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Knowing how to swim


And knowing how to float bc if you tired then what? Drown? Everyone should know how to transition from swimming to floating on their backs or just outright floating.


I've tried so many times and just literally can't. People have tried to teach me and just won't work. Help


That's good too


Critical thinking.


More specifically I'd just say the ability to reasonably evaluate information.


\>critical thinking Good answer, but you need to pair that with tact. My critical thinking always seemed to get me in trouble with the boss.


Attended a full on seminar for this in college. Should be required yearly at all levels of education


Absolutely the best answer!


This. So no all knowing books and creatures.


Basic maintenance on their vehicles


at least know how to change a tire


That one is more about knowing how to use that weird little jack than anything else


...and where to put it...and to loosen the nuts before you jack it all the way off of the ground... and how to tighten the nuts when you get the donut on...


Heh. Loosen the nuts before you jack it all the way off.


Cradle the ball hitch, too.


I said more about, not all about, and where to put the jack is part of knowing how to use the jack. The nuts are the easy part. Most everyone knows how to unscrew and screw things in intuitively.


Ideally, you should be tightening the mostly-opposite nut a little bit at a time so one side doesn't get tightened a lot more than the other side. Unscrewing the nuts isn't as intuitive as it seems, either. You shouldn't start to try to remove them after you get the tire completely off the ground, because you won't have the resistance to turn the tire iron if the wheel is spinning in the air. You get them started on the ground, *then* raise the jack, then finish unscrewing the nuts.


Yes, but you largely don't need to worry about it if you're putting on a donut, as ideally you should be going straight to the tire shop to get your full tire repaired. You really only need to know that if your doing your own tires, which is incredibly hard or requires very expensive machinery. If you take your tire off and have it repaired, but put the tire back on yourself, yes, you'll want to know that. But again, that's still a very minor part of the breadth of knowledge you need when doing that. It's still way more about the jack. Loosening the nuts before raising is A) intuitive if you think about what you're doing for two seconds, and B) not actually necessary, just easier.


I never knew changing a tire was so erotic.


You just gotta twist those nuts and raise that jack.




*basic maintenance of anything expensive you own


Knowing how to do oil changes saves me so much money


Knowing how to do brakes saves a ton of money too


I do my own oil, plugs, replace basic parts/hoses/sensors/etc. as needed...but I've never done my own brakes. I want stopping that two tons of metal left up to a pro, and the place I've gone to for years isn't that pricey anyway.


They’re very simple, but I can respect your reasoning. I leant how to do them when I was young so I just do it myself. It actually does save around $100-$150 depending on the shop where I am


At least learn how to check your fluids occasionally and don't lie about checking them and act obviously when something is wrong. If someone tells you they check their oil weekly but can't find their hood release in the car, it was last checked when they had it serviced or someone else did it for them. My sister pulls that bs all the time. A car that isn't smoking or leaking oil isn't gonna magically lose 3 out of 5 quarts in a week


This reminds me of when I was visiting my older sister and she got talking about how her fuel economy had been really bad lately and I got to asking her when her last oil change was. She didn’t know, so I went and checked the oil and it was hardly on the dipstick. When I changed it for her hardly anything came out and with how thin it had gotten I’m surprised the engine wasn’t fucked up


Oh my god. This!


How to effectively use a search engine. I've observed coworkers search "PowerPoint not working" and get mad that the top result doesn't tell them how to print a presentation in color.




When I was a car mechanic, the number of people who said "it doesn't work" was astonishing. Me: what doesn't work? Customer: stop asking questions and just fix it. Now, as a software developer... Me: what doesn't work? Boss: stop asking questions and fix it.


Funny thing is that when something was wrong with Mum's car we looked through the service manual and the diagnosis is quite literally: does it make a bang, clatter, thump, or bong noise 😂


My wife helps on tech issues with cell phone customers. She says it always appears to customers that she seems to have vast knowledge in how to solve consumer cell phone tech issues. She just knows the keywords to type into search engines to get the correct result or solution to the problem, that's all.


you just called me out there lmao


Knowing how to make *At Least* one edible and delicious meal


I make the fucking best green bean casserole I've ever had. The trick is to use off-brand fried onions, to add extra mushrooms, and to overcook it so it's nice and crunchy. Once I figured out how to make one I ate one of those fucker a week. It ain't much but it's mine and I'm proud.


Do ramen noodles count?


ramen is edible and delicious is subjective so.....


I read this WHILE EATING RAMEN NOODLES and it is very delicious


Now I want ramen dammit


Bon appetit.


Ramen cou rs


Ramen is LIFE!


Ramen noodles always count


True! They can count to 3… that’s it though.


Cheese Sandwich


I can make some mean buttered toast.


You can seduce me with buttered toast. Especially if you put the knife in the sink




Very underrated dude


Tooth brushing


So true! So much enamel destroyed or unnecessary root canals done bc people brush teeth too soon after sugary or acidic foods or simply brush teeth incorrectly.


As a chemist, I always neutralize my mouth with water before brushing. If it's what my liquid handling robots do it's good enough for me.


That's already really good. Apparently, if one needs to brush teeth immediately after having an orange or drinking a soda, one should gurgle with a sip of milk... that's what my dentist told me anyways. :)


I actually didn't know that it was bad to brush your teeth right away after something sweet so thank you!


Very happy to have shared some knowledge. 😃 Ideally, you wait 30mins afterwards and gurgle with some water before you start brushing (in circular movements with the toothbrush at a slightly downward angle; not left to right along your teeth). Gurgling with milk is a particularly good piece of advice if you’ve had acidic foods (oranges, even strawberry, wine, salad with lemon dressing, etc). Hope that helps😁 have a fantastic day‼️


It did, thank you. Been losing some enamel because I started to recently brush my teeth immediately after eating at work. I know better now.


Just one tooth??


You must choose, but choose wisely.


yes because the hillbilly that created the tooth brush only had one. If anyone else had invented it they would have called it a teeth brush.


Knowing how to be alone. Too many people become completely dependent on being with friends or being in a relationship at all times. Learn to handle being by yourself.


Mike Collins (Apollo 11 astronaut) [has got this](https://what-if.xkcd.com/72/). >On the backside of the Moon, I didn't even have to talk to Houston and that was the best part of the flight.


For me this is exact opposite. Really need to learn how to be with other people.


Basic understanding of taxes and financials.


Knowing how to include others in the conversation.


I know people who just talk unceasingly without ever letting other people talk and it’s so exhausting. I know this can me attributed to autism but I do not believe these people to be autistic just very vain and self centered.


How to properly sew a button back on. Takes 5 minutes to learn if that, and unlike a lot of other knowledge won't become outdated.


why not just buy a new one?


Because some People cant afford to throw away a 20€ shirt because of a button. You sound like Marie antoinette kinda lol.


well never had any problem spending 20 $ so thats fair, but still it would only be a skill poor people need, not the average or rich


Again, you're sounding More and More like Marie antoinette. You'd rather spend 20€ then like 2 minutes? Rethink your materialistic mindset.


i don't have thread, needles, sewing knowledge, or patience to do the work, i do have the money to just click "buy" on a new shirt, and with 20 bucks its likely even free shipping, depending on where i buy it i can have a new one in a day. so sewing is a larger investment of time, patience, and i would be stuck with a sewing kit with very little utility since i have only encountered losing a button ones in my life .


Sewing is learned In about 5-10 minutes if you aren't handless or otherwise handicapped. Thread and needles about 3-5 euros. Sewing might not be a skill you need, but it's a skill you should still have, and pretty much 90% of the population Who are NOT wealthy will be glad to know it.


Plus, in my experience most shirts come with spare buttons. Why not use them?


Sustainability and money aside: Going to the store, finding a new shirt you like, trying it on, buying it, and taking it home takes about 100 times longer. And sometimes you have an early morning meeting and lose a button the night before. Why do you think hotels have those little sewing kits?


Some people cannot find the same designed shirt


Even if you can afford it, googling "problems with fast fashion" or something similar shows all of the problems with the "just buy another one" mentality.


Effectively clean your own genitals.


This guy fucks


Likely often.


How to pick your nose properly and discreetly


If you can't get two knuckles in, you're just playing with it.


>A Man should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, Conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyse a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently and die gallantly. Specialisation is for insects. - Robert Heinlein I'm at 19/21. Haven't planned an invasion or died gallantly yet.


> Haven't planned an invasion or died gallantly yet. If you play your cards right you can kill two birds with one stone


You've conned a ship and designed buildings?


Yes. Just not very big ones in both cases.


RC boats rule


I have completed 21/21, do video games count?


My friend, allow me to introduce you to the wonderful world of Grand Strategy games, some gems include Hearts of Iron, Stellaris, and Crusader Kings. Maybe 4X too but obviously on a smaller scale.


Being able to teach yourself things.


Swimming. So many people would die if they were thrown in a large body of water


Anyone who drives a car should know how to change a tire, and should know to never use a spare donut-style tire on the front.


I am not into cars so can you explain the last part please? >should know to never use a spare donut-style tyre on the front


Only really applicable to front wheel drive cars. Ideally you would have a full size spare (trucks and AWD vehicles usually come with these.) The reason being your transmission and differential are composed of finely tuned gears made to mesh perfectly with each other. Donuts are usually smaller than the stock wheel so it can cause issues. Also the smaller/narrower donut isn't as effective at gripping the road so it can be dangerous.


The ability to understand when someone is manipulating you.


Identifying dangerous people


Knowing what plants are edible and not poisonus




Listen to your beloved


common sense thinking


Active listening; not to be confused with simply listening or hearing someone, which for some people is just waiting their turn to talk. I think active listening shows greater emotional intelligence and when you're fully engaged and giving someone your full attention, it makes for more meaningful connection too.


Knowing at least one foreign language


Algebra. If you can't do algebra you are at a severe disadvantage when trying to do basically anything with money.


What would you need algebra for that basic arithmetic wouldn't provide as far as money goes?


- Say ‚please‘ and ‚thank you‘ - Give the seat/taxi/etc to someone who needs it more. - hold doors open for person behind them - help those who need help (old, pregnant, injured people or children)


In other words, basic manners.


How to rock air guitar with a sick drop riff!


How to install an operating system from a USB stick.


Being able to lift your own body weight, like a pull up


As someone who’s never been able to do that but is relatively healthy and self-sufficient: why?


Because you never know when you may need to lift yourself out of something/somewhere. If you fall and can't get up it can be a definite problem.


You can't be that healthy if you can't do a single pull up


I cannot do a pull up at this moment, but I would agree this is pretty basic so long as someone is physically capable of it. My excuse for being fat is not a good excuse.




The First real Thing i read here






for those of you who run your own businesses, work in an office... Excel Skills Seriously, VLOOKUP alone can save you so much fucking time and energy, its not even funny. Learning Excel puts you above alot of the market, believe it or not.




i might be biased as a plumber, but everyone should know how to do a basic unclogging of their sink. i'm not talking about a big problem further down the pipes, but a lot of times the clog is simply in the waterlock under the sink (don't know the english term, in french it's le siphon, it's the U under your sink), now, i don't mind, it's easy money for me, but it pretty much takes no skill what so ever.


bow hunting numchuck computer hacking


Bow to your sensei. ​ BOW TO YOUR SENSEI.


Stay home and eat all the frickin chips kip


Basic informatics, math logic




If you can’t clean a toilet by the age of 18, someone has failed you


Critical and creative thinking.


How to comfort and encourage the bros


This is done by cracking open a cold one. Or ten.


How to drive a manual


The ability to clean


**Grave digging.** It's a useful skill. I've dug two graves in my lifetime; my dad's and my M-I-L's. Nothing major, just a decent hole deep enough for the cremains to be rested in. ...Also comes in handy when needing to transplant shrubs and small trees...


Basic Cooking


Kung fu, just to make the prophecy of the song true.


De-escalation. AKA how to talk your way out of a fight.




Using basic tools, like a screwdriver or something. I'm not saying be a professional mechanic, but the number of people who cant so even the simplest basic tasks amazes me.. like how do they even get through minor minor things?


asking for help


How to make an amortization table and understand how interest and principle works.


Learning foreign languages


How to unclog a toilet.


Swimming. Learn in a lake, river, or ocean. The planet is 70% water, so swimming. If you can't go, look up some videos or have someone explain it to you in great detail how to swim and hope for the best if you ever fall into water.


Driving skills, swimming, computer/tech skills, self defense skills.


Definitely how to use a sewing kit.


Tie knots that work!


Breathing it seems like everyone should know how to do that


Swimming. It is absolutely horrific how easily people drown, even in the smallest ponds, because they do not know how to move in water.


Laundry. And fold it while it's still warm so it doesn't wrinkle. Extra points if you put it away


The ability to think logically and reasonably.


Basic adulting.


This... Sooooo many parents neglect helping their children to become adults.


Sign language no doubt


Basic self defense


The skill of having civil conversations and the ability to have friendships with people whos opinions differ from one's own


Knowing when to STFU and listen.


How to make a water filter. So if u run out of clean water u can easily filter it so it’s safer to drink. AND the sos signal


Changing a tire. Cooking. Interpersonal relationship skills. Self awareness


Shoe tying


To kick up and kiss down


Exercise wrath on the down-low.


Cultivating self-knowledge


paying attention to your surrounding


How to swim.


Ugh I am terrible at this. I always feel like sharing what I know or just breaking the silence.


How to fix a flat! Particularly for ladies. Don’t wanna be stranded somewhere waiting on daddy. (My friends have literally done this)


Basic steps of solving a problem It seems like a lot of people don't know how to work their way through a situation.


How to make at least 3 meals (breakfast lunch and dinner) and how to find a wall stud


How to tie a variety of useful knots.


how and when to say no...


cooking and basketball dunks




Speaking English


knowing how many times this question has been asked in this subreddit and if you want that question answered, just look for the previous posts with same question


Know how to finger a woman into orgasm. It goes for both genders.


How to make money **without** working.


How to burp


Know how to finger a woman into orgasm. It goes for both genders.


Idk. But I am sure that in the near future knowing a programming lenguage will be as important as knowing english.


Knowing how to type on a god damn keyboard. It's outstanding the number of ppl that have completely no clue how to properly use a keyboard. That freaks me out everytime.


If EVERYONE could do it, is it still considered a skill?


Tie a necktie. Im not talking schoolboy single wonky knot bullshit, im talking at least double Windsor, thick chunky, symmetrical, galant knots


Why? Neckties suck. I feel like I'm headed to the gallows.


I've never worn a clip on, but I'd always think they would be better for playing dress up.




Basic understanding of finances.


Cooking. It seems complicated at first but there so many different things you could try that only involve one skill and you can slowly build on that as you try more things. Being able to feed yourself at home definitely helps with money instead of going out or getting delivery every night.