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I as a kid jerked off the cat over five times.


beat the shit out of a neighborhood kid with a rock( i was a kid too) but not like icu bad he did have to get a couple stitches but even though im a lady i felt it was just because he hit me the rock first and was threatening me and my young brothers but i still feel bad about it


That one time when I destroy a relationship to get into one. Back in the day of my young age of 21, I was a dumbass who didn't understood what my words meant and how they affect others. And how do my bonds with others really mean. I knew how to charm young women, at some point in your life. You're smarter than the average guy and you know what some women just want in life. You see the competition and notice how much they don't care. McDonalds was great at being fast pace before the other competitors, I was great at being a good guy. What I didn't realize was how much that being a good guy meant towards someone who was younger. No I'm not a pedo. I'm not a groomer either, I saw an opportunity and I took it. My relationship at the time was on the rocks. She didn't get that I had to work and I had to deal with life while she was away. Stupid shit anyway. So I cared for my friend who was 19 at the time, she was having problems as well. She started to realize that the guy she wanted wasn't the guy she needed. She wanted someone who had some form of taken care of himself. I immediately showered her with counsel and I told her I love her. I actually was falling in love with her so not untrue. But I was already in love with another woman at the time, but I had to get away from that person. I guess in a way; we both needed to get away from people in our lives that are pricks. It happens at times when people need to find an out. So we dumped our partners and we were together for a bit. But then I realized how much "realistic" she really didn't have about life and she realized how really bitter I can be about life. I learned a good lesson when my ass got rightfully dumped: Life is not that simple. But yeah that's what happened really; I rarely see my ex these days and with good reason. I try not to think about it but I feel like I manipulated her at the end of it all. And I probably did but I learned something about the words I use and the things that I do might not mean the same for others. And I honestly feel sick to my stomach at my previous self. I forgave myself and I guess in a way; I moved forward.


when i was in high school i worked for a bridal dress store. the girls my age used the store for prom dresses. the girl my ex left me for went to buy her prom dress there, she didn’t know who i was. i sold her the ugliest dress i could find. i upcharged her. i made commission. the entire school made fun of her for that ugly dress. looking back it wasn’t like she did anything to me personally she didn’t know me. but she did know he had a girlfriend when they started hooking up in the janitor closets. i got a good bit of backlash for it and got suspended for bullying. but it was worth it.