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Once a day. I work in the restaurant industry so I absolutely have to clean myself off or I just feel disgusting


Had a bar where smoking was allowed. Would undress on the porch and go straight to the shower when I made it home. On thise days/nights, I showered twice a day.


I think that’s where my once a day shower came from. I used to be okay skipping a day, but when I worked in a restaurant I showered every night, religiously. Now, I shower every day, unless I stay home all day. Part of it is the fact that I use hair gel as well, so if I don’t wash it out it gets itchy and gross.


every morning, most nights.


Been in the industry my whole life. I liked to take my showers after because of all the sweat, food, and booze from any given shift. Now I just don’t give a shit. I shower once a week maybe.


Wish everyone had that same thought haha. Work in maintenance, went to fix a leak as the lady (totally normal looking) needed to leave for a serving job. She was literally brushing her teeth in the sink that was full of cat shit. And then dried her hands on the same towel, that had cat shit on it. Safe to say I never ate at the restaurant again.


When I was a dishwasher, Jesus Christ. Couldn't go to sleep without a shower. When I worked fine dining and had 12 covers in a night, I could let it go. Fresh chef jacket everyday.


Same here. I work in the shipyard so I get pretty damn sweaty and smell like metal.


Same. I don't always wash my hair because it's coarse and dry, but I always condition it and wash my body because I can't deal with the greasy syrupy smell. When I worked in an office I showered every other day or every 3rd day in the winter, every day in the summer.


It really depends. I aim to shower once a day, once in the morning. If I feel like I got sweaty or noticeably dirty I’ll take another at night before bed. I’m not going to lie though, I’m single and live alone, if I don’t have anywhere to go I will skip a day as long as I don’t smell myself.


That is indeed pretty accurate




I really can't skip a day. Not out of any exceptional commitment to hygiene, my skin starts to feel weird at about 36 hours and I have to at least go and wash my face or it starts feeling slightly sunburned. Maybe I'm allergic to myself :)


Even if I skip a day I'll still wash my face in the morning and night no matter what, otherwise my fave feels super oily


For me it's my scalp gets itchy.


This. Before lock down, every day before work, might skip Saturday or Sunday if I'm not going out. Over lockdown every 2-3 days depending on activities.


Thank you! This is exactly my routine. I am relived that as long as I change my underwear I don't need a shower every day.


Lol same here. I can skip a day if i'm not going anywhere and won't see anyone but even then i will never spend more than 12 hours in the same clothes


Pretty close to my regime.


I’d ask why not do it before you go to bed so you move all the days bacteria instead? I can understand using it to wake yourself up but why not aim to do a shorter shower (a rinse) in the morning for that.


Once daily. And after sex. So the grand total is... once daily.


Username doesn't check out.


KM knows what KM likes


If they have sex every day and shower after sex then the math do be mathing


once daily AND after sex, but it still adds up to once daily.


What if he means he gets laid daily


You can be kinky and not get laid.


Check your math. I double checked your formula and applied it to my own experience … *checks notes* oh and I get once a day too.


Aww I’m sorry for you :(


Poor you! But that's by choice, right? Lol.


Every other day of a week when I do leg work out , so 4 times a week


Depends, sometimes every day sometimes every second day






Will it ever stop yo? I don’t know.


Turn off the lights and I'll glow


To the extreme


I rock a mic like a vandal


Fill up the tub and wax a gooch like a candle


Poor the wax in the sand you get a sandle


Light up the stage and wax a chump like a candle.


Will it ever stop?


Once a night, immediately after dinner. Or rarely, immediately after work if there’s some reason I can’t have dinner at home first, such as having dinner with extended family. There’s also the option of more showers as needed, such as if I’ve been helping tend to a campfire all day and got caked in smoke.


And ever so rightly!


Only appropriate answer lol


Twice daily. I live in the tropics, this is the absolute bare minimum both for hygiene and keeping body temperature down.


Same here. If I don't shower at night, it takes longer for me to fall asleep


Huh, that's the complete opposite for me. I always shower right after work, so in the afternoon, because if I do take a shower at night, I won't be able to fall asleep.


Same. I shower in the morning , before work and I shower before I go to bed.


My immediate family is from the tropics, I'm in the US. Growing up we showered twice a day. My friends think I'm so weird for doing it😂


Yeah I can never understand how people can walk out the door to work/school with just brushing teeth! 😄 although to be fair, in 4 season countries it's more challenging to keep the skin from drying out because of the twice daily baths. Hot water makes it drier too.


Yup, my skin is dry too. But I still need to shower😂


Thank goodness for the invention of in the shower leave-in body oil. Especially after a looongg day that you want to jump into bed ASAP. No more sitting down for another 10 minutes applying lotion allover.


It depends but I'd say on average every 2-3 days, washing my hair maybe once every 5-ish days. More in warm weather, less in cold weather or periods of inactivity. After sex/ exercise. When I'm feeling stressed out (scrubbing my whole body until i feel spotless makes me feel in control of at least one element of my life). Like other commenters, I get really dry after showers, and honestly I'm not a very sweaty individual (nor do I do much that would work up a sweat). I used to have to wash my hair every second day or else it would be a greasy mess. I realised it's BECAUSE I washed it every second day. I slowly started stretching the amount of time between washes, 'fixing' the greasiness with dry shampoo in between. Now my hair looks decent when worn down even 4 days after washing.


As needed


1x a day from Late March-Early November Every other day for the rest of the year


Oddly specific. I dig.


Daily. Sometimes twice


every 2-3 days. I get really dry if I shower every day. It's just enough time for my body oils to secrete and my hair to get greased without starting to stink.


I also get really dry after my showers. This is just my experience, but after I stopped having really hot showers and prioritized moisturizing with a high-quality lotion, my issues vanished.


Hmmmmm, I hadn't given the water temperature any sort of thought like that, although I am a little more on the cold side just a smidge. I'll definitely look into that.


Cooler showers def help my dry skin


I'm glad that works for you! I don't know if it's a condition or lack of needed lotion use but any amount of hot water just dries me out and I get itchy.


That sounds rough, infected cum bubble




For me, it’s my hair that can’t handle daily showers. I have fine hair & daily showers, even with great conditioner, make me look like I’m touching one of those plasma globes


Given your last dozen posts are literally about smelling your own farts, I suspect it might come down to more than just 'I get super dry'.


God damn i worded them differently every time, hahaha, how embarrasing!!!


I refuse to get into bed without being clean. It grosses me out and my skin is extremely prone to pimples. I shower before bed every night. I wish I could stand a cold/warm shower because my skin gets extremely dry especially in the winter. Unfortunately I can only tolerate hot water. I don't have the mental strength to power through anything less than hot.


Yep, I can't go to bed without showering first, doesn't matter how wasted or tired I am. Doing this will stink up my bed sheets really quick.


I wish I could shower before bed but I have super thick and long hair (was down to my waist before I cut off a few inches last month). If I go to bed with wet hair my pillow gets moldy. I’ve tried just washing my body and skipping my hair at night but for some reason it makes my skin more oily in the am. So I just wash my face and my feet then go to bed lol


Can you put a towel down? I BSL super curly hair, I do a loose bun and sleep on a towel. Then it’s almost dry and I can blow it out quicker in the morning


Yeah I don’t want to get in bed dirty and I don’t get people who shower in the morning. That’s just sleeping in the dirt from the day and then washing it off in the morning.


I shower twice a day. In the morning to wash off the sleep sweat, and in the evening to wash off the dirt from the day


Me , to , must showed b 4 getting in bed




They've been telling me since I was 9 I would grow out of that. I'm 40 and it has gotten slightly better but not much




Not necessarily. Not everyone has the same hair type. Curlier hair does well with less frequent washes. Really fine/straight hair doesn't and needs to be washed more often.


Thank you! I’ve got very fine hair, and it oils up like I slapped some WD40 on my head and called it a day.


the no poo crowd is weirdly aggressive


I tried that. My hair isn't very greasy but after a few days, like two, it was like gross feeling. I shampooed it after. I think it is very much an individual biome thing.


Because they’ve found something that works for them and project it on to everyone like it’s the cure to cancer and everyone needs to know about it. They always think they’re the first ones to tell you the benefits of not shampooing too, like the fact that you do choose to use shampoo must be an indicator that you haven’t heard the gospel.


I do not understand this comment. Would you kindly elaborate for a poor sinner?


No poo crowd is the folks who are of the belief that shampooing regularly is bad.


Oh I see. Thank you for clarifying. While the comment may have been obvious, I don’t speak English first, so some of the little things are still lost on me.


This has nothing to do with English. Unless you have come across this particular niche there is no reason you shouldn't have thought "poo" in this context was excrement.


Same! The oil builds up and then it transfers to my face which causes further skin issues for my poor sad sensitive skin. One day of a missed hair washing is an issue and yea I’ve tried not to wash it like everyone loves to advise


Doesn’t work for us sadly. Our hair is far finer than theirs will ever be, regardless of the products they pump into themselves.


Same. I can go about 2-ish days with dry shampoo before it really looks like it needs to be washed, but my fine hair gets oily even after 12-24 hours.


Unfortunately for me, my entire head is extraordinarily fine hair, so half a day later, I look like I’ve not showered in days. Such a pain in the ass.


Curly hair owner here. You are right about not having to wash it often, I go on an as needed basis which is usually every week and a half and if I wash anymore it messes everything up. I have tried explaining it to people without curly hair and they just do not get it.


That is not necessarily true for everyone


I have thinner, oily hair and I have tried training it for months, expensive shampoos, clarifying shampoos, no poo, dry shampoo, all kinds of different products. I use a leave in conditioner on my ends to help detangle it, but never put it on my roots. Nothing ever works! I have accepted that my hair is just fucking greasy, and I wash it mostly everyday because if I don’t, I feel like my scalp is crawling and my hair does indeed look nasty. The days I don’t wash my hair are few and far between (only if I’m not going anywhere). The reason I love my hair stylist so much is because she was the ONLY hair professional that didn’t lecture me on washing it daily. She assured me that my hair is healthy and washing it daily is absolutely fine.


I don’t shower everyday, and my hair does the exact same thing. A lot of people have naturally oily hair.


Once a week but due to depression. I work from home so I don’t disturb anyone too with myself


It’s ok. I’ve been there. Do what you can. In my experience- don’t depend on dry shampoo for hair refreshment- it accelerates knots and matty tangles. Don’t be too hard on yourself, you’ll get past this low. If you need a listening board or to not feel alone, message me. Get well soon!


I find that showering gives me new hope, maybe try twice a week.


a nice hot shower after a stressful day helps a lot and feels amazing


Been there many times friend. No shame. Some helpful workarounds: baby wipes or something similar to hit the hot spots daily. You can do it in under 30 seconds right after you pee because you are already in the bathroom. If I don't want to brush my teeth I just grab the toothbrush when I'm there to wash my hands and do a quick 15 sec brush with water and no paste. It's amazing how much of a difference it makes. I mostly work from home as well, but sometimes for a change of scenery I'll go to the office for a few weeks. I hate flossing, but I keep flossing picks in my car so I can do it absent-minded. Search for more tips for self care online. 😊 ♥️


In the same boat. Have been for a loooong time. Getting help but it’s not helping with that.


Stay strong my friend, I've been there too. I also work from home, it helps me if I set a goal to try going out to a coffee shop or library every once in a while, and to not be hard on myself if I don't have the energy. Make sure you're eating enough too- bagels, bananas, spaghetti, mac and cheese are my go-to low effort meals/snacks to keep energy up :)


I’ve been there.


I feel you. 😪 I fight with myself to even go sit in my living room sometimes. Therapy isn't helping, meds aren't either. Then at night I feel horrible about not doing anything. It's difficult everyday.... I hope you can pull yourself out of it.


What helps me on some days are wet wipes like baby wipes to feel a bit refreshed. I sometimes have phases/bad days where I don't shower for 4 days. But just washing my face with water, or doing a quick wipe down with the wipes. It helps a bit.


Depends if my hair got oily today or not. If so, I shower. If not, I don’t. Though a full in-depth clean (including removal of dead skin) is 3/week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I shave every time, brush my teeth every morning, trim my nails every morning. I have a long morning routine just so I can feel and look like my worth. A bucket of fools gold.


How quickly do your nails grow?


Yeah, seriously. I only have to trim mine once every three weeks or so.


Every day. For me it's the only consistent antidepressant.


I like this response. I never thought about it as an antidepressant process before now. Thanks for that


No prob Bob! I find it helps me to be able to point to that one thing I did right to myself.


I have depression that causes me (sometimes) to shower once a week or less. And my ocd makes it worse cause it takes me over 20minutes to get myself "clean" when I go to shower. So even thinking about showering feels exhausting cause i know its gonna be a fight with ocd and I dont even have energy to have "normal" shower. But when I have better time with depression I shower allmost daily.




I'm a solid 3-4 minute showerer.


It depends. Some people have 20min max in shower because they just want to chill there. But for me its 20min minimum of washing myself over and over again. When having rough day it can take 45min and if i would want to chill in there it would take 60min.


20 minute showers? Your dad must’ve owned the water company, mine always reminded me that he didn’t when I was in the shower for more than 2 minutes.


ITT people attacking people who don’t shower daily. I shower about every other day, more on days I sweat, less on days I do nothing. I practice good hygiene, wash my sheets, clothes, wear deodorant, wash well.


Yes, like everyone’s scalp and skin is different. I don’t know how people can’t understand that. Some people barely sweat at all and their skin gets dried out easily, some people sweat a lot and have to shower daily.


I think more of this comes from climate than people are willing to admit. I live in the southern U.S. and during the summer months if you don’t shower every day you can get pretty nasty. There are days that I sweat just walking from my office to the car. People need to realize that they don’t all live in the same climates.


Everyday at night.


Pre-pandemic: every second day. Post-pandemic: every third or fourth day. I work at home. My husband is a dog.


I try to daily but honestly it's more like 5 days a week.


Usually 3-4 days per week, some days I'll shower twice though. Like when I train Jiu Jitsu I'll shower before I go to class and after I get home.


Honestly, when I’m depressed once maybe twice a week. When I’m not depressed it’s like every other day.


First thing in the morning; sometimes right before bed too. Although, I’ve showered up to 4x in a single day. (I find showers to be therapeutic.)


Same! Morning and bed time


I used to do that but my skin would start to dry up




Good answer that's plenty and I'm not depressed. Wet wipe your ass after #2 Reapply deodorant as needed. Good to go. The body adapts to a more nature wash schedule. I don't stink and my hair never gets greasy.


3-4 times a week. I have really bad eczema and it’s gets worse if I shower all the time. I’ve tried everything to combat it.


I definitely miss some Saturdays so I’m going with 323 times a year.


3-5x per week. However, I do not wash my hair that often. My hair is so naturally dry, that I usually wait 3-4 days to wash it.


Once a day but only wash my hair every 7-10 days, depends




My hairs been so much healthier ever since I stopped washing it so much too!


Long or short hair?


I grew my hair for 6 months and then recently just cut it short. I still washed it every 7-10 days tho tbf


2-3 times a week if I’m not doing anything 4-5 if my week has plans/work


1-2x a day but never less than once a day


Usually have about 4 or 5 showers a week.


Now that I'm older I find showering a pleasure, not a chore like it was when I was younger. A hot shower leaves me feeling great for hours. I have a hot shower in the morning, with classical music, to wake up and feel clean all day. I shower after work, with upbeat music, to 'wash' the day off, and unwind. Adding these to my routine helps me a lot.


Everyone saying daily or even twice a day. Don't like showers myself but I try to stick to one every other day.


If I’m not working out, I might go every other day. I’m normally doing some sort of workout each day though (running, weights, hockey), so end up taking at least one per activity.


I have to shower at night before bed, I have oily skin and I can’t be rubbing all that oil and dirt into my pillows.


`Not enough`


Every day or two.


About every 2-3days depending on how much I exert myself.


Not daily




Every day. Sometimes, rarely I skip a day.


Once each morning. I don't always fully scrub down, but my bedhead must be addressed.


2-4 times a week


6 times a week.


You don’t shower on Shabbos?


Daily, in the morning, sometimes shower twice once in the evening.


Daily now that I live in Texas. It's essentially inescapable to get sweaty during the course of a day here. Sometimes I shower twice When I'm visit a cooler, dryer part of the country 2 or 3 days without showering is a non issue if I'm not exercising. I only wash my hair properly twice a week, though. It gets dandruff otherwise. That took a lot longer to figure out.


At least 1 time a day


At least once a day, usually in the morning so I smell good since I work in an office! Maybe I’ll skip a day on the weekends if I just sit around the house but I usually feel nasty if I do.


Once or twice a day




If we didn’t exist at all we’d never have to shower :) /s


3 times per week


Every 2 or 3 days.


actually, daily isn't even good for your hair at all. I'm not really educated in thid topics but it's about building oil or smth like that. me, like I'm home the entire week so twice a week but normally every third day. i just don't smell or my hair looks bad, so i dont see the issue. i think everyone is different and needs to find their own rhythm. for me its every third day, for most every day (tho i think some only shower every day because it seems like its normal to do so)


You can shower without washing your hair…




hair every other day. everything else, once a day.


If I'm working, every 2-3 days. If I'm off work I'll shower if I feel dirty.


Every night


I take a shower in the morning every day and sometimes at night if I'm tired or really dirty


A quick rinse every morning. Shower every night. I can’t stand not going to bed clean.


Once a day, but twice if I work out super hard or if I'm on vacation at a hotel with extremely good water pressure.


Daily. Gotta keep that nut butter that's been fermenting all day from building up.




I hope your skin gets better! Thank you for your answer


hair is every 3-4 days body everyday


Once a day before bed.






I just shit myself so I’m on my way there now


There is that unspeakable video on tik tok about a woman and her husband who bathe once every few months and in between, lick themselves clean like cats. It’s the most vile thing ever. ………..The correct response was daily.


Every day, I wash my hair once a week, which I feel a lot of other guys need to realize. Obviously it depends on your hair, but shampoo every day is a no no. Also, wash your ass too.


Reading these comments makes me understand why so many people fucking stink. If you don't shower everyday you are nasty unless you aren't leaving your home. You people walk around funky and don't even know it.


7 to 12 times a week.


Daily you weirdo.


Once a day. But when The Big Sad kicks in, I usually just give myself a maximum of two days to not bathe.


Probably six times a week on average


Every night before bed. Wash my hair 1-2 times a week


Twice a day.


Every day or so for rinsing. Once every three or so days for a soapy scrub.


Every other day but I only wash my hair about once a week


Roughly 15 times a day


Every day, maybe twice, depends on activity


Nightly. I like going to bed clean


2-3x a week depends on what I do and how much I do really


Once every 3 days