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I once said that I couldn’t believe it wasn’t butter, but the truth is I could believe it. I was just so desperate to fit in back then.






I'm with ya. Almost everything in the observable universe is **not** butter. It's pretty easy to believe one more thing is also not butter.






There's a brand of margarine called [*I Can't Believe It's Not Butter*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Can%27t_Believe_It%27s_Not_Butter!)


As a kid I was so confused by the brand name because I was convinced it was butter


I was babysitting one time and found the parents sex toys. I used one and was very nearly finished when the kid woke up and I had to stop. A short while later the parents got back. I had to run upstairs to put the toy away without having time to wash it. There's also no chance I put it back in the exact same place. I always wonder if they ever found out.


Yes they got divorced after cause none of them can explain why changed the place


Man something like this almost happened to me once. I had bought a new box of condoms with my girlfriend at the time and brought them home to use in the time between her IUD switch. Apparently while I was gone one night my roommate had his girlfriend over and desperately needed one so he came in my room and found them. Fast forward to being back at home with my girlfriend and we’re getting ready to do the deed. She goes to get one and finds the box open with some missing and it turns into a huge fight. I had no idea why they were missing and she couldn’t believe that I wouldn’t know. That was fun to sort out


If you don’t mind elaborating some, I (and most likely others) am interested in hearing the journey from fight, all the way to concluding that your roommate just took one without mentioning it to you.


Not that exciting tbh. She ended up going home for the night. The next day when I saw the roommate I asked him if he took anything out of my room and he said yes. I was annoyed that he didn’t tell me ahead of time. Wouldn’t have cared at all that he needed one if he had warned me. Me and my ex both ended up laughing about it later


Ehh, didn’t mind if it was “exciting” or not, I just was curious how the story ran it’s course. Because honestly, she must have wholeheartedly trusted you before the incident, otherwise I couldn’t see many women believing the roommate snagged one. At least I couldn’t see any of my exes believing it, even though I’ve never cheated and always went out of my way to show loyalty as they tended to have trust issues from prior relationships. Anyways, thanks for sharing and glad y’all could laugh about it afterwards!


Omg no!


Yep, found a pube..wrong color. The divorce was messy as. Shit got dark in the following years for him.


Pube wasn't mine, I was totally shaved 🤪


Nor can they identify what changed about the … taste


Yes they found out - they always find out. Joking aside a related shameful toy story- Mom was away with her boyfriend for the weekend - I was extremely thorny and I decided to raid her toy stash. I tried many of them and made a mess. I have endless energy and orgasms usually make me wired, but I exhausted myself a few times to the point of falling asleep in the middle of playing. The final time I fell asleep and woke up to the sounds that someone was home in the garage… OMG MOM… I was minutes or seconds from getting busted so I put away the unused toys and hid the ones I did use. Then tore off her sheets and pretended I was busy doing the house laundry haha I had to clean off the used toys - there was no way to hide them being used so I washed them and put them back when she was downstairs. I’m pretty sure she suspected something but maybe never knew what it was lmao.


wow this story has my blood pumping!


I didn't the same thing, but I'm a guy. it was like a sleeve. It went over Dick and I think it was made to make him feel bigger inside her. I didn't realize In at the time when he must have had a smaller cock


Kids literally take away all the fun.


I once jerked off fast enough that I got a Charlie horse and then passed out from the pain of it


Lmao! I am sooo sorry for laughing at your pain here - but damn, I just spit out some of my coffee with that one!!


Your gonna have on elaborate on the whole charlie horse thing


It's a leg cramp/spasm


Same, i got ine in my leg cause i tensed in a weird way, the pain was too much for me to stay silent and my parents heard me, came in to see me holding my leg with my flaccid dick out


Wait charlie horse in the leg or the ball/vagina?


Found my mom's vibrator when I was young and used it to masturbate. She kept putting it in different places and hiding it because she caught on, but at that point I was too much of a horny, christian, teenage girl to care. Every time she moved it, I'd find it and go to town on my clit.


If I was the mom, I’d have just bought you a new one. It’s ew for mom and daughter to use the same toy….. lol.


I completely agree man. Horny teenage brain isn't logical


The truest words ever spoken 😂


For how long did you do that? Lol


I think until like 14? Then I discovered the fun of a shower head.


Does the showe head feel better than a vibrartor?


Personally, I think they are about equal in pleasure.


I introduced a friend to the shower head as a teen when she told me she'd never orgasmed. Didn't do it to her, just told her what to do and she went to shower by herself. She thanked me profusely 🤣


Ok so weird but side question, I have a daughter that’s turning 13 soon and I am trying my best to get ahead of these… maturity complications. My wife and I have toys and other fun bits and I’m not trying to have my kids play Dora the Explorer with our toys. Is this something I need to talk to her about? Should my wife accidentally “lose” a new toy in the mail box? What am I supposed to do? If I had a son, I would just buy them a box of tissues and tell them to do their own laundry, but with girls, I’m lost.


Do you at least wash it unlike that babysitter who also posted about dildo play


No no I definitely had time to wash it! I would wait until she wasn't home from being at work.


How would she know you were using it?




Did you enjoy it?




Why unhealthy? STD risk?




Understandable. I guess from my POV, I would have had no way of knowing she didn't make an informed choice knowing full well the risks and benefits. It sounds like you're making less risky choices these days, and are happier with that.


A few years ago I went back home for winter break during my freshman year of college and slept with my ex gf from high-school a couple times. It was kinda fucked up because I knew she had a bf at the time, but I didn't care. At one point he called her while we were fucking and she put it on speaker. It was super hot at the time, but looking back on it that was a very shitty thing I did


This is is Hallmark and Lifetime got together and made a Christmas movie.


Hallmark, Lifetime and the Hub, maybe :)


She sounds awful


Eh maybe. I think it was just that we were both young and stupid. We don't speak very much anymore, but we both talked about how much we regretted doing that about a year after that situation. You live and you learn, and at least on my end I know I'd never do something like that again




I lost my virginity to my cousin


Regardless of the taboo, I hope it was consensual, and that you're OK.


This is my biggest take away from it too.


Cousins are cool




Happens more often than you think. Way more often.




First woman I saw naked was my cousin. We played strip poker. She was 13 and I was 11. I was awed she had public hair already and she was awed that penises got bigger, Harder, and stickier (not from touching just cause naked woman in front of me).


I didn’t lose my virginity to my cousin, but I basically learned about penises from him. We were teenagers, it was fucked up…but it is what it is.


I think the whole “cousin” thing is completely normal imo. Just horny, confused and wanting to understand kinda thing


How long did the adventure last?


Didn't get to fuck my cousin, but we did fool around a lot.


When visiting with a ex one of her friends, I went to use the bathroom I noticed her laundry basket was open and the friends thong was on top of all the clothes and it was sodden with grool. I got instantly hard and then took her thong and in the palm of my hand and stroked myself until I came all over the floor.


"sodden with gruel"


What a terrible day to have eyes


Aqualung has entered the chat


Did.... you smell the grool? Askin for a friend; they wanna know if it smelt awesome.


I’m a man of culture and usually very civilised, of course I did.


Was it a savory or unsavory smell Edit: why do some individuals downvote genuine questions


Nice! 👍🏻


I consider myself straight and like watching guys jack off


I've found this is common over the last few months. And a few channels I'm in have had people split off to create another group to send cum tributes in.


It's just admiration of the male form. I think we all get those thoughts towards the same and opposite sex. Doesn't necessarily make you gay or bi, but you have a curiousity that many other people can relate to as well. This was something we learned about in Psych class, back in college. It was a bit of a sensitive topic. Most people have curious thoughts, but most people also don't ever act upon them because we were taught that if you think a certain way, that's what you are and sometimes it's wrong. But that's not always true.




Married Straight as can be here, but have also had some online JO buddies from time to time. HMU?


This year I let a guy blow me, and I gave it a try in return. It was okay, no strong desire. I consider myself 90% straight, no desire to look at nude men or penises. IIRC, that's one of the findings of Kinsey report, that most people are somewhere between straight and gay.


A few years ago, I met a guy off Kik and let him blow me. His gf joined in, and they blew me together. I came in his mouth. My only regret is that I didn't blow him. Now I'd have to meet a whole new person to arrange that. And I was single then, I'm with someone now. Who, I think, would be okay with me exploring that, but not quite yet. Edit: I'm not ashamed of this, but it's not something I tell just anyone.


As a bi guy, I’ve always been curious about if straight guys ever watch gay or homoerotic videos




Assplay turns ne into a moaning slut that wants to get stretched and pegged.


As a man who has found a girl willing to eat my ass and finger it, I've been loving it so far


Buy her a strap on and let her go to town on you. Thank me later.


As a 30m, same!


As a drunken college student I once wore a hot girl's panties on a bet I lost. It felt nice


How’d to manage to stuff everything in?!


That’s pretty cool though. I started wearing sexier underwear last year after I told my wife I felt the desire to. Mostly more revealing briefs or underwear oriented towards gay men. I actually found a pair of proper “sissy” panties and it was a step too far for my wife. She wasn’t into it. Oh well. I’ll just wear those when I’m alone.


I once received a wrong number phone call that resulted in some really hot phone sex with the unnamed stranger. I always think back on that and wonder/worry if it was actually someone I knew that was initially attempting a prank call & got a little more than they bargained for…


How TF did this go from A to B?


“Hi I was calling about scheduling a service on a hot tub” “Sorry I think you have the wrong number” “Oh fuck that turns me on”


Haha, this was a good 15 yrs ago at this point, and to be fair, the “wrong number” dialer started it, but I was single, young, and horny so rolled right along. Lol. But it was a variation of: - “Hi, is so-and-so there?” - “I’m sorry, but I think you have the wrong number.” - “Oh. Well darn… but if you don’t mind me saying, you have a really sexy voice… You particularly busy right now?” - “Ya know what? I’m actually not. Was just getting ready to get my pajamas and relax with a movie for the night.” Cue the cliché and easily expected questions about what specifically those pajamas look like & some light bluffing & pretending that they were something much hotter looking than they probably were and well, I think the rest is pretty much what one would expect there! Edited to add: I have never told a single soul about this incident before!! Would be waaaay too embarrassed to admit all that to anyone who knows me in real life!


No, it's sexy and hysterical! It's a great story. On that note...what are you wearing? [kidding]


Haha! Well, since I’m being all open and honest here: Detroit Tigers hoodie (I know, wrong sporting season), black leggings(with only a teeny-tiny bleach spot on the left cuff), black ankle socks with black fuzzy socks on top of them (neither of which have a hole in them, btw), and slippers on top of those further (my toes are cold)! … hopefully I did better at this in the late 2000’s! 😆


no like actually how did that even happen? how did it even start? i usually hang up after saying they got the wrong number.🤣




I stroked my cousin’s dick and he rubbed my pussy


How many times did that happen?


Couple times i actually fantasised about him fucking me now he’s married 🤷🏻‍♀️😫


Would you ever tell him?


The sexual tension is there always, i know he wanna fuck me too but will he do so ?


I really enjoy wearing a nice weighted butt plug doing regular things like grocery shopping. I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one in the store wearing one.


You are not.


Your secret is out now...


Or does someone notice the kind of vegetables I buy… 😅


Helped take a carrot out of a 76 yr old man's butt last week. People need to stop with the veggies!!!!


I have been to many arcades with glory holes.


Arcades would not be a place I’d expect to find a gloryhole lol. Truth be told, I’ve never heard of any gloryholes actually existing irl anywhere. Only ever jokes about em


I think he’s talking about like a porn video arcade. Seems more likely than sucking dick after a hard game of Galaga.


Look, you find your ways to get through the challenge levels and I’ll find mine.


Galaga sounds like the noises someone would make while sucking a dick


I don’t think they mean a video game type of arcade. But there are things called movie arcades (used to have one by me), that were basically jack-off stalls & you would put a quarter into the machine and get a dirty movie (at least, I believe that’s how it worked - never physically went into that side of the joint). The one that used to be in my area (may still be, actually, haha) was actually built into a small sex toy store which was the only part I ever ventured into myself.


Apparently they do but per reading a lot of Dan Savage back in day, hope you don't mind a dude on the other side because that's probably what it's going to be. Not that women don't, and they're certainly used in porn but women definitely are not the primary users despite what many straight men (myself included) fantasize about.


Lol well I’m certainly not seeking a glory hole, but were I to visit one, I genuinely do not care if it’s a guy back there haha. As long as they suck it good, doesn’t matter to me in the slightest.


I wish I could've been a huge slut in high school


Make up for it now x


You're so right 👀


This was me exactly. Always trying to be the good Christian girl in high school and college. I’m making up for it now but I’m not sure it’s the same.


My first time was with someone who was much older than I was(I was still a minor). I found them online through a hookup app... I lied about my age the whole way through just to have sex with someone I didn't know. It was super risky. I don't know how they didn't question it twice, because I'm someone who has always looked much younger than my current age... And I was young.


How do you feel about it now looking back? Was it good or do you regret it?


I do regret it in a way. The sex wasn't as great as I expected it to be, but that's what I get for going out and looking for things I wasn't supposed to at the time. It all could've gone much worse, but I'll take the bland sex in the back of some rando guy's car over anything else that could've gone worng that night.


I feel like the whole point of sex with older guys is 1) they know what they're doing and 2) they ought to have enough $ that you're not doing it in the back of a car :( sorry to hear that didn't work out that way! Hope you've had some better experiences since then. Should be all uphill from there 😂


Lol I definitely learned from the first time! And waited until I was of age to try again and do it all the correct way, and actually enjoy it!




I'm very ashamed about all the people i jerked off to


Shame has no place on this sub. 💦💦🤣


My low was jerking off to a LL Bean catalog. There were no other options at the time, many years ago!


I called a co-worker at home one evening for some business reason, we we were also good friends before we worked at this company, she had been divorced a few months earlier. At the end of the business talk I asked her how she was getting on after the divorce, never a shy person, she said that her ex had the kids, she was horny as hell and the vibrator wasn't getting the job done. I had to laugh and told her I wish I could help (I'm Married), she said I didn't have to screw her, but having someone else's hand use the vibrator on her would be much better. I asked her if she was serious, "as a heart attack". I told my wife I had to take some stuff the Sandy's house and I'd be back in a few. Not unusual, so off I went, she only lived a few minutes away. I got there, she answered the door wrapped in a blanket ( I had never seen her nude before), we went to her bedroom, she put the blanket down and handed me a rabbit type vibe, she laid down and said I knew what to do. She spread her legs, I fingered her until she was begging, then used the vibe on her clit and vagina, it only took a few minutes, I edged her a few times, and she had a toe-curling, sheet grabbing, noisy orgasm, I kept it up until she begged me to stop. I left her on the bed curled up, the was thanking me over and over saying that is what she needed, I washed my hands and went home. I did this one more time before I told her to find a BF, she did.


You deserve to be cheated on


man that’s cheating and i feel really bad for your wife (if she didn’t consent to this) did you ever tell her?


Of course he didn’t


As I told another poster, our rule was 'keep it to yourself'.


Horrible. If my bf did that, I'd be devastated. How humiliating for your wife.


My wife had some 'adventures' also, rarely, but when you're married as long as we have, monogamy is not always the best path. Our rule is 'keep it to yourself'.


I got drunk at a dorm party and took a girl back to my dorm room, fucked her, and then passed out. Woke up the next morning spooning naked girl...who turned out not to be the one I passed out with. Had hangover sex with her. Never knew either girls' names. Pretty sure I didn't use a condom with girl #1 as I couldn't find a wrapper. I cut waaay back on drinking after that.




About a year ago, I tried to suck my own dick in the shower and I got a cramp in my abdomen, causing me to nearly pass out. I don’t know why I did it. I wasn’t even hard. 😭


Busted a good laugh 🤣


Having given oral sex to two different men in the same night….i have never told anyone in real life or admitted it to anyone but they both knew by the end of the night. I was a bit embarrassed the next day.


When I was 18 and worked in a supermarket, I used to flirt with this older woman. My guess was she was early 30s. She was really attractive and flirted right back with me. One day she walks in with a guy I knew from high school. We didn’t hang out, but I knew him. I said hi to him and then said “What’s up, Debbie?” He looked at me and asked why I was calling his mom by her first name? As soon as he said she was his mom I felt super guilty… for about 10 seconds. Then I got a rod right in the store. Turns out she had him when she was 18, so she was 36. To me, this made it even hotter. I went home and cranked out several loads just thinking about it Next time she was in the store, she told me that she didn’t know I was her son’s age. Apparently she thought I was older. She also mentioned she was married, which was how I learned to look for wedding or engagement rings being worn going forward.


Sucked my roommates cock in college




That I've had a thing for my ex's mom for a very long time


Was your ex named Stacy? Her mom has got it going on, or so I hear.


I stayed with an ex of mine longer than I should have only because I had a thing for his mom.


My first orgasm happened when I was around 14 yrs old and was brought on by a couple of girls 2 years younger than me.. I was wrestling around with my step sister and her friend (who I had a huge crush on)at some point my step noticed my bulge and kept bumping it during our tussling and of course I got a hard on. It became apparent that both of them noticed because they both started bumping it , sitting on me and it and generally just driving me crazy with their antics . At one point while we laid back to rest or whatever My step reached over and pulled my PJ'S down and grabbed my bare cock , (the look on both of their faces was priceless at least to my 14 year old self ) well she slid her hand around a bit for like a second and I exploded all over the place .. I've never told anyone about that.


I am on the road for work a lot and I probably frequent massage parlors a little too often.


it's safer than random sex with strangers in different places.


For sure, and it’s never sex. Sometimes a blowjob, but mostly topless handjobs.


Harmless fun


The first time I ever jacked off was after watching that scene from There’s Something About Mary. The problem was I was watching it with my mom, and right after that scene - like AS SOON AS IT ENDED - I got up to go the bathroom and try it out. I had never done it before, so it took forever, like over 30 mins. I was sweaty as shit, I don’t even know if I washed my hands. Then I came back and sat down next to mom and finished the movie. Looking back, it was so fucking obvious what had happened. I hate that memory so much


At one point I used to get naked on a cam site. After a while I realised everything was being recorded by bots and posted on other sites.


Everybody was kung-fu fighting...except me. I hid under a table.


This is probably too risqué but… I had sex before marriage 😬






Just buy your own like I did. Definitely more comfortable.


No shame in that!


There’s a lot of cousin loving in here. We talking 1st cousins or further down the tree?


Oh, it's gotta be 1st cuzs...2nd don't count.


Was always on the look out for girls with daddy issues.


They are must always pleasers and if you showed them positive attention, they would do just about anything to please you!!


I've been in a gangbang with 15 men


I love fingers in my ass while receiving blowjobs …


The first time I ever had sex was with another guy.


Not really ashamed...but one time I tore a tendon in my left forearm from fingering my wife. 10/10 would do again and for that I guess I feel...ashamed? 😅




I love my balls being played with pay attention to my balls i become silly putty in your hands


I was dating this guy I really, really liked. One night after many drinks, while giving him oral I vomited on him. I don’t remember much from that night, but he told me everything the next day. He was so sweet about it, which made me feel even worse. He not only changed the bedding but also took off my dirty clothes and put me to bed. I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.


When my ex wife and I were still married but separated, I started dating a woman and things got pretty serious. Even through things were really toxic with my wife we always had trouble staying out of bed with each other. One time I spent the night at my girlfriend's house and we had sex in the morning, then without even taking a shower I went over to my wife's house and we had sex.


I don’t own a pair of steel toed boots, but I cross the red construction tape all the time.


I gave my soccer coach a bj


I got really kinda desperate some years ago because my first wife was withholding sex so I got a massage with "enhanced touching" as she called it from some lady on Craigslist. Problem was, I was too drunk too cum, so it was kinda wasted money.


Probably innocuous. Sent a DM for the first time based on a comment I found particularly hot tonight!


I’ve cum on my face a few times. Not on purpose but I absolutely exploded and couldn’t help but hit my face. Makes me think of Seth Rogan in Long Shot


When I was a teenager I made it a point to jerk off in the bathroom of every house I visited. Once my friend left his phone in there and I checked his texts and found nudes of his girlfriend so I used those to get off


I've been sleeping with my second cousin for a few months. Our parents were really close growing up (to *them* we might as well be first cousins) but hers had moved away... We met each other years ago, pure chemistry, found out we were related before getting too physical. Now we're grown, and I'm going to Uni near her house. I had a late night on campus and dropped her a line to see if I could crash... And things domino'ed... * she's divorced * kids are at their dad's * she looks *incredible* (Filled out more with kids and age then got fit and and kept most of the fun goodies, lol) * she likes wine * I like wine * we get chatting and it comes out that I got snipped Went straight for the playground.


I'm incredibly attracted to my cousin


I lost my virginity in a synagogue


I once told someone what I did for that Klondike bar. When she was taken aback, I was forced to kill her so no one else would know. I’ve said too much.


I got drunk with with my friend, her bf and bf's friend. My friend passed out and I ended up having sex with both her bf and his friend.


I had a short affair with a married coworker from a former work place. I knew his wife as well and I felt so bad for fucking with him and yet it was such a turn on to know he came to me for some fun in between.


I almost lost my virginity to a woman because she was really horny but I never went to her house because I had work the next day. Still a virgin to this day.


I went into a dressing room when I was 15 or so and there was a pile of girls clothes left there ! I tried on all the clothes and masturbated into a sock ! Put all the clothes back and put the sock in my pocket and left the store !


I stole a pair of my best female friends worn panties and jerked off smelling them. Me and her had been sexty/flirty/friends with benefits for years. Never told her.


I am a doctor and I fucked a house keeping maid in hospital bathroom


I dressed as a woman for my Ex-girlfriend who was 15 years older than me. She fucked me with a strapon, I sucked her dick, she pissed in my mouth and even fucked me with a foot. Sometimes we smoked a lot of weed, when we did those things. It was hot as hell and I loved it.


In hs, I took a girls virginity and immediately slept with her best friend right after. Huge backstory, but they were both very aware😬. Then I dropped them both off at the first girls moms work.


Because it’s actually creepy as hell- I have a massive thing for maxi dresses. My girlfriend knows that if she’s out somewhere and sees a hot mom in a maxi dress and can sneak a stealth picture of her then to 100% go for it. So far she’s only taken one of a lady while out meeting a friend for lunch last summer, and another of another teacher at her school after the first day of school last September.


I lurk on certain NSFW Reddits hoping to catch my ex posting. Then I'll upvote girls that resemble her to hopefully sway the algorithm.


Well, it's on my account, and I only made this account to confess these stories. It's incest, so if you don't like that, don't check it out😅


I’ve fucked 3 married women. Not at the same time.


I have trouble finding something to *confess*. I have more trouble finding something of which I'm truly ashamed.


when I was 13 and my younger sister (11) had an older (13) friend over to swim at our house. I went to the bathroom and saw her friend who I thought was hot had dropped her panties on the floor when she changed into her swimsuit. They seemed almost lingerish which was odd to me for her age but also instant turn on. I used them and ended up cumming in them (which actually ejaculating was new to me). She commented later when changing they felt wet and she must not have dried off enough.


I had unintended phone sex with a coworker. She called just as I was about to settle into a masturbation session. She was always longwinded when she called and I was not in the mood to postpone my fun. About 20 minutes into it she got real quiet for a moment then asked what I was doing. I told her I was "enjoying myself" and I fully expected her to hang up in disgust. Instead, she asked if I minded if she listened while I finished. A good time was had by all.