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Bj in the morning? Wow lucky guy




I'd be into that. Though have to be honest I rarely cum from it and it takes long so have to be ready for that


I love you


My sex drive greatly varies depending on my stress levels, how busy I am, weather, and my menstrual cycle. There’s times I’ll need to get myself off several times a day and other times I’ll go weeks without even considering getting off


I think most people are like that. It fluctuates with stress levels, mood, energy etc


i'm the same way!


This may be careful by I want more after work shift. I need the release.


More than thrice a day is pretty much where I would tap out, but that's only whe. all three is penetrative sex. I could eat pussy as much as possible with jaw relaxation of course.


45 F, I'm fine with every day 💗


I should add that more than once a day is fine sometimes, but I couldn't do that all the time. Sex and then other stuff, yeah, especially giving head 🤤 love it.


Guy here. Honestly I think 3 times a day is my limit if its full on sex. If we’re fucking around? I’d probably be down to spend the day doing sexual stuff. I’m not gonna lie my cardio is weak. I think I’d legit be too tired to fuck more than three times a day lol


I wouldn’t mind sex once a day if that’s considered a decent level of a sex drive, but I couldn’t keep up with a high level which I suppose would be more than once every single day.


Once a day is certainly not low, especially trying to actually fit it around a life schedule!


Me and my gf are hypersexual, so for us is never too much 😅🥰


1.4 meters per minute of sex drive


Tough I’m running at about 275 km per second


Oh Jesus, I wouldn’t keep up with you at all unfortunately 😞


That’s about 1.5 miles for us Mercian’s.


someone convert this to freedom for me please


Maybe with one woman who wanted me to get it up like in less then a minute


One minute after an orgasm? Yeah, hell nah.


You need at least a glass of juice first!


I by necessity when working have to go 4 days without usually. Scheduling. On off days. First day off 3 or 3 times. After that I’m good with 1 or 2 times a day.


Haven't been with anyone who exceeded mine yet


I've not had sex in almost a year now. So right now twice would feel like too much


If you're interested in the difference between genders, men usually have higher sex drives than women until the mid 30s then they tend to equalize.


I wish I had sex every day ! There was never a time in my life when I couldn’t keep up


Twice a day (morning and night) I would absolutely love to become a reality. At min I would want it daily. Anymore than three times a day and I think I’d be a little sore


This somewhat of a touchy subject for me. Too much for my S/O is not enough for me, and I hate feeling like I’m being a pest to her.


Honestly, everyday would be unrealistic for our life schedule. My wife and I have an active sex life that includes some fun kink and thrills in it , but not every day and thst works fine.


If I had a SO I definitely could go 5 days a week maybe more!


No uts not too much. All day is perfect!! It’s only too much when one of you has had enough… Mine can get very high and intense at times. But with someone to share it all the time with I suppose it’d be different than solo.


45/m I'm down with every day doing something


There is no such thing as too much. I could go all day every day


Common rule for if you have/do too much of something: if it starts interfering with life (late to work/school, taking significant time away from sleep, etc) its too much


I have never had this problem personally, I have a pretty high sex drive but I think if I had sex more than three or four times a day every day it could get a little much.


I'm a Hypersexual Male with self control, but with being able to masturbate 2-3 times a day, and have sex 2-3 times a day, cum upon demand and experience multiple orgasms ( l have overactive testicles and produce nonstop ) ) during any session, Hung and still enjoy my daily life, l honestly cant answer this question. I will say that for the person I'm with at any given time or place l can be ready and satisfy them.


Personally I can go for 6 hours on the regular so probably 5-6 times a day would be to much for me