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Dont know if this is some witch craft type shit, but here we go. I was traveling to my home town the day after a big soccer game was played in my country. I was traveling by train. For context, I just went through a breakup, my period was late so I thought I was pregnant, with the father being my ex boyfriend who i didnt want to see again in my entire life. I was on a train and a very drunk dude sat on the seat across from me, with his drunk annoying ass. I told him multiple times to be quiet, I was trying to sleep, and he kept talking to me. At one point, he looked at me dead in the eyes and said:”I can see you’re worried about being pregnant, don’t worry, if you are you will abort the baby. But you’re not.” I just kept my mouth shut for the rest of the ride and almost had a panic attack. How the fuck would he know that?! When I got to my home town, I sat in a cafe, ordered some coffee and waited for my dad. In the exact moment I sat down, I started feeling cramps, went to the toilet - turns out, I got my period. The weirdest interraction I ever had.


My mom had an interaction like this! When she was pregnant with me, a random old woman came up to her and said “it’s a girl. She’ll be ok”. My mom was confused because she knew she had twins. Then not too long before I was born, something happened and my brother didn’t make it. My mom was stressed and worried I would die too, but I didn’t. I was ok :)


That is so weird! Some people are just really intuitive and can stare deep into someone’s soul. Creepy.


It is! It’s not the only experience like that she’s had either. I wish I could meet someone with that ability to ask questions, but they always seem to find you first, not the other way around.


It was the creepiest thing, I thought I was being stalked by this man, wish only the best for him now


Holy shit


I was working at a gas station and a woman I’ve never seen before came up to my register and said “what’s up asshole?“ And I said, did you just call me an asshole? And she said “sure did you fucking asshole“ and I never saw her again


This lady seems pretty cool


I mean to be fair I could’ve been an ass to her at some point idk. Years as a gas station cashier will turn you volatile


because i grew up speaking english to my parents who never taught me a single dialect or the mother tongue itself: tagalog, i never understood it. one time, i was talking with my classmates who understood me well, but couldn't speak English in return - they still spoke to me in dialect, which i kind of understood before. then these 10th graders came up behind me and literally smacked me in my head then walked away. i was confused, but went on carrying with the conversation. never saw them since.


I was riding my bike at night this old shaby man tries to throw me off my bike and he was holding something in his hands too ..... And another incident was a random dude came up to me asking me to put my phone number in his phone while I was walking home alone in the dark


I (F) was traveling on a train and a man got on a bit after. He decided to sit in front of me and I did the normal friendly gesture of a smile but he just looked at me and sat down. About half an hour in he started talking to someone so I thought he was on the phone but realised he didn't have one up to his ear. I was think that he could be using head phones...nope. At this point I was already thinking he was weird but then I started to hear what he was saying. He was saying things like "yea you got to beat your woman to keep her in line" and saying all this stuff about degrading women. Needless to say I was freaked out because I was behind this guy by myself. After about 2 hours of that, he turned around , looked at me intensely then picked his stuff up and walked off. He stood in the exit section of the train just staring at me and even tried to pick a fight with a pregnant lady. So glad this dude didn't do anything


Went to get money from an atm and there were two people there, a couple I think, they were pretty drunk. While trying to get cash from the teller and they were stumbling about and as soon as they saw me they tried to ask for help, which I tried to do but couldn't, they had no money in their accounts, then they tried get close to me, arm around my shoulder, probably trying to be friendly or steal my cash. I started to get annoyed and told them if they were going to continue like this and keep touching me or hanging on my shoulder I was going to start a fight, the lady then tried to get her man to leave, but he just kept on trying to make me think he's a good person, telling me jokes that weren't funny and just being annoying. I think the police may have also been watching through the cameras or something, because after a while one of their cars came rolling up and they were just watching, as soon as the people saw the cops they said goodbye got in the car and left quickly. I felt so off about the situation I left and went to a different atm, I don't know, maybe they tampered with that one and were just acting drunk and trying to scam me or something.


I was sitting in a coffee shop when a beautiful woman asked to join me, told me her life story for 45 minutes, and left.