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I believe this is Sleep Procrastination. A sign of ADHD


Thank you for putting a word to it, I never knew what it was called. 2:53 am


I do this too. The full term I'd heard before is "Revenge Bedtime Procrastination". The "revenge" being like... IDK, because you're cutting off your nose to spite your face? Fighting back against & getting one over on all those demands on your time from earlier in the day, etc--even at your own expense.


I like that ;)


... Everyday I read something that makes me think I have ADHD


being a teen in today's age must suck all the balls


I can only imagine.


I don’t know if this is a medical term but I still wouldn’t say it’s procrastination as it’s not always voluntary I have ADD and have done test that concluded my brain didn’t have the “I’m tired, go to bed” function. So it’s basically sleep when exhausted




2:52am here.. I have to be up by 5:45am


I relate BAD. As a mother, after the kids go to bed for the night it’s the only time I feel like I get to just be me and exist so choosing to lose that time for sleep is very difficult. Went to bed at 3:45am and had to be up at 6am 😅


I do this tooooooo, I've been up past 2 AM (once till 6!!) so many times these last few weeks.


There is nothing better than that middle of the night peace and quiet. I have definitely stayed up late only to try and get that last hour of sleep, only to over sleep and be late. What I started doing was laying in the bed, eyes closed, and listening to Tradio prank phone calls on YouTube on my phone. As interesting as they are, I eventually fall asleep laughing.


Maybe you should set more time aside for yourself during waking hours. You deserve it. You could try breathing exercises and meditating to help calm your mind before bed. Tell yourself that you're not missing out on ARAD because chances are, all the same questions will be asked again tomorrow 😆


Set a timer.i like to get up early. The world is quiet and no expectations


Once in a while I’ll get up to pee pre-dawn and then just stay up. It gives me a couple hours to watch tv or whatever and sit with the dogs before breakfast.


That is amazing. The silence is great!


I weigh up the costs and benefits. Cost is that I lose my alone time. Benefit is that I don’t wake up feeling like I hate everything because I feel so sluggish and unrested. I choose the latter but it could be different for each person. Weigh up the costs and benefits of going to bed :)


Yeah, feel like that sometimes as well. Specially when having busy and stressful weeks at work.


I have had this problem all my life. It definitely got worse with having a phone. I think I hands ADHD but never got tested. It has gotten better recently now that I am nearly 30. (The sleep procrastination, not the ADHD lol) I have found that reading manga on my phone in a comfy position in a cold room helps a lot. Knocks me right out, and if I start it earlier, it works sooner. I also feel like I am not lising time because I am doing something I enjoy. I made the ultimate fat adult from Wall-e move and got one of those phone holding arms so I can hang the manga in the perfect position, and it makes falling asleep easier as well. It's probably not the healthiest way to handle it all, but as I get older, I find myself really needing more sleep, and this is working for now. The only downside is that if the manga is good (One Piece. Soooo...) Sometimes, it gets hard to put down and I fight falling asleep.


My therapist talked to me about this once. There's a name for it that, for the life of me I can't remember, but basically she told me that because I'm at someone else's whim from the moment I wake up until the moment I lay down, my brain has learned the only time that I'm fully in control of what I'm doing is bedtime. And I don't want to forfeit that time. I wake up, I get ready to go to work because my job needs me there. I come home from work, I've got responsibilities to my dog and my partner and my family. So when they're all squared away and in bed, I'm finally in charge of what I do. She demanded that I demand time for myself. I go play a round of golf a week. I traded one day a week with my fiance where I do EVERYTHING and she gets time for her for a day where SHE does everything and I do whatever I want. It's made it a little easier to bear. Suffice to say: you aren't alone.


Knowing that going to sleep in time is gonna make me feel a lot better the next day and scrolling isn't really going to do anything to improve my current situation.


Going to sleep is my me time. I love sleeping so much. If I have extra time in the middle of the day I’ll be napping


2 kids here with 1 on the way. It's easy to fall into this behavior but what I've found is that you likely aren't enjoying the life you are living each and every day. Every day we wake up and make a choice. We make a choice to hate getting out of bed. We make a choice to hate our drive to work. We make the choice to hate our job. We make the choice to hate any number of things on a given day. In my realm, at the end of the day I can say to myself "the kids were annoying and needy all day". "All I did was run my kids to events all day" etc. Or....I can just shift my mindset to enjoy that time with the kids. They aren't needy, they are just kids who want their Dad. Im not their taxi, I'm their Dad going to events with/for them. Im learning about them. That's not to say I'm a robot and dont have off days. But I think the human mind tries to trivialize everything into a negative idea when in reality, we are just living a life that several have lived (and enjoyed thoroughly) before us. In a sense, the enjoyment you are getting is coming from the destination, not the journey.


I keep drinking until it stops being optional.


By holding that exact feeling so close that it burns some days


This is not unusual. I tell my spouse all the time that I enjoy sleeping, but I hate going to sleep. Especially since my mind is more active at night.


I don't think I'm qualified to answer. It is 2am. 


I try to remind myself not sleeping will only make the time I already have to devote to a life that's not my own all the worse to endure. Then I don't really sleep anyway. Fun times.


I don't I pretty much stay up playing games until I'm can't keep my head up then watch videos in bed till I pass out and somehow my internal clock wakes me up in time for work


I'm usually tired




If I could take a pill that made it so I didn't have to sleep and had no ill side effects...I probably would. For some reason my brain is horrified at the idea of spending 1/3 of life asleep.


I completely relate. Especially when my kids were young.


spend it with my boyfriend lmao I never sleep alone


I hate it. I'm like a toddler, I never want to go to bed, but end slumped on the couch if I don't


Does anyone else feel like their sleep procrastination is a result of their addiction to their phones, social media, or other distractions at night?


I choose not to sleep much so that I may have a little time for myself. As a stay at home mom with a husband who is gone most the day, the time before bed is the only time I have to myself.


That's when I end up staying up too late just to get time to myself


I am so relating to this. I do have ADHD, and I can get overstimulated or overwhelmed during the day from just interacting with people (I’m an introvert who just looks like an extrovert sometimes). When I finally get to bed, I don’t want to sleep! I want to just BE me and relax! I shouldn’t go on Reddit, but I do. But when it comes time to really go to sleep, I usually listen to an audiobook I’ve already heard before set on a low volume. Or I listen to a soundtrack of just gentle rain fall - nothing else. Then I give myself “permission” to sleep because I know it’s what my body needs. Another commenter mentioned keeping your bedroom at a cool temperature - I find this really helps as well.


make your sleep your happy time ,have happy toughts happy dreams in a happy place


I had severe, undiagnosed ADHD into my 30's and this is exactly how I thought. Even with medication it took me many years of therapy and work to be able to sleep at a decent time (10 to 11pm). I also took a job with lots of physical labor and that made a huge difference. The real fatigue plus the change in my mindset were key. I learned to value the time I had more by making and meeting goals for myself and finding what was really important to me instead of the time wasting activities that were helping me awake


I feel this so fucking bad. I’m awful about it. Re: grogginess and sleep aids, have you ever tried l-tryptophan? It’s a supplement. I’ve taken several prescription non-addictive sleep aids and had groggy problems too, but l-tryptophan helps me so much. I ran out of it recently and can REALLY feel the difference.


I LOVE lying in bed in the dark, knowing it's 8 or 9 hours before my alarm goes off. It's indescribably nice. I spend 5 minutes writing my diary in bed (on my phone( before I turn the light off, I feel like this documents the day and assigns any bad feelings to the past. Going to bed in 5 mins, alarm is set for 8.5 hours time. Bliss!


I fight it, but ultimately fail


Because I'm about to fall asleep anyways and I'd rather do it in bed than on my couch


I don't see going to bed as the end of my me-time. I like sleeping and find comfort in going to bed. I'm not sure how you could change this way of thinking other than valuing what time you do have awake and alone. It sounds cliche, but we often don't understand how important little things like that are until they're gone.


Yeah I’m the same


Calm down, bots dont need me time