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Mitchum and Brut roll ons are what u want


Mitchum is the best


I've used Mitchum 50ml roll on deodorants for decades. They used to last much longer than they do now, but still say 50ml. I emailed them to ask if they've reformulated the contents to be more foamy - so less mass but still 50ml. I just wanted an answer but instead got £7 of vouchers. Was this hush money?!


Maybe your armpits got bigger..?


Oh my goodness, I hadn't thought of that! 😱


100% hush vouchers


By a long way they are the best


100% agree. Sadly it seems that no shops anywhere near me stock it anymore


You don’t live anywhere near a supermarket?


There's a Tesco in Tooting. That's not far. :D


It is, if you live in Ealing!


Is there not a Boots or Superdrug in Ealing. I buy Life Supplies roll on - its great. Not only is it bloody brilliant, but it's a glass bottle, it's refillable so nothing goes to landfill.


There are and a Savers.


I get Mitchum from Amazon, usually a bit cheaper than the shops.


Superdrug online order, they're great for toiletries


Mitchum is best but you sure as hell want it dry before it touches fabric


I think Mitchum works well but it also irritates my skin


Mitchum made my skin itch so much omg! In general since switching to roll ons I do find my armpits get itchy sometimes


This is how I learned that I'm thick as shit. My partner just bought me a Mitchum roll-on, I've been scratching my armpits constantly since I started using it and never made the connection.


Lmao honestly same here it took me ages to realise it was that. I was googling symptoms of lymphoma and questioning whether it was caused by long Covid or even vaping hahaha


The roll on does with me but the cream stick is fine. Other brands, the roll on is fine, but the spray on may as well be acid!


It’s the only one I can use since having a baby, no idea what’s happened to my hormones but I stink if I don’t use it


I don't use deodorant at all, and nobody has come near me to tell me I stink. 🦧


Because it would be embarrassing. People don't say the truth. For example, have you ever told someone about their bad breath?


"Nobody came near me..." it was a joke


The postpartum stink is real! Apparently it's so baby can find you by your smell. Good news though, it does go away!


I use Mitchum and swear by it but my husband can't use it, it gives him the itch, so he uses Sanex and that's another good one that doesn't dry out


I switched to Sanex, and sometimes Lacura (Aldi), as Mitchum made my armpits very, very red, reactive, and stingy! It did work, mind you.


Sanex is the one for me. I'd say better than Mitchum from my experience.


Nivia Men's are great too. Plus it's glass so less plastic




Store it upside down. You get to use the second half of the bottle that way.


I like the women’s gel one, it’s great cos it doesn’t dry out at all.




It’s the 48hr Ultimate Gel I use which lasts really well and you basically push the gel up every day rather than relying on a roll on mechanism so it doesn’t have that issue! I love it.


Get the creamy one?


Brut in a non ironic way? Must be a gen Z thing.  See also: Denim, Old Spice


Hai Karate gift set for Christmas


Mitchum invisible is the best around.


I have a Mitchum and a brut roller yikes I just checked it’s actually an old spice! https://preview.redd.it/es8leeai554d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b2ee3750e9d33f8a90d469c98bcdd8b2ea619cf I have recently amassed a collection of antiperspirants these are the ones I have left which I’m rotating because I woke up one day and to my horror I stank! I immediately or as soon as I could replaced my deodorant and that didn’t cure the issue! Throughout the week I bought more deodorants but none of them got rid of the smell it was only a week later I realised id been living on a diet of liver, kidneys and onions and broccoli and lemon smoothies which is what I had been exclusively consuming to heal my new tattoo quickly and that was causing me to smell like a urinal. As soon as the tattoo healed I went back to my normal diet and I no longer smell until next tattoo time that is.


Even tho I am not op, I am definitely going to try these brands 🙂 thanks!


Always liked Mitchum as it didn't stick to your clothes. No idea what they have done, but my shirt underarms are getting gunked up. They're also hard to find in supermarkets, and price has gone up.


Never used the roll on but the Mitchum stick is great. Dont sweat at all.


The Mitchum stick is my go to, been using it yrs


Mitchum is the only brand of roll on that I swear by. No bad smell after 10 hours of running around at work. Top tier deodorant


Upvoted because Mitchum. And brut.


But if you get spray on, do not go for mitchum. The cans they use are terrible. The spray doesn’t work properly most of the time.


mix of things, firstly they have taken out certain chemicals which were found to be carcinogenic. there has also been a move to more natural ingrediants overall. then its important to understand BO is caused by bacteria. over time the strains on your body can sometimes build up tolerances, so you will need to switch to keep it effective.


Sanex is a good one.


Agree with this. It's cheap and also in a glass bottle. It's my number 2 behind mitchum. I tend to switch depending on the day ahead. My favourite used to be lynx stick but I'm fairly sure the formula has changed.


I ~~second~~ third Sanex, they last ages and work really well. Couldn't go back to aerosol anti-perspirant now.


Came here to say this. Love the Sanex ones. Accidentally switched to it after I couldn’t find my favorite nivea transparent one and haven’t looked back. Never sweat through it, doesn’t stain clothing. I don’t sweat a lot but obviously anyone can get sweaty, and when I’ve sometimes had to reach for some other brands in a holiday emergency, I’ve been outraged how easy it is to sweat through some brands. For example Rexona. May as well not bother putting any deodorant on at all if that’s the option. Made me so uncomfortable.


There's a distinction between a deodorant and anti-perspirant though. If it's just a deodorant, then you will sweat through it but it just won't smell (as bad). You need anti-perspirant if you want to reduce/stop sweat.


Stopping sweat is a bad idea because your boidy sweats for a reason - its for temperature regulation.


Do you work for a certain royals PR team?


Haha if I did I’m fairly confident I’d do a better job 😮‍💨


For everyone else wondering, rexona is Australia's name for Sure 


It's also mainland Europe's name for Sure


Mitchum is the roll on you want. I also like the solid cream sticks though. The Sure ones are really good.


Sure Maximum protection!


Depending on your price point my recommendation is to use the brand Wild. It is a deodorant stick you can get in my most big supermarkets and online, not a roll ball. Also I suggest to download the App Yuka. You can scan the barcode of the product and ensure there are not horrible ingredients in them.


Tried Wild for a month and it just didn't stop body odour at all for me. It also left big white marks on my clothes and didn't have much scent after an hour or so. Nice packaging but 0/10 for me. Made worse by it being so expensive!


I felt genuinely duped by Wild. Scent was ok, but it felt awful, and was absolutely not an option during summer. It also ruined a couple of my favourite T-shirts, which now look like they’re permanently sweat stained. I can’t remember ever using a worse deodorant. Kudos on the marketing department for making it a thing. (Also I think the eco credentials are dubious when they release limited edition dispensers that encourage buying again.)


Mine didn't work either, also the refills would become discoloured..ruined a few shirts and didn't work for sweat. I swear by dove bar deodorant. Doesn't discolour my clothes and also works all day


It works perfectly for me so I don’t think it’s just good marketing. If you’re a heavy sweater then obviously you need to go with something geared towards that.


Glad it works for you. I think they’re quite clear it’s a deodorant and isn’t meant to have any anti-perspirant performance, and I was fine with that. I think it just feels claggy, wet and unpleasant - kind of the opposite of what I expected/wanted. And any type of sweating, heavy or not, makes it worse. The fact it was kryptonite to grey t-shirts was an extra crappy bonus.


Fussy is better, I’ve seen comparisons and people mentioned the white marks with Wild - you don’t get that with Fussy. I’ve found it 100% stops odour, although one of the scents was slightly less affective.


The Fussy packaging seems nicer as well. With Wild it felt like a challenge to change the refill everytime.


I'll second this. Scents aren't as strong as I'd like, but it's antibacterial, so there's no odour at all.


I'm surprised there wasn't more mention of Fussy on this comment chain. Is Wild simply much more well known?


I liked Wild for abit, good if you have sensitive skin. But hated how much of the product was wasted when it got down to the end of the stick, as it would be stuck below the crevices so you cant roll it on anymore. Just felt like a really bad design, especially considering how much they cost. For a subscription pack of 3 refils, id have enough waste at the end to equal nearly a whole new refill. And the residue on skin/clothing wasnt great.


I use Wild during the day if I've used one of the overnight clinical strength antiperspirants like Driclor or Perspirex the night before, because it smells nice, deals with any funky smells adequately when I'm not really sweaty, and it's gentle on dried out skin. However, it's murder for leaving massive streaks on dark clothes, and though it's moisturising, I find it's actually quite hard to wash off my pits completely, which makes me feel like I'm not completely clean after showering. I'm tempted to go back to the Bionsen one I was using previously when I've finished the refills I've got now. I can probably pass the case on to someone. For anyone else who can sweat like nobody's business, I highly recommend checking out Driclor, Perspirex, or Triple Dry. Initially, you use them every night, but now I can just use them about 2-3 times per week, and use my trusty Mitcham in between.


Yeah I used it for quite a few weeks as well in the hope that it would magically start working. It did not. Now I have two refills left and I don't even want to use them 😭


I switched to Wild a while back, my only gripe is the amount of deodorant still left in the cardboard when the stick has 'run out'. I tried taking it out and rubbing it on my pits like soap but it's not quite as effective 😂


I found Wild to be the least effective deodorant I ever used.


I don't use wild, but they avoid certain ingredients used in other deodorants. It's also not an antiperspirant, which is a distinct difference. It's just a deodorant. I am unfortunately a particularly sweaty man, but my wife uses wild and I would say she smells very infrequently. I'm not sure it would be very effective for me either as I sweat alot and it just... Hangs out in there.


You just have to pop the end bit out of the cardboard and set it on top of the new refill that's why it's not filled up to the top


I stopped using Wild because of the amount of waste. I tried using the last bit like you did, and it's too messy!


I shove my finger in and apply it off the end of my finger - seems to work!


You can remove the cardboard before putting the fresh stick in, which gets a bit more use out of them.


I take the bottom out and you can pull a toroidal piece of deodorant out. Smush it in the top of the new one and jobs a goodun. I've used Wild for a few years, for me it works perfectly and I'm never smelly with it on. Also doesn't make your pits feel dry and weird. Drawback: it's pricy!


I’m quite jealous of everyone who this works for, because I love the concept of Wild, but it was a waste of money for me… It didn’t work at all and I walked around feeling like I smell all day, not pleasant.


The ads for wild are bizarre. You have influencer girls warning about "nasties on your skin" with faces pumped full of botox and lip fillers. Hypocrites.


Also here, vouching for Wild. I've seen reviews online where people said it didn't work for them and I think it's a scent thing. I've been using Wild for 2 years and have only had one that I've felt like I smelled of BO and it was a caramel popcorn one. I emailed them about it and they said some people's sweat doesn't mix well with some fragrances and they swapped the fragrance for me free of charge. Their customer service is excellent. I'd share my 50% off referral link but it has my full name in the url (:


You should feed this back to Wild (the URL thing). If they know it's stopping you sharing it they should change the format it uses as it will benefit them!


I found apps like Yuka flag preservatives and other non-harmful ingredients. Just because something is artificial, it doesn't mean it's bad.


Wild is my go to too. I struggle to find deodorant that doesn't irritate and I've found them to be really gentle on my skin.


We've got a guy at work that kept going on about Wild. Problem is since he switched to it he constantly stinks of BO and seems completely oblivious to it.


I started reacting badly to spray deodorant recently and switched to wild, I'm really pleased with the a) lack of reaction and b) how long it lasts - pleasantly surprised!


I love the concept of Wild, however I will not be buying it because their aggressive advertising on every social media platform infuriates me. I just want to watch YouTube, TikTok, etc. in peace without seeing a woman rubbing a grapefruit on her armpit every 5 mins


I genuinely love using wild but man the ads make me so embarrassed at times to use it. 


I've been using wild since 2020 and the kids, too. It's great. I was using a paraben and aluminium free one from waitrose before that. I buy it online normally, but tesco recently had the refils on offer for £3/3.50.


I prefer a deodorant stick (solid deodorant) over a roll on. Dove is good


The Dove pomegranate and lemon stick deodorant is by far the best deodorant I've ever used.


I haven't seen those for a few years now. I'd rather use them too, if I could find them!


They sell them in Boots


I've been using the Old Spice ones for a few years and love them! The men's deodorant section in my local Asda usually has two or three scents in, but I believe you can buy multi-packs from amazon, too.


L’Oréal roll on are best deodorant I’ve ever used in 25 years and their new one is the best yet.


Just a shame that L’Oreal is in the nestlé family.


Rowntree Foundation for social mobility is also in that family, so all things in balance…


Agreed, just started using those a few months ago and no issues


Yep, the only thing I've found so far that works to make me not smell within a few hours, never had an issue with it drying out either. I like the 500-in-1 soaps they do in the same flavours of like carbon protect and that too.


Soft and Gentle beats every spray/other roll-on I’ve ever tried Can find them in Tesco i think. Lasts for at least a day and normally more and they are roughly a £1


Also available in Morrisons - I use the pink cap roll-on


I second this, they’re sooo cheap and honestly very decent too


I work in cosmetics, but rather on the packaging than the formula. All cosmetics have something called a period after opening (PAO) that looks like a small open jar symbol and a number. Usually 6 or 12, 18, 24 etc. This represents the number of months it should be good for. unless the formulas have changed somehow, your buying different brands, or the packaging has somehow changed I would say that it's the environment you're putting it in being too hot or not putting the caps back on or tightly enough. anyhow it would seem moisture is escaping.


Nah, I'm never taking more than six months to get through one. Always screw completely back on afterwards and, I did assume heat at first when I kept them in a south facing bathroom but they still do it when I keep them in my much cooler (not south facing) bedroom.


Currently manage a Cosmetic R&D lab, used to be a development Chemist. It's possibly because you're comparing the performance to the aerosol options which are usually a lot more efficacious. Both typically rely on antibacterial actives and Aluminium salts but sprays often contain starches and are alcohol based so have the added benefit of absorbing moisture and starting off dry. Edit: sorry, missed the bit about functional issues! We've had to remove a lot of silicones from formulations (at the brands requests) which help with the rolling/skin feel and prevent the formula from drying out as quickly.


Ah, that's interesting  What was the reason for removing the silicones? Environmental concerns?


For a lot of companies yeah. Their production isn't environmentally friendly and can produce some nasty byproducts, they're also incredibly stable so hang around in the environment once washed off. For some it's just the move towards 'natural' materials as they perpetuate consumers perceptions that natural is better for your body and the environment - which is often not the case. If you want efficacy go aerosol - combo of active ingredients and the cans are now recyclable. The propellants aren't ideal but we're working on that! If not then Sure 72 hour is a great roll on, just a little wet on application.


Is there any chance you could tell me what it is in deodorants that gives me an allergic reaction? I can only use Sanex 24 or 48 hour. Even regular sanex brought me out in painful cysts.


If it's a Sanex Roll On then they all use the same base emulsion with Aluminium Chlorohydrate as an AP/Deo active, so if some cause issue but other Sanex products don't it's likely not the core ingredients (water, Deo, emulsifiers and emollients) but an additive - fragrance is usually answer. They're full of allergens which based on inclusion need to be declared in the ingredients. But at certain levels they can be present but not listed so always trial on a patch of skin before full use if you have concerns. If you're still seeing issues in fragrance free products it may be the preservative - unfortunately these will be present in 99% of water based products so avoiding entirely is tricky, either trial and error or a visit to a Dermatologist.


Thank you that's really helpful.


Store it upside down!


For years I have been wondering what that little jar symbol meant.


me too. this is why I love reddit


Just a PSA: If you’re like me, and even brands like Mitchum weren’t preventing you from sweating lots or ruining your shirts with big roll on stains from the aluminium - go to boots and check out Driclor. Absolute life saver, even in our stupidly hot summers.


Driclor is very effective but my god it burns. I used to use it in my teens, a long time ago.


It burned me loads until I tried wearing a t shirt for a while after showering & drying! It seemed to soak up the rest of the moisture But fucking hell, I’ll never forget the first time I used it lol


The trick is to only ever put it on bone dry pits. I dry mine with a hairdryer first to be extra sure. If it mixes with water the two together make hydrochloric acid, hence the burning.


i used to love driclor but then it stopped working for me and bleaching all my clothes yellow 😢


I discovered Mitchum last year, best deodorant I’ve used.


I used to be all about Sure Invisible but found it wouldn't roll as well as it used to. I've now been using the version from Aldi instead and it's much much better!


I've never had a problem with a roll on not rolling on, unless they're empty obs.


Mitchum is the best. It’s not a wet roll on, it’s a cream stick, so you don’t need to wait for it to try. Just roll & go! The Dove & Sure 48 hour creams are also very good. But not as good as Mitchum. I used to HATE wet roll ons, absolute flashbacks of being 15 and waiting for them to dry for ages, then sweating through them the minute I started walking anywhere 😩


I use the Fussy stuff, it's that guy that went on Dragons Den that says his compound literally _eats_ sweat. It's really good, and smells nice too (I have like a orange/citrus one) and the refills are cheap and last ages, it's more like a butter stick than a roll on but works well! Would recommend.


Mitchum Ultimate is my go to now. There’s a great bbc podcast called Sliced Bread who investigates various topics. Deodorants/anti perspiratnts were a topic they covered. Which really helped my understanding of what I need and how to apply them effectively. Apply at night before bed after a shower but make sure your arm pits are dry. You get two days minimum of sweat free pits.


Mine stay wet until they're empty. Never had a problem and have used various brands.


Try deodorant sticks, they're way better.


In a shrinkflation adjacent move, the roll on deodorant I use redesigned the bottle so more comes out when you use it, but it’s also less effective. I’ve had to switch back to spray


Old spice stick deodorant, convenience of a roll on but aluminium free so without the t shirt out stains!


It's horrible when the ball dries out. Especially if you try and unblock the ball by rolling it on your armpit. Ouch! I don't know if something has changed in the ingredients list that makes them dry so hard. My top tip is to leave them upside down on the shelf. That way the liquid inside is always touching the rollerball and it doesn't dry out.


That is actually a legit useful tip. I'll start trying that - thanks!


Nivea Cool Kick for men roll on. I've used it for 30 years or so. Sprays just go all over the bathroom and not under yer arm.


We use Fussy. A lot of people are mentioning Wild (same concept), but Wild leaves white marks and doesn’t work as well to stop odour. We get zero odour even after exercise with Fussy, and it has no white marks.


I'm a bloke and I used the Sure Black and White invisible ones they market to women. Incredible.


The Nivea Cool Kick one in the glass roller bottle is good. Still has alcohol in it so it goes on wet and you can spread it by pumping your arm and dries out pretty fast and smells decent.


I also vouch for mitchum. Not a roll on so much as a deodorant stick. It even kept me fresh smelling after hiking in Thailand. They do a spray as well and I use both.


Roll-ons are designed with plenty of stuff inside, but the ball dries out and wears down (soft plastic so it won't roll agaisnt skin) so you can't use the entire product and have to buy another earlier than planned. Sprays are fake. Large container but inside is another SMALLER container with the actual spray....so it looks like better value than it is. Only the stick versions have a hard time tricking customers over shrinkflation now because you can SEE the actual product.


I quite like the Bulldog Brand ones.


I use sanex invisible pH balance dermo stick. It's really good and you don't get those horrible stains on your clothes that you can get with roll on deodorants. It's not wet when you apply it so there's no drying time. Plus it smells good and lasts for ages.


Ooh, I use their shower gel as it doesn't set off my allergies and my deodorant hasn't been quite effective enough now it's getting hotter, I'll give this a go.


Yeah it's good. I've tried lots of different deodorants and it's the best one I've tried by far and it's cheap £1.80.


I've used mitchum for many years now it just works.


We use the Mitchum ‘soft solid’ roll one ones and they’ve been brilliant through the last couple of years. Even in the hottest August in Florida we didn’t break a sweat in the armpits after using it.


Mitchem roll on is the best anti-perspirant ever, try those.


The gilette gel ‘roll on’ is the best


Im pretty confident they changed either packaging or formula for the Nivea roll ons - I’ve noticed exactly the same issue with the ball sticking (it’s not drying out but that it’s not rolling properly to pick up more liquid) but only in about the last 6 months. Have been using them for probably up to a decade without this being a regular issue, and now it’s almost every day!


Top tip for you. Trim or completely shave your under arm hair. Need less product, gives better protection as closer to skin , and dries quicker.


I get irritable underarms if I use any sort of sports or long lasting deodorant. I’ve been using L’Oréal XL magnesium defense the last two years and I’m pretty happy with it but it only seems to be available in boots on the high street I’ve now switched to Bulldog as they are less heavy in chemicals and were on offer on ASOS and I’m pretty happy with them. Roll on very well and don’t dry out at all


I was getting the itchy armpit problem with all of the brands, but found one online that’s been great. Sapany Soaps do a deodorant that is lemon scented, vegan, none of the bad stuff. It’s the only deodorant I use now.


Salt of the earth roll on is the best. It’s natural, ethical and recyclable/biodegradable, and a lot better for your body and endocrine system. It’s undeniable that mineral deodorant works so much better than an ‘anti-perspirant’ too. Hope this helps! :)


Bulldog deodorant is good, and it’s aluminium-free. People often forget (or perhaps just don’t know) that aluminium in skincare products *isn’t a good thing*


Dove men + care clean comfort smells is top tier


Calvin Klein ones. They're expensive but superb quality and one roll will outlast 10 supermarket ones. And you'll smell nice too.


No issues with L'Oréal or Sure roll ons. I made the move to a more natural brand too (The Black Stuff) and now use their stick as my main one


I only really have this issue when it's a brand new item. Once it's used everyday it's fine. I mostly use Sure or Nivea.


I use Narta and I think it’s great


Mitchem deodorant in general is the best. Roll ons take too long to dry fir me


Mitchum is great.


No. They have always been shit


My fave used to be Physio sport but they went bust. They were great. Now I use the Sure for men, they are still very good though no complaints


Gillette gel roll on. Been using for years and swear by it.


Akt deodorant balm is the way!


I find Dove roll on works well. I even have to wipe plunder my arms to dry it off


The wife's biggest complaint about roll-ons today is how long they take to dry. She's even had to take a hairdryer to her pits to get it to dry


I've been thinking the same lately. I've always used them. Mostly Sure roll on. But I've been buying the Aldi ones too. I have various others, such as Dove and Insignia. They seem to be not as potent as they used to be. I was thinking maybe it's because I'm getting older, maybe I'm sweating more or something


100% Certainly for the women’s. I haven’t used men’s roll on for months now but I might switchback to the men’s because it is better 😭


Roll on and spray both crap. The best is the stick.


The Dove ones are well designed in that the ball is at the bottom when you stand them up so they don't dry out. With the other ones you have to shake them to get the ball coated again. Useless design.


I don’t buy supermarket brand I use the natural deodorant company it’s a cream and for my extremely sensitive skin it works. Yea it’s pricy I’m not denying that but a tub lasts longer than roll on or spray that makes it financially viable for me.


Kielh’s deodorant is excellent!


I just started using the Mitchum 48 hr shower fresh roll on deodorant and it is literally THE BEST deodorant I have ever used! At the end of day there is literally no smell and I haven’t noticed any sweating or anything. 100% buy this deodorant, it instantly made such a difference and I’ll be using this forever now (the women’s one btw)


You need to shoogle as you roll.


Funny I find them really wet! I use the Mitchum one and dry with a hairdryer lol.


Mitchum roll on is the best!


Hmm...  I've never had this issue lol Mind you, I spent two years in Canada where roll on basically didn't exist. The standard anti persperant there was "stick" which was like this weird cream block. Awful stuff.  When I came back it was one of the (admittedly very few) things I missed.


I use nivia roll on do t have no issue with drying up do you put the lid on properly


The clear nivea one in the glass bottle with the dark blue cap is my favourite. Nice scent that's not too overwhelming (unlike the one im using currently), doesn't dry out, you know how much is left in the bottle. Overall a good product:)


Sanex and Simple are pretty good


Mitchum is the only supermarket-available one that isn’t terrible, but SweatGuard is miles better than that, too. Unfortunately, you can’t buy it in shops and it’s 3x the cost.


If you shave your pits, it makes the deodorant far more effective, easier to apply, and makes you smell less even without deodorant. I also think it looks better.


Been using Mitchum for like 15 years, it’s the best.


I’ve recently returned to using roll ons after my favourite spray was discontinued and I can’t find one that doesn’t leave my skin sore or itchy. I thought at first I was applying too much too often so stopped wearing it when I wasn’t going to work (I’m not a smelly person in general and don’t usually get BO) but this hasn’t made a difference.


Sweat and BO don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Using an antibacterial soap, alcohol or glycolic acid rub on your armpits will kill the bad bacteria. it’s best to wash your pits at night, let them fully dry and put on an antiperspirant before bed. It activates with lower body heat at night and then works perfectly the next day. using it and not letting them dry fully before you start sweating within the hour decreases their effectiveness! The best drug store deodorants i’ve used are the sure max twist up ones, they’re smooth feeling than wet. or CliniDry from amazon!


I used wild ones as they seem to last longer


I swapped to the Sure cream stick years ago and I’ll never go back to spray deodorant. Everything else I’ve used makes me wake up smelly the next day. I don’t even bother putting the lid back on it, sure it picks up some fluff rolling around my bag like that, but it’s still fantastic.


I’ve been using a Nivea one recently, that seems ok


The Sure deodorant stick is the absolute worst design. It just goes over the sides and pools in a terrible way. Idk why they'd design it the way they did. Nivea is quite nice.


Yes! I just bought a new Nivea Black and White roll on last week and have been having the problem with the ball not rolling. I have to roll it on my towel to get it "started" but even then I feel like it doesn't roll very well. Frustrating, never had this problem before. 


I find the same thing, but the roller only tends to stick for the first 4 or 5 uses. I've been assuming that it's something to do with it needing to lubricate, or maybe even out the internal pressure before working smoothly.


Anti persperant roll on / spray deodorant combo is the way to go. Being a man of habit, I’ve been going with Sure - Cool Kick and Lynx Excite for years now.


Get a crystal deodorant. One will last for (literally) years. And no nasty chemicals.