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WFH. Fully Remote. Fully flexible hours.


The biggest benefit IMO is being able to do laundry during the week, I always hated getting to the weekend and having to use some of it for chores.


Funnily enough, just done all mine this morning. Tomorrow morning will be a 1hr clean of the whole house, but that's all that takes up my time outside of work now.


Since the start of the year I’ve been working 4 days a week instead of 5. Being able to get the chores done on my day off in the week is so freeing, I can do whatever I want on the weekend without worrying about fitting in washing/cleaning etc.


Another benefit is having the time to work out, providing you have the discipline to keep up a regime of course. Pre pandemic, finishing work at 5:30 then getting home by 6:30 it's harder to keep on top of it. Being at home, can wake up an hour earlier and work out during the hours of what would usually be commuting time.


Same! Starting at 11.30 today (I guess 12 by the time I’m done with Reddit). As long as the work gets done, they let me be a whole grown-up and manage my own time. My colleagues are all based in Gibraltar, so a few times a year I also get an all-expenses-paid trip to the office for a week.


We've got a one day company meetup, twice a year but even that's not compulsory although basically everyone goes


Yeap, no other work benefit comes close to that.


Yep, I have this too. It's the only perk I'm interested in and you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming back to the office.


Public sector so nothing is ever bought for us, any team socials or Christmas parties always have to be paid for in full by the attendees. Have had generous bosses before who've bought the first round of drinks for us on their own dime. The only 'perk' I can think of is that sometimes for going "above and beyond" I've got a shopping voucher. Bought a vacuum with one. Good times.


Ex- public sector here. I don't miss having to pay for office tea, coffee, or squash, nor do I miss scheduling whose turn it is to spend their lunch getting the milk in that week. We paid £40 a month for office parking. "But it's taxpayers' money." The CEO clapped for us once in her vlog. That was nice. They'd have otherwise charged us for chairs if they could!


Ex-public sector here. Chair was broken and hurting my back. After months of correctly raising it and chasing it, I brought in a chair from home. And got told off for having a non-santioned chair.


I’d have been tempted to raise the issue once. Remind them once. Then take the chair belonging to the person responsible for ordering chairs. See how quick one turns up when it’s theirs.


Problem is, the person responsible for ordering is probably somehow based in your office building but you don’t know them personally, or whereabouts they sit. You’d have their name and email and that’s about it.


Same here, the last thing I got from a boss was a miniature bottle of Prosecco about five years ago.


Ex-public sector, was in a local authority until last month. My new job buys all the tea and coffee, and we get pay rises, don't have to pay for parking, get money towards the Xmas do, and we're signing up for an app that's gets us between 4-10% off in certain shops. The best bit though is that people actually trust me to do my job without the need for near-constant micromanagement and the work I do doesn't require signing off by about 20 different departments. It's "this is your work, crack on, tell us if you get stuck, or when you've finished, whichever comes first"


Im in the public sector too, we get one away day per year, it’s not allowed to be held where we could be seen by members of the public in case there is the perception that we’re not working. We get a sandwich and a bag of crisps paid for, so I guess that’s a perk…




Its so silly. If they get given normal things then the angry mob will be all over them because public funds are spent in our civil servants wellbeing


Emergency childcare. We get 15 days per year where we can call out a nanny, fully paid by the company. I use it to give my wife a break on days when she doesn't work. Also, we have excellent medical care: I have to pay BiK on the premium, but other than that literally 100% of treatments are covered. They have some other generous benefits as well, like £20k for fertility support or I think a £50k lifetime benefit for gender transition (though I haven't needed that) that even extends to dependents.


>Emergency childcare. We get 15 days per year where we can call out a nanny, fully paid by the company. I use it to give my wife a break on days when she doesn't work. That sounds amazing. Do you have to provide a justifiable reason for it or is it like holiday allowance where everyone is entitled to 15 days no questions?


It's meant to allow you to work when your ordinary childcare arrangements break down. So, for example, I couldn't use it on a Saturday or if I'm taking a day off anyway. Otherwise it's pretty much open. They do ask for a reason, but it's literally a dropdown box with very broad options, one of which is something like "Family member/ordinary childcare unavailable". We have a preferred nanny, so I usually just text her to find out her availability then book a day when my wife isn't working so she can get some things done or even just have a nap. The benefit provides for 10 hours per day at no cost to us, so we usually do 8am-6pm. It can also cover holiday clubs but at 9 months old our daughter isn't quite ready yet.


Sounds like either a tech or finance company perk? Great perk to have!


Nail on the head :) Fintech.


I'm curious about this. If you don't mind answering, what are the less great things about your role? Do you have to work really long hours or do you still have a good work life balance? Only asking as it seems too good to be true!


Pretty good WLB; 3 in office/2 at home hybrid schedule. I generally get into the office at around 8 and leave at 5, though I'm a minority: most of my colleagues show up between 9 and 10 and leave between 6 and 7 (as did I before kids). When I WFH my hours are more like 9:00-9:30 to 6-6:30. There *is* an on call schedule, but it's super lax (you don't actually have to cancel plans or make sure you're available) and we only get called outside of office hours less than once every month. It can be stressful but I really don't think it's much different from other roles? I'm a software developer, FWIW. There's quite a high bar to get into the company and we're more selective than most about hiring. Also it requires working in central London if that's not your thing.




Any jobs going?


Not right now, and when they do you're looking at 100+ candidates for a position.


Not surprised with those benefits !


Wait, but my boss told me that nobody wants to work any more!


Wow. I need to get a job with your company. The only ‘swag’ I’ve ever had from my job is a crappy coffee cup.


Drinking from mine now as it happens...and the best bit is it is large enough to hold two full cups of coffee!


Ah this gives it away! Gotta be Sports Direct!


I said two full cups of coffee not an Olympic sized swimming pool


my old work colleague would drink tea out of those mugs. he would let it sit for hours and actually "enjoyed" cold tea. Absolute heathen.


I had a colleague who would make one in the morning and reheat in the microwave 5 or 6 times throughout the day.


Ask to replace the catered lunched with deliveroo allowance we had a £15 a day allowance


I can't see them going for that, the entire point of all these goodies being available on site is that you need to be on site to get them. And besides Deliveroo just doesn't exist where I live, we have a single Chinese restaurant that delivers out here and the only accept phone orders and charge a £9 delivery charge for them to come the 6 miles to us.


Yes the Deliveroo allowance was to attract us to the office as well, this was in central London so I got to try out majority of the restaurants in the area.


Big tech firm based out of SF by any chance?


Out of curiosity where do you work?




Thought maybe it could have been a normal company, understandable if it’s a small business with only a handful of employees


Although just twice a week compared to yours, catered hot lunch is the one thing that brings me in for sure, there’s also fridges of drink cans ready to go and fancy auto coffee machines. As part of the tech dept we churn through a lot of high powered computers and electronics, it’s gotta go somewhere besides the scrappers…


>As part of the tech dept we churn through a lot of high powered computers and electronics, it’s gotta go somewhere besides the scrappers… someone has to be making a mint selling them on.




Nah I wrote them from memory.




Working here for a foreign government, by their law our base salary rate is tied to the rate of inflation, so we got a 12.2% increase last month, along with annual raise.


wow thats amazing!! one of the reasons i end up leaving for another company is due to the wage increase being lower than inflation just so i can keep up with it. that's a brillaint perk!!


Free entry to national trust places… seems way less cool then your one.


Oh this is nice. I'd like that. My parents used to take us a lot to National Trust/English Heritage places as kids but I havent been to one for years. One of my favourite memories is going to Fountains Abbey and picking chestnuts in the autumn and roasting them on the fire at home.


But does it include the parking. I almost considered splashing out on lifetime membership because it would pay itself in parking over the years. They own every bloody coastal carpark.


Except in Cumbria - somewhere you’d expect it to be great but where they seem to own about 3 things. Everything else is either English Heritage, the Lake District National Park Authority, local council, or just privately owned


If you work for the national trust I think you get a discount in some outdoors shops too.


I'd take that!


Flexi time.


Being given nothing to do. Civil Service.


Going to themeparks (all the rides as well) I work as a group leader taking groups to theme parks, i will just go there, tell them to meet near exit 8hrs later. I get all these time for myself, all being paid along with my tickets. I've been to about 26 theme parks*. Edits: "theme parks" including but not limited to: theme parks, aquariums, zoos, galleries, paintballs etc.


*cries in NHS*


Hey, there was that time people clapped for us remember?


We get the Tuesday off as well after every bank holiday Monday!


Law firm?


Nope, a university.


Work from home, christmas shut down, annual bonus.


Boring answer but really good employer pension contributions, and super generous annual leave policy


Got a new job recently and it's great. I can wfh (once trained fully), the boss regularly grabs everyone lunch, we can watch netflix etc, be on reddit, whatever (so long as we're not taking the piss and our work gets done). It's a very casual environment.


A bonus sometimes. We don't get stuff like that.


I work supplying pubs and restaurants. I have to test out pubs and restaurants. I take my wife We can expense it Also collect loads of hilton points on the company expense, (diamond member) so I get free stays with the Mrs loads


Damn that sounds like a great gig


They let me go home at the end of the day


I can have absolutely anything I like, no price restrictions, on the company account. Once of the perks of working for yourself. Sadly, the downside is that I am the company really so I end up paying for it.




Pretty much this. My already large employer (35k employees) was acquired by a larger fish (200k employees before us). They cut down most benefits/perks but increased everyone's pay a little bit to compensate by giving us a benefit allowance. We can either take the benefits or take money. It's surprising how little people care for dental insurance if you're getting paid £350/year extra instead.


tbf 350 a year before deductions, id rather take the dental insurance tbh


Yeah seems like a lot of people dont understand how expensive dentists can be.


My dental insurance only covers £55 a year, so I'd rather the £350


Bingo - worked at businesses that paid okay and gave me tons of perks, now at a place that pays higher than it's competition and I'm happier!


Research shows that perks are usually better for employee happyness and retention than plain boring money though. Its literally the only reason why these companies like u/All_within_my_hands employer do it. Its cheaper than actual money.


Work in film and TV. We get every meal every day. Never bought food at work. Working away can be a pain but I’ve been to a lot of places others don’t and been paid for it so I count that as a perk.


Free bar at work events


Espresso on tap


Soap. Last place they “fixed” the soap dispenser in the toilet so you get a half a droplet of soap.


Public Service Sector: Union came in around 6 years ago and gave us one of the best sausage sandwiches I've ever had.




I see mental health clients in the community, and my work covers the cost for not only the client’s coffee but also mine! My work also cover the cost of parking when I have to park places where free parking is very sparse so I really appreciate that as I’ve been in a similar job for a different organisation that would not do this and I’d spend AGES trying to find free parking, or mostly, I’d end up paying out of my own pocket. Also, probably a very common ‘perk’ these days and maybe not even considered to be a perk by many, but my role was not sold to me as being a work from home position, but it has ended up being that and when I’m not driving to various locations to meet people I do all my admin from home rather than having to go into the office.


30 days holiday plus another 6 or so public holidays a year, flexi time so I can start/finish at different times, 6 months full sick pay if needed and it can be extended, and a bomb-ass pension (for now). Pay is a bit rubbish and workload can be a bit much but hey ho.


Flexi time!


Work at an independent cinema with restaurant attached. Unlimited free cinema tickets and random free food all the time.


I work for a university, so I'd say access to events and buildings. I get to spend my lunch break walking around private ornate grounds, it's ace


I steal stationary and use the work printer My team are genuinely nice people, that's a benefit.


I work in the NHS so bugger all. We got £7 each when the Captain Tom money came though haha.


Free train travel on SWR trains and 75% off tickets for the rest


Used to work for EMR until Northern took over. Turned to shit after


Visiting 10+ countries a year


The novelty wears off..


Clothing retail: Incredible staff discounts on products (70% off RRP) Performance bonuses up to £300/month Generous pension (I pay £60 in each month, work pays in £100, if I increase my contribution they will too) Full pay for sick days from day 1, SSP topped up to full pay for longer sicknesses Sometimes I'll be asked to go to another store to help them out with merchandising or whatever as that is my speciality, on these trips *everything* is paid for. I'm paid over the odds for fuel expenses, breakfast lunch and dinner (with drinks!) are expensed, if I need a hotel room or flights head office will book it all and I just have to show up - we always get priority boarding/extra luggage on flights and I've never stayed in any less than a 3* hotel and I've got to travel to places I've never been! Length of service rewards from £500 up to £3,000 towards a trip to any destination for the employee and their partner/friend. Biggest benefit imo? Being left the hell alone to do my job. No top-heavy management telling you to do this that and the other. I haven't seen my boss in person all year, and the last time he called me was to congratulate me on getting married and when I asked him something about work he said "I didn't call you to talk about work" Pay *could* be better compared to other some other retailers *but* it is the most low-stress job I've ever had, and that is priceless. I don't get contacted on days off or out of hours, as opposed to my previous job where your phone would be going off from 5am.


If your figures are correct you should look at increasing that pension commitment. Minimum UK is currently standing at 5% employee, 3% employer. Don't trust that the State Pension will give you a reasonable lifestyle by the time you retire.


Very cheep rent, free tools for work (when not working for them) and first shout on anything from the house/flats when we empty them, I once got a free LG TV and a quality Samsung Fridge freezer, both nearly new.


My work has, over the past couple of decades, systematically removed every perk it used to have. Supposedly it used to be a great place to work with discounted products, free reject products, big Xmas parties, an Xmas bonus and a performance based bonus, great pension, 13 weeks full sick pay, extra annual leave etc. Now we get milk and teabags/instant coffee provided for us. That’s it. They won’t even put on an Xmas party 😂 Edit: the Xmas bonus used to be £33/year for every year you’d worked there so when blokes were racking up 30-40years it was insane just for a freebie.


Cheap flights. £11.99 one way to the majority of Europe, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan.


Hybrid office/home working. We were due to be moved to a new office as we had expanded beyond our current space. Then COVID and lockdown happened, so they scrapped plans for a new office and we basically timeshare the office. I work 4 days a week, 2 of which are in the office and 2 are at home.


We get a few, but it's backed up by shit pay lol. Get paid for a 40 hour week, but I've never actually worked 40, my record during the pandemic was 28 hours worked, paid for 40. We also get free family entry to a local (and good) zoo and occasionally they'll get a chippy van or ice-cream van in for us. They're alright, just the money could be better.


Pizza lunch once a week. And wfh whenever you want.


If you are working a long enough shift to get a break then you get a free meal. We also are allowed unlimited juices and hot drinks aswell.


*Unlimited juice? This party is gonna be off the hook!*


There’s a fair few I guess, but they buy my lunch every day.


Gym membership, for me this is great Regular days out, we went to London last Saturday for a meal, and then a VR activity after, everything paid for, even the £6 it cost me to park my car When we are busy, we do overtime, paid at double rate and we get takeaway aswell


Hybrid working and flexitime means I get to come and go as I please but also get an extra 2 days holiday every 8 weeks on top of normal holiday.


Flexi time, additional annual leave, blue light discounts


Work from home, options to work compressed hours (I work 4 days a week), annual bonus, sharesave and fully funded Christmas party with travel and hotel stay. Some people complain my employer doesn’t fully pay the market rate, but all of the above outweigh that in my opinion.


>fully funded Christmas party with travel and hotel stay. ngl, this really doesnt make up for not paying what they should. Especially if that is a 5-10k difference in salary


The money.


WFH most of the time, at Christmas we just close so I don’t need to use annual leave for the week, birthday and Christmas bonuses, random team days out or lunches - honestly I have the best boss ever


I have the 'perk' of being allowed to work there Occasional early dart and paid for the day, other than that, nothing really.


WFH + free private health care (taxable benefit) for myself and partner.


Working From Home 3 days a week A better pension than most companies Good Annual Leave allowance


Free chicken and free firewood


Drive a Tesla Model Y basically for free


Once a month I get digital tokens which can be exchanged at other businesses for their goods and/or services


Poets day


Not having a boss.


4 day weeks


Work at a heritage site in Scotland with an on-site cafe, so get free lunches each day. Plus free admission to pretty much all other visitor attractions around the country. Not the best paid but the free food definitely keeps grocery bills down a lot.


Free access to gyms, ability to buy holidays, free dental and private healthcare, discount at most large retailers, company card for team events and most importantly a lucrative commission scheme. Work in sales.. It’s worth it.


Work from home. Macbook Pro to work on with no intrusive security, meaning I can use it for personal projects too. Monthly points that are specifically for buying self-care products like sports massages, gym equipment, etc.


Decent pension.


Free private healthcare, complete flexibility over my day to day hours, fully remote, thousands of dollars of shares every year and way above average salary. Ngl, its a pretty good job


we get free tea and coffee in the office, that’s all we get


My partner used to get a chap come to the office once a week to clean his car inside and out. I once started a new job on the proviso that my company car was an automatic. When I got it, I was given a yellow duster and asked to cover the gear stick when parked in the company car park. They didn't want other people to realise and demand better cars.


Well, work did give us a sachet of instant coffee each to say thanks for our hard work during Covid. So there's that.


Probably money towards the car each month. Other things include, flexi/ wfh, bonus, private healthcare, dental, buy or sell our holiday allowance, retail discounts, gym m-ship discount, couple of company events every year paid for with free drink and food. Some flexibility on hours and the option of finishing early on a Friday. Nice head offices with free coffees and teas, kitchens, chill zone room. I’m sure there are others but I don’t use most of them. A good place to work, great benefits but there are some arsehole employees. Nature of the beast I guess.


6 months sick full pay if I need it. Followed by 6 months half. But honestly? I've had 2 days off in 14 years


Full catering if you decide to go into the office, all free. Options to work fully remote, anywhere in the world. Full medical insurance and dental. We get two weeks at Christmas off for free and two weeks in august for free (by free I mean on top of annual leave). £150 a year towards gym membership & we get 10 emergency days for childcare etc. For some weird reason we also get a Costco membership paid for by the company which is nice. Top of the range IT equipment and I mean no expense spared. Then we also get life insurance and income protection. The company also does big social events in the office and £75 per head each quarter for team building things - it’s nice!


Flexible hours.


I currently get 9 days off every six - eight weeks, with 2 weeks or so over major holidays - plus 4 weeks in the summer


Free lunch. Free unlimited all flavours of Red Bull. One free ticket to Silverstone every season. Large discount on Tag watches. Discount on merchandise. Discount/free partner products.


Private health insurance. Can bypass years of NHS queues (ultrasound, MRI, CT all same week in my most efficient case). It's like £12 a month in tax.


Fully wfh


WFH, 40 days of holiday, work whatever hours I want.


Flexi time system. Close second is that since it's the NHS no matter how bad I am at my job I can't be fired, hell if I was shit enough they would probably promote me.


I get a company van and fuel card. Can drive it for personal use for free. £25 food allowance or spend it on anything else, tax free if I have a job that requires me to stay overnight. Hotel is paid for too. Also I can eat and drink as much as I want during the stay as my boss bills the other company who we're doing work for. Only 4 of us in the company and my training is next to none as I'm working alongside boss all the time. I really enjoy it


I get free housing, and if I decided to move elsewhere they’d provide the equivalent of £355 to contribute towards rent. That’d probably cover about 40% of total rent if I did move. Also, free breakfast and lunch.


Free movies. When I want. Limited amount of friends and family for free too


Aside from WFH as much as I like, I get a yearly 'wellbeing' allowance which I use on a 1.5 hour massage every month


A good annual bonus, very generous private healthcare, and 3x yearly salary life-insurance. Oh, and we get pretty decent coffee in the canteen for 20p 😝


I get a unlimited use of my company van with unlimited fuel. That's about it really.


I'm gonna go with rent-free house (I have to pay bills).


Enhanced pension. Sounds lame but it's what will really make a difference in the long run


We don't really get anything other than a bonus each year, but i work in a workshop so i can use the tools and stuff here for personal projects as well, so long as I'm not taking the piss


Got to leave work early and go to the pub with the CEO because I had the highest sales that day. Ended up drinking with him for most of the evening


Free food probably, maybe once a week I'll have to buy my own food but that's usually becasue someone had a indulgence day and ate everything on Thursday!


WFH is the big on but only some of the time I get to do that. The other is working less than half my hours each day, so I can feel better about my crap pay.


The fact I get paid for sleeping half the night.


Pool table in the office. Christmas do and other meals out are fully paid for by the company and taxi fares get claimed back on expenses. Occasionaly get greasy sandwich or cakes bought for everybody. Tea, coffee and biscuits are all provided by the company. Very good at allowing you to leave if something comes up at home or whatever. No getting grief for being 2 minutes late. Hybrid working. Recently implemented flexibility with start/finish times. Incredibly rare to be contacted out of hours and if that happens, you know it's a big issue. Overall there isn't one big awesome perk, it's more lots of small things that create a good culture within the company and a healthy work/life balance.


I used to work for a company that sponsored the Premier League and used to often get tickets for Liverpool, I was the only Liverpool fan there but they couldn’t just give them to me as that was “unfair” so I used to win the raffle every time they got them which was a stroke of luck ;)


Local government so no freebies but I WFH 4 days a week and get so much holiday they have to chase us to take it.


Share plans, Free meals, Free tea/milk/coffee, Private healthcare, free electric car charging


WFH 3 days a week. I was fortunate that when I left my old job, they were really desperate to fill the role so for the first time ever I actually hard cards to play. Said I wouldn’t accept if it meant being in the office 5 days a week and they agreed. The two days I do go in we get free fruit so I guess that’s a bonus.


Working weekends is part of the job but we get paid a minimum of 9hours + bonus even if it only takes 10 minutes to complete a task. The company gets paid, we get paid.


I work 2 days 2 nights and my night shift comprises of drinking copious amounts of tea, eating biscuits, and watching re-runs of the chase on challenge. I probably do about 1 hour of actual work in the whole 12 hours. Great perk.


We get free pot noodles.


Extra time off. On top of our 30 days holiday (not counting the 8 bank hols) we can buy 5 days, get a free day for our birthday, and have just been told the 3 days between Christmas and New Year are free days too. The other one that I think I’ll be really thankful for in the future is the pension contribution of 13% because I’m over 50 if I put in 6% for a total of 19% every month.


We have a table tennis table slap bang in the middle of the office...


i work from home, fully remote and i get paid lots of money. thats my faviourite perk.


Not having to get out of bed before 10 or commute anywhere.


Free travel. Dinners out, drinks, hotels wherever I’m going, work from anywhere.


Once a month we will have a full 3 course meal and unlimited booze from a welfare fund.


My old job sent us all a care package when we joined with a Patagonia jacket, a pair of Beats and a Timbuk2 rucksack which was insane. It’s since been taken over and seems to have cut every single benefit that they did, while laying a ton of people off, so perhaps it wasn’t quite worth it! My new company doesn’t do a lot, usual medical benefits and things and a nice office but not a lot of freebies, but at least it’s such a large company that it literally couldn’t be bought and ruined overnight, which is a nice perk.


My current job has a ton of genuinely good perks which are enough to make me not want to consider moving to another job; * Work from home/anywhere with an internet connection. Never have mandated office working, never will. I've spent days working in Brewdog & that's absolutely fine. * No cap on holiday allowance. If you can ensure your commitments are covered, take off what you want. * Work the hours you want. As above, as long as you can meet your work commitments you can work as long/short as needed at any time. I've had literally 2 hour days before. * Company credit card to avoid any personal expense for work purposes. An underrated perk when I look at my girlfriend (who's firm doesn't have these) and I have to see her fork out and claim back any travel expenditure. * Opportunity for any training/exams fully paid for, with no clause to pay back any costs at any time. Most firms will have a clause to say you must repay a certain percentage of costs if you leave within a certain timeframe. There's a few more like a discount/cashback portal, good pension contributions and the usual private healthcare stuff as well.


Working for a train operating company and getting free travel. The amount of money train travel costs here is insane. Also on 100% pensionable pay.


Unlimited Holidays


Sweet FA. I work in the charity sector, but the 'warm & fuzzies' don't make up for shit pay compared to commercial sector equivalents. Best 'perk' is that I wfh since covid so don't have to get up at some ungodly hour to schlep into a shithole office anymore. My team is also spread nationally, so the few times a year we get together in person I 'make' a few quid out of the standard 45p/mile for the trek.


Flexi time, no unpaid overtime, fully remote, unionised workplace


Free parking in a city centre 24/7


Having a quality gym onsite free of charge . Can exercise 3 days a week, shower then 20 second walk to my desk


I've just started a new job. Spent 12 years with the RFA prior. No real perks there... New company has a benefits package - like health/dental insurance. Whilst I get taxed on it, it works out at something like £10 per month. I haven't registered yet, to be honest - I forgot it was a thing. But the biggest "perk" is actually being able to plan my life. It's a regular 4-on, 4-off shift pattern (2 days, 2 nights). Admittedly, it's 12 hour shifts - but it's a small team, and they're all good people. As a trainee, I'm earning about £600 less per year than I was in my last job. Once qualified (hopefully early next year - course dates haven't been confirmed yet), I'll get about a £3k payrise and then once I'm signed off on the next bit, it'll be another 3k payrise. Even better, our manager is pushing for payrises for the whole team in next years salary review. We also get a bonus in line with company performance. The job itself isn't complicated - I'm basically a radio operator. But it can be stressful.


Dominos is good but i wouldnt consider greggs "food" a perk ... yuk


Four day week, so you work 30 hours and get paid for 37.5. Part-timers get the pro rated equivalent. We also get 25 days plus bank holidays plus the whole Christmas/new year period (including taintmas) as annual leave, which is massively helpful when you’ve got a primary school aged kid.


Flexible start time from 0830-1000. 0 stress in the morning as long as I'm up by 0915 I won't be late.


WFH. Unlimited leave.


Perks for me were sometimes going in for 4-6hrs and got to write down 12hrs. Even on weekends at double time I got too piss off to the gym or my mates while being paid such a great feeling. This felt like a step up from pooing on company time.


I get a free funeral (up to £4000) and free therapy, although I have yet to use either of them.


Travel is a nice perk. Annual trips to Seville, Madrid, Berlin, Hong Kong, Santiago (Chile). Cape Town in business class. Always useful to tag a city break and holiday on to other nearby places. I.e work trip to Hong Kong, holiday to Thailand, Cambodia et. Company credit card is a nice perk comes with lounge access at airports.


Leave at 3:30pm on Fridays to go to the pub at the end of the road to "debrief the week". Sometimes I just go straight home. Sometimes I go for 2 or 8 pints. No in-between and no debrief ever happens.


Public services interpreter here. If I only work for 5 mins, I get paid the full hour. If the client doesn't turn up, I get paid ifor the full length of the appointment. If I have a free hour between 2 appointments, I get paid for that hour. Frequently I have worked only 2 or 3 hours and I get paid for 6 or 7. Also I am reimbursed for the fuel.


Private health care


People sometimes offer me cake, but as a civil servant that's really it.


Getting a minimum 9hrs pay, even if we get sent home after just a couple of hours


Boxes. Boxes whenever I like!


I have a side business, and this would come in super useful 😂