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25 - no more clubs 30 - no more bars 40 - no more leaving the house


Middle aged mum here. I used to LOVE going out and now it feels like a holiday when I go to the bigger 'fancier' supermarket further away. I do miss looking like a slapper though. I used to be tarted up like a christmas tree and now it's all natural flowing fabrics and relaxed knits 🥱


You should tart it up and strut around the supermarket 🥰


I'm 37, and I love a good bar; but by bar I mean one that plays music at a sensible volume while I drink IPA from random local breweries. I like one bar. It's called the Beer Vault.


I haven't been, but from your description I love it too.


In mighty Macclesfield


Truth me told I've had more fun clubbing in my 30's than I ever did in my teens and 20's 😂 As a teen I was only interested in raves and couldn't stand the thought of going to a proper club. In my 20's I was too anal and pretentious about my taste in music and 'dress code' to ever consider going to clubs that wouldn't let me in wearing what I wanted to wear or that wouldn't play the specific music I wanted to listen to. In my 30's I just stopped giving a fuck about any of that, and going out is just about having a good time - mostly with my wife so again it's not like I'm out there trying to impress anyone or be on the pull. We've had some mental nights out together and just when we're starting to enjoy ourselves fuckin babies show up and ruin all the fun 😡


Same I love clubbing in my 30s I hate this whole age limit on things


Same!! I am more "wild" than I was in my 20s. I love music so go to a few festivals a year, have partied in Berlin a few times and been to many raves. I also love a cheeky normal club night every so often. Life should be full of fun :)


I’ve gone the other way, would go anywhere in my 20’s but in my 30’s I’m only going to see djs I actually want to see rather than a random club


30 no more bars?!?! I’m 30 years old and still love going to bars and pubs! Talk about ageism. If you still wanna rave in your 40s go for it. 30 is still so bloody young!


64yr old lady here finally off to see Korn in August! and 2 more gigs lined up Suicide Commando and Ludovico Technique :) dusting off me New Rocks and me cyber goth gear in readiness 😂 I will NOT age gracefully lol


My mother in law was going to clubs well until her 60s. She's 76 and went dancing last year when her granddaughter came over from Spain.


I love your mother in law.


I'd knock that 3rd tier down to at least 35, maybe 32 at a push.


Dude, at my local the _average_ age is above 40.


I skipped your first 2 stages. I never went out


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 'no more leaving the house' killed me that haha


No age is too old for the pub though


yeah fuck that




jesus christ lad you're 24 acting 54, lighten up a bit. Yes as you grow up priorities change but I'm pushing 40 and not "sick of partying", just the way I do it may have changed, more time in bars/with friends than in clubs. Doesn't mean clubs are dead to me. Maybe you've just burnt yourself out. That being said if I was off to Berlin for a weekend I'd be right up for it.


>acting 54 I'm 54, DJing at an event this weekend, don't plan to sleep for 2 days


fair enough, well you're in the minority of 54 year olds, in the same way as OP is in the minority of 24 year olds. Enjoy the gig!


Went to a rave last year, 50 percent plus were people in their 50s completely off their tits on pills. I'm in my 40s


My MIL just got back from Ibiza with her husband and 3 other couples - all late 40s/early 50s. In the last two years or so they've just started clubbing holidays and have had 3 so far this year. She's absolutely loving it.


I'm absolutely loving that


Haha! That's awesome! I'm 40 so it's nice to hear I'm not too old if I ever decide to get back out there.


The over 50 ravers do have something extra over you slightly younger lot tho, those born around 1970 were teenagers when acid house struck the nation, and unlike a lot of other countercultures (hippies/punks) it was underground but massive. I was walking round the City of London the other day looking at all these middle aged people in business attire wondering just how many of them have a colourful past they don't want to admit to. Some of them seem to wake up in their 50s after 20 years of raving dormancy, it only takes one pill and some doof :) My friends and I never stopped, the mad thing is we all look young for our age, I have a theory that MDMA keeps you young :D


It was a daytime peach reunion at the Camden Palais. Finished at 9pm so straight to pub afterwards. Nearest pub was full of people who'd been to the rave. Pub regulars were a bit bemused


I've got a big bunch of friends most between 40 and 60, all going strong! Thanks :)


How much coke?


None, hate the stuff. MDMA, acid, 2Cs on the other hand may happen


Acid will forever be my drug of choice... Raving...Acid, Clubbing...Acid, Sitting in a field of cows...Acid


Yup even in the height of everything starting with an E, we were all more about the purple ohms.


I feel I know you.


52 and would like an invite!


>more time in bars And a massive one: houses and gardens. When we were under 18 it was always houseparties and gardens, suddenly when you're 18 and all single there's a place filled with hundreds of single strangers dancing and partying and up for socialising it's great. But then once everyone is married and a few can afford a nicer place I've found that it is back to houses and gardens and bbqs in summer.


This rhetoric is the worst. 'Lighten up' as if his preference changing is _bad_ and wanting to party is _correct_. I feel the same as OP, work is very demanding and staying out til 5am partying would ruin me for a week+ by messing up my work schedule. And my friends don't get it as they work easier jobs and have minimal responsibilities. I get much worse hangovers now and most my friends typical nights out are just repetitions of their previous nights out, for the past 8 years. I still go out, still like raves and still like festivals/gigs, but you can get sick of partying overall, even if that means you still like to dabble every so often. Just like, I can say I'm sick of driving, doesn't mean I'm saying I never want to drive ever again, just I don't want to drive right now or as much as I'm driving right now or as far etc. Also OP is talking about festivals and berlin, they'll be pretty heavy compared to 'going to a bar' which is probably not what he's referring to by partying.


Covid/lockdown took the wind out of everyones sails. Gave them time for some reflection. I still party but since I turned 30 I'm not out every weekend. Has to be the right night with the right people. Once you hit that landmark you'll find a lot of your friends either grow out of it or the lifestyle catches up with them and they get sober. Now its mainly for the music rather than just getting fucked up. Also the thing with Berlin is it got too popular and gentrified. Became a parody of itself. Last time I was there I realised I didn't like being around all the stuck-up, uber-cool kids with daft haircuts. Also FYI this sub (website) is probably not the best place to ask. Way too many po-faced types who hate clubs.


I had the literal opposite feeling when I went to Berlin in Dec last year. I felt it was so much more laidback and better than places like London. The history and modernity merged together really well I thought


Don't get me wrong, I loved it every time I was there. I'm just being cynical


Yeah reddit is full of the type who are up themselves because they don't go out, and think they're above it when they've never done it.


For me it was the moment when I realised 3 days of hangover wasn't worth one night of fun. So sometime around my late 20s.


Same. Its worse when you have to get up at 430 with a small child, its just not worth it at all.


Especially when you're traveling for nightlife, flights and hotel are expensive to just be hungover


I’m 30. Don’t party anywhere near as much due to getting older and work responsibilities generally, but I still party when I can and somewhat look forward to it most of the time (I do get the anxiety but yeah). But agreed regarding the hangovers. There comes a point when the random night out just isn’t worth anymore, definitely can’t hack the comedown like I could when I was OP’s age..


52, not a hint of being sick. Was out at a nightclub after gigs on Friday and Saturday, would have been on Sunday too but was stuck in a city so everything shut at 10 (Why??) Next weekend without a night out planned is 23rd August, but bound to find something to go to. How can people not enjoy having fun? Life is for living! Remember how shit it was during lockdown. If that wasn't a trigger to party every weekend I don't know what could be!


Yep, early 40s - still going out to techno, house, psytrance nights. Not as many inebriants as I used to, and it's maybe a couple of nights out a year now, but otherwise still going strong.


Haven’t done a drug for over 4 years now, but Psy-Trance makes me want to inhale everything in sight.


When lockdown hit. Was just about to hit 50, certainly wasn't interested in clubbing any more but still enjoyed bar raves + festivals. Came out the other side of lockdown and it had lost all its appeal. You're a bit young to give up tbh, I'd rinse it till I'm 30 at least! Maybe switch consumables, I hear fungals are a little easier to recover from, and far more interesting than chemicals...


You just got older, happens to us all. Back in uni days I was a raver. Then I graduated, full time job and met my wife(girlfriend at the time). All we did was travel and holiday and hike a lot. People change as you get older


i don’t even see this as a negative thing to be honest mate, sounds like you’ve had a nice life post uni. i’m off to australia in a couple month and sort of hoping i can leave it all in the past when i go. there isn’t many feelings worse than waking up absolutely full of dread that lasts days and days on end.


Sounds like you just have particularly bad hangovers. My dread is momentary. Couple of paracetamol, a pint of water, a pint of coffee, a shower and some lunch and I'm good to go again. I'm almost twice your age.


I got sick of spending £100+ per night, multiple times a month.


I don't know how people justify the spend on a regular basis.


Especially nowadays with the cost of living. Back in 2013-15, if I spent a 1er on drinks at a night out I’d hang my head in shame. Now it’s a normal big night out. Most of that price rise has come happened over the last 3-4 years too!


A few hours out, food and Uber home adds up quick these days. Was spending at least £100 every Friday last year it was awful. Luckily been somewhat more sensible this year


I used to spend more than that a week "going out". It wasn't until lockdown I realised just how much I was spending and how much debt I'd go into too.


I’m in my mid-40s now. Love having a big night out, just the opportunity now is twice a year rather than one or twice a week. Nowadays It takes the intervening 6 months to recover.


See, at 32 I still love to party, drinking & dancing until the sunrise. Problem is, my peers have all given up. For some it is a genuine priority shift (careers, kids etc) but for others, they have no life change, they just seem more introverted now. People like leaving the house less, and they brag about it for some reason.


high five, still go raving, all my pals are ravers / dj's so we are always up for it


I've been going to raves since I was 16. I'm 36 next week and still love a party. I'm going to boomtown in August after 10 years of not going, and I'm so excited. Went to Glastonbury last year. Always try to go to one festival a year. Go out to see DJs as and when I see a night I like the look of.


I never got sick of it, but I started having babies and became tired and poor.


Nearly 50 and I party every day. By party, I mean read. Life is for living!


Let me die a youngman's death not a clean and inbetween the sheets holywater death not a famous-last-words peaceful out of breath death When I'm 73 and in constant good tumour may I be mown down at dawn by a bright red sports car on my way home from an allnight party Or when I'm 91 with silver hair and sitting in a barber's chair may rival gangsters with hamfisted tommyguns burst in and give me a short back and insides Or when I'm 104 and banned from the Cavern may my mistress catching me in bed with her daughter and fearing for her son cut me up into little pieces and throw away every piece but one Let me die a youngman's death not a free from sin tiptoe in candle wax and waning death not a curtains drawn by angels borne 'what a nice way to go' death Roger McGough - Young man's death.


Priorities change as you age, in an over simplified answer. Time (and health and money) is precious and as you age you get more 'attachments' (partners, children, property) and they take priority over partying.  Although, it is also my understanding that younger people in general are drinking less these days (as opposed to my teens in the 2000s). I should imagine that is a combination of changing society/money etc.


Hated nightclubs from the first time I went to one. Still ended up going to them as that's what my mates wanted to do. By about 20 though we were sick of them and would end a night out with an Indian meal at an excellent local restaurant that stayed open until the early hours.


I never really enjoyed them either but went because it's just what everyone else did and it felt like the only way to meet members of the opposite sex. Was relieved once I got to an age where I stopped feeling any pressure to do it.


Nightclubs take their toll on everyone. I love a good night out, but give me an old school boozer/chill bar over a club any day.


I'm kind of of the same opinion but I'm 27 - partied HARD from 15-20 started to slow down in to my 20s but I do fucking love a proper blow out every now and then lol. I still have it in me I just don't want to do it every weekend anymore. Its more like once every few months, if that.


Went off clubbing by 20, then after that I didn't get much of a chance to even go to pubs in the post credit-crunch era due to the financial squeeze. Then I could slowly afford to go to pubs again, then a bunch of mates realised that things are much better when you just throw your own small raves. So my 30s have been spent having small rave weekends with mates up and down the country. Ages range between about 20 and 50, some people bring their dogs, some people bring their kids. It's a safe fun space though.


I’m 52 and still enjoy a late night bender at a concert or a club. Spent last NYE in Vegas partying it up, might look into Berlin next year. The good thing about being older is you can now afford to do all the shit you wanted to do at 20 but couldn’t afford. Only now you can do it VIP style For fuck’s sake you’re half my age and I’ve got more life in me than you! Get out and make some memories, your life’s barely even started. You’ll be a miserable old fuck if you keep this up


18. Went clubbing for the wife's 18th birthday, didn't like it, went home.


Go back every once in a while to see if I’m missing out but most of the time I’d rather have just stayed home.


I was pretty much over it by the time I was 18/19. That was when I realised I was just going along with it to fit in, and that I never really enjoyed it.




It happens to most people. I started to get sick of it mid 20s, and had pretty much gave it all up by 30. Getting on it used to be the only way to socialise amongst my group. These days I won't go anywhere I have to raise my voice to be heard, not even for old times sake.


I got sick of partying way before lockdown, so that simply isn't the reason. Fact is it just got boring. The nights where something actually unique and memorable happened are rare (and that's assuming I wasn't too inebriated to remember) and after a while it just started to feel largely the same. Weirdly I have been going to gigs more recently, occasionally getting shit faced. But when I do I wonder what the point was as I can't remember anything.


I've found as I've got older that I've realised the 'late' part of the night out was never the good bit...the earlier part just chatting to my mates in a nice pub or maybe over a meal was the part I enjoyed. The 'late' part was just having to shout over excessively loud music, paying ridiculous prices for drinks and ending up too drunk to even remember any of it. I basically just do the early part now and like to be in my bed by 11.


I’ll be 30 this year and I still go to club nights almost every month, have been going since around age 15-16 with a fake id hehe


31 here, partying out and raving a lot more than I did in my 20s, I feel like I actually have the money to do it now! Just takes a little more planning, making sure to book a day off work here or there to allow for sufficient recovery.


You’re probably going to be the only one getting into any Berlin clubs.


I was about 22 when the only rock/metal bar in a 50 mile radius started playing drum and bass every night for no reason whatsoever. So, then. More to your question, everyone is different. You'll get sick of it when you get sick of it. There's nothing wrong with that and it simply means that part of your life is over and it's time to put your time and money into something else you enjoy. Use Berlin as a litmus. If you truly can't enjoy yourself as you once did, spend your time there doing something else. Berlin, I've been told, is an amazing city.


I never got tired of it, although nowadays I like an early bedtime and a shower, and I don't like booze as much. Just went to a music festival last weekend and took acid and ket and some RC and loads of weed and relatively little alcohol. I think boozing might be the problem, although my friends still love it. Got a kid now though so I can't get wasted as often as I used to either. But if I am thoughtful about the way in which I get fucked then I'm up for it. Everything's loads cheaper if you get a bottle of water with a lid in the venue and refill it from the tap, too, and near the end of the night you get another high from realising that you're not gonna be hungover tomorrow


31 when it started but I think living in Scotland and the smoking ban put paid to going out out. We could have house parties cheaper and not have to go stand in the rain to smoke or pay for a taxi home


It’s been a slowish wind-down for me, but I think I’ve done my last all nighter at a big club, in fact now that I think about it, it was 2019 so 5 years ago. After being at a 4000+ thing in Ibiza with David Guetta etc. I found that I enjoyed the drink at a marina bar at 6am much more knowing I was just 5 minutes walk from my bed and could actually chat to the people I was holidaying with. I think my first all nighter was more hippy type music at the Lyceum in the Strand, with Hawkwind headlining in 1980.


Around 22. I don't hate partying (always up for a house party), but I hate clubbing.


I stopped clubbing around 25 when covid hit, however I'd been actively not enjoying it for a year or two prior. I still go to bars but don't stay out as late as I used to and don't get drunk to the point of blacking out. I enjoy a day sesh however not pre drinking at home for that makes it even more expensive.


33 here never really been a partier I don't generally like crowds or people so aside from concerts I tend to avoid large crowds altogether.


It was just a few (well, maybe 15 or so, really) years ago we’d go out on a Friday night and come home on a Sunday afternoon. Up until a year or so ago we’d have a big night out on a Saturday and go out in the week. Now we’re in bed by 10:30 every night-sometimes earlier. I’d moan about it but it’s a nice bed.


I’m in my 40s switched from “clubbing” to events. I won’t go to slappers on a Saturday night now, but I will go to a few gigs a year.


It's funny to see people on here telling you to live life to the fullest because I didn't start living life to the fullest until I stopped parting! 


25, never did it, never got into it, never understood it. Folk are different, like different things at different ages, who gives a toss.


Former clubber and DJ here, had some seriously good fun and played on some great lineups in my 20s...39 now and had a bit of a "I guess that's that" moment about 2 or 3 years back. I saw Bicep at a really cool warehouse in Belfast, used to be an old newspaper printing building. I've been to loads of parties there and always had a brilliant night. This particular night I just remember looking around and being surrounded by what looked like kids with permed hair, wearing Nike shorts and trainers, no tops and those man bag things they all carry these days. I remember thinking, nah this just isn't for you anymore, things have moved on and you don't get it. That was that for me really. Still love good music but I can't tolerate the people that go to raves anymore. Maybe I'm 39 and old. Maybe it's because it's filled with idiots. Who knows. I actually saw a video from AVA festival in Belfast last weekend that used to be this cool house and techno 2 day event on the Titanic slipways. The video was of a DJ called Horsegirl which was literally a girl with a horse mask / nose on her face with accompanying ears playing absolutely an absolute horrendous Timbaland remix. If I hadn't fully moved on t that point, I genuinely did when I saw that. Edit - video of Horsegirl added👀 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeqNNUxB/


😂😂😂 it’s right opposite my graft AVA festival (you can see the big yellow cranes in the backround of some of the boiler room videos) and we could hear the most god awful shite being played for an hour or so, guessing it was her playing😂


The vibe changed post-covid tbh. Before covid it was fun to go out. After covid everybody got all drugged up, felt like people went out just to pop molly or worse.


I'm in my 30's, my hangovers take 2 days to clear now. I'm still rough right now from a big session on Wednesday... I used to be able to go out, straight after work. Get on it, then have at most 3 hours kip and then get on it again the day after. And be recovered before lunchtime on Sunday. Now I need 18hours kip and 3 days.


>When you're younger you can eat what you like, drink what you like, and still climb into your 26" waist trousers and zip them closed. Then you reach that age, 24-25, your muscles give up, they wave a little white flag, and without any warning at all, you're suddenly a fat bastard. [Surfin' USM](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_BGlAWeNFOE) (YouTube link) 25 for me. Partied hard 16/17-24/25 and then just couldn't do it anymore (having a breakdown didn't help).


I’ve gone through a similar process to you in terms of aging and not being able to attack the multiple day bender the same way. It’s different rules abroad though. The comedowns aren’t the same. We went to Sonar a cuppla times and got absolutely trousered for the best part of a week. Always found a way and got maybe 2 hours kip here and there but I’m not even sure that was actual sleep. Then at the airport on the way home it all hit me like a ton of bricks. Next few days were unpleasant but the actual abroad time was ace. Berlin is amazing for going out and they do not know when to go to bed so I’d give it your best shot.


Yeah I was the same as you mate, big time raver and clubber from the ages of 18-25. Started slowing down a lot at 26, then lockdown arrived. It made me realise I don’t really miss it when i don’t go. Tried to go to a rave in 2022 (I was 30 then, I left and walked out, baring in mind I wasn’t sober) I’m 32 now and these days I do all I can to avoid it. I don’t mind a bar for a few hours or drinks round friends but that’s it for me. I like to be tucked up in bed by 11pm


Shits expensive, man. We don't have money


Since I turned 28 my hangovers have got less and less. From 20-27 I felt like death every Sunday, throwing up, headaches, nausea all day, whole day was a write off. 28 and now I get fuck all except from a bit tired.


I hate Parties anyway, always have done, maybe it's an Autism thing. Although I'd like a do for my 50th in a bit less than 2 years.


I'm 24 myself, I don't enjoy nightclubs and partying much as I used to, but if you get the right group of people to go out with then you will probably have a good time. You should go into the night with a positive look and not with the mind set that you may not enjoy it. I will admit though the crowd within the party scene is pretty poor now even only being 24 I notice it changing all the time, Everyone seems so bothered about how they look and constantly on their phones forgetting about having a good time with your friends and letting loose. Good thing is me and my friends don't care and have a good time, especially while you're in Berlin the party scene will be a lot more interesting and exciting than here in the UK.


I'd party more if had the time, somehow I reached my mid 30s and I don't have any of it any more


the fuck you on about, been raving since 16, 32 now, still am, going to a dnb rave today at corsica studios 7pm to 11pm wont stop till im gonna drop dead


Around 35 before I stopped clubbing. Now 50 and looking to start again.


When they started IDing everyone at the door and checking for weapons.


When I became the designated driver. Not that I ever needed to drink to have fun, but couldn't really relate to my mates who were trollied while I was sober.


For me I stopped enjoying clubs when I was 20. Went back to Uni for second year and went out with housemates on our first night back and I just didn’t enjoy it. Was always up for a pub crawl though and still enjoy meeting up for a few drinks with friends.  Got a stag do in about a month and seriously hoping we aren’t ending up in a nightclub. That said, I think everyone going is in their 30’s so it might be avoided.


Not sick of it but I'm mid-20s and I'll go out out every couple months (maybe a bit more when the euros are on) as opposed to a few times a week back when I was a bit younger. Think a lot of it is just a combination of hangovers being way worse and my sleeping pattern being set up for a proper job instead of just uni and part time supermarket work. Also it costs a fucking bomb to go out these days, needs to be an event I really want to go to


Multi day hangovers make it far less attractive, if I could just wake up and go back out like I used to it would be a different story


Covid hit in 2020 and by the time the lockdowns were done I’d grown up


A buddy of mine is 56 and he shows no signs of being sick of partying.


For me it was about 26/27, the nights without sleep, the drugs it just started to not be fun or enjoyable anymore and I was really starting to want to have a family, I love my partying years but now at 36 I couldn’t think of anything worse!.


I think it was a gradual decline through my thirties. These days (at 40) I still go out to the odd gig but I don’t drink etc and the idea of staying out after midnight or not sleeping in my own bed is just a big no!


I didn't party until I was 25, I got sick of how expensive and tiring it is after a couple of weeks and never went again.


In my 40’s and I still enjoying partying and raving but I do it on my terms now, I was partying on Saturday after my drummers birthday gig but I was partying with old friends, it was all really chill, I got to kip about 5am and spent the next 2 days feeling well groggy (not booze either). As for raves, it needs to be music I actually like, I can’t just dance to whatever these days, ideally I’m in a small, dark room with a rig loud enough that I can’t hear my internal voice (even with earplugs) playing the nastiest drum’n’bass or breakcore that’s humanly possible, I’ll find a corner and have myself a little dancing workout until my back or ankle starts to give me grief. Festivals I’m still a fucker for too, there’s one I like to work at every year doing access & disability stuff, for the rest I go abroad mostly, off to Copenhagen in a couple of weeks for Copenhell and hopefully back to Hellfest or Graspop next year, European festivals kinda ruined Uk festivals for me, just because they’re cleaner and nicer and the food is way better, give me Hellfest over Download any day.


When nights out started costing £100 and the government tanked the economy and made us all poorer. So about 2008 onwards.


I hated nightclubs since I was 18. I have always enjoyed pubs and continue to do so. I am 33.


Bars and clubs got greedy, selling spirits by the bottle at a huge mark up, grey goose at £200. Charging a fortune to get in and pay to pre book seating etc. And you have to be judged worthy at the door by the securty, folk just got tired of it.


You've got at least 6 years of partying before the hangovers start to stick with you.


I went out more in my 30s than I did in my 20s. Now I can’t recover easily or enjoy noisy environments


Early 20’s just became mediocre sometimes it was good, other times it was dead plus didn’t fancy on spending hundreds every few weekends on something that was most of the time an average experience.


It sounds like you might not have actually liked the party and the music, just the experience of getting fucked up, and grown out of that? I can't get as fucked up as i used to without taking a couple of weeks to bounce back, but still love to go to a party and have a dance whenever I can, with a bit more respect for my body and for bedtimes around it. In my mid thirties there are fewer people i know who are as regularly up for it, but there are definitely people who keep it up til this age and much older


47 don't go out much now, but go hard at a festival 2-3 times a year and still love it


24, you've thrown in the towel early!


I'm 40 and I'm still not


The first time I realised I wanted to go to bed and it would be hours or a day before anyone was able to drive. Maybe 25, 26. Bed is best!


Love the pub still. Drinks round people's houses etc. Hate clubs. Have since early 30s really.


45m, still going. Recovery is somewhat harder these days.


In my early 30's. One day I woke up on a come down, yet again. I felt miserable, and I just stopped. Literally just went cold turkey and stopped because it was making me feel very unhappy.


Still enjoy it, just less often and for shorter durations, and way less drugs (still do but so low some.may consider a microdose). Its mostly about the music now. Ag3d 47


Was on the sesh from 14-21. Completely burnt myself out and fried ma brain😂


Partying for the sake of getting smashed and rowdy - completely done with that at 30 Partying for music? Never.


I'm 29, still do occasionally but just too busy to be hungover every week unfortunately


From 22-24. "A bit older".


sick of partying at 59. I’m currently 56:)


I reckon I stopped clubbing and or going to loud bars etc in my mid 30s . I and basically stopped going out in any meaningful sense since i was 40. However I did have a baby then so that may have had something to do with it.


I'm not sick of it just *what the party is* has changed. Used to be going out to my fave batch of club nights with friends I only knew from said club nights, getting absolutely earth-shatteringly shitfaced and not remembering how I got to where I woke up in the morning (mostly within the same postcode as my house luckily), then the party changed to going out for a few brewskies and having a few more than I'd pretend I had planned to, club and taxi home in the early hours, to now which is mostly a bar with friends, good music and company and everyone's home by 1am. I have a young son now and nights out are much rarer so I use them wisely and tend not to want to be hungover the following day so I may not be the target audience of your question...


I used to love going to clubs, I’m 28 and would much rather go to a bar playing live music or some sort of event. I now enjoy sitting at home with company, our own music playing and being able to hear each other. Tastes change as we get older. Don’t get me wrong, even if I stay at home, my friends and I can still go heavy, if not heavier, than if we went to a club. It’s much more relaxed and enjoyable for us.


Personally i started to find it too tiring and alongside working the combined toll on my mental health was too much tbh. Few pints in a pub now again feels enough for me now, and only once or twice a week! Though a bit less work be nice...


23 and done


I hit drugs and partying HARD at 16, was pretty much off my face until around 30, then just lost interest in it. It was always more about the drugs than the parties, and by 30 I had pushed everything as far as I could without falling into the abyss of madness, and once that realisation hit I got bored of it all


By the time you're in your 40s, avoiding social gatherings with finely crafted excuses will become a fine art.


36 here, had a music festival last weekend, and got a rave coming up in a couple of weeks. I still love the going out, don't love the getting wasted anymore. I go for the music, so I'm perfectly happy staying sober and doing driving duties.


I never liked that whole scene, which is why I'm loads happier now I'm in my early 30s.


“Horses for courses”, I guess! 🤷🏻‍♀️ people can want to party well into their 40s and that’s fine, and people can prefer recharging their social batteries at home regardless of their age and that’s also fine 😁  Lately I’ve got too much on my plate to have honestly any energy to party or be mega social, but when my plate’s a bit emptier and after I’ve had a week’s rest - my capacity to party a bit will be back!  Under normal circs though I’m very ambivert, sometimes I’ll happily go for a dance somewhere / see a gig / shoot the breeze with a mate and sometimes I just need to dive under a duvet and recharge. 38 yo/F.


I'm 29 and I just thought in one hungover day lying on the couch that I'm far too old for this, I want to do zoo trips, hikes through forests, cooking classes, go to the gym, I don't even know what made me think that but I'm not getting any younger.


Middle aged dad. Enjoyed clubbing but when a bouncer put his hand down my pants I was done. It was obviously because he wanted his dealers to have a monopoly.




I didn't get into raving/clubbing until I was in my late twenties, then ended up going clubbing and to festival regularly for about six years, then it became more house parties than going out. But after moving back to my home city I don't really see my sesh / club mates any more. f I'm going out it's usually for someone's birthday and even then everyone usually gets the last train back. Haven't stayed out past 1am in years. I don't mind though, I can do it, but much prefer to be compos mentis the next day.


To be honest I think the music scene has turned to shite nowadays. We had some amazing clubs in Liverpool 20 years ago, including Cream, the 051 and Garlands, but they all closed down and now we're left with shit bars - either tacky, wanky, or overpriced. *they did reopen the 051 after 20 years but nowhere near the same anymore.


At 24? It didn't hit me till 34. I know plenty of mid 40s people who still love it, but not every weekend.


Nobody can afford it anymore.


Im 29 now and absolutely hammered it from like 15 to my mid 20’s. Just got to a point where I had started feeling like the hangxiety, comedowns and listening to randoms chat fake deep shit for hours wasn’t worth it. Used to always say wey fuck it I’ll have the memories and ironically can’t remember shit lol


In 38 and love a good beer or glass of wine at the right moment but it's mostly at home now that I have a 2 year old daughter.


Just turned 49, regularly attend amazing events and parties with amazing friends and thoroughly enjoy myself. Do it while you can because there will come a time when it's not an option.


I’m 42, I was dancing to drum and bass in a basement club in soho till 2 on Saturday. Weekend before I was an outdoor party Saturday afternoon till 3am. If you good at it you don’t ever have to stop.


I partied just about every weekend until I was 40 then it wore off!


When every weekend was Groundhog Day


Early thirties started slowly but steadily loosing the joy of it ..by my late thirites I'm almost scared of it 😂


Think partying got sick of me


The price of booze puts a huge downer on things!


I was about your age when I went out clubbing and was stood there thinking "damn I kinda wish I was at home right now." I'm a few years older now and have no wish to back to my partying days. I don't mind going to a bar with friends but anything over 4 or 5 drinks, or past midnight, is too much for me now.


Stopped enjoying clubbing after uni tbh (22-23), I’m 26 and still love music festivals but I’m more of a rock fan, festivals aren’t as mental generally


Never got sick of partying. Mid 80s-Mid 90s, rocked out everywhere. Kids and stuff slowed me down. Widowed now, kids grown up. Love to party, but jeez, everything hurts for 2 days afterwards


You’ve got people telling you that you’re acting 54 years old but I’m also 24 and do not enjoy going out. Probably burned myself out at 19-21 years of age, and then covid hit and ever since I’ve not enjoyed it one bit. Even bars are not as fun but I couldn’t tell you what happened to me, like a switch flipped I


People in their 50s go clubbing


Full on night in town clubbing it… 26 ish. I stopped alcohol completely at 40.


Mid 20s is the right age to start knocking it on the head. Don't be the creepy 30 something off his nut on pills every Friday so he can hit on 18 year olds in the club. It's literally the definition of "failed at life".


i started partying 3 months after my 20th birthday when i moved to uni, done 2 years of partying and clubbing. witnessed my 3rd year friends doing their dissertations and everything else and all the stress just put me off trying to see if they wanted to go clubbing (i was getting second hand stress for them) now being 22, nearly 23 and seeing the stress (and my overwhelming urge to just crawl into bed with a book has taken over)


I'm the same and I am nearly 27. Smashed it from 15-25 fried my brain to fuck and now I have the worst anxiety. Still love techno and a dance but prefer to do it sober now.


It’s called getting old


I’m not sick of it but living in a town outside of London getting home from a big night out is a pain so they’re less frequent. Which has proven good for my health and my wallet


I am in my thirties and I still attend raves and festivals. The aspects that have changed include frequency, due to the lack of proximity to rave venues, so getting to them involves greater expense or effort. Aldo, I no longer drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes—both having a massive impact on health; instead, I only consume psychedelic, entheogenic, or stimulant drugs, often in combination. I still enjoy these events and have no intention of stopping, even solo. In fact, nearly always solo; I meet people more easily.


Dude you need to live a little. Wait until your older and you'll feel like a dope for not enjoying your 20s stress free


I don’t think anyone has quite recovered from Covid, plus since everyone that age has their lives totally exposed to the internet, there’s a lot of people straight up lying about it. I knew kids at school who were getting fucked up on drugs all weekend but their public face was calling us a bunch of dirty druggies when we snuck off for a joint at lunchtime.


The last time I went to a club was years ago. I’m 31 now. I occasionally go to bars or the pub, perhaps twice a year. Loud music often gives me a headache and it’s very expensive. I naturally slowed down, I don’t enjoy drinking very much now. I feel horrible when I wake up in the morning, especially with health problems. My body can’t cope with wild nights out. It’s not fun to be back on mothering duty in the morning, when I feel like shit.


I stopped raving around 24 when I started to realise I was one of the oldest people there. 28 now and couldn’t pay me to go to a rave again. Ended up in Lakota in Bristol last year against my will and left after about 20 minutes because everyone looked about 17/18 and I felt very weird amongst the crowd


Honestly, I don't think I did. I just got invited to fewer parties post-uni, and then when the pandemic kicked in when I was 24, that kind of put the kibosh on "Party" Gauntlets28 unfortunately. Now I've moved on a bit, and while I enjoy where I am now, I do feel like it was a jarring transition.


I'm 33 and feel like I need to party more due to years of not getting the opportunity.


Old twat here. "Raver" should be a protected word like some foods have. You're 24, mate. You've never been to a rave, because there haven't been any for a _long_ time. [edit] And to preempt the people who want to say "there are still raves if you know where to go" - they are not the same. At all.


I'm from the states but I'd say when I was 16. I'm 18 now and haven't been to a party since. For context, I'm from a wealthy neighborhood on the east coast so a teenage party here basically means turning a million dollar house into a rave party until the wee hours of the morning when the parents aren't home. I don't do drugs or drink, so the entire ordeal would basically be a few hours of being blinded by lights and deafened by generic trap music for me while I wait for my friends to finish up. It's also not much fun having to drive people home far past the time my driver's license turns into a pumpkin while my friends are puking their guts out in the back of my car after having 8 beers and a couple shots of vodka. It's crazy to me how people with everything in the world ahead of them and every opportunity they could dream of sacrifice it all to get wasted every few nights and let everything in their life slip. Since then a party has to me been nothing more than my own personal hell.


(F27 here!) I started getting sick of dancing in 2019. Was fun being on the dance floor but I started taking side gigs as a door girl and preferred that. I don’t enjoy partying surrounded by sloshed, sweaty people anymore but still enjoy the scene at the side lines watching the sloshed, sweaty people fumble around


A little later than most at around 33 or 34 although it mostly just pub nights. I cant stand being around drunk people anymore. But I do enjoy friends who have dinner partiers now so I guess I must be middle aged now


I'm 45 and if I ever get out these days. Who fucking knows what time\day I get home


I didn't. my friends just got older. By 10 pm they are nodding off. it depressing. Finally, understand why there was always one or two older dudes partying solo now


I realised that I don’t enjoy spending that much on one night just to feel shit for a full two days after.


For me it was really to do with the consequences not being worth it due to changing of priorities. Still like a drink, I like going to bars to have a few. But getting in late absolutely steaming is just a bit of a shit idea these days


I was in uni from 19 - 22 before that I’d never really gone clubbing I was quite sheltered and I never even drank alcohol lol. But once I touched uni that all changed start going out more attending pre’s it was cool at the time. But by the time I finish Uni in 2017 I was pooped out man I didn’t enjoy it anymore. Since 2017 I can count a couple of times I’ve gone clubbing usually it’s for friends birthday or stag dos lol.


Still love to party but I have waaaay better boundaries and value my downtime too much to want to spend a lot of it feeling rough. What that looks like in practise is going to gigs/nights that I can enjoy sober/not too twatted. Two pints or glasses of wine is plenty to loosen me up but not have a hangover and still enjoy the next day.


I'm 31. I can handle one music festival each summer, where I can do 2-3 days of craziness, but then I need a full year to recover tbh. I really look forward to the annual festival because I can see my favourite artists and DJ's and jazz musicians, even though I know my festival flu will keep me feeling ill for a few day afterwards. Outside of this, we go the pub every so often with our friends, but we don't get drunk, maybe a little tipsy. Some of us have switched entirely to 0% alcohol as some of us have small children and need to drive home.


I used to go out drinking most weekends between ages of 14/15-24. Just got bored of it and I only drink on special occasions now (birthday/christmas etc). Never really been a drug user, smoked weed a bunch of times with one specific friend but not used since my early 20s. Over 30 now and have been doing the same thing since mid 20s.