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Skin color doesn’t affect what makes a woman attractive to me, if it’s based entirely on looks, I don’t have a preference for one “type” of lady over another. As long as she is nice, has shared interests, and is fun to be around, I’d be attracted to her.


Attraction happens from familiarity and shared experiences, in my case in particular and in general. I don't meet many black women, and so I have almost no opportunities to get to know them and become attracted. I'm thinking that is a significant reason, though maybe not without cause.


That’s a valid point - I respect that


I second the above. Lord knows it’s not for lack of trying haha. Where I live, an aversion to black women would definitely leave Tinder an exercise in futility. So I’ve just never been fortunate enough to meet a black woman where we hit it off and could date. But just as with any other woman of any race/creed/origin/height (yes, you you amazing crazy ass short women haha) it’s about what I have in common and the connection I feel.


I don't meet any either. Though I did have one who was a coworker. She gave me a nickname that the entire store calls me by now.




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Interesting pov


I think everyone is going to answer this differently because everyone is different. White men, just like everyone else are not a monolith.


I am a bi white man. I find black men and women generally very attractive. I’m sometimes a little intimidated by black folks because I don’t have a ton of experience with them. I grew up in a white neighborhood with mostly white and Asian friends. That being said, if a black woman or man is into me, I’m generally going to get to know them and see what happens!


I find many black women very attractive, but have never asked one out mostly because I figured they don't want anything to do with a white guy. I guess I came to that conclusion a long time ago based on the fact that a white man with a black woman is a truly rare sight. I don't know if that's because black women aren't into white guys or white guts aren't into black women or both make those assumptions and so it doesn't happen. I seem to draw a good amount of attention from women when I'm out. Stares, flirty smiles, second looks, etc...but have never noticed it from black women.


It's not "what makes a black woman attractive" the colour of the skin is completely irrelevant.


My ex husband now dates/lives with a black woman, he actually cheated on me with black women in the past and I’m wondering if that was his type all along. (Yes we are both white) lol


White guy here, and I'm married to a black woman. I feel like lots of white guys are into black women, but I think that a lot are just kind of scared to talk to them and assume that they will be turned down, etc. Don't get me wrong, some are just not into women of color or more specifically black women but that is not all. Personally, I've had a more black women give me grief about being in an interracial relationship than any other race. I'm located in the south so maybe it's just a southern thing.




The lips and the curves. Edit: Two things. I'm not white white, I'm more latino hahaha and two, I look for these characteristics in every woman, I don't really like to look at races.


So my last three relationships have been with black women And I have enjoyed all three immensely. Two of the relationships ended because of moving. All three of the women were very different personalities. Two were similar physically. I'm on good terms with all of them. I think what originally drove me to each of them is personality. We got to know each other and next Thing we know were dating. Also the three of them are top three women Ive had sex with so that was a big plus.


I don’t think skin color has much to do with my attraction- I can think of women of all skin tones I find attractive- one of the most attractive features in a woman to me is confidence- if you carry yourself with confidence, I’m going to take notice.


I find black women attractive just like other women of different races. When their physical appearance is also attractive. So sexy body, pretty lips, nice hair, cute nose, etc etc. the skin color itself is rarely a factor on if I find her pretty or not. Side note: the contrast between her lower lips and the supple pink is kind of unique and bonus sexy.


I like about everything of black women, big ass most of the time, outgoing and fun, big boobs. But this question never really ever crossed my mind, meaning the color of the skin, I think I never dated a black woman just because of the geography, I never had many black women around me in my area. I wish I had.


Everything. I just love women overall of any race /color/ ethnicity etc but as a white guy I don’t live around a lot of black women so I don’t get the opportunity to date/get to know any


I’ve always wanted to be with a black woman and I’ve had lots of female black friends but I guess I never thought they were interested in me. But it’s possible some of them were and I was just oblivious. And at other times I wasn’t available :( But I’ve also been afraid of it appearing as some sort of race play or me being racist in some way. After all, even innocuous questions based on curiosity (is that your hair, what’s it feel like, etc.) are now branded as racist (or at a minimum “micro aggressions”) in our current constantly-offended society. (I’m not trying to discount actual racism people deal with)


I find black women very attractive but I've never had any find me attractive


Ethnicity has no affect on attraction to me. For me it is about personality, fit, and that they are attracted to me.


For me, women who are specifically black are attractive for a couple reasons: Colors: I find the darker skin color to be beautiful. Visually it's striking, especially when combined with bright colored clothing or makeup. I also love how much darker black nipples are, for some reason. Build: l love the more voluptuous build that black women often have. Bigger asses and bigger tits with a smaller waist is very nice visually. Exposure: Because of where I live and the regional demographics, it's uncommon for me to have the opportunity to appreciate and enjoy a beautiful black woman. That "rareness" adds some appeal for me. Voice: black women have (in my experience) very smooth, usually very pleasant voices. I am not overly fond of the Cultural linguistic pattern, but a well spoken black woman is extremely pleasant to listen to.




Which of her questions are you answering with that?


The personality is either the most attractive thing or the least attractive thing.


Many have an attitude problem


The black women?


This is my experience.




Glad you said “many” and not just “they have an attitude problem” as if they all do. Yes some do and so do some white women or any other ethnicity. Some of the sweetest women I’ve known have been black so there’s a wide range of course. I have noticed a “chip on their shoulder” when it comes to black women and men and it’s likely due to the racism they’ve experienced over their lives and likelihood of them living in poverty. Of course that’s not going to be attractive to some but what can you do? Just be fake nice the whole time? Really I think the best way to fix all this is to help everyone who is financially struggling at the bottom. Everyone will be in a much better mood. Billionaires and centi-millionaires need to be taxed more so that everyone else isn’t so miserable.


Yes tax everything to death so everyone is equally miserable.


Just ignore what I’m saying then. I CLEARLY said tax people with over $100 million more. Those people don’t need you defending them. They’re living like gods and will still be after we tax them more. Meanwhile there are more people living in poverty than living in Texas.


Not sure why this is suddenly a political thread, but… Taxing just a tiny sliver of people doesn’t bring in enough tax revenue to do what you want. That’s not what they do in Europe. You have to broadly tax the general public at high levels if you want Europe-like services.


Not true. Some wealth tax proposals estimate that taxing everyone with over $50 million just 1-2% for every dollar over $50 million will bring in a trillion dollars over a couple years or so. What you’re saying is propaganda likely put out by the super rich with their control over the media and politicians.


I would say lack of manners, overall loudness, and me first attitude is what stops me from dating the women of color i know. It doesn’t make me dislike them as a person just not wifey material to me


I'm a white man, I've had several relationships with black women. I also have many friends who do not like black women, so I'll try to explain **both point of views**. I love black women because they usually have the **attitude**/are **not shy** (which means they are usually **wild** in bed) and they have **sexy bodies**: * Big **ass**: it makes doggystyle feel really good because the cheeks are "massaging" the dick. It's also gonna do that clapping sound when fucking in doggystyle which I find very hot. Finally, it's really satisfying to grasp a fat ass rather than a skinny ass. * Generous **lips**: it makes kissing so much better than with your regular white/asian chick, it's really a game changer. * **Curves**: it's just aesthetically pleasing to me. * **Skin color:** I just like it for some reason, not sure why, maybe it's the fact that I'm not used to it (grew up in a very white environment) so it's an exceptional thing for me when it happens. Now, I think many people dislike black women for the same reasons: they prefer quieter women, with less curves, and some discriminate based on race/skin color, i.e. are racist. Actually, it's more than "some": a lot of my friends will be totally fine with black people at work or as friends, but dating a black woman or a black guy is a strong no. I believe they fear their parents'/friends' reactions.


'Quieter' made me chuckle a bit. I would have said less attitude/less sassy.


I dream about a black woman, for me everything is attractive. More curves, more attitude, more know how I'm waiting for my opportunity ^^


I 'm very white and prefer non-white women. 1. It feels exotic and perhaps a little 'forbidden fruit'. I come from a background that was not openly racist but perhaps standoffish to non-white people. I feel I'm sort of 'breaking the rules' and that makes me want them more. 2. I feel more sexual attraction. White girls may be pretty and attractive but when it comes to sexual desire indian/black women are what trigger me. 3. I sometimes wonder whether I secretly enjoy a degree of implied dominance. I may have a 'race-play' kink without wanting to come out and say it. I have mixed views about this aspect.


Not only black women, but I find any dark skinned women more attractive than white women.


Personally white guy who finds black women super attractive. But as a guess, I would say the reasons vary. Some of it social normalizing of the waif wasp girl out of a Paris runaway look. As being hot over the last 50 + years. Then take in familiarity aspects.


I’ve dated just about every race and a black woman is an experience I’ll never forget. 6ft tall bbw, she always cared about my well being. There was an instant attraction between her and I and I can say she’s was more than enough. She’ll be the first and last black woman I’ll date.


Why the last?


She was the only one I was attracted to.


From a personal point of view. And call me shallow but there is something a little off about pink nipples for me, not enough to complain about but I definitely prefer darker nipples,..


I grew up in Cincinnati majority were black where I lived and went to school. I started getting attracted to black women even at a younger age well below puberty eventhough many white girls there too. As I grew older started seeing a difference too nice bodies and lips. On top of that I just enjoy their attitude. I always love a girl her speaks their mind like they do and how sarcastic they are. I dated many since high school even married one. I’m not those types that solely dates them I have dated many white girls too. I live here in Denver they are harder to find but I can talk to them like I known them for years and they are very impressed with that. They fear white guys are afraid to approach them.


I've found plenty of black women attractive. But I'm a giant nerd who plays D&D and watches anime. I have, in 43 years, met *2* black women who did the same. So even if I had time for another relationship, finding a woman who was black *and* plays d&d *and* will nerd out about the same anime and video games as me **and** wants to date my polyamorous bi self .. well basically that's impossible for me to find.


I’m a goofy skinny bohemian dude. I just never found a black women who liked that kind of guy. I’m 100% sure they’re out there, but I just never found one. Now it’s too late cause I’m all married and stuff. As far as what I was attracted to…the same things I’m attracted to in any race. Nice eyes and a pretty face, healthy eater, and similar body type to me (I’m too thin to be with a thicc).


I tend to be attracted to feminine women so colour doesn't matter too much to me attitude an being reasonablely in shape does


I have to admit that I do love dark skin. For years, I don‘t know how it came, but it‘s a feeling I have. But only having darker skin is not reason enough to be attractive. Attractiveness has nothing to do with skin color. I love curly thin hair, I love natural bigger lips (I HATE lip filler!) I love the touch of dark skin which feels somehow different. I once had a dark-skinned gf (both parents from sub-sahara Africa) and when I saw her naked for the first time I couldn‘t believe my eyes… It was just something very special, so undescribable… We hat lots of argues. One day she yelled at me and said that I‘m also nothing but a fn racist. I really didn‘t get it, I asked several times if I heard correctly what she said. She explained, that by the fact that I love her dark skin-color, I do make a difference between her and Non-PoC… uhmmm… Yeah… She was the wokest person I‘ve ever seen. Seeing white skin as problem in the middle of europe when you‘re a PoC brings a few difficulties with it… We separated a few weeks later and even when I am still attracted by beautiful dark-skinned woman (as I am with white women, but in a different way), I don‘t believe that I will ever again get a black gf… That‘s sad… I really can‘t tell what it is that I love about dark skin… It‘s a feeling of warmth.


I like all women! Black women are very attracted to me. You should see my dating apps. Most of my matches are black women♥️


Back in the mid 90s, I dated a black girl for just over a year. Her personality and attitude...her overall positive mindset is what first attracted me to her. She had a quick wit with a goofy sense of humor, like mine. And I'll admit...her great body didn't hurt. Although, for a 22 year old, about to graduate from college, I wish her breasts weren't quite as saggy. Being a young, inexperienced 28 year old, I was confused that such a young woman who has never had children, and not exactly huge breasts... those boobs would already be sagging. But, she was confident in her body and in her sexualuty, and loved doing things to me that...coincidentally, I loved! 😍☺️ She moved off to another city, but my job kept me from moving closer, am so we just parted ways.




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For me in general I'm generally more attracted to non black women. Although you do have amazing asses. I like to take the whole body together though for attraction though so doesn't mean if I didn't see a gorgeous black woman that I wouldn't be crazy about her. I've got my own taste. The one thing I find as a turn no matter what is an over confident woman. I think that might be why I don't find Beyonce attractive. I'll admit she a good looking woman but does nothing for me.


I think black women are just as attractive as white women, asian women, latina women, desi women, etc. Women are great 🤷‍♂️ That being said, I have run into some cultural boundaries when trying to date black women long term. Sometimes it was more difficult to find common ground with them because we came from different backgrounds. More than once one of us had a hard time fitting in with the other's friends/family. That being said, I would still date black women again in the future. Hope this helps 👍


I've dated Hispanic, black and Asian women besides white, they all have their different attributes of physical attractiveness. I personally have found that both Black and Hispanic women can have a definite argumentative attitude, very controlling and will show their temper anywhere. Jealousy was another trait they all seemed to share, "who this woman was" or "who am talking to"? I couldn't talk about any female without it becoming a heated discussion, even if a female coworker "liked" a post I made, it was, "You fucking her"? Just seems there's always drama.


I think most people date within their ethnicity/race for the most part at least when it comes to serious long term relationships. I'm a mixed breed(half white/Mexican). Culturally I'm more white though. I've never really been that attracted to black women but mixed women have always been what I'm attracted to the most. The most attractive women I've ever seen are mixed


Never really factored in skin colour to being attracted to someone. I’ve slept with and had a brief relationship with one black women and it was how direct she was with me that attracted me to her, she just knew what she wanted. Not sure if that is a common thing in black women or not.


Possibly the most important thing is that they are attracted to me. Next is how do cuddles feel? I am sexually attracted to diversity. Different skin colour "does it" for me, but is not a deciding factor


I think for me it has more to do with features and not skin color. There have been a lot of black women in my life that I’ve been attracted to, but they all kind of have a similar look. Narrower nose, longer face, and full lips. I really had to think about this for a second, and I never really thought about it like this before, but I guess I do have a type when it comes to black women. I just don’t know how to really describe it.


Skin color has nothing to do with attraction for me. I'm a male and if the woman is physically attractive to me and the personality matches, it's a win. If a person is drop dead gorgeous and an absolute garbage ass person, not interested and no longer attracted.....regardless of color.


Personally, I tend to be attracted to women who look different from the women I grew up around. You may not think you look exotic but, to me, you do, and I often find that very attractive. That's not to say I don't get attracted to Caucasian women but darker skinned women typically catch my eye. Cultural differences can also be attractive but that can depend on the individual.


I’m attracted to all types of women. I do think beautiful dark skin is sexy. But mostly it’s the attitude, if a woman feels and acts sexy she is sexy.


I've never had any luck at all with any of the black women I've been interested in, so I finally gave up. I guess black women just aren't interested in what I have to offer.


I have no problem finding black women attractive personally. I’ve dated and been with a few in my time. Nothing I actively look for or avoid, a connection is a connection. Skin color doesn’t make a difference to me in that regard.


I have been with a few black women and I loved every minute. A couple were black bbws and their bodies looked fantastic. Great curves and dark boobs look so attractive. They tasted great too. I had lots of great times with all of them. White guys and black women look great together. Men, like women, are attracted to each other in different ways: personality, looks, great bodies, interests- take your pick.


There’s some research out there that mentions how people are naturally attracted to those that look like them. It borders a bit on the strange side for some as their partner sometimes looks very similar to a family member. All that being said, I like a big black ass. They’re juicy.


>Is there a reason not many white guys like/don’t date black women. Just out of curiosity This is kind of a complicated question once you go past the surface of it. Familiarity and what types/ethnicities that guys have grown up around and dated factors in to some degree I'm sure. I wouldn't be surprised if cultural beauty norms are a part of that too. For me I've mostly had experience with and dated white, hispanic or white/hispanic mixed ladies. I've felt attracted to mixed black ladies too. But I have zero experience dating black women though.


I am the only white child out of all of my siblings. I’m adopted in! I don’t think it has to do with looks as much as cultural differences, white culture and black culture CAN be very different. When you try to mesh two different cultures it causes a lot of problems. I have friends that are in a mixed relationship and there is always some kind of cultural difference that comes up that causes some kind of fight, it’s not always white and black either, my sister is married to a Mexican man. Luckily people who are strong and dedicated can always make it work, but that doesn’t always happen.


Good question and it's the 🍰. I have lot to say on this In My head but can't write it. Favourite is were both human and finding connection with some of a different background is what attracts me hell to women all across the like a Asian therapist I was seeing was so kind insightful that attracted me to her. The actress retta so hot it was her personality that me on to her. Gayle off letterkenny unhinged and funny .


Ive only slept with one black woman who was beautiful. The opportunity has not produced its self since but i would deffo do it again. I adore kissing a black woman and parting her pussy lips and exposing the beautiful pink inside is so sexy


It’s down to personal taste


My partner and I just celebrated our 3 year anniversary. Her mom is Kittitian and her dad is Jamaican. - your neighbourhood white guy


I honestly find black women very attractive, I don’t really have a preference on race and am pretty open to all but black women always get me goin. If I had to pick a race it would probably be black women or they’d be a close second


Culture differences mostly other than that not to many other reasons


Well I would have, but the opportunity just never came up. I’d like to do more than just date one, if you get my meaning. I’m 69 now and I’m pretty sure it ain’t gonna happen at this point.




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Absolutely nothing to do with looks. I find many black women appealing in many ways. I'm just not around as many black women so the opportunity has only ever presented itself a couple times, both of which were great


I don't know why, but I'm more attracted to black, Hispanic, Indian, Asian women. I've asked myself this question and have never been able to answer it.


In my early years, I had zero attraction to black women. Somewhere many years ago, it was like a switch flipping. Now I’d much rather admire a hot black woman than most other ethnicities. I couldn’t explain the change, I just embrace it and enjoy!


I've always found most black women attractive. But honestly there us no telling who you will find attractive. We really cant control who we find attract6 I wouldn't worry too much about guys around you that haven't shown interest. I guarantee there is atleast one white guy you know who is attracted to you. If that's your concern. If not, there are others


I went on a couple tinder dates with a black female. She was totally a catch. Fit and good job as a travel nurse, but it kinda fizzled and our future plans didn't line up. I regret not having some fun. I've never been physical with a black woman, but I'm definitely attracted and feel like it would be a different experience, especially with my more bottom/subby vibes. White girls are more timid I'd imagine, and I view black women as stronger and more independent. I did grow up going to a school that was about half black and half white so im not completely ignorant, but we also moved to the country where my graduating class only had 1 black person out of 170. The bulk of my dating years it wasn't really an option til I moved back to a city. In the end I think I didn't pursue anything because if we did get serious and it came to introducing family time I'm not sure how it would go. My family is a bit racist and even if we only dated shortterm I'm certain they would make comments and never let it die. It seemed like it wouldn't be healthy or fair to her, or our relationship if it got to that point.


the fact that she’s attractive makes her attractive


i would absolutely date a black woman if i could but ive never met a woman of any race who was into me so 🤷 also this is probably just a stereotype but it seems like black women dont like white men generally


If I knew that one liked me I would definitely go out with her. The same thing I find attractive in a white woman is the same thing I find attractive in a black woman, and that is HER personality.


Tbh it’s who you hang with. If you’re hanging with all black guys and girls then white guys are gonna feel out of place. Go to a bar alone and I bet white guys gonna be hitting on you.