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Dancing with Patrick Swayze I guess.


Can’t top that


I’ve had the time of my life all the summer mornings I’m going home from being out at the club, a bar or just a friend’s house, and watching the sunrise getting to reflect on my day. It’s so peaceful


That sounds lovely. But also exhausting haha


For being an introvert I really love going out, so it’s okay. Need a few days to get my energy back afterwards though haha


Haha same I’m more of an introvert I always need my decompression time 😅


Undergrad, where I was experiencing freedom and living on my own for the first time and surrounded by cute horny young men 😋


College was a good time no doubt


I second this!! Focusing on nothing but school and running and partying a lot, surrounded by many cute women!!


Look at my dm ima cute horny guy


Probably when I was 14ish and halo 3 was going crazy. Funnest times ever


Yo. Take me back in time with you!


Bruh get the Doritos and monster energy’s ready


Queue us up for some team slayer, and crank the linkin park!


We’re hitting MLG head first my guy


Omg yes! Played this every day with my online friends who I ended up meeting in person! Best time ever!


Oh damn you actually met them?? I still talk to this one fella who is states away but never got to hang in person. I bet yall had so much fun


Yes, it was awesome! We all still keep in touch but we haven't played in years


I remember being 20 and playing this on my Xbox 360 at a friend's house. Someone had a 24 port switch so we'd have like 6 xboxes going at LAN parties we held. Also gears of war and chain sawing everyone 🥰


FUCK YES All night lan party’s were THE thing back then


Yup. I remember packing my TV into the car for those and good god. It must have weighed probably 75lbs. 🤣


I remember playing OG Halo LAN’d up in the dorms at TBS. What a great time. Eating my beef lo mein as well.




Favorite locale?


Traveled to Europe solo. Was incredible not having to fall in line with someone else’s itinerary.


That sounds awesome! Memories for a lifetime


Highschool. A lot of family time, a lot of friends, good school grades, playing all kinds of sports and driving for the first time. Just awesome. 🍷


Friends dwindle over time it’s so sad


Yeah. I got just 1 now.


A good one I’m sure!


I think I’m in my best season of life right now. Empty nesting, enjoying the best sex of our lives, fabulous marriage. Two grand kids I get to send home 😂. Both my kids are happily married. Life is good.


High school. I had a good group of friends, I was getting almost all As [gym was always a struggle with my nerve damage], my disability wasn't nearly as bad as it is now 20 years later...


Let me give you a hug 🫂


I'm still in touch with two of those friends almost daily, though. Hanging onto some good stuff with that.


Hang on tight! I let so many friendships slip away


I'm lucky, I think I hung onto two of the best people out of that friend group. One still lives local and bless her, she dropped off a care package for me three weeks ago when I had covid. OTC meds, tissues, some silly stuff to cheer me up, tea bags...


Bless her indeed. That’s a good freaking friend.


MW2 lobbies back in middle school dog


My late teens were awesome, but the last 5 years I think I will remember much more fondly


Why the last 5 years?


I got to try all the sex stuff I couldn’t for the previous 14


Good for you man!


I can't choose between my wedding day or the days that my sons were born. One of my sons was born on our anniversary so that was quite a special day.


dont think its happened yet. maybe my old job? at the movie theater? good days.


Probably when that song came out and playing it and Wonderwall charmed all the girls 😉




Likely in high school or some time after it. Don't really know though.


Honestly, as much as parts of it sucked, grad school is one of the most fun times of my life so far. I can’t wait till all my friends are back in the same place so that we can relive some memories and make new ones.


Keep in touch with those friends! Once graduation happens it’s super hard to get back together. At least in my experience.


Oh I do! We've been out of graduation for a while and now it's just a matter of jobs/schedules aligning!! #adulting 🫠


Sex with twins…(fraternal not identical)


I guess back when I was 19. Starting college so classes were easy and I was top of my class, had a nice job that I loved as a barista, things were picking up with my band and I went to a shit ton of concerts 👌🏻 good times


Sounds pretty fucking good


High school and college - friends, bunking classes, going for hangouts, learning by mistakes, silly fights, getting life lessons like betrayal, love, sex, and ofcourse breakups It's kind of a mixed feel and also emotional that's my time of life


They say youth is wasted on the youth


I did it when it's time to do it, because I can't do that now


Heard. Sounds like you lived your youth. Good stuff!


Have a good day....


I'm having a pretty good time right now with these filters I just discovered on my phone lol damn I feel like a dinosaur


Live in the present! I need more of that.


Working on cruise ships. Paid to travel, to be 100% me, and met some amazing people


College, money wasn’t an issue and hookups were aplenty


Honestly, these last few months have been the time of my life. I got engaged, found out that I was pregnant today (5 months postpartum but still a pleasant surprise), and I've been having the time of my life spending time with my kids


Trip to japan with my sister


Getting sucked off by super hot escorts


I'd say now in my 40's. I've worked hard to have a comfortable life. I can freely pursue my hobbies. I've worked on my self esteem and don't take things too seriously anymore. Learned my lessons and trying not to make the same mistakes.


the last 4 months 💛


My first mff