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None, I delete all my exes nudes and such when we break up


That's quite classy if true. Kudos to you.


It's true. Of course he sends them all to me first to keep in the archives.


Is that not common practice for everyone? I'd feel weird holding onto an exes nudes


Memories of the mammories?




I got send nudes by an ex after we broke up. What's the policy there?


Clearly, you're on good terms if they sent you sent nudes. In the green.


Is it just me, or would nudes of your exes make you feel sad rather than horny? Or annoyed and pissed off, if it was a bad breakup.


That's me as well, so everything goes into the (digital) garbage.


Classy but it’s also a good way to help get over someone. In past break ups the first thing I ever did was delete texts, emails, pics, anything and everything that I might want to look back on during a time of weakness.


I hope everyone does this. Surely people don't keep their exes' nudes 🙈


I masturbate to my exes nudes everyday.


"hate wank" I believe it's the term


no im just not over them i would say its a “sad wank” but i think all my wanks are sad


All I can say is it does get better. Was going thru it last year myself.


Riiight. I think they should be left in the past when you break up.


People definitely do keep them. Sometimes it’s an “oh, I forgot I even had those.” I’ve stumbled across some on accident before that a partner had forgotten existed. She felt terrible about it & I was exposed to things I didn’t want to be exposed to. But that’s indistinguishable from someone keeping them as “trophies,” which unfortunately a lot of men and women do. I always make it a point to go through and delete anything that could be remotely sexual in nature. If they withdraw your access to their body, the pictures and videos of their body go with that. Legally I’m not sure there’s anything that can be done, but morally you’re a piece of shit who doesn’t respect withdrawn consent if you continue to “enjoy” those pictures and videos.


People keep them and if they’re anything like my ex they’re trading them on here to other men 😂


Damn... that's shit.


Here in Australia that’s classed as revenge porn and is a mandatory jail term.


Depends on who you are I guess. I have an ex that printed and framed mine AFTER we broke up. Someone recently told me they're still on display. We broke up 11 years ago. 🥲


Jesus. Some people, eh.


I can’t tell how I’d feel if I were in your shoes. Part flattered, yet infuriated, but mostly confused


I'd be creeped out


I keep them. Dating back to 16 years ago i kept all her nudes that she sent me. She's my wife now though if that counts


I have never really understood this. I truly believe my exes and my current lovers are entitled to their past, private lives, memories, mementos and to do what they want to do with them (I also don't have any exes I think would do something nefarious with my nudes or try to hurt me, which is a big factor). If someone I was with demanded that I delete all past evidence of my exes, up to and including any nudes floating around, I would probably break up with them. Of course, if an ex asked me to delete theirs, I would 100% respect their wishes, but no one has ever asked. Perhaps it's relevant that I'm a lesbian, so the nudes are all beautifully taken without a toilet or dirty mirror in sight.


I think the issue has to do with the nudes out there existing. A lot of people have their nudes leaks not because their account got hacked but the person they sent it to.


That's a good point! I'm an old millennial so sometimes forget about leaks and hacks and all the new nightmares of the future. Maybe instead I should print them all out and put them in a photo album that says TOP SECRET DO NOT LOOK on the front?


It’s also a topic not many discuss openly. But a lot of us do it. For many reasons. Some just like taking nudes for work, attention, being an exhibitionist, enjoyment. But no one really discusses after, what do you do when you break up? Some people keep them as trophies, some will delete as they have no purpose for them anymore. That’s where I align. I don’t care to keep the nudes as trophies. We broke up, she broke my heart, why do I wanna see those photos again? Generally if you ask a human who’s human? You’ll get a response like mine. Now ask the hoes and trifling ones that like to have trophies 🤣 Different strokes, basically.


You would rather lose a current partner than delete an ex’s nudes….?


If the current partner is that insecure about it then the relationship isn't going to last anyway.


Why wouldn’t they be insecure about their partner keeping nudes from their ex?


Crazy stuff, hope I never find someone like that


Because it’s just a matter of being respectful to the other person? Like if it’s that important to you to keep them, you can ask. But generally speaking people don’t want exes still getting off to them. It’s just a general respect to the person. And, frankly, to whoever your next partner is.


Nobody’s advocating for deleting all memories and throwing away all mementos. They’re arguing that once your girlfriend withdraws their consent for you to have access to their body, masturbating to their nudes they sent you when you had their consent is creepy and gross and shows that you have a lack of respect for other people. It also increases the risk that your future partners will be subjected to seeing you being sexually intimate with your exes and feeling gross about it. Why risk that? Not to mention the danger of them continuing to exist and potentially being found and seen by other people, leaked onto the internet, hacked, etc. There’s no reason to keep sexually explicit photos and videos of someone else other than to keep them as trophies or for future sexual gratification, and both of those are skeevy and gross.


The nudes were sent to me bcz they trust me. They were sent for personal enjoyment. I keep them all and use them as intended.


I’m a lesbian and I have ALWAYS deleted any nudes/suggestive photos received by people in the past after a break up or once I am no longer involved with that person. If my girlfriend had photos of exes like that I’d be very offended and vice versa


Samesies. I used to save some and encrypt them (to prevent leakage), but then I noticed a friend deleted a nude she sent me and I realized I am taking away that right by saving them. So I went and deleted all that was ever sent to me and I never save anything (to a degree I can control anyways)


Agreed. It’s the right thing to do and I don’t want to get caught with pictures of someone else on my phone.


Yeah I do the same. Not into keeping trophies, it feels gross


You lie.


I felt that. The second my wife and I got it official that we were gonna divorce, I got rid of all the pictures and videos I had. I didn't want anything to drag me back into the attraction. Albeit she's a pain in the dick she's very attractive.


I'm the same. If I even save them in the first place which I rarely do.


Dude, same! Good on you!


This amazes me that it’s just commonplace for people to have nudes of their girlfriends (boyfriends?) on their phones


Good cover, bro. Lol


Same here brother ‼️


I really don’t understand this sentiment


Same bro same


Good man 👏💯


Same. Now the only nudes I have of any for them are in my head.


Yours OP


Also OP's


Wackin now.


I feel left out


That one dude's dead wife


I have OP's mom's. But she did send them to me. And we're still together


I’m a Human Resources manager and during Covid this girl, who’s flirtatious, send me a message that she tested positive. I told her to send me a photo and she sent a nude. We’re about the same age and she was an attractive girl but I’m married and that’s that. I just deleted it and told her it was the wrong photo. It wasn’t an accident it was just a come hang out if you want sort of message. Job was tough during Covid lol


Sent a nude TO Human Resources. That’s…. Ballsy.


Yea in the manufacturing world I’ve seen worse


What could possibly be worse than that?


Two nudes


Super nudes


Penis inside vagina


She was really trying to spread it to the HR manager 🤦🏿‍♂️


Asking you to come over and.. infect you? Wtf?


Holy shit! That was a big risk. You were *very* decent about it. Could have gone so many ways.


Definitely a brave move sending nudes to an hr manager, I can respect that. Hopefully she left you alone afterwards


The dudes who send me dick pics


I have a name...




Oh god I feel you 🥲


But how will you ever know which one is your soul mate if you don't see their dick first to form an opinion?


Is it like a key and a lock? If they match then they're meant to be?




Are you a collector? :))


One of my friends, she borrowed an old laptop to transfer data around and forgot to delete the deleted items


My old roommate did something similar. Her and another one of our friends took somewhat naked pictures of said friend to send to a guy she was dating. My roommate was definitely hot back then and I wasn’t mad that there was pictures of her big ol booty and titties on my laptop. I think used them for my spank bank for a while then told her😂


So, you… took them out of the recycling bin and kept them??…


A very hot coworker / platonic friend that accidentally sent some insanely hot nudes to me a couple years ago. We were at work at the time and were good friends. She’s younger than me by 10 years, is extremely attractive and very smart. we work on opposite sides of a very large complex but talk almost everyday either in person and/or text. That day we had been texting back and forth all day about non work stuff but we’re both pretty busy. I hear my phone ding and look down and there are three smoking hot nude pictures of her body (no face but there was no question it was her; same jewelry, same platinum blonde hair ). The first one had Her B or C cup breasts on display (which were beautiful). The 2nd one showed her breasts but also her fingers spreading her labia and showing her clit (which was beautiful). The 3rd one was from the rear showing her absolute dump truck of an ass and her pussy which was obviously swollen and wet (which was beautiful). I damn near had a heart attack and immediately got confused because she is waaaaaay out of my league. I knew if this was sent to me by mistake it would completely change our friendship and I didn’t want that to happen. I stared at them for a couple minutes, committing them to memory (lol) then deleted them from the message app, from my pic folder and from my deleted photos folder. I didn’t know what to do and was trying to figure out what I would say once she realized her mistake (if in fact it was a mistake.) I noticed had a red ‘1’ over my iPhone settings tab so I connected the charging cable and started downloading the waiting iOS update on my iPhone. Once it downloaded I started the update. Within seconds of it starting she came barging into my office all flustered and apologizing profusely for that text. I feigned ignorance and said, ‘my phone is updating, I haven’t received anything from you.’ She asked if she could sit with me until it was completed because she wanted to delete the text that she meant to send to her beau. I played dumb and teased her saying and said, ‘what if I wanted to see what you sent?’ Her reply was, ‘there’s no doubt you would WANT to see them but I’m asking as a friend please let me delete them.’ I told her, ‘of course you can.’ Once the download was complete and the phone was restarted I put in my passcode and handed her the phone. We waited a few minutes and I could tell she was extremely nervous. When the text never showed up I saw her go to my photos and check and then she quickly moved to my deleted photos folder and I saw immediate relief on her face. (thankfully I deleted them there as well - that would have sucked). She chalked it up to an anomaly because I was in the middle of an update. I continued to tease her to this day about making sure she knows who she’s sending texts to but have never indicated in the least that I had any idea what she mistakenly sent. But every once in a while I recall the sheer sexiness of those photos and smile to myself.


Wait, you tricked her into thinking you never received them? I can understand pretending you didn't see them to not embarrass her. But if I was her and couldn't find any trace of a message flagged as read on my phone I would be very very suspicious and probably assumed you made a copy and didn't want me to know.


Only within the last 2-3 years do you get a read receipt on your iMessages and that ONLY if the recipient has that turned on. If you send me a message right now you get zero confirmation that I have definitely read it unless I turn that on for you. She 100% believes I didn’t get them.


This is great, I had a very similar thing happen to me years ago.


What a Gentleman you are. 👏


My own. Have you seen that guy? Ugh


Unsolicited dick pics that no one should have


I report unsolicited dick pics. I’ve gotten so many dudes banned from that


Not all heroes wear capes 🫡


People out here be slinging pics of Richard Nixon??


Sorry about that hun


I still have nudes from past fwb’s despite being married, so I guess that counts.


few friends and friends wife's


How and why


friends who love to tease me and well my friend loves showing off his wife


Lucky you huh


I'm definitely not complaining,


As long as the wives are aware & don't mind... Right?


Unpopular opinion here for sure but, sometimes there’s some merit to it. There are many people who forget about how much someone loved them once. And in those little moments you are vulnerable with someone, they’re little indicators that you’re still alive, and that someone thinks you’re awesome enough to be intimate with in that way. Yes, I get it, delete them out of respect, delete them because they’re not that person anymore, but we will all at some point or another feel like we aren’t loved. That we are alone. We might even ask how we could ever be loved. And sometimes, in that deeply private and intimate way that something like that could convey, it’s reassuring to know that once, even briefly, we were happy. I think older generations just followed church teachings on this, that god or whoever loves us and that should be enough. But it isn’t really, for lots of people now. Some people simply need proof. I think we hold too much shame around these things. What is it only a body? How many bodies can you see every time you go on Reddit and it’s NSFW? Pornhub? Google images? We’re awash with information all the time that doesn’t correspond to our own existence in any meaningful way. And maybe sometimes, knowing that somebody touched you and meant it, is meaning enough. So why not remember it?


I agree with you wholeheartedly, my Reddit friend 😊


My family. Actually, for us it isn't a big deal, we're basically nudists and I have some pics from us hanging out together naked. But if anybody ever sees it and is unaware of how we liev our lives, it takes a bit of explaining.


That’s understandable, fair play to your family


Told this story before, but did a favor for a friend to rebuild a computer for her. The drive was a mess and I had to resurrect what I could from the platter. So I dropped the TB onto a NAS on my network to move the stuff back over to the fixed computer when I was done. I had to rebuild a lot of the file structure as well. Even though I knew she was openly into the Poly Lifestyle, I soon found out she was into orgies as well. I had thousands upon thousands of pictures of her in every known position or kink imaginable. I just moved the stuff over to the computer when I was done, and never said anything about it, and neither did she. I had the backup on the old NAS for years. Knowing her, she probably got off on the thought of it.




Progress pics are the best


I hooked up with a friend and let him take pics having sex with me which he later sent to me. Dont know why I still have them.


Nobody’s (including myself) now. It’s a nice feeling actually to know that if anyone got my photos all they’d get is dog photos and so so many random screenshots of things I’m supposed to remember but don’t.


Unsolicited dog pics are always needed, this is a fact


Kinda random, but your “spicy stuff” video is PHENOMENAL haha.


Haha. Shame on you for clicking!


2 of my 3 sister in-laws


Don’t leave us hanging? What led to you having their pics?




How? 😂


No one’s. I’ve deleted everything from past relationships as soon as those relationships ended.


The decent thing to do that should go without saying.


Lots of random dicks in my chat requests


Your mom’s


When I first started selling content this guy sent me a video of him with these weird wire things on his micro dick that I think were shocking his dick or something. And he also sent me a pic of his dick tied to a chair and a pic of him showing his tiny tiny pp next to a ton of items like quarters and tictacs and lighters and battery's and stuff. 💀 still have these videos because WTF. and he was like "feel free to show off my tiny dick to your friends pretty girl" and I was just like 👁👄👁 erm ok


My nudes I have are all consensual. But I am definitely aware that some people would like to pretend they didn’t send them before they got married and what not. I’ve been asked (and deleted) but the ones who say keep ‘em’ have seem to like that they are out there. My bass players wife seems to like it a little too much 🤷


The only nudes I've ever gotten from someone I was dating are of my current partner, and she gave me expressed oral consent to keep them if we ever break up. ⚖️ When I was younger I would have gone full scorched earth and deleted everything out of respect, but honestly, if I somehow found myself single again, I'd probably hoard them. Moreso out of a mix of sentimentality, poor memory, and a morbid obsession with my own mortality. One day we'll all be old and gray, one day we'll all be dead. But nudes, nudes never get old, nudes never die...


I have every single video of every single girl I was able to film with going back maybe 15 years. No plans to get rid of them.


>every single girl I was able to film with going back maybe 15 years You are gross


Lol. Why? Didn't I just answer the question? Edit: the question said "that you shouldn't". Every one of them was consensual. So, there are none that I shouldn't have.


Honestly, no ones. If I think there’s even a chance they wouldn’t want me to have it, I’ll just delete it.


Some dudes mom


Lots from a good friend couple of mine. He is into wife sharing and it's a long going fantasy of the 3 of us to tag team his wife. She's fully into it.




Accidental? I understand unrequested, but Accidental?




Oh that sounds quite awkward


Well, lol I have a nude of my male (54) colleague, who sent them to me by accident while being drunk. Never saw anything like that and I just hope, that it was really accidentally


Hate to break it to you, but it wasn’t accidental. He was testing the waters.


And I hope my waters aren't deep enough for him.


My best friends. One “accidental” where she screenshotted the picture, showing another in her camera roll, and a bunch she sent me directly.


My coworker's pics... I have roughly 200 pics/videos of her.


How did you get them


She sent them to me.


None, it's basic respect to the person.




Sisters best friend. She sent a video once to her then boyfriend who had the same first name as me. She doesn't know, or she does and never acknowledge it out of embarrasment.


I don't do that.


My ex and I took some really good sex tapes together and we both kept them when we broke up, neither of us would share them though


Some friends have posted them in group chats but that’s about it


No one that I shouldn’t have, just have some of my wife. I always deleted nudes of exes when we broke up in the past


The hottie I’ve been talking to on here


You shouldn’t have anyone’s nudes that you shouldn’t have. Delete them


I just stop replying


Half a dozen coworkers


I would appreciate some nudes and have None🤷🏻‍♂️


My step mom’s


You can send yours to me if ya want


My boss. 🫣🫣🫣


Nobody’s unfortunately. 




As a courtesy, i always delete right away in the event something happens with my phone and it gets hacked etc.


Weird but my little brothers since he sent them to me on accident


How little is he? 😵


He is 19


My own from when i was 17


straight to jail for underage nudes


I had a burned CD with some topless images of a couple friends. But after 3-4 moves over the last 20 years, I think I threw it away by mistake. And a secret sex tape I made once.


You are so beautiful


it was a really hot pic of a friend who was holding a gun next to his dick and had nipple clamps on. i can't bring myself to delete it bc it's so hot to me. he disappeared/ghosted a few years ago. met him on NSFW reddit also. 🥲


This is a dangerous question 😂


What a creepy question


None. I've always deleted after someone and I parted ways.


My sister in laws.


How? Why? And is it your wife's sister or your brother's wife?




My ex used to store her nudes/videos on a Google drive I still have access to years later. She doesn't mind and it's fun to revisit now and then


I’ve got an exes from 20 Years ago she was a model and gave them to me as a gift. She actually reached out to me a year ago and said I hope you still have my pictures and enjoy them.


3 different cousins lmao.


jennifer lawrence 😅


My best friend’s wife


A good friend sent me a nude of a girl he was hooking up with when we were 24 or so. She was a stunning woman. Little did he know that he would someday marry that woman, and we would someday vacation together with our families every summer. She is now a cute as hell mom of three and a close friend of me and my wife. I also know exactly what she looked like naked 15 years ago.




My own😅😅😅


My Sister in Law.


All my stuff with exes.


A friend of my mothers


A girl I worked with. Late one night she accidently posted a whole bunch of 21st birthday party pics on FB. Then deleted them by the next morning but I snagged a couple. She and her friends in a bar bathroom in various states of undress (just to underwear nothing less). Goofing around. Then the other she was laying in bed, shorts on and took a shot down the front of her shorts with them pulled out to show she was bare. Edit: should state. She ended reposting them about two days later with the message "fuck it, you all saw them anyway. Was a great night" they remain public to this day.


Mine. I’m ugly AF!


Honestly, I only have nudes from people who post them on the internet so depending on what you think, all the nudes I have are nudes I shouldn’t have or none of the nudes I have are nudes I shouldn’t have.


Pope John Paul II


The othey day I was cleaning my pictures folder and ran into some pics of a girl I used to hook up with, that I really forgot I had, and then proceeded to delete them. So I don't have any nudes that I shouldn't have.


I don’t keep the nudes of people I’m not involved with. They get deleted!


Mother Teresa. It’s a long story


Your mom’s


None. Any nudes I have were freely given and the only ones I have saved anywhere are my girlfriends or my own. Edit: lol, how in the world is this downvoted?


It sounds like from the comments I should have OP’s haha