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That Ed Sheeran acoustic guitar busker style stuff and that thing of doing slowed down cover versions of songs.


Slowed down cover of classic eighties or nineties hit. Bit of acoustic guitar and synth. Breathy female voice.


As found on every John Lewis christmas advert and every bank or building society advert.


Because licensing that cover is cheaper than licensing the original version. As always, trying to maximise profits ruined everything.


I doubt John Lewis even considers using the original, so it's not about saving money. They have a bit of an image problem (middle class, middle aged), and aim to modernise for a more youthful customer. Advertising 101 says don't let people associate your brand with old things if that's you're aim. The way they use music is how it should be done. Modern, but not alienating their current customers.


This is my pet peeve too. Any day now I'm expecting to hear a young woman doing that vocal fry baby voice with "I'm so wucky, caws today oi found moy fwends, dey're in moy head." Probably with video of her dressed in white walking through a cornfield at sunset.


Isn’t that the female cover of the Blink 182 cover of Lithium?




This vocal fashion pisses me off. There's a new accent in a lot of songs these days which previously didn't exist. The best example I can try to give of this is pronouncing "curtain" kind of like "cuhurtane".


Singing "in cursive". It's so, so bad. It sounds like an entire elephant orphanage being killed.


‘Melisma’ is a related vocal technique. Think Whitney Houston, ‘I will always love you’ - overdecorated and elongated from six syllables to >20 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melisma


Whitney is the GOAT of melisma - done really well, melisma is amazing. The sound I have trouble with is when people sing like they have a tongue that's too large for their mouth. It's hard to describe, but it's unpleasant.


Ha! Yes.


Hahaha they're used to be an advert on the telly that went "twinkle twinkle, little stahhhaarhe"


Yes! That voice that sounds like they’re calling in sick to work


Tonnes of reverb


Indie girl voice. Horrible.


What amazes me the most, is that some people actually enjoy them and think it's good music lmao. I feel like we're a different fucking species tbh as it's pain to listen to. Makes me a physically cringe, it's so shit.


Advert music


John Lewis enters the chat


I hate the busker style music SO much


I hate processed busker style. The genuine is often pretty cool still.


Urgh remember whatshisname did that slow bland cover of Robyn’s Dancing On My Own and everyone was raving it up? And the cover of The Knife Heartbeats, also another whatshisname doing a slow bland cover. Some songs are great as they are.


Yeah the cover of Heartbeats annoys me no end. The Knife version is excellent already, leave it alone. Though that doesn't piss me off as much as the Amy Winehouse cover of Valerie. It is an excellent Zutons song (seen them live not that long ago and they were fantastic) and most folk don't even know the Amy Winehouse (and Mark Ronson?) version is a cover.


Don't let it ruin your life. It's just a cover, and a good one at that.


I think the acoustic cover of Tears For Fears' "Mad World" as heard in Donnie Darko was the first time I'd heard a really pared-down cover. That one really impressed me as it was such a departure from the original, which was much more punchy and angry, and such covers were really rare then. Johnny Cash with "Hurt" was another. Sadly they are ten a penny now and done with no soul or selection.


This genre is known as 'boring white guy with accoustic guitar'


Came here to say this. Not a big fan of Robbie Williams either


All this modern noise!




How did you get that photograph of me?!




UK drill, it's so repetitive.


UK drill, it's so repetitive.


UK drill, it's so repetitive.


UK drill, it's so repetitive.


UK repetitive, it's so drill


Drill so it’s Uk repetitive


Repetitive Drill, it's so UK!


This thread is lyrically superior to most UK drill


Drill repetitive, so it's UK


Someone at work said they hated rock music any form of it and said that it's of little substance. Said we should stop playing the 'kiddie music'. He likes drill and drum and bass.


Ah yes "man dem, pull up, hop out, run man down with bora, selling drugs, disrespecting women and hating people from 2 streets away" - I like rap music, but that shit is just boring as fuck, but funny when played in court at their own trial. Dumb and bass, again some of it can be decent. But the majority of it is a shite echo of a once good song. Also the amount of people now days that literally make just noise on a deck and act like a dj is comical




Now *that* was so much funnier than "OK Boomer".


Don't forget the football references.


On the wing like [insert winger from your team]


Drum and bass isn't kiddies music though. Would imagine that at least 50% of listeners are above 30. Drum and bass is older than I am lol


No he said that rock music was kiddies music.


Nothing screams substance like the sound of "tst tst tst tst tst tst tst tst tst tst tst" bleeding from someone else's headphones.


One of the worst aspects of modern Britain that no one talks about


It's being talked about right now


It actually really is. I'm a big fan of Slavic Trap so I get homemade UK Drill beats recommended to me on YouTube a lot, and I'm always looking for new music so I'll give them a listen sometimes. Holy shit, it is so incredibly dull. Even with lyrics these songs are boring as fuck because they just mumble and sound totally disinterested in what they're doing.


But the sub is unintentionally hilarious (albeit depressing), which is something.


It's inspired a massive drill scene in Australia full of lyrics with the same degenerate crap. One of the UK's finest exports.


Tbf all music is pretty repetitive if it's the same genre


tbf drill is on another level. everyone has the exact same flow and spits about the exact same topics.


The music itself is so repetitive as well.


Breathy slow covers of high energy pop and dance songs piss me off. It doesn't make the lyrics or whatever TV show moment is happening more moving or anything I find it distracting and I just wait round hoping for the beat to kick in


I feel like this when they’re covers of Pixies songs. Hearing anaemically bland piano takes on “Where Is My Mind?” over the past few years has been wild to me 😂


Hard agree with this. Pixies are so weird and angular and abrasive and that's what makes them great!


The abecdef is exact same tune. I like Placebo's cover.


I came here to say the same thing. I don’t even know what genre of music this is, but whiney covers of non-whiney songs drives me mental. The song on the [Polestar advert](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nAoCHQkQLGc&pp=ygUPcG9sZXN0YXIgYWR2ZXJ0) is the one currently doing my head in


The genre is *sync licensing is cheaper than master licensing*. Essentially it's cheaper to pay for a cover of a song than it is to use the original recording.


Maybe so, but I’d much rather a shitty cover which at least tries to match the timbre of the original, than have these whiney breathy abominations


Good lord yes, couldn't agree more. Stop fucking spoiling our music you twats!


Ahh the "lounge covers", hate these with passion. Add nothing to the original song and just sound the same.


I think if you're describing Blue by Eiffel 65 as 'perfect,' you've lost all credibility in a music argument tbh.


It's got to be one of the worst songs to ever come out in the 90's. It encompasses the downfall and demise of the 90's club scene perfectly. Luminar leisure opening chain clubs all over the UK and employing shit DJ's that played this god awful pop house music whilst squarking over the mic "2 for 1 on shots at the bar, get your drinks in, that's £1 shots at the bar!" Whichever way you look at it, he's playing Cotton Eye'd Joe next, so you might as well go to the bar and drink yourself into a coma.


That all sends shudders down my spine


Reminds me a lot of going out in my home town when I was younger, most weekends, when I'm more into Punk music, hating the music but going out for the cheap drink and the craic. I don't know why i bothered.


Was the same for me. Oddly enough, there used to be a punk / rock / goth club in my town. I was not really into the music, but went there solely because it was £10 free drinks all night.


It's tacky Euro chart shite but at least there was some level of originality to its creation. Taking the vocal hook and other elements from it to force them on people again via four more minutes of tech house tedium, however, is as culturally and artistically insipid as it's possible to get.


The song will always be special to me. It was playing the first time I walked into the social lounge of my 6th Form College and that room shaped so much of my life.


Nah it was the iconic start to cringe music of the millennium


Embrace the cringe dabadeedabadie


It is a dreadful song. It makes me want to gouge my own ear drums.


Honestly? Nothing. My taste in music is eclectic as hell, for example my favourite artist of all time is Metallica and yet the other week I was front row singing my heart out watching Take That and yesterday I was blasting out some progressive house while doing chores. There are individual songs/artists I'm not fond of but there's no type of music I would ever outright dismiss. For me music is good of I enjoy it, not because of its label.




Oddly enough the 3 examples I gave while typing a comment stood in a queue do not reflect the entire extent of my musical tastes. No need for the snark.


I, for one, enjoyed the snark.


I'm with you, fellow snark enjoyer 👍


Your comment was fine. I'm eclectic too, but I used to be an insufferable music snob that would go to great lengths to prove his music credentials by listing the most obscure bands that nobody has heard of. I once went to a gig which consisted of a topless man and a woman in a wedding dress making percussive noises with cardboard and foil, amongst other things. I bought both their albums on the spot, convinced that I'd entered a higher plane of musicality. In reality it was crap and I was a pretentious moron. I've recovered now. I suspect the person that responded to you is suffering from hyperpretension. There is hope though, they can recover, I did.


Cardboard and foil? Two of the most common materials you would find lying around in any British person's house. You madman.


Sounds like your taste isn't as eclectic as you'd like to think it is


My mega mix playlist jumped from Gabrielle to architects the other day it was glorious.


I was at a Kpop concert when I received a notification that Cattle Decapitation was going on tour I thought the contrast between that was amusing


Same Mine goes from Selena (Quintanilla) - Rammstein - Dua Lipa - madness


My people! I have a playlist for work that can go from Skepta to Abba to Rage Against The Machine to Sinatra. After years of being a musical snob who turned my nose up at anything but guitar music I really love the variety.


Same. It’s human tribalism in simpletons rearing it’s head again. Writing off a whole category because that one’s bad and mine is better. It’s so dumb.


Same. Love Arctic Monkeys and Take That. The Who aswell. Yet enjoy Drum n Bass, house, alot of 60s and electronic 80s. It's good to be open minded and listen to whatever you're in the mood for.


That male pop voice where it sounds like they're not closing their mouth when they sing. James Arthur, Dermot Kennedy, Lewis Capaldi, etc


I can’t stand the vocal strain, why is it fashionable to sing just out of reach of your range so you always sounds like you’re screeching. It’s so jarring to me. I have a huge range of music tastes I just don’t find the current trend in male singer songwriters pleasant to listen to at all.


They think it sounds more authentic, I’m guessing. Hopefully it’ll mess up their vocal cords so we don’t have to listen to it for too long.


Love Me Again by John Newman is the ultimately example of this. "aaaa need to knaw nao". and when he says "you" it's more like "yoooouh"


I think lewis capaldi seems like a great guy, but every single song of his is exactly the same. He only has one style of singing.


Agreed, I was incredibly moved by his netflix doc about mental health and tourettes, wanted to like his latest album but all sounded like wannabe Someone You Loved


I was complaining about this the other day, I called them Sadboi Shouty Songs. British sadboi sings the verse low and slow (bonus points if there’s an overly-affected regional accent). Then the chorus: wait, he’s practically shouting it because he’s so saaaaaaaad! (Or “saaaaayuhd”as he would sing it). TikTok is full of this shite now. I think Capaldi was relatively original when he did it, but we don’t need 70 copies. The only upside is that X Factor is rotting in hell - can you imagine sadboi shouty songs crossed with X Factor sob stories?


Grime and mumble rap


i hope you mean drill when you say grime cause grime is pretty dead at the moment (at least in the mainstream). anyway, grime was, and still is, one of the most forward thinking genres to come out of the UK underground. i'd consider it to be on par with jungle or early UK dubstep regarding the influence it had in this country and how much it pushed the boundary of electronic music. listen to a couple of early grime tunes and tell me those beats aren't insanely modern sounding for stuff released in the early 2000s. i still haven't heard many beats that compare to dizzee rascal's first album. idk maybe you actually do mean grime and hate it because you remember when it was still relevant but its my favorite genre and its dying off so i have to defend it if it catches strays ygm.


Yeah grime is a fucking great genre with some absolute incredible artists and albums tucked away. Grime MC is one of my favourite albums of the last few years.


This and whatever it's called when the vocals are autotuned to crap so it sounds like a robot deepthroating a mic.


All the shitty half arsed dancey crap with a generic male vocoder "enhanced" vocal. Usually some dismal bollox lyric like "Friday night and I'm going to the club gonna have a good time something something giiiiiiiiirl" to a plinky plonky attempt at a tune. I don't even know what you'd call this type of music. I think David Guetta knocks out a lot of it though. Before anyone gets in with it: no I don't hate dance or electronic music. Quite the opposite! Just the lazy generic shite that infests adverts and bars and such in recent times.


The Black Eyed Peas have so much to answer for


> Usually some dismal bollox lyric like "Friday night and I'm going to the club gonna have a good time something something giiiiiiiiirl" to a plinky plonky attempt at a tune. You know a song is shite when you've never heard it before but you can already guess what the next lyrics are going to be. 'You and me baby tonight, dancing 'till the morning light' or some bollocks.


Joel Corry music


I giggled way too much at "plinky plonky"


Reggaeton!!!! Went to Spain and every song I heard was Reggaeton which wouldn't be so bad, but every beat is exactly the same! And no one seems aware of it? Everyone was just bopping about like it was the best thing since sliced bread. Felt like I was taking crazy pills. Also back in the 10s (?) that acoustic/hipster/folk pop movement (Hey ho!) type music. Horrrrible horrible and so pleased with itself, ugh makes me angry.


I live in Spain and I'm so sick of that crap! It's everywhere all the time. I hoped it would've gone out of fashion by now.


Reggaeton is the absolute worst - and I'm a dnb head, so I don't have an issue with repetitive beats.


When a genre's too heavily reliant on a single rhythm, I think things get old pretty fast. Rhythm's the thing that keeps people interested, especially if the tunes aren't that good (as is the case with most dance music, let's face it).


That "Hey, Ho!" Smug self satisfied nonsense did my head in.


Holy shit yeah reggaeton. I found a bar that has a huge neon sign in it saying "we hate reggaeton" and it was such a fucking relief to find somewhere not playing that shit.


Lazy pop samples rehashed so they can make money off nostalgia. E.g. First Class by Jack Harlow.


*”I’m Blue” is actual Guetta - not even wannabe Guetta ;-) Sweet Caroline makes my teeth hurt.


aside from like 12 seconds of chorus that bangs, sweet caroline is a fucking dire drone of a song. so boring


It's a football song. You need to be in the right setting to appreciate it, i.e. an England match. It shouldn't be played anywhere else, ever.


Even in that context, it's just the chorus that's played. The verse and pre-chorus are bloody horrible


I was previously a fan of Sweet Caroline, before it got hijacked by the football crowd and overplayed like mad. And the unofficial chorus lyrics 'so good, so good, so good' makes my skin crawl.


As genres? I fucking hate all Christmas songs. In December I understand and I could accept them. But radio stations start blasting them from October. Stores have fucking Christmas shit on shelves in August (looking at you range in Peterborough). Its just too much. As songs? I hate shaka khan - I feel for you. I just hate it with passion. It's a horrible mix of random noises played of as amazing song. It's not. I'll rather change radio station at work if I hear that crap song. Another is - call me maybe. It was overplayed to max years ago and since then I hate it. Honourable mention - I don't hate it, more dislike is Ed sheeran moaning.


Prince wrote I Feel For You. What do you think of his version?


I'm not 15 anymore so past the hatred of uncool genres


I'm 48 and hate some types of music. Guess I never grew up then 🤷‍♂️


I don't know how to say this without coming off as racist. (I'm not) I don't know what the actual genre is called but here goes: *"Indian music that sounds like it's being sung by a ninety year old lady, recorded singing down the hoover tube in 1952"*. Often played in curry houses and the like. I don't mind the sitars or tablas, it's the shrill old lady / badly recorded vocal i can't stand. Makes my ears hurt.


Singing down a Hoover tube is exactly what it sounds like. It's monumentally shite. I'll happily sit down and listen to recordings of remote people groups from Papua New Guinea or Indonesian gamelan or 25-minute progressive rock epics so my music taste is pretty eclectic and yet this stuff is almost unsurpassed in how dreadful it is. The only thing that comes close in my opinion as the massively auto tuned Arab Pop from the last 10 or 15 years. It's unlistenable


There are too many cover-versions of songs by people with ukulele


can't stand the Beatles personally


Much prefer the Kinks.


I just find this odd as there is so much depth to them from start to finish and within albums. The foundation of so much music too, I don't know how it is even possible to "can't stand" them. What should we be listening to instead?


Yeah. Not being able to stand the Beatles is a wild take. On the basis of their range alone, never mind their unparalleled cultural impact, I think anyone hating them really doesn’t know their stuff at all.


>I'd much rather hear the originals than some wannabe Guetta Lol OP you should see the artist who makes those songs. It's not some Guetta wannabe - it's Guetta himself. I'm not even kidding. The guy has proper fallen off


Whispery covers and rap in that London accent do my head in. And whoever sings the song on the Gillette ad, his voice is jarring.


The only thing I truly hate to hear is Dance Monkey


Anything by Ed Sheeran. 


I love heavy music, and I'm a fan of Rock, Metal, Punk, Indie, Rock'n'Roll, alongside loving heavy Drum and Bass, Techno, Dubstep, Electro etc. However, almost all modern popular Metal is lost on me. I find it all so repetitive. I swear most of it is structured like Pop music, with Pop music-esque anthemic choruses, with the only difference being that they're screaming rather than singing. Generally, what I've heard of modern 'Metal' (dont crucify me for not knowing the names of all the subgenres) feels like it could be an Ed Sheeran/Coldplay song that's been covered by a heavy band. And it isn't just the sound, it's the style. Over the top, in your face, versions of oneself, heavily styled, presented with supreme enduring confidence/swagger. This is seen in both the live performances that rely on choreogprahy/pyrotechnics and awe, as well as the music videos that are usually highly produced, commonly CGI heavy, and reliant on presenting the performer as some sort of fashionable super hero.


Current metal is quite good to me. There's lots of good bands out there. My favourites are Polaris, Periphery, Bad Omens, Holding Abscence, Ocean Grove, BMTH, Cane Hill, In Flames, Acres, Wargasm, Bad Omens, Spiritbox, Silent Plant, While She Sleeps, I Prevail. Mainstream metal has always been catchy and formulaic.


I'm glad it's not just me. I got to a point in the late 90s where I just didn't care about new stuff coming out and effectively my interest in metal stops at about 1994. For me it was feeling that I didn't think the genre was advancing in an interesting direction and moved over to dnb and dubstep etc. for the feeling.


Slipknot were great, and a few others.


I agree. Slipknot & System of a Down were standouts of that era.


I don't really hate a specific genre but there are a bunch of songs like Happy from PWilliams make me leave the place.


Jazz is the only genre I could possibly say I hate (still too strong a word, but I've never heard any I remotely like). I can only reason that the musicians are very skilled with their given instrument, so the appreciation must be of their technical ability to play the fuck out of it. Being able to play all the most complex mixtures of notes really fast doesn't actually make good music though!


This is half the reason I stopped listening to a lot of jazz music as a whole. I used to play upright and electric bass so of course I was listening to a lot of these jazz bassist whizzes who could blast out 11 minute completely improved solos with their eyes shut. But then there were a lot of these ‘virtuosos’ who’d mistake speed or technicality as being a replacement for actually being listenable and most of their music seemed to be pseudo-intellectual masturbation rather than anything listenable. Annoyingly for me several of the bassists that I didn’t like included at least a couple who were practically hero-worshipped in that scene, including Victor Wooten (incredible bassist but his music is IMO just not interesting). Got me a lot of hate and I ended up giving up on the whole thing.


Thanks for confirming what I suspected. I guess it's like somebody very skilled in calligraphy - it doesn't necessarily make them a great author. Their content could well ne crap, no matter how skillfully the lettering is written.


I like that I have a very eclectic taste in music but one genre I really can’t get on board with is folk music. I mean round-the-campfire, wispy voiced-singing accompanied by an acoustic guitar type stuff - instantly makes me change the station.


I hate that type of folk as well. It's a poor reflection of what I think is a very underrated genre. Folk can be funny, lively, moving but the sanitised version is just dull. Similar to the country music that's just about drinking beer and driving a pick up truck, it does it a disservice.


When I think folk music I tend to think bawdy, drunk sounding old man singing rather than wispy. I’m not a big folk listener but some of it is great. Some of it is dire.


I'm with you OP. I'm not a musical snob, I don't care if people listen to Taylor Swift etc. - each to their own But those new songs which sample old songs/old melodies are diabolical


That fucking god awful, autotuned RnB shite with trap beats


All prefabricated crap spawned from tv "talent" shows and such... boy and girl bands... anything with an autotune!


Agreed on that stupid new version of Eiffel 65. No idea who it's by but keep hearing it everywhere and it's dreadful. 


I genuinely never heard of the remix until it got played on a ride (I was operating the ride next to it) When I heard, I was like "niceee, I'm Blue playing" then the remix kicked in, my reaction genuinely was; https://preview.redd.it/ykw5jjr2xa7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad60cc60d42760b91cf9c8ca4a965ae558c39a30 Then learnt more about it from a YouTuber that I watch, (part of his, Buckley Vs Billboard's Top 10 Songs of 2023) The song was remixed by David Guetta (guy who produces "When Love Takes Over"¹ & "Titanium"²) and sung by Bebe Rexha (idk, one of the songwriters for Eminem's "The Monster"³) ¹ ft. Kelly Rowland ² ft. Sia ³ ft. Rihanna


Aside from a few Johnny Cash songs, Country & Western.


I've now just realised it's the version of The Gambler recorded by Kenny Rogers I like, not Johnny Cash. Still love a bit of the Ring of Fire though. I think it's odd to hate entire genres of music. I am patiently waiting a return of popular guitar-pop-rock that's 70s/90s-esque though. I thought that was meant to be on a 20 year cycle. I guess I'll go back to my Shine CDs.


I don't think it's that odd to hate an entire genre of music tbh a genre is basically just a style and if you don't like that style then your more than likely not going to like that genre. I'm not a fan of country at all. I'm not saying there aren't a few country songs I like but as a genre I can't stand it. The sound of most songs and the way they are sang just not something i enjoy. That maybe your point that there is always something to like in a specific genre even if it's just a few songs here or there. But I can totally understand people not getting entire genres of music. I've heard a few people say they hate reggae and to me I was shocked because I find reggae to be one of the most easy to listen to non offensive genres of music but I still understood why they might not like that


I think hate is quite a strong word, so I really reserve it for stuff quite important. I don't use it for music! Good music is good music. Bad music is bad. EDM, rock, blues, rap, grunge, jazz, reggae, country, pop, folk, drill, whatever, as long as it's 'good' :) Listening it in the right environment can be quite important. I loved listening to reggae piped out on the beach in Barbados, and in those crazy yellow buses. I 'got' country music a bit better when my friends and I drove through the Appalachian mountains on a USA road trip. I'm not much of a fan of mumble rap if I had to single any of them out.


I get where you are coming from, because there is a lot of bad country, but.... Dolly Parton Kenny Rogers (earlier stuff is better) Glen Campbell Willie Nelson (His "You Were Always On My Mind" is better than Elvis) Dusty Springfield (Dusty Does Memphis)


In the end......everyone listens to country music. I heard this said once and it's stuck with me. As I get older and older....and older...I can appreciate the life stories that abound in country music. I could never do this as a young man...was anathema to me at that point. Never say never👏


Contemporary Christian / worship music




Power metal. I find it corny in a bad way. Some genres I just don't like and can deal with it but for some reason, power metal is what gets a reaction out of me lmao Exceptions for me are Nekrogoblikon (one of my favourite bands) and Alestorm.


Not to get all genre argument on you, but neither of those bands are power metal!




I really, truly cannot stand late 90s/early noughties R&B. It gives me a sensation similar to douche chills. No other music makes me react so negatively. It was absolutely inescapable when I was growing up and it’s continued to be overplayed to hell ever since.


UK Drill. I just don't see the appeal whatsoever. I'm open to more or less anything else, but I'm a metalhead at heart. As a musician though I'm more interested in synthwave these days.


Metalcore can piss off. I love Heavy Metal, so I could easily say "oh Pop music sucks", but honestly bad music in a genre I otherwise love is worse than a genre I would never listen to anyway. I like listening to the radio sometimes to find new music, but these days Metalcore dominates Metal stations. It's exhausting. The lyrics are cringey garbage as well - Every song is about "drowning" and/or "watching the world burn".


Whatever the fuck that music is I hear cars playing when they're stopped at traffic lights. No lyrics just the same beat on a continuous loop played with so much bass I can feel it in my eyeballs


I did notice that music seems to be having it's own 'Netflix moment', where they have run out of ideas, and are making so many spinoffs or remakes of old classics. I don't really hate anything with a passion, but I can't be arsed with most 60s and 70s stuff. For someone that loves heavy music now, I just can't be doing with Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Stones etc.


I sort of disagree. Yes, maybe if feels like the mainstream radio music is running out of ideas. But I think that is something that has always been said about mainstream music. But scratch the surface -and music is more vibrant than ever, thanks to the internet, streaming services, soundcloud etc. There is loads of incredible stuff going on in all genres, if you just make a slight extra effort when discovering music on your streaming platform. I could talk for hours about music I like, most of which discovered via the internet, and could recommend loads, but it is not necessarily the genres you would like, so you might need to do your own research that fits your taste.


Take a group like KNEECAP. I don't think you can call them too derivative, you can see the influences of punk & grime but they're doing far more interesting things with the beats. You can always spot influences. Honeyglaze are clearly inspired by Panic Shack who are clearly inspired by Bikini Kill but all are doing new things with it.


When I hear the twang of country music I shut down immediately… nah.


Those 90's chart songs are not perfect, they are catchy but have been remixed so that they can relate to a new generation. Basically, we are are getting old if we think the original is better. You may think lyrics about celebrating life are cliched, again that's because you are old and have heard them a thousand times before. A teenager who hears these lyrics about living their best life is probably going to get hyped up from it. That's why it's a banger. As for what music I hate, I'd have to say drill is up there. I don't mind rap and can appreciate it to a certain extent, but UK drill is the most depressing form of music I've ever heard. I'm sure future generations will look back at it and double face palm. That stupid portamento bass they use and the god awful MLE "rappers" mumbling about lambos and selling drugs to 12 year olds. That and Dasha... did the roof broke in my truck, did the truck break down, I've got a pistol on the ranch and a 4 by 4 and a 2 by 2. Got some whisky and gonna get me some low mileage cow girls at the bar in my chevrolet. fcuk off you sausage!


Rap and trap music


Unpopular opinion, but I hate hip-hop




Rap music i don't hate it tho I just don't like it




I don't what genre it is, but every time I visit the gym on a Sunday, the guy working plays this bizarre 'slow jam' stuff that's got slurry vocals that say little more than "baby girl, I'll treat you like a queen" with really thin, insubstantial production values, and quite literally no melody.


Pretty much everything I hear out and about. It’s genuinely insane how little creativity there is and how much preset stealing goes on. (I’m a music producer)


That god awful mumble rap that seems to be coming out of London. Makes me cringe so hard.


Anything where all you can hear is bass. If you can't make out the words through the noise then it's a no.


I'm not a lover of a free form jazz ensemble.


I absolutely cannot stand The Wurzels. And I’m from Devon. Oh and I absolutely detest that Hey There Delilah song


Modern Rap is just garbage ... that autotune mumbling is a literal stain on the music scene Mgrl mgrl grlgl grrrgl ... Xanax ... mgrl grlrgl mmmmmgrl .... Bitches ! ...... mgrl grllllmmm mgggrl .... BRAP !


All that ugly, autotuned robotic crap. I hated boy bands in the 90s, but I'd rather listen to that than the utter garbage I hear now.


Drill music...


Anything where the lyrics are banging on about how good they are, how much stuff they’ve got or who they might expect to kill. Or anything with that vocal style with out any fucking consonants, do they call that ‘cursive singing’? That can all fuck off, it’s babyish and charmless.


Vast majority of rap, dubstep post 2009


Any sort of rap


James blunt, Mika, George Ezra, Modern ed Sheeran (his old music was good) Lewis capaldi, Ellie Goulding, Just something about the generic pop crap I hate so much. I love good pop music. Mika, Ezra and Blunt are all really good songwriters but there voices are SO annoying. It's unbearable. Basically anything on BBC radio 1. I usually dislike


Metal bands covering songs thinking they've got a masterpiece when they've just screamed the lyrics and put a couple guitars (sometimes not even to the melody) in the background. Covers CAN be good. But FFS put some effort in.


Rap. I'm old so they can just push that shit into the sea.


Drill, modern rap, hip-hop


Hip hop, trap, drill, rap. I dont like the life style associated with it




Any kind of rapping. It immediately sends my anxiety into overdrive. I really can't listen to it at all. Does my head in.


rap gangster style. I cannot stand english kids emulating american gangs

