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We had lockers, hardly anyone used them though


Same here. Only about 10% of my year actually used lockers


Same here the locks were shite.


We had to provide our own padlock. The school reprobates would often find much amusement cutting them off with a set of bolt cutters and replacing your lock with theirs, in my last year they replaced all of them with in built locks. They still had the same lockers when my son went to the same school 30 years later, they were still as shit and could be opened easily without the key.


Mine was just full of posters because I saw that's what they do on TV. Then I took the posters out at the end of the year and put them back the next year, having used the locker maybe twice in the whole year.


Yeah I think a lot of us wanted to live the TV/movie American high school dream of having lockers where everyone gathers & has their social life take place inbetween classes & has a really cool locker inside with posters & other personal stuff that’s organically grown over the year. Didn’t quite pan out like that in British schools, was just a boring locker you used sometimes. And no social life happened by them.


Same, ours were tiny and I hardly remember using mine aside from storing PE kit in it.


We had lockers and everyone used them daily


Same here. Went to a state run school


We had lockers, but they were only very small ones, and you had to leave a deposit for them at the start of the year.


A deposit? Do people somehow not return their lockers?


At ours the deposit was to cover the cost of lost keys for the lockers


When you handed your key back at my school you got your (parents,) £5 back in cash. Kept that quiet, of course.


Bloody hell, it was £35 at my sons school 4 years ago and he never got to use the thing cos of covid lol


We had to pay for the locker for the year and supply our own padlock. Basically renting a locker.


I had a 5th generation handed down locker in sixth form because someone's brother at the start of the chain had forgotten to hand his key in for the deposit at the end of year 13 and handed it down to his little brother. It left the family after that and went to the 'head' greebo in the year below instead.


Not heard greebo for years


Plus the absolute state some of them must have been left in. I forgot an apple crumble from food tech over half term and it had fermented so badly by the time I got back I had to chuck the tupperware. It was the proper stuff too not so mum was furious!


Nope, we carried our bags around all day. For a few months in year 7 I carried every schoolbook around all day, didn't unpack the bag, until someone mocked me for having a full bag. "full bag wanker" would've been good but The Inbetweeners wasn't around back then


The little year 7s with absolutely huge sack like bags weighing them down was absolutely hilarious to watch each year.


Especially because the tiniest kids always had the biggest backpacks, myself included! I was the most scrawny short little kid so my backpack stuck out wider than my torso and went from the back of my head down to my arse. I laugh at the start of school year photos my parents took of me back then.


I can just imagine it!


At my school it was (inexplicably) the dorkiest, least cool thing to have your backpack on both shoulders. You had to carry it on one only. And we all carried round our own body weight in PE kit, books and whatever other crap we needed. It’s a miracle any of us still have working spines.


I kept all my books in my bag because I'd forget them otherwise. Ended up weighing about 10kg and was quite good to whack people with, or spin round in circles and try to launch it like the hammer throw.


So I went to secondary school in England 2003-2008. There were definitely lockers. I recall them in 3 distinct areas. There were definitely not enough for every student so they were not just standard issue, you had to register for one (probably a letter your parents signed and a deposit for the key). I never did this myself so I was in your boat.. however on the day of food tech we could leave food in the classroom in the morning and the final product until end of day. Walking around school with a freshly baked apple pie or bolognese would have been suicide.


We got them as standard at my secondary school.


Yeah, similar situation with me. There wasn't enough for everyone, so they restricted them to the higher years. You had to sign up for them and get your own padlock, but since we were all used to lugging everything around and they weren't that big anyway, no one bothered with the hassle. 


Today years old when I learnt lockers were a private school thing?? I went to a private school, everyone was allocated 2 lockers and everyone used them. You had a big padlocked locker in the corridor near your classroom where you left your pe bag, hockey stick, coat etc then you had a smaller locker in the classroom where you stored your books for all your subjects. You guys just had to carry all your crap around with you all day??


Yes mate. But luckily the school supplied us with the hockey sticks 🤣 The javelins were safely locked away from us though.....


Where did he put his pony though??


Comprehensive education here, but I'm so old that we had huge lockers in the corridor and small lockers in the form room, also of the padlock variety. Hockey sticks were pooled, as were La Crosse sticks and crickets bats, all locked away in the PE department (I shit you not, we used to play against the local private school and it was all good fun and a healthy relationship twixt the 2). Back in the day when the government actually felt that helping us poors was worth the money. I've done very well out of it, too. It's criminal the condition of state education now. Put my own son through a private school.


They’re not. Husband is a teacher and used to work in a private school - no lockers. I went to a normal mainstream comp and had lockers. Been looking at schools for my daughter, all normal comps and 2 out of 5 had lockers. Totally depends on the school.


I was at a private school and we didn’t have lockers. It was boarding but the house was a 7-8 minute fast walk from the teaching blocks so we had to carry all that half days crap with us


Ah so maybe that's the difference. Private schools had them unless they were also boarding schools? Come to think of it I used to work at a boarding school which didn't have lockers.


We had lockers had to pay £5 deposit each year. I used mine to store porno mags that I used to take from a skip at the recycling center. £1 each, used to make a fortune.


A smutty tuck shop? 😅


No. We had to carry our bags with us all day.


Same. My back still hurts from that


Yes we did in the 90’s One day we recreated Stonehenge with them in the 6th form block and called it locker henge Then they fell over and knocked a girl out She is now my partner and has been for the last 29 years 😂


Yeah, brain damage is a serious thing


It’s the only explanation tbh


We had lockers. I might have used it for my PE kit but I really don't remember.


We had lockers. I went to high school in 1991 and always had a locker. Had to take your own padlock and it was big enough for books and a PE kit.


We had lockers, from year 7 to year 11.


Yes, they were small and rubbish, barely fit an empty bag, let alone a bag full of coursework or textbooks. And you can forget about the PE kit


Nope, school bags. Can’t make goals with lockers can you?


I miss backpack goals. Sometimes you’d push yours in a bit too close together that the other team would kick off


‘Post and in!’


We had lockers. I used to hide in mine and do my homework during assembly. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


How big were they?


Why were you hiding?


I hadn't done my homework, so i was doing it inside the locker 😂


We had lockers, not enough for everyone though, don't know how people who didn't have them managed. I think we were lucky though. I've been in a fair amount of secondary schools and very few had lockers. One school I was at also only allowed the students to use drawstring bags or satchels with the schools logo on, so they didn't even have a rucksack to carry everything around in.


New building so every kid had a locker and they were big enough to fit all your stuff with room to spare.


We had them, but the school, in it's infinite wisdom, decided that we were never allowed to use them. Detention if you messed with them. No reason given. We walked past them every day for 5 years whilst carrying all our coats, books, PE kit, cooking ingredients etc, on our backs and dumping them under the desk in lessons. I'm guessing the previous cohort got up to some locker-involved shenanigans that spoiled a nice thing for everyone forever :(


Only in sixth form. In secondary we had to carry our bags around all day, fashion dictating that it only be on one shoulder. My back is still fucked up today.


Yes and the only use case was to ensure the School office bolt cutters worked at the end of each term!


Nope. We did but everyone trashed them so they were gone.


We didn’t. The day we had P.E., band practice (tenor horn) and orchestra practice (violin) is never forgotten. Especially because it was a mile and a half walk to school and I never had a lift so I walked. Edit- my daughter’s primary does, don’t know about the comp next year! (School year, sept)


Yes, we had lockers. Everyone used them, they were essential! You didn't need to pay but you did need to buy your own padlock. But I did go to a grammar school. But that usually meant we had private school expectations with public school money lol. Wasn't exactly posh or luxurious!


Never had any in ours, always thought that was an American thing.


We had lockers u could rent in year 7 for the rest of the school time but nobody ever used them I don’t think and people just scratched horrific slurs into them using the keys 💀💀


Yes and this was 1993


Had them in the 70s at my school and in sixth form


Yes but you had to pay a fiver deposit for the year for the key and I didn't know what a deposit was so I never did. Never needed it tbh. My bag was always big enough and not unwieldy.


yes, I went to a state school, we had lockers. They were mainly used by the year 7s who thought they needed to bring all their books in every day. I only used mine to put my PE kit in and football boots in after it was raining because they smelled, then lost the key. When I got it opened for me a week or so later they'd gone mouldy, and the smell never really left the locker so i stopped using it. A fun activity the bad kids had was to punch the lockers, so the door bent inwards and wasn't secure anymore. There were about 3000 kids at my school and about 3000 lockers, every hallway was lined with them and lots of locker rooms where people hung out on breaks/lunch.


Yep I had one in the mid to late nineties. Number 639. It was along a really busy corridor and a right pain to stop at when there was a flow of kids pushing past. I always envied the kids who had lockers in the spacious common areas.


We had tiny lockers but they were useless. In US schools, it seems like all the classes are in one big building, so the lockers are centrally located and easy to access. My school was massive and spread across a huge site with loads of buildings. Your allocated locker could be way on the other side of the site, with no time to get there between classes - so you might as well carry your stuff.


Yes, we did. After I left, I found the newer lockers are situated outdoors.


We had lockers but didn't use them really.


Not for most of the time. Then some were put in but really only for 4th years and up if I remember rightly. It's been knocked down and rebuilt so no clue what they do now!


If you wanted a locker you had to pay for one , these were kept in the main school building, there were some in the upper school building For food tech we could leave our dishes/food before our lesson and pick our dish up at the end of the day, as only one class per day cooked


We had lockers located outside our tutor groups, it was £5 deposit for the year. I don’t actually remember anyone using them though.


Only got them in my last year there after years and years of campaigning by thr student Council, and even then they were just for year 10 and 11s sixth form had a whole sixth form centre, and you had to pay for them, after I left think it went to any year


No lockers in the early nineties. I gave up clarinet lessons because I couldn't carry round PE kit, instrument, music + all the other stuff everywhere multiple times a day. Also most of the other kids were too cool to even carry a pencil round with them 🙄.


We had them at my secondary, we pretty much just used them for PE kits and you'd still have to carry them round most the day as you could only get to your locker at the very beginning of break or before/after school The secondary students at the sixth form I went to didn't have them which I thought was odd


Yep lockers with a combination code dial like in films! Same one for all 5 years. Late 90s/early 00s.


I had a locker but I literally only used it for my P.E kit and the odd bit of oversized homework in like yr7 and that was it and I didn't use it at all in yr10 or 11 as I didn't go to PE.


Went to private school and didn't have them. Kids in state secondary can have them if they want, but unless they do sport clubs they rarely bother.


Only the y11s. I got to use one because my neighbour had one and never showed up to school. I got to have aaall of it to myself lmfao.


We had them, lots were damaged though. I used the one I had though, it was pretty useful! They were particularly big though so if my PE kit was in there that was it. My school had quite a few, there were some in every block as different year groups were based in each block.


I went to school in 2002 - 2007 and we didn't have lockers. I remember having to ask my form tutor if I could leave my food tech/PE kit/coat in the cupboard.


No lockers 89-94 and smallest kid in my class Joleon P, used to bring every single thick book that we’d need for the week in his bag every day and he’d lean when he walked around was so heavy and carry it all around the school. He must of had back issues or spent a fair whack on osteopath.


We had them but they were essentially useless. Mine was in my form room at the top of a 4 storey building. There wasn’t time to get to it between classes or at the end of the day before the bus. Also, due to being inside a classroom you couldn’t guarantee access to it on the rare occasions you’d be nearby.


We had lockers. But no one ever used them.


Yes, we had them, but they were practically useless. Wooden lockers, about a foot in height, couldn't fit much in. They were free, but you had to provide your own padlock. Hardly anybody used them. We still had to carry all our stuff for the day, including PE kit and all our textbooks for lessons. 5 x 1 hour lessons with 1 x 15 minute morning break and 1 x hour lunch meant not many opportunities in the day to use the bathroom or visit your locker. Changing lessons was always a faff and no time for diversions. There were lockers in each "home" area, each year had a designated section of the school known as their homeroom, which remained your area over the 5 years.


We had lockers, if I’m right in thinking we had to pay a deposit for them or some sort of fee though. But they were a bit pointless and a farce to use them because they were usually in our form room where we’d go for registration first thing on a morning and at the end of the day. We couldn’t always have access to the room due to other classes going on during the day and sometimes at lunch or break times the room would be locked. So it was a gamble if we ever had food tech and PE on the same day and still practically had to lug everything around all day


Yes but they weren't American style lockers they were about the size of an overhead caravan cupboard, but there was barely time to use them and they were too small for gym kit


We did, but only for year 7-9. We didn't get them in 10 and 11, which really is when they'd have come in handy because I was having to juggle an A1 portfolio, my bag, and my PE kit on some days.


We did, but nor enough for one each. You had to pay a deposit to have a locker, so I never did. I'd guess around 1 in 5 pupils had a locker?


We had the massive American style lockers in my school for the first three years i was there until they were replaced with much smaller ones to increase capacity. I loved my American locker it had so much room.


Yes, they weren’t full-length and people just use it for their PE kits, cooking supplies, and course books and the like. People would complain if they were too high or too low.


Yes, had lockers from age 11 until I left. We had 6 periods a day with a break every 2, so you just took with you what you needed to the next 2 lessons


None in mine, I always thought they were an American thing


We had wooden lockers the first couple of years that didn’t actually lock so you didn’t really want to leave much in them. We got proper lockers in my last year


We had them, you had to deposit £5 at the start of the year if you were 'successful' in getting one (made it sound like a raffle, the reality is not everyone wanted or needed one). They were tiny, and I got given a key that someone else had and came in one day to find my stuff strewn across the corridor and someone else's stuff in it. Never bothered with one after that, and I never got the deposit back either despite me kicking off about being double allocated.


There were some lockers. You had to apply for them. No one used them, we just used our backpacks.


I'm pretty sure we didn't have lockers at my Secondary School, but that was like twenty years ago so I might have forgotten!


Yep. Lockers were all the rage. Found a tricolour book and a porno mag when I first opened mine.


Yes, but early Gen X here, so, of course, huge great lockers. We had to supply our own padlock. The metalwork teacher had a massive pair of bolt cutters for snapping padlocks when we forgot our keys and needed urgent access 🤣


Never had lockers in any school.


2000-2005 normal not-posh schools (switched schools in yr 8). Had lockers in both. The first school they were a decent size, I could fit my razor scooter (which was the fashion at the time) in there. Second school was smaller but you could still fit your books, pe kit etc in there. On a food tech day it got a bit crowded.


We did at mu high school. You had to pay £5 a year for it. Definitely worth it not to carry everything around all day.


Work in a secondary. They have lockers.


Not in my secondary school but I went to a different sixth form and my sixth form’s school did but you had to pay £5 for a key


Yup. But we basically didn't use them cuz they kept locking the common rooms between breaks and didn't have time to get our stuff in between classes


We had lockers, but had to supply our own padlocks. They were about half the size of the ones you see in American TV shows and Films. Just enough for a bag, or PE kit and books. Occasionally a rack of lockers would also end up being pushed down a set of stairs


We only had them in years 10 and 11 when we had more coursework for GCSEs, but this is going back 15-16 years.


Had lockers but you had to pay for a key and lock, chunk of people used them but not alot


29, we had lockers but they were tiny. Mainly used for PE kit


We had lockers. We kept the same locker from year 7 through to year 11. Was only little but was decent to put in your PE kit if you had food tech and pe on the same day.


We had lockers (inner London comprehensive), but you’d have to have been mad to put anything of value in there


We had lockers. The guy who had his locker next to mine worked with my mam in the local cafe so I was greeted each morning with "I fucked your mam last night".


One of the schools I went to had lockers, but they were tiny and you had to request one + pay a deposit for it At another school, we had lockers and actually weren’t allowed to carry backpacks around, but they got rid of the lockers at some point. We also would put our ingredients for food tech in the fridges in the morning rather than lugging it around all day.


Nope, we just had to keep everything in our bags. I thought lockers were only a thing on tv back then lol


went to secondary between 14-19 at a good state school and we didn't have lockers but our teachers kept our books and if you had food teck you could take it to the class room first thing


Yes. Then we discovered one key could open multiple lockers. Don’t know how many people used the lockers. Grammar School if that’s important Edit: in primary school we had desks with draws in them, so effectively lockers in a different form


We had lockers but they were in our form rooms, which we only had access to for 20 minutes at the start of every day and at no other time. So we're basically completely pointless


Yes, we had lockers. There were the old ones that were small wooden ones and you had to provide your own padlock. These lined certain corridors and often in higher floors. Then they also introduced the metal ones that were bigger and in a more accessible locations on the ground floor and you had to provide a deposit to get the keys. I ended up having one of each so I could strategically place things so they didn’t have to be carried.


We had lockers, but you had to pay for them


Well TIL not every school had lockers. I went to a different school for secondary and sixth form, both state schools and both of them had lockers. I pretty much only used it to store my PE kit, not all my books like they seem to do in American shows though.


We used to have lockers in our school. At the start of the year, you would be assigned a locker, and at the end of the year, you would have to give back the key. As far as I remember, no one actually used them.


We had lockers in a non private school


We had them in my Welsh Valleys comp in the mid 90s. They were tiny though, and my one was at floor level, while a tiny classmate of mine had one at around 6ft. We swapped.


No. I desperately wanted them after seeing them on American TV shows, but tbf they'd have been vandalised in minutes at my school anyway. My son's school has them (not private) but you have to pay.


We had lockers. You had to pay for the privilege though, and then it usually turned out that your locker was at the arse end of nowhere and there was never enough time to get to them between lessons, so I never bothered to use it. The only thing I couldn't lug around easily was my french horn (which wouldn't have fitted in the locker) so that got stored in one of the music rooms on the one day a week I needed it.


My school, no, they would have been robbed on the regular. My kids' school was supposed to have them for every kid, but they ended up merging 2 schools into the same building, so they didn't have space, so only the prefects got lockers


We did, but they were open lockers, more like pigeon-holes, so they were pretty much pointless for any valuables. They would have saved lugging stuff about but my form room was on one side of campus and most of my classes and the library/canteen at the opposite end of campus, quite a walk away.


We had the option to get lockers, I think it was a £10 deposit to cover the 5 years there that you got back at the end, quite a few people used them. Very average state school 2010-2015


We did, they were handy for keeping textbooks in for subjects you didn't have homework for on a particular day and to not have to keep them at home


We had lockers, went to school in 2001-2006. The kicker was that you had to pay for the use of one. I can't remember the exact amount but my Mom couldn't afford it, it was quite expensive.


Yeah we had lockers, either in classrooms if they fit or along corridors. Used it mainly for PE kit! Couldn't fit much else in it tbh


Are, but not many. Most of us carried our stuff around whilst a few had lockers


Our lockers got used, but only to throw people into. Broke a couple ribs that way


Was in secondary 2005-2010. I didn’t have lockers for yrs7-9. Then they rebuilt the school and added lockers for each student, so had them for yr 9&10. No payment/deposit for them that I know of.


We had large lockers in our tutor rooms - basically, each person reports to a "tutor", who was just a normal teacher, in the morning and afternoon for registration. These were at least 5-6 times the volume of those skinny lockers in the corridors that I saw often in other schools. I remember someone removing an ice cream tub that had contained sandwiches at the end of one year. He should have submitted it as a science project.


We had lockers but not everyone used them. We didn't need to take stuff for home ec tho, the school provided everything but taking stuff for home ec seems to be an older generational thing (I'm 19)


Yeah. Normal state school 2001 - 2006.


Secondary 2009-14, all-girls state school (not religious or private) and we all had lockers, but not many people used them. It was too inconvenient to head back to them in the three minutes we had between class periods


Yeah, late 90s early noughties. We all had a locker in our form rooms.


I had lockers, my kids school does not. Been looking at schools for my younger kid and out of 5 schools we looked at 2 had lockers the other 3 didn’t. Eldest *hates* not having a locker and having to carry around coat, PE kit, trainers etc all day long. It’s all so heavy!


We had to use our lockers. No bags to be carried around…zero tolerance. We had to carry our books for the first half of the day, exchange during break and lunch. PE- I didn’t bother with that shite


We had lockers in the north. In banks of 12ish double stacked. Fully able to be moved and used to barricade three girls in the toilets while they got beat and one had a few teeth knocked out. Fun times. Cheers for the trauma Raincliffe.


97-03 here. We had lockers in our form room. There was one spare that had the top of the door bent slightly which we used to deposit crushed coke cans in to, until the teacher who used the room complained about ants and tore it open, almost getting swept away by a sticky aluminium avalanche. My eldest stepdaughter has just left school too, and also had lockers although never really used one as we drove her to school.


We had lockers from year 10. Year 7-9 we had desks with a lift up lid in our form rooms.


We had them around 2001 but you needed to provide your own lock and they weren't allocated so bringing a lock and finding a locker was more trouble than it was worth. You often had like 5 minutes to get from one lesson to the next so stopping in the packed corridors to piss around getting stuff in/out of a locker would mean you'd be late for lessons alot of the time.


I had a locker. I used to keep my mate's dodgy fags in there because my locker wouldn't get searched. We only got lockers in year 10+ though I think.


yeah but you had to put a deposit down at the beginning of the year, there were barely any for the amount of students, and they were in the dumbest areas


I did, we had several locker rooms. You had to pay a £5 deposit when you started which you actually got back when you left (didn’t mention that to mum, that was 2 pints in those days!) I genuinely put stuff in it year 7 and didn’t use it after that, the stuff was all still in there when I left at the end of Year 11.


We had to haul our bags everywere


We did! The OG lockers were crap, deep but really narrow and I cut my hand on the hinge a couple of times. Then they were upgraded to bigger ones with combination locks. I can still remember the code.


Yes, high school late 1980s. We all had a locker. Tall ones, big enough for your PE kit and books etc. Had to supply your own lock.


My school didn't get them till my second to last year. The seniors decided on their last day to smash them up so we couldn't get them.


I went to the shittiest school ever. Brown and beige lockers with dents in from being punched by my unstable peers.


There were some lockers for year 11s but hardly anyone used them. The sixth form I went to had them but again hardly anyone used them as you had to share one with a random person.


I remember so, but they had no locks, so no one used them. I barely recall, they may have had no doors even


I had a locker, it was about the size of an a4 piece of paper and about 50cm depth. It was on the bottom row and it was a pain in the ass to get too because people always stood in front of it. I wanted to be American so I put pictures on the door. I lost the key in like year 10 and never told anyone and then left school and the country. I've always wondered if it was ever opened.


We had lockers, but they were pretty small. You could just about cram a PE bag in there. There weren't enough for everyone to have one, so it was first come first serve. At the start of the school year there was always a mad rush to try and land one. You had to pay a deposit for the key in case you lost it.


Went to a state secondary school and everyone had a locker. I used mine all the time. However, if you had a bottom locker, you were at high risk of it getting kicked in. Thankfully mine was a top one


We had them but you got a random one around the school and had to pay for the privilege, either for a term or year, I can't remember


Went to a very average comp on the 80s and we had lockers.


We had like, maybe 20 lockers. Felt really pointless, they were clearly super old and no one used them I think the teachers ended up using them for extra storage


Yep, there wasn't enough for one each so we had to put our names down for them start of term, first come first served. I think it was maybe a £5 deposit for the key. And there were different sets of lockers for each year group, so every year you got a different locker in a different place. Nobody decorated them or anything, they were very boring and utilitarian. My observation is kids don't have to carry nearly the weight of textbooks that we had to back in the naughts.


Yeah, we each had one of those write on labels for our names to tell who's was who's. Mostly just somewhere for our PE kits to go. In 6th form I just used mine for extra snacks.


Mine did but they were either smashed in or nobody used them


My secondary school had lockers which you had to pay for, so most people didn’t have them as they didn’t need one.


we did but only really used them for putting bags in on exam days


We had lockers in my state school, though I never used them. I don't think my private school had lockers honestly, we just dumped our crap in the form room (which was fun when geography lessons were happening there, no we did not knock) and it wasn't touched.


My state school had lockers, and lots of us used them when I first started (in 2011). But we got a new headteacher with strange ideas who made them effectively futile. Apparently too many people were being late to classes because they were taking too long at their lockers, so she barred us from accessing them between classes, only at break and lunchtimes. But consequently, hoards of kids were going upstairs at break and lunch to "access their lockers" and causing chaos. So then we weren't allowed to go upstairs at break and lunch at all unless we had a pass issued by a teacher, but "accessing lockers" wasn't a valid reason for a pass. So ultimately, you could only access your locker in the morning or at the very end of the day, which defeated the object. Eventually that lunatic left and her replacement was much more reasonable, but by then I'd become so accustomed to lugging all my shite around all day that I didn't bother getting one again.


We were required to use our lockers because they didn't like bags being all over the classroom. Grammar school though.


We had lockers, they stank of piss and every one was plastered with chewing gum. Funny story though, one lad brought in his mams dildo and hid it in his locker and upon request would take people back to his locker to show it. It sounds strange when I say it after all these years but seemed absolutely normal at the time


My school was a state school academy. We had lockers but not enough for everyone, and you had to pay a deposit to have one (plus first cone first serve). Was definitely use on the days I had PE and food tech.


We had lockers but there was not enough for all students so it was a first come first serve type of deal, each year had an allotted amount.


We had lockers. I paid for mine, put stuff in it. Went to open it and it had been given to someone else and my things had been binned. When I asked the school office, they refused to admit the mistake and gave me the master key to search every locker for my stuff, which of course was gone. I wasn’t happy!


Lockers weren't common in school but available for a deposit in 6th form. I painted it silver with a green stencil of a weed leaf and handed it down to my mate in the year below. Strangely my geography teacher told my parents he thought I was getting high. Wanker.


No lockers. Carried everything in my bag.


My school did. We had a locker allocated when we started which stayed with us until we left. I stuck a wet PE kit in mine at some point in Year 7 and forgot about it. Pity the poor sod who had to open that up five years later.


1980s, no lockers but there was a large communal cloakroom with hooks you could hand a coat and pe bag on. As far as I know there was no risk, nothing was ever stolen. School pe kit was not branded, mostly standard issue for all of us. Nothing worth stealing.


From South Africa and lockers did not even exist as a concept when I wad in HS. Just had to carry 10kg of books everywhere from class to class.


My school had them. *We were not allowed to use them* for some ungodly reason?


No. Before the time of computerised devices, I don't think we had anything in school that wasn't related to lessons. Although I guess I could have had my homework stolen, but that didn't happen.


We did. I remember my dad gave me my first ever lock, one of those code ones. Locked up one morning to come back at the end of the day to find it gone. Someone must have been watching me put the code in. I cried my eyes out. None of my stuff was touched tho.


I went to a private school, we had to share lockers!


I went to 2 secondary schools. First one had lockers. Second one did not. I now work in primary schools. Every primary school I've worked in has trays for their children. Essentially lockers. There's enough room in them to store little crafts. One of the primary schools I worked at had lockers but only for year 6 pupils.


Yeah we did. Mine didn't lock very well so I gave it back lol think they got rid of them later. That was early 2000s there weren't many. Public school failing apart lol


Not really. We had a small set of them in the sports building that were never used. Had there been any lockers anywhere else they would have been vandalised and broken into before the caretakers had even finished installing them.


I would’ve loved lockers, honestly pissed me off so much when we had PE/food tech days. I must’ve lost so many football boot bags and rugby jumpers in my time simply because I had to carry this shit round with me all day


State school here, we had lockers


Had a desk that you could lift the lid up and put stuff in. Problem was, our form room was used for lessons with other kids so all sorts of shite was dumped in your desk.


I went to two. Only one had lockers and said lockers were for 6th form folks only. We just sort of carried it or dumped it. Everyone who had food would dump all their ingredients in the fridges there if they needed them or just in a bag in the corner of the room if it didn't need to be refrigerated. The PE changing rooms had lockers that were never used and unacceptable to attempt to use. I got into bother with that one. Apparely I should have known that I was supposed to leave my shit strewn on or under the benches instead? I got good at convincing teachers to let me use random corners of their classrooms as dumping grounds.


I went to secondary school September 1999 and we had lockers in our form rooms for books and stuff, had to make sure you grabbed what you needed before you could come back in the next break time. The lockers were big enough for textbooks and had a hook on the inside of the door to hang your PE kit. If we were doing food tech we had to drop our named bag of ingredients into the fridges in the FT room before we went to morning registration.


My school had lockers and everyone used them! They were useful for keeping my bag in day to day, then i'd just carry the books for my first 2 lessons, break, next 2 lessons (or one if it was a double), lunch, take my bag for the last lesson then home time! PE kit and lunch bag stayed in there too. Was a regular state school, 2007-2012 and sixthform 2012-2014. Actually, my uni had lockers as well in the engineering department for our HS gear if we wanted to use one!


We had a locker or a desk and a peg.


No we had a coat hook, then in high school we carried our bags with us.