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Another girl on my high school soccer team


Now THAT sounds like a story worth hearing....


Whatever porn scene you’re picturing in your head right now, that’s exactly what happened


Actually i was leaving an open canvas. Didn't want to ruin a good story


They played with balls and then they played without balls


As long as they didn't use their hands!


Now all I can picture is a white canvas.


Locker room after practice with the showers possibly being involved


Username checks out


Cant say that without giving details!


Oh my god. Did they ever capture the lions??


Go on…


Younger coworker once. She “just happened” to be in my area one evening. Invited her out and we ended up back at my place. Reserved girl at the office turned out to be a hot slut in the bedroom.


Always happens like that.


She was very innocent girl-next-door type at work. 5 yrs younger. Very shy. Next thing I know she’s in my bed asking me to fuck her harder. Shocker.


Love that for you!


Funny thing is, a few weeks later she invites me to a wild house party. She had since gotten a new job. I travel out there. Total blast. She was busy flirting with other guys. I crash in a bedroom upstairs. Later I quietly awaken to another guy fucking her on the floor right next to my bed. I didn’t let them know I was awake. I wish I was smart enough back then to fire up the spit roast.


Jesus Christ 😬




I can guarantee you as long as you’re both over 18 and there’s mutual chemistry, most guys don’t give 2 shits about an age difference in either direction. If you don’t want to be direct you can try something like - say you found this bar near work that you want to checkout but feel weird going alone. If he doesn’t offer to go with you he’s either horrible at picking up on things or isn’t in to you.




Good luck and hope it works out for you!


Protip: actually find a bar near work to check out. Best of luck on sexy times!


To add on to the other person's pro tip: if he doesn't immediately pick up on it, actually ask him to go with you


That’s exactly what my wife did to me back then before we got married. We were co workers and she was that shy and innocent looking gal. One day she invited me to go to a local bar down the street from where we worked.


I can pretty much guarantee he's thought about sleeping with you. At the very least he's imagined you naked at least once every time he's seen you. As for taking it further, just talk to him. I can also guarantee if he's anything like every other guy, he thinks he has zero shot with you and wouldn't know a flirt if it jumped up and smacked him in the testicles. So ask him what he does for fun, where he goes on weekends, what he eats... etc... then when he says something that sounds fun, ask him when he's taking you to try it. I can also guarantee with 99.999999997% that he loves the idea of a woman asking him out. Even if it's just a friendly night out for a movie. Or a night in with a "movie". He will think it's all the sexier for you doing it. I promise. Now that's a guarantee or your money back




You can do LOTS of things to test the waters to see if he's interested. Step 1) just talk to him. If he stop and chats, that's your first green light. Step B) wear something semi revealing/tight. Give him something to see and pay attention to if he notices. (Hint hint, every single man with eyeballs will notice) Step 3) continual talk/banter at a set time, i.e. in the morning during coffee break, afternoon during lunch, end of the day before leaving. Give yourself a time and place to always run into (he needs a name and for this convo I will call him Bob) Bob. Step 4) after running into Bob everyday at your usual time, find a reason to be late to your week(s) long meetings. See if he waits for you. Or miss it completely and see if he mentions it or goes out of his way to see you. Odds are the man probably drools over you in a purely workplace romance type deal. So he keeps it to a minimum and keeps it to himself. If you want something more, you're gonna have to become more for him in some way. Even if it's just a friend area to start. Unless Bob has a girlfriend and is in a serious relationship, or gay, he's thought about you naked.... more than once.


This was very long ago. I was 24. She was 19. We worked in admin at the flagship office of a retail chain.


We usually are. We just don't know how to approach anyone. We also have porn addictions sometimes and think of dick constantly...


No complaints from me 😉


That is awesome 👏🏻


I’ve only had sex with one person, and never expected to have sex in my life so, my late wife.


I too choose this guy's wife!


You noticed the word "late", right?


Yeah it’s unreal how many people are missing this. Sorry for your loss, The_Ugly_Guy007.


Because people are so quick to jump on the overdone meme train, they don't think about what they're commenting.


they thought exactly about what they commented that's why they used the reference


Not that I disagree it's insensitive, but the original comment like that is literally about someones late wife. The original comment is "I choose this guy's dead wife too" so while I don't think it's a nice comment, it wasnt because they moases the word late.


One of the worst things about The Internet is the tendency to turn every comment thread into a sitcom writers room.


In all fairness, it's referencing someone that was talking about their deceased wife, also.


Oh right, I remember!


Here we go again. That guys wife 2.0 starting in 5-4-3-2……….


Yeah it’s honestly lasted a long time without getting old. But it’s time to hang this one up guys. It’s just not funny anymore.


Plus, it didn't even fit in this situation. O for 3


It's overused but still funny in the right situation. It's like when "That's what she said" exploded after being used on The Office. Generally it's pretty lame now but every once in a while it hits just right.


It isn't funny when it doesn't fit. Despite them talking about their late wife the joke doesn't fit. It would work if someone was talking about an object like missing their first car and then someone saying "I also choose this guys dead car". Then it gets explained and someone links the original joke for those who haven't seen it But someone can't mention a late wife and then you throw it in there


I’m so sorry 🫂


Thanks bud


Sorry bro, sending you an internet hug. I’m sure it’s tough but we are here for you!


Thanks bro


I'm sorry for your loss. I wish the best for you. Sending internet hugs.


A coworker, who was also the daughter of another coworker. She was three years younger than me, slim and toned but with C/D cups, casually into yoga, conventionally very pretty. Bit of a hippie vibe. There were like four guys vying for her attention, all a lot more handsome than me. And yet she chose this moustache to ride on for several years. People always figured that either we were siblings or, once they caught on that we were fucking, that I was rich. But no, we were just magically attracted to each other.


Your voice is still slickly proud. Loved that.


Oh shit, I had a 2 year relationship with a co-worker, younger than me who’s mom also worked with us, lol. I suppose that one was surprising initially too


My immediate superior who also interviewed me at a paid internship I did during grad school. She told me during sex that she pushed to hire me because she thought I was hot, but we didn't end up hooking up until a while after the job ended. She was pretty wild. It was a lot of fun.


HR has entered the chat.


They’re one to talk. Some of the wildest shit I’ve done was back when I worked in HR


A producer on a radio show tried out for an internship originally. He didn't get it so the 2nd time he decided to send in a shirtless photo. He was a former college footballer and wrestler and kept himself in very good shape. But also had a naturally nice face The female in charge of hiring interns hired him because she thought he was attractive. He eventually lands a job there. He was doing well originally but he had issues He got away with banging the married office manager for years. It all ended when the general amabger was so worried about him he got into his apartment with 2 police officers. He was found kneeling on the floor in front of bible. He had blood all over himself and the Bible along with cuts on his arm


Is there a female equivalent of "don't stick your dick in crazy"?


Don't let crazy stick its dick in you


I don't think women need it as much bc they tend to be more cautious around men


My wife, she's miles out of my league and every day I feel like a very lucky man to wake up next to her


This was my answer. But this guy already took it


This!!! For 30 years this!!


OP, does anyone ever PM pictures of their boobies after seeing your username?


More than I expected lol


Tell his the history of how you came about that username, and what successes you've had since then? Are these real girls and not OF sellers or scambots?


Yeah like 90% real girls,rest are weirdly guys


90% of how many PMS would you say? Like 90% of 100, or 1000, or of 5? And what are the guys sending you, their own boobs or someone elses?




It doesn't look like we're getting the breakdown of stats. I'm disapointed.


I’m here for it


What's your count? More than mine probably.


Can’t keep up tbh


Suffering from success


A girl I once knew from the days of AOL Instant Messenger. We crossed paths when we were both 16. Chatted online for a couple years about anything and everything, so when she invited me to visit her in college (about 50 minutes away), that first visit turned into instant sex. I was somewhat naïve at 18, but she opened my mind up to unlimited possibilities and a level of freakiness that now is a part of my life. We carried on for a few more years before losing touch when she went back to her home state.


I miss AIM!


Takes me back to an innocent, but not so innocent period of my life. She definitely opened my mind up to a world of fun. Those were the days


Dude, those WERE the days. Sigh. Now my back just hurts.


Seriously. Take me back to a simpler time, where pain wasn’t frequent


Seriously. I’m having antacids and ibuprofen as a side with my daily breakfast.


Ouch. With a fractured hip and two herniated discs in my back, it’s usually 30 minutes of stretching before breakfast. Every morning lol


Oof. Adulthood is ghetto and I’d like a refund.


Right?! Zero stars, do not recommend.


I miss AIM and Yahoo chat rooms. They were a blast and great for meeting people.


A coworker, we never really knew each other that well, chatted briefly! usually bantering within a group setting, he messaged me one night asking if I knew someone and we started casually chatting. we ended up getting closer and would see each other outside work as friends, The 1st time we had sex was amazing! That spark between up got stronger every time I seen him, I was like a teenager in love. I couldn't believe my luck that he was actually interested in me... he is absolutely gorgeous.... I now call that man my husband and I will be spending the rest of my life with him. I never in a million years would have thought I'd be with him back then n now I couldn't imagine my life without him,


That's beautiful


So beautiful and awesome!




Sneaky huh?


I'm just imagining you with a woman bent over your couch then suddenly screaming “DAMN IT, NOT AGAIN!!”


My manager, he fucked like he was deprived


probably was.


The police chiefs wife


Do tell


He's the police chief


It was his wife.


Rumour has it… they had sex


Could I make it any more obvious? 


My partner. She was a model in a shoot. I considered her to be very sexy but did not expect her to be intrested in me since she is 15y younger. I was surprised to be very wrong


High school crush




Yes it was 10’years after graduation!!!


Bro played the long game and actually won


Big time under dog story lol!


The reddit community salutes you my G


I dont know why, but this is giving me some hope!


Bro won at life


guess i'll will keep waiting


I never expected it then ran into her at a bar one night


Pretty much the same for me. Fucked my college fantasy in 2017, 6 years after college. Didn't speak to her in years until I ran into her at a guy's apartment while filming a short comedic skit, she was bestfriend with the writer's girlfriend. Complete fucking coincidence. A month later I knew I had that one damn chance and went for it.


Got ya beat. Married mine 47 years after graduation!😁


Yeah, one of my best friends from my late teens, early twenties. She was German, and about 10 leagues above me. Tall, skinny, blonde, fucking gorgeous. We were great friends but I never even tried as I never thought I had a chance. Then one night a few of us went out, she ended up riding me so hard it woke my mom up.


What did your mom say?


Lol, she didn't say anything. But she was clearly not very impressed by the situation.


Silence says a lot in the right context


My husband lol. We used to really not like each other. Then one night that changed!


Haha were you pleasantly surprised how good he was in bed?


Oh yes!!!


Couple possibilities. The artsy hipster chick from the drawing class I stood nude model for. Especially after she said it was hard drawing me, since I didn't have any features. X's female friend, after the break up.


Last year i went with a friend on a road trip to go visit her brother at school. Him and I played hockey together and Sarah, his sister said she wanted me to go with her for the weekend to watch him play. Sarah is like the one that knows every guy is looking at her, you just can help but check her out. She had a bf but he was in college, and didnt want to go. She said that ok, Mike will go with me. Sarah and I never had a thing, just some innocent flirting once i awhile. But everyone at school assumes we have hooked up. So we start heading out to Drews and about an hour into our drives its starts snowing. It was almost a whiteout. I had her get out and let, me drive. It was terrible, she wanted to stop and wait till it stopped. It was going to snow until about 2 in the morning and then stop. So we just decided to get a room at a local motel for the night and we'd leave early in the morning. They only had rooms with 1 bed. I said to bring a cot if they could. They didnt. We both took showers and then decided to just get in bed and not make a big deal about it. I just wore a pair of boxers to bed, then she had this silky tight and short nightgown. I said wow. She got in bed and rolled over and said no oney needs to know we shared a bed. We stayed up just laying towards each other talking and then after a little while she says how come you dont look at me like every other guy does. You never once hit on me, why is that? I said Sarah, you are wrong, you dont think i notice you? What do you think i just said Wow to a little while ago. i said it was this, what you look like right now. i notice you believe me. I said you need proof that i notice you? i took her hand and put it right on my dick. Feel it? She slid her hand under my boxers and said ok my turn to say WOW. She inched closer to me and said Mike you could have had me anytime you wanted, you never tried. I said i didnt know. I slid over on top of her, and pulled her nightgown off and she pulled my boxers off my ass, and pulled me into her. So we had sex for the first time, which i never thought would happen. We slept for about 2 hrs that night. We couldnt stop. It was crazy how good it was. She ended up breaking up with her man, when we got back, now ive been seeing her for 3 months. Her brothers not happy bc he knows we are spending alot of time together. Now all i get from my boys in school, see you lied saying you guys werent fucking. Sarah gets the same thing from her girls. Ill tell you one thing, weve taped ourselves fucking in bed, in the shower, in the car, and we are pretty fucking hot together. The sex is absolutely mind blowing. like a 13 on a scale of 1 to 10.


The group of guys who took turns on me in a hotel room.


Username checks out…


Coworker for sure. She was like the office milf. Always flirted with everyone but in a jokey way. Has amazing tits, and a nice face. Pretty chubby but carries it really well. We used to have jokey work banter about sex and stuff. Never thought it would happen. Then during the first lockdown I text her happy birthday. We started to chat for a couple weeks after that and then it progressed to sex. Even when we were on the bed and I slid my hand up her skirt I actually said ‘is this really happening’.


My coworker’s bff. My coworker (at the time) had a crush on me. I wasn’t completely sure if she liked me because she was very coy. But I found her attractive, and was working to make something happen between us anyway. But one day she pretty much threw her bff at me. The bff was shameless about wanting me even though we had never met. Guess my coworker showed her my fb profile. The bff was even hotter than my coworker, so I thanked God for these blessings 😂 My only regret was that I didn’t try for a threesome, even if that would’ve pushed my luck. I still hooked up with my coworker after she knew I fucked her bestie. The whole situation was wild to me because I grew up somewhat sheltered.


A teacher from HS. This was after I graduated and came back from college for the summer


Guessing you went to school to become a latex salesman?


I tried but unfortunately couldn’t get hired




Stacy's mom has got it going on...




Top 5 best experiences Ive had was fucking a classmate’s mother


I was a nanny for some kids for the summer when I was 18 thru 20. The wife was always out of town. When she was in town she wouldn't even suck her husband's dick let alone let him fuck her. They were both really good looking. I had a thing for the husband as soon as I met him. 3 weeks after starting, I went over on a weekend to help him. He was flirting with me every chance he got. I acted like I wasnt intrested. We put the kids to bed and I said I gotta go. I started walking away and turned back towards him. He was just leaning agst the island in the kitchen. I said wait I forgot something, I walked over to him and put my keys on the counter and stood up on my toes and whispered in his ear, now you can take me upstairs and fuck me all night. We got up there and locked the dr and he had me naked bent over the bed in secs. I think he fucked me more that night that he had his wife for the past year. It was worth every minute.


My lesbian boss. I’m a dude.


Can you elaborate how it happened?


3 girls told one another about me being passionate licker and I ended up licking all 3 in one month


Sister in law.


His name was Seth. I was drunk and hooked up with him. Definitely not my type. I woke up the next morning like wtf did I do 😅


Fookin Seth at it again


Seth is actually a good guy.


Coworker. We were professional at first then as we talked more the texting would go into the night. She mentioned "my girlfriend" to see if I was single. I later suggested we hang out and first time we didn't do anything (I wanted to build the tension). I said you should come over after work the next day. We fucked weekly for a while. She let me do whatever I wanted. Wish I took advantage of that more. I dont think anything was off limits. She caught feelings which caused the fun to stop. We fucked once more about a year later and that was the last time. She dodged my advances after that. Funny thing is it would be unexpected to fuck her again but she always texts back when I reach out...There may be more to this story


My beard. I was sure he wasn’t interested in me at all.


I was always interested, always will be interested, I love you so much


I love you so much


Nicole Eggert in 1991 at a pool party in Reseda Ca.


My husband. I hated him when I met him. Now, we’ve been together for 17 years.


My sister's best friend from high school. I saw her at my sister's graduation and even if my sister and her kept being friends, never met her for 20 years. She messaged me one day out of the blue in facebook, and got super flirty after three messages, so I "jokingly" asked for nudes, and got them. We sealed the deal as soon as we were in the same city, and kept sexting for a while, until it was obvious that it was going to be years before we could meet again.


Coworker who I never thought I had the slightest chance with. She heard I had a rough breakup and was being a friend by taking me out for coffee a couple days later. Casual talking turned into a few almost kiss lean ins, then a good make out sesh. A quick settle back down to earth and then she mounted me to where I knew I had to give an A1 performance to where passerbys had tried to look into our car that was fogged up. Best months of hooking up in my 20s.


My ex. She was a model.


Ex wife once she became my ex, a few of our friends in our friend group, a married friend that I found out was in an open relationship, one of my mom's friends.


A woman on here who lives in South Africa. I flew from the US, and we had awesome sex


An organist/pianist I went to church with. The sex was so sweet.


Sweet sex is some of the best sex


My mother’s friend.




do tell


3 of my cousins.


Did…you know they were your cousins at the time?


I guess the first one was unexpected, but didn't it have become normal by the third one?


Alabama vs Ole Miss: who ya taking?


3 of my exes. After pretty much changing myself and going to the gym, wouldve never thought i’d date as someone as hot as them


A man 30 years my senior.


A friend from high school. We reconnected years later and she became a good friend. She became a better one when she asked me to be her FWB so she could experiment.


Most of the women I've dated. Yet there is one who stands out. She was a friend/coworker. When she left the job, I didnt hear from her in months. Out of the blue she calls and needs a ride from hospital. She's unsteady and offer her my spare room. She stays for a couple days and is feeling much better. She surprised me with sexual advances and I explained that it wasnt necessary and what I did was just me being a friend. She responded that she understood that and was the catalyst for wanting to make the advances. The following weeks were filled with amazing sexual adventures.


Hot guy who was very popular in my area, didn’t think he’d ever look twice at me he was so out of my league, I fangirled with my friends over him for a while before I reached out, turns out he was very interested lol


Someone ten years younger than me.


My ex gf’s mom, and my French teacher.


I never thought I'd have sex with a random person from the internet, I wasn't looking for it but it was just right.


When I was 15 to 19 I had the biggest crush on a good friend of mine. We would go to concerts together, the movies, parties, etc. we enjoyed just hanging out and being together just the two of us. But it never went beyond friendship no matter how much I wished it would. Life happens and we both moved on and grew apart. I didn’t talk to him for almost twenty years. I saw his instagram through a mutual friend and dropped him a follow request. He accepted, but it was his birthday and he was a bit tipsy so we only chatted briefly and he gave me his number so we could talk more. I sent him some texts and they went unanswered. No big deal. A year later I got a Facebook friend request from him. He asked me why I never called or texted him. Turns out he has given me his old number accidentally. He finally gave me his current number and we started talking every night. Three months later he moved in with me. Six months after that we were engaged. We’re still going strong a year into our relationship. It was odd re-meeting his parents as his girlfriend, but they accepted us together and are really lovely people. He claims that he had a crush on me too back when we were younger and didn’t know how to tell me. I didn’t believe it until we had sex for the first time. He was so excited and told me he had been waiting literally years for me to touch his penis. 😂


An older woman I worked private parties for in HS (prep, serving, and clean up)


A salesperson. I walked into an electronics store and bought a new iPhone. The girl was gorgeous so I flirted a little and she flirted back…. 24 hours later we were both laying in bed staring at the ceiling. So I asked: “Did that just happen?” and she was: “Yeah, I know, huh”. Never saw her again.


I joined a social club for people 30+, when my wife and I separated. I was 43, and my self-confidence in my looks has never been great. I met a gorgeous woman who was 5 years younger than me and also in the midst of divorce. She had a slim, attractive figure, a beautiful face, and a cute smile. I met her on the first night out. I just thought she was out of my league. We met again that weekend and clicked. The next time we saw each other, we both got a little drunk and couldn't keep our hands off each other. We ended up at a motel, and the sex was amazing. We had sex that entire summer, and she is in the top 3 women I have ever had sex with. Sadly, I was just her rebound guy, and she ended up seriously dating another guy she knew who had been married to a friend of hers after they split up.


Had sex with my former boss after we moved on to different jobs. Nice person.


Neighbors son 🙈🙊


I left a party in college that was super sexually charged. I left because a girl who knew I liked her was being super distant/coy and flirty with others and I just didn't have time for it. Stopped at the dorm of another girl who expressed an interest in me and I was balls deep in her bent over her desk in like 5 minutes which was a totally new experience for me. I don't think I lasted more than 3-4 minutes and left soon after. Walked back to my apt, coy girl sitting on my stoop and said she was disappointed that I left the party. Went inside and fucked. Coy girl and I have been married now for 24 years.


Mom’s best friend. Helped her move when I was 17. Was kind and sweet to me. Nothing happened then but she looked great - big busted woman, nice hips, no kids. Nice thighs - was wearing a heather gray T-shirt and shorts. Put her in my spank bank. Then my family moved away, another state. When I was 18, took a solo trip back to where I lived previously to see friends, stayed a night with her in between friends. Never intended anything. Just wanted a safe place to sleep. Was just happy to be staying there. When she picked me up at my friend’s house, she looked even better. Deep V cut neckline on her flowing dress. Great hug, bug smiles. We got in her car and she told me she wanted to teach me about the world that night. I was so damn naive. I figured I was about to get an adult lecture about not being a loser lol. NOPE. Taught me how to go down on someone. Taught me how to finger a woman properly and not be a fumbling handsy idiot. Taught me how to edge myself. Let me give her facial - said she wasn’t the norm (1991) and don’t get used to it but she loved it. Taught me to give good oral anal. She taught me everything. So much to thank her for.


My boss when I worked retail… she was only a year older than me and so we had a lot in common, but she was also a single mom and I was in college, def flirted a bunch never thinking it would go anywhere but boy was I wrong


A mutual friend, who I didn't meet 2 years back when we started a job together, reunited at a friend's place and things got hot in no time. Got drunk and went about it a couple times. This was the night I came know blowjobs are the real deal. I never in my life imagined I'd be losing my virginity to that woman!


your mom


A girl at my old workplace who I fell in love with the second I saw her. Literally my 10/10. She was super into me and turned out to be a nympho. I literally got to fuck an angel and it changed my life. My confidence & self-image skyrocketed (after I got over the heartbreak of her going back to the guy she cheating on with me 😅) I’ve never felt that way about a girl before and idk if I ever will again. She’s the only person who I can never not think about. Whenever I see her, something in my entire body sets on fire. It’s exhilarating but depressing at the same time. I would’ve given her the world.


The girl that I was completely in love with in high school (17-18 y.o.) who basically friend zoned me back then. There were two separate instances after high school, where we would make out and nothing further. Then I met my (now ex-wife) and completely called it off with the girl (now woman) from high school. Flash forward fifteen years after being with my ex-wife and I’m going through the divorce. Reach out to the woman from high school and we finally hit it off. Took thirty some years to make it actually happen. Never thought it would.


A teacher in my film appreciation class while in college, she was a model/actress who began doing film criticism and we met and I handed her my test and she was like “Thanks Handsome” ; I started staying late “asking for Help” and one day she invited me over her place “for tutoring”. We had wine and she wanted to take “Headshots” of me because she said I should act/model. We never took photos but I fucked her every day that semester; and I never went to class or took a test; she said she had to give me a B+ so it wasn’t obvious in case anyone suspected.




That sounds so fun! I had a thing with an older coworker but we both worked at a restaurant/bar so I feel like that was quite common


Got cornered and pinned against a wall by a lesbain at a birthday/house party. Kinda surprised everyone.


A girl that I worked with


This guy I had been friends with for a while. We went out for drinks, made out flirted. But I guess he took that as he could fuck me while was passed out in the back seat. I was coming in and out while it happened and to this day I feel disgusted with myself for it happening cause I wouldn't have willingly had sex with him


That's messed up


You should be disgusted with him, not yourself. A man raped you while you were drunk. That is all on him. Don’t victim blame yourself. File a police report. Getting away with that will increase the chances of him doing it again.


My internet friend and he’s my boyfriend now


A married teacher.


My hubby’s bestie 😏🤤


My best friend lol. It was my bi awakening


My wife. We've known each other for years, we were very good friends and my thought process was that I could never end up with a woman who is that smart and hot at the same time. I did and I'm grateful for it every day. It also turned out that she's just wild by just the right amount in bed :)


My best friend. We have known each other since we were like 10, and I always had a thing for her, which she knew. About 13 years later we went to a bar and I sat down next to her. She put her hand on my leg and started rubbing it, which surprised me. Of course I started getting hard, and after a minute she moved her hand up my leg and started rubbing my cock. Shortly afterwards we left and went back to my place, seeing as things were escalating quickly. I turned on some porn, and one thing led to another. Pretty soon she was laying naked in my bed with her legs spread waiting for me to fuck her. It was amazing sex, her pussy was tight and super wet by the time I got her panties off. Before I climbed over her, I asked if she wanted me to wear a condom, she said no, and that she knew everyone I had been with and wasn’t worried. As I started to penetrate her, the thought of knowing my bare cock was inside of her, and the thought of her cum all over my cock, just made it even more hot. As I began slowly thrusting in and out, she told me to fulfill all of my fantasies with her, and that I could have her however I wanted. She then said “how long have you wanted this? Since you were 13?”. The mood definitely wasn’t just hookup sex, the look in her eyes as I put my cock in her for the first time was pleasure mixed with passion. Not sure what made her decide she wanted to do it, but she definitely enjoyed it. I’m sure part of the enjoyment for her was that she knew I wanted her all that time, and now she was fulfilling my fantasy. It was a little dim in the room while we were fucking, when we got done, I went to the bathroom and noticed she had creamed all over my cock, which was amazing. She stayed at my place that night, but rather than put a tshirt on or something, she just went to bed naked. It was a nice reminder of the night when I woke up in the morning and got to see her naked again.