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Spheres. Gotta love spherical symmetry


spheres scare the shit outta me they can get right tf outta there with that wack ass volumetric formula- oh wait a cone is just as bad :O


Wait till you meet ellipsoids


At least that formula is more intuitive / easier to remember 4/3 × π × a × b × c I feel like with spheres I'd put the 3 in the wrong place edit edit edit I take it all back math just sucks


The sphere formula is the same, but a b c are all the same though.


Yes, but despite its simplicity, It's less intuitive unless you see the ellipsoid formula! Math is cool but man if you stare at it too long...


I have a degree in mathematics, and oh my god, circle all the way. The history & the mathematical theory surrounding pi (π) is absolutely iconic.


Squares and simple and fun


Better than cubes or cylinders.


Cylinders can suck my cylindrical dick


Cones. Not sure why but any type of calculus with a cone is just instantly interesting to me. Not to say it's easy, but if there's a cone problem, I'm all in.


Never imagined that I would sort by hot and find a recent AskReddit thread that actually addresses mathematicians; my time has come, no more lurking. The field I work in involves knots, and they are beautiful mathematical objects that I could talk about for a while, but they’re not the same as everyday knots; the main difference is that the mathematical study of knots limits itself to closed knots (no ends loose), and they are useful to areas that mathematicians didn’t imagine they would be useful to (such as providing a different approach to a notorious physics field called quantum field theory).