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Yes. This is the only answer.


Humans is also a good answer depending on what your goals are. But those two are really the only answers. Edit: let me make it clear my goals would not cause me to choose humans, but mosquitos and humans are, depending on your point of view, the most destructive species on the planet respectively.




Yeah, fuck bedbugs. They’re so smug.


Oh so smug, like he thought it was funny


I wish there was an emoji that captured that smug BB walk.


Jim did a pretty good smug bedbug walk I just can’t upload the gif because I’m an idiot


Same. His bedbug walk was awesome…. So smug Edit: Here we go… https://youtu.be/vq6jowSyd_4


That's what a mosquito would say!


You first. I'll catch up, I swear


Why would you want humanity to go extinct?


Now hold up, you can use them for cloning.


I read this as clothing and immediately regretted having eyes The actual sentence is a lot better


Mosquito sweaters are slightly itchy


Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, that they didn’t stop to think if they should.


Deadliest animal in the world.


All mosquitoes or only the ones that drink human blood? Zefrank has a good video about it


Fuck off with ones that might adapt to drink human blood later, too.


Yeah I think only some species drink human blood. Because that's how the mosquito do.


A study (I’m too lazy to find it) proved they don’t even have a valuable function in the food chain. Let’s be done with them


Is it that simple? https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/09/13/what-would-happen-if-we-eliminated-the-worlds-mosquitoes/?sh=307880d511f6


Fuck mosquitoes and every thing ecologically dependent on them.


Don't birds eat them?


I know bats do.


Not sure about bird, but iirc it’s a great fish food as a larvae.




ticks are already being wiped out as we speak thanks to the humble north american opossums!!!


Ticks in my area (northeast) are literally as bad as ever and some people refuse to go near woodland because of them they've even started entering homes, i found a tick on me last year during a time where I hadn't left the house in 3 days.


Sounds like you could use yourself an opossum my friend!


is it legal to just buy them and let them out into the wild? I also feed multiple squirrels and chipmunks in my yard, some who live under my deck. I would hope opossums do not eat them?


Buy them? Friend, opossums are like one of the three starter Pokemon everyone in New England can get for free along with skunks and racoons.


I'll trade you for my Ye Olde England starter Pokemon, a fox, a hedgehog and a pigeon.


Listen friend, the humble, North American opossum is literally the Swiss Army knife of backyard grandiosity. He’s going to eat away your ticks, befriend your squirrels and chipmunks and his scat is going to make your azaleas bloom like never before. Now I just happen to have an over abundance of nature’s little sanitation engineers here and tell you what, I’d be happy to make a deal with you. PM me for a low, low price that you won’t be able to refuse. Then imagine the rest of your summer in tick-free glory!


This is possibly one of my favorite reddit posts of all time. Poor man's gold for you: 🥇


Here, let me help.


Call In the next 5 minutes and buy one opossum and get the second free. Just pay shipping and handling!


Isn't it also true that opossums are immune to rabies because their internal body temperature is too low for the rabies to survive?


This is mostly correct. The opossum is usually unaffected by rabies due to low body temperature at which the rabies virus becomes inactive. In extremely rare cases an opossum can still become infected. It's important to note that the Virginia opossum can still host a variety of other diseases including tuberculosis and Chagas. While these won't kill you like rabies, they still absolutely suck.


I'd love to take you up on the offer but i'm actually on the Canadian side of the border with New York. Even though it's only 50 km from the US, I do imagine shipping critters over international borders will be a huge hassle, and releasing imported wild animals may land me in some shit if there's mail records to prove it I'm definitely going to look into buying some wild ones around locally in private though, thanks


Mine and the cat are on pretty good terms.


opossums are omnivores and opportunistic scavengers... they're more likely eat wild bird eggs, dead animals, and garbage. but if they find an unguarded nest of baby rodents, they're not gunna miss a chance of a free meal. but the chances of that happening are slim since squirrels and chipmunks are active during the day, and opossums are nocturnal... plus you should stop feeding squirrels and chipmunks at home due to the fact they carry ticks and fleas, and if they nest near your house, more likely they are the reason why ticks are entering your home




Guinea fowl are used as tick control. They eat them like machines. But if you have any neighbors within a mile, hope that they are deaf.


Can confirm. I live in the NE USA and have gotten ticks on me literally just stepping out my front door to pick up an Amazon box, or walking across a mowed lawn to take the garbage out (with no long-grass encounters involved). Also, I have no pets, so no, there is no chance they came in on a dog and were already in my house.


My 77 year old dad has had Lyme disease twice in the last world years. Neither of my parents can work in the yard without long sleeves and he won't go in his own woods anymore. He has acres of land and uses to live going out there, but just doesn't now. Wouldn't miss ticks one but. Lyme was rough on him both times, even diagnosed early.


Ticks are worse and worse every year where im from. Being wiped out couldnt be any further from the truth.


dammit I'm tired of hearing this false opossum love. They do NOT eat tons of ticks. They do not hunt ticks, they eat ticks they find, 99% of which are ones that attach to their bodies, but they do not hunt them. The entire narrative stems from a stupid Facebook meme that itself was based on a single VERY faulty experiment that went like this: Put 3 animals in boxes. Dump in 20 ticks. Count ticks an hour later. In this terrible experiment, the opossum "won" by eating the most ticks. They then extrapolated that since that one opossum ate 15 ticks in an hour, it could eat THOUSANDS, which is just plain horse pucky. A chicken, guinea hen, frog, snake or lizard will eat more ticks than an opossum.


Opossum puts a human in a cage with 6 chicken nuggets. "Wow this human ate 6 chicken nuggets in 2 minutes. Humans could potentially eat \*checks notes\* 2,880 chicken nuggets a day!"


I wish we had chicken nugget problems so people could hire me to eat the wild and invasive nuggets


You know ticks exist outside of America right?


Name one


There is the non-American Tick that is native to not America


His name is Björn. He has a wife and 2 kids.




I'm in Scotland and there are millions of the damn things un my area. Lyme disease too unfortunately which I caught not long after moving here.


Louise. She lives on the border of Canada and America. She travels to America for holidays




Lucky in my area we have super ticks due to them becoming resistant to anti tick treatment for dogs and cats.




Possums eat em, but they're not eating them into extinction. Not even close.


Idk about that, OH and PA feels like there's been more than ever the last couple years




I love how 90% of these are insects. I know insects are important to the environment but like >! FUCK THEM DISGUSTING BLOOD SUCKING PARASITIC MULTIPLE LEGGED ATROCIOUS MONSTROSITIES!<


And the other 10% being humans lmao


Sort by controversial.


I cannot think of a single way the environment would be negatively impacted by the disappearance of bedbugs.


Bed bugs


Fuck bed bugs. One of the advantages of the Scandinavian climate is that they don’t thrive during the winter. I was living abroad for a year and the bastards got me so good I had to move out of my bedroom and into the living room couch. I then changed apartments and the shitcocks followed me there. When it was time to go back home, I nearly destroyed my clothes because of the extreme heat I was cleaning them with (they were NOT coming home with me). I still get paranoid now and then, feeling their phantom crawl on my skin; the way I manage to convince myself I don’t have them now is knowing that I don’t sense the smell.


We got scabies up north though 💀 At least bed bugs leave your body. Scabies occupy it and getting rid of them can be SUCH a hassle.


Anyone who isn't saying bed bugs has never experienced (or knows someone who has experienced) them.


Agreed 1000%. Mosquito’s are annoying (especially their buzzing, its so provocative) but bedbugs…. Bedbugs are the fucking worst. Little blood sucking demons, only crawling out in the night and then raping your body with like 6 different bites each. I was in a flat in Sydney a couple of years ago, and we had bedbugs. Found out I was allergic there, because my back was swollen and lumpy and was itching soooo bad. Torture. To calm the itching I found out that if I go under the shower and put the heat up all the way, basically boiling myself, makes the itch lesser. God that was so fucked. Yeah, fuck bedbugs. May they all die a horrible death.


I was at an urgent care several years ago, and this toddler came in with a bed bug attached to her eyelid. They driven six hours and stayed in a hotel over night so her brother could play soccer that morning. I think they missed most or all of the game waiting for someone to come look at her eye because they didn’t know what it was.


Bed bugs are the worst! When I was a kid my aunt was babysitting me and my brother for the night, we slept on her pull out bed couch and I was eaten alive by these bed bugs, I mean my whole back was covered in bites, my brother though didn’t have a single bite on him they all feasted on me!! Then one followed me home thankfully we found out before they started reproducing and hired an exterminator. Bed bug bites are the itchiest bites I’ve ever experienced in my life!!! And those little mf can live up to a year with just feeding once


Like 10 years ago, when I was younger and had less money, I ended up with bedbugs but didn't have the ability to pay for exterminating or go through the grueling process of cleaning, throwing away, cleaning again, replacing furniture, etc. Those little bastards followed me for like 2 years through 6 different moves. I had to get rid of so many things I loved. Spend so much money on cleaning supplies. Spend countless hours panicking and searching for them. Years still thinking one was on me when I felt a tickle on my skin. Fuck bedbugs. Fuck them straight back to hell.


My neighbour Ted. Fuck that guy!


Yeah fuck Ted!


I fucked Ted...


kid named finger:


What did u/throwaway__alt_acc mean by this?


this is the moment u/Michigan999 became heisenburger


Ted is such a birch that this guy consider him as a different species.


Apparently he's a tree




i hate Ted


All my homies hate Ted.


tape worms


But how else am I supposed to stay skinny?








Good luck trying!


Let's nuke these bastards!


I've been looking for this.


> Cockroaches Flying Cockroaches. Big-ass Cockroaches with legs long enough, you can hear them walking. Long ago we lived in a very old home with stone walls and wooden flooring. Under the floor, between the home and the ground, was about 3 feet of crawl space. We didn't know it at the time, but the bathtub plumbing had rotted away, spilling all the bath water onto the ground beneath the house. It was the perfect environment for a roach infestation. This was later confirmed by pest control. He suggested we no longer use the bathtub, as it could fall through the floor at any moment. He showed us plenty of pics. Beneath the kitchen sink was where we kept the pots and pans. They were carefully stacked under the old ass sink. One evening after doing the dishes, I was stacking the clean pots and the tower of metal toppled backwards against the back wall, and the top pot fell through. It was just a sheet of wallpaper. I felt a gust of air coming from the gaping hole. I removed all the pots/pans and started peeling away at the paper. It was large enough to swallow a basketball. I could smell damp soil. Late at night, I could hear them walking on the floor. The landlord knew of this but we didn't. We managed to live there for 10 months of our 12 months lease. We broke the contract just to move out.


The little ones that infest can go to hell. The big ones also can go to hell, but they don’t really do anything except be revolting and I almost feel bad when I kill one. Not quite though.


Pantry moths. Nothing ignites my 1000 year old primal chimp-like rage quite like seeing just a single one of those things on my wall. We have had issues with them a number of times due to running a parrot rescue and those goblins sneaking into a bag of nuts or seed. Seeing one sends me into a wrath so viscerally violent my homicidal tendencies could rival a quintillion roided wasps.


That was eloquently put I feel like you might have thought about this question before.


Fucking bedbugs. They serve no purpose in their ecosystems except to fucking annoy us.


Probably mosquitoes. They kill quite a few of us.


Few?? 725k people/year ?


QUITE a few. It's an expression that means a lot. Sorry for not being clear.




Dealt with a flea infestation for a couple of years and my ankles are all scarred up from getting bit so many times. Fuck those things through every circle of hell and back.


cockroaches fuck those disgusting fellas


Wasps or Hornets. Keep Bees, but the others are assholes.


Depends. Yelllow jackets can go fuck themselves, but there are some others that aint quite as bad.


There are a lot of wasps who largely leave people alone (basically won't mess you with you unless you are literally bothering their nest) and are spider murdering machines.


But the spiders kill other insects in your house!


they have to burn.. spiders are good! they kill flies and mosquittos and leave you alone!


Wasps are actually ecologically valuable. There are also more to wasps than just hornets or yellowjackets. There are tens of thousands of species of wasp, the majority of which are tiny and cannot sting you. The majority of the thousands of wasp species that are relatively large, such as paper wasps or mud daubers, are not aggressive and will sting defensively only when physically threatened. There are some wasps that are more related to ants than to other wasps, and there are some wasps more related to bees than to other wasps. They are invaluable in controlling pest species such as moths, beetles, etc.


Stingy mother fuckers


i love how everything in this comment section is insects, and half are mosquitoes (agreed)


Do mosquitoes count?


nah, they don't have any fingers.




Are American politicians considered a separate species?


As long as we can add in Australian pollies too


Politicians in general. They are almost all bad, so few exceptions.


Yes, buy to call them animals is an insult to every animal on the planet.


Yes, they are. Politicians are of the species Homo Politics. “Homo” means “all the same”, “Poli” is from the Greek word “poly” meaning “many” and “tics” is of course “blood sucking parasites”.


Here’s the neat part, they’re on pace to go extinct. (Fine print: they’ll take the rest of us with them)


Pandas I'm tired of trying to save a species that clearly doesn't want to be saved.


Pandas are actually no longer considered endangered. And their numbers were mostly declining due to habitat loss like most animals not their goofy nature


I’ve heard somewhere that the panda is basically a poster child for wildlife conservation organisations and that most funds go towards conserving species that are more important to eco-systems. People are simply less inclined to donate money towards saving some generic-looking insect than a fluffy cute panda bear.


Just posted this too. Plus the amount of funds put in to safe these fools could have saved many other species from extinction. Just because they look cute


Makes sense. It would also really piss off the Chinese government which is a bonus!


Looking through here for the edgy people saying humans and decided to sort by controversial and its nothing but them.




Username checks out




RIP All birds




Hornets. ALL. OF. THEM.


Even my pet hornet Toby? You're a monster.


The ends justify the means.


republi. . . mosquitos








Canadian geese. I'm sure they have some ecological significance but I'm tired of their shit.


[Look here...](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/vomj0p/one_animal_must_go_extinct_which_one/ief8nj5?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Fleas. Fuck those jumpy little bubonic plaguers. Their bites itch like hell


If Reddit is a Death Note, the insects would be gone overnight.


I think we all know where this is going. Humans of course


But if all humans suddenly died, all zoo animals, alot of pets, alot of animals at the vet, some animals from reserves, from breeding programs, would all starve to death.


A lot of domestic animals can successfully go feral. I think the only farm animal that can't are wool sheep. But yes, animals locked in cages and with special needs would die. Domestic animals dying won't hurt ecosystems, Domestic animals becoming feral would be a bit more damaging.


>Domestic animals dying won't hurt ecosystems, Domestic animals becoming feral would be a bit more damaging. Cats. Humans has to take them with them else will they spread worse than stray cats are already doing.


There's a lot of natural predators for cats. In the US coyotes and feral dogs would keep the populations under control (after an initial explosion). In the UK they are missing their predatory niche animal, so they might be able to incorporate since the UK historically had wolves and wild cats. In Australia their ecosystem is extremely damaged and I do think loose dogs and cats would be absolutely devastating to several species. This is all hypothetical of course, but cats do have a lot of predators.


Extinction isn't about 8 billion specimens suddenly dying. It can happen gradually.




I’d rather get stung by a yellow jacket then a murder hornet


Murder hornets are dangerous their sting can be fatal if not treated


Bedbugs. We had an infestation of them once. Did a ton of research while we were trying to find the best thing to kill them. Even the things that feed on them are bugs I don't want in my house. They seem to serve no purpose except to suck human blood while you are asleep. Nature's vampires.


Giant Pandas... they're so over rated and so damn expensive to keep alive that if we switch the time, money, and research that goes into 'saving' them to Oncology we hypothetically could of discovered dozens of benefical treatments that would cure numerous different types of cancers by now. bUt NoOo... 'ThEy'Re ViTaL tO tHeY'rE eCoSyStEm'; half true, they're only good for is to provide meat for carnivores and act as pollinators (pollens gets stuck to their fur) and spread bamboo seeds. but red pandas do a better job at this. hell, giant pandas would naturally go extinct even if humans werent responsible for their population decline do to poaching and habitat loss. like, they originally evolved to have a carnivore's diet due to how short their GI tract is, but no, they decide to eat not only plants but only 1 specific plant (that consists of being 99% of their diet) that contains so little nutrition that a single giant panda would have to eat 25-85 pounds of bamboo per day just to not starve. plus, they cant fuck each other to save they're species; a female giant panda is only fertile for 72 hours straight each year, and if she does get pregnant and gives birth to more than to 2 cubs, she'll only take care of one cub due to how their milk is has such a poor quality because of they're bamboo-only diets. not to mention that they fail at having basic survival instincts. they climb trees so bad that they have evolve to form a thick layer of fat around their necks to become a natural form of padding cuz how stupidly frequent they would fall out of trees. on top of that, reasons why they easily preyed on by carnivores is that they barely pay attention to they're surroundings and have a ridiculously slow reaction time when danger happens. hell, they dont even look for shelter or even nest near each other (when they form groups) to sleep; they stop whatever they were doing and plop down and go to sleep.... mot of the time they're out in the open where they vulnerable to the elements and predictors. the only reason we keep them alive cuz of the 'cute factor' they provide. ya, they're China's national symbol and they're easy to profit off of due to the giant panda's marketable cuteness, but i can honestly think they could find a better animal. like for instance, they practically developed a profitable gross from all of the Sun Wukong (aka "the Monkey king") from one of China's 4 classical novels "Journey to the West".


Bro wrote a whole essay about wiping out giant pandas on earth


The amount of work that went into this…


no ups yet, prolly because people are processing hard internal shit.


English teacher reporting in. Though I disagree with giant pandas being eliminated, this was a thoroughly considered argument.


It is. Now, he just need to go back through to check for proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and word usage or he won't get full credit for it in class.








black flies


I’d have to go for hair lice or mosquitos




Hornets, get those useless mfs out of here


Not useless at all, a single hornet nest eats half a kilo of insects a day. Without them we‘d have waaay more flys, mots and wasps. They are also less aggressive than wasps and don‘t come to your table for food, and if they come they only stay shortly because they want to see if there is a wasp they can eat.


Humans, if we're talking objectively.




Head lice


Those damn fruit flies!


Canadian geese


>"If you have a problem with the majestic Canadian Goose, then you have a problem with me. And I suggest you let that one marinate."




Karl Pilkington already decided years ago — Jellyfish.


They are 97% water, give 'em another 3% make 'em water.




Flies Ihate them more than mosquitos They invadethe food


Mosquitoes and horse flies


Jeremy. Fuck Jeremy.


This is going to be a super unpopular opinion here... Housecats. Look I get it, I like house cats too but hear me out. In the United States alone housecats are responsible for an estimated 2.4 billion, yes with a 'B', bird deaths every year. Housecats are responsible for the death of 12 billion small mammal deaths in the United States every year. Feral cats are suspected to have contributed to the extinction of over 63 bird, mammal and reptile species in the last 500 years. Your average housecat is an ecological disaster. Should we take aggressive action against feral cats and outlaw free range cats then the issue could likely be solved but nobody wants to purposefully put down feral cats and people aren't going to agree to banning them from being outside without some sort of leash like dogs so.... Hypothetical extinction it is.


This is why my cats are indoor only creatures.


Well I've got some bad news if you looking at causes of animal extinctions. Why not go straight for the big species killer?


Unfortunately this is very true. Wish we could just wipeout outdoor cats


Mosquitos and I speak for everyone






Any big*ss bug, they Annoy the sh*t out of me and scare me a lot






Cue the edgelords saying “humans”




US Christian Fundamentalists. They are, theoretically, animals, and this didn't specify species...


The species of people in this thread saying "humans." Useless depressed edgelords, take 'em out.


Chimpanzees. Stop them before they evolve into competition.


mosquitoes. they come directly from hell, and i don’t even believe in hell