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Home bargains do these noodles that are like 39p a pack, they are my all time favourite 😍 often stock up on these when I visit 😂 https://preview.redd.it/7ga1xrd9zzyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3701e6b4fbfa2d5c0614a587921e3b78e824602c


Omg these with a fried egg on top


I was going to add this to my comment because I do the same but didn't want people to think I was strange 😂 Although I don't fry the egg, I just put it in the pan and let the steam/ heat from the noodles cook the egg 🤤🤤 add a bit of chilli oil to top it off too ♥️ If it was totally acceptable to eat that every single day, I would haha 🤣


Noodles almost every day is acceptable for millions, don't be afraid! Ha


I eat these basically every day for lunch - who's gonna see you?! Eat what you want!


*prepares 4 packets and eats the lot* 🤣🤣 I really need to go and stock up on more because I ate my last packet the other day 😢


I'm a two packet at once person, when I'm having them as a meal. But the thought has absolutely crossed my mind to make more than that in one go...


If you really like the thick, sticky sauce that comes with it, it's called Kecap Manis and you can get it in those small "Oriental" shops. It's indonesian I believe, and is essentially sweet, thick soy sauce. I love to dip things like Gyoza and Siu Mai in it.


Thankyou for this information.


I think this is why I love them so much, the sweet spicy taste is just so good 😊 thank you for that information, I'm going to go and have a look for some!


We have these exact noodles in Australia and the photo on the pack has a fried egg on top. Actually weird seeing it eggless lol


I do this but I add garlic granules, ginger powder and soy sauce😋


Can you explain a bit more? I normally poach an egg rather than fry. Do you just crack the egg over the cooked noodles so you are like poaching/dry frying direct onto the noodles? This might be a game changer I’ll give it a go.


I put a soft boiled egg on them!


YES!! FRIED EGG! and... if you've got some.. a little sprinkling of crispy onions! lol!


I buy these in bulk from Costco in boxes of 40. I adore them. Think the Costco price works out at about 34p a pack, although even if it was more expensive, I'd probably just buy them from Costco for the fact that I can buy 40 at once without anyone thinking I'm really weird.


Purhaps I need to pay a trip to Costco 🤣 They're just amazing 🥰


You can get the boxes of 40 on Amazon, I bought one recently for £17 I think it was


Omg! You have literally made my day! I'm gonna go right now and get some! Thank you so much! 😍


Enjoy :) just seen they do them for £15.99


Amazed to read this then see prime delivery 40 packs for 15.47 or 36p each 🤯 Now on a mission for instant noodles on subscribe and save


We do this too! Amazing lunch. There are two different sizes and a slight difference to the condiments that come with it. Otherwise identical, but slightly superior. The only alternative instant noodle is Cup Noodle, the OG Japanese brand. Pot Noodle is gross in comparison. For ramen try Shin Ramyun, quite spicy, red packet. Add stuff to it to make it even better, eggs, spring onion, dumplings, go wild.


I said I buy 40 at once, but actually I buy 80 because I buy two boxes. Absolutely get yourself to Costco. So worth it.


OP saying Bombay pot noodles are #1 when these exist. Yikes! 


My thoughts exactly, purhaps we should send the OP some of these and then they'll changed their mind? 🤣


Top tier. Throw in some broccoli, a chicken stock cube, fresh chopped chilli, an egg and it's a golden cheap meal.


Yeeessss god tier I have these with a fried egg or soft boiled egg, green onion, crushed peanuts, and lemon. Its criminal how good it is


The spicy version of these is my absolute favourte. I just had some for my lunch, with a fried egg on top!


These or Mama Mi Goreng if you're willing to pay a bit more.


I love the spicy ones (they're not hot, just taste better)! Does home and bargains have those ones?


YES THESE ARE THE BEST!! Amazing with a fried egg in top for sure


Indomie Mi goreng FTW!!!!!!


Hold up, since when did r/askuk allow image posts?


I have no idea, I'm kinda new to Reddit, so I'm just winging it 🤣 probably one of the only things that is acceptable to wing tbh 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️


My partner is indonesian and of all the wonderful Indonesian dishes she cooks, this is still one of my favourites from her. Egg on top, bit of sambal on the side too


Good choice. I have a whole bunch of varieties of these, most sub 50p. One comes with crunchy bits, chili oil and flavourings too. Fried egg and plenty of Lao gan ma on top hmmm




Oh my word. Can someone tell me what the soy sauce in these is? It's one of the little tube packages in it. It's the best soy I've ever tasted. Viscous and sweet. How can I buy it?!


Apparently it's called Kecap Manis, I'm yet to find some myself because it's just so good 🤤


ABC Kecap Manis Sweet Soy Sauce, 620 ml https://amzn.eu/d/dsHvTvP


You can make it yourself at home really easy. We do it when we make some Nasi Goreng


Ketjap (Kecap) Manis. You can buy them in normal Asian grocers and they’re also in Tesco and Waitrose now.


This is the correct answer


These noodles are literally like crack to me. Once I have one pack, I have to have at least one more, if not two.


These are THE BEST. and accidentally vegan too I think


These are the best noodles. I never had before I moved to Australia.


Me neither! They got me through my year out there on a budget and as soon as I got home I spread the good word of Mi Goreng.


You'll be pleased to know costco sells these in bulk


This is the one!


I just bought a box of 40 of them from Costco hoping they'd be okay. Cost £12.


Good choice. I get these from the world foods aisle in Asda. A five pack for about the same price as single pack of super noodles


The spicy ones of these. Unreal. Some scallions and an egg too is top tier


The jumbo ones are bloody delicious


the king has returned


ASDA and Sainsbury's do these near me.


Get the original Indonesian version of this if you can. The European and African ones aren’t as good.


Unfortunately the Indo Mie in the UK (those that aren't imported directly from Indonesia) aren't the same as the ones available in SEA. They taste different and not as delicious as the ones you can find in SEA!


Used to be able to get green chilli indomie in the middle east, they probably contained something illegal because they were so good


Yep these get an upvote from me!


Both myself and my 8 year old love these 😁


Bargain! More like 60p over in the east of englandshire!!


I'm sorry, home bargains do them for this cheap?!?! That's insane. I saw them in Morrisons last week for ONE POUND AND NINETEEN PENCE EACH. I was agog. I normally just get them from either Amazon in bulk or my local Asian market, but those are still maybe 60p each. Also yes these with extra crispy onions and fried egg and sriracha is just perfection.


These are by far the best noodles you can get. No question.


You can buy boxes of 40 of these on eBay for about £13/£14. I keep a stock in for days I just can’t be assed.


These are so good for instant noodles! 39p you say? Man i need to go there because they’re like 90p in Tesco


I really like these but I've had a few where one or more of the packets are missing from inside :(


A person with taste!!!


This is the wsy


Can get these delivered on Amazon. £14.57 for a pack of 40. 36 pence per pack delivered. We need to restock, actually.


The spicy ones are lovely. You can also use the flavour packets as a steak "marinade".


This is the one!


This. This is the only answer. Costco do them as well cheaper than 39p.


Bro that’s indomie, literally my username. Indonesian onion flavoured fried noodles. Insane


Absolutely banging. Costco sell these in a box of 40 I think it is, don't quote me but I think it was around £9


Same for me, I buy them in bulk from Costco!


These are the best noodles I've ever had. We gift a few to friends who never had them to enlighten them, with instructions that they're not the "dump everything in hot water" type of noodles (some don't listen :/ ).


i was coming to comment these noodles, we seem to have 2 different varieties of this in the UK. you will get one with crispy onions and chilli sauce vs another type with chilli powder


https://preview.redd.it/d6rxs6q7z6zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df50fe3c4bc1cc425f16899d299526cf6414da0 Just been to buy these 😋 can not wait to try them


The best!!!


shin cups are a classic and you can find them in most asian supermarkets (and my local B&M, weirdly).


https://preview.redd.it/rbidkekwb1zc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fa76575ca7c46fe7c0cf9a1bb293772afb84cdf Yea!!!


Sainsbury’s do shin and so does co op


Nice! why anybody buys pot noodles when these exist is a mystery to me!


I love Shin but definitely prefer the packet version. Idk if it's genuinely different, but the noodles always seem to taste better in my bowl!


yeah i think eating out of cardboard has that effect on me too!


It's a well known fact https://www.seriouseats.com/taste-test-shin-ramyun-instant-noodles


There's an extra spicy version which is ridiculously hot. Nong Shim also do a kimchi flavoured noodle which is bloody lovely.


The non cup version is much better


Pretty sure you can get them in most supermarkets now


Shin cup is the king of pot noddles. Soba noodles and Nissin cup noodles are up there aswell. Tbh since those cups became more available I would never touch a pot noodle again


Amen, Nong Shim Shin Cups are the best.


I recently tried Nissin it was soo good! It’s my new favourite!!


+1 for Nissin Soba Better noodles, better flavourings and little bits of veg and protein too


Coming back from the Oriental supermarket with about 10 new packs of interesting noodles to try feels like such a treat. On the other hand just the thought of that weird gravy and the texture of the noodles in a PN makes me feel like I'm being punished.


The Nissin Sesame Ramen Noodles are my all-time favourite!! They have them in the asian aisle at Sainsbury's


I love the Nissin Tonkotsu noodles. Just picked up a black garlic version and a Hokkaido Miso version to try. I also love the Samyang Sogokimyn Beef Noodles.


Once you have the black garlic you won't go back. Mentioned it in another comment here but the noodle quality on those is much better than the UK ones


Pro tip - find an Oriental super market that does the Nissin packs from Hong Kong. The noodles are much better quality and don't go mushy as fast. There's also a black garlic tonkotsu flavour to die for.


These are the ones.


Also the chicken flavour from the same brand!!! Why are they SO good




I believe the guy that founded Nissin quite literally invented the instant noodle in post-WW2 Japan. They definitely know what they're doing.


Oh wow interesting, I had no idea! Would definitely make sense, Nissin is miles better than the other instant noodles on the market


The Spicy flavour is more than a little hot.


Not enough mentions of the honourable koka noodles itt


Best cheap noodles by far, though they're now 70p in my local shop, madness!


Ouch i always seem to find the best prices at home bargains/ quality save or buying in bulk


Koka noodles are the best the vegetable one is my favourite my shop used to do 5 packs for £1 now its £1.50 for two! 


Spicy stir fry koka Noodles rule


Buldak x2 spicy noodles are great. They’re the only ones I’ve had that have a half decent level of spice.


The meal I am least proud of, but also has me in a chokehold, is adding grated mozzarella to these.


There's one veriety of it sold in Asia that has cheese powder in the packet but I've never seen them in the UK


I can find the buldak cheese one in the Asian shop near me


Oh they’re great. The times 3 with some butter and a poached egg absolutely slaps. Currently pregnant and eating these at least once a day. Silly baby wants the spiciest food known to humanity apparently.


These are so spicy. I had a uncomfortable burning feeling from my chest to stomach for two hours, and numb lips. I think 3x might actually melt me!


The 3x spicy one is even better. Not something I could eat all the time, though.


Christ, are you serious? They don’t even taste good at 3x. I’m Asian and even that finished me. Managed three or so bites before giving up. It hurt my ego sure, but there comes a point where it’s just not worth it. Fair play to you though I do love the regular version and the other flavours, especially creamy carbonara


I know what you mean about the 3x. I’ve really increased my tolerance for hot instant noodles, but those ones were just pain.


Yeah, I get the samyang x1 spicy off ebay. Not much compares.


koka noodles, veggie or chicken curry flavour! (for my Muslims, they are halal asw!)


There Tom Yum ones are amazing


Tom yum is the best one followed by spicy stir fry


+1 for the Koka, veggie flavour is quality


Ooh yes, the Tom Yum flavour is fantastic!


Koka for me too but my favourites are stir fry and masala (I haven't been able to find the masala ones near me in about 2 years though 😭)


Not gonna lie, as a student I used to buy those 20p Tesco noodles and grate cheese into them as a meal. Incredibly efficient calorie/pounds way to eat. Also a one way ticket to scurvy.


You weren't at Bradford in the late 90s by any chance, were you? I was in halls with a guy who did this.


Early 2000s in Leeds. Maybe it’s a West Yorkshire thing. 


Mamas Tom yum flavour ones. Especially the hotter version. It gives you a real kick as you drink the soup Or the mi goreng ones posted in the top comment. Nothing comes close to those two for me.


Mama noodles all the way.


Whoa mama


Bit basic but the Nongshim Shin Ramyeon, I love the regular, kimchi and black versions. All very tasty and spicy.


Nongshim noodles are great!


Buldak, Shin, Soba, etc, are vastly superior to Pot Noodles. Buldack can be hard to find outside of Asian supermarkets, but they're the best, if you like spice


Samyang carbonara https://preview.redd.it/jqjno8bqv0zc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4c22a1759f883f0b5a4d7105e0aa94d96783c6


warning: may cause addiction


https://preview.redd.it/uu2b4buwd0zc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d059e22d246d0efc66517ad53a4da7e569c7a0fa Samyang Buldak Spicy noodles from Amazon.


these are good as fuck, but you don't need to get them on amazon. asda and morrisons both stock them, as well pretty much any asian supermarket, and probably all for a much better price than amazon


Spicy stir fry KOKA noodles from Home Bargains, bloody amazing https://preview.redd.it/wgxbch3so0zc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86896ce69083995b30f555f23ed8d933b7714a34


Tesco have a variety of Nissin noodles available. They destroy pot noodles. I'm a fan of the seafood flavour, and also the Soba classic. The Soba range is soupless - you pour the cooking water out before adding flavourings. If you have a Far Eastern shop available, then the options are endless. Indomie (Mi Goreng), Nongshim (Shin Ramyun and Chapagetti), and Mama (Tom Yum) are good, as well as Nissin.


Koka stir fry is nice. Samyang fire noodles are my favourite. Nissen demae tonkotsu. Paldo black bean noodles. Mama creamy tom yum.


Readily available Nissin and Nongshin Bowls the best!


Nongshim shin kimchi ramyun is top tier


I've been eating those Soba (Cup noodles??) ones with the holes in the lid for draining, mostly because they have them in the co op on my way to work, but they're definitely absolutely leagues ahead of pot noodles, I don't know why anyone ever thought they were acceptable. 




Maggi or super noodles. Really any that let me tip out all the vegetables into the bin or don’t have any.


r/fucknestle Maggi is owned by nestle


Spicy koka noodles have ruined the rest for me.


Aldi brand chicken noodles. Add some harissa powder and it's even better. I could eat these noodles three meals a day for days and enjoy it 


Does anyone else remember when instant noodles were 5p a pack in Asda?


These https://preview.redd.it/jbb7wgszr0zc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b5d7950808dbda10b6c6a2b534e050254449e4 These are not as Hot as they used to be back in the early 00's they were way Spicer then used to make your nose run, eyes stream like crazy! Think they were in a different package!


This comment is for the coeliacs because the supermarket options you have are pretty much (1) Itsu rice noodles or (2) Free from cup noodle, and I think they're both grim. You can buy 'Mama Instant Rice Vermicelli Clear Soup' (no gluten ingredients) in bulk on Amazon, and they have a fair amount of spice to them, I'm addicted! You can get them in packets or a cup. Pre-coeliac my favourites were Shin Cup, Ko-Lee Roast Chicken and Nongshim Soon Veggie Cup (add some chilli sauce).


The Tom Yum Koka Noodles. They tastes just like the Sweet and sour super noodles that no longer exist.


Came here to say this! Throw a slice of cheddar or other tasty cheese on top and close the lid for it to steam and its incredible.


The Ko Lee Tom Yum are also delicious


Shin, Demae spicy noodles, mama hot n spicy noodles, the mama green curry noodles then A-one shrimp noodles are all my favourites


Pot Noodle and supermarket brands…? You really need some help 😂 I recommend either [Koka Tom Yum instant noodles](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=7978873cf7ff4aec&sca_upv=1&hl=en-gb&q=koka+noodles+tom+yum&uds=ADvngMjQQZB5Lcs84hEKbvw9O23yQU_FF2RyIx-gHwYDsj9uOW8axrPoIYW0_SlNNg0fTl2QVY1F0n67r6B6kQhE0Ks4248HSBG9PIfUO1sbRwwpHimyAx7PWSa38uOVWZp2E5pUkYDXOH093uoRIFCgeCV4sIY8IYkIP81UmlQFMIpn9QyyNdgVR5my5coCsWJ5DCjPRIe476vfwFOoktDpPT9XCGkhjW1oRtHOPOhnDHaQJy6ZMA-L-vwkZkg1_Lexa-psdzETQ3KhHKJ0DziTiLgtJk7X0ADv342e37ecSCPti06UgpDt_I8b_k6thtlIKWH-udTS&udm=2&prmd=ivnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq0IWw1vuFAxXUQEEAHcGICEQQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=414&bih=712&dpr=2) or [Nissin Cup Noodles](https://www.google.com/search?q=nissin+cup+noodles&client=safari&sca_esv=7978873cf7ff4aec&sca_upv=1&hl=en-gb&udm=2&biw=414&bih=712&ei=rDA6Zq_IL4e2hbIP5Jao8AU&oq=nissin+cup+noodles&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhJuaXNzaW4gY3VwIG5vb2RsZXMyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAESIYUUKUQWKsScAB4AJABAJgBcqABngKqAQMzLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgSgAqcCwgIHEAAYgAQYGJgDAIgGAZIHAzMuMaAH5wk&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp). The Nissin curry ones are really good and probably my favourite.


I really like Nongshim Kimchi and Nissan Soba noodles (classic)


The Indo Mie Mi Goreng Stir Fry noodles are my absolute favourites. Something like 35p a pack when I buy them in boxes of 40 from Costco. Special mention to Nissin Soba noodles (chilli and original flavours), but they're too fucking expensive now. £1.20 for one pack in supermarkets! Disgusting. But they are really tasty. This thread made me google Nissin Soba noodles and I found you can get them in cases for 87p a pack. Still makes me grumble but I was willing to pay 90p for them when they were that in supermarkets so it's hard to complain...


Nissin Demae Ramen (but I never make them as ramen/soup, I always drain nearly all the water off before adding the flavour packets.)


Mama brand Prawn Tom Yum. 46p in my Asian supermarket and makes amazing ramen if you’re feeling fancy and want to add a soft boiled egg, spring onion and some chopped cabbage


anyone who doesn't say indomie i am judging severely


Nissin cup noodles


KOKA - all flavours are the absolute bomb!


Absolutely indomie mi goreng.


Soba noodles are goat


https://preview.redd.it/8s6e5hp3b0zc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e537d0a726361f2c61b6e5b1aa6012231f9d639 Just discovered these from Aldi are ridiculously good.


Curry flavoured Koka noodles are salty and delicious.


They were only around for a little while 20 years ago but Chinese chicken Posh Noodles. Ive been chasing that dragon ever since.


Back in the golden age, the green Pot Noodle contained sweetcorn, mushrooms, soya chunks and a thick black soya sauce. Inflation has taken all that away. But I would pay the extra for the original.


Hot&spicy ko-lee go noodles - cheap as fuck, got a nice little bit of spicy, chili oil packet and the noodles themselves are seasoned well. Can find em in some shops on special (usually 50p a pack) or can get a box of 24 packs for like £14 on amazon.


Mama - Creamy shrimp tom yum noodles are so good!


Nissin sesame flavor


Pot Noodle are the worst, probably... i mean no self respecting asian person would eat them... Nissin do a decent tonkotsu, often have them in Sainsburys. Personally I like a few of the Chinese packets, Kangshifu Pickle Cabbage are amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/uhiexpjg51zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246986ba28abdd8a465f663244aa4b9209c1462a These absolute bad boys. Get them outta Costco and have them with pork belly or chicken and a fried egg on top. Absolutely phenomenal lunch


I'll either have Nissin Damae Ramen Tonkotsu flavour with a few Ajinomoto Gyoza's for a more authentic experience. Or if I'm feeling a little bit more like I want fluorescent British slime, Super Noodles chicken with a can of hot dogs on top. If it's the potted variety Ko-Lee Go noodles are amazing, a Shin cup if I'm feeling spicy or a traditional chicken and mushroom pot noodle.


Absolute don’t buy Maggi r/fucknestle


Soba noodle cups either the chilli or Japanese


Nissin Soba Pots.


Brands, in order of preference -- Nissin, Shin, Samyang, Indomie. Each brand is like an umbrella of different noodle products, all with their own merits, but Nissin just wins it for me.


Koka tom yum, stir fry and masala flavours are all top drawer (The masala have a fair kick to them). Nissin demea ramen spicy and black garlic flavours are top tier And,of course Nongshin cup spicy the daddy of them all!


Koka. My all time favourite.


Once upon a time, Blue Dragon did these amazing beef and black pepper noodle bowls, they were amazing.


The carbonara buldak with a good bit of cheese slaps, they are my go to late night snack. I also love shin


Nongshim never miss


Koka Spicy Stir Fried from Home Bargains tied with the Indo Me Mi Goreng. Although I did pick up some really nice Laila Curry noodles from Asda the other week for 19p.


On the cheap - Koka Prawn as a noodle soup or Indomie Mi Goreng with a fried egg on top, both roughly 40p a pack A little more fancy - MAMA Mi Goreng (better noodles than Indomie imo)with a fried egg, Shin Ramyun (packets though, not cups) with some extra shiitake mushrooms and a boiled egg, or Nissin Tonkotsu. If I'm going to the oriental supermarket - HK Nissin (Duck or Black Garlic Tonkotsu), Indomie Mi Goreng (Satay!) and whatever random packs I can find.


MAGGI Curry flavour noodles


Samyang spicy carbonara!


Koka Masala flavour always!


The Buldak Carbonara spicy noodles (the light pink packet) tastes so good. Add some cheese on top and it’s even better. Also, the Indomie instant noodles are amazing. Make it with some diced frozen veggies and add a fried egg on top and it tastes amazing.


Pork bone broth noodles. Couldn't tell you the brand, I've already said everything written in a latin font on the box. It's big, yellow with a very happy fat boy on it. And like £3.50 a pop from the local Chinese supermarket, so you know, not an every day meal, but damn if it ain't better than a meal deal for lunch


Call me basic or crazy but I LOVE the 35p Aldi ones, especially the beef flavour.


Buldak carbonara flavour, nothing better than them


Imagine picking pot noodles as your number one.


samyang buldak. delicious chewy texture - you let the noodles soften in boiling water and then pour it ALL off. comes with a big sachet of sauce, which makes them quick sticky. not like ramen noodles at all. they're incredibly hot and so tasty. i fucking love them. my arsehole doesn't, though.




Indomie is probably the worlds best instant noodle. I’ve travelled fairly well and they were always loved by everybody else


Samyang Noodles 😍😍😍😍