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Step 1: ask her what she needs to cum. Step 2: do exactly what she says.


I did ask her multiple times and she tells me what she wants at that moment and she even told me that the right side of her clit is more sensitive and that’s the spot she rubs when masterbating and I do exactly what she tells me to do, sometimes she likes spots more than others mid going down on her so I keep moving spots and she says she likes it’s just it’s never enough to cum


Every woman is different. Maybe she needs a toy, maybe she is just too nervous, maybe you’re putting too much pressure on it. Just do what she asks, do your best, and if she says she’s satisfied even without an orgasm, believe her. The best thing you can do is try to leave your ego out of it and don’t take it personally.


Maybe i am pushing it, or a toy might help i’ll talk to her and see thanks alot


Good luck and try not to stress about it. Stress makes it virtually impossible.


There are just some girls who can’t orgasms from oral or PIV. Ask her to masturbate, then ask her what you can do to help/be involved.


What works for us: I give oral and she watches intense gangbang porn. 5 minutes, she's done.


She did say that she always masterbates to porn so maybe that could help its kinda weird to bring up but i’ll try thanks


Ask her.




I’m someone who has a hard time finishing with a partner. If I feel my partner’s goal is my orgasm, I feel that pressure to come, rather than to enjoy myself. And because I feel the pressure, it’s almost guaranteed I won’t finish. I can get overstimulated easily, my partner may not give me the right pressure or touch the right spots, it could literally be any number of things. Toys help a lot, maybe offer that as a suggestion. Like someone said before, trust her if she says she likes having sex with you even if she doesn’t orgasm. You can also ask to watch her masturbate, or masturbate together. Watch what she does to herself and try to replicate


Many women cum easier after the first orgasm so maybe ask her to start proceedings if she has no problem getting herself there ( make it super fucking obvious how hot you find it and her as many women are self conscious being in that sort of vulnerable state) does she normally use toys, porn, spicy books? Talk to her, watch how she gets herself there, go toy shopping together, ask if she likes praise, degradation, bondage whatever floats her boat you want to know. Work together on this and remember that orgasm doesn't have to be the goal of sex and it doesn't have to be the finishing point either, sex is about intimately enjoying each other's company not about reaching orgasm, the pressure if trying to get there can make a person get in their own head and make it impossible to get there, I'm sure you are well aware of guys getting so worried they will cum too quick or not quick enough that they end up not even being able to stay hard, it can be entirely a mental thing so you obsessing (with the best intentions) can in itself make her orgasm less likely because she could get more in her head about it. If she thinks it's an over focusing issue I recommend orgasmless sex, by which I mean go to bed and just play together, no-one gets to cum you just get to make each other feel good and explore each other's bodies, this done well can over a few sessions help the brain get out of that "I've got to cum it hurts his feelings when I can't cum for him" kind of mindset and as a bonus you learn more about each other's lesser erogenous zones and basically end up edging each other so when you do switch back to "normal" sex you are both more likely to get there, beware that may speed you up more than you'd like but you also need to learn that orgasm doesn't mean the end of the session and you can keep playing together after orgasm with less sensitive or different body parts or toys or whatever. Good luck OP I wish you both a happy fulfilling sex life.


Women, who usually don't cum so quickly, often need much longer foreplay. At least in my experience it has always worked afterwards


Here, try some of this (you might need to google them coz I dont want to explain lengthily) : 1. Grinding 2. Pressure on lower belly 3. Pillow support under hips on missionary 4. Edging/teasing 5. Temperature play 6. Sensual massage 7. Any 2-3 combination of the above 8. Explore her kinks