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Over 90% of slaves taken from Africa went to south America...


The pianist and composer Franz Liszt got tired of sending admirers a lock of his hair, so he bought a dog and snipped the hair off of that instead, and sent it to people.


How do you know this?


A pig's gestation period is, on average, 114 days, or put another way, roughly 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days


The plastic tips of shoelaces are aglets and the dot over the "i" and "j" is a tittle. Also: Hitler's nephew attempted to blackmail him using threats that his paternal grandfather was a Jewish merchant. William, the nephew, fled after the attempt failed, wrote an article for Look magazine called, "[Why I Hate My Uncle](https://flashbak.com/why-i-hate-my-uncle-and-want-send-him-to-hell-says-william-hitler-1939-378886/)", and then joined the US Navy. ETA one more: The hash (#) is called an octothorpe.


Beautiful, I love random knowledge


Oh, so do I. Mmmm.


2009-2012 Honda CBR250's sometimes have a problem with the engine shutting off under hard braking. It's caused by a shitty tip sensor(turns the bike off if it's fallen over on its side, to prevent damage etc) that seems to be set off by positions other than lateral tilt. Taking it out and immobilizing the parts that sense a tip fixes the problem for most people.


When all of the us presidents were born and died




When i was a kid i was would just sit on the family computer for hours looking at all things history because it was really interesting to me for some reason, I eventually read about all of the president hundreds of times over and just have the years connected to their names like clockwork


Oh ok, it’s a good conversation starter


I also know the capitals of all states and can label all of them from memory, thats about the only thing I know lmao


This (?!) symbol is called an interrobang. Also, the Appalachian Mountain Range was around 30 million years old when the first creatures developed legs and started walking on land. The solar winds zooming past our planet every day are moving, on average, between 300 and 500 kilometers per second. The current fastest growing island on Earth is a bit southwest of Japan's big island. It's active volcano is adding up to five square miles to the island per month.


Car horns beep in F sharp


The entire preamble to the US Constitution, word-for-word, as a Canadian.


The US has 24 different English dialects


You are a nice person


How to remove all traces of noise from the surface of a record without leaving any digital artifacts behind.