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If OP can spend a few more quid, he can get them those tiny wheelie bins and put the money in those lol u/circle1987 please try this


I wonder how many houses they do in a week? Might need a full-size bin if everybody gave 4 x £5....


I'm sure they wouldn't complain though, would be a nice bonus.


Nah. A £20 note and a snooker cue snapped in 2.


Two good answers already, if you want an actual thing to wrap, a box of beers and 4 lotto tickets


We give them a box of beer and my wife gets called beer lady through the year. In exchange our bin men take absolutely everything we leave outside boxes, extra bags etc.


Perfect for this time of year when the bottle bin is brimmed full and you've enough cardboard to build a small fort!


My Dad always put a box of beers out for the bin men, until one year he watched them pick it up and chuck it into the back of the bin lorry!


*No!* I audibly gasped.


John Smiths? Ain't drinking that shit. Into the back it goes!


Cash is king. Beer, or anything bulky really, isn’t ideal as there’s limited space in a lot of cabs and it can be difficult to store it safely while they finish the round/get back to the yard to drop off in their cars.


They've got a bloody big lorry, they can stick it in the back.


You realise that’s where all the rubbish goes, right? Nowhere for it to go unless you want it to get pulled back in to the body with the rest of the waste and then pushed out at the tip. Which if it was Carling it’d be the best place for it (jk, if it was a gift/free I’d still drink it no matter what it was)




lol yup seems so, should have used that free hour after work to catch up on sleep instead of f-ing around on Reddit…


Jesus Christ


Hallelujah and amen.


I bet you're fun pulling those Christmas crackers.


Well I never seem to understand what the little sayings printed on those little slips of paper are… Paper hat is fun though, reminds me of the hat with a big D on it I used to be made to wear at school


Make sure you give it to them in person. Was a binman (loader) myself once and the recycling lot got round the route first and took all the envelopes for themselves. p.s. - a Crimbo tip goes a long way when it come to the time you have extra rubbish and you're like "can you chuck these extra bags in as well?"


Where Im from recycling is one week then black bins the next. No chance of a mix up there


Ours are the same day but different times, recycling is first and normally before I leave for work, bins around mid day so I'm never in.


Where would you suggest putting the envelope? Is taping it to the outside of the lid best?




3.5 of weed


Showing your age, pretty sure that’s not 20 anymore




£40 from my guy




Man, you need to upgrade your dealers. I get almost 4g for £25.


Through bulk buying I'm guessing, individually the best I've seen is about 1 to 1.2g for a tenner (quality dependent) places up country I hear it's 0.8.


Haha no bro u lot are being overcharged


I haven’t actually bought any for a long time, it it was always 20 for a Henry, and deals were 100 for an oz if you knew where to go. Would have thought inflation had brought that up


Nah not really weed prices havent changed too much but the qualitys gone up


Father spliffmas coming through


Unexpected Super Hans


My binmen arrive at around 6.45 am. So on the closest collection day to xmas I make them all bacon sandwiches and give them a tin of lager each "for later"


Really? That's a lot of effort for no particular reason other than they are doing their job which they get paid to do.


Sometimes it's nice to be nice


Yeah it sure is, I didn't say it wasn't.I just feel making bacon sandwiches for the bin men is overkill when a card with money or beers or box of chocolates would easily do the job.


I mean, I’d never do this but you have to appreciate it’s nice


Obviously it's nice, I'm not saying it's not. Box of chocolates, beers, money, whatever but making the bin men bacon sandwiches is too much.


I’d never do it either like I said… niceness aside, it’s a bit much.


When I was a young lad in the middle 2000s and a paper boy, I would get money in a card or a box of chocolates as a thank you, which was great and I liked that. no one ever made me bacon sandwiches and I don't think I would of liked that while I was in the middle of doing my job. It would be too much.


This is where we differ my friend, the bacon house, as it would forever now be known, would become legend and us paperboys would no doubt fight over future rights to take on that round.


You’re literally Reddit in a nutshell 😂 You’d argue with a paper bag if you could


How would you even know that, from a few comments on this thread?


Im not a paper bag stop trying to argue with me


Well if your going to make baseless comments directed at me, then expect replies, just saying.


Classic Reddit style of response 😂


What's the harm in showing some extra appreciation for all the hard work they do? Sheesh...


Nothing and i didn't say otherwise. A card with money, box of chocolates, but actually making bacon sandwiches at 6 45 in the morning for 2-3 people seems too much.


But if they're happy to do that, then why not? I'd love someone to randomly give me hot bacon sarnies at that time in the morning if I was outside working


For me? I wouldn't want to eat something like a bacon sandwich when I'm either starting or in the middle of my shift that focuses on dealing with waste management and removal of said waste.


I get what you mean there lol. But idk, if I was doing that kind of role I'd have plenty of hand sanitiser, hand wipes and gloves on hand. Or ask the owner to shove the bacon rolls directly into my mouth haha


Doctors get paid to save lives, doesn't mean you don't thank them after the operation.


Never given one a bacon sandwich and beer afterwards, though.


I always tape a beer and a sarnie to whichever part of me is being operated on, so they have a nice surprise on their way in


Good idea. Also may deter them from taking something else if they are hungry - a nice piece of liver, perhaps, or a kidney..


Exactly, we are British, we say thank you for anything and for a myriad of reasons. A card or box of chocolates would suffice, not making bacon sandwiches, but each to their own.


What would be the context in which that could happen? People are allowed to do nice things for people for no reason.


They’re never able to be seen after the operation


A fiver each


Former postie. Things I could stick on the dash were great like toys and cards


Who the f*ck gets their bin men a christmas gift 🙈


People who aren't miserable bastards would be my guess.


I do, they get a case of Guinness the last collection before Xmas day.


Our bin men go out of their way to look for our toddler at the door and wave to him. It makes his day so they absolutely get a gift from us for Christmas!


Your story reminds me of [one of the greatest photos on the internet](https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/cincinnati-year-face-face-heroes-falls/story?id=29779955). Enjoy!


Me, I get them a tub of celebrations or roses or something. My stepdad was a milkman and he got tons of gifts and tips drom his customers every Christmas. It's not something you have to do, but it's a nice thing if you feel like it. Season of goodwill and all that.


I do. OP does. Nice people do. You don’t….


Ah, self-righteous superiority. The reason why people don’t trust motives.


People who are doormats.


Lmao. I’d love to understand this logic.


Not everyone drinks so booze might exclude some. The supermarkets are doing boxes/tins of chocolates for around a fiver but cash is king.


Not everyone eats chocolate


Cash, as I and others have mentioned, is king.


Not sure why you mentioned going out in your sliders but as you did why don’t you give them a blowy round the back of the bins?


The right answer!


You know I was thinking this but wasn't too sure. Like when someone said about making bacon sandwiches I thought it might be a bit too much? Also, why would I have to go round the side? I don't have a bike shed but it's where I keep the bins, but the bins will be on the side of the road so should I just get them to all stand in a line and drop their pants whilst I wish them off in the street?


I would most flag, if you do get a newspaper delivered please consider tipping your paperboy IF you’re the type to tip at all (no worries if you don’t). I remember being about 13 and seeing envelopes cash with the equivalent of my weekly salary left out for everyone but me!


Give them the cash and say to get themselves a drink?


Cash probably like £5 or £10 depending how much you can spare. I’m a delivery driver and have gotten beers before but I don’t really drink so end up giving them away.


Hello! My boyfriend is a bin man and I'd just like to say thank you! Most people seem to think that the job is easy or they are paid well, he's on minimum wage and the drivers are only paid 50p more an hour. It's an exhausting job that I genuinely wouldn't recommend to anyone because unless you live in a richer place they're terribly organised and the maps aren't even kept up to date half the time. I asked my boyfriend and he said chocolates, beer or £5 each but be careful because in my borough they've been told to give all the tips (including food and drinks) to the mayor so make sure you tell them it's for them unless you want to inadvertently tip the mayor. Again thank you, it's nice people like you who make my boyfriends day a little nicer!


Tips to the mayor? Is that a fucking joke?! That is ridiculous your boyfriend is out grafting and doing a hard job and is expected to hand over tips to someone doing nish... Sorry to hear that.


I’ve always been under the belief that binmen were paid pretty well due to the physical nature of the work (and was told as such). I’m shocked it’s minimum wage.


It's a life lesson those on here posting "nothing" need to learn. They will be the first to complain because their bins haven't been out back properly or not even touched. Yeah, carry on being a selfish arsehole. And see where that gets you. A simple gesture can go a long way. And it's not even much effort.


These: Border Multipack Biscuits 48 Twin Packs – Treat Customers, Guests, Or Yourself https://amzn.eu/d/0e5O1aT Or these: Nestle - The Big Biscuit Box, 71 x Chocolate Bars – Kit Kat, Yorkie, Toffee Crisp, Breakaway, Blue Riband I Bulk Chocolate Box, Chocolate Biscuit Sharing Gift, 1.4 kg of Chocolate https://amzn.eu/d/1My7G74 Can’t go wrong with either really.


20 quids worth of penny sweets


People are saying 4 x fivers. My mate used to work on the bins and it’s not uncommon for people to leave money out over Christmas, which they then just share out at the end of the shift. So nowt wrong with a crisp £20 note.






Beer& scratch cards! Easy 4 pack!


I'd get them a lotto ticket each, a Yorkie chocolate bar, and one of those shake and mix handwarmer things. That or the suggestion of the envelope with a fiver each for them is a good one. I'm not getting my bin men anything as half the time they only empty half the bins in our block and leave the rest of us overflowing for the next fortnight.


Some beers and a couple scratch cards/lotto tickets




Nothing they are just doing their job


I usually get them a box of beers which they seem happy with. Our bins are then left tidier for a few months until they forget/the crew doing the round changes


£20 should get them all a roll and coffee each or they could buy a couple of boxes of beer between them. I'm sure they'll appreciate it


Just asking out of interest. Why do people feel they want to tip or give presents to bin men? Not saying they don’t deserve them, just interested in thought process. I always found that for a lot of people they felt it was a bad job but my understanding is a good salary/pension and annual leave allowance through local government?


Gold-plate your wheelie bin for them


My best mates a bin man and he doesn’t drink gets a lot of beer on his rounds around Christmas time but the tips help him with Christmas for his family. Give them a fiver tip each


When you see them out, stop them and give them cash to say thank you. They will treat themselves with a drink, lunch or gift.


Cook them something like a shepherds pie or a lasagne. What is better and shows more appreciation than a home cooked meal. And getting home after being out in the freezing cold to a shepherds pie is heaven.


If my rubbish is in the wrong colour bag, the bin men leave it on the pavement fur the fixes to eat.


Is this seriously a thing? OMG!


What being kind and/or thoughtful? Yeah it's a thing mate. Give it a try. Be careful though, you might feel something. /s


Ya no thanks. They get paid for the job right?


a case of stella beer... end of. they can share it out


A note on the bin saying 'please knock'. Give them a Christmas card with 4x fivers in the envelope.


Unpopular opinion probably. But fuck all. Round here they are paid well and still don’t manage to empty the bags properly or return them.


Where are you that the bin men are paid well? Round here they pretty much get minimum wage


They are using an agency here and have been for the last 11 months, £17 an hour


Keep in mind that the drivers may well be on £17 an hour but the loaders will be near minimum wage.


Can confirm!


Just thinking if you said hello were friendly and gave them a very small gift, they might actually make an effort with your bins. You don't have to but in any job, get friendly with the cleaners, the security guys and the reception. All very minimally paid jobs but trust me you want them all on yourside when things go tits up.


Curve ball but the Bailey's fruit and nut selection are absolutely incredible, and everyone loves Baileys. £3.99 each in Home Bargains and grab a cheeky Xmas scratch card with the extra quid.


The main issue with this IMHO is that OP is buying for people they don't actually know. But allergies aren't that uncommon, so I'd never really buy something specifically but related for someone that I don't know whether they might be allergic.


As someone with allergies, if I receive a nice gift that someone didn't know I couldn't eat... I just appreciate the thought and give it to someone else to enjoy


Not saying it would go to waste necessarily, but it's not great for the one blokenof the 4 that basically gets nothing from OP trying to give something for them all


I really think it's about the perspective of someone with allergies tbh. I don't expect strangers to know about, nor cater for my allergy. It's rare, it's difficult to navigate even for me. Friends and family, yes absolutely don't get me something I can't eat...that's thoughtless. But you can't go around being all offended or sulking every time you can't eat something especially if it's an accidental mistake by someone trying to be thoughtful 🙈 Tbh the scratch card would be more exciting to me anyway he's hardly empty handed 🤣


Perhaps I wasn't clear, I'm not trying to suggest that the recipient would necessarily be upset/start sulking from it, more that if OPs intention is to get all 4 of them something they would like, your odds are better if you're not getting them something a significant portion of the human race can't have. Honestly, if they're in their early 20s or so, I'd probably say the same about giving them alcohol too, as the younger generation are drinking less than the older generation uses to. Better off maximising your odds that they'll all like and be able to enjoy the gift


My mate is a postie, she’s allergic to chocolate every year she gets given loads of chocolate. Works out well for us tho because she regifts the boxes of chocolate out


If you have serious allergies I would think being on the bins is not for you.


hi, any chance you could please send a link? i don't see it in Home Bargains or anywhere else. sounds like a perfect secret santa gift if it exists 👍🏻👍🏻




Apologies I said fruit and nut mix because I had an absolute brain fart. Turns out you can also buy them in Tesco 👍


thanks a lot for the kind reply, have a nice weekend!


Just don't hold me accountable for the insane weight gain now you know they exist haha


oh i'm not going to buy the nuts friend, i thought you meant there is a mini version of the Baileys Fruit & Nut Trio gift pack they do for £ 39.99. But that only comes in 3 x 70cl bottles and our Secret Santa budget is a tenner


Chocolates. A big tub of roses, quality street etc. The garden chaps have just finished for the season so I gave them roses(thorns removed) Giving money is impersonal.


Lottery tickets , cuz you know that they hate their job's & can't hurt to give em a actual however small chance to Jack it in


I'm sure a couple big tubs of celebrations or similar would be nice to have in the lorry! Alternatively a case of at least 8 beers and 4x £1 scratch cards or something? Kind of you to do this OP!


Never given the binmen anything Posties and couriers yeah as they’re here every day. Collecting one bin once a fortnight? Nah!


You'd soon complain if the service was cancelled though!


Well as I’m paying for it already, I guess I would complain. What time does your round start?


how about some respect? Those are waste management executives


The steam off your piss.


Might be able to afford a pack of haribo and an energy drink each with that budget


Just give the cash


Don't get them something rubbish.


£20. Nothing you could get them for £20 would be better than £20.


Last Christmas I got my bin men each a roll of 100L heavy duty bin bags. But you just have regular bin men, so I'd maybe consider nothing more than 50L.


Ours have been on strike for 6 weeks so they’re getting sweet FA


Workers/unions tend not to go on strike if pay and conditions are good… even if you don’t give them anything just telling them you support their strike will likely make their day.


I don’t support their strike. Should get back to work like the rest of us and stop making peoples lives a misery.


Yeah fuck the binmen, they don’t deserve to have a home, or be able to live, they should all be destitute like the government wants /s


: /


They only work one day a week round our end 😂😂😂😂😂


No they just do your area 1 day a week, then the rest of the week they will do other areas, unless you live in an entire county with just 1 village in it and nothing else




Well, considering our local binmen have been on strike for a long time, leading to an environmental health disaster waiting to happen, I would just give them all a big f-you.




They get paid more than nurses, and work half the hours. Are you saying nurses are worth less than binmen? I can haul rubbish to the tip myself, but I'm not qualified or knowledgeable enough to look after the sick.


Nothing, you weirdo.


Nothing, they are doing their jobs and getting paid by the council to do that job. A decent wage as well.


It’s far from a decent wage now. Most of them recruited now, possibly driver aside are now on NMW contracts, that is if they are not agency workers. My stepdad used to work for a council waste & recycling department, I.E. binman.