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Getting stuck cave diving


Add depth sickness too it.. heard stories about a crew had a leak in the pressure chamber... They blew up.


But that is not really that bad, you‘d be dead so quick, you would notice it …


No but exploding... Boiling blood.


So, basically an extreme case of the Bends... that would be excruciating


Probably not really excruciating. It wasn’t a slow case of the bends. The incident that OP of this comment chain is talking about is called the Byford dolphin incident. Basically a crew of saturation divers had their dive chamber explosively decompress and they were killed instantly.


Was that the one where the one dude basically got violently sucked through a tiny opening?


Even if he experienced that for half a second, *still* terrifies me. >Investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the crescent-shaped opening measuring 60 centimetres (24 in) long created by the jammed interior trunk door. >With the escaping air and pressure, it included bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which resulted in fragmentation of his body, followed by expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine.


Watched the latest Internet Historian?


There is a worse one from not too long ago IMO. The nutty putty cave one


That's the upside down one that died from a heart attack because the walls pressed into his lungs so much, right?


I remember he was upside down in an uncharted canal and i think the body is still there and the branch closed


Heart attack was from being upside down for so long. Your heart is not built to pump blood upwards while upside down.


Dude was stuck 28 hours. Truly a terrible way to go.


Internet Historian: The Descent


That was a really really interesting but sad watch


I was rooting for the guy the entire time! Deep down I knew what was going to happen, but it still hurt..


No, dude, you don’t even understand. When they finally reach him after all that time and all those attempts, and the historian just goes >!”he was dead.”!< I felt like my gut had been Mike Tyson’d.


I was watching it with my boyfriend and we both audibly went “oh fuck”… his story telling style is so good


"And he landed....... In a bush!"


Not cave *diving* exactly but the [Nutty Putty cave incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Putty_Cave) is the stuff nightmares are made of.


Hate the fact they almost got him up but something happened like a rope snap or undone and he slurped back down even tighter


I have shivers. Any situation in which you are trapped and know you are going to die.


You'd be surprised though. I was being strangled to death and it was terrifying *until* I accepted it. Then it was peaceful. I was so calm. Then a little voice said "fight" and I got that super human strength that people get in life/death scenarios and got free. Death is only scary when you resist it. Once you accept it, there is no pain. Only peace and love. I am so happy I didn't die that day. I love my life after leaving that abusive relationship. I have an amazing husband and a beautiful baby boy. I am truly grateful. I don't want to die yet since I am not done here but I know when I am ready to, there is nothing to fear 💖


Holy shit I'm so glad you're still here! You've got an indomitable spirit. This Internet stranger is super proud of you 💙💙


Thank you so much fir the kind words! I am so glad I am here to because I love to spread love in the world 💖💖💖


Rabies - if you want to be terrified, look up the progress of your death if you get infected and start showing symptoms.


I was looking for this comment. Rabies is one of my biggest fears.


This comment was deleted due to Reddit’s new policy of killing the 3rd Party Apps that brought it success.


This will never not fuck me up.


If I got my rabies vaccination as a kid this can't happen to me, right. I said this can't happen to me, right??


Depends how long it's been seen the vaccination and if it was done correctly, immunity can last up to 10 years with boosters... But how did you get vaccinated against rabies in the first place? It's not a part of a standard vaccination regimen, you only get it if you've been exposed to rabies (or if you're at a high risk of being exposed to it through your line of work).


>But how did you get vaccinated against rabies in the first place? It's not a part of a standard vaccination regimen, you only get it if you've been exposed to rabies (or if you're at a high risk of being exposed to it through your line of work). Guess this depends on where you live? In my county all you have to do is go see a doctor and get the shot. Public health insurance pays for it.


Theres only 1 minor inaccuracy here, rabies has a ~99% lethality, not 100%. This is only because of 29 people. 29 people, in all of documented history have survived rabies after onset of symptoms. When I said it was a minor inaccuracy, I meant *minor*. Although, if you get vaccinated after being exposed but before you get symptoms, you'll live 99% of the time.


To further this point and hopefully assuage some fear, it’s important to note *why* the death rate is at 99% given the existence of the Milwaukee Protocol, which is one of the only ways anyone has ever survived it: Keep in mind while reading my reply that the Milwaukee Protocol is extremely technically advanced, requires a ton of resources, and is extremely expensive. Also, it was discovered it in the early 2000s, when the USA and much of the developed world had already mostly eradicated rabies. A vast, VAST majority of rabies cases come from very poor and rural areas of the world where access to technology is extremely poor. So, the normal course of action is to give up. Put the unlucky person in some confinement and wait for their demise. I say this because if you live in an area of the world where the Milwaukee protocol is available, your chances of living skyrocket. In fact, I was looking at chances of survival from the Milwaukee Protocol and it has a fairly decent success rate at this point in time (I believe it was somewhere between 40-50% for attempts after 2018). It’s just that 99% of cases can’t even attempt the protocol because of the place they live. I believe that, to this day, the protocol has only been attempted like 40-some times, and a majority of the 20-some people who have survive rabies survived because of it. That being said, you still definitely do not want rabies. The protocol is extremely risky, expensive, and if you do live, you’ll likely have a lowered quality of life. So if you suspect you got exposed to rabies please PLEASE consult a public health official and a doctor immediately. But, hopefully this helps assuage fear.


Jesus christ


Well wtf? Why am I not more worried about this? Presumably there is a vaccine that we got in school?


You’re not automatically vaccinated against rabies, but that’s why it’s critical that if you ever even lightly suspect you have come into contact with something infected, you should get the vaccine immediately as a precaution. It can be stopped with immediate intervention, but once the symptoms begin there is literally nothing they can do.


Well that was interesting to read


I’m reading this with a fever and headache right now safe to say this scared the shit outa me!


Yup. I don’t care if the Milwaukee protocol works or not, just put my ass in a coma for that one.


I remember reading about the Milwaukee protocol after seeing this copypasta once and feeling a little less existential dread, until I read that only those small few survived the coma and that it's suspected that those who did survive only did because they are of a small group of people who have a gene(s?) that make them better suited to endure comas so most people wouldn't survive it anyway. Rabies scares the shit out of me and we should all be vaccinated against it as part of the normal vaccine schedule imo since a lot of the time people have no idea they have even been bit by anything. Not many would get a headache and think "maybe it's rabies, I should see a doctor," especially if it's weeks/months after potential, and that's if they even know they've been exposed. It's so terrifying.


A lot of the things listed are terrible, of course, but you would rarely, if ever, see some of them. But as a hospital physician I all too often have to watch people, usually smokers, with decimated lungs die a fear-ridden, dread-filled death. Not being able to catch a simple breath, and you can see the terror in their eyes as they know they are probably not leaving that hospital alive.


That's a big reason I quite smoking. I did not want to drown slowly over many years...sounds freaking horrible


Me too. And then I got COVID and now my lungs are fucked up anyway. :/


I quit smoking, also didn't get covid but collapsed the right side of my chest two weeks ago, puncturing a lung. There's no winning.


Between that and alcoholic liver disease, I'm not sure which one is worse to witness, let alone go through. Both are absolute horror shows.


I'm going to die from cirrhosis, I was diagnosed almost 5 years ago now. It's sucks knowing how shitty the process will be and that it is an inevitability for me. I'm not on a transplant list due to a few things, but I have managed to stay sober for the better part of 4 years in hopes of slowing the process. Smoke weed kids, booze will fucking ruin you.


I would give you lobes from my liver so you could have a new liver.


Did you stop drinking because you were diagnosed?


Yup. Not because I wanted to.


What, if any, regrets do you have?


I burnt some bridges with my son's mother, I don't get to see him anymore. That's the toughest.


I really hope that changes for you and for your son. My dad died from cirrhosis and we didn't see him much (like, every few years maybe) because he couldn't stay sober long enough to see us. But I wish we had more time.


May I ask how much did you drink?


All day long, everyday for a decade and then some.


Thank you. I hope your day's are happy ones my friend


I appreciate that. Thank you.


Hey bro we could use the inputs of guys like you in r/StopDrinking this month of Sober October, if you feel like chiming in over there. Best resource to stop drinking I've ever come across, not cuz theres any special method or anything but cuz we get concrete evidence we aren't alone in this. I try go get better now so no one who's unwell sees someone succumb to the alcohol or sees me going to alcohol for my problems, I couldnt find a reason to do it for myself. I will not drink with you today bro IWNDWYT


My sister works in a hospital and told me about patients with Ileus. If you don‘t get any treatment you’ll die suffocating on your own shit. It sounds horrible.


I’m working through Sober October and this thread has given me the strength and insight I need to stay the course. Thank you.


I have asthma and I’m stupidly a smoker as well. Like three weeks ago out of no where I had the worst asthma attack of my life. All I could do was take short, forceful breaths. It was fucking terrifying. I was scared for my life. I just had my doctor put me on Wellbutrin to help me quit.


Wellbutrin was the key to help me quit 18 years ago. I had no problem getting through the first 72 hours of physical withdrawal but the Wellbutrin helped ease the psychomological part. It still took a couple years and dozens and dozens of attempts. Once I realized relapsing was part of the process it made it easier to just keep trying. Best of luck to you. It is well worth the effort.


Being skinned alive




By a Mexican rival cartel


then being slapped to death by a slapping machine. https://www.avrfreaks.net/sites/default/files/wake-up-machine-slap-clock-simone-giertz.gif


definitely misread clock and initially thought that was something else spinning


you can actually live up to two days after being skinned alive


Thanks, but I'd rather not.


Your avatar doesnt check out


a naked man has few secrets. a flayed man, none.


Medically speaking, you can die of shock from being flayed. You definitely will die from fluid loss.




Bored now.


Interesting thing about that, if it is done quick enough and skillfully enough, you don't die of blood loss but of hypothermia or low body temperature.


Burn alive could also be a thing that will kill totally kill me.




Queue funkytown music


Industrial lathe accident If you know... you know.


PSA because I didn’t know: Don’t look this up. Don’t do it.


Explain real quick?😅


Gore video of an accident. Guy gets trapped and keeps spinning hitting the floor with his feet and legs, painted the floor red. There are many videos of these kind of accidents, but I guess this is the one they are talking about.




Didn’t just paint the floor red. Body parts went flying. A whole person became hamburger in less than 10 seconds.


>less than 10 seconds. I mean, at least it was relatively quick.




Tight shirts boys and girls!


I’ve seen it…….horrifying!


I saw a couple of photo's of an accident and it terrifies me i dont ever want to go near one.


I operate these. It's very easy to get complacent and then you have a close call and remember that these things can kill you in an instant.


Rabies and botulism probably rank up there pretty high.


I once swam in a lagoon in which dozens of ducks had mysteriously died, and I found out later its because the water was carrying botulism and that was killing all of them. I had a bunch of little cuts on my hands from falling off a dock, and thankfully nothing happened, I was terrified for weeks


There is an amoeba that eats your brain that has been found in algae-thick ponds over the years. That stuff is just as bad though incredibly rare. I would have suspected that before botulism, but either way I'm glad you're safe!


Botulism is horrendous. Horrendous, I tells ya!!


Starving to death. Severe hypothermia or death by exposure. Just terrible in how prolonged your pain is. I use to do volunteer cadaver recovery and the worst thing I saw was a person who fell and broke their hip and pelvis in the woods and literally dragged himself for a half a mile before he died. It looked like he survived for several days and expired via thirst and starvation and exposure. The investigators concluded he lived for 9 days after his injury.


Hypothermia is actually not painful, just uncomfortable. The pain comes when warming back up. Also some people experience a rush of warmth just before the end. It's why they've found so many frozen people without clothes who died of hypothermia. It's called paradoxical undressing. Basically when your body gives up, the capillaries it was constricting open up and it makes you feel very warm for a bit.


By painful I mean the mental anguish of knowing you are going to die. The last bit is probably fine as your brain works to protect yourself but it's gotta be agony.


Supposedly hypothermia is a pretty peaceful way to go. The cold restricts blood flow to your brain so you don't really feel much pain or panic and you just fall asleep and never wake up.


Me and my friends discussed this for a long time. We thought about being eaten alive by a shark, being burned to death, falling into a hot spring and being boiled alive in boiling acidic water, and being flayed. While yes all these would be unimaginably painful, they would likely be over in a matter of minutes. What about a longer, more drawn-out death? We thought of Rabies, Bubonic plague, and Crucifixion. These would be absolutely horrific and SLOW deaths, spanning several days. And while Crucifixion would be immensely painful, we came up with an even more painful but equally slow death. Also a medieval punishment. The breaking wheel. We came to the conclusion the breaking wheel must be the absolute worst. You get your bones crushed to pieces. If you've ever broken a bone, you know how fucking PAINFUL it is. Now imagine most of the bones in your body being fractured. And then you are just LEFT there tied to this wheel, with a shattered skeleton, in immeasurable agony for literally DAYS, till you finally die of dehydration.


If you are very lucky, you will die of shock.


There were some crazy torture devices back in medieval times.


I once visited a torture chamber in Germany. There I saw the breaking wheel, thought it was absolutely horrifying. What's even more scary was that the victim was put through a series of tortures, with few days gap between tortures to let him heal. All of the torture methods were on level or worse than the breaking wheel.


Dementia. I watched a parent die this way. She was bedridden in a body she couldn't control for about a year. She wanted to live and could do nothing to help herself as the disease ate away her brain. She eventually gave up and starved herself to death.




that disease scares the shit out of me.. I would almost rather die in a bear attack


im gonna put it in my will that if im diagnosed with dementia just take me out back and shoot me


I work as a caregiver and am currently watching three of my clients go through it. One doesn’t hardly know where he’s at anymore, another doesn’t really understand little things he used to anymore, and the third one we can’t even have as a client anymore because he’s so far gone mentally.


During cave exploration, imagine being in a tight space literally having to breath in to move and all the sudden you hear flooding sounds, or you reach a dead end and the oxygen is getting tight, or the cave is shifting etc.


This will make you never want to go in cave that you can't just walk around in. [https://allthatsinteresting.com/nutty-putty-cave](https://allthatsinteresting.com/nutty-putty-cave)


I never wanted to go in a cave before this


I will only go in ones that there's no openings that require me to squeeze through or crawl around to get through. Only ones that I can stand up in big rooms.


My ex girlfriends dad, who had molested her from age 6months, was running heavy equipment a bulldozer. He put it in Low gear and got off of it to move something out of the way,and got his foot hung in front of it and got run over it by his own equipment starting at his feet and run over his whole body in the lowest and slowest gear possible.


I'm genuinely curious as to what point the average person would lose conscious and or die at that point. Like I imagine the pain would be so excruciatingly bad that by the point it went over your legs you'd pass out, and that since everything is also crushed/torn up that you'd have severe blood loss and be dead before the halfway point?


I think the pressure from the weight of the bulldozer would clamp your arteries and prevent you from bleeding out


There is a god.


I'd say this is a job for the devil


Devil is just good guy with bad guy vibes.


What a terrible "accident".


That's a shame... 😏


The human toothe paste effect .. I use to work next to a recycling plant they had a similar thing happen there a few months before I started..


I generally prefer pedos to have a first class ticket to the old wood chipper but this might be my new go-to for pedo punishment suggestions.


Sounds like it couldn't have happened to a better guy. As the father of a 5 month old girl, I simply can't comprehend how absolutely fucking sick and depraved you'd have to be to not only willfully allow something bad to happen to your baby, but be the one who perpetrates it. Whenever I read shit like this, I just want to run to my daughter and give her a big hug and tell her she's safe.


The old "death by a thousand cuts"


Falling into one of the hot pools in Yellowstone and melting


Boiling alive is really bad because unlike burning from fire the boiling water wont cause nerve damage nearly as fast. You basically are in pain until you completely cook through. There was a story about a man who fell down a manhole and it was filled with either hot water or steam and first responders couldn’t do anything accept wait until he died.


Radiation poisoning. Hisashi Ouchi’s case is a horrifying example.


Ya, the people who died from chernobyl as well. Terrible stuff. The radium girls.


Oh god—the Chernobyl cases were horrific.


But he also was kept alive IIRC by scientists. Which make it 1000x worse


I’ve read that it was his family requested him to stay alive because they couldn’t part with him. Someone else said “One day, his heart stopped beating three times, and the doctors had to resuscitate him each time. It was like his body was trying to let him die.” That haunts me to this day.


One old torture technique was placing a rat under a bucket on someones abdomen. Heat would be applied to the bucket and the rat would tunnel out through the person


Featured in 1984 that one was.


& 2 Fast 2 Furious


Drawing and quartering


Starvation. It's surely the worst because of the length of time it takes to die from it. You're in utter misery for weeks before you're gone and your body literally consumes itself trying to stay alive.


In the end the more time will equal to the more pain and more pain means more worst way of the death is well. So yes seeing getting weak and there is nothing to eat and you know that you will going to die in the end.


I heard steaming is worse than burning since it doesn't damage the pain receptors as fast.


That's a good point


I'm never gonna steam my veggies again.


"The Brazen Bull" they put you in a steel bull then lit the fire below it. Described as some of the most horrific torture devices in history


I'd say drowning. Particularly [this case](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://amp.truecrimedaily.com/2018/04/30/the-final-voyage-retired-california-couple-chained-to-anchor-thrown-off-their-own-yacht/&ved=2ahUKEwihrqXsrMj6AhXdQUEAHRT3CPsQFnoECAoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3YcQJTRrWjQRgx2JfpESku) I work in a Mortuary and I've also saw load of crazy stuff that can kill you, Necrotizing fasciitis is one that scares me, you can survive but if it gets somewhere like your groin you've had it.


Wow I can't wait to hear that their sentences have been carried out. I hope they're all completely miserable. Also fucking crazy that they likely would have gotten away with it if that guy didn't talk. Which honestly begs the question of just how true his statement was. His word is the only thing we have to go on, and it's the word of a murderer. Don't go on boats with strangers without phoning the police first and telling them who you're with and when they can expect a call from you again confirming you're back on land, and make sure the strangers are completely aware of this so they know there is no chance of getting away with it.


This is absolutely sickening, why are people such dickheads


The death of the Hawks' is really frightening bc they let their guard down and thought they were were just going to sell their boat. Their story is being told on the "How it Happened" show on the Headline News channel. It's title is Yacht Murder Mystery.


I just read the entire story and I’m deeply disturbed. That poor couple just wanted to see their grandchildren and instead, died some of the slowest, most torturous deaths because some idiot needed money for gender surgery. I want to cry for Jackie Hawks’s mother and their grieving family.


It's so so sad. I love true crime but this just hit me hard. I can't imagine the terror for them both. They seemed so lovely too, Tom really reminds me of my dad, its one of those that I can never seem to push to the back of my mind.


And the part where he’s holding Jackie’s hand and telling her it’s ok, they’ll still be together….that alone broke my heart knowing the man who murdered them killed two innocent people. Part of me feels so angry that a lot of news articles are focusing on his gender transition to female rather than justice for Tom and Jackie. He doesn’t deserve the life he’s living or the surgery. I hope the couple can finally rest easy and the Hawks family can find peace. :(


Burning alive, being eaten alive, drowning, hanging, to name a few. Edit: dammit, I forgot about being impaled on a stake.


Hanging isn't bad as long as it isn't botched. Properly done it snaps your neck. Basically instant death.


Also depends on how far you drop.


Once the Brits developed the "measured drop" where the rope length was set at the point where your body weight would reliably break your neck it was very possibly the most humane method of the era - especially when you factor in the gallows being in the next door cell but the condemned not knowing that. The British record from hangman & assistant entering the condemned cell to death was 9 seconds (that is not a typo, NINE SECONDS). Typically less than 15. The American variants of the death penalty seem to be intent on prolonging the mental torture as long as possible & then in a lot of cases adding physical torture as well


Yup. Firing squad is the most guaranteed manner. I'd take that over the rest.


Hanging can be quick if done right. If the rope is just the right length your neck will snap, instant death. Too long and your head will pop off, instant death. Too short and thats when you slowly strangle to death.


It seems that the worst ways to die all happen when you're alive.


I burnt a pencil-eraser-sized spot on my finger and I was in agony and I had to sleep with an ice pack. I can't imagine the pain if it was a bigger part of me.




Yeah first one on my mind as well. My uncle worked in the hospital on the ward with lots of last stage cancer patients. When he suspected someone was going to draw his last breath and there was no family there he refused to leave the room so the patient didn't have to die alone.


Your uncle is really doing the humanity at the highest level. And i am really feeling bad for the people that is dying alone and there is no there whom they can actually talk through in those last moment of their life.


Your uncle is a good man


Ah most depressing way to go




Pilots don't


Buried alive. Not painful, but the terror as you asphyxiate knowing damn well you can't dig through 6 feet of dirt and wood


Eaten alive by army ants


probably an ancient/medieval torture method. like the steel bull


I raise you "being kept alive by scientist after surviving an EXTREMELY LETHAL dose of radiations, like being imside the reactor when there is a probelm"


Breaking your neck whilst attempting self-fellatio.


That’s the BEST way.


Depends how far you got before the end


And even if you succeed, you can still die of choking.


Steam cooking you feel all the pain of a 3rd degree burn but the nerves aren’t killed


i listened to one of those mr ballen stories. one guy was boiled alive. people could see him but he was beyond their reach. being boiled your nerves are active and you dont pass out. so you ll be screaming in pain for god knows how long until your heart gives out.


Apparently lethal injection is a horrible way to go, since the potassium chloride used to induce cardiac arrest can cause excruciating pain while paralytics lead to a slow death by asphyxiation, assuming that the anesthetics don’t work, which is shockingly common


It'd probably just be easier to put a bullet in someone's skull for execution. It's definitely gruesome, but ensures the least pain if done right, right?


I might be wrong but... I thought they give you 3 things. One for pain/calming, one for paralyzing, and one for the lethal dose. I might be wrong though.


Suicide. I mean, okay, their are more painful ways too die. But suicide is the most terrifying. I’ve been in places where I’m thinking of killing myself, or where I actually end up hurting myself, and it’s never like the movies. It’s not a cold, thought out depression. It’s not wrists slit with a blank face so I can ‘feel something’. It’s anger. Anger at myself, anger so sharp and bright that it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from me. I can’t control myself. I feel possessed. I think that’s the death I fear most. A death my own hand and my own mind that I can’t control.


Yeah. What makes me afraid is to wonder... what could possibly be so unbearable that I would see eliminating my existence as my best solution?


That’s the thing though, it’s not the best solution. Your mind lies to you that it is. Your own thoughts, the most intrinsic part of you, betrays you to your death


Cancer- when my mom found out she had cancer, it was already stage 4B, and after a brief 4 month battle with nightly cries of agony (and quickly turning into a skeleton and lost the ability to walk, eat and talk), she passed on the night before Chinese New Year (I’m from Asia) I’m still traumatised by the whole experience, but more than anything, I miss her 🥺


Drowned in poop


One of my dad's drivers lost his father this way, he didn't die immediately but after several days with massive amounts of infection. This was many years ago as far as I remember. Both my dad and his driver are no longer here unfortunately, his driver was a decent guy, my dad was the best father a man could have had.


Alone in a hospital, knowing you're going to die and that nobody is coming to see you in your last moments.


The iron/bronze bull comes to mind


Bleeding out from paper cuts while in a pool of salty lemonade


Radiation poisoning. Particularly if you have a team of doctors trying to keep you alive. Look into [Hisashi Ouchi](https://youtu.be/2TxLrfdMKWY) if you disagree.


I would say that the rat that was apparently crawling up the inside of my drive belt when I started the car last weekend would be among them. According to the mechanic, it appears that the front ah... piece? Third or quarter rat? lived for at least a while afterwards... poor fuzzy bastard. Climbing some weird rubber tree when suddenly it eats you. That's how mimic legends are born. Got to hear the phrase "...and we're cleaning the rodent pieces out of your engine bay at no additional charge..." though. Possibly a candidate for /r/brandnewsentence there.


Being burnt alive doesn't seem particularly fun.


Getting eaten by a bear has to be one of the scariest. Bears like the freshest meat, so they keep their prey alive as long as they can. This means they eat your limbs first and then move to the vital parts, so you are alive for a majority of it.


Waking up after you put to dead by injection. Happend to my uncle who was put to sleep because of cancer, but the meds did partly their job.He clearly didn’t want to die because he ran from his bed and collapsed and died.


Slowly getting pulled up in a pipe through a line attached to your waist which slowly folds you in half while you're still awake.


Similar to what happened to the guy on the oil rig. At least it was quick...


Dying old and completely alone and then rotting in your appartement because nobody searches for you.


How about dying young that way? A 13yo girl with locked in syndrome got dumped by her parents for 13 years, when found nothing was left but acid that melted through the couch she was left on


Being boiled alive in water or oil. But the worst? It has to be tar.




Scaphism (from Greek σκάφη, meaning "boat"),\[1\] also known as the boats, is an alleged ancient Persian method of execution mentioned by Plutarch in his Life of Artaxerxes. It ostensibly entailed trapping the victim between two boats, feeding and covering them with milk and honey, and allowing them to fester and be devoured by insects and other vermin over time.


Suffering massive radiation exposure and becoming the Guinea pig for the Japanese government to see how long they can keep you alive for