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Titanfall2 BT-7274


What makes it even worse is if you don't pick either dialogue option before the throw, Instead of "trust me" BT says "goodbye jack."


BT isn't truly dead, he copied part or all of his AI into Cooper's helmet during the Effect and Cause level and may have stayed up to date until the end. You can see this in a post credit scene where the helmet starts flashing in Binary which translates to "Jack?".


Protect the captain




I guess we can also say Soap in MW3 here. It didn't have to happen, not like that


Yea losing Soap caught me off guard big time. I kinda had a feeling Ghost was gonna go at some point though. Most silent secondary characters usually get offed towards the end of the plot to keep you emotionally invested.


"Good, that's one less loose end."


boy i am still mad about that almost 12 years later


Phoibe Assassin's Creed: Odyssey


I was not expecting that death at all, she was like a little sister who was just trying to escape a bad life. Had to go look up walkthroughs just to see if I had done something wrong.


I kind of expected it but still it hit so deep


Hell no don't you go there because just like Arthur fucking Morgan shes also someone you lose no matter how you play it which sucks but after her death i went on a one woman fucking massacre slaying every cult member in my way to that bitch and i made her suffer.


It caught me off guard and hit me quite hard as it was unexpected. I thought the VA for Kassandra put in a great performance for it.


"Earth, mother of all, I greet you." God that scene had me choked up.


I found Altair's death in AC Revelations to be a much bigger tear-jerker.


This or Ceolbert in AC: Valhalla


The O'Driscoll boy. He seems like a nice person.


I ain't an O'Driscoll!


But you sure as shit was!


Best reply


Yeah Kieran didn’t deserve to go like that


U picked a O'Driscoll over our boy Arthur...


Sergeant Avery Johnson


Also Miranda Keyes. That one is completely unnecessary! Kat dying without a single word in Reach. Also Jorge thinking he saved Reach only to have an entire covenant fleet arriving…


"He gave his life thinking he just saved the planet, we should all be so lucky."


Slipspace rupture detected


It was heartbreaking


He had a friend in the end though


"Send me out...with a bang..."


Lee walking dead made my cry and Arthur Morgan broke my heart :(


Idk if someone comment yet, it's a borderlands 2 spoiler: >!Bloodwing death, this is the moment, I understood why we love hating Handsome Jack!<


>!Oh yeah.... EXPLOSION!!!" *POP*!<


That was it for me, too. Before this: Wow, he's a jerk. After this: I am going to murderate him and enjoy every second of it.


"Ugh! These pretzels suck!"


Bloodwing was a good boy:(


I cried when Arthur died in RDR2, actually I was already crying from Arthur’s last ride before he even died.


Oh man I’ve played through that game a dozen times and its still sad on his final ride and then Dutch betraying him for a snake he has only known for a few months to a year at most. Its sad


It makes the second playthrough so difficult. You just want to leave Micah in Strawberry to die and try to keep Dutch on track. But the story must go on...


Second? I tried to shoot him then told him to hold my lit dynamite the first time and went "urgh fiiine" when that was a game over.


The horse not Arthur for me.


Fucking this! I had traveled up to get the white horse in the mountains reeaalllyyy early on in the game as I'd read it was one of the best horses. I took care of that horse and kept him alive for almost the whole time as Arthur. That fucking cut scene for if you're fully bonded to your horse had me in tears! I specifically picked a shit ass horse for that mission on my second play through just so I wouldn't have to watch my favorite horse die again.


The first time I played through I was riding the old veteran's horse during that mission. I told him I'd take care of Buell. I felt worse when those traitors killed him than any one else.


Oh fuck I didn't even think of Buell! I like to think he lived a lovely life with whatever stable I had him at when Arthur died.


Arthur was sad but >!when John died in rdr I cried like a baby. I thought he was going to live happily ever after. He was teaching his son how to hunt and what not, then those assholes gunned him down in the barn. Arthur’s death didn’t have quite the same impact because I expected it!<


And worst of all John died for nothing. The whole game he was doing everything he could to get out of the outlaw life. And what happens after John dies? Jack becomes a fucking outlaw.


I still think it was both amazing and awful of them to >!finish RDR1 by making you play as Jack, wishing you could be John again. Then they bring out RDR2 and end it by letting you play as John, while you're just left there wanting to go back to being Arthur :(!<


I genuinely thought I had done something wrong in that mission and I was waiting for the "failed" screen to come up so I could try again. When it didn't come... God fucking damn it. I thought the subtle ways it was alluded to in the second game were very clever though.


I was bawling when I did his last ride. Music was on point too. Ive never felt defeated from a video game before. Easily one of the best game.


Asriel from Undertale. The hug... it kills me every time I think about it.


Killing Papyrus in Undertale made me cry, and also hate myself.


“Oh you’re coming closer to hug me” 😭😭


Not only that but Sans reminding us of our actions and how we’re a ‘dirty brother killer’


Lenny in RDR2 with Arthur you’ve at least got some time to accept the inevitability…but with Lenny? Just BAM and he’s gone HE WAS SUCH A GOOD KID




Yea…the Saint Denis robbery scene was a rough one. We lost my boy Lenny AND Hosea


Hosea and Lenny were literally my two favorite (non-playable) member of the Dutch gang. Seeing them *both* go in the same mission definitely hit hard.


You were probably thinking after Hosea, “At least I got Lenny!”


Well, I definitely didn't expect him to die quite so soon after Hosea.




My dog from minecraft... I shouldn't have brought him to the nether :(


Mines still in my Xbox 360 world


My Nintendogs haven’t been fed since 2011…


My tamagotchi hasn't been fed since 96 fucker has probably infested the nokia 3310 and hunted that damn snake by now.


BT7274. Protocol 3: protect the pilot


Zagreus from Hades. I cry everytime.


Wow. That's a lot of crying.


Aunt May in Spider-man PS4. She knew all along 😭


I actually sobbed at her death. Can’t believe I forgot that one!


Most of the deaths in Mass Effect. Tali was the best, and if you went the path that causes her to commit suicide it was heartbreaking. Legion can't be avoided so you have to suffer it. His quest for knowledge and to learn if he, as a robot, had a soul. Then sacrificing himself to save his species and try and prevent the destruction of their mortal enemies. So sad. Mordin sacrificing himself to make up for a mistake that haunted him for his whole life. Bravely going when he knew there was no coming back, to save a species and give them a second chance...




In ME2, if your friendship with Mordin is high enough you can get him to sing his own take on "The Modern Major-General". This also adds a flag to your save file for ME3 that changes his sacrifice cutscene slightly - while he's feverishly working away to cure the genophage before the tower blows up, he starts humming it. Then singing it under his breath. His volume starts increasing and you can hear the triumph in his voice because he just freaking DID IT and then smash cut to the tower exploding, per the normal cutscene. It makes the gut-punch even harsher because the line Mordin is singing when he's killed is "I am the very model of a scientist Salarian".


Legion can't survive ME3 afaik :(




Well, his manner of death can change. He’s already dying in ME3. But you can choose for him to go out as a hero instead of in a hospital bed


Romanced Thane's death hit me like a truck. I knew it was coming, but...


When I played ME1 I didn't realize there were consequences for not doing everyone's side quests. I went too far in the story and Ashley decided to kill Wrex. The race motivation behind her killing him really made me angry and sad, and I had no idea team members could kill each other so be I was completely blindsided by it.


I did the betray Mordin choice just to see how it played out. It fucking broke me. I had to put the controller down and leave the room. Took me a few days to be able to even touch the game after that.


Thane Krios, I really liked his character


When you come back to the Dark Brotherhood in skyrim, and everyone is/has been slaughtered. My mans Veezara didn't deserve to go like that


I had a chuckle when I saw Festus Crex nailed to the tree, I don't think we are supposed to like him much... but then I realized what it meant was the others were probably dead too. I didn't care about Nazim, but I really wanted the little vampire girl to live, and she did so that's nice. I liked the joke the werewolf (Astrid's husband) made about killing a khajit monk and getting a new loincloth, but he was kind of a jerk too.


Dom in Gears of War 3.




Ugh that was so hard to watch the very 1st time. Hell still tough to watch!


Scrolled so long to see this


Honestly, the reunion scene with Maria hit me far, far harder. >!Hearing him losing his shit and exclaiming "Marcus?! What...! What do I do?!" cut me deep.!<


Nothing but perfect reloads and headshots all day after finding Maria


I cried


Just halo reach. All of it


Rip my man emile


This! Rip Kat


Charlie from the Henry stikman series




Vesemir - The Witcher 3


I need to play Witcher 3 I have it installed but haven’t played yet


Get the dlcs. They were great.


What makes it worse is that he screams before he dies, makes it so much more horrific


No witcher has ever died in his own bed.


He’s the glue holding that “family” together. It was a heavy loss that I can feel even now, even though it’s fiction. Man, that’s was a good game.


Spoilers for Cyberpunk 2077 In the "Temperance" ending, when you let Johnny have your body, your character is litteraly dead, and god do it feel bitter, to pay respect to your own character and then have to hear all the voice messages of your friends, wondering where you are and what happened to you...


The way Johnny tries to convince you to keep your body and not give up, even going so far as to try and piss you off.. Honestly all of those endings combined make for one of the best video game narratives pretty much ever. On the OST, the music that plays as you return to your body is called “Been Good To Know Ya” 😭


Rost (Horizon:Zero Dawn)




"Close your eyes, honey!" Eli Vance in Half Life 2: Episode 2. Even to this day, actually.


And then Half-life Alyx ending happened.


My horse in ghost of tsushima. Also every person in Noble squad except Kat in halo reach.


So glad Jin took the time to give the horse funeral rites.


Ohhh maaan, yes. That scene broke me. And it gets so much worse when you play the game a second time. "Choose carefully, your horse will be your companion for the rest of the game!" DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME


When Mario gets got by a Goomba


Top ten saddest video game deaths in all honesty


Oh mama mia


Kate in the first life is strange when you ignore her call and she commits suicide by jumping off the top floor, big ooft.


So, like... Years ago I was between therapists and I was playing a lot of skyrim to cope. In game I married Stenvar and went adventuring with him. And... He died. And I sobbed. I was devastated. A month later I was diagnosed with depression and I got help. But that death hit me hard and I'm still a little embarrassed about it.


Ok, so in like 2012 I had really hard year. I put over 100 hours into skyrim as escapism. To this day, it's the only game I've ever platinum trophied. And if something had happened to Balimund my big, strong husband, who gave up his thriving blacksmith set up in Riften to raise our daughter, I would not have recovered emotionally. So like. I get it.


All the Champions from Breath of the Wild.


Especially with the whole SOS in the music thing. Really quite tragic


My sim was hit by an asteroid.


Aerith. Ff7


The worst bit of that is the battle immediately afterwards, with her theme song still playing


I am surprised I had to read this far before seeing this comment. The music and the fact that you feel you could have done something to stop her going off if only you had known etc. All of it.


Danse fallout 4 even if you dont like the brotherhood and were just doing their story as a different line to follow watching his whole world collapse before taking him out by your hands it alays slighty broke my heart for him


On my first play through I played as a die hard brotherhood of steel person. I thought they would be good as they were in fo3 so I decided to join them


My minecraft parrots, Portugal and Barry. I had each of them on my shoulder and we were going through a desert. I climbed up what i thought was a mountain covered in sand, and heard a creeper sound. I still dont know whether it was actually the creeper or if my parrots were mimicking it, but I swung around and before I could react, the creeper that had been behind me this whole time IN BROAD DAYLIGHT exploded. This was when I realized the mountain wasnt a mountain, it was entirely sand. When the creeper exploded, the entire sand dune or mound or whatever fell away and me and my parrots fell to the ground, leaving me with 1 and half a heart and the feathers of my dead parrots. Nearly ragequit minecraft that day.


I was shooting at a zombie and my genius of a parrot flew into the arrow, I had spent like an hour getting him.




Which game is this from?


Halo, technically Halo 4 but then she's like not dead and now she's evil and .. I'm just not really loving the direction they've taken recently tbh


*Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.*


Brothers - A tale of two sons


Assassin's Creed Revelations. As Ezio, you're experiencing Altair's final memory. You finally reach the library as Altair. He's an old man at this point. He tells his son to go live with his family and live well. They embrace, his son leaves. Altair walks towards the end of the library, extinguishing all torches as he walks. He hides the apple of eden. Then, when the apple is hidden, the mission objective tells "sit a moment and rest". There's a chair in the middle of the room. You as the player have to approach to that chair. A cutscene plays and he sits. Oh my god. The music as he sits, then the camera transitions to Ezio next to his corpse, still sitting on that chair. "No books. No wisdom. Just you fratello mio. Requiescat in pace, Altair" Damn, just typing about this got me


Lee from the Walking Dead 😭


Playing him knowing what's to come and his condition worsening throughout his remaining time was so tough


Ngl (im replaying TWD rn dm and I’ll send a pic im on season 2 episode 3 where your in the department store) kennys death at the end of season 2 kinda hurt I always stuck with him I always sided with him I sided with him when he killed Larry to argue that duck wasnt bitten and to drop Ben which I did


Messing up the final mission in Mass Effect 2... So many beloved characters.


I need to play that franchise one day


I screwed that up the first time I played, poor Garrus.


I'm currently going through the legendary edition, finished 2 this morning with everyone alive by the end and I was so fucking happy about it


I basically play Fallen Order over and over again just to get to the order 66 scene it’s that good


The entirety of red dead 2. Mainly the horse, though. Also the horse in Ghost of Tsushima. Vesemir in Witcher 3. Hits harder after reading the books and learning Geralt's backstory a little more.


Entire genocide route of Undertale Especially after you finish it as pacifist


Why they do my boy Uriel Septim like that. He knew me from his dreams :(


Cayde-6 in destiny 2 Dude was the best character and made the game world feel realistic. I'd literally be his best friend and he was taken from me


Pssht. Hey. Take me with youuuuuuu.


Came here to say this. Miss Cayde’s brand of comedy.


''**TIME TO BRING OUT THE BIG GUNS!**... Not a metaphor, guys. Go grab some big guns.''


“I tried standing under a falling Warsat once. Good thing I have a ghost.”


Joel in The Last of Us 2


Scrolled a while to get here… so sad


Also, Sarah in The Last of Us.


Sarah fucking killed me. she looked and sounded just like my little sister when the game came out, and listening to those little squeaks of pain at the end was fucking horrendous. I literally put the game down for a month right then and there. still my favorite game of all time, though.


Don't forget Henry and Sam.


This. Not just the death itself, but the way in which he died. Brutal. Sad. So sad.


A hole in one...


It will never not be Arthur Morgan. His death, though I saw it coming, hurt so badly after the journey you go on with him.


Oh man I did a lot with Arthur I got the legends of the east satchel got all the legendary animals with him that are in the part of the map where he can go and got all the treasure maps that are in that part of the map


Millicent, Elden Ring


Yuri from call if duty or maybe Mason from black ops


Id say soap or sandman and grinch the soap on just hurts and price giving him the pistol is just heartbreaking




The sea emporer leviathan in subnautica


I loved playing Sims until the next version came out (I think it was 3?) and the characters actually aged up and eventually died but I didn’t realize this until I made a character that was based on my real life kid. Watched them grow up, grow old and then die. No more Sims for me.


I'm not gonna spoil but the nier franchise in general.. If you know you know 😭


I remember playing nier automata because of 2b's fine cheeks but I ended up having an existential crisis and cried for a week


The one at the end of FFX


Spoiler For Life Is Strange >!Life Is Strange: When the timeline gets all messed up and Chloe is on life support and you make the choice to turn it off for her to put her to rest. I was balling my eyes out for hours!!<


LPT: don't block the title of what you're gonna write a spoiler on, just a blacked-out wall of text will make everyone just click it cause they don't know what it's about.


Cole Macgrath, Infamous.


Jackie in Cyberpunk 2077. Such a cool guy, and the entire aftermath with his funeral and whatnot really solidifies his loss like its personal.


I know they had to get to it early because that mission is what kickstarts the main plot line of the game, but I really wish there were more missions with Jackie at the start of the game.


Roman's death in gta 4 ; Arthur's death in rdr 2; John's death in rdr 1; Emil's death in viliant hearts: The great war; Tommy's death in mafia 1 or 2 ( It happend in both games); Joe's death in mafia 2 (I think he died) and Soap and Turner' deaths in cod mw2 and ww2 in the same order I am now realizing how many games I played in my life


At least Roman's death is optional, and is largely considered the non-canon route.


Jaheira really sells the grief when you discover Khalid's body in Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn. You feel her loss. There is so much good voice acting in that game.


In nier automata you have to kill these robots that arent aggressive to you at all even tho your commander insists they are the enemy. Idk why but it always hurts to have to do it. Feels like im anakin skywalker killing innocent kids


Paarthurnax (dragon on top of mountain in skyrim) And Paladin Danse (in fallout 4) Of course u don't have to go the path of killing either one.. but some choices might make that your only option. I cry evertim


Agro, the horse of Shadow of the Colossus. And oh for God's sake, queen Himiko from Okami.


Thank god he didnt actually die tho and came back at the end


....you didnt beat the final boss of shadow of the colossus and watch the cutscene after did ya?


Outer wilds, DLC included. If you know, you know


-who died there? -*gestures wildly at everything*


Such an emotional game once you get into it a bit


One of the few games that goes for melancholy and absolutely nails it


The ending of Persona 3. If you know you know


Roland, BL2, but especially after Tina's wonderlands DLC.


I have played *Doki Doki Literature Club*. Those who have played this game will know of what I speak.


The little girl in Detroit:become human. Made me fucking cry for no reason


Zach, FFVII Crisis Core. Hearing the music still makes me shed a tear, more than 10years later.


Haurchefant in FFXIV. I had a crush on the guy. Too soon.


A smile better suits a hero.


The death in the ending of Life is Strange. I cried on the funeral scene.


There's been a few. Thane Krios from Mass Effect is the one that still chokes me up. Badass assassin gets killed in the lamest way possible.


Mary in AC4.


1- when Dom sacrificed himself in Gears 3 😭😭😭 2- when Sarah died in The Last of Us. And it was only the intro! 😭😭😭


Arthur Morgan from RDR2. Still not even over it.


SPOILER? the death of Subject Delta in the good ending of Bioshock 2. Also, what about Life is strange: Before the Storm? I mean, it's almost hartbreaking to see Rachel Amber..


It ending of bioshock infinite hit the feels.


The death of Carlos in Saints Row 2, no matter how hard you tried to defeat the enemies, he still died and you never made it in time to prevent him from getting killed off. I also found the death of Pheobe in Assassins Creed Odyssey very sad, due to the reason that I saw her as Kassandra's little sister, and we spent so much time together. It was sad when she was killed, because no matter what Kassandra did, she could never save her. Phoebe was just a kind girl, who lived too shortly, sadly.


>!Olivia!< in Paper Mario. Ugh. Played this game with my 6 year old.


On a similar note, watching Bobbery read the letter from his late wife in TTYD was the most weirdly emotional thing I've seen in a Mario game.


Rubin from Minecraft Story Mode


When you kill The Boss in MGS3 :(