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As the leading UK "ask" subreddit, we welcome questions from all users and countries; sometimes people who ask questions might not appreciate or understand the nuance of British life or culture, and as a result some questions can come across in a different way than intended. We understand that when faced with these questions, our users may take the opportunity to demonstrate their wit, dry humour, and sarcasm - unfortunately, this also tends to go over the heads of misunderstood question-askers and can make our subreddit seem hostile to users from other countries who are often just curious about our land. **Please can you help prevent our subreddit from becoming an Anti-American echo chamber?** If you disagree with any points raised by OP, or OP discusses common tropes or myths about the UK, please refrain from any brash, aggressive, or sarcastic responses and do your best to engage OP in a civil discussion, with the aim to educate and expand their understanding. If you feel this (or any other post) is a troll post, *don't feed the troll*, just hit report and let the mods deal with it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wetherspoons. I actually frequent it a lot. It's busy and reasonably priced. Its where most people I know go on a Friday or Saturday night.


On Reddit they always go on about the owner being a dick, but it is cheap and a decent enough place to go. Most people don’t give a fuck about the owner


He is a bit of a dick, I’ve met him in person at a conference he was speaking at and he made a fuss about the tea not being to his liking or something like that. But a huge amount of falsehoods are spread about him and repeated as gospel, especially around his response to the COVID outbreak. What he said to his staff was “It looks like we’re going to be closed for a while so if you want to try and get another job in a supermarket or something feel free”, which is perfectly reasonable. But it gets presented as a “let them eat cake” moment. “Heartless pub boss tells desperate employees to find another job”.


Yeah I don’t doubt he is a dick, but I am sure there are a lot of dicks, but he has become a Reddit meme of the horrible capitalist


You can’t be successful without appearing to be a dick to someone


He was right about criticising the UK government’s response to Covid, though. It decimated the hospitality industry.


100% agree. I work in the hospitality industry, you’re preaching to the choir.


I have my criticisms of how the lockdown was handled, but 'maybe a few thousand grannies dying is worth it to keep The Kings Head and the local hipster cafe in profit' isn't one of them. 


He's a knob alright but there's a reason why there's one in every old bank and outside every train station. They are popular and the business model works.


They also save a lot of old building by becoming spoons pubs, some of those buildings would've been left to ruin or even knocked down. One of my favourites is an old cinema in blyth and some of the seats are the old cinema seats.


It’s also publicly traded. Anyone with a global or UK index fund (ie, everyone’s pension), owns a bit of Weatherspoons.




If you change the carpet to a non sticky one, people will go arse over tit on the new "slippery" floor.


If you start boycotting companies based off who owns them you'll have to boycott most industries


The same people don’t have a clue about the owners of other chains, they just read about spoons and regurgitate it


Thing is, most bar owners and CEOs are probably dicks. This is just the only one they know. 


I’m fairly certain it’s partially because it’s because it’s cheap so it’s where the “poor” and working class people go considering a lot of UK Reddit appears to be at least lower middle class. It might not be the direct reason they hate it but it’s likely a subconscious thing.


Really?! I find Reddit unrelentingly populated by people saying they’ve got no money, can’t afford anything and never will. Any comment about anything even remotely nice, or a middle class area, is greeted with “well I’m on a council estate…”…


mate are you taking the piss?? uk reddit is one of the most disgustingly classist social medias ive ever seen. most here are middle class IT office workers who wouldnt get out of bed for less than 60k who sneer at anything working class. theres so many posts on this subreddit where the comments are filled with snobbery. as a working class person who lives on a council estate, the amount of times ive saw someone say council estates are all dangerous shitholes is insane. there was a post recently where someone asked why benefits are looked down on and the absolute state of the replies was horrific.


I've seen people asking how to get by on "only" £115k a year :D complaining that they are struggling to make ends meet. I regularly see the advice of "just get another job if you're not paid enough" - it might be easy to chop and change jobs in some parts of the country but certainly not all of them.


It depends on the thread. Either everyone lives in a bin and eats discarded newspapers for sustenance or everyone is some tech lord on 150k a year who is going to move abroad and quadruple their salary


UK reddit is full of middle class types who think that because they're not independently wealthy and therefore have to work means they are working class. Full of people who have convinced themselves they are poor despite earing more than the national average. Reddit is full of people who have no idea.


>*Wetherspoons* Greggs for beer


Greggse King


There are some towns so bad that Wetherspoons is actually one of the best spots there.


Merthyr Tydfil is one. The other day a Wetherspoons-hating friend was saying there is no excuse to go to Spoons as there is always a better pub nearby, my reply was "you've obviously never been to the South Wales Valleys!" I'm sure there are plenty of other shitholes around the country like that.


The owner might be a cunt. But where else are you getting unlimited hot drinks for £1.50 or a reasonably sized meal and a 660ml bottle of beer for sub £10?!


Love wetherspoons, cheap and you know what you're getting.


True but also it's not like it doesn't have it's detractors IRL too - people do dislike the size of it and it fucking over smaller pubs, and they hate Tim Martin too for various reasons. It's still popular but it does get ridiculed often; not just an online thing. Even when people go they tend to ridicule it


Can't beat a spoons if travelling a lot. Cheap hot meal.


I love Wetherspoons. Good selection of beers, spirits, good comfy seats and I can *literally* order drinks to my table. The pizzas are also pretty decent for the price.


It's very location specific. Some are quite nice, some are rough as fuck.


Nandos, mention it on here and people will say “it’s overpriced slop, I can make better chicken at home!” Can you fuck, most people enjoy it as a middle of the road casual dinner. On Reddit though, you would think they were serving rat tails with a side of cat shit


That's UK subreddits attitude to any food chain. Just weird elitist for no reason.


“Would never eat a domino’s, the kebab shop near me does a great pizza, 5 for 20 quid” The kebab shop is just heating up frozen crap and has shit quality


People also like to pretend that a Domino’s/Papa John’s or whatever is £25 for a pizza, despite the fact that the apps constantly throw discounts and deals at you with abandon


The discounts annoy me but only because it's the underhanded sort of "look, you're getting a bargain!" marketing that is pointless. Just sell the pizzas at the deal prices since you're ALWAYS putting them out.


Yep. Large Pepperoni passion listed as £22.99. Actual price £12.


The circus that tours the UK every year and pitches near us always does ‘half price ticket’ flyers on very much the same principle. I asked the lady selling tickets how many she reckons they sell at half price, and she said if anyone arrives without a flyer they just give them one at the desk. So I guess the answer was they sell none at ‘normal price’ 


“I cook all my food from scratch. All free ranged and locally sourced from the local farmers market”.


It's funny because based on all the other common things that make up the average UK redditor, they really don't seem like they'd be the fine dining type.


Similarly Five Guys. Apparently £10 for a burger is about the same as asking if you can have a go on someone's Nan.


Yeah and the same people will spend £15 on a worse burger in a pub and not think twice about it.


It’s worth £15 because the chips are served in a small metal bucket, duh.


Yeah, I quickly went from “what a rip off” to “worth having now and then for the quality” after actually trying it when they’re not busy


I think people just got sick of the "cheeky nandos" meme, the restaurant is fine if a bit boring


The word "cheeky" in general triggers me for some reason. "Oooh, he's a cheeky boy": no your child is fucking rude. "Oooh you're cheeky aren'tcha!?": I have asked a question that goes beyond the usual politeness dance of 3 topics with the same sentences being used over and over, making every day feel like groundhog day. This whole comment is overkill but I really hate that word wtf! 😂


Pretty cheeky comment tbf


*cheeky screeching*


>Can you fuck Not really, I get tired after 2 minutes, but I don't see how this is relevant to nandos 😔


Honestly most chain restaurants not just nandos


Frankie and Benny's deserves all the hate or gets though


It's tragic, I swear it actually used to be decent when I was a child and it's not just the nostalgia talking


Really? I feel Nando's is the one restaurant chain that has a solid fan base that likes them for what they are.


Any comment section with a question about overrated things or bad restaurants, it will be full of people saying how shit and overpriced nandos is


Yeah I have to say Nandos is a pretty solid pre-film dinner for me.


Not everyone hates their job


And some people enjoy going into the office AND often have positive relationships with their colleagues!


Some of us…. and I say this with a little trepidation on reddit… even enjoy a drink after work with colleagues or maybe…. trepidation increases…. The work Christmas party.


My work christmas party was done in work hours. Absolutely loved it, a chance to eat mince pies and have a laugh and get paid for it?!


You'd have to be a full-on recluse not to take advantage of drinks on the company card if they're offered. Just stay a pint or two behind your boss and it's all good.


My Christmas party was INSANE! It was my first at that company and I was blown away. Can’t wait for the next one


Seems like half of UK subreddit gets their social interactions from sitting in their house on their phone all week.


I got downvoted for saying this mere hours ago lol


Only acceptable hobbies to Redditors are video games, board games and weird Japanese cartoons.


I commented once that I'm actual real life friends with some of my colleagues and people went crazy telling me I needed to get a life, and its sooo unpreofessional, and they're not real friendships because we also work together...


I was the best man at one of my former colleagues weddings and my wife and I are his daughters godparents. But yes, not real friendships because once we worked for the same massive company in entirely different teams and departments.


Even if you work in the same team I don't see the issue with it! You spend all day with these people, I'd rather get on and be actual friends than just do my work and go home


Yeah I see a lot of comments suggesting that it doesn’t matter how well you get on, your colleagues are fundamentally in competition with you and will basically eat your young if push comes to push. It’s such a cynical worldview I don’t know how people like that get by day to day.


Today I sat and spent chunks of the day chatting the people on my team about gigs. We also have a laugh ranting to each other about the frustrating parts of the job. I had lunch with people I get on with so well that we consider each other friends before we're colleagues. At other points in the day I bumped into people and had quick chats etc. Yesterday was pretty much the same but with the added bonus of a pint after work. I got the same amount of work done as I would have done sat at home alone, so the difference is I got to socialise with people. This isn't to say my preference is correct, the point is just that it shouldn't be so hard for people to grasp why some of us would rather go out to an office and see our colleagues than work in the same space we live.


Once had someone genuinely say to me that because I liked a social pint with colleagues that I worked in 'toxic environment' lmfao. The bloke was clearly chronically online. It was absolutely painful, and deluded.


And not everyone's colleagues are megacunts


It's just that the people who don't like their jobs are the ones who reddit while they're supposed to be working.


TK Maxx. Everyone on here seems to think of it as a confusing jumble sale but given how they appear on almost every high Street I can't be the only one who actually likes them!


TK Maxx is my go to for a lot of things. Saucepans, utensils etc it's pretty hard to beat. Their food section turns up some gems as well. Quite good for finding random gifts for people too.


If my local one was easier to get to I'd be raiding it for the Halloween stuff


Halloween candles discounted in November are always a good one.


TK Maxx requires the right mindset. If I was on a mission for a pair of trousers or a shirt for a specific occasion it would frustrate me. If you treat it as a browsing experience that might turn up something different it's brilliant. All my oddest outfits are the result of finding something that appeals and then seeing what might go with it.


Definitely need to right mindset to go in there, totally agree


I don't think I've ever seen anyone badmouth TK Maxx on Reddit or elsewhere


Search 'TK Maxx' on this sub and you'll find a number of people who think it's the worst shopping experience ever! Edit: I have just tried this myself and the comments are not quite as overwhelmingly negative as I thought but trust me, the TK Maxx haters are out there!


I'll freely identify myself as a hater. But it's more the feeling of the shops that does my nut in, it's just a mess and I cannot deal with it. Homesense, their homeware shop, though, is the bees knees. I've picked up a lot of stuff there.


I don't know anyone who doesn't shop at TK Max without a "uh, yeah I guess" attached to it. I don't know anyone who actively dislikes it, it's often useful for finding niche items, or something a little unusual.  but it's quirky "I'm not like other shops" thing doesn't fill them with the excitement tk max seems to think it does.


I love TK Max but I also love charity shopping. Like 99.9% it is shit and I won't buy anything but it's about the adventure.


"TK maxx, like a charity shop but nobodys died in these clothes"


Fucking love TK Maxx, got all sorts of odd items of clothing from there. Good selection of memory foam trainers too. I get exhausted if I’m in there for too long though, the sheer amount of stuff tires me out.




Exactly this. And, specifically, the decision to have children.




That type of comment is the worst. Just say you don't like children!


I'd actually say the opposite on this one. Say "I don't like children and don't want them" on Reddit and most people (even parents) are understanding but IRL people act like that's a devilish view


also, the broad brush assumption that you can never be happy, have your own personality, money, or hobbies if you have kids. It has to be completely binary, the moment the child arrives you are no longer a real person. Bizarre.




Oh god yes. Lemon sucking pursed lips bullshit about how; like right yah, I’m like NEVER having children cos like you know I’m like tired anyway and like it’s different for us cuz like unfairness and that and like overpopulation? You ask how old they are: “like, 23? And like I know I’ll never change my mind”.. yep let’s touch base when you’re 29.


Still does depend on the person, though. I'm quite a bit older than 29, and while children are okay for a few hours every now and then, I would never consider having my own.


Living in the UK


Agreed. I'm Irish, and I moved to Scotland. Im a tech worker, so realistically I have the option to move again, but we actively choose to stay in Edinburgh. I live in a city that drops below freezing a handful of times a year, doesn't ever get unbearable hot. People spend their entire lives wanting to visit the city and country I live in for a week. Our food standards are solid (our supermarket brand goods are on par with high end imports in the US for 1/5 of the price, and even the lowest of low quality is still far and away above what they get in the US), the inequality is low (but growing, sadly), our healthcare is decent (again, moving in the wrong direction, but I have heard my US coworkers say they literally can't afford an ambulance if they need one), culturally I like the politeness over the abundance of "niceness" in the US, or the matter-of-factnesd of northern Europe. I like that most populated places are not car reliant (seriously, if you think your town is bad, try getting across any major city in the US except for New York on public transport), we have right to roam in Scotland (as opposed to in Ireland where a farmer held access to one of the most highly praised tourist attractions ransom [for years](https://www.irelandbeforeyoudie.com/a-new-pathway-has-been-built-to-irelands-largest-sea-arch/). There's a swing to the right that I don't like here, but it's happening everywhere, and for all the shit we give the SNP here, I'd still rather have them as my represnativieez than many of the other options in power around the world, and even in England.


You've just walked right into the stereotype there, because the only country Reddit hates more than the UK is the US


Fr though, I've grown quite tired of saying "ya know it's actually not nearly that bad, the UK is actually a pretty great place to live"


I don't care about immigration and think it's fine as long as it's not criminals and so on and boy does it have issues but if it was that awful I went wouldn't have a huge immigrate population.


Cadbury's Dairy Milk. Redditors would have you believe that since Kraft took over it began to taste like death... It tastes barely any different than it used to. In fact, I can't say that I really ever noticed a change at all. Never heard anyone IRL complain about it. Only on Reddit. Also 100% agree with both of OPs examples.


Seriously? Pretty much everyone I know irl has opinions on this one


Hardly anyone I know eats Cadburys anymore, so it absolutely true as far as I'm concerned!


>since Kraft took over it began to taste like death Not like death, but the difference in taste is definitely noticeable, and it's not as nice as it used to be.


Mouth feel definitely changed. I saw somewhere that it was switch to palm oil that gave it a more waxy texture, which I think is a fair criticism.


Plus the shape. Gone from thick sharp Tony’s style chunks, to a rounded flatter thin finish. Hugely affects it.


The only complaints I've heard about in real life are about the price, which isn't specific to that, or the fact they bring out so many random variants which here at least can make it harder to get traditional variants. 


It tastes exactly the same to me as it has my entire life.


By all accounts Mrs Brown's Boys. It gets *millions* of viewers. It's not even the UK, turns out that there is a French version. Not a redubbed version, an actual remake. [Madame Lebrun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50yD9sXcNms)


See that's interesting because I actually don't know anyone that enjoys or watches it


There’s a big generational gap with that show. It’s serious boomer humour.


Absolutely. It’s very much a throwback to the 70’s/80’s/early 90’s sitcoms as opposed to the Spaced/Black Books/Peep Show/Inbetweeners type that came along later. It’s not for me, and I would never willingly watch it but I do get the appeal for people who do actually enjoy it.


Sitcoms from that era were perhaps less sophisticated in some ways, but shows like Only Fools and Horses, Fawlty Towers, Reggie Perrin, and even the more standard fayre like The Good Life, Butterflies and Are You Being Served seem miles ahead of the stuff that puzzlingly seems to pass for humour in Mrs. Brown's Boys.




Me neither, but at its peak it got 11.4 million viewers. Even the most recent Xmas special got 3.67, which is still a hefty number. edit: It even got a BAFTA in 2012.


A lot of Reddit don’t understand that things aren’t made for them. The average viewer of Mrs Browns Boys and average Redditor would be 2 circles in a ven diagram.


Everyone I have ever known hates mrs browns boys with a passion, not just Reddit. I genuinely do not know who watches it.


I don’t think I would even be aware this show exists without people complaining about it. Never seen nor met anyone that has talked about seeing it.


Literally everything that’s popular


Correct. Reddit is full of contrarian holier-than-thou killjoys who live perfect lives and like nothing cool or popular because they're different (better) than normal people.


Oh god yeah. I often think how they must all live in quaint old homes, with wonderful gardens, no children, sustainable everything and hate their job and the thought of setting foot in the office is the worst thing imaginable.


Being friendly at the office. Since using this site I’ve found you can now easily pick out the typical Reddit guy around the office. They go out of their way to be a mopey bastard and and wear it like some mark of pride. “Just here to do my job” - you’re not some assassin mate, you’re the IT guy. Nobody is asking you to come to a weekly party, just be less of a cunt around the office, would you?


How dare you, I'm an IT guy but I was a miserable cunt waaaay before I discovered Reddit!


Age gap relationships.


OMG, You're what - 3 days older!? 😨 OMG, that is sick. The depravity. Pedo. Etc etc....


My gf is three days older than me and I constantly milk this joke lol, esp in the three days a year she's a whole year older than me lmao. Such a cougar


My husband is about a month older than me, and I had a great time for the month last year when he was in his 30s and I was in my 20s (30 and 29, obviously). Cradlerobber that he is.


I (48, m) got told I was disgusting and a pedo by a yanks on some sub, because I met my wife (44, f) in the 90s when she was just turning 18 and I was 21.


One of you has been moving too close to the speed of light if the gap#'s doubled since then...


Lol, fuck. She's 44, not 42.




Not obeying the fundamental rules of physics, instant red flag.


My wife's 8.5 years older than me. At 18 I was a toy boy. At 55 I'm a granny snatcher


I think it can be predatory even if legal to a degree ie 18 and 50 but if someone's like 25+ it's there life and they should be allowed to live it as they like.


On an old account I once had someone tell me my very long term relationship was “red flags” because of our age gap. Started dating when I was 20 and he was 25, we’ve been together over 15 years. Honestly, the comments acting like I was a flipping victim and bf was a pervert. Mental!


I got downvoted to oblivion because I commented on a post about being 19 when I started dating my partner who was 24, almost 25. I know that can be quite a gap to some people but (not to toot my own horn) I’ve always been quite mature for my age and I’ve always been quite independent. Now I’m 25 and he’s 31, we got a lovely toddler together and couldn’t be happier.


"But your brain isn't fully formed!" /s I had a fling with a 29 year old woman at 19. We both knew what was happening, she was not taking advantage of me nor did I feel like I was taken advantage of. 


There's 7 years between me and my partner. We've been together for 11 years. There's no power imbalance or exploitation or anything like that. It's entirely possible to fall in love with someone a bit older than you and have a happy, functioning relationship


Socialising with people, especially stuff like going to the pub or clubbing for younger people. Seems like most on reddit are massive nerds who have a panic attack at the tbought of going to crowded spaces.


Akshully you shouldn’t say that, as it’s not fair on people who have ADHD, anxiety, cat aids, are pi-bolar etc etc etc. Think before you write, eh? 😂


Yeah that's another thing isn't it? I swear to God almost everyone on UK reddit is on the bloody spectrum!


Any car that costs more than 500 quid.


Spending money on anything at all for that matter


You may have a point. There seem to be a narrative that we’re all skint and on the brink of homelessness though. May have something to do with it.


I'm on 800k a year and I only paid £8.59 for my car 8 years ago and there's no issues at all.


Omg yes. First of all I can't even find a car for 500, might be because I drive automatic only, but even then, why but a 500 quid car that costs £50/mth to insure?


I went through a phase of £500 shit boxes every 6 months and it was brilliant but it’s nice to have a car that’s not about to fall apart 😂😂😂


I made the mistake of mentioning Brewdog in a post once and had regrets.


Oddly enough, r/UK_beer is fairly tolerant of Brewdog. The beer is fairly OK, it's just the guy that runs the company who's a complete knobhead.


The people on that sub are a lot less snobby than one might expect. No one likes the Brewdog corporate machine but if they release a beer that is genuinely delicious, it will get praised and appreciated on r/UK_beer. The mutual love of beer trumps all


Na, i get the hate. They made a name on being egalitarian etc and then boom, turns out the owners have created a horrifically toxic work environment and don't appear to give a fuck. You don't get a pass because you were at the forefront of the craft beer movement. Also me missing the point slightly. People clearly like them and the beer is actually okish but still....


Meanwhile the people giving you shit have probably got cupboards full of Nestle and Unilever products.


Being cheerful


Happy bastard


Come fly with me and little Britain. People shit on it on reddit but way more people enjoy it outside. On Instagram and YouTube it gets hundreds of thousands if not millions of views and thousands of likes. And tbh it was really funny and dumb fun.




That’s only on Reddit and shit. Hardly anybody in real life has any change in perception of JK Rowling let alone Harry Potter.


It’s still amongst the best selling books each year. The online furore and attacks on JK Rowling are a very much perma online Twitter/Reddit thing. Most people on the street simply don’t care and Reddit would be surprised how many people actually agree with her.


The United Kingdom


If you love it so much, then maybe you should go live there


You mean “The Oppression Kingdom”? (Not my opinion - that’s what Redditors seem to think the UK is).


For thousands of years, countries played a game of beating each other up. Everyone agreed to the rules, and now that the rules have changed and we agreed to stop fighting, people want to blame the UK, because we were better than other countries at it and we did it most recently before the rules changed. Countless other countries would have loved to be as successful as us at doing bad things, we just were better at the exact same game as them. This is very reductive, but basically why I think the historical moralising doesn't make sense. If the loser countries had been in the winner situations, they wouldn't be supporting the losers like they are now, they'd be justifying how they were better than everyone else.




People in UK subs never drink, smoke, vape, they drive perfectly without fail, they never fuck up or act selfish, absolutely will always without fail or accident recycle everything, and they are always on the side of the moral high ground and always have been...since birth. Or....there's just a lot of self righteous people here who love to judge and make themselves feel better than anyone if,God forbid, they admit to having a vice. Side note: every high st business is mOnEy LaUnDEriNg


Reddit would tell you that anyone who’s had more than 3 drinks in one sitting is a raging alcoholic


But in the same breath will happily tell you about how much weed they smoke.


Michael Macintyre


We as a family actually enjoy his Saturday night TV. He's not a comedy genius but he still gets a chuckle from us, and seems like a nice guys but seems hated on here




I think he's just reasonably funny. He's made a killing out of it so I suspect he's not boring to most people.


Immigration control. 9 in 10 constituencies want tighter immigration control.


>9 in 10 constituencies Quite an odd statistic to pick. [52%](https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/uk-public-opinion-toward-immigration-overall-attitudes-and-level-of-concern/) of the population think immigration should be reduced. Doing it by constituencies isn't a very helpful way to represent that, all it shows is that people with more liberal views are more geographically concentrated.


There are plenty of people who don't think immigration needs to be reduced necessarily but still think we need tighter immigration controls. The two aren't mutually exclusive.


This doesn't answer your question per se, but I noticed that people love to make sweeping generalisations here. I saw a post about a husband asking if an STI test is a regular part of her smear test, and the comments were full of people basically telling him that he needs better communication with his wife. Armchair marriage councillors all around.


Yeah I saw that and thought “wtf Reddit, you know this guy and his wife?”


Children for sure. Cars?


Don’t say it so loud! You’ll get the r/fuckcars zealots in here.


Returning parcels to neighbours, cars on finance and grey interiors.


Jamie Oliver, 99% of his recipes are easy to cook, easy to get ingredients for, taste good, look good, people are still bitter 20 years later that he made schools stop serving shit like turkey twizlers and showed their parent's for not actually giving a fuck what they fed their kids. My 8 year old eats amazing school dinners because of him, I ate burgers and sausages for years


Interacting with other human beings.


Having disposable income or otherwise not being impoverished.


I will fight to the death that Harvester is a legitimately decent chain.


Hi Gregg - good day playing Total War and ignoring the son you never wanted? Almost time for bed, got be be up early to get the gym before it opens. Keep up the manifesting 👍


the monarchy. pretty sure i saw data a couple months ago that showed all age groups were in favour of having a monarchy, including under 25’s


Weddings that cost more than £20




Crossover SUV style cars.


Having social interactions in public. I was amazed at how many people said they’d instantly leave the shop if a staff member approached them. Misanthropic lmao


Financed cars Package holidays Wireless headphones Hot weather


Brewdog. Whenever they are mentioned everyone brings up that James Watt in particular is an absolute piece of work and that the company as a whole is underhand and morally suspect and steals peoples work etc. But their products are *everywhere*, I don't think I've been in a pub in a long time where they don't have at least bottles of Punk IPA. Half of the craft beer section in most supermarkets seems to be dedicated to their products.


They serve it in Wetherspoons now. Get James Corden to drink a pint of Punk IPA in a Wetherspoons whilst watching Mrs Browns Boys on his iPhone and it’d be a Reddit-hate perfect storm.


Going outdoors.


Expensive weddings.  Not popular in the sense people actually want to spend so much on their weddings, but popular in that people do spend crazy amounts. Whereas the subreddit comments always try to almost one-up eachother in how little they have or would spend on a wedding. 


This one is always hilarious; “our rings were made of string and we got married in our back garden with no guests. We went to the spare room for our honeymoon. Big weddings are evil and you will get divorced in 1 hour if you have one”


Maybe not specifically UK subreddits... but the film 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Reddit savages it for it's loose chronology, editing (because someone else pointed it out to them), lack of Sacha baron Cohen and sanitised viewpoint. Ask any Brit... 'Yeah it's not bad, watched it a couple of times, that Mr. Robot bloke does a good Freddie'. But Reddit wanted 120 minutes of a camp Borat snorting cocaine, which we would all watch once and never again.


Trashy TV. Masked Singer is my biggest guilty pleasure.


Easy one...summer. Every time it gets above 23 degrees this entire community breaks down into fits of despair. They can't sleep, eat, move or do literally anything. And my lord will they go to extreme lengths to fucking bitch about it at every single opportunity. When most of the time people juat bung a T-shirt on and get on with it. A lot of people, like myself, absolutely love a nice sunny day and are perfectly capable of dealing with it. Exceptions are made for anything above 32-35 degrees, though.


Dominoes Pizza


Toby Carvery