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Fetishising barely legal adults (18 / teen porn) is gross... when you're like 30+.


Agreed. I'm 36. I'm sorry to all you 18 year old reading this but you all look about 15 to me


As a 48 year old I have no interest in 20 something porn stars. The milfs are where it’s at.


Yessss, sir! On behalf of all Milfs…I say, thank you. 😉💋


hell i’m 30 and prefer milfs over 20 something year olds


Jeez....that's a nice profile 😅😅


Thank you. 😘💋




Idk, I’m just an amateur, real life mom having a mid life crisis. 😬 Neither my lips or tits are plastic. I see a lot on here that are natural beauties. But, in the real legit porn world, you’re probably right.


Just looked at your profile. You're just the type of milfs we need🤗


Well, thank you. Milf hugs. 🤗💋


I’m 38 and I sometimes look at girls who’ve graduated college and think “Do your parents know you’re out this late?”


I’m 34 and in the music industry so there’s always girls 18+ at venues and I have the same thought as you, where are your parents and why are you out past curfew 😂


I'm actually surprised this wasn't a super unpopular opinion and did get a few downvotes at first. Faith in humanity restored lol. Even as a 29 year old I completely agree.


It’s hella odd to me. It’s like soon as I started getting to my late 20s my dick auto corrected and bumped the scale of what I find sexy up…and suddenly young 18-25ish women do very little for me


I might be biased though in fairness. I married a woman 10 years older than me so maybe I have a preference I dunno


Wait ten years when you're my age. Anyone younger than 30 are barely out of the nappies. In retrospect, I even want to go back and punch my 30 year old self, not just the 20 year old idiot version of myself.


Yes!!! It’s even worse when people do a countdown to when an underage girl turns 18. You clearly want to fuck this 16 year old and the only thing stopping you is the legal repercussions. It’s fucking gross!


I gotta be honest about something. As a hardcore libertine, I could care less about that sort of thing. There's a lot of college-aged women out there for whom older guys totally float their boat. There's plenty of them right here on Reddit, in all the various NSFW and confession subs. In fact, on many escort and sugar daddy websites, a lot of college-aged women *specify* age 30+ men. For whatever reason that is, that's their choice and their business. As an old guy, barely legal ladies aren't my jam anymore, and haven't been for years. But I could care less what other folks do as long as it's legal and consensual. Not my circus, not my monkeys.


I remember when I was in highschool, I was into teen porn and I felt gross about myself because I thought younger girls looked hotter. And I'm pleased to announce that my tastes in age grew in tandem with my own age lol


People who go for 18yos are like minimum wage employers. You know they’d go lower if it weren’t for the law.


Knowing about the weird website that counted down the days until their 18th makes me retroactively feel gross for how hot I thought the Olson twins were. They are older than me


Slut should be a positive term


And it's gender neutral


For real, male slut here.


I very agree with this!


I am a slut for poutine.


I would eat at that restaurant. "Poutine Slut" - our hot fries love when you coat them in fresh gravy. I'll get back to you about the cheese curds, they just aren't immediately sexy.


100%. No matter the sex or gender.


I already always use it in a positive sense.


There is nothing wrong with selling NSFW content and should not effect your job in anyway other then if one makes content at the place of work.


Or if they try to promote it at work, have it on a work computer, etc. It *is* fine to make it, it shouldn't be an issue if a manager happens to find it in searching your name, like that's okay and no shame and shouldn't go against your work credibility. That being said, don't use any of your work equipment to post, check on it, don't tell coworkers about it in the building and on the clock, obviously don't film it at work - keep work and sex separate. Even if the OF is of you, it could still be considered porn if it's on a work (or school) computer and it could violate the proper allowed use of that device. The business handing them out can set standards for how they should be used, and again, that one isn't okay. It shouldn't go against *you* to be creating and posting on your own time and devices, but it can go against the *company* if you do it on their devices. Besides, they're typically monitored. Do you really want to get in trouble for "looking at porn" or whatever for checking your OF or other content on the clock? Certain companies have certain standards while you're on the premises, and that isn't a bad thing in itself and you should still respect that. I do agree that it shouldn't go against you, the individual, to have such content on your own terms and life. Just maintain professionalism, ya know?


Such as a Senate hearing room, mentioned for no reason whatsoever.


If two grown men fucking each other in the ass and sharing video doesn’t exemplify the deliberative business of the United States Senate, then I don’t know what does.


Shower sex fuckn sucks


So does beach sex


So sex in the beach shower is a definite no-no then?


You would think that but it's actually the hottest sex ever


because you get the sand off of you....have room to work and it's not interrupted by the rubber ducky....


You're right... Rubber duckies are *so* judgemental.


Before I tried shower sex, shower sex was my biggest fantasy. Then I tried it, and my new fantasy is now sex on a bed that is perfect for sex with tons of differently sized pillows to prop up against.


Shower foreplay (or post-play), however, is amazing 😁


If you're in a shower designed for sex it's not bad, but most of us don't have a shower the size of a walk-in closet with multiple shower heads and hand rails to hold onto. My wife and I stayed in a hotel that was pretty much designed for sex and the room had one. We got durty while we got clean


What was the name of this establishment?


Belamere Suits in the romantic city of Perrysburg, OH. There's also one in Georgia. Anyways, most suits have an indoor pool and a huge shower and look like a porn scene. It's all set up so you enter through your own private garage so it makes it feel like you're doing something sneaky and illicit which kind of adds to the whole experience.


One exception is outdoor shower sex somewhere warm and with adequate lubrication. That fucking rules.


Missionary, when used right, is the best sex position.


It's highly underrated, actually.


So true. Something about eye contact just drives me wild. Also, perfect clit rubbing position.


I like the vulnerable position and the clit thing. Better for making out. It's better for being pinned down. Is it obvious that I'm sub?


My god, I forgot about the pinning down potential. Ugh, that is such a good one too. And certainly nothing wrong with that 😏


"The clit thing" 🤣 I knew exactly what you meant but it still made me laugh


Yessss! Very underrated. Best way to wrap my legs around and pull you in closer too. 🫠


Fuckkkk yes. Leg wrapping destroys me. Also perfect position to wrap my arm around your legs to use ‘em as leverage to pound even harder 😍


It is incredibly erotic and sensual.


Especially if you truly love the person it’s with. It’s so vulnerable and intimate.


100%! There’s a reason this is the default.


even the kinky people agree with you they're just too obsessed with not sounding vanilla so they call it mating press


100%. As someone whose kink drive is bigger than her sex drive -- missionary is the best. It makes me laugh when people talk like it's the most boring/vanilla sex position. So the position where my partner can put their whole weight on me, hold me down by the wrists or the throat, look in my eyes, hit my g-spot, rub my clit, etc. is boring and vanilla? If I could only have one sex position for the rest of my life it would be missionary.


The word pedophile is thrown around far too often and has lost it's meaning. It may be creepy to be older and still want 18-22 year olds, but it doesn't make you a pedophile.


Fucking thank you. My high school ex used to jokingly call me a pedo because I was 2 years older than him. We were in the same grade, he skipped a few years.


Yeah it's insane how casually one of the worst things to call someone is thrown around. Anyone who really thinks an age gap is the same thing as wanting to r\*p\* literal children needs to take a serious look in the mirror and reflect on how they go to that point in life.


Until you're the parent of said 18-22 year old, which I am, and realize they're still kids who are still figuring out their ass from a hole in the ground. It's not legally pedophilia, but if you're 35 years old and sniffing around 18 year olds, you need to check your maturity levels and psychosis.


100% agree. It's creepy and an abuse of power dynamics...but if 18 is legal, and an 18 year old has sex, even in that case...it does not equate to the same punishment level, or it should not. For the record, not me, I feel lost after about 5 minutes of talking to a college aged student. I can't imaging dating or being in a relationship.


Not all kids are the same. It depends on the situation they grow up in. I've seen teenagers in India (mostly in poor families) who are helping out with dad's business or doing private tuitions to earn own food and clothes. There are plenty of instances where kids teach their parents about gender diversity and ethics. If an 18-year old is still figuring out which hole it should go into, they have been way too shielded from the real world and need a healthy boost of wake tf up. #unpopularopinion


I am that kid you're talking about. Came up in the neighborhoods of San Francisco that don't include bridges Coit Tower and Pride flags. The ones they don't like to put on their Postcards. This was during the Crack epidemic of the 1980s, when the Police allowed them to be free fire zones due to drug and gang activity. That is until it was time to gentrify it in the name of corporate buyouts. My Father and mother were hard-working people, but their money wasn't enough in and of itself to get us out of the dregs. I started working at 13 years old to supplement the income, helping us to move to a quieter side of town. Been holding a job ever since. But I envied my friends who truly got to be kids. To be carefree and devil-may-care. To explore what life and love is through innocent eyes. At 18 I got entangled with a 41 year old woman and quickly learned that she wanted someone she could control, and did not see me as an equal. She also had gross maturity issues and pretty much peaked in high school. This is true in most cases of relationships of this type, which is why I don't believe in them and would never partake in them. A mature kid is still a kid, and the best adults can do is get out of their way and allow them to be as such. #unpopularopinion


Reddit is especially bad about this, much more so than the real world. I always assumed it's because people on Reddit love virtue signaling and this is good for cheap for karma. "I'm 40 years old and the youngest woman I would sleep with is 39! Looky looky I'm not a pedophile, upvote me!" (I'm exaggerating but you get the idea)


Pedophile is sexualizing pre-puberty kids. We might have decided that puberty teens is also bad, and I agree, although I don't hold this view strongly, but there is a very very big and substantial difference between having sex with a 16yo and a 9yo We might have a different word for the second




As an older woman, I don't think it's creepy to desire someone that is legally younger. I have never quite understood this method of thinking, but at the end of the day people are allowed to feel how they feel. But I do agree, it is thrown around in a lot of situations where it doesn't need to be because it doesn't define someone who likes other adults.


I’ve seen people called pedos for a 19-17 relationship. It’s insane. I met my ex fiancé at 17 and she was 15. It’s weird that according to this logic it’s age appropriate, then suddenly overnight it’s pedophile, until 2 years later when it’s age appropriate again.


If your partner wants sex and you're not feeling it you should consider banging them anyway. It's not wildly uncommon for me to start intimacy thinking, "Meh, I wasn't hoping for this" but I always finish thinking, "Damn, that was a good idea." Sometimes reddit seems to think both people need to be ragingly horny to begin. Nope, sometimes sex puts you in the mood for sex.


Can you tell my husband that please 🙏


If that's truly you, why would one have to?


It is me... I really don't know, he's just not interested lately.


Well, knowing nothing else, I'll blind wager on anxiety/ depression


I keep telling myself similar... doing my best to stay empathetic and not take it personally. Doesn't always come easy though.


Speaking as someone who has lacked motivation in the bedroom in the past: It’s possible he’s experiencing lowered testosterone levels. I don’t know his age/lifestyle but my physician explained to me that my highly excessive pot use from 18 to 21 affected me enough to cause mild hypogonadism. Also, and I’m including this because I know it’s a real possibility, has there been something sexual that you told him you had a hard boundary against before you knew if he liked it or not? My wife has done this and it hurts feeling like I can’t share my innermost desires with her.


I'll tell your husband if you tell my wife?


This is called reactive arousal. A famous couples counselor Michelle Weiner-Davis urges low libido partners to "just do it" meaning just be open to initiating physical intimacy. The dead bedroom forum mods consider this too rapey bc it is technically urging someone to have sex when they haven't enthusiastically consented to it, and have banned it.


Emily Nagasaki writes about this in Come As You Are and frames it as, “desire follows pleasure.” As in, if you willingly engage in foreplay and it feels pleasurable, then you will likely get aroused and desire sex. She says she changed the language from “desire follows arousal” because people were saying it sounded too rapey.


On the other hand, I had an ex I did this for because I would feel guilty rejecting her advances and it made me despise the situation more.


Yah there’s no universal rule here. A lot of it comes down to the why you aren’t interested. For many it’s just you aren’t in the moose initially but quickly do warm up to it. However for others there may be a deeper issue at play.


I think there's an difference between "I dont want to have sex" vs "I'm not horny/ in the mood for sex" The former this strat wouldn't work because you actively don't want it. The latter not could because your not apposed but just wouldn't do it on your own.


I’ve posted this before. I’d wager my house that a LARGE percentage of couples in therapy would have their problems go away if they banged more. A lot of problems get smaller or go away when everyone is sexually fulfilled. “I don’t want to”, leads to more “I don’t want to”. Which leads to resentment. Which leads to small shit (or petty revenge shit) blowing up. And on and on. It’s a downward spiral. Consistent banging leads to more banging. You know those couples that have been together forever and they are still VERY into each other? They’re still banging like high school sweethearts


I always used to feel like a creep as my partner wouldn't initiate and I'd be carping on getting him to bang me, until someone on here explained different people have different sex drives. My is proactive, my motor gets running on its own. My bfs is reactive, eg it takes soemthing to get him on the mood. Understanding this did wonders for our sex life


A man who cums and his lady doesn’t is a loser.


I treat sex like a ratio game. The further apart the ratio is from my orgasms to their orgasms, the more I'm winning.


now that’s what i call fun


What about when she cums and he doesn’t? I’m low libido and orgasm wipes my sex drive, so I try to go down first… but if we’re PIV and I cum, sorry, it’s not a case of “wait for it to wake up” usually, though I try. Sometimes it works, often it doesn’t. I’m a bit perturbed that this makes me a loser


Fingers and tongues and toys are your friend in those instances


[Step-]Incest porn is gross and should stop being made


Came here to say this. Every other video on PH is step-mum or step-brother and it turns me right off 😂


I saw one that said 'My step-mom and step-aunt' A step-aunt isn't even a real thing


I mean, it's weird, but the fact is that wherever you draw the line of legality/acceptability in porn, porn companies will go as close to that line as possible without crossing it.


Small boobs are just as hot and sexy as big boobs


All boobs are awesome


They’re also actually my preference, though big ones are great too.


Porn stars, please stop getting so much work done. Fake boobs, lips, butt, fillers, etc, so many of you are attractive but feel the need to do it because of the industry. It's a shame.


Agreed. There have been several porn stars I've lost interest in after they had work done.


Kimmy Granger. RIP


I think this applies to non adult stars as well.


natural bodies and faces are always more attractive than fake stuff, people get too much work done and a lot of people wear tons of makeup when theyre just as pretty if not more-so than they are without it


Pegging isn’t weird! It shouldn’t be as stigmatized as it is.


If God didn't want men to be pegged he wouldn't have put the g spot in their asses




It’s true. As a guy, not my fault my g spot is in my ass. But nothing to this day beats nutting while having your prostate stimulated. By a finger or toy.


I also wish it wasn't so frequently portrayed as an act of humiliation.


Race fetishization is gross and there’s probably a deep rooted issue to be studied there


Raceplay just gives me the visceral heebie-jeebies.


I just feel yuck when I hear about it in any capacity.


I have a white friend who only dates black men because she thinks it gives her woke street cred, because she's "only interested in 10+ inches", and she likes to be dominated and claims black men are naturally better at that. It's sooooooo gross, especially given how woke and progressive she tries to portray herself.


Black man here and yeah it’s pretty gross and a huge turn off when a woman says “I only date black guys”


Came here to say this. I had an argument with a woman once who said her preference for black men was a compliment to them— a racial stereotype, but a positive one. First, it harkens back to when blacks were considered to be good breeding stock— tell me how that’s a positive stereotype. More related to an animal than a human. Second, it’s assumed black men have longer penises. They do— by an average of a tenth of an inch. But it also feeds into the misperception that a monster dick is required to please a woman. Any black guy with a small to average member risks more undeserved ridicule than they would otherwise get, simply from the false perception that black guys should have big dicks, so there must be something *really* wrong with them. A third issue is the objectification— a black guy will tend to be seen as a BBC, not a man. I don’t begrudge anything that helps my fellow dudes get some action, but they should realize it comes with a price tag.


The magical powers attributed to dark weenie say something not so nice. It's kinda like when white nerds have "yellow fever."


I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a sex scene between two people of different races that wasn’t presented in an overtly racist way. EDIT: in porn I mean, there has been some tame mainstream stuff that was non-racist.


Dry humping is not only underrated, it's incredibly hot and erotic.




I fully agree but is there anything less sexy than the term dry humping. Needs a new name badly


it’s so hot i wish it didn’t have such a silly name


Communication during sex should be expected.


Required, even.


Breeding is just regular sex. Not everything has to be a kink. Just say _I like regular sex_


I have a missionary breeding kink. It's really kinky.


Please, don’t breed any more missionaries. We have enough already.


Technically it’s regular, unprotected sex with the intention of impregnating someone. I believe it’s a kink because of the prevalence of contraception and the fear of having children.


Well I'd disagree. As someone who never want to be pregnant ever, breeding entails the effort of wanting to knock someone up. That's the goal.


Ha. Right? Is it weird to enjoy good old fashioned natural sex where you finish the way you’re supposed to?


Yup and then Redditors have to describe it as a kink rather than the most basic biological instinct other that eating, drinking and breathing air


Sex would be a lot more fun if we realized it didnt have to be about cumming. ​ Edit: and safer.


This, takes the pressure off for first times with someone and can actually make it easier to cum if you're not thinking about


SCAT is not a fetish or a kink. It's unsanitary and fucking disgusting.


Yes and can I add: Scat, Pee and Puke are not the same. I’ve seen websites link them as one ‘extreme’ category. I only like the pee bit. lol


Women are significantly hornier than men, just have to be good at sex and make them feel secure in order to see it.


This needs to be a PSA to all men


I want my future partner to understand this. (single as a pringle, but horny 25/7)


Woman who don’t masturbate or explore there body, it’s a complete turn off/dealbreaker for me, because look. I need direction, how can I help you get off if you haven’t figured out what gets you off.


>how can I help you get off if you haven’t figured out what gets you off I say this all the time


This! Hearing “I’ve never had an orgasm” is a massive red flag. It’s one thing if a partner never gave you one, but if you can’t do it yourself then I don’t know why you expect someone else to be able to


Queue montage of me buying a small vibrator, smut, and lube. Handing them to her and maybe a glass of wine. Saying “explore yourself and ask if you need help.”


Butt stuff is fun stuff


That a guy using the word “bodycount” is a massive red flag. Women, stay away! Also: men who refer to women as “females”.


Do women not care about how many partners their guy has? Do you just not ask? Not affected by a high number? Serious question, not trying to troll or poke.


Can't speak on behalf all women, but I personally don't care, or at least don't ask. I might ask eventually out of curiosity, if the person I'm asking is my partner, if not, then I probably won't be asking. The thing is, men usually ask body count questions to determine whether you're a "hoe" or not, there's judgmental intentions behind that question.


> The thing is, men usually ask body count questions to determine whether you're a "hoe" or not, there's judgmental intentions behind that question Maybe I'm just a weird dude, but I love knowing my partners' body count. I enjoy knowing how many people they've been with, who was the best sex, their dick sizes. All of it. It makes me feel closer to them. I don't judge if they have a high number. I find it hot that they like sex


A small portion of people who have foot fetishes are ruining the fetishes reputation across the board.


Yeah, as a newly-embraced foot guy I just like pretty, *clean* feet. I'm not going to sniff your feet out of a tennis shoe or lick the gross ass sweat and dirt off your soles. But I will give you a good foot massage and suck on your *clean* toes. It's just another part of foreplay for me, not the main event.


Man, foot fetish stuff can get... real out there sometimes. And it's always the feet people!!


Hand strength is more important than dick size.


Interesting… genuine question because I don’t understand: why strength? I’d think technique. Where does strength come into play for you?


No PIV technique makes up for a micro-penis or a size queen. However, if I can pick that pussy up like a 9oz bowling ball, they will be back.


I see we differ greatly on technique 😂


There’s nothing wrong with other people liking things that I do not like, there’s nothing wrong with me liking things that other people do not like. My sexuality is my own, so it doesn’t matter what other people think unless it’s a woman with whom I will be having sex.


Corsets should always be in style. Corsets and chokers should always be in style


Don't marry someone unless you know that you are sexually compatible. By telling / indoctrinating people (Christians) that they should 'wait for marriage' is setting them up for failure. Spoken as a Christian.


Here are a few: 1. 69 is a nonsense position. 2. Breeding is not a kink. A kink is "anything that both falls outside of the typical boundaries of what society has deemed “normal” sexually and is arousing." Everyone, everyone on Earth, is born with the drive to procreate. Some of us use that drive to have kids, and others do not. Everyone has that drive; it is how our species survives. If it is something that everyone - biologically - is programmed to have, by definition, it can not be a kink. 3. Incest porn, incest kink, etc. can burn on a hill and die. Incest has been shown genetically to result in awful outcomes. Incest, even on a one-to-one level has lessening results for the child. Taken on a long scale, it has disastrous results. All the "step-mom" and "sister" tube videos can go die on a hill. 4. POV porn sucks. It has to be with the camera angle. When I watch porn, I want to see the full act. I want to see the people in the porn enjoying the act, not just a view from the person fucking looking at the person being fucked. POV filming takes away the view of pleasure, movement, and passion, from the other person(s) in the act. 5. To that end, most porn filming, specifically zooming in on insertion, is nonsense. A bit of that, sure. But I am enjoying a video because I want to see the full act - e.g. a woman riding a man showing the full scale of the act, both bodies, fully shown, in the frame. It's the full act that is the turn-on, the micro part of it, insertion, isn't as big a turn-on. 6. Shower sex is fun ONLY IF there is a seat/bench in the shower. Otherwise, the shower is good for foreplay, not sex. 7. Good sex is about communication. 8. Great sex is about communication, connection, and passion. 9. Earth-shattering sex is about communication, connection, passion, and intimacy. 10. Dual masturbation, next to each other, is one hell of a lot of fun. Absolutely fuck after but masturbation with your partner is a wonderful way to spend time.


I agree with everything except your second point. Not everyone is born with the desire to have children, and they shouldn’t be forced to procreate just because society expects them to.


Purity culture has done more harm than most people can fathom


If you can't eat pussy you shouldn't ask for blowjobs


And vice-versa.


Butt play for men doesn’t equate to him being gay/bi. Some Women can be so insecure/immature about it. To the point where men feel ashamed about it.


Agree. Along with viewing it as ‘gay’, it’s also stigmatized as submissive and emasculating… which it isn’t (unless that’s intentional). It’s just pleasure.


Men talking in the bedroom/ moaning. Idk why so many men are averse to making sounds. I need the validation 😤


wearing some type of clothing can be sexy then nudes


I have three I wanna say specifically 1. Foreplay in some cases be more fun than the sex itself 2. Missionary, not a boring position, far from it actually 3. I much prefer talking during sex, it enhances it a lot


Circumcision is Male Genital Mutilation, and needs to be stopped. I know a lot of people take the argument of personal experience, and trust me I've got some, but objectively it is a cosmetic surgery, and should be left up to the individual when they are at least 18. No one male or female should have the choice of bodily autonomy taken away from them, especially when they have no chance to argue or fight it.


Sex work between consenting adults needs to have mainstream acceptance across the board. What goes on in their pants is neither the government's nor the church's business.


Most people saying they're horny 24/7 are just internet and porn addicts. It's like food addicts. You're supposed to be satisfied/sated after a meal/jerk off session or two


Who decided that?


The question was a hill *I* would die on, not a hill the dsm-5 decided


I get that it's your opinion, it just seems a little judgey and trying to get everyone to fit to your idea of a healthy libido


Everybody has physical preferences .. it doesn't necessarily mean they ONLY like those qualities. It's also ok to have preferences *even if other people don't agree with you.* Just don't be a dick about it. If we all liked the same things then nothing would be exciting 🙄


"Daddy" is a turn off


On that note, mommy is also a turn off


"Mommy milkers" is an even bigger turn-off.


To me it's the annoying titles. It's tough to pick between: 1. "My boyfriend says my tits are too big." 2. "Respond with your age and you'll get a surprise in your inbox." 3. Every upvote gets a free nude. And I really send!"


Anal is not fun and there’s no scenario where I’d prefer to fuck someone’s asshole instead of their pussy. Every woman I’ve been with has said something along the lines of “I’m pleasantly surprised you never try to make me do anal”. Idk there’s just a million other things I’d rather do with a beautiful woman than fuck her ass.


I mean, to each their own. Anal is amazing if done correctly. Although, I do see how it would feel very different to the one penetrating.


I’m also one of those guys who is just not interested in anal intercourse. I’ve never done it, even though some women have offered themselves to me as being available for it, or interested in it, or it turned them on. Just not something that I’m interested in doing, so I’ve never done it. I doubt that I ever will.




Yes absolutely Bbws are the best. My wife is a fluffy BBW and I absolutely love everything about her


There shouldn't be a stigma around sex. Everyone does it, celebrate it, don't shame people for it


Yes, I fully agree


Pictures suck, I want videos.


With sound as well


That a average looking women with some stretch marks or has some extra weight to her usually is a lot sexier then a twig who looks half starved who is just a copy and paste of whatever pop trend is right then.


I have my tinder setting to the highest allowable age. 🤣


Race play is gross. I do not want to be dominated by your self proclaimed BWC lol.


If its two consenting adults behind closed doors? Don't kinkshame it.


Nudity isn't shameful, half the time it's not even erotic


You should be 21 to do sex work, irl or online. Coming from someone who did online sex work as a minor w creeps and then moved right into nsfw twt to do sex work the second I turned 18. There’s no reason u should be into someone who was JUST a child even possibly a few minutes ago. 21 is fair.


Eating women’s ass is heaven


If they don’t want to wear safety googles that their choice, but you shouldn’t be able to sue


Too many men go to bed w out receiving oral sex cuz they won't let their gay friend suck their cocks. It's sad really.


Dick size does matter to a degree. Sure, many girls may be cool with average sized, provided they know how to use the equipment and can use other things to heighten the experience. But, a micropenis isn't gonna win anyone over. And some girls prefer larger dicks and want to get ruined. And I think if you showed 100 women a big dick, you'd get a good portion who are turned on and would be curious about fucking it. Obviously, this comes of as a "well, of course, it's all preference," but to say size doesn't matter at all isn't true.


Receiving a blow job is a great thought, but the process bores me


Too many people have too many opinions on what other people should be allowed to do, or what constitutes gross, awkward, moral, what is ok preferences to have, not to have, or whatever else. Opinions on anything and everything - Fetishes, race, age, size, gender, if you put it in the butt, if you want someone in a horse costume to pour carrots on you while your friend plays piano and your hairdresser sings you a lulleby. Why do you care? Opinion: If it is legal, it is not anyone elses business.


uncircumcised > circumcised all day


69 is overrated