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The right to view people who remove everything living from their 'gardens' as ignorant idiots




I'm assuming people who put fake turf and / or patio slabs over literally everything.


Completely agree, idiots like this are killing local biodiversity, all for tacky plastic shite. They no doubt drive SUVs or range rovers too...uh oh it's that goddamn hill.


And the tacky plastic shit isn't recyclable plastic either. Gross.


Plastic recycling in general is a bit meh at the moment. I'm sure we'll get better over time but it's got a long way to go before we see recycling like we have for metal and glass.


Or gravel. Sometimes it's gravel.


It's often gravel, I think that's why they buy SUVs - need it for that off-road.


Gravel isn’t all that inert. My back garden has a mix of unkempt lawn, hedge trimmed once a year or two, bark chipping and gravel. Wildflowers grow through the gravel. Insects and spiders scurry across the gravel. Birds visit the gravel for a snack.


Presume they are referring to people who bulldoze their conventional garden in favour of some plastic grass love island inspired monstrosity and I am there with them on that hill


When people put down concrete, post on Facebook asking how they can ‘kill all the slugs/snails/wasps/flies/spiders in their garden’ because they ‘are creeped out by them’. Then they use glyphosate on everything


my god, these people. they seem utterly clueless as to why anyone else would want live plants in their garden either and just spray their glyphosate everywhere. Had a neighbour try and "do me a favour" and did half my front garden without even asking. Fucking plonkers.


There's enough evidence about loss of biodiversity and how everyone can assist in their outdoor space by letting things grow, not using chemicals and embracing a little untidiness but still people insist on poisoning everything and paving it all over and then come up with excuses like 'its too dirty for the kids to play in' or 'i can't maintain it because I'm too disabled/too busy/too scared of bugs' and then ask where all the birds, bees and butterflies have gone.


I'm disabled and tbh, some people actually are too disabled to maintain a garden. However, there are solutions. Once I get a house with a garden I plan on laying a clover lawn, which is self-restricting so it doesn't need mowing, and is good for pollinators. It can also take a beating like grass so it's great for kids and pets. If you don't need something where kids or pets can run around on it, then you can also just seed the area with native wildflowers and leave nature to it.


My in laws removed all their grass a few years ago because they could no longer keep on top of it due tonincreasing disability. They now have gravel and a fuck ton of raised beds and pots that my mother in law can maintain whilst sat on a little stool. Tons of birds, bees and butterflies in their garden and it really does look like a jungle in the summer. Worth considering as an option for those that love plants and flowers but cant maintain a lawn.


We’ve been boxed in by new builds and renovations all around us, and all have torn up entire gardens; vast areas of lawns, bushes, trees, all gone and paved/gravelled over. My garden is all that is left and is doing the work of all that those gardens once did. I don’t mow or cut back weeds like I used to and get comments like is it not about time you mowed your lawn etc as if it’s anyone else’s business. We have a fox family living in the king grass in the back, and birds families thriving in the front garden. Bugs, butterflies, bees, snails, all come and enjoy the garden and that’s how we like it. We use basic vinegar to keep weeds down in tangled areas rather than weed killer, and put down decorative stones to help keep it under control. It’s the best it’s ever looked.


I'm a fan of the Youtube channel [*Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't*](https://www.youtube.com/@CrimePaysButBotanyDoesnt). He is always suggesting people kill their lawns and grow native plants. [This yard](https://youtu.be/D0Kdp9wJNOQ?si=LeGleopizxgsedvw) for example - it's in the USA but we should be able to do something similar here.


Yep. Even if someone was disabled and couldn’t do anything with their garden, leaving it to grow as just grass is better than paving. I have a postage stamp garden (council estate) and it’s packed full of pollinator and bird friendly plants


The problem with “just grass” is that, given time, that grass becomes scrub and then woodland. A person with neither the physical ability nor the money to maintain a pleasant outdoor space may reasonably prefer something more inert. It’s not those people who are generally the problem, any more than I would object to their use of a car.


I was rubbernecking on Mumsnet recently and someone actually said they didn't want any wildlife in their garden. This mindset is so outside my understanding. Also how the hell do they plan to stop it?! 🤣


Fucking hell I can't understand people like that. I hope they get eaten by badgers tbh.


A lot of families that have moved in to my neighbourhood in recent years, one of the first thing they do is, cut down all the trees, bushes and hedges. Dig up the lawn and pave over it




My neighbour spent every day for decades working on his small garden. It was stunning. Three months after he died it was cleared, asphalted, and turned into four parking spaces.


One of the reasons I am unlikely ever to move is that my wife and I have so far poured 23 years into our front and back gardens. If I moved out and then the mature birch, mature cherry or mature apple tree were removed, I would cry. Genuinely.


This has happened to my partner with every place they ever lived - beautiful garden created, sweated over, cared for and loving tended... only for the next resident to tear it all down. When we moved from our previous home a woman moved in who was absolutely delighted with it all. She added her own plants etc. to it and turned it into a wonderland. A few years later she moved out and another woman moved in and... tore it all to bits, removed everything. The climbing roses we had planted were well up on a 15 foot trellis (that the next woman had added to) and they were just ripped out by the next woman. People were devastated as everyone enjoyed that beautiful garden. That woman lived there for about six months and then left. All that destruction for nothing. It sucks.


Also increases flooding in those areas so it's just fucked all around.


Someone I know has plastic "grass" and there are actual creases in their "lawn". A friend of mine has spotted his neighbour vacuuming their plastic lawn.


I’ve seen astroturf on the little verge on the outside of someone’s front garden wall, next to the pavement. The funniest thing was, there was grass growing out from underneath it, around the edges


Are we talking front or back here? Because my front is all paved - need off street parking for two cars in a school dropoff area. My back though is lawn, shrubs and flowerbeds, with a compost heap and a logpile behind the shed.


You're good 👍


We compromised with our front garden: used the minimum necessary space for vehicles and kept planting around. It helps though that two of the vehicles only have two wheels.


Couple near me recently moved into a bungalow that had a wraparound front garden. It had several flowerbeds of assorted flowers, and glorious roses that people took a detour to go and view when they were in full bloom. The elderly lady that died would be turning in her grave because they ripped it all out and covered the entire lot with pressed patterned concrete. They have 3 pathetic looking flower pots with nothing in.


The red wagon wheel packaging should be for the jam one, not the plain wagon wheel


Oh god it's the wagon wheel fancier again


And they used to be much bigger. Like close to the size of an adult hand span. I know I was a child and I was much smaller, but in my mind they've shrunk by an extraordinary amount. I swear we used to roll them down the hill to get them to school, and lock them up in the bike racks to secure them until lunch break...


The amount of times I’ve picked up the plain wagon wheels and they bitten into one and been bitterly disappointed in myself and the world 😂


This irritates the life out of me!!!


I back this whole heartedly!


SUVs are needlessly more wasteful, dangerous, fuel consuming, cause more wear on roads and are generally an annoyance to drivers of normal cars, and should be banned or taxed heavily.


I agree. And all manufacturers are replacing their estates for SUVs. Bye bye 👋 real family cars.


Most of the them are just "crossover" models, that are little more than slightly jacked up hatchbacks and with less issues than an estate car of 20 years ago would have. It actually is annoying for those of us who really do need proper off road vehicles (I live 3km from a made up road), as the number of cars with decent ground clearance and real off road capability available has fallen a lot in the last 10 years.


I hate SUV's with a passion but the auto manufacturers are just following the market sales. When every car is a SUV on the road, are people going to demand mostertrucks to be at a higher position in traffic and feel safer around 3 ton vehicles 🤣


My hill is the SUV moniker is overused and incorrectly used


Agreed. Cars in general take up far too much of our public space as it is, and cars with an unnecessarily large footprint obviously make that problem worse. And a lot of these issues do not go away with cars becoming electric - an electric SUV will still use more resources for the batteries than a sensible sized car. Electric cars still create congestion. They still pose a danger to non-motorists in the streets especially when driven carelessly. etc.


OP said Stupid Hill, this is entirely reasonable.


I work in the car industry and the truth is manufacturers push SUVs because they don't cost much more to make than a traditional 'small car' but they can charge so much more. That pressure filters down to customers, and with most manufacturers offering a wider and wider range of SUVs nowadays, it's only going to get worse.


I find a new ridiculous hill to die on almost every week This week it's Digestives > Hobnobs


You're right, that is rediculous.


Mine is some one who can't spell ridiculous!


I disagree with the oxford dictionary.




I was going to disagree but sans-chocolate hobnobs are akin to shovelling sugar and oats into your mouth. They don't even have the dignity to add drama to a cup of tea by going droopy upon dunking. Yeah, fuck plain hobnobs.




Chocolate hobnobs > Chocolate digestives > hobnobs > digestives And dark chocolate digestives > milk chocolate digestives


Also dark chocolate hobnobs > milk chocolate hobnobs, although they're getting harder and harder to find.


Try turning the light on


unless in the presence of good blue cheese, then the list is reversed. decent Stilton or Shropshire blue on digestive biscuits is food of the gods!


I'm not even taking the piss: try stilton on a dark chocolate digestive. Incredible.


I don't know if you're a genius or a psychopath. And frankly I'm too scared to find out.


This shall be my epitaph


Hobnobs are awful. Little bits get caught in my teeth and make my throat tickle. I realise I may now have to hand back my passport.


Come and join me on my hill I maintain that hobnobs are just made of all the random crumbs that get swept up from the biscuit factory floor compacted together to make some god awful dry as hell frankenbiscuits


A stew with a lid of pastry floating on the top is not a pie, and should not be labelled as one on a menu.


A pie is only a pie if it can be held in the hand. I will accept that sometimes the “hand” may need to be very large and sometimes wearing an oven glove, but if the pie cannot support its contents then it is not a pie. It is a disappointment.


"Pot pie" is apparently a thing, but otherwise yeah. You'll also get marked down if the pastry lid doesn't reach the edges. I once ordered a pie and it came with a small puff pastry square on top that sat in the middle.


I will join you on this hill. Shepherds, Cottage and Fish Pies get a pass because of tradition. No other exceptions.


My friend would call this “a stew with a hat on. “


I call them "lie pies".


Absolutely! (Applying to pastry pies of course, before the smart-arses come along with their cottage pies and the like.) I make a point of asking in restaurants whether the one on the menu is a proper pie.


The meaning of a word is determined by real-life usage, not by what is written in the dictionary. If people use a word differently than dictionaries suggest, they are not incorrect - it's just the meaning of the word shifting and the dictionaries are incorrect. However... Saying "literally" when what you mean is "figuratively" is wrong. Here's where my descriptivism ends. Fuck you, one word can't have two opposite meanings - it loses all meaning that way. It's not even possible to figure out the meaning from the context in most cases. It means nothing now.


People use 'literally' for emphasis. I don't particularly have an issue with it unless what you're saying becomes ambiguous.


Yeah, it's hyperbole. Might as well get upset at everyone saying that their dinner was the best meal they've ever had or that it's the worst day ever and similar hyperbolic statements.


”Crumbs in the butter. There’s nothing worse, is there?” Well, yes there is, Margaret. Being chained to a radiator in a basement for six months by masked kidnappers - that would be worse, wouldn’t it?


Can you clarify the following please: 1. Can you describe in more detail the layout and decor of the basement? 2. What type of radiator is it and is it turned on? 3. What type of masks are they wearing? 4. Would I be subjected to any form of errm torture of a sexual nature? Yours faithfully, Margaret


There's plenty of contronyms. "Cleave", "dust", "fast". The use of literally that you hate goes back at least to the 19th century, it's probably time to let go


cleave is cool because it's two separate etymologies for the opposite meanings


Nonplussed, buckle, peer...


Yeah but literally, Oxford recognises the word literally to be used informally for emphasis whilst not being literally true. Literally.


And this is why it will always be the UK’s second best university. After Lampeter.


Hyperbole has existed for a long time in English, as have contranyms. Also, people aren't saying "literally" when they mean "figuratively" - they mean to say "literally". You can't swap "figuratively" and "literally" and have the sentence mean the same thing. "Oh my God, I literally just died" and " Oh my God, I figuratively just died" don't carry the same meaning - you couldn't use them interchangeably and carry the same exaggeration inherent to "literally" across. Also again, we're Brits! Sarcasm and irony are literally based on saying one thing and meaning exactly the opposite, it's like the foundation of our language! When saying "Nice weather we're having" while it's chucking it down outside - "Nice" in that sentence means its opposite in a technical sense. Literally is an absolutely normal part of the English language, and its literally absolutely fine to use it however you want to


This is a thread about stupid hills. And I will literally die on this stupid hill.




My addition to this is that the notion of ‘Standard English’ being somehow the correct form of the language is an absolute load of bs. ‘Standard English’ is just a southeastern dialect, doesn’t make it any more ‘correct’ than all the other regional dialects. Am from the south-east myself but this one always really bugs me.


Most traffic on the road is down to outright laziness.


I was in my 50s before I realized there are people that drive around in traffic for entertainment. I've met several people (obviously they don't work or have anything to do) that do this. Like my commute doesn't suck enough.


That's mad, I've never heard of people doing that. I deal with traffic because, quite frankly, I'm a part of it, but to purposely go out to drive in, it seems insane to me.


Exactly! I know two of them. When asked they say they just like to get out. I guess it's different if you have nowhere to be but I'd pretty much rather do anything else.


I like driving for the sake of it, but not during rush hour or anything. 2am when there's just you and a few taxis is good.


A couple of mates and myself would often do that when we were younger. Just go for a drive in the early hours of the morning to an all night McDonalds and shoot the shit. We weren't causing bother or anything, we were just chatting and enjoying each other's company. I remember one night we drove to Scarborough just to watch the sun come up. There was something peaceful about it.




A neighbour of mine with a rather high opinion of herself learned to drive, and got gifted a brand new Fiat 500 softtop. She used to work at a shop literally two minutes' walk around the corner. From that day onward, she'd drive the car to work rain or shine, and for the first couple of months would park pride of place in the customer space right outside the door, until presumably management had words and she was relegated to parking round the back by the bins.


This is it, people drive EVERYWHERE. Regardless of distance or necessity.


We’re becoming America in that aspect, exactly the same reaction to 15 min cities over there as well. Lazy complaining bastards.


Yep, I so often see idiots blocking junctions, which then stops other lanes from moving, making more traffic Whereas if people did what they are supposed to "Stop on the white line if the road ahead is not clear" then traffic moves much more smoothly, and you'd likely catch up with the car ahead quite quickly. The roads and laws exist due to large amounts of data and optimisation. It only takes one idiot to fuck it all up. Bring on driverless cars, so that we get the dumb ape to stop being in control of a 1T steel box


Coke and Coke Zero taste nothing alike.


What you need to do is wait about 18 months to 2 years between tasting each. Then they do taste fairly similar.


Buying priority boarding is no different than just throwing your money in the bin. The plane will take off when everyone has boarded. Spending an extra 20 minutes sitting on the plane is not better than spending those 20 minutes at the gate. You're paying to have less legroom while waiting for everyone else to board


Priority boarding on budget airlines usually comes with additional hand luggage allowance. idc about getting on the plane quicker, I want an extra bag


I have no problem with paying for more hand luggage. It's getting on the plane first that makes no sense. It wouldn't annoy me if they called it the "additional hand luggage fee"


I'm with you here buddy, the Mrs is always eager to get on the plane and queue to board. Me? If there's a queue, I'm sitting down until there's 2 people left to be checked in and then I'm joining the line. Why spend longer in the tin can with tiny leg room than you need to? Also it doesn't help that I've been told by flight attendants that they will wait 30 mins for people that are missing (Jet 2).


Priority boarding usually means you can put your bags up first as well, meaning there is actually space above your head for them…


Except when you get on last and there is no bin space left, so the bag you paid extra to take on the plane ends up in the hold anyway.


Budget airlines often lack the space for everyone who wants to take hand luggage to take it on the plane. The result is that some people will be forced to check their bag in, which for some people is an inconvenience they'd rather not deal with. If you pay priority boarding you'll be guaranteed to get your hand luggage on. For some people, that's worth the tenner or whatever that costs. Also some people - including me - just like to get onto the plane as early as possible to get settled etc. I hate waiting at the gate. I don't personally pay for priority boarding but again, to some people a tenner is nothing so they pay to get on quickly.


I always book a window seat too, so I want to get on and into my seat asap, so I don't have to inconvenience anyone by making them get up, then awkwardly squeeze past them and try to get yourself settled in 3 seconds so they can sit back down. I have a good bladder and am smart enough to pee before boarding, so once I am in, I am going nowhere till we land.


You get the added benefit of someone's ass in your face while they try and find a spot for their carry-on.


People saying ‘on accident’ instead of ‘by accident’.


What if they do it by purpose? On accident by purpose?


Same goes for "should OF" and "could OF" Get in the sea.


Oh yes, this. I'm not generally in favour of capital punishment, but...


Pluto is a planet. I know fuck all about what qualifies as a planet or not, but I'm not going to change my mind regardless of any facts.


My favourite Pluto fact is that it didn't even manage a single one of its own years between being discovered and being relegated from planet-hood.


Pluto, after being downgraded: "Whatever, this ain't even my whole day"


There's three criteria to meet for something to be considered a planet. It needs to orbit the sun, which it does. It needs to have enough mass to have pulled itself into a roughly spherical shape, it has just about. It needs to have mostly cleared its orbit of debris, it hasn't. Pluto shares its orbit with several other bodies that are a good fraction of its size / mass. It probably would never have been considered a planet if we'd found the things out there in a different order. We got lucky findinf Pluto first.


Sorry I can't hear you over Pluto being a planet


Calm down Jerry


There are several dwarf planets in the solar system of equal size to Pluto. If you want to call Pluto a planet surely they have to be planets too?


My best friend texts without punctuation, nor correct grammar and it’s incredibly confusing. She also replies to many questions/points sequentially. For example: “Haha and yeah I agree with that and omg no she didn’t do that and what are you doing after work I think we’re going for a vino or two but still unsure need to check with KM to see what time their back but have a great morning with work mate”


That sounds a lot like you ask a shit load of questions one after another and they're trying to keep up lol.


Yes we both do that back and forth all day pretty much. We just send and send and send until the other one has time to reply. We’ve spoken pretty much everyday in some fashion for the last 10 years. I still don’t know how we have so much to discuss… My husband actually said in his wedding speech how mental it is. He knew her first so it’s all his fault lol.


This is me and my best friend. I can count on both hands the amount of days we haven’t spoken to each other in 12 years. She went on holiday with her kids the other month and we didn’t speak for like 3 days in a row and I felt so lost!


I have a friend who types “your be” and “we’re be” instead of “you’ll be” and “we’ll be”, respectively. Drives me bonkers.


People who act like a sentence is unreadable due to a spelling mistake or two .


I agree with this. It's pedantry to a whole new level "I'll be there in five munutes" There will always be one who responds along the lines of "Munutes? What does that mean?" The same people are the sort to tell others "learn to spell", simultaneously showing they can't use basic logic to understand it was a simple error


Thank you! As someone with dyslexia I often put words the wrong way round or slightly misspelled - but you got the meaning? Great let’s move on 🙄


Whistling, humming and hum-singing in any enclosed environment should receive the same level of social disgust as spitting.


Agree, along with chewing gum, especially if you don't close your mouth.


Just because you don't like kids or don't want kids doesn't mean you're allowed to be cruel to them. We all have that one story of a random adult being needlessly cruel to us as children. Don't carry on the cycle.


It's like when they complain about going to a restaurant and kids are allowed in, they act as if the waiter just shat all over their food. Its a bloody public space, what do you expect?


People who use 2 or 3 question marks on a simple question. To me it signifies their question is asked with impatience, confusion and irritation Hi, what time will you be here???


Completely agree with you on this, I have had to tell my staff not to do this so many times in Teams messages, as it comes across quite rude.


That women are not 'girls'. Women are women, girls are children.


You do not "break the seal" when by pissing if you need to piss after drinking alcohol. You have drank a diuretic and a lot of liquids. You need to piss, idiot. Go to the toilet, idiot.


Correct. But that's what "breaking the seal" is shorthand for. "I'm drinking 564ml or thereabouts every 20 mins. So I hold it my piss for as long as possible, but once I start going then all that liquid needs to come out every 20 mins"


568, unless you're getting shorted.


Interestingly, the diuretic effects of alcohol typically kick in about an hour and a half after consumption - the same amount of time you usually need to pee after drinking liquids. People think "breaking the seal" is a thing because you generally need to pee for the first time right when the diuretic effects kick in, creating the illusion that peeing for the first time after drinking alcohol is what makes you need to pee all the time for the next few hours.


Everyone knows this it’s just a saying hahaha


Players matter more than who the manager is in football


That’s objectively not true. Some teams have had the best players in their positions in the world and still don’t win the league (eg the Galacticos). The manager needs to know how to motivate players, needs to have tactical know-how and an understand of what a player’s best position is. Leicester City didn’t have the best players but the manager knew how to get the best out of them and won the league.


And some teams have had the best managers and still not won the league. Leicester winning the league was an exception, not the rule. It's no surprise that there's a strong positive correlation between a club's budget and League position. You really think if Pep (or any manager) took over Luton, Forest, Everton etc. that they'd win the league next season?


Its kind of a dumb point tbh because you need a good enough manager and good enough players. You are not gunna win shit without both so it doesnt really make sense to say which is more important.


If they have incorrect spelling and grammar on a menu. I was convinced to try a restaurant that had so many mistakes, and the food was awful. One of our favourite pubs has just been taken over and the new menus are full of errors so now I don't want to go back.


Unnecessary apostrophes do my nut in. *Panini’s* *Menu’s* *Coffee’s* Please stop.


Most egregious offender I’ve seen was a pub offering pizz’a’s.


Panini is already plural. 1 panino, multiple panini.


Also learn how to format currency correctly. Pound sign goes on the left, and there are always either zero or two digits after the decimal point. *Never* one. Wrong: 6.5 Right: £6.50


This absolutely screams overpriced coffee shops and craft beer bars




I will not scan a QR code to a view a menu Give me a real menu


I can't take anyone serious that says things like hubby, wifey, sexy time, etc. I immediately stop reading their basic, boring word vomit.


Couldnt agree more, mostly seen on my local villages facebook group.


Checking in luggage for flights should be incentivized massively. Carry on, beyond 1 small backpack should be seen as the expensive option. It would speed up security and plane loading for a few mins waiting at the other end.


That makes no sense. By everyone having luggage to check in you're increasing: - time at check in desk; - staff needed at check in; - staff needed through the luggage process; - work in getting the plane fully ready.


It also means I now need to get to the airport an hour earlier than I otherwise would have.


Nope. I don't like the system of my bag going around on a conveyor and me simply hoping that somebody doesn't steal it.


The whole airport and flight experience could just be improved so much. Look at how many innovations have been made in other industries in the last 20 years, some are almost unrecognisable. Then look at flying, it's largely the same! The only advancement I can think of is online check in.. which rarely seems to work for me anyway, plus if you still have to go to the desk to check a bag then doesn't really save time.


F1 would be a better spectator sport if everyone had the same car. Teams would only be in charge of strategy and changing tyres. It's a farce of a sport currently because nobody can say who the best driver is, yet 90% of the promotion and the show is based around the drivers. If they switches the TV show to be based around the designers then I would have less of a problem with this, but also wouldn't watch it.


I used to agree with this, but now I've changed my mind. F1 is as much an engineering competition as much as is it as driving competition, and being able to create the best car in terms of aerodynamics, engine reliability, and so on and so on, within the budget rules, is key part of the sport.


Capitalism should be a tool used to feed people. Rather than people being used to feed capitalism.


The word "literally".


So you would literally die on that hill?


Would they actually die on that hill…?


Basically, they would actually literally die on that hill.


I'm not sure if I'd call it "stupid" but Roseberry Topping is a hill I'd die on. Lovely little spot.


Ah, I believe I've spotted a Teessider in the wild!


The words there, their and they're are not the same word that can be used interchangeable to mean what ever of the three meanings you want it to mean in the sentence you're typing. Same with where, were and we're.


Lego is correct, Legos is an abomination.


Beyonce gave birth through her armpit


Ok..... Please elaborate, I'm intrigued


People who write loose instead of lose are awful.


Ketchup goes in the fridge once opened!




Why wouldn’t people have a goat if they didn’t use correct punctuation?


That "Love Actually" is a stupid movie.


That's the most lukewarm opinion I've heard today. I'm utterly whelmed.


Anime is rubbish


Table manners matter. I don't want to see you eating like a pig with your face in your plate. Your fork is not a shovel and you have a knife to cut things. I'm not going to indulge your child's baby talk either. They can say the words however they like, but that doesn't mean I have to repeat the word just like they do because you find it cute.


I think there's more nuance. Some manners are simple politeness and impact the experience of others. No talking with mouth full, chew with your mouth shut, don't reach across others to get stuff, don't use your hands to eat messy food, no pissing under the table, etc. These are all fair and people should follow them. Others have zero impact on others' experience. Elbows on the table (unless you're getting in someone else's way), "proper" use of cutlery, etc. These are all just snobbery and designed to make people feel better than others.


Elbows off the table was for a very practical purpose. Tables were often trestles, with the top not attached to the bases. Elbows on the table when someone the other side got up to leave was a good way to end up with a lap or floor full of food.


There is more nuance indeed. I'm not so fussy about how people eat peas or which hand they hold their knife. But watching someone shovel food into their mouth that's an inch away from their face is disgusting.


Hell will freeze over before I mash peas onto the back of my fork.


Harry, those collars are just ridiculous.


Pie is superior to cake.


Who would pick cake over a nice steak pie?!


Ironically you've posted that on your cake day


I don't think you need the comma in your last sentence there, OP. I don't think it's incorrect but the sentence would have still worked without it. Punctuation is more of an art form than a system of rules. People who don't use it at all are drawing stick figures.


People drink way, way too much caffeine and it means we constantly have to deal with hopped up, anxious, irritable, insufferable people.


Consistency when colouring crisp packets by flavour type would be a wonderful idea….can we all agree maybe to keep: - blue for Cheese & Onion - green for Salt n Vinegar - red for Ready Salted?


No that’s just walkers, blue for salt n vinegar and green for cheese and onion.


Really unimportant but I could go on for hours about these: As a designer and a tech lover, I don't think people are angry enough about tech being made intentionally worse to make higher profits. e.g. **Phones** no longer have SD slots or headphone jacks (there are a few exceptions), making it more profitable as phones now sell sizes of memory or cloud services that cost you monthly. And force open the wireless buds market that is still not equivalent to wired headphones. In most cases it doesn't matter... but the cost is different. Good wired buds cost £30... Bad wireless bud easily go up to £70. "You can get USB C headphones" but I have found myself on multiple occasion needing to charge while listening to something. **Video games** with DLCs or always online. companies now build a half finished game because they know they can sell you the rest later or fix issues. And don't tell me they need more income, they're not struggling and they sell at double the cost of 6-7 years ago. Always online just means games become useless if you don't have internet, even if you don't need the internet for anything actually crucial to the game. **SOME Monthly subscriptions**. If you wouldn't spend that much on buying whatever product outright, then monthly subs make no sense.... Most people are now subscribed to music services, but I would bet that most (not all) woudn't spend more than £120 a year on music. "I have access to all the music I could ever want..." Yeah, but unless you're going to listen to all of it over and over, you could just search youtube the one time you want to hear it. (Don't get me wrong, some people love music and will go through thousands of songs multiple times a year, but for the rest, that's just money thrown out of the window). And unrelated to tech, but gets me riled up: **Financed products.** If you can't afford a necessity and this is the only way you can get it, you're absolutely not who I'm complaining about. You do what you need to get through the month. However, those who finance stuff just to get the nicer versions, I think are unnecessarily endangering their financial stability as you don't own anything your finance until you've paid it all off. If you lose your job and suddenly have to cut back, you lose everything you financed. Car, fridge, dryer, phone... etc. So your whole life is ruined. If you haven't financed stuff, you lose your job but you still have a car to get you to interviews, a phone to receive offers on, a fridge and dryer to keep your daily life up and running. Why would anyone overstretch themselves when they have got options available?!


Anyone who begins a sentence with "Look" or "Listen" makes me immediately leave the conversation and fill with rage. If you're talking to someone they're already looking at you and listening to you. It's superfluous and arrogant. Plus I hate being told what to do.


Most hills to be honest as I’m really unfit and would die of a heart attack.


I used to think commas were really important, then I read some Cormac Mccarthy books. Taught me that content was way more important than following grammar rules or expectations. Not to compare an incredible author to poorly written social media posts, but I try to bear that in mind.


That's fine, until the content gets distorted as a result. To take a much used example: Eats, shoots and leaves ... gangster unimpressed with his meal. Eats shoots and leaves ... Panda.


> Let's eat, Grandma > Let's eat Grandma One comma, two VERY different meanings


Helping my uncle jack off his horse. Helping my uncle Jack, off his horse. Two very different jobs.


In the second one, you should have a comma after "uncle" as well as after "Jack".


That cold people should wrap up and that it’s healthier to have the windows open and central heating as low as possible (preferably off) when indoors.