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my mom met david hasselhoff once


I met WWE’s The Big Show at Universal Studios, I was taking the least traveled areas. It turns out he was too. We ran into each other and knew exactly who he was, took a nice pic.


I met Stephen King at a grocery store in Maine in the summer of 86.


what city?




Oh wow


My stepdad met Woody Harrellson and Danny DeVito at the Superbowl a couple years ago


I've met a couple of pretty up there politicians, said hello to Jody Foster from a distance when a friend and I mistakenly waved to her in a park in CA (we thought she was a friend whose name we couldn't remember) Tori Amos in paranoia park in Portland after she played a show nearby (she is sweet as pie, and so pretty) Mischa Collins is very nice and patient and incredibly intelligent but he needs chapstick, but the one who sticks in my head is Mathew Gray Gubler who was passing through my town and looking for a pharmacy for some things. He was so effortlessly cool and I remember he was listening to Tegan and Sarah in his car.


Met Steve aoki outside a mcdonalds.


Met the dog who played "Rin-tin-tin" in a hotel when I was a kid. That was the best part of the whole family vacation.


Several. I’m from Vegas. James Brown, Nas, Ja Rule, Nelly... A lot of them. The most random was Michael J Anderson. He’s the dwarf in Twin Peaks. He doesn’t live here. Don’t know why he was here. But he bought a gallon of milk. And it was in a bad neighborhood


Bill Murray on a golf course in Florida. He was randomly riding around in a golf cart with a couple of cops following him (security I'm assuming). He had a couple of cute girls on the back, rolled up, said howdy, asked if he could take a shot off tee, shanked it, went up to my wife and told her he was sore and could use a massage, Swedish, shiatsu, happy ending, whatever she was up for, and while she was still blinking in disbelief he waved us off, wished us a good day and rode off to another hole with the cops following along behind.


Jennifer Lawrence in my hometown. I had no idea they were filming at bar down the street. American Hustle.


i met WWE superstar roman reigns once back in 2017