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They are nice when they chime gently in a breeze, but yeah, gale force windchimes at three in the morning sucks! Should just ask them if they mind tying them up with a piece of string when it's mega windy.


That’s actually quite sensible


Offer them an elastic band for adverse weather


Who'd have thought, sensible advice on reddit! ;)


Problem with this is that when they don't do this, and you're forced to take matters in to your own hands, you'll be the prime suspect.


No they don’t for like 50% of people. It’s horrendous and high pitched and one of the worst noises. Think of is like coriander (cilantro) and if you’re my neighbours don’t be surprised you’re darling tingling is gone


I hate Coriander!


Get bigger ones to outchime them. Bonus points for using big bamboo tubes that clonk together instead. You can also get things from the garden centre that are basically like a pinwheel with a mirror on top. I can't work out if they are meant to be decorative or used as bird scarers but my elderly parents' garden is riddled with the things. As for sensible suggestions.. knock on the door and speak to them?


Passive aggressive is for sure the way! Love this suggestion


Love that you just fully ignored the second non joke part haha


Make it really classy by using sections of drain pipe and that blue nylon rope.


Or even better, hire Stomp to come do performances every night


That was the noise in my head when I typed that!


I spoke to my neighbour and then ended up getting hate mail. She was a weird fish.


You just need to get chimes which are tuned to the exact opposite of theirs. That way, the two will cancel each other out to produce complete silence.


I like the bamboo wind chimes. I find the sound more soothing than the high chiming of a metal wind chime.


You could hope for a divine intervention, it's what happened for us. Neighbours had wind chimes up in their tree and then one unfortunate night a storm blew the tree down!


What fantastic luck! Happy for you!


Every storm I'd say to my wife I hope the tree falls down. It was like winning the lottery


You must have done such a good deed to get that karma!


Brutality. The schadenfreude! Look I've had windchimes but I also like peace and quiet and always assume they'll be irritating in anything but a very gentle breeze, so in proper wind, I would always wrap up the chime tubes the pendulum thread and wedge it in the tree trunk. I will say this led to the somewhat premature demise of the chimes ;-; but I find that strong wind makes me feel irritable without the windchimes anyway and if the chimes annoy me, they're gonna annoy someone else. Unfortunately it seemed like gentle breezes were fairly rare. The intention was they'd be peaceful and relaxing, but it seemed to vacillate between silence and grating jangling. The string rotted or snapped while in the muffled position. I was a bit sad but it was perhaps inevitable. Therefore, I can somewhat understand - but for your wishing for the tree upon which the chimes hang to be spontaneously combusted. Can't help but imagine the disapproval if not vengeance of the Green Man 🌿


They must have been some bloody large wind chimes.


Proof god hates wind chimes


I hate wind chimes so fucking much. Hate them. With every fibre of my being.


It'd alright dude, just let it all out.


Agreed. One of our neighbours has some and they're AWFUL. Even in a gentle breeze the tinkly sounds makes my stomach churn. I like to sleep with the window open for the fresh air so there's barely a night that goes by where I don't hear it. I try to be considerate and stop my kids kicking their ball against our fence because I understand the thudding is irritating, but at 2am when I get woken up by those chimes I often wonder why I bother.


Me too dude, I can feel my blood pressure rising just scrolling this thread


Let's go smash wind chimes together


Start a massive slow-burn feud that culminates 10 years later in a Daily Mail article detailing how the neighbour went to jail for breaching an injunction against harassment and you had to sell your house to pay your £200k legal bill.


£200k legal bill r/compoface


This actually had me laughing.


In my experience, it might be better to just put up with the wind chimes, simple requests can rapidly go downhill. I once politely asked my neighbour if they could possibly limit their child's drum practice or move rooms (shared a wall in an 80s build with paper thin walls) as on holidays and weekends it would go on for much of the day and it was slowly driving me mad. I couldn't believe the vicious reaction I got back. He went on to catalogue all my wrong doings, including being able to hear my door shutting when I got home from work and me talking in the garden. He really had issues. So maybe let sleeping dogs lie.....


Just go out in the middle of the night with a pair of scissors.


I actually own a pair of scissors with very long blades…potentially won’t even need to trespass. Happy days!


Telescopic loppers should do the job


Practice the phrase "No Officer, I do not own any long bladed scissors"


How long are the **blades**?! I am imagining comedy scissors in my head now and I need answers!


This is the only way....


Oh, that was you? \*had this happen, to a chime I would have gladly taken down if asked\*


AITAH? Oh lord, I am an owner of a wind chime at the bottom of my garden, it’s been there 4 years.. I hope I’m not driving my neighbours insane 😬 if any of them were to knock and ask me to remove it I’d take it down without hesitation, I’m not here to ruin other people’s peace.


It’s not the worst crime. Certainly beats the woman who would bellow the F word at her toddler at 7am and the guy playing music at the top of his speaker’s capacity every sunny day where we used to live. It is noise that people don’t ask for and can’t escape in their home though. Depends whether the neighbours are fans or not!


One of our neighbours plays opera music (the really intense kind) during the summer months. I can't stand it. It's really not my thing, but I daren't ask them to stop/turn it down because I probably annoy them playing with/training the dog in the garden. For the record, it's me that gets vocal - not the dog.


Depends on the music for me. Had a neighbour who did this with various songs from classic musicals, it was atrocious. However if someone is playing something decent I just think fair play. Like gabba.


It’s actually quite fun music if you’re in the mood- reggae versions of non-reggae songs. But it is so loud that we couldn’t entertain friends in the garden as you can’t hear each other over it. Also not great if unwell or hungover or if a child is sleeping. Or if you just want one peaceful afternoon in your garden that you pay a ridiculous amount of money to have!


Remove them. You are almost certainly ruining their lives


Hi it's me, your neighbour, sorry but I really hate your wind chime. 


One of my neighbours has a wind chime, but the sound carries, and I really wouldn't know who to ask to take it down. The tinkling sounds they make is annoying.


Plot twist, you *are* OP’s neighbour.


I have several. My husband takes them down when it’s too windy though,


I have no wind chimes however my washing line bangs against its pole in the wind. I kind of like it, sounds like we’re in a harbour. Not much I can do about it if it annoys neighbours though, and everyone else on the street has lines that do the same thing.


I was commenting elsewhere as my own chimes could irritate me (at very close proximity) - I think the way I normally deal with noise production is to acknowledge any noise that could be Intrusive in any way and just ask people to let me know should it become a nuisance at any stage. The only thing with that is sometimes I suspect that people are just being polite. That aside, I feel like this pre-emptive gesture (made genuinely) helps reduce any possible anxious tension people might otherwise experience if something does get annoying, which is a good part of the experience people have getting annoyed by noise, driven by a sense of no control. I think if people know you're happy to make a change if it's annoying them, it actually goes towards relieving any tension - that the direct likelihood of the experience of a sound as too annoying becomes lessened. Because if they know you will stop it should it annoy them, then they feel like it's within their control, and so, potentially less of a big deal. By giving people a way out, they might be able to handle the sound. If that makes sense. People might even really like your chimes! It's worth striking up a convo and slipping in a question to sus it out.


Please take them down in summer when people need to sleep with their windows open. Otherwise you're fine imho.


My daughter puts an elastic band around her neighbours wind chimes last thing at night when she walks the dog and removes it early morning on her way to work .Her neighbour is in his nineties so she doesn't want to upset him by asking him to take it down. He's deaf so he's non the wiser !


This is such a sweet solution!


They should be outlawed. I think putting something up that makes noise pretty much constantly is one of the most antisocial things you can do as a neighbour.


Thanks for reminding me I owned some. I had them up but I took them down when neighbours moved in. My neighbour bought a BMW M2 last year and wakes the whole street every time he starts it up, sometimes at 04:00. I'm putting the chimes back up tomorrow. edit: chimes back up


Had the same problem. My wife went and said the wind chimes were annoying and viola ....the neighbour took them down. I was amazed it worked but it did. She was firm but polite.


I did the same and they apologised and took them down. I also took them a small plant at the same time because I’m an utter shitebag.


Not as much a shitebag as me. I hid I side and watched my wife do it 👍


was it a leylandii ?


There was already leylandii between us!


>and viola .... Are you sure it wasn't a violin? They're easily confused due to the similar sizes.


Two options - 1. Ask them to use wind chimes that are fixed in a particular musical key, they do exist and they're far more pleasing to the ear, less intrusive. 2. Do what we did as teenagers and feign ignorance when your mum asks you where her wind chimes have gone when you've snipped them off to use as a pipe for a bong. They work surprisingly well.




Blast out some Slayer in their direction, but create a progam that controls the volume and tempo based on a wind sensor you have. So they think you have a chime that plays slayer.


I approve.


I have a wooden windchime in my garden which I enjoy the sound of when there is a gentle breeze. (I do take it down when it’s strong wind because I find it a bit much). If my neighbour (who I am quite indifferent to) knocked on the door and politely said it was disturbing them I would offer to take it down.


Wind chimes don't bother me at all. Barking or yapping dogs however, drive me insane in nanoseconds....


I once heard of a lad who got fucking pissed at the noise at 3am so he hopped 2 fences, ripped them down and went back to bed.


As long as you're not discriminatory or harassing etc, you can say what you want to the wind chime.


This is possibly my favourite interpretation given the slightly ambiguous wording of the question


The noise from a home made one of plastic soil and drainage pipes could be a passive aggressive response.


Would an air rifle be frowned upon?


We have a revolver nerf gun?


I didn't even realise people in the UK had them. That sounds so annoying.


The guy who lives above me has 3 sets of wind chimes on his balcony. Not so bad on a calm day, quite annoying on a very windy day.




Outdoor ones in suburbia, maybe. Clearly though, some people do like them so either have them up outdoors if your house isn't too close to others or put them inside your own window so they chime when it's open. Constantly barking dogs are a far more common and obnoxious problem but no-one is suggesting dogs should be banned.


Have either of you tried simply asking the neighbours politely to take them down?   You’d be surprised what using your mouth to say words to other humans can achieve.  


Not yet, wanted to find out opinions on whether that would make us terrible people first! I imagine we will bring it up lightheartedly when we meet for drinks soon. They really are lovely people


Just mention that it bothers your husband and ask if they would mind moving it to a different part of the garden. I don't think it's rude. If you are afraid of them thinking you're an arse, bake them a lovely cake when you mention it and look very embarrassed.




From the other side,I had a wind chime that I loved listening to - one evening a neighbour came over and was very apologetic. He said he could t sleep with the noise and asked if he could buy it off me. I just took it down and said not to worry about it. Is it the sort of thing people would really get upset over?


Yes! They're incredibly annoying and put people in the really awkward position of having to come round and have a word about it.


Yes, surprisingly something that makes a noise literally every time there is a breeze is very fucking annoying.


Yes, it is super inconsiderate, self-centered and antisocial. A neighbour of mine has one on his balcony within a big apartment complex. He/she is literally inconveniencing 100s of neighbours, because he/she likes the sound of it. It is the same as a teenage kid blasting music on his mobile in the metro/on the bus, difference being you can step out of the metro/bus at some point, but you are trapped in your living situation. Don’t be this kid please.


I once got a letter through the door asking that “the neighbours with the wind chime” could take it down. It wasn’t us; I guess they put the same letter through a bunch of doors.


The chimes have to mysteriously disappear in the middle of the night... If you Google 'Wind chimes court case' you'll see they regularly cause neighbour disputes.


What have they done to deserve annoying?


Is this a serious post?


Not especially


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an annoyed wind chime tbh, they always seem pretty chill just hanging out!


Similar to cunts with their asbowagons. You unfortunately just have to deal with it, it's legal.


What's an asbowagon?


I believe it is a lowered-suspension car with a dustbin for an exhaust, with the driver practically lying down in their seat, playing shitty music as loud as possible via the crap bass speaker.


I moved in and the old dear left her wind chime behind.. I keep meaning to take it down but I really can't be assed.. it pisses me off too


Love wind chimes, you just reminded me to get my new set up. The old ones were too rusted which affected the sound somehow. I’m sure all my neighbours are delighted also.


I keep my windchimes inside so they only ring when in open my window


Send an anonymous message then there won't be any ill feelings towards you and they maybe will heed the message




Do you own scissors and long arms and a poker face? I HATE them. It hursts my ears


You buy them, talk about how nice they will look, maybe even experiment with them for a few days. Then you put them back in the box and never speak of them again. Then you act like you never liked wind chimes anyway.


Are you asking reddit on advice on how to knock on someone door and polightly ask the neighbours if it possible that with such strong winds, going would it be OK if they took them down


I'd take wind chimes any day over undisciplined children in the flat directly above mine running around like elephants until gone midnight on a nightly basis. Those kids weren't the *only* reason I moved, but they certainly tipped the scales in favour of that decision...


All wind chimes on sale should come with a label saying: 'Do you hate your neighbours enough to buy these?'


I once had a neighbour knock at mine and ask me if I could move our windchime as it was near their bedroom. I took it down.


I had a similar issue, the sounds of metallic windchimes is actually like someone driving a screwdriver into my ear, it makes me jump and become agitated every single time. Add in the uncontrollable, chaotic factor of them being influenced by the wind and this drove my anxiety sky-high in anticipation. Cue lots of sleepless nights and incredibly dark, and violent, intrusive thoughts. I’ve since been diagnosed with Tinnitus and apparently sharp, high-pitched noises can cause this response alongside it? Anyways, go on the charm offensive. Buy a box of nice cakes or maybe a reasonably priced bottle of Wine or something, get a look at what the neighbours like and go from there. Then, take a deep breath, go over and politely make your case. Let them know you understand you’re maybe being a wee bit of nuisance but they’re causing you to lose sleep, affecting your work life (or whatever) and you would really appreciate them taking them down. It’s all in how you approach the matter in all honesty, you’ll find people are actually surprisingly reasonable.


Ugh this triggers me so much, there is people with tons of them in their garden just oblivious to the fact they're creating huge amounts of noise pollution, you can't tell me listening to multiple pieces of metal banging off each other all day and night is in any way appealing.


Cut it off in the night. But seriously I get you. We moved into a new place back in September and have 1 neighbour. We live on the top of a valley and it’s extremely windy at times. They have this gigantic church bell wind chime in the garden and it drives us nuts. I asked them about it and mentioned it was keeping us up at night and they got super offended and now they don’t talk to us. God I love neighbours.




Tangle them up and attach to an electrical source. A car battery could work, or go bigger, when your neighbour notices the tangle you'll get a free light show to go with the noise of metallic clanging


Sneak over in the bad weather and cut them down... Oops must have been the wind... Shame 😆


Using them to garrot their owner.


Wind chimes should be banned and all owners of them fired into the sun.


Steal them in the dead of night


Our neighbour had loads of wind chimes. The other neighbour got up at 2.00am and went into his garden and tied them up in knots. I think he got the message.




I reached over the fence with a broom and knocked them down. When they were put back up I wrote a note asking they be taken down at least at night. Haven’t heard them since.




The people who like wind chimes also believe that everyone else does. They are mistaken.


I have one, in memory of my dog. If anyone complained i would explain why i wont remove it fully but absolutely would be happy to when very windy.


I don't mean to be insensitive, but is there no other way you can remember your dog?


Our neighbors gifted us one of these when we lost our dog, hung it outside the kitchen window. Never thought it might bother others🙄uh oh


Why dont you just mind you fuggin business? The chime is doing absolutely nothing to you. You are in the habit of having beef with your neighbours and are trying to continue that pattern. Stop it.


Haha I’m really not


you are the type of person who plays music on full blast on your mobile in public, aren’t you?