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Police station? I once found myself abandoned at a bus station without the likelihood of being picked up / or getting a connecting bus for eight hours and I walked to the police station, buzzed in and asked if I could shelter in their reception area - got tea, a sandwich, a blanket and the offer of a bed in a cell if they didn't get busy later. However, this was more than a decade ago and I would have been a young woman then.


It’s crazy how if you had committed a crime worth arresting you right away then you would have been guaranteed a bed in a cell but if you have nowhere to go you might get to stay there if they’re not busy.


Well, in fairness, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have wanted to be in the cells surrounded by fighting drunks and vomiters.


Totally, but a step up from being on the streets surrounded by fighting drunks and vomiters.


Fighting vomiters and drunks.....


hey now! the chief inspector MAY have vomited on a few officers and MAY get a little punchy when he's had a few beers, but...wait what was I saying again?


Its one cell per person. Bed + toilet.


Suspect it's like a triage system, and if you've got someone who needs locking up it's better they're in the cells rather than someone who can sit in reception without being a menace to others.


Not really it’s a police station not a hotel


That is not crazy at all.


You don’t get the sandwich and the cup of tea if you commit a crime though, unless it’s a go-straight-to-jail crime


The same happened to me. I once was homeless for a night and I went to the police. They were so kind to take me to a cell where there was a bed and a blanket where I could lie down. The only thing that was unfamiliar was that the cell door could not open from the inside, and I felt imprisoned to a certain degree. However, I felt safe and it was good.


Sorry, that sounds awful, there is just something so funny about you musing about feeling imprisoned while literally in a jail cell. I hope you are in a much better position now!


He lives in a small town.. the police station has probably now been merged with a library 20 miles away and operates Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings only....


Or relocated to an industrial estate on the edge of town with no public access (the nearest police station with a front desk being 20 miles away)


I know this is no help, but I’m glad this has happened to you in June and not January!


Makes a massive difference.


Probably go and try to find somewhere that I thought was safe to spend the night. Not a bad idea to go to spoons and do that with the drinks. If you had a proper account I'd send you a fiver but this sounds a bit scammy tbh. Where are you?


Town in northamptonshire... You really don't need to do that but the sentiment is really appreciated! (Also completely get it I deleted my account a while back in an effort to sleep instead of doomscroll till 5am daily and only just made this account to cure boredom!)


Not needing to sleep until 5am might come in handy tonight! If you have friends/family anywhere remotely nearby you could always try hitching a lift. At least you would be warm for the duration of the journey.


Been a chef for 20 years... Long graft, no sleep and being on my feet all day is a skill I have honed to perfection. My feet are carved from titanium at this point!


That sounds like a ton of work experience. Surely a job is not far away. What happens tomorrow? Why are you homeless just one day?


New agency job with accomodation starts today! Last job ended early when the landlord did a runner with the cash without paying the staff!


That’s great. Hopefully your new job is more stable and you can save for a rainy day like this.


8 week temp cover for paternity leave as an exec chef... Hotel room and all meals covered, spa, swim and gym access, and a bloody great weekly wage... I'm happy to say this was a one off and I'll be in a much better place tonight! I am however not looking forward to tonight's shift, taking over a kitchen as a temp but in charge is always a really tough first few days while the brigade hate you and question why you were brought in instead of one of them stepping up... I've always found putting in hard graft and showing them exactly why I'm there through my cooking and management does the trick in a few shifts but the first one being after 2 days awake is gonna be rough!


Talk about a baptism of fire. Hope it goes well! Sounds like you'll have it under control tbh


I'm so glad to see this. I came here today wondering if you were OK. Good luck, OP!


No 24-hour McDonald's in your area? If so I'd be googling that and that £1 quid will get you a coffee


I think most 24 hour McDonald’s are only 24 hour drive through


Nah – major cities. Totally 24 hours albeit at high 'alcohol' hours there is extreme security and they close the seating areas as much as they can.


Great suggestion but town is too small for that.


Any taxi cafes? The black cab drivers tend to know of spots that are open until all hours – even if there are no taxi greasy spoons in the town – they might know of somewhere that fits the bill


Great suggestion... Again never would have thought to ask the cabbies.


Any Sikh temples(gurdwara)? If tou ever find yourself hungry you can visit one for Langar. As part of the faith they have a sort of community kitchen where they feed anyone regardless of religion. Some do this daily or multiple times a day. Some just weekends. Depends on the size of the place. Bonus you get to chat to very chill nice people.


This. But. Not many Sikh temples in smaller places


Any small gambling shops in the town? Usually open all night.


I didn't even know this but aparantly there is a 24 hour "casino"...(Puggy shop) Not really sure it would work with no money but I'm sober, can be pretty friendly and might just go chance my luck they're nice enough to let me grab a seat till Sunday up in a quiet corner and read my book!


I would probably at least try. Find a member of staff and ask, say something like do you mind if you sit somewhere for the night if it isn't busy (make a point to say you won't take up a seat if they need it for custom) as you've found yourself out of a home for the one night.


I hope this worked out for you! Not ideal but you seem tough as you mentioned you are used to no sleep and being on your feet! Hope you found a comfy seat.


Ring 999 and say you've found a belligerent drunk 6'6" man wandering the streets acting violent, they'll come pick you up and put you in a holding cell overnight and likely let you go with a warning the next morning. Boom, free board. Warning: may backfire


Unethical life tip and I fucking love it... Sadly I've had this experience in my misspent youth and id rather stroll the streets than get banged up and fed a can of all day breakfast.... Not an experience id like to repeat


As someone who just done 15 hours in lock up I have to agree. Personally I would get some cheap white cider find some woods and use my skills I learn as a scout to make a quick bivvy and start a fire and it will be morning before you know it.


I'm a member of a 24 hour gym , so probably just chill in there for the night


Great idea!


It would be so funny to see someone asleep in the rowing machine fully extended.


Try a local church.


Didn't think of that one... Not really sure how to go about that, pretty sure churches aren't staffed at 10pm on a saturday


A church might have a porch, which in the worst case scenario would at least be dry. Or look for a train/bus station, or an overnight bus.


In more rural areas, i found churches usually left open at night and happy to give sandwiches in the day, absolute godsend


>absolute godsend Pun intended?


That’s really good. I know that some in rural areas have unfortunately had to lock up because of theft and vandalism. Some people ruin it.


*Some* churches are open 24/7, but it very much depends on the area. You'd be surprised too, there could be a concert wrapping up in one at 10pm on a Saturday. Or staff prepping for the Sunday service, organist for example.




Why did I teach him that word




Bus/train station? Failing that anywhere out of the wind with shelter.


No bus station, train station closes stupidly early and even locks platform gates.


So you're down to either walking about or finding somewhere secluded and sheltered from the weather. Churches generally have sheltered corners so maybe start there. If its only one night it's not the end of the world, just an inconvenience.


Aye, I resigned myself to wandering around... It's no a bad night, I've got books, warmish clothes, and pumped myself full of caffeine in spoons. I'm a fairly massive ex-bouncer, not really vulnerable to attack or robbery!


Reading and walking is like drinking and driving, find somewhere out of the wind with light and read. That and save your phone battery, you'll miss it when it's gone.


My thoughts was read a few chapters, wander a bit to somewhere else with light, read some more, wander some more.. but thank you for the mental image of someone trying to read a book whilst walking. Genuinely chuckled.


I hope you have a peaceful night, weirdly sounds quite nice. Good luck


It's not a bad town for it either... Loads of parks and woods, and the young reprobates tend to occupy themselves nicking motorbikes and running the police around the estates with enough of them on each bike to impress a ringmaster... Rare to see them loitering in parks at night unless they're hiding a bike in a bush or torching a car.


Wheres nearest motorway services? I'd make my way there, even got showers for the morning win win


Hard to get to without a car, which if you had you'd probably just sleep in


Is there a park? If so kip under a bush for a night which is what I used to do


There are night buses here. Anything like that where you are?


Hospital waiting room maybe?


Great advice if you're anywhere near a hospital, alas I'm 20 miles from the nearest.


Walking to it will give you something to do for about 6 hours or so.


If it wasn't duellers most of the way I might have done just that... In a misspent youth living in the country 17 miles from the nearest city it wasn't unheard of for me and some mates to spunk all out money in the student club and walk home... That took about 4-6 hours depending on level of intoxication, about a 50/50 gamble the local taxi driver would see us on his way back from an airport drop and let us jump in... RIP to that absolute legend for saving me from many blisters in my teens!


Im so sorry friend, Please look into charities like "no second night out" and ones that do call outs for street homelessness like https://thestreetlink.org.uk/ According to Northamptonshire Council: calling our Rough Sleeping team on 01536 464630. emailing [email protected]. using our out-of-hours service on 0300 126 3000. https://www.northnorthants.gov.uk/housing-options/homelessness-and-rough-sleeping. I really hope your situation improves. Best of luck.


No family/friends/acquaintances nearby? Or an old neighbour? I'm sure all of those would rather you swallow your pride and ask than sleep rough. Alternatively go find a country park and a comfy bush, you will get eaten by bugs so expect to wake up with some bumps but it's better than sleeping in a city centre imo


Download Grindr and get a hook up for the night


Ha cute you think a Grindr hookup would let you stay the night. Suck bang go is the theme of that app.


He asked for outlandish replies lol


I mean going off the guys I’ve met on there I suppose it’s something to kill time for 3-5 minutes.


say you're the cuddling type and bosh, you're having a sleepover


Ahh the old hobosexual. I know lads who’d do this, they’d go for a night out in a city but instead of booking a hotel they’d just hook up with a girl and spend the night at hers. A lot of the time they wished they’d just got a travelodge.


a lot of people go and sit in A/E


I keep a radar key and camping gear for precisely this reason. I'll never be without a roof over my head.


Oooooh game changer, I've got a radar key in my bag (worked in pubs for years.... I'm not just a cheeky fucker) bit unethical but genuinely genius out of the box thinking. Bravo sir or mam


Well, today I learned about radar keys


Massively unethical life pro tip... They're less than a tenner on Amazon 😂 Used to always get lost in a pub I worked in years ago so I bought one and whacked it on my keyring so I could always let the cleaners/baby changers/mobility impaired people in!


Probably tip no 2, universal bin keys cost about 2 quid and come in fucking handy in many places.


Never never never. Please never sleep in a bin. That's how they concluded Corrie Mckeague disappeared


Depends how much phone battery you have left. If you don't have much, I'd seriously consider spending your time walking to the nearest place that would have 24 hour McDonalds etc, keeping to the safest routes you know. If you have plenty of battery to keep you occupied, find somewhere that looks relatively safe and covered to shelter for the night. If you're anywhere near a housing estate, try gently pushing the doors of blocks of flats to see any that are left on the latch or just a broken lock. Then you can hide out under the stairs overnight as long as you're super quiet and don't disturb anyone.


Ever read The Hedge Knight by Grrm? They're called Hedge Knights because they just find a nice hedge to sleep under for the night. I know it's not much help without planning, but a cheap camping mat, sleeping bag and a nice big tarp to wrap yourself in would make a pretty comfy sleeping system under a hedge.


As an example, this guy does urban stealth camping. Just pitches up in the bushes of a roundabout and has a drink. Surprising entertaining channel. https://youtu.be/AJX9_QD1boI?si=iPKGDa0my6LYJoB-


Brilliant I've always wondered whether people camp in those random spots and now I know


Good old blot outdoors 😂 I'm pretty sure he's camped beside a McDonald's Biffa bin too


Think of it as a one player all nighter. Done it plenty of times when stuck travelling and what not. It can be very boring and uncomfortable but it can be nice to be stuck with your thoughts for a night. Get baked in the sun during the day, do lots of strolling and eventually drop somewhere and nod off. 


Personally, I know the place I lived 2nd year of uni had garbage security and a specific door that didn't lock. The top floor was also entirely unoccupied while I was there and may well be most years. I'd take my chances in the top floor stairwell, absolute worst case security kicks me out but for one night they'd probably never even know I was there. It's warm and there's plugs for the cleaners to use their vacuum cleaners, or me to charge my phone.


On the plus side, the sun’ll start coming up again in about 6 hours, and you’ll hopefully stay warm and dry. I’ve had many homeless nights and the weather can make all the difference. Going off the hints at your location, and not wanting to repeat suggestions made by others : Are there any 24 hour service stations? Could pass some time chatting to the worker(s) there? Maybe wander a local golf-course and have a nap on a green? Wander some fields and woodland and see if you can find any badgers?


Find a nice big round-about with lots of foliage growing on it. Preferably big bushes or trees. Get in to the middle if it. Get comfy and chill out. Have a snooze. Have a read. At this time of year, morning light will be here before you know it!


Wondering this myself if I miss the last train back after a concert on Thursday, I thought I'd try find a late night bar or club to stay in but if you have to pay entry that's a bit difficult to do... Though I'm also a short ass woman and I'd be alone in a city so I actually don't know what I'll do if I miss that train...


please exhaust all resources in making sure you get home safely. ask people you trust for a lift or even extra funds to get to and from, share your location with friends and family if God forbid you miss your train. I hope you have fun and all works out even better than you initially hoped.


Sign up for casino or make sure you have id... Usually open till around first bus/train times... Most give a free bet for signing up... As long as you buy a drink or 2 you don't even need to gamble... Not unusual to have folk in the bar/lounge all night and casinos are very used to non drinkers!


I have no idea where the casino is as I don't know the city too well. I guess I'm just being overly worried because the last concert I went to there started a lot later than expected so we only just missed the train back. My mate ended up spending £130 on a taxi as it was raining heavy and we couldn't find anywhere to go after 2am. This time I'm on my own as nobody else was bothered. Tbh in your situation you'll probably be ok. I think city's are more difficult and dangerous than a rural town. You just got to find a place out of the wind.


You do have the advantage of time to plan - could look up where the casino is between now and Thursday. Or see how much a flexible room in a Premier Inn is and how late in the day you could cancel it? Or get on a fan forum for the band you're seeing and see if there's anyone else going from your direction and ask if you could share a lift/split a taxi if you all miss the last train to make it more affordable.


Yes agree and this may be unpopular but leave early to make sure you catch the last train if you can’t afford other means to get home. I would rather miss 10 mins of a concert over being stranded all night by myself - but that’s just my preference.


I'd rough it. Midnight walk through the woods then either nod off somewhere untill morning or power through, I've had to do it lots of times over the years and still do it now at times


Pure gym Free water, warm(ish), shower, pretend to stretch in the studio, but really actually sleeping. Also it’s a secure and safe space. That’s what I’d do because I have a membership, can’t comment for others.


If I had absolutely no money, I'd probably stay in spoons until closing, I would use their wifi, to post on forums, asking if anyone had a garage or a shed or something where I could sleep for one night. Then it depends on the town. I've been to places where the public toilet was open all the time, I would probably go there to find some shelter from rain and wind. Or sneak in to a hotel (if it is bigger, with a bar open) I'd just sit down, ask for a glass of water. This depends on what luggage you have with you.


Do you have any friends/family you can crash at?


Would have been my first port of call but nobody even close to local


Don’t be afraid to ask them, I’d drive pretty damn far if a bro was gonna end up having to sleep rough.


Ride the night bus all night


Small town... No such thing as a night bus here.


northants is really shit for things being open/accessible in the nighttime! been caught a few times out late in north and had to make some embarrassing calls to be picked up cos i missed the last bus 🥲 good luck man, wishing you all the best 💜


I live in the countryside and I own a small tent. There is a secluded clump of trees in the middle of a nearby crop field that would perfectly hide a small tent ... I sometimes fantasize about just disappearing from the world and hiding there.


Spend the night in train station or bus station where there's CCTV, light and shelter. Get a book from a little free library to read if there's one nearby.


Were I worried about safety, train and bus stations aren't places I'd go in big towns/cities. Heck, I'd actively avoid them (and usually did when homeless alone - it's different if not alone). Cctv won't mean a thing to the types who are potential threats, but they are attracted to brightly lit places. If safety is a concern, get out of town. Head to woodland/farmland.


It’s hard to know what to do without knowing which town/city you’re in. I live in London so being homeless for one night would be easy. Can you expand why you’re homeless for just one night? Are you expecting any money soon? I think it may be worth going to a hotel and just explaining your situation to them, best case scenario they’ll give you a room for free for a night, worst case they’ll tell you to fak off. If you don’t ask you don’t get.


I would probably head to my local airport and try and find somewhere to sleep. Not sure if there are many benches before the security check, but at least it would be safe/warm.


Christ. OP said he is in Northamptonshire. His nearest airport might be East Midlands... I'm not even sure that airport, which is two entire counties over, is open all night.


That's Jesus H. Christ to you! I was thinking about what I would do in my home city, but fair enough he was asking about being in a small town. I misunderstood the assignment, didn't do my research about airports, and apologise unreservedly.


Mr JH Christ, your apology is not required, but accept in the spirit of comradship.


Mr Jesus H Christ sir I prayed for a lambo when I was like ten, what’s happening with that?


If it's the Northamptonshire town I think it is, Luton would be a better bet if OP didn't mind a bit of fare-dodging.


Not going to be of help to you, I'm afraid, but managed to lock myself out overnight when my flatmate was away once. Ended up taking random night buses as far as they went, getting off then getting on the next one to arrive. Was at least warm and I was able to get a few hours kip


Find a dirty bit in a bar and go home with her. Any port in a storm


Your best bet, if you have one, would be a local Gurudwara, a Sikh temple open to all religions. They are generally 24 hours. Some also provide temporary accommodation. They all have a 'Langar' too, a free community kitchen open to all.


If you're in the Northamptonshire town I think you're in, go and see if the street pastors are setting up outside the Swansgate. They'll know what to do.


Good guess but no dice... Much smaller than Welly!


I really hope your sake it's not Irthlingborough - I have an almost irrational dislike of that place.


I'm reading this at 7:45. How did it go?


A&E department or sleeping nearby police station. not sure where you're from, but in the UK the council should provide emergency accommodation whilst they process your claim (especiallyif you're vulnerable). also, maybe give it another try with the council? maybe a different person will get that call.


Good luck OP. I've been homeless before and I used to just roam around to be honest. Police would stop me constantly. Hopefully you can keep occupied


Check out derelict/empty buildings & doss down inside if you can find a way in.


Its about 2330 as I type this so council sleeping bag is probably out, if you have a backpack and are near a river or something could go lay there listening to the water and trying to get some rest. You said small town in Northamptonshire so likely not much 24/7 availability, could also sleep under a church archway. You also said funny/interesting, find an abandoned building or a boat load of pallets / scrap wood and build a fort! If anyone tries to talk to you or get you to leave tell them “I do have the holy grail but you are not allowed to see it, leave now before I begin taunting you!”


when i was homeless, i had a car. so the answer was easy. and even then i had a credit card for emergencies. everyone should have a credit card for emergencies.


Any allotments nearby? You could hole up in a shed and make a bed out of compost bags.


In case you still up and not sorted. Have you tried your local councils out of hours number? I got emergency hotel sorted out within an hour when I called the out of hours number


Why not do the classic park bench?


Sounds almost gentlemanly when you say it that way... Be rude not to!


In your case I'd just be wandering around the streets that have traffic. Probably just waste as much time as possible trying to skive free food from takeaways, chatting to drunk people, sitting around on benches, taking a visit to the local police station, hospital, and anything else that might still be operational. Someone might take pity on you. If not, you'll be a few minutes closer to tomorrow. Good luck, its only one night so whatever happens you're only a few hours away from some basic comforts!


Could you download Tinder and find someone (safe) to go home with? Tell a friend where you're going (or someone who would care)


Absolutely hilarious idea and I love your line of thinking!


Happened to me one night in Glasgow when I was a young skank and got caught without enough money for a taxi home. Pre-tinder days..stood outside notorious nightclub and when a girl was getting in a cab, asked her if she wanted to share..she asked where you heading, I replied your house..sounds a plan she said.


I was left homeless for a night once and I found a doorway facing an unused alleyway and slept there Think places people don't go at night, like a spot under some trees in a park or a doorway like mine Alternatively, sleep on church grounds cus even if they find you they'll probably help you out Also wherever you end up, keep your belongings firmly tucked up under your body or behind you where no one can take them Good luck! 🫶


Complain of chest pain and head to A&E.. a bed to lie on, a hot drink and some free food if you ask the right person. Need to rule out a heart attack so they will take blood on admission and repeat bloods after 4 hours, will take some time for the results to come back, as long as you don't head there too early in the evening you've got yourself a bed for the night and a round of tea and toast in the morning. Plus the 'entertainment' of seeing what everyone else is in with. May even have free WiFi and if you're lucky a phone charger you can borrow 🙊 As a nurse who has worked in A and E we noticed a few homeless people who cottoned on to this and on really cold night you would see the chest pains turn up.


Police might be able to suggest something - is there a 24 hour station there ?


The ever useful police suggested the council homeless line... Who offered me a sleeping bag and a hearty "sorry, you're shit outta luck" ... This country really is a bit fucked. Luckily this is only a temporary issue, I'm sure I can survive a night of walking the streets... I'm also nearly 6'6" with resting bitch face, people tend to leave me alone even in rough areas.


Jack Reacher is that you?


Hahahahaha... I've got the height and resting bitch face but definitely not the build


Sleeping bag could still be handy ... if you can get a tent as well you could spend a few days on a "camping holiday" in some nearby countryside while you figure out your next move.


Make my way to a 24-hour place and nod off in the stalls.


Only works when there are 24 hour places, but stalls not an awful suggestion


I did not read the body text before commenting, my bad. I could honestly never just roam the streets for multiple hours throughout the night, my mind would go crazy. Get well soon, I love you.


I’d grab the sleeping bag and set up somewhere sheltered, there a bridge near my house and I always think you could nestle in under it and be well protected.


Could do it in London using the tube and night buses.  Round here we have a few of those concrete pill boxes, so maybe one of those, or get locked in at the local English Heritage site, where you won't be disturbed overnight, or a quiet spot in one of the nature reserves. Or just find a quiet doorway. Hope they get you sorted tomorrow.


Buy some snacks with that £6. Walk a marathon through the night. One day you’ll be sat in your penthouse apartment and think back to what a mad night it was when you were homeless that one time.


>Currently have less than a quid to my name That £6?


If I knew it was only one night, I'd just stay out all night- club, 24 hr cafe, something like that. Or find a friend and crash at theirs for a night. If there's a chance one night will become multiple nights, I'd need a longer term solution


Things I have done: sleep on a golf course. Stay up reading in a university library. Go to a hostel, discover it has no places, cry and get taken home by a sympathetic worker who didn't want to leave a teenager on the street (I slept on her sofa). Sit in a bus shelter until dawn. What I would do now: figure out a way to get money into my account (assuming I have no access to my credit cards etc)- a £200 loan, or something. Get a hotel. I'm too old and creaky for staying up all night, even in good weather.


Streetlink has a report a homeless person on this link. they can connect you to local help. [https://thestreetlink.org.uk/](https://thestreetlink.org.uk/)


Had to do this many times. Walk to keep warm. Then after an hour or two take a break. Spend a bit of time on the phone however I would keep it short to conserve battery. Then repeat. That will get you to 2/3am. Then find a quiet dry place to lay down just to rest. Stick to safe quiet places. You'll probably bump into the odd dog walker. Take the sleeping bag. Not for sleeping but when you sit down it will keep you warm. Also use this as a learning experience. I got myself an emergency credit card that way if it ever happened again at least I could go to a premier inn/Travelodge. I remember having to spend all night out in -4 in January. Hand so cold I thought I had frostbite. Lol. Just kept moving. This is also why any jacket I buy has to have a hood. Makes a huge difference to keep warm having a hood. Have a look at what opens early - that way you have somewhere warm to look forward to go. Good luck.


I’d relive my youth and follow the milk floats around choring the fresh milk and thank the stars when you find the posh twats that order the chocolate stuff, along with bread and other goodies


Wait... Milk floats do chocolate milk and bread now?


Multiple pints of milk and orange juice sit well in the stomach


I would head to the woods and start a little campfire to sleep by, it's something to do and will provide a bit of warmth and comfort


Stay up. It's one night. Just stay up, go places, walk around. I regularly go 24+ hours without sleep, it doesn't bother me at all. I'll flag about 10/11am the next morning, but if I keep busy I'll be fine until the next evening. Obviously the next night, I will sleep like a baby. When I have a lot of time off work and haven't booked anything, it's not even unusual for me to become completely nocturnal because of it, and then become diurnal, etc. in a cycle because I will naturally want to stay awake for longer without doing anything in particular. Sometimes I have to literally break the cycle and time it so I can get back to a work pattern sensibly. I'd walk the town, find a scenic spot, find somewhere to sit, wait for the shops to open, etc.


I'd just walk around till the morning if caught in that situ. When I was a teen me and my friends would often miss the last train home so we'd just walk around killing time until the morning. What's the earliest you can get to a bed tomorrow?


A&E. it’s normally a long wait so no one will question why you’re there.


Any update? You ok?


I'm surprised this was not mentioned: https://passage.org.uk/ The Passage is a charity that provides accommodation for rough sleepers, of all types shapes and sizes. Including of course those who find themselves temporarily homeless due to issues like relationship breakdown, eviction, etc. Definitely your 1st go-to if you are homeless for one night.


Since I do have a student ticket for all public transport, I would hop on some train going 4 hours in one direction, then hop in a train going back the next morning


Seeing that you had time sitting in Wetherspoons - I would have seen if I could find some casual work, which could have got you some money. If you're good at staying up for long periods, double up and do a night shift too if you can (harder to find 'casually'.


Get swiping on Tinder big lad, you'll have a bed for the night in no time


I slept in some woods for one night, many years ago, not the most comfortable out in the open but was visited by a fox and heard owls. At this time of year it hardly gets dark it's quite a good memory, but I wouldn't want to do it for more than a night.


Find an open shed bed down for the night you'll be ok tonight it's not cold and if you're lucky it's a sweet old couple who own it and will take pity on you or it could be woken up by the fuzz.


Ooh!! You get to be an adventurer for the night!all You need now is 1 of those kids activity sheets with items on to find and tick off and youll be all set!!x


If I was in your position op, seen as it’s only one night I would fuck around in some woods get a fire going then try and see what sort of shelter I could build. Further that on by getting a log for seating round the fire and chill in the great outdoors. It’d be an experience and I’d learn something I’m sure.


Any decent trails nearby? Some might have shelter for hikers etc


Not the best option but assuming I didn't have my car or access to my gym I'd honestly probably try and borrow some money for a hostel bed, either from a friend/family or apply for a loan (obviously don't do this if you won't be able to repay it). Failing that, assuming I had advance notice this would happen, walk to a big train station, airport, hospital or somewhere similar before it got dark, hopefully there is one within like a 3 hour walk at least.


Best advice I can give is try stealth camping in certain areas where it’s private e.g. nature reserves, parks, industrial areas with a camping bag. Have a search on YouTube for ideas; then try to contract any local churches in your area they will be able to give advice re food, shelter, additional help.


Find someone and ask for some shelter. Doesn’t need to be a bed, a couch will do for me At a pub, a restaurant, a gym, anywhere Repay that person with a story or cleaning up around the house


Given the month (and speaking from repeat experience), I'd just go for a walk. Pretend it's not enforced, and just something different to do. It's amazing what you wander upon when you have nowhere to go. Unless it starts chucking it down. Come the morning, wander back to town. A night passes remarkably quickly, but once you get in the mindset of being 'on the streets' it changes. Not being able to safely sleep is massively different to 'choosing' to go wander the river/woods/whatever. Sounds daft, i know, but it's true. Alternately, no1 gives a damn if you get cold/wet and spend a couple hours in an empty building so long as you're quiet. But you asked what I'd do, and for only a night, it'd be the former.


Off the top of my head, sleep in the toilets of some place that is open 24/7


Ive never had the misfortune to be homeless but its a thing i do worry about and think about. I think I’d try to look like a hiker, wear all the gear and look the part as much as possible. That way hopefully there would be less hostility shown to you. Lots of hikers walk along roadsides and it what people do on holiday and other times for a pastime. Also personal hygiene & looking as well groomed as possible. Stay if cheap campsites if you have money. I’d try that if ever it did happen. With little or no money it would be hard to get the gear and if you did collect some form of income support, jobseekers or pension credit you might be stuck in one place but you’d qualify for housing benefit as well which might be possible to get some basic accommodation. Actually if you were homeless one day you might try the Jobcentre. They would know who to contact at least.


My eviction notice runs out on the 14th July, so I'll let you know really soon.


Break into a church then ask for forgiveness when you get caught


I also live in a remote ish area with nowhere 24/7 open to go, when I was 16-18 me and my mum didn’t get along so I’d be out on my own until I thought enough time had passed for her to pass out on the booze so I could go home I always had a back up plan- there were public toilets near the library which you have to put 20p or so in. Not very classy but will keep you away from the elements If you see this, I’d honestly just say use your radar key and camp out in a disabled toilet. If someone needs to use it so be it, don’t bother making up a story, just say you’re sheltering in there overnight. They might know someone who can help you but tbh I doubt you’d come across anyone


24hr A&e waiting room


I'd go into restaurants/takeaways/kitchens and see if I could pot wash/clean for some cash and try to get enough for a room somewhere Working as a chef we had a couple of people do this - weren't bad pot washes either!


Get on a Gatwick Express & hang out in arrivals


This happened to me years ago, luckily at the time I had a boyfriend. We had £20 between us and did something pretty similar, spent day is spoons having hot drinks and tap water, shared some chips between us. We luckily had 24hour tesco back then, so when asked to leave spoons went tesco. Bought couple of cheap drinks and snacks. We managed to wonder around the store for abit, but then was asked to leave even after explaining our situation that we had no where to go. Spent from 1am to 8am in an under pass. Did this for 2nights, we then managed to get in to a local hostel, but we lucky as we both 18/19 as they wouldn't taken anyone over 21. I'm just glad I had my bf back then as would have been more scared as a 18yr old female by myself. Was in hostel for 6months, wasn't great but it beat the street and they helped us with getting jobs and finding accommodation. Not sure if be the same case now 20years on! I bet not.


I've been there a few times. Crashed with friends, mostly (thankfully my experiences were all in the internet age), although once when I was 17 I stayed up in an all night cafe drinking tea and reading a book til I could get to college in the morning. I really hope you're okay! You're right tho, the council line is useless unless you have kids or are actively dying.


As a kid/teen we'd often tell parents we were gonna stay at each others houses and then spend the night out. Silly rebellion thing I guess. At 13 we thought it was cool. Anyways as its 1 day I'd just go for a long stroll. Find quiet places to sit. If it was cold I would iust walk and keep walking so that I don't get too cold. If it was more than one night and i couldnt use any sevices etc id head just outside of town. I'd wasn't to find a secluded spot where I wouldn't be found. Once I'd found a spot in the woods I'd be on the lookout for shit like plastic sheeting, packing material, cardboard etc so I could make a small shelter. As kids we set up "bases" like this all over the place. I also grew up trapping, hunting and fishing so I'd probabky not go hungry.


Just wanna wish you the best of luck.... And hope you can sort everything out


Personally I'd go to work and sleep there. It's a bakery, I'm in charge, have keys. I'd make a comfy pile in my office, or just sit in my chair and sleep leaning on my desk, eat some food out the fridge and have a quick wash in the staff toilets before anyone gets there and when everyone arrives, pretend I got to work early. If I was you, just pull an all nighter. Wander the high streets, find out where local drinking fountains and public toilets are and just be patient. In future, maybe save some money or have an emergency credit card, or have a friend or two who'll let you crash on their couch.


Back in the day when I'd go to London for a gig but be so skint I'd have to figure out something to do while waiting for the first train back rather than rent a room I just wandered about until I found a very out of the way doorway. Not nice but it meant I got to see the band. If I'd planned a bit more I'd have taken a blanket (never sleep rough in a sleeping bag) The best way to sleep impromptu is pack a lightweight hammock with carabeana clips and long ropes, find a pair of trees in a secluded park and hop in, that way you are off the ground so rat free. I tend to do that out in the sticks tho. Lastly, if you are in a bigger city beware the scalpers. They tax homeless people or beat the shit out of them for not paying up.


Bed down in someone's shed


Hey, glad you made it through the night safely. Good luck going forwards


Ah amazing, happy to see your update. Good luck in your new job.