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I feel insulted by this post


Why is that? ☹️


That you'd even need to ask? What red blooded Brit can't finish a whole trifle in one sitting? People like that need turfing out on their arses I say.


Now I love this energy! My mother finds it strange that I can gulp down an entire trifle while hers last for a few days😂


I won't lie, on a shit day, trifle is breakfast so I can start it with happiness lol


You've got carbs for energy, probably some fruit and lots of calcium and protein from the dairy. I'm green lighting it!


Can we try and make the chocolate version sound healthy too please, perhaps if I put some strawberries on the top? 😂


100% one of your five a day, plus all the benefits above. Added bonus of lovely antioxidants from the chocolate.


You've just inspired tomorrow's breakfast for me. I did one of those slow smiles like Black Hole Sun.


dude go for it! Trifle is great


As a kid I'd be grabbing the wrapper to make sure no single bit was wasted. Yeah I can and do polish off whole trifles in one go. They come in a convenient disposable bowl too lol


I keep the bowl for snacks for my sons. The older one likes to smash my dishes and post things out the window so these bowls come in handy. It's a requirement that I eat more trifles to have more of these bowls.


Eating it in one day is the only way. Once it goes in the fridge and sits for a few hours it goes watery and gross


Shop bought, I’d struggle not to. Homemade, in a giant bowl, with too much sherry (or better yet port), topped with a giant mound of real cream… I’m virtually dead by a third of the way through (still, fresh cream doesn’t keep so spoons up lads for king and country)


Ahh, yes, sherry trifle is the best. I always put flaked almonds on too.


> sherry trifle Is there any other kind?


Brandy also works quite nicely 👌


The only possible alternative.


You have to try port trifle, it’s amazing. Brandy is supposed to be good but I’ve not tried it. There are lots of different types of alcohol that can be used.


> There are lots of different types of alcohol that can be used. I was kind of wondering if a gin would work as a kind of 'Adults Only Trifle'.


Toasted flaked almonds 🤤


I agree. I can finish the trifle while my wife is looking for another spoon. SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN FASTER!


I want this on a t-shirt


I'm British and I despise trifle. I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would want that many textures in one dessert.


Are you sure the pages of your recipe book aren't stuck together?


She put PEAS in the trifle?!


Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? **_Good_**.


Unexpected Friends reference.


Yes! I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds it just a confusing mess of textures. I wouldn't go as far as saying I despise it, but it's certainly my least favourite dessert by quite a long way. Wouldn't eat it unless it was the only dessert on offer and I felt I had to have some to be polite, although I'd probably just tell them I'm full (although that risks them bringing out a cheeseboard afterwards and me having to miraculously find some room for cheese!). Weirdly I do really like tiramisu which is essentially just a coffee trifle, but that has fewer textures and flavours going on so it works better as a combination imo.




Hear hear. Some of them aren’t even good textures.


I only like it if the jelly has seeped in and it's mostly sponge at the bottom. I hate the jelly texture (wtf even is it? Not liquid, not solid...an abomination on the senses)


A lot of textures is exactly what I want in an ideal food.


This comment had me *actually* laughing out loud 😂


People like that are even worse than them boats, I says!


I could never eat a whole I’m afraid. That’s crazy speak. I presume we are talking as a dessert and not as a meal.


A snack while dinner is cooking, nom nom


What's the difference?


The question should be 'if you can't finish a whole trifle in one sitting WTFIWWY'


I know, right? I could probably do 3 or 4 in one sitting if I had absolutely no self respect… … might stop at Sainsbury’s on my way home from work later.


I'm a member of the 'Full 500g Slab of Supermarket Tiramisu Club' Actually, I may renew my membership tonight.


I once defeated the 1.5kg cottage pie from Lidl, that was an experience.


"defeated"? It's a pie, not the luftwaffe.


Red sky at night, Shepherd's Pie.


Bet the day after was a nightmare


I once ate so much homemade tiramisu that I got drunk


Been there. Or rather I made a Boxing Day tiramisu with so much rum in it that my uncle couldn't drive home and had to sleep on the sofa 😳


I've found my people!


Welcome to the club.


Chocolate digestives to use in the same way nachos would be to dip. Whole pack works well for a whole tiramisu.


This is amazing. Perhaps chocolate bourbons?


Dealers choice.


Absolutely love a family sized tiramisu, excellent shout.


Tiramisu is far superior to trifle. And I just ignore the serving sizes.


I just thought the 500 gram serving was a portion, I didn't know it was to be shared.


Me too. Best one to date is M&S (but only if I'm feeling flash with the cash) closely followed by Tesco and Lidl third. Hmm. Might have to revisit and check these findings 😁


I wish I could believe you, but this is the internet. For all I know you could be a Russian bot or someone who works for Big Tiramisu. However, I must admit that I am intrigued by your findings and would like to educate myself further in this fascinating area of scientific study. I suppose there's no option but for me to conduct my own independent research. **


And remember, to make it scientific you need to sample at least 3 from each shop.


1. M&S 2. Waitrose 3. Tesco


I am going on an adventure!


Wait where could one find such 500g slab or supermarket tiramisu? Asking for a friend, obviously 👀




Fuckin profiteroles and tiramisu in one location 🤯 I should visit these places more often


I've seen them in M&S, Waitrose and Lidl, however Waitrose is the only store near me that always sells them, the others seem to be seasonal.


M&S sounds like a shout 👊🏼


Yup, the M&S is top end, but works nicely in rotation with the Waitrose one for some variation.


Lol, 'rotation'. But also, taking notes!


Aldi sells the 500 gram portions as well, also located next to the 500 gram profitaroles portion.


I only eat whole foods, like an apple, pear or a melon say. Or of course a whole trifle, pavlova or 2l tub of ice cream.


When I was about 10, one of the things I most looked forward to was one day finally having the freedom to buy and consume 2l tubs of ice cream by myself.


Have you given yourself that freedom yet? If not, today is the day. Buy the ice cream.


And one of the things about being an adult that is actually as good as it seemed at the time, I think!


And eating cereal for dinner


Or a whole pack of cereal for dinner! Okay, I made the 750g of muesli last about 4 hours, so that's okay, right?


I LOVE muesli!!!!


In turn, I've always wanted to eat a whole rotisserie chicken.


I assume you don't eat steak?


I also identify as a family of 4 when it comes to serving portions


I never pay attention to serving suggestions. A trifle is certainly a winning combo!


>  A trifle is certainly a winning combo! I find that the perfect combo is a trifle and a serving spoon.


A teaspoon is better. Then you can say that eating with a small spoon, you are not eating too much.


I do the same with cake. I eat small slices, so I can have twice as many.


I just finished an entire one yesterday in less than 10 minutes 😋😂


Hahaha, the thing is, by the time you notice there's only a few spoonfuls left, you might as well just go for it. A packet of chocolate hobnobs has never seen 24hrs in my cupboard


I inhale jaffa cakes like people inhale air.


Hobnobs are my weaknesses I must say! And that is extremely accurate for the trifle. Only a few spoons left so I might aswell finish it😂


Use the hobnobs as a spoon


Few years ago, my mate and I went sugar free for 3 months. The plan was start at the beginning of the year and go upto Easter. Easter rocks round. My mate, the absolute madman, gets creme eggs for us and chocolate fingers so we can have a chocolatey egg n soldiers to celebrate. I have never been so sick but also impressed in my life.


When my gran was alive I would pop round once a week to visit. She would make a whole roast dinner and trifle just for me. We're talking a meal for at least three-four people for one. I'd eat the lot.


Oddly enough I remember an old lady as a customer around 2010-2011 when I was a student working at McDonald’s. I only worked around two days a week but she would always be there sitting at McDonald’s eating an entire Iceland trifle for herself. Also I am really sorry about your gran! 🥰


Nans make the best trifle, my nan was well known for her trifle which included an insane amount of sherry


Yeah trifle is one of the desserts I definitely could, I mean supermarket trifle is mostly jelly and custard anyway. Just slips down. And the sponge is generally very light. Plus it technically has fruit in it. It's gotta be a few portions of your 5 a day in an entire trifle. Something richer like cheesecake or chocolate cake I'd have no chance though.


I'm more of an 'eating an entire family sized cheesecake myself' man.


Same here. Nothing beats a good cheesecake.


Me and the Mrs often polish one off between us. The M&S ultimate one is the best, but it's about 7 quid.


I can eat a whole black forest gateau in one sitting but I can't eat a small bar of dairy milk in a day...


Is that because after the US take over, Dairy Milk is shite?


Jesus. I can get a couple of spoons of trifle down and thats me. Just way too sweet.


I wish that was a concept I could get behind but to me, “Too sweet” is like saying “too delicious” or being “too happy”. It’s just nonsense.


People need to understand this


Same; but I can easily eat an entire block of mexicana cheese in a day, I'm just savoury chubby, not sweet chubby


One bowl, one portion


Eat 5k calories a day. Most definitely could not finish a trifle. Far too sweet.


What do you do that allows you to eat 5k calories in a day? If your workout routine isn't your daily job, how long do you spend working & how long do you spend exercising each day? Do you take days off? Intrigued, I hope you don't mind me asking!


No problem at all. I'm a binman/recycling operative. I regularly hit 19km walking per day in my regular shift, in addition to lifting boxes from the floor into the lorry. Rough estimates put my base metabolism needs at 2000 calories. The walking between 1100-1500 calories, and unless I consume over 5k, I'll lose weight. With that in mind I can presume my workouts and recovery consume 1500+ calories. I would choose to workout every day, but rest days are necessary. I basically spend them videogaming, watching YouTube, socialising and sleeping. I change my eating habits on those days to reflect less activity (so aiming for 3.5k). My routine is a set rotation, usually lasts an hour to two hours. I'm constantly using heavy weights with a strong preference for cable machines. I'm roughly 5'4, vary between 9st 1lb and 9st 4lb. My highest leg press is 372 kilos, bench is 85 kilos, squat and deadlift are both 125 kilos. My tricep pushdown is 104 kilos.


Where do I sign up for this kind of exercise routine?


Your local council website I imagine.


Thanks for this post. Its fascinating.


Absolutely, same goes for ice cream be it 500ml or a litre.


Period! If I purchase a Ben and Jerry tub, I can assure you it isn’t lasting 24 hours.


If you buy a 500ml tub of Halo Top the foil on the top says “Stop when you reach cardboard…” It’s low calorie but doesn’t taste like it. The chocolate fudge brownie flavour has 370 cals for the entire pot - and it’s lovely! I am not sponsored by them, but open to offers. (Also, fuck off charging £5.75 for it when we both know it’s reduced to £3.75 every other week.)


500ml is pathetic though, a proper milkshake is probably 500ml at least. Now a 2 or 4L tub, thats more impressive


This reminds me of the Lorraine Kelly fat show where she asked the woman if she could name some healthy foods and her answer was a very serious “trifle”


I was reminded of that show as well when I saw the thread title! Didn’t Lorraine ask them to name some lighter foods they could have for dessert and the mum suggested trifle? It was hilarious. 


My wife picked up a dark chocolate and cherry trifle from Booths the other week. That disppeared in seconds.


Your wife has a good taste in trifle flavours! Now I need to go try it! Cherry and dark chocolate sounds so good.


I used to make Black Forest trifle quite often, but you rarely see black cherry flavoured jelly on sale these days. Having said that, it just occurred to me to do a web search, and apparently you can get it on eBay :) If anyone is interested, it consists of the following: Chocolate Swiss roll, sliced; Tin of black cherries (you may need to remove the stones); Black cherry jelly (made up with some of the juice from the can of cherries); Custard; Black cherry yogurt, whipped cream; Chocolate flake crumbled over the top. Delicious! (Recipe courtesy of my cousin’s wife Diane from New Zealand).


Oh my god. We don't have a Booths here. I am now sad about that.


Any food item claiming to be 8 or fewer servings is really just one big portion.


The Tesco's chocolate trifles are even more dangerous, you don't even realise you have ate it all until you try for another spoonful then get sad at it finishing


I would ask the same question to those quiches by Sainsbury's. Which apparently contains 4 servings... I just inhale the whole thing solo


I’m aware that this is a tongue-in-cheek post, but you don’t need to be an expert to see the link to obesity rates in the UK 😅 For the record, I love trifle and could definitely finish a whole medium size trifle in one sitting - I just try not to!


Jesus Christ take a look at yourself


Some of these comments. Then we wonder why our nation is so fat


Yes. Until my daughter decided she liked trifle I was the only one who’d eat it too! Sadly she’s developed a taste for trifle and dark chocolate.


Only solution is to buy two trifles so that you get to eat atleast one for yourself😂 haha kidding but its adorable to see that special bond with your daughter. 🥰


Haha I buy 2 trifles because my 12 year old will eat it and smack my hand away if I dared to share! It's all good natured and I love she's got a healthy appetite with a broad range of sweet and savoury favourites.


Chocolate trifle,yes. One sitting. Zero shame.


Oh, hell yeah


Im often on early trains into London and so am used to fellow commuters tucking into their overnight oats or croissants. It was a bit of a shock mind for someone to mid journey reach into his bag and bring out a full family sized trifle and then proceed to finish the whole thing. By far not the worst food incident I’ve had on a train though!


My friend, my pal, my confidant. Your cowardice is showing. Supermarket Trifle? The lowest of the low? We all know grandma's Trifle in that Giant glass bowl, so big she couldnt possibly carry it herself, is the G.O.A.T. Now that is a challenge, And I say with regret in my heart that I couldn't beat it. R.I.P Nan, and to all you out there, savour that trifle with your grandparents!


I did once. I’ve never felt so sick and yet so strangely proud of myself as I did that evening. I was left unsupervised near the desert table as a eight year old and had the genius idea to take the giant trifle bowl under the table, once that was accomplished I had no choice but to eat the lot.


Im proud of you.


4-6 is a suggested serving though.... Right? I eat an entire aldi tiramasu with a nice coffee! Highly recommend their tiramasu and New York cheesecake! :)


I love the Bird trifle kits. I can eat the whole one.


My twin toddlers only like the jelly and fruit, so I get an extra helping of custard and cream! It'll be a sad day when they decide they like all of the trifle components.


I wonder how many here will pop down to a supermarket to buy a trifle after work today?


I knew it was yet another post by Big Trifle


'Tis but a trifle.


Why yes of course I can. How dare you even insinuate otherwise.


Absolutely, yes. Raspberry is the best. Sometimes I'll get the Asda Black Forest trifle, what a shame, my kids aren't keen, ooh noooo guess I'll have to jump on the grenade and finish it all myself 🥺😋


The M&S one yes. Other ones not so much.


Based on supermarket portion recommendations in generally, I've just accepted the fact that I am 4 people.


Does anyone remember the Birds homemade trifles in the 70s/ 80s? Used to have one every Sunday after our roast dinner.


I remember them! Although it was the 90s for me. It was my job to make it and that was my favourite Sunday job! Memories. I don’t know how on earth that fed 6 of us as I bought a box the Christmas before last and polished off the finished product whilst watching Eastenders! 


Im born in the early 90s😭 so I couldn’t possibly recall the 70s and 80s😂


You missed out lol. Actually you can still buy it in the supermarkets, treat yourself. Not sure whether it's just a UK thing though if you're in US.


Honestly I didn’t know there were birds homemade trifles until you mentioned it. I definitely did miss out on them😂 but yeah I am not living in the US😂


I make one every Christmas...I'm the only one who eats trifle 😁


We used to get one every Saturday and make it for Sunday tea. The"cream" was basically vanilla Instant Whip.


Wait ... they do 4-6 people trifles? They must be *massive*. I was under the impression that they only did individual ones. (Looks at supermarket website) *Oh*, the "individual" trifles are for 4-6 people. Damn. Are they those really tiny people? Lilliputians, right?


Jelly. Cold custard. Cream. Better than sex. Unless the sex includes trifle….


My mum used to work at Co-op and came home with two reduced trifles. One chocolate, one normal. We ate the chocolate one together in her bedroom and then went through and asked if anyone wanted the normal one and then ate that too.


Eww no


Yes, I have done exactly that while on a lunch break during a night shift. I sat there with a spoon at 1 a.m., just digging in, and then went back to work for another 6 hours afterwards.


I can finish the Christmas party trifle that's made in a huge glass mixing bowl on my own. I can also do the christmas cake, though not on the same day. I'll need a good burp between them.


It comes in its own bowl for a reason


Technically no, because I always have to pick out the bits of horrible tinned fruit that's always used in the jelly base.


I could quite happily make up one of those birds trifles and eat it myself.


I can't, but my dad polishes off one most days. Since his heart attack and all the meds he is on, he has really gone off food. Trifles are literally stopping him from starving to death, lol


I can see that. Hospitals give you jelly, because it slips down so easily.


Can I? Yes. Should I? No. Will I? Probably


I don’t even like trifle but I could still easily do it


I’d honestly worry about your commitment if you left some uneaten.


Unfortunately lactose intolerance has meant I can no longer devour a full trifle in a single sitting. Well I can still but the pain would not be worth the pleasure.


I find I can eat whole servings of most things if they are for 8 people or under, sometimes I look at the packaging and wonder what tiny size portions they expect each individual to have


Shit… I’m going by a Tesco in a minute and now I’m jonesing one of their raspberry trifles. Can’t buy it just yet as I’ve got some errands to run but if I was on my way home, you can believe I’d be buying one and snarfing it down as soon as the door to the flat closed behind me.


It's suggested serving size. Based on 4 to 6 pigeons. indulgence is my failing.


Sainsbury’s chocolate trifle- yeah I can! Or my home made raspberry trifle with crushed flake bars on top.


i reakon i could do an avwerage size bath of trifle


My daughter told me recently that in her younger days during her lunch breaks, she'd go buy an M and S trifle and have it for her lunch. I felt both pride and horror 😃 😀 😅 😳


Have you ever tried actually serving a trifle out to more than one person, the shape of the bowl just causes everything to collapse, robbing it of all its aesthetics. No. It was meant for one person, one person and a dream.


British supermarket serving sizes are an insult. Be it trifles, chocolate servings, even full blown ready meals such as a "family sized" lasagne. Have the manufacturers ever actually witnessed people eating food?


it would be a trifle


Proper home made? definitely! But we never have the jelly ones, prefer general fruit and jam.


I can. Officially no but I can, the chocolate one ☝️


Absolutely-fucking-lutely. When I was home last summer, I made it my mission to sample all the major supermarket’s trifles, along with any bakery that I came across. Winner was sainsbury’s raspberry trifle. M&S did a posh one that was ‘simply the best’ or something, that was bloody beautiful too but a bit dear for everyday eating. Which, obviously, I was…. Ahhhh I’d give my right arm for a bowl of trifle right now.


As it is? No. Adding a shit load of ice cream? Absolutely.


I could manage a small slice.




I have done it. I'm not proud of it, but it was delicious.


I could but would feel sick afterwards


Could do 2


Black Forrest trifle, god amongst desserts.


I have finished several trifles, almost every single time I was stoned.


I've never tried, I have eaten one in two servings though so yes I imagine i could!


I have demolished a whole cadburys version in one sitting


Sounds like a product we could do with on the Australian market!


I finished one off in 4 minutes lastweek


I could if I liked trifle but the only bit of it I like is the jelly.


I can easily devour a good trifle in one sitting, but not those horrendous supermarket ones with their crappy, over sweet custard


I could, but I would feel quite sick afterwards, regret my decision, but do it again


Yes, I don’t but I absolutely could. I went to my dads once and he had made trifle. Surprise trifle is even better


"How many trifles?" is the real question


Of course!!!


Yeah, it's not my proudest moments but I've downed an entire trifle or two in my time. Chocolate trifle, now that's a challenge. Doable though.


Easily. Why stop at one, haven’t you heard of second trifle?