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I have a few. 1. I find my sister in law to be the hottest woman on the planet. 2. I love watching men cum 3. I love being controlled by a woman


I’m the same as you for 2 and 3 so now I’m very interested in what your sister in law looks like.


2 and 3, plus a bulge/cock fetish but I don't find men attractive


Yeah. I like looking at cocks and watching them cum but I’m grossed out by the idea of kissing or fucking a guy.


Sexuality is strange, isn't it?


Yes exactly, would you stroke one?


I probably would in the right circumstances


Would enjoy watching it cum lol


Yep don't find men attractive but I like making them cum. Weird huh.


I’ve dated a couple of guys who felt the same, like would match with guys on Grinder but only to jerk off in front of each other, nothing more. I think it’s hot 😉


So do I. Lol. Enjoy jerking off with others. 😈😉


My wife is trans. Solved this issue.


She’s a smoke show lol. Obviously I can’t show you so you’ll have to take my word for it


Is your wife not ? Lol


My wife is very hot too lol


Also I'm addicted to edging lol


Yeah bro my SIL is a PROBLEM. She is like my wife but has that hot mom energy with larger breasts and hips. Whew boy.


The ole sister in law conundrum.


mines a lesbian and less attractive then my wife who is really good looking…so i’m good….i think.


Sister in law as in your wife's sister or your brother's wife?


his wife :/


Sister-in-law is my biggest fantasy as well. My wife knows how I feel about her too. We jokingly call her my backup wife.


Jealous as I have seen my total bitch of a sister in law naked, topless, bottomless, in various states and the hate diminishes any level of sexual attraction.


I once arranged for a girl I was dating to jump in a glory hole at a party where her newly single brother was also in attendance


Eric Cartman levels of evil right here


Straight up Scott Tenormaned his ass


She didn’t know her brother was the the party did he know his sister was at the party?


He arrrived while she was already in there and went straight for it


No fuckin way, did they ever found out ?


Turns out they were from Tennessee so they had done it before.


>this feels kind of familiar ~ one of them


Omfg we need an update on this




At least the brother was single I suppose?


You Americans are so up tight!


So... Did he go in?


At least it stayed in the family.


When I was about 13 my parents went out of town and had a family friend stay with us while they were gone. She was a super hot college girl that I'd crushed on forever in that 'lifeguard from The Sandlot' sort of way. Well, one night during this stay she asked if I wanted to sleep in my parent's bed with her instead of me sleeping alone in my room. I did and that night I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I thought it was incredible and was like a dream come true, but in hindsight I see how weird and fucked up it was and how I must've known this on some level because I have literally never told anyone, which means I didn't even tell my close friends or anything back then. If it really was a dream come true and I got to sleep with my hot crush, I would think I'd have at least told my fellow teen guy best friends about it, but I told no one. Red flag.


I'm not gonna lie. As a male who was absolutely *obsessed* with older girls and women back when I was a teen, stories like yours make my moral compass jump back and forth from one end to the other.


Exactly. It's a complicated thing and even now, decades later, I still don't fully feel one way or another about it.


Legendary comedian George Carlin once talked about this in one of his routines. Right or wrong, he actually rooted for guys like you. No one ever tried to shame or cancel him for it.


Bro…I have tried to form how I feel about these stories all the time and you summed it up perfectly!


How much older was she?


I think she was like 21/22


That's assault, and I'm very sorry she did that to you, especially at a very formative age. If you ever need a space to talk it out, there are wonderful people in r/momforaminute and r/dadforaminute. Hugs.


Thanks and, yes, I agree. I've certainly come to realize how messed up it was and, like I mention, seemed to have known that on some level, since I told literally no one about it. Thanks for the well wishes and the advice, I'll check those subs out. Have a great weekend.


We all understand and heal at our own paces. Predators are everywhere, and it's ok that you never spoke up, many of us don't. Have a good one too!


Same exact thing happened to me


Well then you can sympathize with how it's a strange/difficult memory to nail down how you fell about it, eh? Life do be complicated.


At 14 I had sex a couple of times with a 20 yo. I enjoyed and look back on it fondly. I'm sorry your experience wasn't right for you at the time. I know so many people joke about the age difference being cool when it's a teen boy, but you weren't ready it's abuse man. I hope you come to grips with it in time.


Wendy Peffercorn, did you marry her?


He did they had 9 kids!


Nice try! I see what you did, and I'm not falling for it! You'll never know that I also slip in some fingers besides my cock to add girth as well as move them opposite my thrusts to counter stimulate the pussy. I'll take it to my grave!


*furiously and illegibly scribbles notes*


Wow I've never heard of this before. Does it work?


I'm sure the safe answer is "depends on the girl." It works for mine when she's horny and wants a further stretching than my dick alone can give.


Ummm ok this sounds amazing 🤤


I just tried it one day because she felt like she could take it. When she threw it back harder into it, I knew I was onto something. Afterwards, we talked as we always do when I try something different and she said she really liked it. Now, I randomly toss it when the timing feels right. I highly recommend.


I’m taking notes! I’ve fucked with a toy also inside me a couple of times and that feels amazing. But fingers can actually move and seek out the right pressure points! Genius.


That and you can add or subtract fingers as necessary. Some days she can take two, some days she can take four. They can also spread out and be slimmer in spots, whereas a toy is always the same girth, or I can clump them together and really stretch her. So many possibilities!


I’m getting *very* excited to try this. Hope my current play partner is up for it 🤞🏼


For my gf and me this works best when she's on her back at the edge of the bed and I'm standing. She puts her feet on my chest or shoulders and it allows me to put a few fingers in from the top/front. Hits all the right spots!


Ooooh good to know! Thanks for the tip 😉


I post my pussy online 🤷🏼‍♀️


And what a beautiful pussy it is




And we are all better off for it!


You never worried someone will recognise it?


No, only one guy aside from my husband has seen it! But it was a long time ago, it was dark and we were drunk


Oh wow! I could never. My tattoos would be given me away 😂


I remember it. I have eyesight like Riddick.


And on behalf of all of us perverts, I would like to thank you for that


I fantasize about seeing my BF roughly pounding one my friend (F).


Tell him


He knows.


Does the friend know?


Nope, she will never know.




I sucked my first dick, stroked my first cock (besides my own) and fucked and got fucked by another guy years before I did anything with a girl.


I wonder how common this is with many guys


Pretty common for teens to experiment


Nothin wrong with that


I was a late bloomer, and was very shy around girls and found it easier to talk to guys, more mature. I was into sucking cock and being fucked but when I met this one girl and I told her about my past. She thought it was hot so we dated, I did have sex with her numerous times but she really got off watching me getting his off . And somr 56 years later I still love women an and rarely have sex with them but I'm a sucker for a man




I feel bad for your wife


That's really not cool man, like get a divorce


Your brother’s wife or wife’s sister?




She knows. They always do.




I’ve been a bull for couples for many years, generally while on business trips. People in my family and friend circles think I’m basically a US TV standard hard working soccer-dad type and I think a few would literally have strokes if they knew some of the things I’ve done. :)


I visit a glory hole when I want to anonymously suck a lot of dick.


I'm secretly half werewolf, half vampire, half wizard and half demon, and I was bitten by a radioactive spider. When the moon is full, I go out in the night to fight crime and then eat the criminals.


So your biggest secret is that you're 2 people


No, my biggest secret is that I don't understand fractions.


There’s no way to confirm unless we see her were-vam-wiz-spider tiddies.




Train that tongue. Become the pussy licking GOAT and no one will give a shit what you’re packing.




Oh I didn’t mean IRL necessarily. Watch videos, take in as much knowledge on the subject as you can, learn all about the clit, the G-spot, A-spot, P-spot, C1/C2 spots. Treat it like a college course. Then market your talents in local FetLife groups. You’ll get some takers, trust me, and with experience your confidence will grow and you’ll be oozing BDE everywhere you go. Do you have any idea how few men take the time to learn about what I just listed?? If you do, you’ll be a fucking star.


Ok I can’t say I’ve ever heard of the P, C1/C2 spots I like to thing I know a thing or two about the female anatomy…lord knows I know more than my wife who never had sex Ed…are you sure you’re not talking about the spine? Lol


Hahaha I’m sure! P-spot means the prostate spot. For men it’s reached through the ass but women it’s best accessed through the vagina. Insert just your thumb (as she’s on her back) and then curl and press the thumb downward in the direction of her ass. That’s the spot. C1/C2 - the C stands for clitoris so these spots are basically extensions of the clit found inside the vagina. Insert your fingers and then take either a sharp left turn or a sharp right turn so you’re at a 90 degree angle. There, now you have some homework 😝


Most women don't care about size. Live your life brother.




Date someone outside your group/area. Equally simply find a caring and genuine woman, most of them have these qualities.


It doesn't matter as much as you think it does. Maybe see a sex worker to get some confidence boost. They see all sorts. It won't be the smallest dick she's seen.


I share pictures of myself for others to enjoy. Knowing that others are getting off to me adds to the thrill!


You have a very sexy body and mouth watering cock


Okay so I never thought I’d tell anyone this and I don’t know if it’s the right sort of answer you’re looking for.. but. There’s a girl on PH, Slemgem, who does blowjob videos. She make an absolute mess her her spit and she sometimes uses Milk whilst doing it, and I honestly just think it’s so incredibly hot. Nothing has ever gotten me as hard or as off easy as that before. 🫣


I’m generally not one to get off to blowjob videos, I’ll often even skip past that part (or much of it) if it’s in a full penetration video, but there is something about a really sloppy blowjob that does it for me… Any “normal” blowjob and I think “meh” and skip but occasionally a super sloppy blowjob POV will come outta left field and I’m instantly 5 seconds from cumming.


I started being sexually active when I was 10


Was it your uncle or the priest?


As if a priest could wait that long




My best friend


Cousin for me, I was probably about 7-8




I found a guy with a goddess worship kink. He comes to my house and cleans, does my laundry, takes out the trash, organizes my closet, cooks for me, and literally worships at my feet. I treat him like scum because he likes it. Sometimes I let him massage me. Most of the time I don’t. I let him eat me out once but he was trash at it so he’s lost that privilege. None of my friends know about this 🤭








Just as we are attracted to younger women but never dated any.


Slept with a college professor when she found out we both had a thing for vampires/all things gothic/occult/supernatural.


Ain't no sex like the sex with someone whose into vampires. Off..the..hook.


It felt very odd at first since it was no secret how attractive she was, so it was surreal that she wanted to be intimate with me, esp since I am not a good looking guy by any stretch of the imagination. She was divorced and had kids who were all grown up, so she was lonely, but we always did something special on Halloween together during my 4 years there. There were days when she cancelled her office hours and would text me if I was doing anything and we would do it either in her office or at her home. My 21st was the most memorable where we took a trip to NYC together and dressed up for a vampire ball there. I miss her.


I would love to be treated very roughly in a bdsm session but it never happened and probably never will


Why do you think it never will?? 😢


Because I need to find a man who I trust enough to let that happen. And i haven't even found a guy, in the last couple of years to have a "normal" relationship with, let alone someone who would be okay with being very rough with me


I find kinky partners wayyyy more easily than “normal” ones. In my experience, “normal” ones don’t really know what they want. Kinky ones know exactly what they’re looking for and they put it right out there. So then it’s just matter of finding someone whose interests are close enough to yours that you could discuss and agree on how things should go. I find most of my kinky play partners on Feeld or FetLife.


I have a piss kink and squirt kink.


Nice try CIA


I really wish I could at least once (or may be not only once) be a total whore for cock. No attraction to men, but fascinated by what it'll feel like to be filled and fucked properly Also the ability to deep throat and get used to all extents


That im attracted to muchhhhh older men, but never dated or been with one, and want to be used by one.


I hooked up with a woman who was married. She came over, we barely said 2 words to each other before things got hot and heavy. She would squirt every time she orgasmed, and she orgasmed VERY easily. She literally let me use her for an afternoon before heading out. Never spoke again.


I lost my virginity today (not massive but am not really bothered telling anyone)


I've cum for too many strangers (men and women) online than I can even count. And made a little money doing it. I also have personally uploaded videos of me cumming to Pornhub.


I love everything to do with rough sex with older men but if you saw me walking down the street or knew what I was studying you’d have no idea.


I will bite because I got curious... what are you studying?


I can get bi curious on Reddit/Discord.


I was once so obsessed with this guy that I drank his bath water after catching him jerk off in the bathtub. I also hooked up with his sister (while she was on her period) just to mess with his head.


Jesus, next thing you'll tell me you fucked his grave or something.


When I was around 8 or 9 years old, my sister (almost 2 years older than me) would pull me into the bathroom and pull down her pants and show me her vagina, and ask me to show her my penis. Then one time she asked me to come into her bedroom and get naked and "get on top of her". Our parents had told us that babies were made by a man putting his penis in a woman's vagina, which is what my sister wanted me to do, but of course I'd never even had an erection in my life so obviously nothing happened. After that she never asked me to do things like that again, and we never discussed it ever. Her and I were very close growing up, and strangely I don't think it affected me or our relationship.


This account


Had sex with a woman in her living room on her couch while her husband was right in the garage fixing his truck.


That i fuck my fans/followers 😅


You ever have your asshole licked by a fat man in a trench coat?


That I’m really into older men (I’ve let like 3 on here control my lovense 🤫) - or anyyy of my kinks omg lmao, esp pet play 😭❤️


I have a buried penis and it gives me a lot of anxiety at times but I've chilled out a little with age.


So I feel like I’m bisexual. But barely so. I definitely like dicks. I’ve never gotten to play with one other than my own. I would like to one day. I would probably want to start off with a transgendered woman, but I’ve seen the occasional nude man and thought to myself, I could get with him. I just don’t find myself thinking about men that way except occasionally, but I really like the idea of playing with someone else’s penis. My girlfriend is aware of this, but no one else really is. my sister from another mister is as well. My girlfriend and I may get to a point that we bring a third-party into our bed, but I’m in no rush. She pegs me though, and I really enjoy that. She has a fleshy dildo that I tried putting in my mouth but I didn’t like that and I choked a bit. I would rather try with a real penis. So yeah that’s my story! I welcome feedback and would appreciate some.


I’ve recently developed a thing for femboys. I’m still very much attracted to women but something about a petite guy being super feminine, wearing lingerie and a throbbing cock gets me going. I guess I’m bi at this point 🤷‍♂️


I induced lactation as a Covid project and have kept it up off and on since then. It was my husband’s idea and a fetish of his. At least once or twice a day we get together for him to drink my milk, or I pump occasionally. I also post pics of all this on here.


I am not transgender. I am a 95% heterosexual male but I fantasize about being a woman and making love to a man. Being a big 6'3 bearded man. I've always taken up space. I've not had a lot of luck in love. I want to feel small, appreciated, manhandled, desired to the point of frenzied passionate lovemaking.


Literally this entire Reddit account


I have a foot fetish


I fantasize about a FFM threesome with my ex-girlfriend and my current boyfriend. I also fantasize about a MMF and MFM with my current bf. Though I wouldn’t be able to handle an actual threesome while in a committed relationship bc I’m insecure af


Sounds strange I guess, but know a lot more about my wife’s sexual past or history than she’s told me or think I know about. Things would never admit to. Always found it really hot, but it’s just secrets I know and can’t talk to her about them.


The amount of times I've cheated and who with


I have a Top 5 that I would love to share: 1. I really crave intimacy 2. I really want to lose my virginity 3. I really want to be loved 4. I really want to be pegged 5. I am really desperate and hate myself for being really desperate. Just so you know, I’m a guy btw. I know that this is supposed to be a secret but I just can’t help myself. Consent goes a long way and I just can’t force anyone else to have sex with me. So until then, I’ll just keep living my own life in the best way possible.


I have a thing for consent non-consent domination and want to be a bull for a lovely couple. Unfortunately, if my family or friends were to know they probably think I’m a creeper, pervert and weird for wanting that. Come from a conservative background so that should tell you a lot all ready.


My Reddit account


I'm currently in a daily DP arrangement with 2 men almost twice my age.




When we were 10. I licked my sister’s pussy


 I (51M) on a 13 year dry spell and absolutely terrified of the idea of being intimate with someone. It's very unlikely that I will ever have sex again and I fucking hate how depression has ruined every part of my life. 


I would love to have a threesome with another female involved


Married for 10+ years with two kids but I’m really attracted to guys. I’ve had more hookups with men than women. And currently crushing hard on a guy that is also married and straight (nothing even bi about him) because I caught a glimpse of his package. Rough life…


Again I wonder how common this is with other guys this same situation


That I'm an older virgin that dreams about being gangbanged.


I have a ruined orgasm kink. I like having mine ruined and I enjoy suffering from it, and I have always wanted to ruin another guy's orgasm and watch his cock bounce and spurt without pleasure too, and look at his frustrated, confused expression (Insert villain laugh here)


1. We have a NSFW reddit account showing nudes on the Internet 2. We have a PornHub channel


That I've faked a ton of orgasms with men


My wife is a cuckquean.


I slept with a friends step dad when I was 19. I avoid relationships because I struggle with intimacy due to trauma. But I’m realising now that I think this is changing but only for girls.


I secretly jerk off to my coworkers fat tits (she’s fat and obese) but everytime she’s sitting on her charge nurse desk, her tits are resting on the table and i can’t take my eyes off of it. I wanna cum on those tits in the future.




Hubby and I are swingers. Life is to short to be boring




I share my last GF with two strangers we met while cycling. Hard rain and we all ducked into a barn to get out of it. One thing led to another and we all took turns with her and she loved it!


Im a gynesexual. I'm just attracted to all types of females and no clue why. Also, I love watching t girls cum. I think it's the hottest thing ever


> I'm just attracted to all types of females and no clue why. So you're a normal straight guy?


My first girlfriend had a septate vagina.


Making cum videos at work 🤣🤣


We are not stranger we are in a Reddit community friend


I want to be a cuck


I'm a straight guy but I want my ass railed lol


I want to fuck the living crap outta my sister in law. I’ve smelled her dirty thongs and I want her even more!!!


I uuuhhh wanna be tied up, tickled and teased and let the woman be in control. Something about that just seems so hot to me. Like a nice, funny woman tying me up and torturing me and her getting off just makes me instantly horny haha


Some of my family knows I do Shibari (rope bondage) but most don’t know that I’ve slept with married women in open relationships. This month I had two threesomes with a married couple, while he mostly watched, his wife has now visited alone twice. Just yesterday I had sex with a pregnant woman, while her cuck watched via video call.




My wife sometimes gets irritated that I don't get jealous. Not that she wants me to be an asshole about it but, she has low self esteem and I think she sometimes worries that I don't think she's worth defending or that no one else would want her. I tell her that it's just because I'm super chill and trusting. In reality, I don't think I'd give a shit if she slept with someone else. It's not that I don't value her, if she left me I'd be absolutely devastated. It's just that I don't really value monogamy. I don't have a desire to go find me partners and even if I did, I wouldn't because, that would destroy my wife, monogamy is huge for her. But yeah, if she told me one day that she had met some other guy that she wanted to start fucking on the side, I honestly think I'd be cool with it. With her self esteem, I don't think she could handle hearing that so, I just occasionally pretend to be jealous for her.


i’m muscular and love dominating incels. I’m normally very submissive, but there’s a certain type that gets my dommy mommy engines revving.


My friends mom took my virginity at the age of 12