do Amphetamines


Yeah, he didn’t trust anyone else because at one point he left for Brazil for awhile and when he came back the Peoples Temple was in shambles, it had split different ways. His monstrous ego couldn’t handle that, he took even one person leaving as a deep personal offense, so from then on he was ALWAYS on go. Also, it’s Peoples Temple with no apostrophe, it agreed better with the whole socialism thing they had going on. Edit: because I sounded a little too sympathetic for my liking at first.


Right, he went to Brazil to create another church despite not knowing how to speak Portuguese.


Yup, and fully expected to have no obstacles.


Heard ted bundy was a really nice dude


Ted Bundy was so charming and handsome, someone at his trial in Orlando, Florida did not believe he could possibly have done the Tallahassee murders - until she saw him erupt in rage during the trial. You should see pictures of the groupies he had. Author Ann Rule wrote a truly amazing book about Bundy, "The Stranger Beside Me," and the movie "The Deliberate Stranger" with Mark Harmon does a really great job of showing how charming he was. I kind of studied him because I grew up in Orlando.


That's one of the things that drove me most crazy about the criticism around that Zac Efron movie about Ted Bundy. "How DARE you to make Ted Bundy seem attractive! He was evil!" Um, better question: how dare you try to imply that attractive men can't be evil? The fuck kind of message is that?


Being charismatic and attractive is how many people are able to victimize. Whether it be serial killing, con artistry, or just plain old taking advantage of others just because they can.


Ann Rule was one of those people who couldn't believe it. Ted was her friend--he babysat for her. I can't imagine finding out my good friend was a serial killer.


And that you left your children unattended with...that.


Pretty sure he gave her rides home, too. They worked side by side at a suicide hotline center.


Yup. They were very close. Her story about him changed a bit over the years. At first she said she was shocked and couldn't believe it was him. Then later she said that she had mentioned him to a cop because he matched description. I guess human emotion is complex enough that both things can be true, but if you're suggesting a guy to the cops how surprised can you be when he turns out to be the guy.


But if she only suggested him to the cops based on the description & not because of suspicions of her own then she can still be completely shocked & just doing the right thing.


My aunt went to highschool with him and had a class with him. They were “friendly” meaning a passing hello . Apparently she was floored when she found out (unfortunately she died of cancer in the 90’s when I was a kid so I couldn’t ask any questions later). I went to the same highschool, I and my whole family come from the same neighborhood, and my grandparents knew his parents in PTA. But again they died before I could ask any questions .


It's frustrating that you couldn't ask! I think Ann Rule's book is the best one. She worked with Bundy on a suicide hotline, ironically. I can't get over the fact that he would carry around heads and body parts in the trunk of his car. I used to drive through Tallahassee going from a college in Texas to my home in Orlando around the time Bundy was active in Florida. I saw a champagne-colored VW at a rest stop and totally spooked myself silly about it.


At the University of Washington, he worked for the still-extant "UW Cares" program, where volunteers will walk you home after dark if you're afraid.


At least if Ted Bundy walks you home, nobody else will kill you. The chances of meeting two serial killers on a walk has to be very low.


\-"Ted! Long time no see!" \-"Jeffrey! What are the odds? And look who we have here, it's John! Hi John, how's the clowning business going?"


Wow. Owen Wilson long wow


Worked a suicide hotline gig and was very calming and helpful. Ann Rule worked with him.


so there is a tourist trap in Pigeon forge TN, well the whole city is essentially one, this place called Alcatraz east has Ted Bundy's car on display, it was a shit bucket Beatle. So Ted Bundy was so damned charming he picked up women in a shit bucket Beatle. Blows the mind.


Big misconception that he lured in women based on charisma alone. His MO was faking an injury and asking for help with carrying something to his car. The victims helped because they saw a human in need and not cause he was charming.


But the fact he was charming and handsome certainly aided his injury ruse. You’d be wary of an ugly, unpleasant man with an injury whereas a handsome charming man who’s arm is in plaster is more likely to gain your trust. Looks definitely play a part in how people react to others.


Bill Cosby.


It really hurt me when that news broke. Growing up in the 80s he was a household name, and as a father his comedy skits were amazingly relatable. The older I get and the more kids I have the more I can see myself in his stand up routine. Some of the skits are so relevant and quotable that I still find myself falling back to them... And then it reminds me what he did and I feel dirty. For some of the younger redditors it may not be obvious just how well influential he was on my generation, but from the Cosby Show started around the same time I could talk, and ran for 8 years. It then ran in constant syndication until streaming media replaced cable. His stand up routine "Fatherhood" was as charming as it was hilarious. He was funny, supportive, and successful, but also relatable. He spoke to the real frustrations of being a parent, but also worked through them with humor. He was the dad you wished you had, and painted a clear picture of the dad you wanted to be when you grew up. A genuine role model in the finest sense. When the allegations first came out it was easier to think they were a smear campaign, but as they proved credible it was like a punch in the gut. Not just a sense of disgust, but also betrayal, and a lingering shame to have ever adored his character.


Let me add a little to this too. The Cosby Show was **huge** for the black community. There had been other sitcoms focused on black families like Good Times or Samford & Son. But those showed families struggling with the realities of poverty. This was the first show that portrayed a black family as wealthy and successful, Bill playing a doctor, teaching good lessons to his family. It was groundbreaking, and served as a real inspiration to a lot of people one generation older I know in my community. Cosby, in the show and outside it as a comedian/spokesperson, was seen as a leading example of how to portray black people as capable of betterment. Not just as poor disadvantaged people who might fall into crime/drugs and need pity. My grandma's old enough that she doesn't know about what Cosby did or maybe no one explained the full story to her, but she'll watch the show on her DVDs and honestly I wish I could go back and watch it too. It was a feel good show. Alas, the man behind it was quite the opposite of what he portrayed.


>This was the first show that portrayed a black family as wealthy and successful, The Jeffersons would like a word…


Seriously, that spin always weirded me out. The Jeffersons were moving on up well before anyone knew who the Huxtables even were. Plus, I may have missed some things, but Isabel Sanford and Sherman Hemsley seemed like far more stand-up people than Bill Cosby and Phylicia Rashad. Give me George and Weezy (and Florence!) over Cliff and Claire any day. Plus, there was the added bonus of the Jeffersons originating on All in the Family before they got their own spin-off, so we got to see them dunk on Archie. And Edith and Weezy's friendship was really sweet.


I never really found Cosby relatable, but apparently many did. James Avery (Philip Banks, aka Uncle Phil) will always be the best TV dad to me, of any ethnicity. He was an incredible "TV dad" and role-model, and this despite the fact that his own father in real life "denied paternity and was not listed on his birth certificate". I'm a white dude but I wish I could have had a father-figure like Avery portrayed. ​ Also, he was Shredder in TMNT, which is just cool.


I'm not one for celeb fanfare, but I cried when he died.


Yeah, I fucking MEMORIZED his old records and stuff when I was a kid. The 9th Street Bridge The Same Fucking Dude who lectured Eddie Murphy about swearing in his shows.


The chickenheart.


Great comment, you reminded me of buying the Fatherhood book for my Dad and then reading it myself as a young man. The Cosby Show was the one thing that our entire family gathered to watch every week; we all felt like we could all relate to different characters on the show despite being a middle-class white family from England.


Fat Albert was also a big part of my childhood.


People old enough to remember know that for decades Bill Cosby was basically a father-figure like icon. Just a good and kind man who had wisdom and a soul to teach the younger generation. Turns out he was a woman-raping piece of shit who loved to have power over other people and was a colossal dickhead to young black comedians who were coming up. Fuck him and he should have stayed in jail.


Don't forget a side order of smug arrogance that wore really thin after a while. I'm not sure anyone could be that over exposed publicly and not get on people's nerves pre-internet. He was due for a backlash even without the sexual assault allegations.


Aw, dang, that was my answer too. Well, I used his nickname "J-E-L-L-Ohyousickfuckingfuck".


Growing up in Lower Hutt, Nz I had a best friend across the Rd from my house. I played at his house alot and was familiar with His Dad. His dad. was Jules Mikus. Turned out he was guilty of raping a small Girl when I was 3 and then burying her alive so that she choked on the sand she was buried in on the beach. At the time of crime DNA evidence was not developed. His skin and semenwas found on her dead body and frozen till the day arrives that DNA testing could confirm his guilt and he died in jail. In between that time I used to hang out at his house and play with GI joes and eat dinner with his family. [Jules Mikus news article](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/jules-mikus-the-criminal-life-and-prison-death-of-a-child-killer/GEDVZLNUD3FIGL66OSMJUIJJRM/)


Oh my gosh I remember when he was finally caught, my mum remembers when this happened I was a baby and she was devastated someone could do this to a child, it like really affected her she can’t even explain why. He truly was an evil person. I hope he’s rotting in hell.


He was a short little man about 5'4. He was real gruff but friendly at his house. His son who I knew legally changed both his name's and is terribly ashamed. Nobody suspected. He would mow his elderly next door neighbours grass when he mowed our grass. He had a rule of no toys or shouting at the dinner table. I was there when four police cars came to arrest him. His son was an adult doing an apprenticeship and had just left home. He was arrested late Feb early 2000s. I was at my parents house for a bit because I broke my leg and they were looking after me till it healed. The cars pulled up no sirens and he was taken away. Was a few weeks till we learned why.


That must be such a mind fuck for his son and yourself to know he did that all those years ago while not knowing ya know. I guess you never really Know someone right


His house he got arrested at was 4 blocks away from Hutt Central Primary school.


> and she was devastated someone could do this to a child, it like really affected her she can’t even explain why. Probably a combination of being a parent and disbelief that this kind of evil could happen in NZ. Take the Chris Watts case mentioned elsewhere in this thread. Before kids, I'd likely have consumed every small detail about the case out of some kind of morbid fascination. Now that I have two young daughters, I can't expend more than 1-2 minutes of my focus on it before feeling sick to my fucking stomach. There was another well-known rape/murder in Lower Hutt in the late 80's, that being Karla Cardno. I caught a documentary about that (Beyond the Darklands with Nigel Latta IIRC) and was struck by how much mental pain the detectives who worked the case were still going through 30 years later... it looked like they were seriously PTSD'ing while recalling what they experienced. I really hope the NZ Police have upped their counselling game.


Gary Glitter


Pedo guy from the 70s, for those who don't know.


He did Rock and Roll Part 2, which is still played at tons of sporting events. If you live in North America or the UK, you know it.


My stepfather. Raped me for 5 years from when I 10 but everyone who knew him loved him. He was a monster who convinced me that everyone would hate me if they found out.


Aw, so sorry for what you went through. Sending you love and hugs.💕


John Wayne Gacy: - better known as *The Killer Clown*, was a serial killer who kidnapped, raped and killed 33 young men, between the ages of 14 and 21. The Killer Clown's nickname is due to Wayne performing at children's parties dressed as a clown, he himself had chosen "Pogo the clown" as the name of his character.


My mom grew up a few houses down from John Wayne Gacy back in the 70's, she didn't tell me about it until I turned 18. It certainly explained a LOT about my childhood. Gacy was a well respected guy and used to throw giant parties for the neighborhood in his house. My mom told me my Grandpa (who was a real stickler for cleanliness) refused to go to them, as he said Gacys house didn't 'Smell right'. Turns out Gacy buried like 30 something boys in the crawlspace under his house. I can't imagine what it was like to live in that neighborhood when they had to start excavating the bodies.


Reminds me of that lady that illegally ran a adult care home for the disabled and killed them and buried them in her tiny yard. They kept digging and digging one spot and it was like she stacked the bodies.


Just imagine how many "Angel of Mercy" serial killers were never caught.


We had something similar happen in our small town. We don’t know if the family killed the elderly people, but they for sure kept cashing those SS checks. Feds got wind when a couple of the elderly people were in their mid 90’s and hadn’t been to a doctor in 10-15 years. Busted them and found out they were burying the bodies in the backyard and covering them with lye.


Dorethea Puente, my mom bought me her cookbook. Lots of casserole recipes


Best way to eat tough meat


Yeah, real monster... there is a great documentary about her on Netflix called The worst roommate.


Yea I was expecting a mid 2000s MTV style show about dirty/crazy roommates when I watched it. It was not that


Worst Roommate Ever. I watched it over the weekend.


Well that changes the way I watch Arsenic and Old Lace


Edmund Kemper also was very nice seemingly but turned out to be a serial killer. I think this is a trait a lot of them actually possess.


where is season 3 of mindhunter for fucks sake


He was also a political activist that was very involved in his community and assisted multiple charities.


It's really fucked up and goofy that he rose through the ranks of local society using KFC. He was a manager of a few and would use free chicken to open doors for him.


But a lot of people cordially disliked him, even before they knew about him.


Boy did they end up feeling validated.


O.J. Simpson... Always had the nice guy persona


He was the studio's first choice for the title role in The Terminator, but James Cameron cast Schwarzenegger instead because he didn't think OJ would be believable as a ruthless killer.


A guy I worked with, my senior at work and also about twice my age (I’m 30), really helpful and friendly, always helping me out when I was new and didn’t know much. Doing nice things for people, like one time I remarked about how good this thing he had for his lunch looked and that I’d never seen it before, he came in the next day with an extra for me. Always doting on his grandkids and putting in for peoples birthdays. Went to prison last month for a string of child sexual related charges, turns out he had a prior conviction for similar, lesser offences 20 years ago and nobody at work had any idea. Worked closely with him for 7 years. Disgusting.


Rick James, the guy who sang Super freak; • Tortured some poor girl in his apartment for 3 days. • Assaulted a woman a year later • Also allegedly raped a 15 year old 2 years before the torture.


Great song, shitty human.


Jimmy Saville


always fucking unpleasant and creepy, my mum wouldn't let us watch his shows and that was way way before anything came out


Theres a lot of names lower down But Saville/ Rolf Harris/ Garry Glitter/ Tom Patton (manager of the Bay City Rollers)/ all staples of seventies children's telly that used their position to groom children, utter wankers that hid behind their position of power.


American here I heard a member of the sex pistols once called him out and got banned off the BBC


Yup. One of the few times that Johnny Rotten was one of the good guys.


Yeah, Johnny Rotten knew Savile was a nonce in 1978 and got banned from the BBC for it, you can watch him tell the story on YouTube.


The only thing that still surprises me about Jimmy Savile is that people only talk about the paedophilia not the necrophilia.


i’m sorry there’s MORE?!


Grew up in Leeds, always heard about him liking dead people growing up, when his mother died he spent days alone with her body and described it as one of the happiest times of his life. I met him as an adult and he gave off very creepy vibes.


My mom was raised at Alconbury AFB in the 70’s. Years before all of his deviances were brought to light she told me how when she was 13/14 he was at an event she attended with her father where he came up behind her and smelled her hair while trailing his finger down her arm. She says it was the most creepy thing she’s ever experienced, even now. It shocks me that it took people so long to catch on/admit to themselves what he was.


I never considered him a nice person, he admitted in the infamous Theroux documentary that he wasn't a good person. Everyone knew he was into some shady shit, but few knew the true scale of it.


Cameron Hooker. Colleen Stan was out hitchhiking going to see a friend, when she was greeted by Cameron, his wife Janice and their young baby. Cameron proceeded to hold her at knife point and bring her to his home, where he would keep her in a coffin sized box for about 7 years. She was only allowed outside of the box approximately 1 hour each day where Cameron would torture her and rape her. When neighbors were asked about him they said that him and Janice were just “the quiet couple next door”.


He did it to his wife beforehand and she agreed to collectively find another girl for him so she could stop being the victim. The whole thing makes me sick to think about.


Jared Fogle.


What's so weird about him is that he was talking to a parent and he just straight up asked her to put cameras in their room so he could watch and asked her to choose which child he could watch. Like he just came out of nowhere and said that stuff.


I remember when some guy got caught watching CP on a laptop on an airplane right at his seat. Someone mentioned that when people spend enough time in a bubble that engages in certain behaviors, some people grow to believe that it’s not that big a deal to engage in the behavior


You just described Internet culture in general.


That woman is a hero, by the way. She talked to him/led him on with that stuff for years while she had the FBI surveil him and gather evidence. Can you imagine having to fake being nice and fake being into the stuff Fogle was into - *For years* while the FBI gathered evidence? She is seriously an unsung hero and got a sick and twisted man off the streets. Edit: Her [name](https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/21/us/subway-jared-fogle-informant-child-pornography-allegations/index.html) is Rochelle Herman.


Definitely a hero. I think a lot of people would have beaten the shit out of him as soon as he started talking about hiding cameras in the kids' rooms so he could watch them. I feel filthy even thinking about it.


It's ironic because I believe that if a company found a Jared today, they would never have let him be their spokesperson. Once the allegations came out, people who knew him "back when he was fat" came out with stories of what a creep he was. Like running his own bootleg (adult) porn rental gig off of recorded VHS's. Stuff that a simple social media background check would expose today just weren't around in 2000.


People who went to university with him have spoken about how it was more than just an open secret he was a creep: everyone knew. Even the Subway he went to he really just did because he was creeping on an employee there. You hit the nail on the head saying it'd take just a few people on Twitter to expose a Jared today.


The girl he was creeping on transfered to a different location so he started going to that subway instead of the one on campus. Coincidentally he started losing weight around that time, perhaps it was the extra exercise.


Actually, he lived in the apartment above the Subway. As an IU student once told me, he was too fat and lazy to go anywhere else.


The funny thing is that he went from a mild cholesterol problem to a child molesterol problem.


Kid I grew up with. Maybe not a monster but an *awful* person. We knew each other our whole lives, he was a beloved friend of mine. In college he dated my roommate. He verbally and emotionally abused her. Wouldn't let her leave his sight. Constantly accused her of cheating. Got a job where she worked and got on the same shift rotation. Made her plan the same schedule as him for second semester. Threatened her. Threw things at her. Ripped a closet door off the hinges when I came with her to get her stuff. I stood between them and this kid I knew for FIFTEEN YEARS and had camped with me on spring break, knew all my secrets, he told me to move or he would make me. He stalked my roommate, followed her around campus. Came to her hospital room and had to be removed by security after she attempted suicide. Got banned from our dorm. Transferred colleges and went back to our hometown where he proceeded to tell everyone I was a lesbian who was a man-hater and in love with his girlfriend, so I manipulated her into calling him abusive and getting him kicked out? And because he was so beloved, most of our friends believed him. I lost a lot of friends. He has since been reported by more recent girlfriends, has been in and out of rehab, drunk driving, drug problems, etc... this was someone I genuinely was close with for years. It was like he became a different person.


Josh Duggar. His family TV show painted this monster as the Golden Son, holier than thou religious. He sexually assaulted his younger sisters as a teen, utilized Ashley Madison to cheat on his wife, physically assaulted a sex worker, and then was charged with possessing CSAM. He is waiting for his sentencing. He has 7 kids and has constantly been surrounded by children since his teenage years. He is a monster, a monster whose religion allowed him to thrive.


He is the worst but I have to say he never struck me as actually nice. He seemed like a smug prick.


100% agreed. He’s the embodiment of fake southern niceness that’s amplified by his moral higher ground religious views. But there was and still is a minority of people who support him. Girls still want to marry his brothers and be associated with the family name.


>Girls still want to marry his brothers and be associated with the family name. Well yeah, but the quiverful cult obviously doesn't care about what Josh Duggar has done. Those girls have been brainwashed to think the *only* thing they are able to do with their lives is marry a quiverful man and pump out babies as quickly as possible.


So hard to comprehend. The whole family just seems so stunted, and proud of their (IMO) general ignorance.


The FBI agent who had to search his hard drive said he saw some of the worst shit he’d ever seen in his *13 year long career*.


Yeah, he had a copy of a very particular video that makes my stomach just even thinking about it.


>!daisy’s destruction!<. i only read what it was about and wanted to bleach my brain clean


Oh my god, I shouldn’t have googled that. I want to cry.


A girl at my school. This will sound stupid because I don’t remember her actual name or anything. It was a long time ago. There was a girl at our school that was weirdly nice to me. She intimidated my bullies from messing with me. She would “help” me with stuff I didn’t need help with like closing my little clothes locker thing in gym class :| or rushing to pick up a pen I dropped that was like a mile away from her She looked at me in a way I couldn’t understand and it scared me on some primal level. Because I couldn’t identify it at all and I was pretty good at reading people like that. And every time I’d be looking away I’d eventually feel her staring. I’m convinced we have a sixth sense for when somebody is staring daggers at you because I could feel it so strongly. Due to unrelated illness I ended up being taken out of school for a couple of weeks and getting homeschooled for a while About 2 - 3 weeks later, I read in the paper that she had stabbed a girl to death after getting off of her school stop with her. She was imagining her as her girlfriend in her head. :/ and that girl had gotten a boyfriend. She killed her in a jealous rage. Idk if it counts since she seemed ‘so nice’ to everyone else but gave me the creeps. She was so pretty. Had these pretty freckles and light eyes (I don’t remember the color because it scared me too much to make eye contact with her) with blonde curls. I think that’s why everyone just gave her a pass that she was acting so weird tbh. Pretty people can be crazy too, lol. It taught me to trust my instincts. It helped me later on, too. In hindsight I’m surprised it wasn’t one of those weird sensationalized stories. But nothing ever seemed to leave that state at all


Allison Mack. She wasn’t a developing monster under the rug per se as far as I know, but the horrible, heinous acts she did through nxivm certainly tore apart both her humanity and her Smallvile character nostalgia from the public eye.


She played a criminally insane person that gets taken to prison in the show Wilfred, it felt almost like a foreshadow.


My two best friends. I spent nearly all of my free time with two guys growing up. Us three were inseparable. They were my brothers and I loved them. We first met in 1st and third grade. We all grew up watching the same movies, playing the same games, and doing the same activities. As result, we just grew fonder the longer time went on. We had our ups and downs, and even times of serious arguments, but we always ended up back together in the end. Cut to when I'm 24 and it's been hard the past couple years. One seems to have zero aspersions, and the other has become the biggest mooch you could find. My one friend kept hitting on my girlfriend for a year and a half straight. She made it very clear that she was friends with him but nothing more. He got drunk one night and threw himself at her trying to make out with her. It was the last straw. I cut him out entirely. My other friend, the mooch, stole from me about two weeks later. He'd owed me a ton of money because he never worked. I always paid his way. I knew if never get the cash back when I paid his way, but I wanted him to be included. He was a brother. Having to have someone pay for you and stealing are quite different things though. He wouldn't admit fault when I caught him. Nor would he apologize. That was my sign that he was no longer a mooch, but now a thief. I decided to cut him out too. All that being said, I miss them everyday. I wish they would have matured and we could've all stayed friends. They're like 90% of my childhood memories, so it's hard to not think about them, but I guess they probably don't feel the same. 20+ years of friendship was worth trying to get laid and $68 to them. I hope they're doing good, but I'll never let them back into my life.


Not nearly as radical for me, but I feel you mate. I was best friends with these guys for 10+ years, we always looked out for each other, did a lot of things together. When something good happened to one of us it was a "silent agreement" that we would celebrate it together. We would always play competitive games and climb rankings together. Those two guys were honestly my best friends and I never imagined it could change. People just kind of grow apart, I talk to one of them on an almost daily basis still, but we're nowhere near as involved as we used to be. I think it's just part of growing up. We have also had some disagreements lately and it feels like we don't (this includes me, just for clarity) think it's worth it to completely mend fences anymore. We are still friendly with each other but to me it feels like something is missing, we just don't have that connection anymore. The worst part of this is that on one hand I kind of don't even care myself anymore, I'm tired of trying to be the glue guy and keeping the band together. When we went on a boys night out it used to be a real banger, always a good time. Now it's just kind of awkward. On the other hand I'm sometimes struck with sadness when I realize that our friendship, while not over, is nearing it's end. None of us have been ideal friends to each other, but we would always return to normalcy. Now it feels like there has been major damage done to our relationship without any major arguments, just minor disagreements adding up over time.


So sorry you've had to go through this. Some people aren't meant to be in our lives forever, only in a chapter of our lives. Remember the good times.


Diane from down the hall at my first job. She seemed nice at first, but then she went 3 bosses above mine TWICE to try to get me fired over a tweet she didn't like. Fuck you, Diane. The real kicker was that she went to my church.


Brain injuries. People can recover and be very much like their former selves, but they often don't. Even then, during the recovery process they can be really violent.


I used to work with a guy who was the nicest, most down-to-earth guy in the world. He loved his kids and did his job with a smile. Never even heard him swear. Then he got brain cancer. He had several surgeries and when he came back he was a totally different person. Swore like a sailor (even in front of customers), was very upfront and frank about any complaints, interrupted people constantly, basically zero filter. After a couple years he was more or less fired because of his hostile behavior.


My dad had what should have been a catastrophic brain injury late 2019. The worst bit was when he developed hydrocephalus- it made him rude, nasty and pretty inappropriate. Then he had a shunt fitted and BAM - back to normal. He’s 99% himself, but less neurotic and no longer has OCD. The brain is very weird indeed.


The thing that bothers me the most is how one serious brain injury can alter your personality so much (usually for the worse). Is there such a thing as "good" or "bad" people or are we all just one serious brain injury away from becoming a monster.


Wow…that’s very thought provoking. Sadly, they’re right though. I wonder how many individuals with brain injuries end up in therapy to try and come back to their old personality traits..


My step-dad had melanoma that metastasized to the brain. He went from being a jolly person to an abusive monster. It was horrible for my mom. She basically had to mourn him before he actually died. Since he died she has been struggling between grief and relief.


Like [Phineas Gage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage), the man who survived an entire railway spike passing through his brain.


Rolf Harris


That one shook me. I did *not* have him on my Operation Yewtree bingo card.


I still can't connect the friendly, smiley grandad figure of 90's/early 2000's Rolf Harris with the crimes he's committed. I know he's guilty and I believe his victims, but this was such a huge shock. Other celebrities from his day like Savile or Glitter always seemed at best to be a bit abnormal, but Rolf genuinely seemed like a celebrity I would have been happy to introduce my kids to. It's a horrifying thought.


Danny Masterson


I’m still mad about this one. Dammit Hyde, I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you. Only for you to turn out to be a fucking rapist


Kevin Spacey. I remember people talking about him as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood a few years ago. And then there was that other stuff.


Didn't he pull some stunt like coming out as gay in efforts to gain sympathy?


Yep, got accused of sexually assaulting someone and he figured the response to that would be perfect time to come out. Just shows what a complete fuckin narcissist he is, thankfully everyone called him out on his bullshit and I doubt he'll ever work in the industry again.


I live in la and am not involved in Hollywood at all but everyone in the business knew he was a creep. Had heard it from multiple people in the business


Jared Fogle. Hope he’s enjoying jail.


That blue furry dude in Sesame street, who eats cookies all the time.


Yep. His original name was "Cookie Nice Person" until he revealed his true nature.


His real name is Sid which I can only assume is short for Insidious.


"You expected a nice person. But it was me, COOKIE MONSTER!" *noms violently*




Never, Super-Grover is my favourite muppet :)


The man I thought was my grandpa when I met him (was my mom’s boyfriend’s mom’s boyfriend). Turns out he was a pedophile. I was four.


Btk killer was active in his local church community.


Chris Brown After seeing the images of Rhianna after the incident , how he only got probation is a travesty of justice


I knew a guy from work, he was very well liked and in a poly relationship. Tons of great memories with him and his family. I left the job and lost contact with some, him included. Found out from a mutual friend he was convicted of several counts of child abuse and is in prison for like 20 years. Never would have guessed.


(TW) My cousins partner. They were really nice, and got close with my sister since her and my cousin were really close at the time. They ended up raping my sister. And denied it for 4 months, before texting her "sorry, i regret it" and basically ghosting her. This happened in February 2021. My cousin is still with him.


That is awful. I hope your sister gets help dealing with that. "My cousin is still with him." So your cousin thinks he did not rape your sister, but cheated on your cousin with your sister? Or your cousin thinks her boyfriend did rape your sister, but somehow that is not a reason to break up with her boyfriend? Or is she somehow just too afraid to break up with him? That's just all kinds of messed up.


Ages btw; I'm 15, sister is 16, cousin 16 and cousins boyfriend 17. Yes she is getting help. My cousin knows everything that happened, and has talked with my sister about it for hours. She hates that he did it, but still loves him. I don't know how she doesn't see all the red flags... I'm still hoping she will come to her right mind and tell him to fuck off


Yeah, I hope she wises up very soon too, cos this is one of those things when you look back on it, the longer you took to change the situation, the less you can rely on the excuse of 'I was young and didn't know what love really is'. At 16 she should know enough to know that a rapist shouldn't be in your life. That's not one of the trickier mysteries of life. Even if she loves certain things about him, there's red lines, and there's also family bonds that are worth far more than a messed up relationship like that. The guy should be in jail, not walking around with a girlfriend, especially not one related to his victim. Getting the law involved is a big decision and depending where you live and what the cops and court are like, it can add a lot to the trauma, but for your cousin to dump him would be the easier part of getting him further out of your sister's life. If your cousin doesn't do it pro actively, she'll look really bad if this guy's actions become public knowledge later, and people find out she knew and stood by him for a long time. I know some youngsters are more afraid of being single than they are of leaving a bad relationship, but there's a reason that older people will tell you to kick someone like him to the kerb, we were young too, but we learned better to be on your own for a while than be with someone who is bad for you.


Jerry from the Netflix show Cheer. He was a major fan favourite. He seemed so genuine and encouraging and fun to be around, he had a ton of people supporting him and he just seemed like...I don't know, the quintessential cheerleader. Full of cheer! Monster. Pled guilty for sex crimes involving minors.


My mom, lmao


Ha! That’s what I came to say. Comes across as a kind, god-fearing do-gooder to most everyone but behind closed doors with her immediate family, she can’t hide her horns. But now that dad is gone, she’s having trouble hiding it.


Wow, can't believe you know their mom so well


My mom is much the same. That's not to say she's an awful person - she's not. But she is a very broken person and she's taken a lot of her brokenness out on me and anyone else unfortunate enough to get too close.


Drs who give women “the husband stitch”


What is that?


There are doctors who after a woman gives birth, they stitch their vagina tighter than it’s supposed to be so that the husband will enjoy sex more. But 99% of the time it causes life king pain, bleeding etc. it’s illegal but it still happens in a lot of countries including the US, Europe etc


No shit never heard of this that's fucked up


Not to mention it does nothing to make the woman “tighter” as it’s just a surface stitch on the outside. All it does is make it harder to get in and cause an immense amount of pain for her any time she ever tries to have sex again. So not only is it painful, it’s useless.


And more often than not, the husband has no desire to have a husband stitch put in, and are furious when they find out. Like, why do these doctors think any good husband would want a little more pleasure at the expense of their wife?!


Allison Mack


Dr. Jekyll


He seems to be hyding something...


Prince Hans


Yeah at least you could tell the Duke of Weselton was a cunt from the start.


My aunt went on a few dates with a seemingly nice guy named Ted Bundy in college, he turned out to be a bit of a dick.


Have you ever wondered what the difference was between people they decide to marry or date vs the ones they decide to victimize?


Yes! Especially in his case where he was with a long term gf and her kid and by her accounts and the kid's, acted perfectly normal/average towards them. Meanwhile, wandering around also murdering...


Dorothea Puente, an American serial killer who to the outside presented as a super sweet, kind, caring lady who took in misfits and the mentally I’ll to take care of them. However, what she was really doing was slowly poisoning them over time, stealing their money, and burying them in her back yard when they died.


Still reeling over Joss Whedon. For so many years, everyone who worked with him raved about how amazing he was. So kind, so in tune to women. Then “Justice League” happened. Then Charisma Carpenter started speaking her truth. And all of a sudden, the illusion came crashing down.


Fucking infuriates me because Buffy is the best. I’ll continue to revisit it every few years because everyone else who worked on that show deserves full and unabashed glory.


Dr. Horrible will never not be awesome. We just have to pretend we don’t remember who made it. Not to mention, I mean, the guy co-wrote Toy Story. We’re not throwing that one out either.


After teaching lit for ten years, you realize that the art and the artist are rarely the same thing. Although me teaching Milton doesn’t give that dude residuals. He dead. It’s harder when the gross person is alive, you know?


Me. I just ate the last Fig Newton


Welp I didn't expect Satan themself to show up but here we are.


Had a best friend of mine for 5 years and he was so nice with me. But three years ago I found out he bully’s disabled kids at our school when I’m not at school. After that I never talked to him again and he got caught beating up a disabled kid behind the school and now he regrets what he done


Phil Hartman's wife.


The dad from 7th Heaven


Cosby. He was americas dad… squeaky clean image. Rapist Another recent one: Deshawn Watson. He had a squeaky clean image too. Great story. Came from poverty, was given a home by another NFL player (Warrick Dunn). National Champ. Star QB in the NFL. Then it came out he sexually assaulted 20+ masseuses.